I bought a Classic Mustang SIGHT UNSEEN! - Will It RUN AND DRIVE 300 miles?

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guys way up in North Central Kentucky right on the border of Indiana and Anna pretty sure yep guy bought this in 1966 Ford Mustang sight on scene on the interwebs saw a couple pictures and yep that's good enough I'll take it of course it hasn't run in over a decade or more and been off the road even longer than that so I'm going to do the right thing and try to fire this thing up and drive a 300 miles home positive cage even I'll be dipped [Music] [Applause] [Music] we got flakage in the paint and I ain't kidding now The Story Goes On this rig here there is one I don't know nothing about it and the nice fella I bought it from well he doesn't know nothing about it either see he found it in the field he had just been sitting out there rotting away and he and his whole family are Ford Fellers didn't like seeing that and I don't blame him so he snagged on it set it up here in his driveway for a long time and he's got Mustangs all over this place and just never quite got to this one decided to let her go and I've been looking for a 66 specifically for a very very long time this is actually the first car that I was paid to work on when I was a very young man not this exact one but a 66 with the 289 and a four-speed this particular rig has a six in a row ready to toe nope six in a row ready to blow now six and in a row ready to go maybe we'll figure it out should be a 200 that's what they came with but let's take a walk around this thing and see if we can figure anything out about it maybe there's some history or some of them receipts I don't know some call them receipts or something in there and I guess we'll have to see if it's actually feasible this thing's going to fire up and go down the road on its own previous owner did say and I know for a fact this front left tire locks up I can see skid marks everywhere so we've got a spindle issue bearing issue brake issue all seven of them I don't know we're gonna have to put some work in today though Fellers that's for sure well the first thing I noticed here Feller is is the paint and the body work or maybe lack thereof or just old but it's been painted and it's got this like silver flake or Pearl in it kind of looks like a late 80s maybe mid 90s 97 88 I don't know okay it's been painted on we got some pretty thick primer or body filler epoxy there's Bondo it's got a little bit of everything but overall this quarter doesn't have too much weight reduction poverty cap got all four can't believe it but I guess I got to looking at it rockers who knows what's under the trim there we're seeing some bubblage right there not so much here but right there again we got some paint peelage no idea what that is probably a really nice looking color back in the day I imagine it was a lot darker red like a deep burgundy or wine color she got clobbered that's too bad still got the badges on the side of course you don't see the 289 or anything like that tires are dry rotted Daytons quadras C say I don't know I got different tires for the rig bumper might come back around with some steel wool and some elbow grease not quite sure moss and mold Grill that's a factory option get it straight off the assembly line like that I can't believe that didn't get taken out it's pretty complete this Fender seems to be in better condition than the other we even got the mouse dang on there on this side poverty cap pretty solid hood springs you got an issue there got some sort of JC Whitney leaf protector upper guard front glass is looking pretty snazzy not a single crack in there I better I better maybe add one so I feel better just took the rubber off we'll put that back pretend that didn't happen this door I'm told does not close that is confirmed although it does swing nice so that's fine got some sausage oh here's some yeah oh this is a drifting hole I've been running into these a lot lately wind comes in and brings the tire smoke and aerodynamicies up through this stuff here so we'll leave that basically much more worser down there never pretend I didn't see that at all again we've got some heavy filler it's not Factory filler some of them was really in there digging around whoops okay back glass excellent condition almost scary nice back leads in really good shape might have to pull this window out try to prevent this from rusting through you don't want that believe you me got the tail lips still in it Chrome's still on it these lenses are nice well I would say them probably been replaced on Fellers to be honest rear bumper again that might clean up a little bit of a ding dang it right there but it's the way she goes this is what I like about these Mustangs really cool Boop Boop gasoline is right there that's where it goes more mosage moldage that one maybe doesn't look replaced maybe it was not sure underneath oof we got Muffler Edge a single pipe later of course but overall not a bad looking rig I mean from like 112 feet might look pretty good actually see and then if you dip just a little bit see that not bad well I think where we should start Fellers let's get back in that trunk see what we got going on I don't think a guy's ever seen keys this worn out there's it's this there's this is just a stick there's like no shape or teeth or nothing on this so the good news is if a guy ever wants to steal my Mustang any flat piece of metal ought to get it done see which one of these Works back here yeah I don't even know if this is going to work foreign up down vertical Circle Shake pound twist pound twist wow help me understand this oh that was easy oh it's actually got some goodies in here oh man this paint used to be snazzy and I ain't candy smells like the bottom of a keg and old deck staying or something it's not it's stings the nostrils in there I'll show you we got marriage that's neat are you missing that I guess I didn't even pet oh we are I'll be dipped not anymore just need some self-tappers bumper guards arm restage and mint condition brand new some sort of floor mat oh okay got some booze bottles up there that's fine we'll just ignore that oh there you go broken tail lenses so these were replaced see they just stick out they're too shiny I wonder what that was not sure got some weight reduction a couple speed holes back here got some luggage vents over here I mean it's got it all we got some light bulbs Teflon tape I didn't even need to bring any tools there's a screw probably use that on the mirror but good news is no water pump or head gasket or charger whirler or lightning system or anything like that back here small trunk I'd say one body tops you know I think before a guy pops the old Power Barn let's jump inside and see if we could find any other goodies and I just want to take a gander at this four speed that's got me jazzed right up easy Open Door a lot of the same smell nope with just a hint of Grandma's Shoe Closet it's kind of strange I think the last time this was driven to town she might have been booze cruised and there is some spilling you know what I mean it's Hefty all these things are so neat The Styling of these early Mustangs just can't beat them yeah don't worry about this here this is a factory option it's an additional storage feature from Ford you just you hide stuff from them see just like that sure maybe we can fix that door latch we got window Edge look at this thing it's pretty nice we got positive headlinerage I mean it's full of mold but it's up still up in there that's good seats are pretty well well I wouldn't say they're shot a little bit of black speed tape bring them back around I was told that this hook to that hooked to the door is what keeps the door shut so that's pretty neat it is a four speed that is excellent news we got uh 99 000 658.2 mileages on it is this 99 I don't know pedals boy that's hard to say hard to say you guys let me know what you think 99 or 199 maybe it's 299 what do we got back here Car Coverage that's good wow look at that seat that is in great condition that's brand new I just need some spit shine that lead ain't too bad yep it's shot that's fine something just broke in the front end we'll ignore that okay well Good Start let's get on the other side pop the Old Mitten Box open see what we got going on in there look at this door panel and that armrest it's an actually really good condition more of the same on the seedage just the sun you know the citruses the vitamin C got in them a little too hard I better get my rust Checker in here I got a specific tool tells you if you got rust in the floor yeah we're good back there what about up here foreign over here and a touch there but not too too bad right oh excuse me more accurate see oh we got tape deckage no well we're gonna have to try that out right away I do have one of the largest collections known and now the southeast of the United States of America what do we got here what do we got what do we got what have we got here how do you what do we got inside of this how do you get in you gotta um I'm gonna say there's no paperwork in there so we're just gonna got the badge though so overall not too bad of an interior Fellers I have ridden and worse look at that well once a guy figures out how to stand back up knees are locked you know get under the power Barn here and see if that 200 is in there still and complete hopefully you know although a guy does appreciate on the Fords oh and a lot of them actually I'm not an expert I don't got all of the histories locked into the brain bucket but I'm pretty sure in 66 you had your option of the 206 cylinder or you can get the 289 with the two Bearer or the 289 with a four barrel or get this you can get a 289 High Pole I don't know this is better or something should I have an Autolite Single Barrel on it and if you ordered the Sprint package this little six Banger and have a chrome air cleaner I said it Chrome air cleaner if you ordered it that way all right trying to remember all that operate these oh yeah the Springs are definitely got to get some juice on them right away well we got an engine Edge under the power Barn that's good definitely is the 200 without a doubt and I see Chrome air cleaner Edge I'll be tips I'll get you in here fomoco got the bag in it still I can't believe it but I guess I got to I'm looking right at the thing well just poking around in here for a few minutes Fellers I believe we have completed I mean it looks to be all there and between their cleaner and this bag that's worth more than anything under this entire Hood under here we got slight speed holes where the battery goes that seems fine steel me Junction still there fuel filter from the 70s that's proved the previous owner told me he started farting around on her put in some lightning hoses and sparklators which is great because that saves me like 100 bucks right there and he also drained the fuel tank he said it was really varnishing and put in a couple gallons of fresh gas but that was years and years ago so we'll probably have to do the same but never got it running just kind of started going through the process it just didn't quite get there but I'm seeing the springs on the z-bar the pedal Master is in there we got an old school motocraft oil filter it's hoses are rock solid and ready to burst so we're going to leave them alone most likely charging wheelers on it melts on it we'll have to see if this thing actually turns over still here in a minute original block you can see the photo mode goal stamp down there all the freeze plugs still in it that I can see so that's also good news I wonder let's go ahead and just check on the juice right now what do we got what's in here full of green stuff that's my guy it's nice when you get cars like this from Mustang owners because they know how to treat them you know or store them up look at this color how it used to be boy I bet that was pretty back in the day when she was fresh you know what I mean hoof although I'm not seeing the sparkles maybe they was on a budget and only you know sprinkle the sparkles on the top not on the undersides who knows we might have a shot here fellas of course we don't know how the clutch is the transmission the rear end and then we've got locked Wheels that's going to be a big thing there these little buzz saws here put out 120 horsepowers I know right Brown 4400 RPM or somewhere around there I think a lot of that had to do with the compressions on her 9.2 to 1 actually in this little unit I'm going to try to spin it over by the belt see if this thing still rotates get 360 degrees out of it might be a little taunt on account of the compressions same in the speculators are still in here but we'll see this is going to tell us if we're going to have a good day or if we're going to be you know in the fisticuses with the engines of pressure on the Belt whoop oh there she went there's definitely a ring Ridge or something about halfway around I can hear compression which is good means the Rings are trying to do something I think I made it all the way around that's good news man Ford built some really really Stout six cylinders it's probably in my personal opinion the best thing they did was the 306 and the 206 and pretty awesome engines okay well engine turns that's great news we've got a fighting chance to get it running but we're going to switch gears here here's why no matter what I own this puppy I'm gonna have to figure out a way to get it home and ain't gonna happen on these tires telling you that right now I did order some new ones and I actually got them here at the house so I think what we're going to do is just go completely backwards Jack this thing up bust these tires off run down to the tire store get the new ones mounted and have those here so end of day however it shakes out at least we could try to roll this thing around or get it on a U-Haul or I don't know what we're going to do hopefully drive it home but we got to have some good tires to do that so these ones just ain't gonna make it body tags still there that's good okay plan [Music] [Music] foreign they're going to try to work me in before five so I just dropped them off they're gonna give me a call once they get them mounted and balanced I got some pretty neat tires from Coker I'm excited to show you guys you know me with tires and wheels I always got to do something a little bit different I've never done this on the channel yet before but I think you're gonna like it trying to get this Hood Jew stuff currently tighter than my wallet you know so it barely opens this is what I'm saying a lot of them tires are getting done we got a lot of work to do Fellers normally if the guy's you know close to home or up in the barn I can really you know sink his teeth in and take his time on some of this stuff but we ain't got the time we got 300 miles to get home that's what we got so we should just jump right in see if this thing spins over by the starter get this thing to fire off and make some noise test the clutch make sure the rear end is doing rear end stuff and then we'll be in pretty good shape and then we can move on to what I think is going to take the bulk of the time which is why do the front tires not want to turn or roll they're not it's not doing Tire things is what I'm saying which also means there's probably no breaks haven't hit that pedal yet because you know how that goes well I think first things third here a guy's going to get the fuel line disconnected from the tank in the back right at the fuel pump here so if she does spin over we're not cyclizing mystery material into the fuel pump make it happen here because you know me I planned and didn't bring one so that's good so I want to get this line off of here oh she's crispy anyway oh it's just falling apart in my hand actually is this is this how we're gonna start our friendship you're gonna struggle the whole time just I just want you to come off of there I just need you oh for this oh my ears just got hot that's usually when a guide is known to throttle down a little bit you know there we go that was easy yes this guy here is just completely crispy and look at that so we're gonna replace on that anyway is that one loose down there well how come it was so easy on this end it wasn't anyway so that's pretty good to go now we're going to throw a battery in here and get this Scotty previous owner threw in a new battery well it's from April but a couple years ago but still it's new and then we got some other digital stuff we got seat covers I mean they've been in a box a bit and seat foam so we got some stuff to do plus look at that beautiful thing Moses sandals well I can tell that he and I are friends because he got a battery with the gold handle here but the posts are wrong so we're just gonna twirl on it and now the posts are right you know what I mean get this down in here oh there ain't much there ain't much holding on to stuff both the cables are red Anti-Theft make it confusing so when someone goes to steal your rig they just burn the thing down instead you know what I mean especially if you got a Ford because well they're easy to steal these caps I just who invented these why are they on here oh okay okay whoever made these I just want them audited I said it I'm sorry I'm sorry it came to that but it's true okay fire test I'm gonna get the sad cable on here first that's the red one then we're going to take the positive cable I was in a good mood that's the red one we're just going to tap tap it on here not seeing any sparkles we're gonna go ahead and seat it and then you know get around a little bit we're looking for fire mainly or smoke because where there's smoke there's smell or something like that speaking of smell didn't smell anything burning nothing seems to be getting hot there's only three wires in this whole car and I'm looking at them so yep fire test passed she's not going to burn down got my Lone Wolf six thousand you know she's like a lies right in here one just goes to a positive side and the other one goes to s on the relay I believe that means sapphires the guy that designed this ignition relay here was a gem collector no not even close probably means start not sure here we go [Laughter] okay well it's spinning over and it's squealing and making weird noises battery is good that's good news let's try it again listen now [Laughter] okay battery's dead so that's good you know the other thing is the engine actually rolls over with the starter which is great easy to get to I mean I could hook my teeth on it from here but you're going to find it in stock you know it's spinning over pretty good it's actually spinning over pretty evenly so we might not have stuck rings and stuff like that although I did feel the ring Ridge when we first popped her loose so I'm going to take this new battery back out and then I'm going to put the new battery in that I brought which has been swapped between I don't know 12 or 13 cars and never charged perfect super starts this one runs at 58 RPM apparently I don't know what that means posts are on the right side so we'll just ease this down in this one's got 580 cranking amps so should put that starter in the Tokyo Drift mode what was that noise something digitalized I don't know what it was let's try it again I just want to just want to make sure everything's good here so far we're just it's going good okay wow what is that I got fire and what's going on here wow I just can't believe it but my good battery is dead hey I think Scotty's got a battery charger around here I saw oh there it is right there that'll fix it this clamp tightened up but of course this one was spinning and the nut is just stuck so I did the right thing and installed a new clamp on there another trick here guys you can just run a screw in between this clamp and the post and that'll bite and eat in there and expand that up enough to get that out of there if and a guy doesn't have the best tool ever made laying around guy wants to run these Chargers on boil mode and if you got the time just let him sit out there and shop for a week two until you could smell that acid just wafting through the air that's when you know they're ready to use you know so our original plan got negated by the new plan but we're going to have to replan the replan on a count of the less voltages we need here so while this is doing that I think what's going to happen is we need to get over here on the captain's side front she's locked up tighter than Alcatraz take that all apart see what's going on in there of course I don't have any Brake Hardware you know I think I might got a wheel cylinder or something but it could be the bearings I'm not sure I don't know we're just let's get in there and take it apart and see what we got yeah get out of that well why doesn't just banging on it remove it I don't understand what's going on we got a spring lifter in here that's neat worn out tie rod ends expected there we go you know I'm really really happy that the engine rolled over like that that's fantastic news but tell you what Fellers and the three fellets watching we ain't out of the tree row yet you know what I mean we got a lot of there's a lot of stuff going on here we're just gonna have to methodically is that only in music or is that in general I don't know we're going to have to systematically go through this all with the pla no we're just gonna figure it out as we go that's what I'm trying to tell you [Applause] not battery charger turned off already can't be yeah that was easy too this should be a dust cap okay that's off well that wasn't over tightened which is good news but yeah so I think I think what's going on here is when you change your shoes but you don't change your drums you start wearing a Groove and then puppies and them shoes end up wearing up into that drum so far that their lip and then when a guy tries to remove it you can't remove it on account of the lip that we just previously talked about and you know looking at the rest of this rig it's probably likely just drop all your bearings here in the dirt and I'll be fine what do we got tell me tell me what's going on yeah that's fine okay I need to get I need to get some some like tools and pry bars or something where am I 3755 hours later this is off and we did pretty good keeping the destruction somewhat down and you know it was a little bit locked up not gonna lie looks like we got our parts there dirt daubers got in here and just did the thing bearing slid off as well we can ease that back in this drum see some metal and metal there or something but sure enough there's that lip I was talking about feathers so I think what I'm gonna do and I'm running out of daylight today which I was hoping to have this thing on the road by tonight but that ain't gonna happen I might call around and see if there's somewhere in town that still turns drums I know no one has one in stock and I want to save some money anyway because well here it all is right there anyway so if we could turn this for 10 bucks that would be nice and then I got to see if I can ease all this stuff back together just a little bit good news is the bearings you know hello yeah they're happy so that's good I found an O'Reilly's right down the street and they said they could turn these puppies so I'm gonna run down there have them do that and then I can scoot around a little bit in the aisles and pick up some other stuff that I forgot as well so now that a guy's got a fresh drum you know brand new we're gonna go ahead and replace and rebuild all of the brake hardware in here I already put a new wheel cylinder in and my theory is the wheel cylinder got stuck out and that's what drove the shoes into the drum and created that wedge so let's go ahead and fix all the other stuff in here there we go yeah just some brake Rejuvenation spray this will bring it all back around new hardware see that oh this is brand new now let this dry for about a minute 32 seconds pop that drum back on and we're good to go guy went ahead and cleaned up the race in here repacked this bearing you know we got some miles to go if it was a short jaunt like 50 miles or something yeah but 300 we don't want to lose that filler this is a good old school National made in the USA so you know I trust on it we just cleaned her up put her back together I'm an old school Feller I just pack them in my hand get a blob of Grease up here and just start working it through there's other ways to do it they got little tools and stuff how do you guys pack your bearings bleep bloop it down in the comments I'm just I'm curious as to what the majority does you want you want just a little bit of resistance in here Feller kind of just hear it dragging lightly but it still you know spins you don't want it too taut you're going to heat this thing up and lock it down again you don't want it too loose because you're going to max out your wheel cylinder and you're going to be jerking different directions and whatnot so take your time setting up your original spacing and then you can always adjust it with your spoon back here on the dial or enter this is the outside bearing here this one was really boogered up and it's worth mentioning get these really clean like this where they roll freely before you repack them don't just start jamming fresh grease into old grease ain't really going to help you out this is some spicy tuna roll brand so this one's been replaced the inside wheel bearing is definitely older I'm going to pack this up and button up that side yep [Music] um I think I just swallowed a beetle anyway the real feel is now a very balmy 19 degrees with some wind so that's good as the sun's going down I figured it would be a good time to reflect just kind of pause and update you where we're at well still not running clutch no idea transmission unknown rear end it's there I don't know if it you know Works battery is still boiling it's not wanting to hold a charge but the left front wheel rolls so I mean we're doing fine I mean we're just everything's looking up okay so don't worry about it I think we should probably go ahead and just see if this thing is gonna fire up now and then we can move on to if it does changing on the oil and this and that like I say it's a good thing it's already got speculators and lightning hoses that save some money I got a new cap and that box he gave me maybe we throw that on probably not waste of time and money and once we get it running then we can move on to some other stuff you know I'm kind of thinking maybe we just keep going down the line of the brakes I know haven't heard it fire off yet but either on who or way we're going to have to have at least 22.93 breaks to do anything in the future so I'm going to pop this cap off here and see if we got any juice in here or what's going on I don't think that's going to come off I'm going to pop this cap off here there we go had to get the numb mitt on there that way you can squeeze the hard you break your own bones but don't care you know okay there's chunks of plastic coming out of here whoops okay and it is empty so no point in hitting the pedal we know it's going to go right to the floor and all that's going to do is just suck a bunch of air into the system which there already is I get that but we don't want more air more error mostest air anyway we don't want to hire quantity you know what I'm saying let me get some juice guy's got a mess like you wouldn't believe in here I've Been Working on the Railroad nope still literally have not need to delete that one out of my song bank I think thirsty little devil got any bubbles coming up oh I haven't seen yet I don't know is that enough for now I'm Gonna Leave the diaphragm out for now just put the cap on because what we're going to do is just really gently press on the brake pedal and just try to ease and feed some juice down there if I put that diaphragm in it's going to spill all this back out immediately easy open okay I don't think I'm gonna fix that it's pretty convenient see what we got here quite a zero pedal zero battle come on bring something around we're just trying to see if this master cylinder is actually going to work the terrifying thing working on these old rigs with the brakes you got to get into the master cylinder which you can replace they have rebuild kits too but getting the lines off without just you know doing that whatever that meant it's not good hey something's starting to happen something I don't know I don't know that it's any good but that's a nice looking snow shovel ergonomics even huh I wonder what Danny Tucker's doing I heard that she has a 65 Mustang huh well we do have a little bit of pedal which is a lot more than we need I can always bleed on them here a little bit later but I think we really need to get uh you know does it can this does it run does the car start it's probably important for our journey so pause on the brakes I did by the way here the captain's side rear squeaklating in there which means wheel cylinders doing something I also didn't hear any hissing you know grass snake which means uh oh popped brake line you know you've been there I've been there not good so so far you know we're doing good is what I'm saying onto the engine Captain's Log 66 Mustang 43.9 minutes later still in Kentucky anyway Jalen on the ignition key same Mission as the trunk but worser finally got her on the axis scissors because we need to check Sparkles eventually anywho got clicks we have nothing but clicks so even though we got a Charged Up bald battery we're getting clicking is what I'm saying The stalemy Junction couldn't be bad it's just a washer in there once you energize it smashes sends voltages down to the starter you know try to jump to start or straight across see if it was the starter or the steel in the junction probably the starter I'm going to ignore that for now pretend I didn't do that go ahead and replace the steel me Junction because I have that it was twelve dollars that one is pretty rotten and we'll try it again and then we'll know for sure that it is definitely the starter that I will not be able to find today great that's just fine 7 eleventy eight Niner early Sun up now o'clock in the morning day two Mustang should have been home by now luckily you know I gave myself an extra day because nothing ever goes right for me but listen here no scoot closer I have to be home tonight I have an obligation tomorrow in Tennessee I can not Miss believe you me late last night I drove like 45 minutes found the starter it's manufactured by a company remanufactured again sold to another part store that part store sold it to another part store but was still in the earlier parts stores parts box so that's good probably not going to work but at least we got one I was fixing to just take this one apart rebuild it by that I mean just bang the rust all the brushes hit her with some brake clean put it back together normally get about 10 more cranks out of it that way but with 300 miles I think we're going to be stopping quite a bit so I didn't want to gamble on it no one had them in stock and then my brain fired up and said let's call the same part stores and ask if they have a marine application and I'll be dipped you know here it is hopefully it works the only difference with the Marine I think is it's got a third ear tab on here which we don't need we just need the two down there and on the old one the good news is too we're going to be driving right by that place on the way home so I can turn this one back in and get my 18 core back I also snagged up another battery cable down to that thereon because this one's not looking very hot so I'm going to jump right in get to starter swapped get this relay bolted up here clean up the grounds a little bit see if we can get the things spinning over spinning over whatever we're gonna get the engine rotate Eliza and then we can just put some fire maker down the app see what happens I haven't even pulled the air cleaner off no idea what the fuel make it happen it looks like but well let's try it throttle moves that's all you need listen I'm willing to give credit where credit is loaned with the steelme junction you know that's not very convenient for that factor but it is convenient when you're pulling starters out you don't got 79 wires and cables hanging off down here really easy to get these out I can say just those two bolts there Boop and bip but we've got a boop beep beep over here we're just not going to utilize on that one and then I got a new one of these guys pretty thin and you know this is fine I'm not worried about that but this I don't know just didn't like it oh this has already been placed on before so that's fine ah well it's out I mean I was in and took it out good news is only one of the three tabs line up shoot I was sure that this was gonna work but it just it didn't I don't know if it's automatical versus Manuel or what the deal is so anyway like I said a few minutes ago the right thing to do here would just be rebuild on the old starter because that'll last forever and then we just you know we'll save the money on this one so I'm going to take apart the other one and probably not get it back together that's the next plan oh yep so Armature is perfectly fine that's moving pretty nice I'll still clean this up put some juice on it you know what I mean contact switch a little dirty I'll get some sandpaper in between there clean that up just a little bit and it's definitely going to be the brushes and you can see heavy heavy wearing there so basically just going to take this outside and break clean everything bang on it hit it with the hammer about 16 times put it back together with about 30 percent less Hardware put a new cable on it and then see if it rotates closer look here she's cranked that bad boy over you know a couple times over the years hopefully I can get this cleaned up and Juiced if I could just get a few starts out of this thing guy can park it on a hill or something or just never shut it off hopefully but at this residence right out of the garage is a big hill we ain't push starting it to start off with that's for sure by the way pretty sure the Catalina wine mixer was held in this backyard it's a nice place big thanks to Scotty and his wife for all the hospitality well a guy did get the old starter all cleaned up Juiced lubricated put back together and got her spinning but it was really really slow these brushes are just completely shot so we ain't going to get that going without a rebuild kit unfortunately oh now what do we do well I'll tell you a guy sat down over there on a stump and thought about it for a minute and then it dawned on me the reason the nose cone is missing on this one is I took apart the remand one parts and pieces off of this one that I needed bolted it onto this guy tested this one and it's a whirling took me a minute to get the spacing right here because it's a little bit different had to knock the end out get a little I don't know what this is bushing there's two washers in there and then that cup washer seems to be shooting out and bringing her back okay-ish so now we'll bolt this back in and 79 days later maybe we're back to turning over an engine that doesn't run so that's that's just fine well the custom made starter is installed got a new cable on that figured models will replace that one as well got the Lone Wolf 6000 hooked back up let's see what happens oh good now we're way back to you know where we were previously we gotta waste no times here fillers let me get this shiny Chrome air cleaner off that's 13 horsepower see if I can find some juice and see if this thing makes some noise it is not locked up at all about a two percent chance that the accelerator pump works but that's fine you know a guy got to think and probably a little test on the Sparkles really quick we could just you know cross that one off the list got my cheapy little tester thing here you guys always see me use light comes on you got Spark so let's throw that over there spin on her yep immediately that's good coil is good lightning whirlers whirling lightning really shouldn't be any reason should pop off and spinning it over as much as we had we might have already built a little bit of oil pressure did I even check the oil I don't think I did maybe we ought to do that there's some in it really old like that's like 16 years old 17 years old not a lot of gas in it there's definitely no antifreeze or water so we can run on that for a couple minutes I ain't worried about that at all okay filt trays on all right see what happens a little bit of fuel out of my zero turn from last year makes a little bit of two stroke jammed out in there that is way too much perfect and then we'll just twist on it I got the key on still so we got sparkles here goes nothing well I could shut off yesterday minus all the valve train snapping and clattering let's do it again [Music] starter needs shimmed I don't know it's like someone cobbled one together and put it in there or something there's a weird noise coming from this but I don't think I'm going to be able to discern what that is with the senses until I can get it running a little bit longer I'm gonna hook up a NHRA fuel system here really quick maybe we can get this thing to idle and then we could start checking over that sound also we got to make sure that it doesn't get hot I don't have a thermostat of course that's fine that's probably stuck we'll just take a lat with the Tanya Harding if we need to all right let me get this tank this tank here has the same bad gas in it that we just ran that 10 front Dodge on remember that one the black one yeah so I went and snagged this out of that this has also got a digital pump hooked right on there just in case this mechanical one don't work I'm hoping it does again I don't have that either so hopefully this starts pumpulating if not we got a backup plan I'm going to Prime this line so that fuel pump diaphragm gets wet right away otherwise it ain't going to diaphragm you know foreign level six not too bad actually not too bad wow I just get on here ew little devil I don't know can that be good enough I guess I should have put this on first but I would have made too much sense we'll just waste some more time seven pound rad cap is that normal I don't know we'll ignore that too basically why does it smell like Cheetos with mayonnaise down here that's really odd well I kind of like it though to be honest okay so now a guy is going to try to bottle feed on her to hopefully the fuel pump make it happen or makes it happen and gets it up through this filter that's rotten and then that'll fill the bowl up because I can't maybe I can no I can't get it in the vent so we're just going to have to do it the old school way that's valve train noise really Ticky maybe it'll come out of it oh needle stuck that's what that is so ah get my carburetor adjuster that should be adjusted now [Music] foreign shoot carburetor not happy I'll have to pull that apart but listen it's running we just got some valve snapping and bending up here but maybe they'll come out of it nope probably not sure is a nice day today compared yesterday is that a birch tree wow I don't see them often well I just went ahead and pulled her all the way off we're just going to do a quick cheap and dirty rebuild on this thing back there on the trunk first step is just clean off the entire outside gotta lay it up here on the workbench got this walker rebuild kit now don't be afraid to take these apart Fellers and put them back together it's just a mechanical device I mean it ain't gonna give you back lip or nothing like that and there's constructions in here and everything else but if you're nervous just take photographs with your digital pocket machine as you go and then just reverse on it and put it backer and that's pretty much it what we're really after here is we know that the needle and seat is shot it's stuck but if we bang it free you might as well replace it and then the other great thing is while we're in here other than the obvious we get to clean it out we're going to replace the accelerator pump so we can get a pump shot out of this thing manuals are really tricky to drive when you don't have an accelerator pump you know what I mean yup that guy does they're not gonna yeah it's a good thing we took this apart Feller she's just going to plug up right away anyway look at all that in there and then of course the needle see all the floats are down oh there it broke free was stuck but we're gonna fix on that anyway clean all this stuff up and put it back together surprisingly the gasket came off in one piece should check to make sure that's the right one first yeah we're good to go we can get all that peeled off get her back together [Music] [Music] few things spend about 20 minutes looking for a 7 16. it was in my back pocket if you'll make it happen is back on and the fuel pump is bad kind of a unique situation but a happens filler the fuel passed right through Straight Into the crankcase and it was dumping all over the ground look at all that gas in there so that is shot I'm going to call around and try to see if maybe potentially I could find a mechanical otherwise we're going to have to run electrodigical my concern is this has got too much GP horsepower torques and it might blow right through that needle and seat uh oh that's also not good these you know fire hot fuel leak fire bad so we want to try to avoid that if possible so I'm going to call around a little bit I might have an Edelbrock one of my toe that's less hp's than that but not sure we're going to have to try to use the tank in this rig the really good news is Scotty said I don't can't remember when three years ago or something like that maybe a year ago anyway he did drain what was in there and put a little bit of fresh fuel in so fingers crossed that if we plug into it again we might be okay for a little bit we'll just run double filters if we have to or something but this is only 10 gallons and you can't fill it all the way up so we'd have to literally stop at every fuel station I don't even know if there'd be enough fill stations so we got to keep that in mind so we might just plumb that in hook up the digital and see what happens but I'll make a couple calls first guys putting in a different fuel system here got this Edelbrock plumbed in and we're swooping her up see and then bringing it around got a fill tray in over here just got a wire in that pump I think we're just gonna go hardwired guy can come out here tie it up I don't have any switches jump in and go and I got this trailer brake light wiring that'll work you know just like this and then tie it in over here and then it'll tie that over there it should be fine yeah I know what you're thinking is this some sort of Summer show car or something well I'm just trying to keep things you know orderly and neat in here so we know what's going on got some twist nuts down on the wiring there protection safety this fire let's pump up see if we get some fuel oh yeah immediately oh let's see if it blows this needle out could hear it filling hang in there hang in there by the way that Shield doesn't look that bad I just put five gallons in I think it might be okay that pump doesn't sound happy though there's pressure back all right it's holding so I think we're good now we've got a change on this oil before we do anything because there's a gallon and a half or more Gasolina down there in the bottom of it we're just de-sludging the calculator that's all so let's drop that oil put a new filter in a filter back up get this digitalized fire it up and see if we can get it to idle and run and then we can move on to you know does it get hot you know when it comes to the drain plug up here don't use the right wrench just use a croissant wrench oh shoot barely hanging on must really want changed you know that's probably it drain plug is actually stripped I haven't run into that in a while so this may be getting just JB wilded in there we should start seeing some gas here in a minute you can definitely smell it it's really thin got an old school motor crafts coming out and of course I'm putting a Wicks back in I was telling Scotty a little bit ago the previous owner you know they were desolate and that it was 10 years since it's been off the road but picture a block a big one Fellers I've been around that thing more times than I can count and I'm telling you this has been sitting a lot longer that or it's that much more fragile maybe but I mean everything on this was shot the wiring shot every single diaphragm I mean it's just pretty unlikely it was only 10 years or so I'm thinking more towards like 15 to 20 ish it's too bad there's no paperwork or documentation but that's the way she goes as far as the Earl goes of course got the Rotella heavy duty diesel oil T4 1540 and then the last of it got this Lucas heavy duty oil stabilizer it's got a American flag and a checkered flag and it says oil alone is not enough all right okay I bought it so we'll put that in the topper off you know a little bit of trick here Fellers well what in the when you got this maple syrup stuff put it in your regular oil and then Shake on it you know what I mean mix it and then it'll all flow out a little bit better we'll settle down yeah we'll just let her flow and go grab a cold snack well at this point we basically rebuilt the entire car so let's go ahead and see if this thing will fire up an idle here here we go bring the Thunder [Music] bring it again [Music] bring on it some more [Music] that fuel spraying is from the remainder of the fuel in the line from the manual pump but there it goes see if it's smoking nothing well a little bit of blue ain't bad it's quiet that ticking's still there I better shut her down before we get a fire yeah we were close to flames over here it's muscle not so good news here Fellers as I was scooting around to turn the key off to shut her down the rear drums are rotating the reason that's a concern is I'm positive I'm a neutral or what feels like neutral so the clutch could be just froze up to the flywheel that's that's great I suppose I should go step on the clutch see if that's doing anything rub some gears in it and let this gas dry and then we'll try it again I mean the clutch feels like it's doing something but reverse first second third okay that should be neutral that's where I had it oh I heard a rumor that's 64 and a half's had a bunch of Falcon parts in them then they just threw Mustang parts over top of them I don't know if there's any truth to that though the ding dong courtesy lights they work huh I mean Scotty's carbon monoxide detector seems to work so while that's bellerin I think we're going to go ahead and fire it up again we'll jump in and just start rowing some gears and see if we can get this rear end rotating the way it should could just be parasitic rotation so even when you're in neutral sometimes the drive shaft will wander in there I haven't tried the brake pedal yet when it's spinning so we'll do that hopefully get it up in the third and then I'm just going to let it sit there and idle in gear so the transmission can move some juice around same with the rear end goodness gracious that thing is loud I mean we got echoage huh oh that's fine sorry I'm gonna go ahead and start it with the key this time you know because we're civilized and whatnot this is another car I just I don't fit in them foreign okay fire in the hole boy that thing starts up nice okay drum is not rotating drum is rotating slightly did it stop okay it stops with the brake pedal that's great news let's roll this down all right clutch in first gear hey there we go see it second speedometer works 15 miles an hour third there we go lots of shakes I'll oofda oh man that doesn't sound good [Music] does not sound good at all I'm gonna try to look under here quick because oh no it's spinning what is that vibration holy smokes could be a U-joint I'm just gonna let it sit like this for a minute get these juices rotating by the way oil pressure is way high fuel gauge might work it says like 2 16 which kind of makes sense because I put in like four gallons five gallons amperage just seems to be working and of course temp is low you guys have seen me drive stuff home with the oil pressure what really shuts a guy down is when they get hot you know so we're gonna see how this thing does I also need to idle it down but I don't know where my Rue River went I had it disappeared and then I had it again that idle could come down about 263 RPM if you ever take 17 RPM seeing some heat out of there the shakes coming out of it no it's definitely not I think it's a bad u-joint or something but can we ignore it for 300 miles that's the question that was perfect it's been about about two and a half hours of daylight left it's not enough finally got her idle down you know with my screwdriver here if it works with a dumb idea starting smoke laid on us building a bunch of pressure that's good noise oh that's uh fuel pump but I don't have a block off plate so that's just the way that's going to have to live you can see the vibration it's pretty bad but chain smoking I mean it's smoking a little but I got something that'll bring that around you know a guy basically is a doctor of classic and vintage Vehicles so I'm going to give it a shot of B12 here I'll try to bring the health back around Austin on is the Italian tuna you just you feed her the onions dump this right down the app to clean up the valves combustion chamber sticky Rings you name it it's going to make a bunch of smoke but we really got to poop and holler this thing just got to make sure that you got some Heats installed into it and you got some oil pressures first safety Squints oh where's a violent amount of stuff flying in there got a little bit too much flow on her that's all right we'll adjust [Laughter] foreign oh come on now it didn't hurt that bad for Pete's sake take a shot of gas [Music] wow I just never seen something so cranky do it the hard way then nope it's easier foreign [Applause] [Music] oh yeah just Island like a Swiss watch didn't even really smoke that bad [Music] wow I might have to bring the idol off a touch I like that stuff it's like two and up in a can yeah let's bring this out how's that sound see all arms coming on again [Music] like that [Music] what's what kind of temperatures we got still hasn't opened the thermostat come on I gotta get going I got places to be well here's the thing Fellers I don't think I'm gonna get her to run long enough to open up the dorsal fin inside the garage here we got beeping and booping like you wouldn't believe I got a gaggle of dogs out here just sitting here staring at me right now apparently it's in the right frequency this is bringing them all in you know what I mean throwing on a new air filtration system Mazel the other one was shot you know seems to be running okay-ish ish got a slight concern about the massive drivetrain vibration maybe that'll come out of it no probably why it was parked rear end shot just kind of going through and cleaning up stuff right now once I get that done here in a minute I'm going to roll these tires in and I think you're really gonna like this at least you old school classic guys are gonna go yep nailed it what have we got it's a tornado coming in or what's this now spider eggs we'll leave them they ain't heard nothing let's go on a trip way back Fellers I could be mistaken about 65 and 66 you could get what's called a k code no there Daryl just came out of the kitchen and went K car what no completely different talking about codes to the Pony car and 65-66 I could be wrong but I think you could get a dual Redline Tire it was a polyglass tire and then I think it's 67 up they changed that to a red line kind of started a trend you saw them on the GTOs and a few other things now Coker makes this beautiful dual Red Line BF Goodrich Tire and I just could not turn it down it's not a 289 car it's not a hypo whatever I think it's going to look really sharp we get these poverty caps on here it's going to look pretty awesome if you've never been to cokertire.com Fellers I'd probably recommend it they've got everything from Modern to Classic to muscle car to Vintage to military to period correct you name it I used to shop around bajillion sites but I save a lot of time just by going here I usually get what I want it's also where I got the red lines for the Buick that I put on a while ago pop these things on we're going to move this thing under its own power and Mini many many years out here in the driveway see if we can get this thing to warm up and open up the t-stat oh yep I'm definitely liking that where did I put the there they are these are a 205 70 14 for the six of you that just asked and they're a nice you know all weather tread pattern on here Jeremiah's bow staff I think that was I mean correct me if you think I'm wrong but I think that's the tire right there looking sharp let's get this thing down on the ground get her outside oh all right first time moving under its own power in a very long time [Music] it's doing the thing and it quit [Music] oh that's right I don't got the digital pump hooked up I can't get out of here oh there we go well hard part's over no we got 300 miles to go gonna clean up in here gotta sweep put some stuff away you know we got to hit the road you can probably see the sun behind me it's doing its thing going down we might have to get creative with some headlamps got a bungee cord from the door handle to the rear ash tray that'll work that'll keep that dark nice and secure first stop fuel station since we're on fumes you know what I mean here we go [Music] turkey little devil a second here oh yeah yeah I suppose we better check the brakes enough to get a guy through town sake can't find them grind them you know blinkers no other blinker I don't think my Blinky stick works there we go she ain't very synchroed up foreign well I guess I could have wiped the windshield off look out horn doesn't work oh Captain side rear brake is now gone after being used three times so that's fine we've only got 299.5 more miles to go handles so far I mean it goes the door only slightly Wings open oh novice driver sorry oh stuff falling stop sign on a hill oh yeah there's some torques I'm gonna have to pay attention to the temperatures here didn't have time to wait for that thermostat to open so we're just gonna this is what I call winging it you know they put a new porch on that house I was really excited about having a fuel gauge but it's not working stuck at half maybe it'll come around nope we uh snuck in nine gallons so if you had a little bit in there already it's gonna try to do some math magicianals on the MPGs and whatnot but that ain't gonna happen so I guess this just stabbed this thing on the highway and see what happens hopefully that severe drive train vibration just kind of fixes itself you know guy on a motorcycle just pulled up next to me at that light I asked if I wanted to sell on it new oh she just quit huh that was weird temperature is starting to come up a little bit I really got to stay off the brakes they're just metal on metal on the rear because you know we didn't look or anything like that because you open up a can of dog food or whatever the saying is we got a right hand turn up here that's going to be on the interstate and hopefully that's our happy place because we ain't using brakes much you know and just keep heading South I guess oh we only got oof 45 50 minutes of daylight left that's not good oops Running Red Light number one my man look out coming through here comes the intro Steve oh at least it's five o'clock traffic that's really good I already feel like I need another gear but I ain't got one coming over I'm really gonna have to hang back you know can't be on the brakes get off of them a bunch I like how the speedometer says 140. that ain't gonna happen unless it's down it's gotten at your back and you just got shot out of a cannon that's for sure it's starting to lose power not sure what's going on here yeah I think she's done maybe a fuel issue it's got oil pressure it's not hot could be a plugged up filter Maybe trying to listen what it's doing at least we're not on like a 17 Lane freeway danger danger but I do have some nice trees out here though trying to make it up to the section I think we got like one mile you might be able to post foreign station oh this is a crazy looking is there one on the right yes there is stop sign gonna have to blow it sorry about that we're just broken down okay oh I see a light over here too so let's try to sneak but a guy is sneak under this light I wonder here we go slightly inconvenient breaking down very convenient breaking down on the speedway they carry beer don't they pretty sure let's see what we got you know I'm not really sure what the idea is it's a slang but there ain't no motels around here I'm gonna try to go a couple exits up I'm losing daylight it comes and goes hot voltages is charge of Leighton so I'm not sure what the deal is here maybe a plug fuel filter in front of the digital pump but I don't want to take the time to knock that out right now I'm just gonna try to eat them slowly a little bit see if we can get up here to a average Inn or something or a motel three what's the minimum on intro States 40 maybe we can manage that good that's gracious spray pipes I like it foreign okay it's a pretty sunset though lots of peach color oh fuel or nothing in here well that's definitely the issue [Music] no fuel pumps either dead or the filter is plugged I'm going to pop it off and see filter is not clogged I could blow through it so my pump's dead I really don't want to do it but I have no choice I'm gonna have to plug in the original fuel system with that mechanical pump got this rig to figured like that this just hanging up here this looped up here for now that's gonna have to work unfortunately we're gonna pump gas into the crank case unless that pump just all of a sudden starts working unlikely very but we're just gonna have to figure it out later at this point I ain't gonna make it home tonight so we're gonna be up early trying to get me back in time for my appointment and figure out this situation but hopefully this will get us down the road to a motel see if she wants to start oh it's trying come on girl that ain't too shabby of a view too bad about that billboard back there well I've determined the issue as is usually the case with old rigs unfortunately the pickup sock and the fuel tank is plugged I can't suck anything out of there I can barely blow through and that's what smoke this pump as well just trying to suck and nothing coming through so the mechanical pump Theory isn't really going to help us what I'm going to have to do is switch to that plastic tank probably throw that in the passenger seat and just plumb this directly in I don't know we'll shoot it through here or something through this rust hole and that'll get us to the motel anyway it's uh about 10 minutes that way I'm on exit 102 wherever that is oh we're back on the road good thing I used the trailer wiring we add some extra length on here you know and put it this way the good news is we got a fuel gauge back I can see right here in the passenger seat how much we got I don't like this part we got uh 8.8 miles with no headlights luckily they got these darn Stadium lights who's paying the bill that's what I want to know I got these Stadium lights down this thing what's most likely going to happen is we're going to get pulled over though I'm I'm prepared I'm ready no definitely not well I made her to some average gym Motel that'll work telling you right now Fellers that was not smart please don't ever do that okay I'm not gonna monkey with it tonight we got a lot of lipstick to put on this pig in the morning but we need some daylight to do it and then we'll see if we can get the rest of the way home I guess see you in the morning good morning and good morning to you fuel pump advisor already got that running we have a long ways to go today and my wife Jessica just let me know that there's a severe thunderstorm rolling through that's fine today is going to be a game of fuel mileage I got a 10 gallon jug here that you can only sit about eight in and also this General survival those keys just take Keys yeah that's right cold start see what happens oh yeah I got one break wow what's the deal here oh huh boy it is beautiful out now though are they cutting all these trees down come on okay just let it let's just let it sit for a minute digest nope we ain't got time see if we can sneak next door cold start not very you know good hello yeah my daughter's busted sorry okay well our whole fuel mileage math magicianals has changed obviously I picked the fuel station 57 miles down the intro State here then we'll swing over Pop this bad boy off again and figure out where we're at normally I do 10 for V8s but this thing should get I don't know 15 maybe yeah yeah I can't get out because of the bungee card but I'm not surprised I like your shirt I have the same one thank you but he will be oh cool it's so nice to meet you I love your videos thank you appreciate it you have a good day okay oh thanks oh thank you coming soon I meet you guys all over the place and it's so fun okay chic so anyway we should probably get 13 to 15 I mean I'm gonna have her wound up a little bit but it should still sip on the fuel with the bun Bearer here we go I guess [Music] foreign somehow in just 59 miles gets uh it's empty we came in here on fumes so what's that around six miles of the gallon that's going to make for a really interesting trip gonna have to have some strategy and planning ahead on the fuel stops which that's not me so I'm gonna have to call my wife for help basically also the car has severe bumps here so every time you cross a bridge or hit a bump just swerves right hard plus put you on the ditch likes to party I guess I think we got a coil spacer on the captain's side and not on the Drinker side and maybe that's what's going on because she kind of just does this also it's pulling severely left so I should just pull a string on that or you can use speaker wire or whatever do the alignment really quick so I'm going to do the right thing and just overfill the front left tire and that'll bring her straight again you know lie on it that way I'm going to top this thing off again quick check the oil also Rain-X the windshield because it is very overcast and the sky is blacker than my sole over there so you know I think we're getting ready to do that stuff too which is awesome at least we got a brand new good tires for once in my life maybe I should start doing that more often on these but nope probably not you know because money so anyway they got a Schlotzsky's here they make sandwiches don't they that is a bag of an American flag I like it like it a lot real feel on the cabs probably 15 degrees and of course this is shooting it right in my teeth and then window down on that side's not helping I got updates lost the keys again I'll find them eventually about the bungee cord oh boy hooked up to where did I put it oh under the seat down there so now it's on the door lock knob get this window up guy is starting to get just a little bit cold not bad but we got a long ways to go there we go I'm also going to bring the speed down on a touch maybe we could save on some mile per gallons that way and also the fuel economy because we got to stop every 50 miles this is gonna take a while and I ain't kidding yeah all right keys keys keys [Music] well here we go again I got uh 61 . well I guess that was what did I say 59 I don't know okay it's gonna be empty I do got a jog here though if we got to put a splash in her maybe we'll go about 55. this time let's see what happens that is completely empty and sucking any fuel but thankfully my accent is right here we're going to Coast into the fuel station here a few more fuel stops down this one got a little spicy there towards the end I had to keep tilting the fuel jog around the different angles trying to get her to circulate the last drops up we did it actually just quit right when I pulled off to exit not gonna do that again but now that I did that we're in a good position to get fueled up here and then I can get all the way through Nashville hopefully you know without having to stop or anything like that I don't want to get in stop to go traffic or have to pull off or be on the side of the road and stuff like that draws in the Emergency Services folks you know what I'm saying cars running good though I mean the temperature is holding driving slower does not help fuel mileage this thing is an absolute gas hog I mean I've got big block Chubbies that get better fuel mileage than this we'll have to look at that oil pressure is fantastic it's still charging so that's the good news and the sun came out maybe it won't rain no it it definitely will anyhoose recharge on the energy drinks here fuel we're just going to Jammer back on and this should be the home stretch if all goes well it's been a long day this is pretty respectable there's not a single leak or weep on this entire engine but the exception of the dipstick too but I mean I got this thing really wound up so I ain't gonna complain about that at all that's pretty great these six cylinders they're tough old birds I ain't kidding yeah oh this is the hold my battery in better see yep sure well my brain finally fired up and figured out the issue here there's a number 10 to zero on the side which is some sort of number that no one knows this is not 10 gallons I should have realized that because that's a five gallon jug I don't know why I said that tired I guess I got three gallons in there which makes way more sense that thing's getting about 20 miles to the gallon and now all is right with the world but that makes sense why we got to stop so often sitting here staring at this thing going I got a 10 gallon boat tank and it's much bigger than this wow mistakes were made but now we know there's probably quite a few of you yelling at me going Derek what are you doing right now [Music] just uh filling up here might be my last tank dollars we're getting really close figured miles will use this up if we can but I don't got to stop again [Music] well Fellers we made it just beat the rain too 300 miles and a 66 Mustang that's been off the road for I'm gonna say two decades she fought us a little bit in the beginning but once we got her on the highway and blew the cobwebs out of her fed her a couple onions she came back around for us runs really good actually but still needs a lot of work fuel pump fuel tank fuel lines brakes interior your name and maybe as far as paint I don't know shiny stuff scares me I kind of want to flip it but I don't know we'll see what you guys have to say down in the comments there I'll be scanning through that to those of you that are subscribed thank you very much for the support I appreciate that thanks guys for watching we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Vice Grip Garage
Views: 5,932,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motortrend, roadkill, vice grip garage, vise grip garage, vgg, ford, mustang, revival, rescue, restoration, will it run, will it start, will it drive, pony car, classic car, classic cars, antique car
Id: ZUKwbrg_Qhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 29sec (6149 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2022
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