SEIZED and FLOODED Engine! - Will This Old Truck RUN AND DRIVE Again?

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the old boy about this pickup from told me the engine was bad on top of that I know for a fact that it's been full of water multiple times over the years in the engine stuck she's locked up tighter than County jail so naturally I'm going to do the right thing and get it unstuck I try to get this thing running and driving once again [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you they have 200 not even budget not even but all right guys well it's only about a day left to win this day of where he's five bucks suspended three we're pretty fired up for Derek but uh I'm gonna stop beating on it because someone's gonna win the same truth [Music] that's not so the rig here is a 1978 Chevrolet C10 I know weird right it's a silver rattle she's loaded up cruise control it had air had a factory tack a bunch of other really neat options it's got a Stepside bed on it right now which of course didn't originally come with the truck but I bought this truck as a parts truck I paid 800 bucks for it years back it's got cool Western wheels and the visor and the light covers and a bunch of other stuff I'm going to show you here and then something changed I actually got a title for this thing and I was thinking well can the whole truck be saved and we just put the whole rig back on the road I just really don't like part and rigs out if a guy can help it so we're up to the challenge this one's going to be a doozy like I say it's been sitting outside for years with no hood I know it's been filled with water countless times and snow and you name it and the engine is stuck so we're going to try to reverse all that but first let's walk around this thing I'm going to show you this truck it's actually really cool so again when I grabbed this the guy said the engine was bad so I didn't really bother you know trying to get it running and driving at that time I was just looking at recouping what I paid for it you can say well transmission it's probably got a 350 in it but we've got a really straight front bumper we've got you know it's kind of a 90s build late 90s early 90s mid 90s in the 90s build we got smoked headlight covers the bar grill that was a big thing back then front's in great shape really again I had cruise control it is an air truck as you can see over there looks like a little 350 here corporate blue I think this was probably swapped in and then someone gave up on it or they figured out the engine was bad because it's open headers and it's kind of hodgepodge right now but this is exactly how it's been sitting outside for years and years and years it looks to be all complete there but I don't know that's going to be a lot of work continuing on check out these wheels Western Wheels they got a deeper dish in the back oh yeah I think three of the four are missing hubcaps it's got a nice pretty decent rear bumper the bed back here does need a little bit of varnish maybe some polyurethane on the wood that should bring that right back around that tire was free that's a bias ply there's the cap see the Western logo there this side of the box is really nice the other side does have a little wrinkle on her but I can live with it see that guy could probably even throw his hip into that like Shakira and bring her back around the cab is in really great shape really great shape there's a dent in the door there of course it's got the visor on it or what whatever that is the big visor up front set of the flat scoop I haven't seen a lot of these kind of the curved one normally they're just kind of shoot off but overall pretty cool looking truck I do have a hood for it somewhere and we just never bothered bolting it on we had it tucked in the trees and Rusty Acres for years and actually we did have it on for a while didn't we Bentley and then the wind blew it off or something yeah so but Bentley wants to put the hood back on I agree we probably should have done that a lot sooner inside it came with a bunch of stuff again I think it was someone's project I just gave up flywheel cover there's the AC pump air cleaner a bunch of bracketry that intake is on the truck and we use the original intake for this to pull an engine I can't remember which one that was but that was pretty recent oh we got brake shoes brake drums look at that oh another hubcap that's cool seats in really good shape I really we probably should get all this stuff out put it on the shelf or something we got a slider rear window the dash is in really good shape for just sitting outside over on the captain's side apparently you steered this while we pushed it into the shot pod you like it pretty comfortable pretty comfortable nice no door panels did we borrow those for something else or were they always gone oh okay but look at the seat it's a Butte Factory tack we've got Factory air it would have had the AM FM it's a power windows truck I mean she was pretty loaded up just like them baked potatoes with the sour cream on them Headliners in really good shape I mean it's saggy a little bit like kind of like a baby diaper but it's still there ain't got holes in it rear view mirror is still on it so you can see there's a ton of Parts here and it's actually way too complete to part out I think we should probably try to get it running huh Bud yeah yeah it's probably even if we got it running bad it's probably worth putting a different engine into just to have around yeah I agree this isn't even bolted down see that's how you can tell someone had a drive pole made for it I don't know what that says Southwest Airlines or something but someone had a drive pole made for it so they were really into this thing and then yeah like the guy said he just said well the engine's bad it ain't no good I didn't ask any questions I got it so cheap Bentley and I actually went to get it we just threw it on the trailer and got out of there so well let's tear into this thing Bentley's going to be helping me out on this one so I'm going to deploy him on removing the sparklators we got to just see if there's sitting water in there most likely it gets full and then it evaporates gets full and it evaporates again because of the the heat down here which is actually worser or because it's going to weld those Rings right to the cylinder wall which is what we're going to be fighting 99 sure the reason that the engine is stuck so we're going to pull the speculators out drain any water if we see any in there I might even try to find a camera or something we can jam in there and take a peek and then we got to start lubing those up right away we got to get some juice in there maybe some Mister oil I don't know what's in it it's a mystery or diesel fuel or yep he just handed me some WD-40 we'll put some kerosene in there we'll hit it with fire I got some brute aftershave clone will stick in there anything it's a Coca-Cola I don't know we just we got to fill those cylinders up and let that start eating away the longer we let that sit before we start cracking on this thing the better chances we have breaking it free you're going to just take all the wires off to start yeah we'll just uh we'll set them up again after we get through this so we'll just start pulling all these off again the wires look you know not that old I'm sure he put them on right before we picked it up so a lot of this we're going to reuse I don't want to throw a ton of money at this obviously until we know it well if it can run or why it's bad it could be as simple as a head gasket or it's overheating or maybe it has low oil pressure I don't I really don't know they're stuck behind the pipe later yeah maybe try the other ones first then I'll help you on the other ones try not to pull the boots off though save some money looks like basically a stock engine besides headers and an intake doesn't have any heads on it doesn't look like the timing cover has ever been off anything like that belts are super rotted locked up yeah well do you want to soak that down too might as well get in there it's seeing everything anyway up here on the pin right there there you go and some down the app too so so that's locked up I do have a couple different fuel making happeners around we can get around that if we don't want to mess with this bogulator 6000 but if we can get the bog jet to work miles will use it a bunch of water in this back one oh smell that I'll get some rags and we'll stick it in there and try to soak some of that up there you go and it should soak up into the rig maybe it's the four barrels that are stuck not the front two bbls all right do you stay in there little dude I'll get you some tools oh yeah a bunch of rust water yeah I think this one well it's actually a good thing that it didn't go past there that just this one was yeah all right well let's stuff some more eggs in there and you said the brake pedal was stuck when I pushed you in yeah that's weird I might have got one of those on on the Shelf though let's see number one's out yeah you're right Bentley said it's running rich sure is but it's not all rusty and full of water so that's good maybe those valves are closed it should only be a few of these cylinders full what I'm really hoping to avoid here is having to pull the heads off but we'll see sometimes we get lucky sometimes we got to tear them all the way down foreign doesn't look that bad either definitely rich but that one was a little hard to get loose though was it okay well we'll keep them in order here oh yeah she's running out [Music] that was a very back one yeah that was the one that was super hard to get out yeah oh yeah she's setting water a long time she's still dumping I know okay well Let's uh jump over and I'll get you taking these out on this side and I'm going to stick the camera down this side and see what they look like what you're seeing is the camera underwater you see that buddy yeah isn't that wild so we gotta shake this is yep that one was definitely in water yes it was really hard to get at least 10. no water came out okay well I suspect some of these we might have to put a vacuum on that or something some of these have probably been filled a few times and then dried up and then refilled because think that's how many rainstorms this has been through at the hood off and all last winter in the winter before okay so you got three more left over there number one here just a bunch of rust and ring ridges in there valve looks good I know this is probably really tough for you guys to see and that's why I'm kind of talking you through this here let's see what this other one looks like get on there yeah oh a lot of the same that's down in the hole but that's dry oh it's been had water before a lot of rust on the piston cylinder walls look terrible oh good I don't feel bad I guess about cranking on it after sitting all these ears what do you got over there really what's what's black and mean that's right richer than who you think Bill Gates that's pretty rich yeah let me try this brake pedal he was talking about this Broke Free yeah [Music] sometimes you just gotta Jam the old 13 underwear see what happens but I'm sure it just probably blew a lion somewhere else obviously needed brakes great coming out water oh yeah not a lot but it's a spark plug [Music] yep so we got one more to do so said and done one two three four or fifty percent of the cylinders have water in them great all right do we have that little vacuum this small green one we can maybe fit in there and try to suck that water out maybe do you want to see if you could find that I'll start rounding up some juice and we'll make some sort of special concoctions get down in these cylinders and move them up I suppose we could take a look over here and see how bad these are quick well he's looking for that vacuum it's the I think it's a Master Pro mouse sucker 200. this one is terrible there's huge chunks of I don't even know what they are and I could see the ring Ridge is completely rusted or the top of the Piston of the cylinder so that's that is by far the worserst one so far that's yeah see if I can get it into this one we don't have some water in it too [Laughter] it's so pitted it looks like the Moon that's the this is the issue this is why I had a bad engine it looks like I don't know if there's a chunk of valve or Hardware or something look at that what in the world that looks like physical damage like it it was the Piston was banging on something that looked terrible okay you found a vacuum yeah oh that'll work yeah as long as it's got a small mouth sucker end on it we could fit in here make sure the filter elements out of it it's probably full of Mouse house we'll vacuum out the water and we're going to replace it with juice ah just bend your back here I don't think I'm strong hook on something yeah yeah [Music] well I definitely know I use that on a Revival last time because of that all right buddy the valve is obviously open so I don't know if we'll be able to get everything but we'll get what we can the light yeah hold on one minute you ready I hear a little bit are you getting it flat against the head oh there you go you feel it yeah I can see the hose shaking do you want me to hold it for you back here it should be right underneath that pipe later let her wrap huh oh there it is yeah [Music] fail anything yeah well the vacuuming not that successful but it was worth the shot obviously the valves are going to be open to let water in so it doesn't really have suction so to speak what we're probably going to have to do is shake the truck as much as we can spill out what we can and then once we hopefully break the engine free we could just use the Pistons to push the water out and all the other juice we're going to have a mess all over the floor in here so I'm gonna start getting some sort of concoctions ready apparently you could shake the truck like crazy try to spill out the water we got to find remember that funnel with the funny Bendy straw yeah we gotta find that because that fits in there pretty good we're going to fill this thing up and let it sit and while that's happening we'll move on to some other stuff you're getting a bunch really oh yeah oh Sam over here [Music] does stop no my arm's getting tired it's there's still water coming out yeah yeah wow somewhere in California people pay a membership to do this and roll tires around stuff like that all right we're going to start off with some evaporus have had pretty good luck with this stuff okay let me slide this around lasagna even though it's moved a funnel back up so I can pour it in good job you must have it pinched clothes because it's not going down there it's gone without a lot of time actually here's an easier way well no because we know that's only going to go to four so say we just dump it right down the old Yap well wait that would go to the four that were stuck right well if we need to watch your leg we'll just dump it right down the fuel make it happen here now we're going to put some marble Mystery Oil in it I don't know what's in it well I've done this time or two son you know what I mean a little long on the tooth I think this is just ATV and paint thinner who knows okay but let it chew on that so we're going to work around and do this to every cylinder quick some of them are TDC so they're just going to take a little shot some of them are in the basket it's going to take quite a bit like this back one here but again we just want to sitting and soaking in this uh rust removers this stuff will hopefully start chewing and eating away some of that as well so if we get this thing spun free we're not just destroying the cylinder walls but kind of thankfully which is weird to say from what we were seeing there this thing is already just trash and it looks like three Matchbox cars a chicken foot quarter inch hail and nine Legos were in cylinder number two there for 50 000 miles I might actually consider pulling the valve cover on that side see if a keeper came off or something I don't maybe the valves hung up that just looked really odd this thing is full [Music] story oh might be got the captain side filled moving on to the Drinker side what's nice about this stuff here says right on the front non-toxic biodegradable safe on skin and eyes but it's really good at removing rust so it's something we keep around and why I'm not worried if Bentley happens to get a drop on his hands anything like that okay some of these are going to be tougher yeah we finally found the get them on stock funnel I labeled this one we use it for the Hemi half to fill the transmission but got the soft rubber coupler with the smaller nozzle on the end and then you know the flexo light final land but it works great for this purpose right here because you got a little bit of band on her like that but a guy can hold the funnel now that we got the oil and rust remover in the motor uh well that's sitting we thought we'd stay busy and uh we started looking back here and we realized we can just run some bolts through that to mount the bed up and then we can get rid of some of this junk back here Bentley knows the deal he's already lubricating up the hinges got to prevent the old Hood Kink huh been asked a lot about the hood saver 6000s I keep saying they're coming I promise guys they are right now we're stuck in fulfillment packaging and shipping these are going to be powder coated you're going to get American-made Hardware with it two different types of hardware they're going to be the absolute best Hood saver on the Market Bar None hands down guaranteed but we got to get through some of the shipping and fulfillment side of it right now and all the powder coating and all that stuff all right do you want to try to find some bolts some stuff that you think will fit back there and we'll test it and we'll get that bed bolted down we're trying a half inch by four see if it'll drop in there is there enough enough threads yes perfect okay we'll get some more of those and a lock washer and a nut the wood Wood's getting a little soft back there isn't it yeah all right jump up there cowboy all these back ones can be shorter oh we'll use these holes never mind okay drop it through there yeah bolt in the washer perfect I'll hold those another one on that side in that corner but once we get all four in then we can step extra one it's not mine no it is but that Wood's going to be in the way sure one second foreign [Music] what are you doing holy smokes that's 58 cents looks like Spider-Man jumping around here my knees would have came out my ear bones here wrench that out there yeah lean back there you go oh my wood floor that was so good good all right okay that line up nice okay one more and then we could tighten them up here you stay there I'll give it to you 1800s easy now it's a 77 or 78. it's perfect okay I'll slide underneath and do the nuts and the washers because I'll get rest in my eyes I don't want to ruin your eyeballs foreign y tighty ready yeah [Music] all right Bentley wanted to do this other corner so we did it in an x pattern [Music] now which one you want to do bud get okay well I didn't know I gotta crawl under here boy that wood is getting softer and softer I don't understand what's going on there okay these are all front pocket Treasures is taking me a minute that's a good ratchet strap where'd that come from what's up oh yeah that's way better oh nice that's not usual was it the roller stuck I think I think yeah this rollers get get jammed up we also might be able to get my one oh nice looks broken definitely broken but the wires are there to hotwire window's up we got to get that other window over there up and we got to be sure to get this closed this was closed at one time I don't know how that got blown open or something yeah let's grease these doors up well if this thing was all satin black or matte black just a cheap primer which I think I have right there hot rod flat single stage is there oh let them be no don't leave you alone just squirt the juice in where you need to squirt it and leave them be see ing another one yeah just don't squirt them just I don't know if you're fiddling at them see they're being nice oh this one is stuck oh there we go getting dizzy does this not have any weather stripping oh it does let's just I'm not used to doors doing that well I think at this point we're going to jack up the front end here and let's put it on jack stands Bentley so we can get underneath I think we're going to go straight to prying on the flywheel there's absolutely no chance it's going to break free off the crank or the charging world or anything like that I think we're just wasting a bunch of time let's go straight to the big guns get the big bars out and start prying on the flex plate and that's going to give us the most leverage to get this thing turning and if we could just get it to move an eighth of an inch we start rocking it back and forth we can start working a Groove not a Groove while cleaning a Groove a pathway moving it and then we could start just squirting some curl or some error code or some blaster or whatever we can find in there do it that way don't you get the battery in what's wrong with that one oh okay battery cable check how's that one might work okay we'll put them on the list but look at all the rust chunks and stuff that flushed out that was clean when you put it under there right not the chunks [Applause] there you go Bud where's the smaller stands of jacks go oh I have two on my red tool thing over here do you want to get them and I'll do this yeah tricep of Maximus and you switch come complete pole barn workout follow me for more tips no you don't want to do that okay we should probably go into the frame because we're really going to be getting it all right wait where do we go [Music] okay glove one on your clicky Dew dauber yep okay slowly Let It Down oh and we'll see if the Jack engage so you can jack it up and get me out faster all right let's get some rags and we'll start wiping some of this up so it's not dripping into our teeth okay and then I'll go find an old school trouble light we'll need that pretty interesting here the terpsky 350 is painted it's got a deep pan on it open header like I was saying and it's got a inspection cover on it even though there's one lane in the truck that was Chrome you know that's probably uh 16 horsepower right there you know so we're gonna pop that off and see if we can get the right combination and area to pry on that the rest of the truck pretty uneventful just a good old C10 floors are in great shape I'm pretty amazed at how Rusty this thing is we never even looked at it did we barely we just put it on the trailer but other than you know the the bed that needs a little bit of wood that it has well what does this one tank let's have brake lines replaced at one point or another you break Hardware is still in it so I mean someone cared about the thing that's why there's a lot of air shocks in the rear that's pretty funny you want to go down there Bentley and Chase the plastic line on the shock and see where it goes to see if it's actually hooked up and then we'll maybe try them out and see if they work get some rake in this bad boy huh huh huh yeah the plastic line yeah Scoopy where does that go well I see it wrapped around the bed I think bummer okay so you just realized something about a foot of it wasn't it which explains a lot of this weird colored rust-ish stuff didn't I oh then I finally got the tractor in there when it got low enough in four-wheel drive and pulled it out by those other trees a lot of you guys haven't seen this because it's been way off to the side because we had to move it for that pond okay so there's a bolt up here in the corner there's another one here you want to grab a 3 8 ratchet and a little extension thanks buddy I always got one bolt out working on the other three you know out of all the vehicles we've worked on over the last couple decades hundreds and hundreds and hundreds rarely do you see an inspection cover probably 20 percent of them we'll be sure to put this one back on when this thing's fired up and running nope probably very unlikely but I don't care I'm stuck so yes you saw those Pistons work it's gonna be really hard yeah the other side Bentley thinks we're just working on a truck but old dad's got a couple other intentions here you know it's a lot of fun working with that kid all the kids Bentley just finished pulling out the inspection cover looks like an original-ish looking torque converter maker upper coupler go forward machine and uh Flex plates got blue paint on it so that was just taken out from that engine so now we gotta figure out what to pry on also on the list is getting that orange filter out I usually like to use this tab of the engine over here and the flex plate um Bentley do you want to grab all the cryobars yep and we'll see what we got here got you right up on my teeth here the vacuum accumulator is unplugged I'm going to plug that in quick so we don't forget about that oh apart my shoulder I heard that oh boy this is going to be a long night okay I think what we're gonna do is work back and forth so I'm going to try to get in the center and we'll go off the starter hot nose which is a Gamble and then off the block on the other side but this thing is my rotator cup of Hondas just snapped in half the other thing we can do is Bolt in a bar to the flex plate here I've done that before because we got a bolt hole that's exposed and use that back and forth if we get to that point hopefully we don't but I'm just going to spend probably half hour here trying to rock it back it might need to sit a day or two that Alice Chalmers that's out for what a month yeah two until we had to pull the head off great all right that's fun again okay so my dad is gonna go under there and start prying at that thing to get the engine loose well he's doing that I'm gonna clean out this Interiors there is a lot of junk in here I brought the trash can over here so that like things like this all these nails random stuff those can go this can also go actually there's a new one on the truck shiny one so we'll throw that away get rid of all that I'm gonna clean all this out so that we can see everything in here and then I'll probably get the Mouse sucker out and get all the little stuff picked up and then we'll probably go from there well Bentley's been cleaning the inside here I've been underneath just prying on that thing ties blue in the face and woozy it is not budging it you can see it kind of flex but the rotation must be in The Perfect Storm where the torqualizationals that I'm applying to the torque twister isn't twisted is what I'm saying there's science happening so we're going to go ahead and eat supper I've got some maintenance to do on the property got to spread some fertilizer you know the grass a little bit greener and now I'm going to come back gotta let that juice sip I might be getting a little jumpy on it hopefully here in another couple hours we might be able to get her to spend I know Bentley wants to come back to and keep cleaning that interior he's fired up with all the carpets looking and seat looks fantastic the dash is pretty good too so excited to see how that cleans up [Music] well we're back at it Bentley's cleaning away I'm gonna crawl underneath again and uh do some more prying hopefully this thing will [Music] fillers I've been cranking I'm cranking I've been here in this position enough times to know Chang and pop right now it's got to sit and soak so I'm gonna jump in and help Bentley we're going to continue cleaning up this interior tonight and then tomorrow I'll try to break this free again but let's see how clean we can get this how you coming over here stuff out of here I vacuumed up that side behind the seat in that part of the seat I just gotta get this and then the crack right there and then probably start wiping everything down okay awesome good job buddy I tried uh some leather cleaner I picked up when we did the Lincoln versus and it didn't even touch the seat I'm gonna try some different flavors I'm going to spray it down with this stuff it's kind of like shaving cream almost and I don't know I think you're only supposed to use a little bit we'll let that sit in and see if that does something yep [Music] it just melted that stuff look at that you can literally see now I know we need to use that on like everything you know what I think I used this on Betty White the Cadillac yeah you think so it's coming around we didn't even know it was just sitting in Rusty Acres he's not even like ripped up over here I know that's a little while see how many miles is the side of the truck house 300 330 307 526. 075 26 30 000 so 130 000 miles probably this is what we were talking about guys look at this line of just black I you know back sweat and tar and look with this side over here this just absolutely ate it off well this is basically black a little more stubborn over here but still coming around I think you're right belly this seat's gonna be pretty nice starting on the dash yeah a couple few cracks up there but other than that oh you're getting the glass with that that's all right we'll come back to glass cleaner this is really cleaning up it's slicing right through that stubborn mold stuff always gets on the back of these seats that's coming right up also I might just take this out completely blank white plate huh this might have some moisture in it I think we'll take that out [Music] oh good job buddy on the interior looks really good thank you thank you so you think it would be a good truck go to town rig I think so too it's actually cleaning we never honestly looked at the thing we backed in hooked a winch on it drug it on the trailer put it in the trees because we thought it was a parts truck that's what we were told but I'm glad we're trying to save this thing it's actually pretty solid that's going to do it for tonight because I gotta let this thing soak tomorrow Jessica and the boys you're going on a vacation or something for a few days and I'm going the opposite direction for yet another Revival so you won't see Bentley back on this project so thanks a lot for the help buddy maybe it'll be running when you get back we could take the town he wants to get a piece of plywood for the bed back there that was a pretty good idea all right thanks guys we'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning see if we get this thing broke free no probably not all right should we go finish fertilizing well we're back next day Jessica postponed the family vacation with the boys but one day so Bentley can finish helping me hopefully we can get it fired up today last night we had to pick everything up get the tractor pull this truck outside we had a big storm coming and get my grandpa struck in here so we found the air cleaner for this thing and uh put all the tools away we'll have to dig everything back out that's all right so we're back at it biggest thing today is see if we get this thing to pop free it's soaked overnight so I'm pretty confident that we can get at least a little bit of movement out of this thing I think this morning before we get her jacked up again so a guy can you know a scooch underneath I'm gonna hit it with this error crawl if you've never tried this do yourself a favor try to find some and give her a whirl this stuff is incredible the downside is it's very very expensive I've had the same same can for a long time I dropped a straw have you seen the straw Bentley oh no we'll maybe grabbing off a break clean can when I have Bentley just load each cylinder up with this we'll let that mix the lies and sit in there for probably 10-15 minutes while we get everything else ready and I'm going to go right to the big pry bar again there you go I think this was the one for it or you want to soak each cylinder down all right carburetor's free nice she's coming around make sure you get the straw on the hole if you can there you go there's only one engine that's never unstuck and I think that was the Alice charnels that we worked on but that was Big Time Frozen yeah we drug it multiple times and I ended up having a beat on the thing with a piece of wood and some hammers if I remember right see what the interior looks like today now let's dry it up a little bit oh it still looks really good man we just got to find some door carts for this thing it is up town if this thing is locked or doesn't run I'm going to take this seat and put it in Remington I need a good seat in that thing I have another tan one but it's tore up on the side well I'll show you so this seat came out of my dually which you guys haven't seen yet but you will soon it's in pretty bad shape but that being said it's still much better than Remington's current seat good old Remington been driving this truck a lot see this one is all the way down to the metal frame with some guy's sweatshirt keeping the pokies out of your behind it's the correct color legitimately from the factory that would look pretty neat but the rad sure why not you have confidence today bud good I kind of do too for some reason this uh I was saying earlier the fuel making happener came around [Music] that's good HEI looks fairly newer-ish oh I got to check on that vacuum line that with that accumulator I also filled this up with brake juice last night because we had to pull it out with a tractor in a hurry and I think you said there was a little bit of break yeah you should have to push really hard that's pretty good but we can see that the seal on the back is leaking that master cylinder is shot but if it's good enough to yard drive for now hey it's good enough for who it's for my dad's under there trying to get the engine unstuck I'm gonna clean this bumper and here way better uh to do that I'm gonna use a SOS pad some Sprayway some rigs so I'm gonna start doing that oh foreign way up in here oh I think it just moved a little safety glasses over there I don't know if I'm a welding helmet next to the stuffed beaver by the bow and arrow yep that one I think this is moved a little guys thank you yep where did I put my all right I can't get a plate on there you see that yep it's moving barely but it's moving am I seeing things or is that going it's moving there did you hear that yeah now it's moving oh yeah now the stealth so you can get out as you push the Piston oh yeah there you go doesn't want to go that way looks like we're stuck here I really need to rock it back and forth somehow I could smell the arrow Pro yeah it'll go this way but it's not going the other way I want to try to go 360 degrees here oh splattering all over me foreign [Music] oh my goodness oh my goodness waterfall fantastic news it's rotating only one way but we're getting there I think I'm probably a third of the way through the rotation but I had to abort I've got every kind of juice in my retina let's put it that way it's moving free enough it feels like although I got more leverage back there I'm gonna stick a wrench on the crank bolt now and try to turn it up front so I don't have to sit there and get splattered by a lot of stuff I'm probably going to rotate it 2 3 12 19 6 maybe twice probably four times all the way around trying to make sure everything is going good then we might as well hit it with the key and starter and just get this thing that's the kind of noise it makes it's going to look like Murder She Wrote basically but I want to make sure it's turning freely so we don't bend any push rods or Jam the starter into the flex plate or any of that stuff Bentley's got this front bumper looking amazing I wonder if this Grille would clean up too buddy it's got all these little rust spots on here yeah I bet that SOS probably licked that right off there so this is the difference in Torque from using just a crank Bolt to the you know really go around your starter engager is it takes a awful lot I'm pulling my body off a lot of umph up here compared to the back so keep that in mind it's not always best to just go right to the crank this is why we avoided it initially is there's no way I would have broken free up here probably snapped this bolt off all right oh I just heard a chunk of metal or something come out oh and there's a mouse house coming out of the bell housing huh all that sort of stuff's coming out of Isabella housing found them guess we don't have to worry about that Critter anymore there's a spell this okay I should probably I'm gonna wait a second and I'm gonna grab that out of there kind of trying to spin it faster now so I can get most of this fluid out before we hit it with the starter don't feel any binding which is good okay I think it's time we hit this with the starter yeah it's these cables are really messed up right now so we're just gonna you know be lazy and jump to the jump box until we can determine if things are going to happen or not then we can struggle and spend 55 000 years trying to get the happy cable off the starter down there I don't know how to run this box go on to be free start not sure all right put it in park first which I think you are all right twist it nothing how about now hmm is this dead don't see me no okay one of these cables might be bad still nothing oh I heard sizzling okay still nothing pull the headlight switch on well we got headlights we just got a bad starter try it again well for Pete's sake all right maybe it didn't have enough amparesses okay try it again it's in park for sure put it in neutral and put it in park I can't believe it let's get the jump box on just to make sure bring the Thunder bad starter great there is hope I haven't hit it with Tonya Harding yet I'll fix it the guy does forget that starter was underwater a well done with the hammer try it again nothing okay well let's go dig through Parts see if we can find an old starter there's a reason I never throw anything away I think that's Dodge here's an old Chevy one here but I don't know if this works to be honest but I have another option oh not big Block's missing one got this little 400 I built on a budget and use the old blower off the money but this one I know has a new starter and it fits great with headers right there so should we pull this one off and pop that one in yeah all right Bentley said hey Dad if that engine doesn't run why don't we just put all this in there it's not a bad idea that'd be pretty fun especially since we got a title now we're gonna have to run into town to get some batch cables I dug through all the boxes and everything I've got like 16 positive cables but they're all too short I did find one side cable but we can run into town maybe get some tacos or something how's that sound we'll fill up the fuel jugs as well and see if we can pick up more fertilizer or something make a trip out of it another storm rolling through here it gets a little loud in the shop but we're working through it got the old starter hanging finally got a smashed between the headers and the transmission cooler lines now I gotta figure out what size them buggers are I get them out wow it's really coming down that's all right we need it we need it I ain't kidding you know it's Thunder hear that how heavy these are all right old one is out the small wire for the actual ignition or starter small [Applause] Christmas tree bet we got a Waller out a little bit so that slides over that Peg okay oh what size this needs to be other than bigger than what it is now so take this guy a Waller wall Orange that seems like it'd probably be a pretty good wallow Ridge Let's test it testing connection connection confirmed well at that bangle because that's good for electrical wires you know you got to figure out the angle edge of all these cables now there we go that one's probably gonna spring me back once we get her in where did I put the cuts I like to set up two different ratchets when I get into the starter situation so you're not far around changing everything right Bentley wow for Pete's sake well the new starter is in well I guess new to the truck it's a used starter but it should be clocked it should be the right flywheel we also added a new Happy cable onto that thing while we were down here and that should hopefully take care of that now I'm going to move up top we're going to add a new sad cable because the other one was pretty rotten as well these headers are in really tough shape the flange is just starting to rust away I wonder what Sarah Evans is doing right now so this guy here has got to go if we want all of the horsepowers out of the sterilizationals that's pretty rotten should be a standard one forward slash two I'm probably going to take a death wheel and just you know clean and then we can run this new cable all the way through here grab this guy right here pop that in that is so badminton and rotten eggs too did you find some try it on that one oh you snailed it all right put it now and our cable didn't come with Hardware I just I can't believe it I cannot believe it I guess I got to though I'm looking right at it okay um what's that you got peanut butter in the roof of your mouth I can't understand what you're saying you got a chunk of BLT on your chin there you go do you know where the death wheel is the grinder cutter off her wrist Rooter we should probably get some fresh metal under this so it bites well there it is over by the Vice would you grab that please [Music] nailed it is that your first electrical tape Band-Aid almost not jeez don't tell your mom all right we're just gonna tackle garbola foreign always got to check your grounds and you got a weak starter you got that probably but based on the fact that I beat it with a hammer for 20 minutes and nothing happened I just know that the other starter is bad okay you want to bolt this one up this is a body ground I think yep so I'll go get some we'll tie that into that here's the ranch dressing the tighten it you're very welcome not sure when but I must have worked on this because you got a red cable as a body ground here so that makes sense you want to burn these rigs down before they get stolen Fellers okay manly's finishing up the sad cable there I'm probably going to disconnect the fuel line pretty confident it's going to crank now we don't well I'll just show you this it does have a fuel tank and it is hooked to the fuel tank however I noticed last night the fuel tank has opened and exposed to the elements which means that's full of rodents and water and rust and leaves and acorns and dirt and grass so we're going to have to run an auxiliary fuel tank so I'm gonna disco this just while we're cranking it to see what happens and then we'll have to run some sort of tank maybe we'll just put it in the bed huh run some long lineup all right good idea okay we're getting ready to crank on it again see what happens yep keep going [Music] okay I think we got most of it out by hand cranking does the oil pressure gauge work what's it say really okay well we got good oil pressure that's good uh well that's uh do you want to put spark lighters in it and I'll start working on fuel I got some on the Shelf from the 66 Ford I bought an extra pair they're over there just in case yep are they 45 TS or 44 TS un that'll work I'll have him pop those in and also go find some sort of a fuel tank or jug or something we could just run temporarily snugger give her a snug a little bit more give her a little hats there you go that's pretty good [Music] finally's got all the sparklators in and torqued up I threw this fuel tank back here and I'm not I can't remember the last time I used this thing it's been a long long time he fed a line down to me this is running down by the frame I think I'm gonna send you under there little man with some zip ties and I'll have you zip tie them up along the frame to whatever you can find keep it away from the header and while he's doing that I will work on putting the lightning hoses back on get all that done goal here is to dump something down the fire maker see if this thing will at least make some noise a little heavy he's jacking it up against he has a little bit more room hopefully this thing will bark Off Make some noise and we're not going to hear any dreaded knocks or make any windows in the block I'm trying really hard to remember what the issue was with the engine but I think he just said it was bad I I don't know it's got oil pressure which is good but who knows what else could have a jump timing chain could have I mean the rod could be blown I who knows we're just going to have to try to work our way through this thing maybe just maybe we can wheel this thing around the yard it would look good all solid one color but it also looked good just shine Juiced I don't know it kind of has that weird muscle truck look different colored body panels and this and that oh you need some zip tie oh you got them all right all right so I just finished mounting a fuel line or zip tying it I got it zip tied all the way across I got it out of the way of the header so it can't land on fire or anything so now that that stone I think I'm gonna go help my dad uh finish the motor you can see here the last time it was ran whenever that was this filter just pulled in a bunch of rust and sediment and other junk so that's going to go away and we're going to throw in a Wix 3303 and we'll pop that in line I'm also going to put the right size hose clamps in instead of these 74 foot upper radiator hose ones and Bentley just finished mounting the fuel line or tying that up so we're going to slice this line off here Mount that to the pump and hope that the mechanical fuel pump is working which I we would hope it would be and then we'll Prime this thing dump some down the app and with any luck it's going to make some noise out of the pipelators so here's the fuel line that's going back to that little jumper tank this is the one that's going up to the fuel that could happen this is a returnless style fuel pump this is a Factory line that had the factory clamp on it still surprised they didn't swap that when I swapped the engine but anyway fuel is plumbed in so now we can go up top and Prime that carb so this is a Nitro fuel it's actually the Bentley's RC cars but same principle it's high octane fuel with basically two cycle oil in it which is going to help Lube up the rings and the valve train and everything like that you want to try to avoid washing down your rings if you have a chance of a engine not starting but just dumping raw fuel or the worst thing you can do is brake clean or carb clean and fog this thing down if it doesn't run you can literally weld the Rings to the cylinder walls so we're filling up the Bowl here there we go a little down the app I guess there's nothing left to do but bring the Thunder Twist on it see what happens yeah I give her a pump okay crank it yep it's acting like it doesn't have sparkles bad cables hooked to the distributor try it again I don't think we got spark it's not even trying also the fuel pumps are pumping oddly enough let me get the sparkle tester okay Bentley's gonna crank this so we're going to be watching this light it should flash if we've got spark go ahead buddy so we've got spark but it's not wanting to fire at all I'm pretty sure it's not flooded hmm that's not good that says Timing usually I don't know should we try a little bit more first running this pump off of Milwaukee trying to get fuel up here oh there we go that's airlocked oh she's filling there we go okay go all right I can hear it hitting backwards through the carburetor that usually means the timing chain has jumped or something significantly is wrong with valve train yeah is there any way to like change the timing well there's a lot of ways to change the timing you know okay you like twist that thing you sure can yeah you can advance or the timing by turning that but if it's firing through the carburetor that means that the piston is not in correct relation with the valves usually well that's what the guy said the motor is not good here we are hmm okay Crank It Again crack it again kind of timings went off I'm learning that okay go ahead one [Music] try again make sure this I don't I think it's still stuck it is stuck I don't know if the bottom blades are yeah see the four bar there we go no they're still stuck four barrows are stuck it's got a light and it why does this flash so far Okay so I'm gonna try it again [Music] something's definitely wrong it's blowing back through the carb go again [Laughter] okay man we had a fire for a second there yep [Laughter] try it again [Laughter] try it again [Laughter] boy oh boy well the reality of this is just based on experience and what I'm hearing and feeling is compression coming through the carburetor on one of The Strokes and you can hear that dead Miss so bent or drop valve bent push rod wiped cam lobe or jump timing chain so the likelihood of this running extremely minimal if it does run it's going to run very poor however we did successfully unlock the engine that's a win I just want to hear it run for a few seconds and I'll be happy we got options for engines if we want to go that far so we're going to put a timing light on it right now make sure the initial timing is dialed in so we can cross timing off the list then all we have to modulate is the fuel see if we can get this thing fired up and breathe in some fresh air uh also now I'm going to think about it if it is like a bent valve or something remember that piston was really beat up and weird yeah do you think that could be one of the problems very likely yep we got to remember the guy sold this cheap enough that he was just completely done with the thing he just basically like get it out of here so he might have done some troubleshooting and determined it's not even worth his time so like he said the motor's bad well let's still try to fire it up another thing I just thought of obviously someone engine swapped this timing could be 180 degrees out hard to say all right go ahead and crank it okay this timing light is Just Junk well she's hurting ain't she bud we got the battery on boil that's my mistake every good project starts with the battery on boil I think what we're going to do is verify TDC make sure that it's not 180 degrees off and then if that's not the case it is definitely definitely hurt well we've had it Gallop in a few times one time it ran for I think two seconds but that was about that was about it and it didn't sound good so let's go TDC Get Back to Basics see what that looks like gonna kind of talk through some of this a lot of you have seen me do this 446 912 times but some of you might you know maybe not I'm not sure but let's go through it so TDC top dead center we want that number one cylinder up at the top I just took the sparkle later out I also gaandered on that because we just wanted to see if we were feeding her too much fuel which we're not I stuck my finger in the hole Bentley just bumped the key until I could feel the compression stroke coming around then I just lined up the timing mark on the balancer to the timing mark tab at zero I pulled the cap off made sure that the rotor was pointing at the number one cylinder but keep in mind that doesn't necessarily matter if the number one spark plug say it was pointing backwards and the number one lightning hose was on the back of the distributor back there long as your rotor is firing to your number one cylinder the relation doesn't really matter the correct way however is rotor pointing towards number one which we have in this instance then I went ahead and backed this to 12 degrees before top dead center which is initial timing there's a reason GM timing marks start at 12 go to eight six four and zero twelve is typically what they recommend on a small block there's no reason to have anything past that it's a waste of money roll that timing mark back to 12. now all I need to do is line up the rotor tab precisely to the post on the cap and boom we're at 12 degrees before top dead center or 12 degrees advance I made a mark on the base of the distributor with a marker now I'm just going to pull that cap again line them up precisely give it a little bit more fuel Twist on it see if it fires plan yep okay okay buddy you ready you got to say it when you crank it over bring the Thunder yep [Music] oh I think you are good luck should we try it again go ahead wow still something very wrong try it again try it again try it again let me turn the fuel pump on it wants to run but there's definitely something off with timing also I don't need to go to the barber anymore got me a haircut beard trim by fire okay okay man it's so close okay again good again crank on her again okay well we've heard the engine bark off a few times here it wants to run it's trying to run while we've heard it run a handful of times for short periods of time but there is definitely something physically or mechanically wrong with this engine inside of it so is it worth tearing all the way down to the block to determine it probably not but I'm going to at least pull a valve cover and see if I could determine what's going on I can hear it igniting and lighting fuel inside the intake so like I said it's very likely dropped or bent valve push rod cam or maybe even the timing cover so I'm going to pull off some valve covers see what we got going on well the gasket stayed on my head wow see anything odd this is a milkshake that's water in the oil see how that's kind of chocolate milkish color yeah well Bentley tore out the valve covers here and nothing out of the ordinary what a guy would be looking for here is one of these rocker nuts to be tightened significantly more than another and you could tell by how many threads are sticking up here and nothing looks out of the ordinary some of you might have already caught what's all this yellow paint going on in here well I used a paint marker thing and I drew a line at all the push rods here both sides I'm gonna have Bentley crank this and what we're going to be looking for is making sure that these push rods are spinning yeah they spin this is a true story if you have a flat tap at cam whether it's solid or hydraulic the lifters spin in the bore to prevent excessive wear and they do that with a little bit of slant on the cam lobe so when it makes contact with that lifter it forces it to spin that transfers to the push rod and therefore we should see these yellow marks just whirling away in there if we don't see them whirling three things worn kamlobe bent push rod or we got a bad lifter and if you've got a battle after you typically also have in conjunction a bad cantaloupe so we're going to go ahead and have Bentley spin this over and we'll start on this side and we'll just kind of watch and see what's going on you ready Twist on that key [Music] oh I already see the issue about for Giggles crank it one more time okay stop we've got a Warren cam lobe here Crank It Again this one is barely lifting watch this one where my fingers at all right we've also got a absolutely destroyed cantaloupe or lifter or push router combination of the both watch this back one back here and that's our pop through the valve train watch this back one all the way back here Crank It Again doesn't even budge this can't they must have put a camshaft in here or something well maybe not but this thing is trashed cam is gone yep yep that's interesting well that certainly explains a lot that's one of the worst condition cams I've seen in many years there's multiple cams wiped in that thing there's nothing we can do at this point other than potentially do a cam and lifter swap but keep in mind all that metal that was sheared and worn away at this point has gone through the oiling system it's going to be in the bearings the mains and the rods plus remember that damage we saw in number two piston this engine is hammered there's really no point it's going to need a whole rebuild is what I'm saying but we're not done yet we're going to go ahead and put the valve covers back on put the air cleaner back on this thing we're going to go out to Rusty Acres get the hood put the hood on this button it up because this truck definitely is good enough to come back again well I don't know you guys let me know what you think we have a 400 over there that I did a quick Dingle ball rehone on maybe we do a cheap rebuild on this 350 or find something else you guys let me know but I think this truck is solid enough to make a builder out of the thing have a nice little hot rod I know Bentley is sure fallen in love with it he's mentioned about 314 times let's just drop that other engine and click tonight wish we had time but again he's leaving with the wife on a family vacation I'm going the other direction for another Revival so we just don't have time right now but we want to definitely keep this thing out of the weather for any additional harm that might happen to it all right you're getting those covers back on okay sorry bud we got close we heard it run for a little bit which is amazing technically we did get it running that is right glass a quarter full and what happens when you put ice in it it's all the way full Bella's got this all buttoned up whoops this spins around over here but that's okay it'll keep it out of the wheeler do you want to throw a sparkle later in Diamond reel you know golfer it's got a bum plug you put that in I'm going to try to hot wire that window I got this power when it'll work but that one I think the switch is bad I'm going to try to hot wire it get this thing sealed up I'm real she is pretty fouled up this thing I don't know how many miles we put on this the old Yamaha G1 but it is incredible I've hauled engines in here and car parts and fertilizer and hay and the whole family and fence posts and lawn mowers and weed whackers and you name it got her oh I think you might have to take the yeah there you go boy and he's about oh well pretend we didn't see that oh yeah well here's where the truck sat for years and the hood is over here so we'll throw all too bad it's pretty rotted but it'll be enough to cover the engine we're going to throw this up on Diamond Rio get it back to the shop had to bring in Brad the big guns help me put the hood on here Bentley's gonna type okay if you give me a bolt buddy foreign Lift Your Side Up in the bottom like 12 feet 12 feet up okay come around front it'll be easier for you you know what to say about teamwork it's more expensive labor letter wrap oh it feels good okay we got one more oh that's in the back oh push up on the hood let's see if you can get that one oh all right wow this isn't even going to want to move you greases didn't you yeah yeah this old guy is gonna need a hood it's so rotted all the way through it's you know latch mechanism and Main support and someone already kinked it a couple times unfortunately so we're not going to push it but at least it's covering the engine compartment at this point oh oh it's all bent up yep gotta get that window up load a couple parts in the back of it I got my note in the windshield wiped Cam and bad piston and uh sadly this is going to go out to the field soon let's get a chunk of wire oh I got the button tore apart figured out the outside is the passenger side and the inside is the driver's side and brown is now in blue is up round down towards the dirt blew up towards the sky this side I thought maybe it was a ground this motor is just dead it's doing nothing so unfortunately we're gonna have to bag up this window again but that's just the way she goes now that we cleaned it up I should say Bentley cleaned it up all nice we might as well keep it that way back out to Rusty Acres this truck goes let us know what you want to do with this thing I think personally it's definitely worth engine swapping it but you guys let me know and what kind of engine not quite sure what do you want supercharged one I figured he was going to say that hey you can't win a ball and this is one of those cases the cam is just absolutely destroyed nothing we could do however we did get it unstuck we got the engine rotating again and we did hear it fire several times so in my book that's still a victory we've got a nice platform to work from in the future thanks guys for watching appreciate it very much just a reminder you were absolutely running out of time to get entered for your chance to win that Mountain Dew car you've got to go to every five dollars you spend gets you one entry for a chance to win that Mountain Dew car plus five thousand dollars good luck thanks for watching we'll see you later okay we need the John Deere strap oh grab some tape we got to tape up that window too [Music] foreign
Channel: Vice Grip Garage
Views: 1,715,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motortrend, roadkill, vice grip garage, vise grip garage, vgg, chevy, square body, c10, trucks, will it start, will it drive, revival, Rescue, roadworthy Rescues
Id: 8lMRlItQe0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 4sec (5824 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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