Man Names Baby & Now Has Doubts Now That He's With Someone Else (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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You may be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello. This is the case of <i> Chatman v. Hayes.</i> Thank you Jerome. Good day everyone. ALL: Good day. Ms. Chatman, you and the defendant have an older child together, but you've brought him to court to prove your 2-year-old son, <i> Maurice Hayes Jr. is his.</i> CHATMAN: <i> Yes, Your Honor.</i> JUDGE LAKE: You claim he was excited during your pregnancy, named your baby, but now denies him, because he has a new girlfriend. Yes. JUDGE LAKE: Now, Mr. Hayes, you say you've always doubted paternity of Maurice Jr. Yes. And you're just trying to do the right thing, by signing the birth certificate, but you now say that he is not yours, and you want the plaintiff to change his name, when the paternity test proves he's not your junior. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: So, Ms. Chatman, tell us why do you feel Mr. Hayes needs to just step up and be a father? Because, if he can take care of somebody else's child, why can't he take care of his own child? (APPLAUDING) JUDGE LAKE: And, so you submit today that he's taking care of someone else's child. CHATMAN: Yes, Your Honor. But, not doing anything for the child he fathered with you. CHATMAN: Not Maurice Jr. Explain. He's not doing nothing for Maurice Jr. He barely does for Mariah, like for instance, on Christmas, he brought Mauriah five presents. <i> Didn't bring Maurice Jr. nothing.</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> For Christmas?</i> CHATMAN: <i> Yes.</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> Nothing?</i> CHATMAN: <i> Nothing.</i> Is that true, Mr. Hayes? HAYES: No ma'am, she's telling lies, Your Honor. I bought actually six gifts, I gave him one and gave her five, and I held both of them and gave both of them hugs. But, you clearly have doubt around Maurice Jr. HAYES: Yes ma'am. JUDGE LAKE: Tell me about that doubt. The only reason why I have doubt is because when I was asking her if she's pregnant, she was like, "No." And I got a piece of letter in the mail, saying that she was pregnant. But, she also still was in denial, so, when I'd say she was like four months, and my mother asked, "So, was she pregnant?" She says, no, she's not. So, I still was like, "Okay, how you not pregnant?" And I got a letter in the mail. So, why all this confusion? I don't know, because she was talking to another guy, and I guess she was scared to tell me about it. I don't know. Ms. Chatman, why all this back and forth? "I am pregnant. I am not pregnant." Because, yeah, true enough, I told him I wasn't pregnant, because I just had Mauriah, for four months. So why be that way? She was only four months. And I was pregnant again, so I didn't know. I didn't know if I wanted to keep him, to be honest, or what. So, we talked about it and we got back together. So, he came back. CHATMAN: Yes. After he found out you were pregnant? CHATMAN: Yes. Did it seem as if he accepted the pregnancy? He went to every doctor appointment that I had. Since we got back together... HAYES: Just a minute... (APPLAUDING) I had no symptoms, I had none of this. In your mind, your baby's on the way. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: You're at the hospital, the baby's born. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: You decide, "I am signing the birth certificate." Yes, Your Honor. You didn't think at that moment that you needed a DNA test? You didn't have a doubt? HAYES: She told me that it was my baby. And I took responsibility and moved back in. That's when I started having doubts when he came home, but when I was holding him, I was telling her that I am not the father, I never had symptoms, you know, I never felt any type of weight. What symptoms were you suppose to have? (CROWD LAUGHING) Like, you know, cravings, I gained weight. When your girlfriend was pregnant the first time, you gained weight, but this time, you didn't have the same symptoms. You didn't eat, you didn't have any cravings. No ma'am. And you believe, it was because it wasn't your child. Yes, Your Honor. Well, that's a first, Jerome. (CROWD LAUGHING) CHATMAN: Okay I have... Definitely they first time I've ever heard that. I have something for you. JUDGE LAKE: Yes, I'd like to see that evidence. Jerome, will you hand it to me, please? What is this, ma'am? In the state of Tennessee, once you sign the birth certificate... HAYES: And that's what she's using against me. CHATMAN: <i> They tell you, that once you sign the birth certificate,</i> <i> it voids off DNA paternity testing.</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> So, this is a pamphlet.</i> CHATMAN: <i> Yes, ma'am.</i> It says, "For your child's sake, establish paternity." CHATMAN: Yes. And it's basically, and entire pamphlet with passages highlighted, that talk about the issues you need to consider, as it relates to paternity, signing a birth certificate, and if you have doubt, how you should not sign the birth certificate. It says, "Parents should think carefully before acknowledging paternity. "If either of you do change your mind, "you have 60 days to rescind the acknowledgment in writing. "If either parent has any doubts about who the father is, "no forms should be signed." I was just trying to be a good guy. Your Honor, that's all. Your Honor? JUDGE LAKE: You're acknowledging you saw this pamphlet? Yes ma'am, she explained all of it to me. I was just trying to be a good guy. Two weeks! He said he waited until the baby was two weeks, to say the baby is not his. That paper says 60 days. Why did he not write mail? (APPLAUDING) JUDGE LAKE: Very good questions, Ms. Chatman. Mr. Hayes, why didn't you rescind your acknowledgment, if you felt in two weeks that the baby really didn't look like you, and you don't remember having the symptoms? (CROWD LAUGHING) Because, when I went to juvenile court they said I had to get a DNA. I had to pay for a DNA and I didn't have no job at the time. What is this about, "I am just trying to be a nice guy?" Because, it doesn't matter if you're a nice guy in the hospital, but then you're a no show guy after you leave. (APPLAUDING) JUDGE LAKE: What's the point? You're right. You're right, Your Honor. CHATMAN: I have something for you. JUDGE LAKE: What else do you have, Ms. Chatman? He's saying this is not his son? What is this, ma'am? It's a Facebook post that he posted off his page, about his son. HAYES: That was the first little boy I had with her. That's the one that died. That's December the 11th, 2012. That's the baby that died. That's 2012. "God blessed me with my son yesterday." CHATMAN: If he died that day, why did you say, "God blessed me with my son yesterday." JUDGE LAKE: <i> This post says, "God blessed me with my son yesterday."</i> <i> Did you write this?</i> Uh-uh. I don't remember writing nothing like that. I have something else for you, ma'am. JUDGE LAKE: Yes. (CROWD LAUGHING) CHATMAN: Here you go, um... What else do you have, Ms. Chatman? It's a picture of Maurice Jr. He claimed that he didn't have that Facebook. Oh, yes he did, because there goes his nametag then and right there. JUDGE LAKE: <i> He's here?</i> CHATMAN: <i> Yes.</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> And you tagged...</i> CHATMAN: <i> Maurice...</i> Maurice Hayes, here. CHATMAN: Yes. JUDGE LAKE: On the picture. And what you're saying is that this is the same Facebook name that's used on the previous text. "Maurice Playareese Hayes." CHATMAN: Yes, Playareese. HAYES: Yes, Your Honor. HAYES: Your Honor, the only reason why I just really had doubts was because when she asked me over to her dad's house, after she left, I had seen another guy coming out of the house. So, when I walked in to the door, I explained to her, I asked her, I said, "Who is that guy?" She said, "That's my daddy's friend." I said, "You dad don't hang around with young dudes." So she said, "Oh, they just work together, it ain't nothing." But, the whole time it was the same guy that's currently calling my phone, and telling me, "Hey, uh, your baby mama, this and that. "Your baby mama this and that." I said, "Hey, how did you get my number?" JUDGE LAKE: What's this and that? He was saying that, uh, he's the daddy, and... I am trying to see my son and she won't let me. And, you know, I had met him one time at the barber shop, and then when we started talking, he was showing me Facebook messages, where Kecia had inboxed him saying, "Come get your child." Why you didn't bring him? I ain't go to bring nothing, you already known what was going on. But, Ms. Chatman, did you tell another man through Facebook to come and get his child? I never told another man to come and get his child. And the day that he's talking about, he came over and saw that guy in my house, he brought her with him over there. So, Ms. Chatman, whether or not he was your boyfriend, at that point, was there any other possible father, is what I am trying to understand. I was talking to the guy that he was talking about, but not around the time that the doctor said that I conceived. No. So you were intimate with someone else. Yes. But, you're saying that wasn't during the window of conception. No ma'am. So, you do understand, why he could have a doubt, but you're saying his dates are off. CHATMAN: I understand. She used my mom's phone, to talk to other guys. CHATMAN: I sure did... I never said nothing about that, I ain't know what was going on with it, I just left it alone. And, you know, now that the baby is here, now she's trying to wonder why, you know, I am not stepping to the plate, because you don't have so many guys in the picture. CHATMAN: Okay. I don't know what to do. What about Mauriah? You barely do stuff for her. You said if I can't go get one, don't do for the other, so I just left both of them alone. I bring shoes and clothes every time I get paid. Here's the witness, right here. Every time I get paid, I bring shoes and clothes. WEBB: This is how she gets all the shoes. She stopped me in my tracks. All right, let's get this clear. Let's get this clear. She had Pumas. We buy her Jordans. Pumas and Jordans... White Air Force 1s. Black Air Force 1s... I never saw no white Air Force 1s, or black Air Force 1s, and the ones that I did I bought it by my pocket. All right, there's nothing that gets on my last nerve more than people talking about what designer shoe a baby has and they don't even have a daddy! (APPLAUDING) I don't care about the shoes! It's about finding out... HAYES: Exactly. Whether or not you are Maurice Jr.'s father. WEBB: He been there for her. He barely do... JUDGE LAKE: I wanna hear from her. I wanna hear from her. Ma'am, please stand up to the podium. JUDGE LAKE: Your name, Ma'am? WEBB: Jennifer. Jennifer? Webb. Ms. Webb. WEBB: Webb. JUDGE LAKE: And you are now Mr. Hayes'... Baby mother. JUDGE LAKE: You're his child's mother? Mmm-hmm. And you all are in a relationship now? What do you know about the paternity of Maurice Jr.? One day, when I had Maurice's phone, I guess the guy she was messin' with was supposed to be the baby daddy, whoever. He texts the phone and says, "Can you tell your baby mama, can I see my baby?" It was a long paragraph. It was telling him about he was messing with Kecia then. Kecia wasn't going to her daddy's house, she was going to the club, leaving the club, going to his house. That's when he text to the phone. Oh, he was texting Mr. Hayes directly? This is my first time hearing about it. Saying, "I would like to see my child." And he was talking about Maurice Jr.? WEBB: <i> Yes ma'am.</i> CHATMAN: <i> This is my first time I'm hearing about this.</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> And so, when you saw this text,</i> did you confront Ms. Chatman? Yes ma'am, yes ma'am. JUDGE LAKE: What did you say? I called, I said, "How did the guy get my number?" She said, "I don't know. I don't know!" So, I don't know what him and Kecia had going, but, you know, I'm just trying to get to the bottom of it... But, when's the last time he's seen your children? She won't let him. Because of the baby. Thank you. Thank you. "If you can't get one, you can't get the other." JUDGE LAKE: So, Ms. Chatman, you've created a condition, that he cannot see Mauriah, the older child, unless he also takes Maurice Jr. Yes, because he will come and give Mauriah things, take her, but leave him with broken promises. WEBB: He had doubts. It don't matter. Why's he promising, "I'm gonna come back and get him, I'm gonna come back and get you," (SPEAKING SIMULTANEOUSLY) Well what he lying for, though? Mr. Hayes, you admit that you've made the effort to see your daughter, because you are sure that she's your biological child? But, you leave Maurice Jr. behind... HAYES: Yes, Your Honor. Because you are doubtful about his paternity? HAYES: Yes, Your Honor. And, you also have made the mistake of telling Maurice Jr. you were going to come back for him, and never show up, because that's how you get Mauriah. Yes, Your Honor. What evidence do you have that you'd like to show the court? I can give you... JUDGE LAKE: Jerome, may I see that, please? Saying if I can't get... This is a copy of a text log that says, <i> "Not her today.</i> <i> "I'm cumm to get her tomorrow.</i> <i> "I got something to do today."</i> Mmm-hmm. Yep. JUDGE LAKE: You write back, Ms. Chatman, <i> "Her or them?"</i> CHATMAN: <i> Yes.</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> And then, you write back,</i> <i> no, you write back, "Her."</i> Yes. JUDGE LAKE: And then, you write back, "You might as... "Might as well forget about it. "Bye." CHATMAN: Yes. Because you're serious. Yes. JUDGE LAKE: If he's not coming to get both children, then he can't see either one. Yes. Is it fair, though? I mean, think about it. You signed the birth certificate. HAYES: You're right, Your Honor. The child has your name. Yes, ma'am. What's the harm in just picking him up? CHATMAN: He force denying it. (APPLAUDING) HAYES: There's too many dudes in the picture. I'm not taking no child that ain't mine, Your Honor. I'm just being real. I work too hard for my little money. Listen, all this about "I just wanted to be a good guy," what happened to that person? That just wanted to be a good guy? (APPLAUDING) I stepped out of her life, Your Honor, for a simple fact, because she left one night and said, "Maurice, can I go to the club?" I said, "Yeah, you can go." Left me there with Junior and Mauriah. Woke up the next morning, she wasn't there. Hopped in the car, going to look for her. She over at another guy's house. You know... When I came to the door, knocked on the door, Kecia in there with some dude. I heard, "Oh, eh, well, eh, you don't need to be here, man. "This ain't that." So, I said, "Man, I don't want no confusion." HAYES: She... Listen, we can tell that the relationship, didn't have an ounce of commitment in it. I'm just trying to understand his doubt. What other information, evidence, do we have, that relates to the paternity issue? Do you have something, ma'am? CHATMAN: Yes, ma'am. What is it? Jerome, will you pass this to me? It's a Facebook post he made, in his name, right there, Maurice Hayes, the time y'all was broke up, when you put that picture, JUDGE LAKE: <i> So, this one says, "Daddy time with the kids.</i> <i> "Gotta love them."</i> WEBB: That was in my house, they won't tell you... CHATMAN: You wasn't there! That's what's up. That's good! Damn right! All right, ladies, watch your language in the courtroom. I've heard enough, I am ready for the results. Jerome, please hand me the envelope. (APPLAUDING) And please stand between the plaintiff and defendant for these results. I don't want anybody getting out of hand. Let's stay composed. These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. In the case of<i> Chatman v. Hayes,</i> as it pertains to 2-year-old Maurice Hayes Jr., it has been determined by this court, Mr. Hayes, you are not the father. (CROWD GASPING) Thank you, Your Honor. CHATMAN: That's fine, he can have his money back. That's fine. WEBB: But you took him through all this? Yes I took him through that, but did I not say I was with somebody else, though? Did I not say that? Not with nobody else, but... WEBB: Oh, you didn't say that. (CROWD GASPING) You funny, Kecia. Before we start getting silly to save face, the point is it's not his child. CHATMAN: Okay. He'd been through all this, the man's got tears in his eyes. Mr. Hayes, you're very emotional. What are you feeling? She kept me from seeing my daughter for so long. CHATMAN: You're right. (SOBBING) And, just put me through so much. (SOBBING) I ain't seen my daughter in two or three months. And like, it really gets to me, because that's my baby and I'd do anything for her, but she said if I can't get one, I can't get the other one. But, here it is today, I am not the father, like I said before. You all have got to figure out how to work through this now. You have a child together, Mauriah. Is this other gentleman the only other possible father? So, he is Maurice Jr.'s biological father? Yes. What I'm trying to get to is that this is madness. It is, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: And, let me be clear, now that we've determined in this court, that you are not in fact Maurice Jr.'s biological father, that's not going to automatically cut you off from responsibility for that child support, because you signed the birth certificate. So, what I am saying is this doesn't end today. The truth has come out today, but this isn't the end, this is the beginning. Yes. JUDGE LAKE: Do you understand? This court has resources for you, we will help you get through this. Take advantage of it, the truth is out. Now, do something positive with it. Court is adjourned.
Channel: Paternity Court
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Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
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