Grand National Hydro boost Brake Conversion and First Drive in 20+ YEARS! (and Mt Dew Car winner!)

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ah yep the Bland National is back this 1986 Grand National has been off the road for 20 plus years now I did get it running we found this thing up in a barn but our hopes of putting it back on the road were dashed when we ran into brake problems specifically the power master super electronic hydraulicals brake system on this thing but I think I have the fix I've got an entire Hydro Boost brake kit for this car and I'm hoping we can get this thing back on the road drive it finally and we might even pressure wash it you have almost talked me into it let's dig in [Music] [Applause] [Music] now I'll get to show you a little bit later but a guy has been working away on this you know in the ground that's back it's not in the foreground we've got new shock lighters on it we've got a three inch single exhaust system now instead of the one into two muffler thing Bagel three inch got rid of the cat it's got a Flowmaster FX on it sounds much more gooder better than it did before we've got a new fuel tank and a new fuel pump which is going to resolve boy we fought that didn't we remember that Annie who's on the brakes if you've never heard of Hydro Boost brakes well let's go through it a little bit you've got vacuum brakes that's a common swap on these you could put in some base wriggle vacuum brakes with a electric pump that makes vacuum some just take the risk and plummet right into the intake but it's a boost car right so you're building and dropping vacuum so that's there's science and things there I decided to go with the Hydro Boost kit now basically this is the main unit here it's got a bunch of pipes hoses and Dew dabs and then you've got your typical a master cylinder that goes right on the front of this guy here now how this builds pressure is it actually uses the power steering pump and that power steering pump not only supplies pressure to the power steering gearbox rack doodab well not necessarily a rack just a gearbox it also slings that pressure up into this here thing that into the brakes Hydro loose brakes now another thing about this is since this unit is changing all of the pedal geometry and annualizationals and there's math geometry involved you have to hang a new pedal in there see so this angle is the correct relationship to this guy so basically we need to undo everything that I already undid to redo to undo to put back into place we're undoing the dude to put the new in so first step crawling into the car removing the pedal assembly putting this pedal assembly in but I already got a massive problem great you see a guy went ahead and rolled the seat forward it's electrodigical I wanted to see if I could get to the bolts and what this was going to look like and immediately the Gear Drive on this thing blew into 37 912 pieces and I ain't kid what I'm trying to tell you is the seat is absolutely stuck in the forward most position which is the absolutely worst position it could be in not only for pedal access that ain't going to happen I mean just look at my leg you know what I mean also I can't get to the front seat bolts at all so what I've done here is I've been working away on this took apart the switch which was already broken unfortunately and I learned all the pins here and what the switch orientation does for the wiring and I can get the motors to click but like I said parts of the assembly have just blown into pieces the Riser gear there's like a little basket that turns the rod has stripped there's a left motor and a right motor they only click they're done so I really don't know what I'm going to do what I do know is the seat has to come out for me to lay in here to get the pan out and the pedal assembly remember the firebird we just went through yes so this is not going to be good also this is extremely Rusty the back bolt look at that I mean terrible terrible shape so this is our first Big Challenge it's probably going to get really ugly look at this stuff like this is the alarm system hanging down we got buttons we got lights there's phone system in here unfortunately this one kind of got kind of got boogered up a little bit but if you don't remember this car haven't seen that video yet there's a link down in the description you can watch me getting this thing running 132 000 mile 86 Grand National and unfortunately just Cold Storage really did a number on it really really did a number on it but we'll bring her back around we'll do something with it just got to get these breaks going so here's the plan I don't have one oh we got candy how old is this sassy sours so I think where I'm going to start is taking out the rear bolts or at least trying that way we can feel like we've accomplished something but we're still going to be stuck with 17 bolts going through the front here seems fine well it's not this size so now we know that I was just checking well a little update here one has successfully come loose the least Disturbed rustiest this one is now shaped like watermelon that one is completely Frozen and the farthest one is just she's rounded off like a roundabout so everything is going you know as planned thus far we're monkeying around with this because we need brakes makes sense I got that one off because I could fit the ratchet in there this one I just plastic is snapping off everywhere but I finally got the ratchet on this one Corpus Christine hopefully that's turning or not stripping oh I think it went okay too loose oh it's already noon everything's going fine go ahead and picture a block the guys been around a few times I know where this is headed it's not good if you've got a driver's side I.E Captain side seat to a Grand National let me know I'm gonna need it what is this that's the biggest dandelion legs I've ever Dandy daddy long legs have ever seen join the party there we go all four in the rear out seems fine welcome to Derek's non-fictional storytelling time I was going to lean the head under here and thinking well maybe a guy can just try one more time to you know try to get these motors motorizing so naturally I put my hand here to lean under the seat boom just exploded you're nothing left of that bracket done okay so we got three out now this is a factory option it's the auto seat delete you could tell you have it if it does that so now I mean the sea tracks are already shot so I'm thinking maybe I just did we just pry and bend on the other side too oh yeah look at this this one's rotten that one's rotten or nothing left of it safe real safe beep beep beep open wide oh it's hotter than Martina McBride in here and I ain't kidding yes how does a guy is this how you remove a seat or not I'm not quite sure I never got my cedomatic degree don't die spin these by hand now everything is busted under here oh wow yep there's more seat Motor Parts they're just showering down well I is this side going to want to hold up now is that what you're telling me the one side that isn't rusted through help me understand why that's the side I can't get Leverage I can't get the seat back I can't get the seat forward does this do anything no it's just feeling we're at those and stuff is it bending it heat heat I didn't realize the headliner was taken my bad on this one this is the list of visor if you got a visor for a Grand National let me know I can't get a torch in here though this thing would go up like an old Christmas tree there are other options um I don't know this is this is pretty fun I don't know I wonder what Tracy Lawrence is doing today I tried to warn you [Applause] [Music] I am your father nothing come on that was easy simple process well if you're wondering why the seat motors weren't Motoring um I believe this is the yeah see it's like I spin it by hand on the track turns I'm sure I could do the same here although that doesn't do us I'll lick a good no does it might be a way to unlock these no doubtful very but the tracks were just I wonder I think I might be able to just replace this piece and then everything no you're right probably just easier to get another UST [Music] foreign [Music] looks pretty good actually minus the rusty seat provision areas don't worry about that carpets in decent shape though now we have room to lay in here and actually get to the pedal which ironically that's the tough part and let's go ahead and address the cow in the room what do we learn here well Fellers tell you this much if a seat is in the back position and you're going to take said seat out do the front bolts first then move the seat forward to get to the back don't assume it's going to go back because well they just don't always do that so that's the pin I was after by The Who and way we're laying up side down head first here but smartly I left that Rod out of the master cylinder or the power Master unit so if you don't have to take that pin out now we just got to take that bolt and nut out up there and the whole pedal assembly this guy will come out and we can do one in well the guy did get the old pedal out and I think the key to that actually was these longer wrenches see how long they are ratcheting wrenches so I was able to you know stabilize them way up under there but here's what I'm talking about as far as the geometry boy there's that brake pedal squeak shoot here's the geometry that's where that pedal was pushing into the master cylinder here's where this one is going to be way down here big difference and that's why you got to change the pedal out for that new assembly so I got some of this uh Master Pro grease greased up the ends here it's a really tight fit up in that bracket tray so I'm going to be able to hopefully Jam that in new hardware get that tightened up and once the pedal goes back in then we can actually start on disassembly of the power Master unit master cylinder lines and there's a whole lot of disassembly on the engine unfortunately I think we're going to have to do as well it's going to be pretty in-depth I don't even want to talk about it but the battle is in this is the cruise control switch we got to remount and the brake light switch which I have zip tied so the brake lights don't stay on and kill the battery but that is in Bentley had to come in and lay on my chest hold light up there and then I used uh two box end wrenches ratcheting wrenches and that seems to be the way to go fillers all right under the hood prop 300 well next we got to get under here and actually start doing something everything at this point didn't mean that that's great because they're finally right goes there perfect that's a lot of duct tape wasteful anyway time to get the brake master now the construction say a guy should you know take out just this portion and then the power Master unit but if I remember correctly when we were working on this in that Barn a guy just latched onto the whole unit and took her out I think I'm going to do that again why I don't know I did it once we can do it again connector connector line line and then there's four bolts on the inside on the firewall I got to get off but before I start let's go ahead and circleize this old juice out of here well actually it's not old this should be it should be new juice potato I don't remember how to use this machine I think we just dropped this in the juice turn this on okay that's pretty well empty you know what we might as well do the PS Reservoir while we're at it changes anyway that's like a good bourbon all right tanks are dry I got this connector off this connector off this line here worried me for a second but it just goes down to the base unit again so I think all I have to do is just disconnect these two if I remember right and then the four on the firewall which I have to crawl under the car again and take those four nuts out then I can just grab this whole unit and take it out in one shot then comes a big big job there's a power steering pump in here way down there can't even see it now those lines go to a gearbox down here that you can't see also basically all of this here Hold Us needs to come out just so I can swap a line or two and we can start running some lines so I'm not sure once I get this unit out I think I might take all this garbly out as well and then we'll start reassembly at once might also change on some lightning hoses while we're in here I know I got new speculators in when we got her fired but now would be a good time to check for the manifold and cracks anything like that anything else we can do while we got this stuff all the way let me contort myself break my back put three kinks in my neck lay upside down lose blood pressure almost puke twice to get those four nuts off quick so we can start getting this out they should come right out yeah since we already yeah we already went through this dance although that was a while ago boy was that like a year ago already Maybe I bought a kit for this and then got scammed by a company I won't mention but excuse after excuse and then supposedly their building burnt down and they couldn't figure out shipping and then issue with the master cylinder and finally months after begging I got my money back then we went and got this other kit from a different company and that's how we ended up where we're at take us along okay those are off now if I got all of them The elusive power master great design one out of thousand work today pretty much this here believe it or not is a core is probably worth five six hundred dollars so I'm going to set this aside and we can potentially have this rebuilt or something like that or scoot it down the line to somebody else that may need this thing like I was saying I think I'm going to go ahead and get in here and replace the lightning hoses because if I remember right yep see these are all crumbling falling apart yeah now's the time we got the room if I had a super amount of patience now would be the time to put a valve cover gasket on the sink no I'll just let that leak for a while you know what I mean look how much room we gain with that thing out of here Moses sandals run these these things oh like that so I got some lightning hoses sitting up there I'm super cheap I mean cheap so those are the same ones I bought for this car a long time ago just threw them in the trunk you know what I mean so go ahead and see if we can replace some of these now I think this is for a standard Regal because it's got a cap in the Box it's like a tune-up kit kind of deal but it's it's gonna work just fine okay better than the broken in half boot that was in there come on now yeah pretty amazingly ignition system in this still works just fine that's a bonus I shouldn't have said that should have I I realize it now Stakes were made okay all right they're too short or way too way too short too short or walk too long otherwise one more ouch more blood oh that's right where is it okay these are the super shorts that's that one's 50 feet long it's the one I'm gonna have to use though I think I think things are happening here still absolutely nothing to do with brakes but you know nonetheless things are happening there we go slick I can't believe it so something I was noticing on this is the hardware is just free-floating and that's going to make it very difficult to install by myself in the car so I'm putting a tack weld on the washer and the bolt itself so these stay like that like a stud so when I push it into the firewall I can at least get underneath put some nuts on it and get them started otherwise I'm back and forth back and forth like you guys at home I work alone 99.99736-547-892 repeating percent of the time you just gotta find ways like this to make it easier on yourself oh I got them welded in there only one is significantly crooked that's pretty good you know passing grade three out of four now I'm on to the seal which this is off the power Master System as you can tell up here its job is to prevent Ingress of incremental weather or bad weather or weather that's not weather it's supposed to be in the cabin it's lock screen stuff I don't have a gasket for this so I'm going to take some RTV and run it around the bolts and then a nice bead around this so when we plop that into the car we can hopefully prevent moisture and water from dropping right into the car rotting the firewall out behind this will it even fit probably not watch out there little liar oh butter kind of something snagging up what it is oh I'm already hooked on the pedal wow that was crazy I somehow just hook this on the pedal as I was putting it in there I'll be dipped so instead of using this Hardware I use the original Hardware this is uh your standard flat washer split washer or lock washer and nut the original Hardware was a Teflon Nutter plastic insert nut and then I didn't have to fork in all those washers and stuff and just made it a lot easier anyway that is in 100 bolted up done ready to rock I think really quick I'm going to go ahead and fight putting in the washer and the pin because then the pedal assembly essentially and the Hydro Boost unit is 100 done we don't have to worry about any of that basically leaving the master cylinder off at that point I think we'll start digging into this I've got to take off the intake the charge pipe the intercooler the air box the belt probably in either pulley maybe even the charger wheeler and Ice Cube juice pump not sure I got to get enough access in there to get the high pressure line off of the power steering pump which is the farthest down well it should show right here this guy down here well it's not even on here alternator idler yeah I guess that's it power steering pump that's what we're after don't ignore all the rust that's fine [Music] [Music] well I think we're finally there I got all this tore out basically just the air box and all the piping and the intercooler and I think I'm going to throw a new snake belt on her while we're at it Mazel this thing is we we know is you know a couple decades old but look at this not very efficient the other side is the same so I'm going to take the pressure washer wash that up get that nice and clean probably fogger down with some de 1635 same with the air box need to get an air cleaner in this thing that is well not good all of that work basically so we can get to that fitting right there that's the high pressure line out of the PS pump which comes in down here so that line we're going to be replacing because essentially we're going to be sending it up to the Hydro Boost back down here and then we need the T the return line to the reservoir right here we need to T that and that's also going to be going back there so we need access to that port and these fittings here and I think we got it finally I may also replace that idler pulley it's not in terrible shape seems to be rolling okay but boy I'd hate to do all this again just to put that in the future yeah water pump might not be a bad idea but sometimes she only needs what she needs sellers I think that pump is just fine so I'm going to lay the lines out here in a minute but I've basically stared this down long enough I think I've got it we're going to go from the pump over to this Inlet high pressure high pressure out over there to the rack and then the return from the reservoir we're going to tee off there and take that back to the return on the Hydro Boost that would be the lines that we have to run the most difficult well probably the one to the power steering pump because I can get to this one easy enough I'm going to open the kit throw it up on the boot back there take a look at it should have all the fittings and whatnots to make this happen I might start test fitting those and figure out which fit and goes where and then we could start cutting up line and making it so here we have our 274 kajillion PSI lines that we need to cut to fit and then the fittings for them here which I don't think I've ever done these are similar to am I guess we'll figure it out and then this is a push lock style stuff here for the low pressure return got a couple bendy Dew dabbers which I think one side is actually just a push on uh the Hydro Boost so they must be assuming we're going to be putting fitting into the gearbox and putting this onto there which we technically don't need to do there's already a fitting in it and line coming out I may just use new line and clamps put the T in T into the Rubber and then take the rubber right to the Hydro Boost and not have to put any new fittings in you're following what I'm hanging up in the tree here yeah I don't me either well I got that high pressure line out and off of there only busted my knuckle three times so that's good now I got to put connectors in here so we can make the lines I don't know what I'm doing but I can match things up you know what I mean so this fitting looks like the other line with the fitting over it and the O-ring and this should go on the pump and sure enough the biggest fitting in the bag is the only one that screws in there so that's got to be that one I'm guessing so now we just got to start the process of Rio assembly and as far as hose routing no idea zero instructions included perfect we don't need those anyway where we're going I think I'm just going to run that one I'm going to have a 90. so I'm going to try to I don't know if I could sneak it behind that pump because the other one had a crazy it went up back over down back this way well I'll show you there's no way we're doing this about the rubber line and what we got is that so somehow I gotta snake that through mock it up figure out my length pull it back out cut it snake it back through again I'm really not happy with this routing of this cable here but I don't have any other options because of the idler pulley that goes in front of it and I've got a 45 on this pre-made line I think this can come out of the way I've got it down here marked and then this fitting hits the fender well so that's as much room as I have there seems to be far enough away from the manifold so I'll take that line out and we'll cut it prep it and then install it again for the last time hopefully nope it's going to leak everywhere we'll have to do this again let's be honest let's find this hose here you'll see these marks I had made marks where I clocked it basically because we need this end to be at a specific rotation so this should hopefully end with that Mark against that Mark against that Mark so when we put this in these are adjusted correctly and we're not twisting or putting a loop in the line try to get this lined up now to cut it I just made a mark put it in here flat crunch it with the Vise and then I like to use the death wheel to cut this because there's a steel Center or like a woven Center on the inside of this kind of like coaxial cable and then the heat from the death wheel makes it melty as well and then I take a nice sharp scissors and just trim it up blow through it with brake clean or carb cleaner or something so there's no address in here and then we're going to go ahead and work this in now it's a good idea to lube this portion right here because as we thread this in that's going to be driving inside of the hose here so I'm just going to use some of this total Loop theremin makes lubrication you believe it well you're looking at it so it took every bit of 18 and a half minutes no 17-3 queer just to get this line on and this is why clocking is so important is the orientation that just came in because there's no room you can't be flopping lines and trying to put Kinks and twists in it and it was a nightmare but I think I got it started down here now that should hopefully be the worst one as far as the fittings go the other two are over here where I got a little bit more room it's not against the fender well but this again is a high pressure line from the pump to the Hydro Boost unit and the next one I suppose we'll do is high pressure from the Hydro Boost back to the gearbox and then we'll be done with the high pressure system side of it I don't know how tight to put these enough to where they leak you know especially if we're going to run decks in here it's extremely flammable and obviously we've got a lot of pipeage and going on anything spicy sure so the other hose here got started there I think I'm gonna go down I'll go under the cable and the other line but behind the hard lines on the brake shoot through here underneath the air box loop back around and then in this way because coming straight in is going to be too tight I think and I got enough line here probably going to be the best way and similar with that because I got to come off that nub there with the return so I don't want to come this way or upper any other direction because I'll get in the way of that and cross that up so this is probably going to be the best well we got the return line in there's a t right here all new line clamps and that return line comes up here into the Hydro Boost so I think at this point I'm going to go ahead and put the master cylinder in these are kind of like pegs see they screw into this unit and then we'll run the nuts down tight on the back side and then we got to vandalize these to fit properly because they used to come back into here now you've got to bend them try not to break them into that and then we'll be getting pretty close to shutting down for the night I'll probably you know powder coat these pressure wash that out and I'm going to go ahead and take the alternator the charging where they're out that bearing is getting close to going so I ordered a charger and I had their pulley and a snake belt those will be in tomorrow morning but we can get this out I guess I'm going to need that for the core anyway 26 dollars like it's just getting out of hand and we'll have everything ready for reinstallation but at least get the master cylinder mounted here well the next problem I got is this huh that don't look right oh wait there so I don't know I guess I'm gonna have to move this temporarily permanently something like that and figure out where it lands once that master cylinder is in there I hate to move it too far but it's got to go forward probably an inch at least well the mess continues with this out of the way and this approximately where it's going to go allegedly the lines are way out of whack and the bracketry is in direct competition for Real Estate with the rear line there so now I got to take this bracket off I should Loosely Mount that in see if I'm going to snap these off first then figure out what to do with that mess in all of the lines I just did well we're probably going to have to be redone okay I think I got it all figured out for now then we'll change it later had to disconnect the return line and the t's and all this to be able to move the Reservoir forward enough set that back in got that where I think it needs to go this is the original bracketry I'm going to cut this all up and make something custom to mount on the fender well and hold that tank now we'll have to re-plumb the return lines just like we said I would I already spun the original fitting around I think we'll have to Loop this way now stay out of the way of the air box in the intercooler and back into the tee [Music] bolted in and I got the lines bent where they just barely barely installed pop them back out because we need to bleed the system now some of you probably noticed hey wait a minute I never bled that before I put it on the rig and well if you've watched the show long enough you know that I don't do it that way because we could do it right here and then it's easier and less of a mess so this little kit came with it and basically when we're going to slowly pump the brakes it's going to be pushing fluid out right back into the reservoir when I release the pedal it's going to let air travel out we're going to keep doing it until we have no air bubbles now if you're not lucky enough to get one of the kit performance duels makes one you can get those little rallies they're super cheap they're like six bucks or something like that and it'll do essentially the same thing here so I'm going to go ahead and work that pedal nice and slow and try to get the bubbles out of this thing and we might even be able to bleed the brakes tonight if I tuck Jessica into helping me and then tomorrow we can do all that stuff I'm just excited to have brakes just got to be careful not to run the reservoirs dry as those air bubbles we don't want to work out of the system right there I can rock the pedal at the top get some air out [Music] talked my wife Jessica into helping me bleed the brakes we've been doing this many many years haven't we so I got a jacked up on jack stands she's going to bust the wheels off these are a little tricky these are lug nuts have these little decorative caps on them and they're all mangled up in different sizes but for me it's just easier to pull the tires off bleed them that way I can look for any leaks and stuff like that and if I remember right I got a bunch of these lines cobbled together so I'll make sure they're not leaking or bursting Under Pressure but that's what that system looks like arm and bled Sticker song Tire down there so funny what do you want these to go oh sword over there oh yeah hello old friend all right five times and hold on lots of air good news wheel cylinder is already moving again again all right let me switch sides is there building pressure already good well how's the pedal feel nice how do you like my seat final material pretty good good job another one blood okay I think I'm going to while I got this busted off got a powder coat frame it's front and rear muzzle original tag on there clean that up a little bit put a rust converter on it spray it down and then we'll get the tires and wheels back on remember how this one was really beat up and I had a hard time mounting it well I did a number on the rubber we got a pimple so we're gonna have to get some wheels for the Grand National unfortunately I'll probably get look-alikes the original wheels or something fiercely expensive and well it doesn't really you know matter that much well thanks for helping once again all right I'll get the cheek poker let's get after it rebuilding frame rebuilding whoa oh it gets squarely I think scale off looking good so I'm just gonna miss some Rust Street in here and it goes on clear but it'll turn a black color when it's finished attacking the surface rust here it's not a permanent fix just slows it down like my fuel line here let's go ahead and Spritz that too on the real wild houses or the dog houses here I'm gonna use rubberized undercoating from a dupli color it goes on you've seen me use it a billion times I mean I could spray it from back here and it just we'll fog that in and then d 16 34 1635 kind of a flat or semi-gloss black on this rebuild the brakes with that as well and this is going to look brand new in just a second here I don't know this stuff just kind of goes on clear see okay let's make a mess of it get it on there and let it eat and it'll just start turning black and that's when you know it's activated or whatever I don't know where science that happens I'm sure there's something in it you know but we'll get it up in here down in here my lines let this dry for a second and then we'll come back give her some color actually while this is drying I'll go hit the other side sandblast the other side you know what I mean pretty incredible but some rattle can restoration I'll do also coated the fuel tank I don't know it's just a raw tank with this stainless steel stuff here by Sable or 316l I don't know I like this stuff for transmissions cases transfer cases stuff like that fuel tanks it looks legit and it's got real metal here believe it or not okay the fronts are all dolled up as well as the rear so let's go ahead and get the tires and wheels back on this thing she is raining cats and kittens out might be a little noisy in here for a bit got the tires the wheels back on of course not to change there other than the Craigslist rebuilts behind them gonna move on to the bracket drive for the reservoir here [Music] oh [Music] so this is the original bracket that holds that reservoir on and it had this angle to it and this is where it mounted over in the center I just added a piece of Steel ain't pretty it's gonna work and uh punch the new hole so that's going to offset it and bring it over where now we can mount that Reservoir again right in front of the master cylinder here and then we can finish up this tee get that plumbed into the gearbox and that's the last line for the Hydro Boost gum drops and dinosaurs and ants with no legs these are a few of my favorite things hopefully this bracket try works I don't see why it wouldn't looking good Bobby there the reservoir is officially installed well got all the lions finished kind of ran them around this base that's where the air cleaner base is going to sit in there speaking of which I got that in the powder coating booth it's drying got off the charger really quick that was just a couple bolts and this still hasn't come in yet and the other part so I need to waste a little bit of time got the battery on boil because of course that's that's already down nothing new there let's go work on the seat a little bit so this thing is pretty well trashed I mean the feet are all messed up the slides are now messed up the motor I think I can get these motor casings and try to put together the innards again but I'm pretty sure I'm missing parts there even so I'm probably going to be on the hunt for a whole new seat but in the meantime we got to get this thing bolted to the floor so we can go for a test drive oh yeah or just sit on a cooler one of the two that's Plan B so I'm gonna try to make some feet that come off of this that we can bolt down I've kind of just cleaned it up right now I'm gonna start marking out some designs cut them out with the death wheel and then we'll just weld them on here Spritz it up with some paint so they don't look like that in two days and if all goes well I'll have measured correctly and this thing will actually bolt back in I just quick Knock these little plates out pretty similar to the shape that you know sheer Ridge comes with I'm gonna drill some holes in here Waller them out and then we'll just weld these right to the tracks that's kind of my plan there's something simple and easy and close to the original so it should line up and the elevation of the seat or the Tilted it should work [Music] seat brackets are done again not perfect but I think it's going to do the job by the way to get these tracks up all I did was put a power drill on here and just spun it and it brought the tracks up right truth of moments is it going to fit in the car it'd be nice if this just slipped right in there doubtful very but you never know okay yeah here we go I'll just give you the play-by-play here we got we got one side edge positive one-sided I think I can make it work by golly one side's a little bent up but such is life I'm a little backed up too oh there you go seed is in it's kind of weird though the seats kind of Twisted almost like it was pried on with miscellaneous large objects or something but we got a seat well it's official a winner has been randomly selected and verified to win the Buick Regal Mountain Dew car and five thousand dollars cash let's go ahead and give them a call right now hello hi is this Megan yeah well hey fella this is a guy at vice grip how you doing I'm doing great I was calling to congratulate you on winning the Mountain Dew car and five thousand dollars how does it feel yeah I gotta ask what did you win anything what are you doing huh well you won big this time what did you buy I'm curious I bought my husband's Father's Day gift I got him like the gasoline shirt nice and your uh your button-up shirt that you wear all the time yeah nice couple shirts cool you got big big plans for the car drive it have fun yeah very cool yeah all right well you guys can come pick it up down at the freedom factory in Florida how's that sound sounds exciting awesome very very cool well congratulations again we'll stay in touch if you have any more questions on it you got my number now so you could just give me a ring okay cool good awesome well again congratulations you're welcome bye well there you have it the winner is Megan G out of Michigan congratulations to her and her husband I probably could get a few more miles out of this air cleaner but I think we're gonna go ahead and pass in a new one got me a charging whirler this kind of reminds me of like the Corvette style cooler on here but it's got the right amount of ribs which you gotta pay attention to also the pins on your connector normally the older rigs are one or two pin this is like a four pin but it's only a one wire I it's I don't know make sure you got the right doodabs and whatnots is what I'm saying had to reuse the old idler pulley there is a new one on the way but it's not here till tomorrow and I really want to drive this thing so we're going to throw that on I got some hand towels for the bathroom silicone and uh new beltus so we'll go ahead and get this mounted back in get the snake belt back on then we can start on everything else the rain has let up for a couple minutes so I hope that we can pressure wash the intercooler get all this stuff nice and clean before we throw it back in here all right of course she ain't fitting very good but [Music] she's already been beat on like a screen door so this will be no different okay that should bought a house there see yeah that's looking pretty good charging wheelers back in went ahead and threw the new snake belt on this one's a little bit looser but I think it's going to work just fine KO 60640. I believe it's part number that seems to be doing okay-ish we'll just keep an eye if we get some slippage or some squealage we can tighten her up just to tackle now I got to run the support arm comes off the block down there comes up to this tag and this also bolts into that if I remember correctly yep something like that and that's the right side support for the intercooler there's the left side so once I get that arm in we got to go out and wash that intercooler so we can start putting that back in all the different piping there's a lot of it bracketry is in I had to use a new nut on this I don't know it was smoke for some reason but now I'm going to start working the air inlet side mass airflow sensor I got a new one I actually bought this well I guess it would be about a year ago for this car but it's just been sitting on a Shelf I'm gonna go ahead and put that in I started running the lines get the intercooler in which has been pressure washed and drying and then just start tidying all this stuff back up foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] National is back together we've got a Hydro Boost system in this now new master cylinder we cobbled in the old Lions we moved the reservoir over with a custom made bracket powder coated the air box there put a new air filter in it new mass airflow sensor cleaned up the intercooler got that back installed put on the new charger wheeler and new snake belt this thing is pretty much ready to rock we are missing one vacuum line I'm hoping it'll idle without it though it's time to fire this thing up saw the wheels get all the air and foam out of the system make sure that we've got well power brakes essentially and the power steering still works worst case scenario it looks like Yellowstone Yosemite geyser Stone Park the water that shoots out you know what I'm talking about we don't want that let's fire it up yes come on now Bland National bring in the Thunders fuel pump Prime oh there we go like I said we got a little bit of a vacuum leak here I plugged out with my finger sounds pretty good Hydro Boost is nice and quiet I was a little bit nervous about the noise there I gotta let go of this vacuum leak oh yeah doesn't like that at all but that's quick oh plenty of power steering wow that's great digital fans kicked on how about that can't believe it but I'm listening to it anywhoose I gotta run into town pick up some vacuum line just drop this thing back on the ground and finally after 20 plus years we could put this car back on the highway and go for a spin I am I'm uh look at my face I'm excited [Music] now you can hear it Gage says about 10 pounds just cruising that's pretty cool must not have any vacuum cleaner leaks this headliner is slightly and convenient but we're going to live with it look at this I can't believe I'm finally driving this car it's such a great feeling and you know some of you might think it's a pile of junk I get it all right but you know what I'm happy with it I work hard to get it and a lot of you guys listen you don't have to have a shiny rig and a bunch of money in it all the doodabs and whistles and Chrome cares go drive the thing and enjoy it and have fun and that's pretty much what I'm doing right now in the world's junkiest world's junkiest Grand National the one and only Bland National just kind of cruising right now this thing hasn't been on the road in so long letting everything kind of work letting the oil and the rear gets splashed around the transmission seems to be shifting fine here in a minute we'll throw some boost this is at it see what happens I have no idea it could not go good wish boy it sure feels zippy oh she's popping pretty good right there there it goes whoa man these things are quick I've wanted one of these cars since I was a little boy they were the baddest machine back then and I tell you what they still move it breaks up a little bit still but we gotta work on her you know this poor thing's been a long nap and now we're just throwing the turbo at it foreign here holy cow still breaking up a little but it's getting better [Music] well everything seems to be going fine so far it's not getting hot I don't got an oil pressure gauge but I don't hear any tickets it's uh man it's starting to run really strong just the more I drive it you just gotta bring them around get the cobwebs out of them I'm Gonna Keep cruising Until Dark basically it looks like I got headlights never really jacked I got dash lights AC doesn't work fuel gauge is in and out don't know what must be the cluster because the unit is new the RPM gauge is stuck wide open I like that boost schedule speedometer works so we're just just cruising right now let this old girl just stretch its legs a little bit and I'm having a blast doing it [Music] [Music] fans is running she's a little hot hey the Bland National is officially back on the highway I cannot tell you how good it feels to just drive this car I've drank many cold snacks of wobble pops next to this thing just planning and thinking about that moment and I had so much fun I didn't even check the lights until I was on the road I never turned the radio on or nothing I was just in the moment cruising having fun and that's what it's about with these classic cars now we've still got some things to work out on this thing obviously and dark is upon us unfortunately I'm not going to get the pressure washer to clean it up to paint tonight but it's coming soon we'll pressure wash this thing we'll clean it up got some ideas on the paint we've got to swap out the wheels they're all bent and beat up and the rubber is barely hanging on we've got some issues with the engine still it's breaking up not making full Boost could be a vacuum leak I'm not really sure seems like it's running really rich so I've got to take a look at that so you guys have anything else you want to see with the blind National bleep bloop it down there below and hey did you know there's a bland National t-shirt yeah over at if you want to show your support for this old guy here thanks guys for watching appreciate it very much we'll see you very soon foreign [Music]
Channel: Vice Grip Garage
Views: 1,238,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motortrend, roadkill, vice grip garage, vise grip garage, vgg, turbo, boosted, turbo car, grand national, gnx, turbo t type, t type, regal, buick, factory turbo, hydro boost, brake conversion
Id: MdSYzq0u8qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 54sec (3894 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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