Long Term Oil Change Damage! Mustang GT Front End Refresh! Ford 4.6

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testing testing testing audio testing is this thing going to work this time I don't know no seriously I'm not kidding in the last video of this 1998 Ford Mustang 4.6 GT the audio craft out and I lost like 20 minutes of audio on my footage I had to speed everything up do a voiceover I was really upset because it was a really good video I mean it still worked out to be a good video but it wasn't as good as I thought it could have been anyway since we're on the subject of last video we were uh doing a uh a set of ball joints on the front here the front lower is we're binding up and the steering was sticking if you want to go back and look at that video just checking the links down in this Video subscription or the pinned comment and it'll take you back in time so anyway while we had all this apart we put uh well we took out the front struts slash shocks we replaced the rear shock absorber units and we are now in a position to get the fronts reinstalled so what I'm going to do is we're going to run these up into the uh the hole right up there and we're gonna come around and get these guys bolted back in then we can get the steering Knuckles back on and we'll get the brakes and whatnot toss back on this thing I've already taken the liberty of changing out those tie rods they were they were kind of sticking and I was afraid they weren't rotating as well as they could have which would have contributed to the bindings uh condition that the front suspension had additionally in that other video we also found that it had a torn steering gear bushings and I've also ordered a set of those so in this video we're going to do some reassembly action and then we're going to prep for the next phase of the repairs the slash mechanical Restorations on this mustang so stay tuned because this is going to be a better video than the last one opening Z Hood [Music] well let me rephrase uh it will be a better video just as long as the audio does not Uh crap out again and if it does then well I guess we'll deal with that as we have to deal with that so there's our first strut the nut is on that's in position let's tighten that down some and then we'll get the passenger side all righty let's get some torque on these nuts these are nylon nuts I'm reaching down hanging onto the strut cartridge again tightening now please good there's our nylon all right strolling on over let's take our replacement strut for the right front and get this guy installed next all right strut coming up through the hole there we go let's put our grommet on and our spacer and our washer and our nut here we go I'm gonna pull back let me show you we're gonna pull on the strut this direction is going to put a side load on the shaft and that will allow enough friction to tighten down the nut there we go beautiful all right let's run this thing up in the air climbing over the paint mess Cedar back up to a good working height and then we can get the front Knuckles and the brakes installed [Music] okay back at the driver's front dropping my nuts get rid of that on the ball joint and we'll go ahead and bring in our steering knuckle with that thing's set up and bolted on there's our nut and nut it on we're gonna get it nutted on all right let's get in here with our wobbly bit again 24 mil we're gonna tighten down this stud [Music] click okay we need to raise this back up again and we're going to get the pole Jack under it because I need to relieve some spring pressure or get this aligned rather I need to move this control arm up some to get our bolts to uh fit into place see that we're hanging down about three inches too low so let's go hit the button raise this up and then we'll get that set up [Music] I got a feeling this is going to assemble much quicker than the disassembly because I don't have to fight with pullers and Hammers and air chisels and all that good stuff so let's crank this up I don't like that we need more leverage against it all the way at the end there we go that should that should suffice it says me Dipper cranking it it keeps lining up as soon as we're lined up with those bolt holes we can stick the bolts in and again just like the rear shocks I'm washing the lift arm over here to make sure I don't pick the front of the car up uh off of the lift arm because then it could fall off and that would be bad close a little closer and I'm taking some weight off the lift arm too a little sketchy [Music] it's okay a little more half an inch right there there it there it is that's it just for now that's one one and the other they actually go in from the other side but that one was easiest to get in at the moment there we go okay one nut and my other nut where'd it go begin threading please what are you doing there we go number two coming in right yeah oh yeah all right impacts coming in let's hold the other end of the bolt and that one I'll leave it Loose until I put that caliper bracket bolt on all right brake rotors coming in next get that guy in position cow for bracket this unit bolted on and then we'll get our top bolt right there yeah this is going to better going together very nicely it's impacts coming in look yep that did not it didn't give me the space that I needed oh no worries let's take it out we'll put it back in there we go [Music] 24 on the big top bolt tight all right let's get our brake pads re-hung we've got some witness marks on these so the circular part here that indicates that that is where the piston and the caliper is touching so that's our inboard pad and the outboard pad has the two witness Marks here for the fingers on the caliper so that one is our outboard pad shapes and colors let's give that slide pin a good wipe it's got a bunch of dirt and dried grease on it good let's get it with some purple Lube load that up nice and thick lag you know folks we're asking uh in the comments about this car how does it have stuff that's so worn out at 50 000 miles and it's not so much the wear that has done it it's the age and the lack of use that has done it see all this lubrication just like that brake Lube has ultimately dried up and and cause these conditions so we need to uh undry it re-lube it and of course replace the components that were necessary kind of brake issue here that slide pin is sticking I must confess I overlooked that earlier didn't notice let's see if I can't get this out with the air impact driver it should just come right out of there then I can clean it up and re-lube it got it lack of lubrication it does strange things okay let's get that there we go put that in there nice and deep back also a lot of this is gonna [Music] like rub off when we go to insert the PIN but if I get enough on there we'll have sufficient lubrication quality [Music] you need to do this without tearing the uh little Rubber seal in there or let's take the seal out put it back in and I might have to do that I don't know hmm how do I do that I can't get the shaft in the hole's too small what is this here I'll try to pluck this Rubber seal off see if it comes out or not it should how how can I poke my finger it should come out maybe the other side I wonder if it's an insert it might be a full length insert that runs through this thing yeah no no we'll just wiggle it a bunch and fresh it press it until it uh it capitulates and does what I want [Music] that rubber on there we go put it back got it yay there's our Bolt let's get that guy in and thread it in torque down and aligned got to get it all aligned properly here well this was supposed to go easy why did I say something what I've done a big mouth happens every time t50 for the win [Music] I do not see problems this stud is not wanting to Fred what's going on I'm not getting it aligned properly it's not something's wrong here it's the rotor turning is what it is I need to put down pressure on it to fight the spring clips put the rotor is wanting to come back this way when I do that so I'll put a nut on it one of the lug nuts there we go yeah we'll tighten that lug nut down it's going to hold the rotor in place then we can hold the caliper down now I can get that bolt in and started that was easy good click okay one side that one's good let's let down our pole Jack here and uh we can check this thing for any binding action to make sure that we in fact did solve and much much much much much much better look at that no sticking at all sweet all right moving around to the passenger side wrench and repeat right all right let's look this thing up in the air here get it down over the stud let's get our nut on virude impacts coming in wobbly impacts of course [Music] okay all right come here jack stand that was loud wasn't it obnoxiously loud all the way at the end for proper Leverage hang up and we'll get our bolts aligned now these bolts are going to come in from this side they come in from the front we'll leave the top one out slash loose so we can get that uh bracket for the brakes just like the driver's side keep cranking that up right there top bolt and it's in but not all the way let's go ahead my uh jet stands in the way miscalculation no worries out of the way okay let's move on over here and get our nuts on we're on the nuts there's one [Music] okay let's get this bottom one torqued down and tight get on there peace click nice rotors coming in I need to bend my backing plate out some I guess it got kicked or dropped or something here I Baroque it kind of it's gonna Flex it here we go rotors coming on that again around to the side two bolts for the caliper bracket [Music] I really did tweak that uh backing plate a little bit I don't remember doing that I wonder what happened everything's a hammer even Electric Tools beautiful all righty same as the other side brake pads going in there's our outboard stick you right in there inboard likewise let's push our rotor flush bolt it on so it stays flush and now we can lubricate our slide pins and caliper give that a bit of a white get rid of the old nasty crud there we go and some of the purple Lube get the purple all over it [Music] okay back her up we'll get our caliper slide that over the PIN that's the fixed pin and the other pin is going to be the bolt which uh now that one's a little stuck in there too okay so considering that the other side was very difficult to remove I'm not going to pull this one out all the way well it was difficult to put back so I'm gonna try to not pull it out all the way this time getting it past that rubber lip was a bear [Music] so I would like to avoid that this time and we'll just pack this thing full of grease from both sides [Music] there we go much better yeah now it slides again [Music] beautiful and we are threading perfect torque 50 coming in caliper clicks achieved and that looks like one nice good free ball joint good to go all right let's raise this thing up again actually no I'm gonna do this from the chair we're gonna go down below and we need to take these bolts out of the steering gear and change the bushings uh in that power steering rack all right we're back down below driver side passenger side over there this is the two bolts that uh Bolt the steering gear to the frame we need to pull that nut and that nut and then probably push those bolts through that way we can drop this thing down and pull it back some and extract these uh these bushings here so let's see how this is going to go came off no problem dude check our other side these uh these bolts here should actually be turning here they're rusted in nope they come out good Ting Tink all right let's pry bar this steering gear away from the body some if we can want to I want to leave the bolts in position Behind these little mounts here and pry this thing off not breaking it there we go get it from the other side here see how we're sliding it off those pins that's what we want to do now the only thing really holding this uh steering gear in position after we get these pins out it's going to be the steering shaft and the lines and hoses so to make sure I don't drop this break some stuff I don't want to do that either come on out I'm taking care of that fry against the uh the rubber boots here because that could break my boot what are we stuck on what's the deal steering shaft probably oh we got one side pull that other side apart we're pretty close on us on the thing almost off of that pin I think the steering shaft is holding me up on the on the driver's side it's kind of annoying seem to get there we go try it more I'm out of there bushing more maximum fry action there we go okay let's get our uh basement bushing in push that out slide that in push it down there we go that's one we'll get the outer bushing after we get the inner bushing on this other side over here that one's kind of being a bear no matter we'll get it [Music] here let's get rid of that that old one that one stayed stuck this rubber on this side is swollen the issue is is it's been exposed to a bunch of oil because the oil filter is right above us and when you do oil changes it drains down on all this and then it saturates this rubber right here on there good yeah so that rubber is all swollen and it doesn't want to come out but we're gonna make it it shouldn't be that hard it only takes books that it takes .6 hours to do this I think that's a little inaccurate come here no turning back now I mean worst case scenario I got to take the steering shaft off we'll be fine if I can get all this rubber out there we go now I should be able to sneak a new rubber grommet in over that shaft there we go [Music] before I'm digging myself a hole here could be doing that [Music] get on there please [Music] Hammer Time okay so that grommets in so we just got a maneuver this steering gear back over that little Peg again more pry action stuff it's got to come out this way and bend back there we go there we go now we're getting it right just like so [Music] beautiful look at that right over the new grommet [Music] bushing grommet bushing there's our outboard dry Hammer that one in and then push our bolt through okay same thing on the other side so let's see new bushing is that one slide that guy in hammer it in do whatever you got to do to get in good I'll reach around push the bolt through now we can bolt it back on all right all right big washer going on same thing on the other side get on there washer oh going backwards impacts coming in this guy tight [Music] and one more Uno Moss on our driver's side here that Vault wants to push back into it so I need to hold it my bolt is turning so I need friction watch this just like with the strut got it awesome okay steering gear has now been re-bushinged and grommeted this section of the repair is good to go let's get out of here all right tie rod time I believe he's winning from the bottom did they not I think that's how they went I guess we're gonna find out try again I need to turn this and the survey says and memory serves it says it goes in from the bottom like so that's correct so we'll get our nut on mirror night [Music] please come on I'm dropping it there and some forward quick action here bend that thing out of the way a little bit more just gotta line up the cotter pin [Music] good all right let's whoo gravity let's get our pin through the hole there it's a safety mechanism it keeps the nut from coming off just in case it wants to come off so we'll pull that through all the way seriously what are we doing did you hear what I said cotter pin go through yeah we're fine that up and over and down and then I'll take this other one bring it around the side like so nice and pretty let's go on back to the other side and do it one more time tie rod assembly nearly complete to turn the wheel again now we can see what we're trying to see that guy in put the nut on it all right impacts coming in last time on the tie rod all right come here and where's the hole we're right almost lined up I can't see the stud is turned here a little bit more how's that one good can the pin went in so yeah that's good but it's kind of at this stupid wrong type of angle here I didn't really think that through did I so we'll bend it in sections this one goes up and over and the other one is going to go around so we did it wrong and something was bugging me I knew I knew something wasn't right I skipped the step you guys know you saw it though didn't you I didn't see it no worries we'll reach in there 24 mil we should be able to get a hold of that no problem yep hey that's why I missed it it's over here on the floor dangling around let's get this last bolt in there we'll get it threaded on and 24 coming in finalized impacts all right time to redeem myself let's get that guy in getting Forward Thinking Out come on now get in there got it oh come on give me back my socket mine also all right good to go alrighty Folks at this point we have completed this particular segment the steering system has been brought back to life the ball joints have changed we've got new shock absorbing equipment on the vehicle with one exception and that is these lateral shock absorbers right here these are designed to prevent uh axle twisting under loads um I had to order a set of those guys those are on the way and there's also a boatload of engine parts showing up pretty soon we've got some intake stuff going on some throttle body stuff going on and I think a few other knickknacky items that we're going to do to this engine to uh unlock some of the uh the hidden horsepowers and make this Pony car have just a little bit more power so uh that being said uh as of right now again I'm on a parts hold so we're gonna go ahead and close this one out right now as always hope you like this video if you did like this video please feel free to let me know about that in the comment section down below tap that like button while you're down there again if you missed part one just read visit the the links down in this video's description or in the pin comment it'll take you to the part one video where I screwed up the audio royally but I think we've redeemed ourselves so anyway again and as always thank you guys for watching have yourselves a fantastic day see you guys later in a video in the Mustang in the transmission oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I forgot don't go anywhere shiny [Music] ultimate shiny [Music] hear that there we go
Channel: Rainman Ray's Repairs
Views: 154,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Gq1Hj_GiOrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 43sec (2023 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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