'48 Ford Truck!! Flathead V8! Will it run after decades??

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hey little dude Santa hey okay stage we've all been there oh yeah [Music] whatever we did [Music] Daddy's Daddy's using uncle's truck and then we'll see how sketchy this is [Music] well we got it we got it the engine's locked up [Music] Santa what did we just do did we get the truck on there do we load the truck on the trailer yeah yeah Lucas did you help get the truck loaded onto the trailer yeah you did so good very good job [Music] look at how you open the hood on this thing the grill trim pull that Isn't that cool and the hood only goes this High which is interesting but I forgot to do too much work maybe we'll just take the hood off all right um when we first brought the truck home you can see it I sprayed I don't know if you can see but I sprayed WD-40 on the spark plugs because this engine is locked up and so it's going to be a few days before we have time to do anything with the truck so I'm gonna dump in dump oil down the cylinders it's a mixture highly sophisticated mixture of whatever I had laying around the shop so pull this wires off yeah okay let me get down in there crusty spark plug trusty I just hope the inside of the engine doesn't look like this but I mean everything's closed up the air cleaners on there so I'm hopeful that it's not too bad inside junk around the plugs [Music] foreign okay it's uh slowly progressing to the point where it gets the message that I'm no longer asking all right there we go a little extra leverage goes a long way and break each other's loose ah this is working time a beautiful fun time your fluffing time all right so I'm kind of scared here because my first pickup that I ever bought when I was a teenager was a 1995 F250 and the spark plugs were so Rusty when I tried to take them out like three of them snapped off and it took me two weeks as a 16 year old after school I'd go out there and work on that every day after school and it took me like two or three weeks to get those broken off plugs out of the cylinders out of the spark plug holes so I'm a little scary let's just work this one back and forth I'm gonna grab some WD-40 I have a question what's your question what's WD-40 stand for oh man it water displacer number 40 I believe you can let us know in the comments if that's correct but um what's the 40 for supposedly when they invented it they were trying to come up with something to displace water and believe and uh oh I was just guessing yeah um so it's water displacement at 40. and well thank goodness it was 40 because I would have been so bothered if it would have been 41. so what I was reading on Facebook so it's highly accurate but supposedly uh the active ingredient or the main ingredient in WD-40 is supposed supposedly fish oil so so it's good for your insides if that's true or not but guys that's not true don't don't yeah just don't do that tighten it a little bit loosen a little bit back and forth a little bit yeah I just hope that cylinders aren't this stuck that would be bad I really want to get this uh old flathead V8 running crusty plug my sister said that Jesse was crying on the couch yesterday and she Jesse why are you crying and he tells her I can't talk right now my sister says why he says because I'm crying that's a good reason yep doesn't look too bad um there's a little bit can you get a close-up there's a tiny bit of rust on the inside that's from a little bit of rust on it but it's not I was afraid it'd be like orange powder Globs on there so that gives me some hope I can see I don't think you'll be able to see it with the camera but I can see the valve through that um maybe you can kind of see that what you're looking at is the valve in there and uh there's a little bit of surface rust but it doesn't look terrible so we'll see I guess let's get the others out hey oh yeah okay okay I'll give you a second like that's sharp look that's my hair on it and some of my skin [Music] there it is yeah that's where my head hit boy you okay are you bleeding now I don't know I don't see any all right all right let's get back to it huh that's the best looking one yet I don't see any rust on that one maybe there is hope for her oh I got hope you got hope his old flatheads were pretty tough you want to set that over to the left of the other plugs a little bit of rust in that one think I'm looking at the valve like I've never never worked on one of these flatheads before so I'm kind of learning but I believe that's the vowel that you can see through there the first two I can't really see in that backflow the first two I can see a little bit of surface rust but I also see carbon and what's it mean to see carbon well that's normal normal to see carbons from you know the builds up from the combustion but uh rust you don't want to see what's that I do know that from my cast iron pants we don't want to see Rust ever yeah there's no bueno well no I can't see if they are or not all right well there's that they're probably good we'll give this give this cylinder a little more the oil filter and then there's a spark plug way underneath of it so that one will be fun to get out uh and some leaves and stuff that's um that's Factory that is Factory uh you can tell it's a Ford leaf yeah all right uh get these cleared off and start printing on them how you doing huh well it's been soaking for what four days now yeah three or four days oil in the cylinder so long enough that it should make a difference if it's gone off we hope anyway but I'm gonna tow it around the yard and try up in the clutch to break the End free that way hoping that it's not too stuck but see what happens all right let's see oh I got a spider for company cool let's see put it in let's see that be second I think that'd be fourth never having driven one of these it's my best guess let's see what happens here [Music] a little bit of work to steer these old trucks [Music] no luck you want break loose no I didn't want to break loose well since we couldn't get the engine to break free that way we decided to do what we probably should have done in the first place and go ahead and pull the heads so there's really no good way to work on these without taking off the hood and the fenders so that's what we're doing I just cut the radiator hose I just assumed it was dry because when I get the end of the radiator was dry it wasn't it still had coolant in it kind of cool [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] she's crusty [Music] and cleaned up a bit I couldn't get all the rust out from under there but I cleaned it up as best I could with Scotch right underneath of it it'll probably leak but hopefully it'll seal enough to get some compression and the worst of our rust is in this cylinder right here and [Music] I mean it's not horrible and no rust is good but I'll wipe it out so you can see it better you definitely tell us you burned oil there is a lot of carbon buildup in here but I mean what do you expect on a engine this old and a grain truck but yeah you can see it's a little ring of rust around the bottom but you can actually still see the cross hatching in some of that so I'm hopeful we can clean this up and get this broke loose this one I mean there's a tiny bit this is the worst cylinder you can see grooves in the in it I'm sure that one's an oil burner but uh I don't I really suspect this one might be our only stuck cylinder I'm hopeful anyway unless there's something on the other side that we don't know about but I think we're going to take a two by four or something stick it in there and give it a little tappy tap see what happens we moved it at all [Music] foreign there still to get a pipe wrench on there where does it go find this oh Lush I could pull off the from pulley I might be able to do that since my turn to seven eighths also yes it is this is my area of rebellion 12 point socket on an impact [Music] [Music] sliding up like butter [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] but if I put a pipe wrench out on the end of it I can smooth it again so that'll pull a little bit over it just fine I mean it's saved from the scrap yard so how fussy can we get right all right oh it moved it moved can you see a difference over there oh yeah she's free ish look at that piston that was stuck you can see where it slid loose where the rust slid off oh yeah it's probably close up there she's moving I did what I wanted it to hard to see on the phone um there you go but you can see it dropped you can see the ridge there where the rust was and below it is shiny metal again so I can stick a horn in there and take the get that rust out of there and will be golden sweet does that make you happy yes I think we're gonna get this girl to run but he's don't yell at me for putting some teeth marks in the crankshaft you do what you got to do on a junkyard engine doesn't look like it's moving though so that though hey it's not very stuck I was able to push it in with my thumb all right well I guess this means quitting time for tonight food and uh back to this maybe do a little bit on it tomorrow and uh now we know we can order some parts for it you know it's worth ordering some parts for all right guys extreme family [Music] you guys are making messes environment still guys that's okay you guys discovering everything in there [Music] happy birthday to you [Music] happy birthday happy birthday to you [Music] really hard you can do it no you're really close are you really close you blow out that one yay that's a lot of Slaughter but you got it last night we got the engine Broke Free by turning it backwards and you can see in there we pulled the Piston down below that Ridge of rust that's what that's what it was stuck on so what I'm gonna try to do is just hone that Ridge out of there and rather than trying to force the Rings past that Ridge and maybe breaking Rings or something [Music] that seemed to have worked really well um still see discoloration in there there's some pitting but it took that Ridge right off of course this engine would need to be bored if we were doing a serious if we were serious about it but just want to see if we can get a little more a little more life out of the old girl so yeah I'm quite impressed that only took a five minutes see how it turns over now and it's still stiff [Music] little Friendly Persuasion never hurt [Music] definitely got some tight spots in it [Music] I should turn it over easier foreign [Music] 100 degrees in the shade it's not not supposed to do that in North Dakota hey closed on its own things turn over like butter now I don't even need this oh look at that valve's opening and closing just like it's supposed to but it appears we have another step valve here [Music] this valve right here appears to be stuck here's some WD-40 [Music] that again is an exhaust valve so that should be closed gentle tap I I barely touched it now let's uh see if that start probe opening back up and closing just like it's supposed to we got another stuck exhaust valve here [Music] hi you joined me in the shop you're a little dirty that's because my boss is [Music] talking about me a little gentle that's all it takes it snaps back in some other time it doesn't stick I won't turn this thing around about 3200 and 43 times but every time it comes around this uh is giving me a run for my money but I think all the valves are pretty much free now at this point I'm definitely going to pull the head off the other side because every single one of these exhaust valves was stuck open and that's no good [Music] foreign valves are stuck over here or if we pull this head for nothing there's two stuck well two of them are stuck so yeah we wouldn't have had any compression in those cylinders you can see uh something uh smooch that piston right there no idea what would have gone through there it's and broke off a spark plug or something maybe but I don't think it goes all the way through the Piston so hopefully we still have compression in that cylinder I guess we'll find out I did end up reusing the head gaskets and the head bolts normally I'd never do this but this engine is pretty rough and it needs a full rebuild and right now I just want to see if I can make it run so that was the goal just make it run [Music] [Music] old versus new well you probably clean these up and they might work but uh spark plugs are cheap [Music] now that we're getting the heads back on here and mounted uh I need to mount the oil filter housing that goes right here but first I figured while it's off the engine it'd be easiest to clean so let's get that cleaned out here oh nice looks like we got some metal shavings in there that gray color just borrowed Maria's toothbrush she won't mind [Music] file the points here [Music] we need to spark all right we're working on the ignition system now and I've got this old six volt coil that came with the truck and I have no idea if it works and for running these six volt coils with a 12 volt system which I'm going to swap it over to a 12 volt battery because I'm not gonna buy a six volt battery just to see if this will run so I have this coil that I know is good it's a 12 volt coil so we're going to swap these around and yeah all right we're gonna stick a 12 volts to the starter and see if it will turn over for the first time and who knows how many years a little nervous are you ready ready let's do this hey are you excited oh yeah there's life in it it cranks over with the starter so cool uh let's see if we can get sparked to it now what doing wire for ignition [Music] hey honey you know something you'd you'd say this truck is pretty old right um yeah you know this truck was uh brand new in 1948. which means just truck is younger than the president of the United States that's pretty cool fresh off the assembly line road on the end there and watch and see if there's any spark on it I'm going to crank the engine over so don't be startled okay I'm gonna try not to be scared all right sparking sparking yay what's that mean it will run ready I have very high confidence at this point yeah there was Sparkles down there sparkles now the Sledge is coming loose yeah this this porch truck had a hard life oil wasn't exactly changed on a regular basis [Music] do you like a hug is it bothering you right now started out wearing rubber gloves and then they ripped and I just never gave up on that idea trust me people it's bugging him a little bit [Music] foreign well it's flowing it's a good thing no chunks pretty black but uh a few streaks in it so just as well we didn't run it with this in it but uh seemed a lot worse and I just dug around in the oil plug hole there and that is gray with Grit and there's like a quarter inch of sludge on the bottom of the oil pan I think this engine is probably toast but uh let's see if we can make it at least run anyway and uh yeah it'll be fun to hear it run and then we can move the truck under its own power and decide what we want to do from there brand new Napa Gold air filter oil filter yeah made out of gold it might cost so much well I think everything is hooked up the gasoline into the into the carburetor through the vent here we dribbled some into the down the throat of the carb too so let's see if anything happens without further ado it's bud you might want to come over here oh wait hold on hold on but you're not being helpful all right here goes okay let's get fired they're fired it did [Music] because of gas here plug some down there [Music] I feel like your battery might be getting a little low yeah I was kind of wondering yeah it's raining so nicely outside [Music] I got wet coming down here I'm sorry did you melt you know when the rain would hit me pretty sure that there was sizzles that came off of me that says you're so hot just kidding but you know how I don't like the rain on me you and Scott have that in common yeah it's air battery as well let's give it another shot here I heard it it wants to it wants to kind of like me and pizza I want to eat it I do like right now will you take me to Domino's no but I want the pizza wow she ran she ran kind of scared me not gonna lie this big pluma smoke coming up back there oh it is um Sparks and gasoline go well together you know what I mean as long as we only have just little sparkles and not you know big fireworks right whew oops um so we're gonna try this fuel line going into the carburetor and then this is going to be our IV bag it's looking like an IV bag babe whatever you want to call it thank you foreign [Music] thank you foreign longer but I'd call that a success anyway yeah are you happy oh yeah happy with success that's the first time this thing has made noise and who knows how many decades that's awesome babe well that'll probably be it for this video but uh I think you'll see this uh this truck in some future videos at some point uh next video we're going to get back onto the old 86 F-150 just sitting out in the rain right now poor thing install the fenceless and cold and wet we've got a lot of plans for that so yes we do we'll see uh see what we can do with that on the next video but in the meantime thanks for watching and if you enjoyed the video please like And subscribe and we'll see you next time bye bye bye [Music] look at you first thing in the morning in Europe moving chickens foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Living Waters Homestead
Views: 45,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vVJidey3ZNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 29sec (2969 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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