Don't Hate Me For Wrecking The Customers 4Runner!

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we're smelling some sort of smoke so we got a call actually I didn't get the call Tom got the call I got the call when he was out of town he's back but it's for a job up here Forerunner that lost a ball joint so we've got the wrecker behind us we're going to take it up here and go get him so I stepped off a plane straight into hefe's truck loaded to the with the heavy wrecker on the back so I'm still kind of jet lagging but I'm out there we'll make sure he doesn't fall asleep it's like 85 degrees today it's going to be nice up here on the mountain rat was in Florida too yeah I'm a little tired right now been a while since I had a good job excited to be out here we'll get a map [Music] so the wrecker is kind of broken but that means it kind of works we're hoping it works enough today to get this one out so this job is up on Cedar Mountain or Summit Mountain if you want to be technical we're kind of guessing what the best way is in here because there's multiple pots we're trying to take the smoothest shortest easiest but it's just a guess because I'm not super familiar I'm not familiar either [Music] I said I'm not familiar with the area and that's true we have however done a lot of jobs in this area but doing a lot of jobs in the area and being familiar with the area aren't exactly equal we've done one where a van shot off over the edge that was last winter you were on that one yeah I was there that was a good one that was one of my first jobs when I moved down here oh nice we had a truck stuck out in one of the things and we're stuck we are stuck we've done multiple bombie jobs with things with up of the cabinets up higher we did a really big one with the Bombi where we went clearing and rescued a snowmobile and a four-wheeler with tracks but I just I just haven't had my boots on the ground here a ton to know like how these roads are and so we're going to be learning together today it's like 70 degrees now and it's feeling good you're probably wondering why you haven't seen the wrecker on any recoveries Tom why not because we haven't been taking it on any okay we're on the road it's about to get to be back in the saddle again I love love love this record that's where we're going thank you we just slid there a little bit I forgot to tell you we've got the guys from PSC here because they're going to be helping Tom work on dig duck yeah Tom the owner and his son Josh are falling behind in a brand new jeep that they built and already modified the steering on it we run PSC stuff on the banana the the heavy wrecker opens on the record front and back yeah so they came out here to hang out with us and to help get dig duck steering up to spec so yeah they're just tagging along today to see if we really do what we do [Music] all right looks like we are on one of the blue roads in Brian Head have you ever skied here Matt I have never skied here I have snow Tunes here so it takes skill and athleticism to be a skier so I'm definitely more of a snow tuber sledder Trader guy what does that take it takes endurance and like the ability to absorb punishment I'm not saying it's a it's a skill of sport I'm just saying it's different than skiing uh check out the views up here this is awesome so one of the worst things about living in southern Utah and one of the reasons why you would never want to move here is because you can be from beautiful desert Vistas to incredible Alpine mountain Terrain in just a few minutes it is just beautiful and gorgeous and amazing and that's why you would not like it sounds horrible thank you [Music] [Music] finally it's getting interesting Siri says my destination's gonna be on the left I met with the customer and we looked at the map and we picked this pin out together this is what he thought was the right spot we'll see how close it is oh this isn't the real pin no this isn't a pain from when he was stuck here oh no this oh I'm getting this information in real time how confident was he married maybe he was familiar with it what color are we looking for black for a splash of block how did he get out of here I think he had a friend come and pick him up they turned it around they drug it off the road he said it's propped up on a log I'd have brought more water had I know this okay we're at the pin this is where the customer said he was we're not seeing anything yet he said it was a tight windy road customer came through woohoo and you're right it is oriented correctly check that out rigged up a log like a ski I've never seen that before cell service I'm glad we found it well he got him a log tied to it looked like that didn't work very well all right so here's the problem this is broken so it looks like the lower ball joint come apart oh man it snapped off right there they oh they even tried to fix it snap the bolts off of it yeah so the ball joints in but these studs they are all broke off that of course pulled the CV axle out he tried to strap it up and get out of here but he realized quickly that he couldn't and so he just got it propped up on this log so that people could get around him that's dangling pretty good huh yeah we'll strap it up a little more we'll strap it up a little more let's get it picked up we talked to him about what was going to happen to his front bumper because we're gonna have to swing it out of here modern cars aren't made to be picked up by a sling so he's aware that when we pick it up there'll be some rubbing on this plastic bumper and he's aware and okay with that that's a rear bumper too those are sought after the radiator is what's going to take the beating what do we gotta hook to way back no we got to go far back we can hook Karen here and save the radiator put a Shackle in there to keep our or we can go some break around here and here to the a arms and then do it and then go up underneath here the slings need to be under here because if they go under here they'll tear the radiator apart this road is we could get the front into this really high so the ink there's not a lot of pressure you don't have any big drop offs or anything to worry about I'm gonna come down here I think my best spot to turn around you're gonna go past him yeah I think I'm just going to turn around right here with uh do a little Austin Powers thing up back up back oh [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] right there keep coming that's good stop you have the key that I gave you at the shop yeah you don't oh my God why is this messing with you ah go start it that's punishment all right so this isn't how I don't think this is going to be the finished product but we do want to swing this out and get it picked up and look at it so we're gonna do the best we can oh my goodness we got some logs to undo here they did a good job getting this rigged up and getting it off the trail though there's a hook right here should I hook on that literally is the hook okay that pops off that's good why does this side pop off does this side pop off too no but that'll give us some protection there they jump in fire it up yeah take a little bit more be back [Music] we're moving I'm still in park is that where you want me yeah [Music] yeah let's get that log out from underneath there okay so are you liking this attachment I don't know I just want to get the log out of the way in this let's put a shock on so yeah so we're not cutting those okay beautiful what if we get those wide straps to put up over the bumper that's what I'm thinking minimize the crinklage here so if we went around here and then laid them on the outside of here under here let's do that so these are the guys we were talking about we got Tom and Josh from PSC they're supposed to be helping us with Dig Dug but instead we drag them all the way up on the top of this mountain to uh I don't know why enjoy the cool weather yeah enjoy the cool weather where do you want it um let's just let's just run this through I will duplicate the exact same thing on this side and where they're laying is gonna be like the most important so I'll pull this if you want to push this just needs to lay on the outside of that it's going to be out here like this you think that's the best can we lock it in place with a well that's just kind of be a guide I think it'll just sit on there I don't I can't imagine it doing anything else I'll put some pressure on it yeah just guide it while you put the pressure off yeah it's okay I hate that but there's nothing you can do yep I mean sort of take this whole bumper off and then you just have the problem up higher yeah okay Rhett okay I'm ready I was talking to Rory about this because I asked him I'm like what do you do when they're clear back there you got to get them out and their bumpers are terrible and he says I just give them the option of leaving it there or Towing it out so you can have it there with a pretty bumper or you can have it out with a bumper with scuffs on it I don't like it I don't think Rory likes it but it is what it is thank you what do you think I think it looks like a relaxing ride out I tried to talk them out on the phone about strategy for getting this on the trailer and his strategy was we'll figure that out tomorrow when we get there I hate planning for the future it's kind of like vacation so when we go on vacation Jamie wants to plan everything like we're gonna go do this on this day this on this day this on this day this on this day when we get there nothing works out we just do fun stuff that we just want to do like oh let's go do this this looks like fun and we go do that thing that's kind of how I live my whole life I just don't plan for tomorrow we'll just I'll just figure out when I get there if I plan for it we probably won't do it anyway I agree that is exactly how he lives his life do we want to hold those up a little bit better with some of these straps or you think it's good the the Broken Wheel yeah let's take a look how bad are we flopping okay the a arm's not bad but this right here yeah I don't want it to bounce off and drag I'm planning ahead right now for the thing that we're doing right now right this has wheel spacers on it that's why I broke there's no there's no just go around this whole thing and just yeah we could I'd like it'd be nice to get it in a hole hook it somewhere like that let me try that that helped what if you run one from the frame right here around to that Loop I'm just going to pull it in tight yep we got one more here so put it on that'll ride all right Tom are you driving this out or is Rhett yeah I can I can drive you're in neutral I'll drop down to two when we get going faster okay we're going downhill [Music] I think this is going to go out pretty smooth it's a little weird the steering wheel does nothing and so all you can do is look at this boom and try not to run into it all right I'm gonna we're gonna try to get to a steady Pace here and let you figure out what gears work the best but I'll give you a warning when I'm gonna be slowing down so you know to downshift or break or something sounds good you keep winning to turn but that's not gonna do anything all I can do is ride the brake just the right amount [Music] the total feeling of like total power when you've got a rig on the back of this and this is like a tractor it just goes it can't be described it has to be experienced but man I love this thing would it be better if it were a diesel are you kidding me uh get that diesel out of here [Music] I hope so too did we miss a turn off that they're going back to no that was a question we had originally but Matt says no [Music] all right we're good I'm gonna come back in front of us all righty so they did make a wrong turn and we did make a wrong turn too but now we're committed to it we're gonna find out where this road goes and if it can get back where we need to be just he's on the brakes Tom Tom in the Jeep Tom in the Jeep come back Tom can you call those guys and see if they have cell phone service okay we're lost what are you thinking we're following the Onyx Maps now so who knows foreign that was the road well we got skunked pretty bad we are at a dead end but we've lost uh Tom and Josh from PSC I thought this was the right Road it wasn't they don't know because they're from Texas I know better well we've made a couple really bad decisions so we're gonna make a good decision an important decision we're going to backtrack to where we made the first mistake and then we're going to correct it there instead of trying to find alternate routes back through the woods but so far has been wasting time causing us Harden all right this is where the mistake was made we finally came back here to correct it that should be a lesson to you you can't run from your mistakes you can't figure out a way around them you have to go back and fix them therapy with Matt Matt what about all the mistakes I made in high school you're saying I can't I can't grow from that you're gonna have to go back to high school and fix them back back to school back to school to prove to Dad that I'm not a fool I'm smelling some sort of smoke electrical or I see smoke I see it physically right here it smells like wood [Music] I think it's just burning all this ATF it's on this bottom plate it's definitely melting we have wood in there what see that wood under there yeah worried about this over here oh yeah we need to put that glue tread on there yeah uh what do we do to get the wood out use other wood wood this is precisely what we need okay well that's going to be a maintenance item keeping that one smoking up here washed out from debris oh you got more sticks man but this is full of oily sand it's just touching the exhaust the whole way we need to get that whole exhaust ceramic coated okay well not as scary as it seems you're not worried about drums no they're smart they've done the Mohawk that's kind of how you roll all right all right it's all downhill from here hey you guys made it awesome so did we eventually and we wondered what we're pretty sure we all missed the curve back here Brett I need that done it it's touching the tire s okay how do you like that you should go right in just go right up right in theory in theory he says did we measure and make sure this would fit on the record it will same okay try to make this a little a little easier okay you in Drive I don't know how much gas I'd give it probably not all right it's go time half a foot you're there are we loaded where are we at now that doesn't sound good it fell off the ramp it fell off the wood oh yeah okay you can drive we're gonna do this in steps all right gas not much okay go ahead and put it in park to set the brake and roll the windows up and turn it off and you were worried Tom Tom doesn't get worried Tom's just smart that's the difference you heard of blissfully ignorant that's me all right so I guess there's two ways to solve your problems I thought you had to go back and fix them where you made them but these guys just pressed on and Found A New Path and these just need to be snugged they don't need to be fixed all right we got it loaded on the trailer we're gonna take it down drop it at the repair shop and whatever it is it's somebody else's problem now that went really good I thought that could have been way harder we were able to find them wrecker pulled it out beautifully that was awesome that's supposed to jump [Applause] thanks for watching we don't need this do you I'm gonna send it over that log would look good in my fire too late man
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 1,414,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off road recovery, Rescue, Matts off road recovery, Sand Trap, road recovery, Recovery, Difficult rescue, Winder Towing, Towing, Sand dunes, dunes, Jeep, Sand Hollow, utah, off road recovery fails, off road recovery truck, Rescuing, matts off road recovery, morrvair, banana, off road recovery, jeep recovery, off road towing, off road fails, broken down, off road sand dunes, truck stuck in mud, insane off road, off road over the edge
Id: qJqUs1DNxyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 58sec (1498 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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