Man Wants His Money Back From Engagement Ring If Child Isn't His (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. Good morning, Your Honor. Good morning. This is the case of<i> Fernandez v. Butler.</i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day, everyone. AUDIENCE: Good day. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Fernandez, you and your former fiance, Ms. Butler, say everything rides on today's DNA results. Now, you claim, you found evidence that she cheated and another man may have fathered your little girl, Devine. Now, you called off the wedding, pawned the ring and lost $300. Am I correct? Yes, Your Honor. Now, you're suing her for that, and you've petitioned the court for a paternity test to prove you are not her daughter's father. Yes. Ms. Butler, although you admit to cheating during the window of conception you say you have no doubt Mr. Fernandez is Devine's biological father. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: All right, so... Mr. Fernandez, why did you pawn the ring? Because I was frustrated, I was angry, I took the ring back and I left. The ring actually costs about $700. I was only given about 350 for it, Your Honor. Do you have a receipt for the ring? I actually don't have receipt for the ring, but... Before all that, when we first got together, he already had a girlfriend. So, he already was a cheater in the beginning. He cheated with... I cheated? Why we here? We not... I didn't cheat. Why we here right now? You did cheat. And that's exactly why I cheated. He... He already had a girlfriend when we first got together. You know the baby is yours. FERNANDEZ: How can I cheat... BUTLER: You did cheat. (SIGHS) Ms. Butler, why did you cheat? FERNANDEZ: Right, why did you cheat? BUTLER: Because... FERNANDEZ: Ms. Butler? Uh, oh, I wanna tell you. Okay. One day, he came over my house, and he had a pregnant... The girl was supposed to be pregnant. It was supposed to be his "baby." But he comes over, he says he was at the house seeing the "baby," he comes to my house... That's a lie. That's a lie, Your Honor. And he smells exactly like sex, his whole body. He thinks... You know what I'm saying? Like, I come in, I kiss him, I smell it. So, I start kissing him all over. Because I'm like, "Okay." But I really was smelling him, that's what I was doing. So, I'm kissing him, kissing him, I smell sex everywhere. All over his body. JUDGE LAKE: Okay, I get it. BUTLER: Yeah, so, uh... (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) Your Honor, I came here from work, came home... You're lying. Went to try and get some sleep... I know what sex smells like. And she says, "Oh, you smell like sex." I smell like sex? I've been working all day. You know what sex smells like? BUTLER: There's a difference between sweat and sex. Oh, okay. So, the bottom line is... That she cheated. That's the bottom line. JUDGE LAKE: You felt like he had been cheating? Yes. And then, what happened? We get into a big argument, I put him out, because I know what I smell. I don't care what he's talking about. I know what I smell. I believe my nose over his lies any day. So, after he cheated on me, I called my friend, so we can go out and I can have some drinks, and I could try and get over him. We were out partying, drinking and everything... Um... Some guys were buying me drinks, buy her drinks, so... Bought you drinks, huh? Yes. Hmm... So, eventually we end up going to the room or whatever, and, you know, my friends were off doing their own thing, you know, I was drunk and I kinda felt, you know, pressure even more because they all doing what they were doing. So, I went ahead and did it, but I used a condom for sure. I used a condom. There's no, you know, doubt in my mind. BUTLER: I know I used a condom. So, you admit to cheating? I don't feel like I was cheating because he cheated on me, so... FERNANDEZ: You had sexual intercourse, it's cheating. She cheated, when we were together. Were you still in the relationship or you had broken up? I felt we were broken up, he says we were still together. Okay so, bottom line is, you slept with somebody else? BUTLER: Yes, yes. And you say you used a condom, though? I did use a condom. Yes. Now, how did you find out that she slept with somebody else? I found out... It took weeks of me pressing it out of her. When I came home, it was just me and her there one day, I see her phone. I ain't gonna lie, Your Honor. I'm big snooper. So, I grabbed her phone, and I... Yes. I pay for the phone. But look, I'm a big snooper. I grabbed her phone. That ought to make you a stalker. I grabbed her phone, I look through, I see her hugged up with a guy. Some Gucci-man-looking guy. I don't think he's black, he's just... FERNANDEZ: I confronted her about it. BUTLER: Oh, okay. "Who is this Gucci-man-looking guy? Who is this?" If you weren't going through my phone, you wouldn't have found the picture. See? That, right there. You're sneaky. JUDGE LAKE: So, wait a minute. You said you... You considered yourself to be broken up at the time? BUTLER: Yes. But you said you guys were at home? So, you still lived together? Yeah, we were still there. Yes, Your Honor. Still lived together. We were separated. He cheated on me so I didn't wanna be bothered. FERNANDEZ: I never cheated. You assumed I cheated. You did cheat. You cheated and got caught red-handed. I never cheated. When did she come clean? She came clean... It took weeks. It took weeks for her to actually come clean. JUDGE LAKE: You just kept asking her over and over again? I kept asking her, it was several arguments. BUTLER: I wore a condom. FERNANDEZ: You're allergic to condoms, right? BUTLER: I wore a condom. But you're allergic to it! But I didn't know him! You're gonna eat some food that you're allergic to? But I didn't know him. But you ain't know him? So, wait a minute. Mr. Fernandez, you're saying Ms. Butler is allergic to... She's allergic to condoms, Your Honor. We never use 'em. I wasn't even aware of this, 'cause we never used condoms. So, to the latex material? To the latex material. Okay. So now, Ms. Butler... BUTLER: Mmm-hmm. Are you or are you not allergic to latex? Are you? (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) (CHUCKLES) No. JUDGE LAKE: So, you're not? No. FERNANDEZ: Now she's not. She just said... Oh, so, that was a lie? That's why we're here, Your Honor. 'Cause she's a liar. She's a liar. BUTLER: No, I'm not a liar. And I need to know if that's my daughter. I used a condom. And... JUDGE LAKE: So, hold on. First of all, you're not actually allergic to latex? BUTLER: No, I'm not. That's just something you told him? Yes. Wow. JUDGE LAKE: Because you wanted to sleep with him without protection? Yes. FERNANDEZ: Well, so you trapped me? So she was trying to trap me? (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) Uh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Your Honor. Ms. Butler, you said you did use a condom with this new guy. Yes. So, obviously, there was no allergic reaction, because you're not really allergic? BUTLER: Right. Your Honor, she's crazy. Your Honor, she's crazy. Flat out, she's crazy. Well, you live with her, and you were gonna marry her. BUTLER: So, he's crazy, too. FERNANDEZ: I do live with her, but... So, you must like a little crazy? A little. A little bit. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) JUDGE LAKE: Listen, I want... Your Honor, I have the calendar to prove when... With the days of conception to prove my... This is my evidence... JUDGE LAKE: I'd like to see that evidence, Ms. Butler. Jerome, will you hand that to me, please? We had sex that whole week. So, this calendar represents the dates you were intimate with the plaintiff? Yes. JUDGE LAKE: All right. So, you were intimate with Mr. Fernandez on the 1st? Yes. The 31st, the 1st. Then we got into it, he cheated on me on the 2nd, he came back smelling like sex and then I went out with my friend, and did what I did. So, now, you submitted this calendar to prove that you were intimate with the plaintiff, on the 1st... Pretty much that whole week. BUTLER: Yes. JUDGE LAKE: The 1st, the 6th, the 7th and the 8th. Yes. Which is during the window of conception? Yes, Your Honor. When were you intimate with the other guy, when you all fell out? BUTLER: Like, January 5th. JUDGE LAKE: Well, that's the same week. FERNANDEZ: Same week. BUTLER: But he cheated on me on January 2nd. That's easy to see either man could be the father. BUTLER: No, 'cause I wore a condom. I wore a condom and I... And she's allergic to condoms, Your Honor. (SIGHS) You keep saying that, but I'm not. The baby looks just like him. Well, you do understand in terms of his doubt... The baby looks exactly like him. But, Ms. Fernandez, you do understand you admitted in open court that you lied about being allergic to condoms. So, if he came here thinking you were lying, you've now pretty much proven that you were lying, at least about that. So he, now, of course, questions whether you wore the condom at all. But, the baby looks just like him. I also have evidence I want to submit. Pictures, when I was a newborn and her as a newborn. At the time that I felt we looked alike. JUDGE LAKE: All right. Y'all look alike right now. What do you mean? JUDGE LAKE: Do you have those photos? FERNANDEZ: Yes, I do. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Fernandez as a child and Devine as a baby. And you say there's no resemblance? FERNANDEZ: But, as she got older... Look at the eyes, the nose, the lips. FERNANDEZ: As she gets older, the baby doesn't look like me. She looks like 'Gucci-man'. BUTLER: No she don't. FERNANDEZ: She looks like the guy that was in that picture that she was hugged up with. BUTLER: She still looks like you. I don't see it. FERNANDEZ: Look at the eyes, the nose, Your Honor. She doesn't look like me. BUTLER: 'Cause she's smilin' and you mean-muggin? What do you mean? That's the only difference. I feel there's no resemblance, Your Honor. She resembles the guy that was in the picture she was hugged up with. That's who she resembles to me. BUTLER: He blind. He nitpick with the baby. She told me the baby wasn't mine. Because you always say it's not yours, so... JUDGE LAKE: Hold on, let me get to that testimony. What did she say? FERNANDEZ: She say, uh... When the baby did get conceived, we had an argument. BUTLER: 'Cause you always throw it in my face. I went to take my daughter and said, "I'm leaving." "That's not your baby." I'm, "What do you mean?" Of course I'm gonna say, "Yes, 'Gucci-man's baby'." 'Cause that's all you say. Nobody wanna keep hearin that. I don't wanna keep hearing this 'Gucci-man baby'. So, of course I'm gonna say, "Yeah, it's not your baby." So, Ms. Butler, you do understand now, once you say that to a man, you can't un-ring that bell. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) Especially, if it's already ringing in his head. I understand, Your Honor, but, you still can't... So, they can just say whatever they wanna say to us and we're supposed to let our feelings keep getting hurt. Well, no, no, no. He keeps on denying the baby. I'm not supposed to be able to say anything? JUDGE LAKE: No, no, no. No, no, no. No. I supposed to take it? Listen to me. I can understand that, maybe, your feelings were hurt. And in an argument, he probably said things to hurt you. And you were trying to say things to hurt him. BUTLER: Exactly. However, you have to understand that you tell a man that a child that you believe is his, is not his, you don't just hurt his feelings, you're hurting your child. And I need my $300 back. Oh, you're not... How you gonna get $300 for a ring that was mine? That's mine. You gave it to me, you put it on my finger. But, that was a part of us, our bond, our relationship. Okay. But you cheated and broke all that. So, how you gonna take it back? You pawned it. That's your loss. That's your fault. You should be paying me for the ring that you took from me. My ring. Period. It's my ring. Once you came back home, did you two decide, "Okay, we're just gonna be a family, put the past behind us?" That's the way we were supposed to do, but everyday... Did you accept Devine, like, "This is my baby," the baby that was coming you said, "Okay, I'm in. "This is my child, I believe you, it's over." BUTLER: He act like he was going to. Yes. I did all that, Your Honor. I cut the baby's cord. JUDGE LAKE: That's what I'm getting to. So, you were at doctor's appointments. All of that. And you showed up to the hospital. All of that, Your Honor. You cut the cord. Yup. Yes, I did. Signed the birth certificate, everything. Then waited till she got a little bigger, and "Oh." Or every time he get mad, "No, it's not my baby. It's Gucci-man's baby." So, when this happened and you're there for the birth and you're participating, you don't have doubts, then? I still had doubts, Your Honor. He still has doubts. We argue every day. I still... I still had doubts, Your Honor. Let me talk! Can I talk? No. Can I talk? Let me talk. Can I talk? You've been talking. Your Honor, I still had doubts. But, she was just beautiful to me. Still is, you know? And I love her. I do love her. 'Cause, she's your baby. She looks just like you. That's common sense. JUDGE LAKE: All right. That's common sense. She did when she first came. When she first came out, she did look like me. JUDGE LAKE: So, so... Your father was running around. He wasn't in your life, so you're doing the same thing. My dad did the same thing to me. In and out. I'm not. Also, I had my other son. You know, I went through that same thing. And I just can't do it anymore. I'm not trying to keep on going through this, you know? I wanna nip it in the bud. 'Cause, she's getting older and she starting to hear the arguments with him. JUDGE LAKE: Oh, no. Every time we get into it. "That's not my baby, that's 'Gucci-man's baby'." We would never gone through this if you hadn't cheated. That's all I hear. "Uh, it's 'Gucci-man's baby'." I don't know 'Gucci-man'. She looks like the guy in the picture. So, the truth is, Mr. Fernandez, you're back at home, but you got one foot in the door and one foot out. Yes, I was and... And he'd leave and go with other little girls, that... You know, take his break. So, this is affecting your relationship has torn apart your engagement, BUTLER: Yes. and your whole family's on the line. Your Honor, I still try to be close and bond with the baby. I got her name tattooed on me, you know? JUDGE LAKE: You tattooed... BUTLER: You act stand-offish, though. Every time you get an attitude or think I'm doing stuff. FERNANDEZ: I get an attitude, it's you. That's my baby. BUTLER: I know, that's what I know. Oh, I know. You act like you don't know. But, I know. FERNANDEZ: Why don't I know? 'Cause of what you did. So, Mr. Fernandez, let me ask you this. If the DNA evidence proves that Devine is not your biological daughter, where will you go from here? Can you stick this out? Can you still be a family? There's no sticking this out, Your Honor. These results are impacting everything. Her life, my life, our relationship, everything. BUTLER: My other kid's life, everything. So, so... Yeah, everything. So, I'm gone. If that's not my baby, I'm gone. JUDGE LAKE: 'Cause Ms. Butler, you look like you're almost in tears. I can tell this hurts. Yes. Fake tears. Not fake tears! JUDGE LAKE: You talked about the fact that it's happened to you before and that your father was not around, and you don't want this for your little girl. No, I don't want that for none of my kids. That is his baby. And he gonna see and that way we can move forward and maybe even still get married or anything, 'cause I want my family. (SCOFFS) That's why I've been fighting so hard for. Married? So, your hope is that this will help mend... BUTLER: Our relationship. Your relationship and you want your family. Yes. I love my family, I love him. Even through all the ups and downs, he's always been there for me. You know what I'm saying? He is a good dad. He's a great dad. That's why it would kill me if she wasn't, but I know for a fact that she is. I don't believe it. There's no question in my mind how much you want this to be Mr. Fernandez's child. And there's no question in my mind how much you want your family to stay together. But, I do have to ask. You do understand how a man would live and wrestle with... BUTLER: I understand, Your Honor. ...this over and over again in his mind. And then have to just rely on you saying, "Well, we used a condom." Any person would be wondering, "Well, did she really?" You know? Yes, Your Honor. And Mr. Fernandez, I can see, as I look at you, that this bothers you. Yes, it bothers me a lot, Your Honor. Every day, I think about it. From work, home, to everywhere, I just think about it. It's on my mind. 'Cause, I love her. I do love that little girl, you know? JUDGE LAKE: Good. I just need to know, though. I just need to know. Well, that's why we're here. And I have those results for you. Jerome? These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics. And they read as follows. "In the case of <i> Fernandez v. Butler.</i> "When it comes to two-year-old Devine Butler, "it has been determined by this court, "Mr. Fernandez..." "When it comes to two-year-old Devine Butler, "it has been determined by this court, "Mr. Fernandez, "you are her father." Oh. Told you. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) BUTLER: I know what I'm talking about. (SIGHING LOUDLY) BUTLER: What do you mean? Look at her! Do you see her? Do you see her? Do you see her? Look at her. Wow. All this time. All this time, you've been doing that. FERNANDEZ: Wow. BUTLER: All this time. I told you, that's your baby. Come here, babe. I'm sorry. AUDIENCE: (APPLAUDING) Aw... FERNANDEZ: (SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY) FERNANDEZ: I'm sorry. Is your lipstick on me? Yeah. FERNANDEZ: (SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY) AUDIENCE: Oh! I love you baby, you hear me? I just want the whole world to see how much I love you. Will you marry me? (CRYING) Yes. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) I love you, baby. I love you, baby. That's wonderful. FERNANDEZ: Wow. BUTLER: (VOICE TREMBLING) Thank you, Your Honor. Where my baby at? JUDGE LAKE: Oh... JUDGE LAKE: (LAUGHING) "Where the baby at?" Aw... (CHUCKLING) So, Mr. Fernandez, I can see in your eyes this has been an emotional day. I do have to ask you about your suit. You've now proposed and given yet another ring. BUTLER: (CHUCKLES) JUDGE LAKE: And you came in here asking for $300. BOTH: (CHUCKLING) Your Honor, I still want my $300. JUDGE LAKE: (LAUGHING) Ooh! BOTH: (LAUGHING) I'm playing with you, babe. She's good, Your Honor. Okay, so, is it safe to say, you would like to withdraw your suit? Yes, I do. I'm happy for you two. BOTH: Thank you. I really... I really am so happy. It seems like you all have been up, down and around and yet you can't really let go of one another. BOTH: Right, yeah. So, you know, relationships are difficult. And marriages are even harder. BOTH: Yes. JUDGE LAKE: Right? When you have an issue, work it out together. Go outside, get some air. Come back in, talk about it. I really am so happy for you guys. Thank you so much. I wish you the very best of luck. Send me some wedding pictures. All right? All right. Okay, we will. Yeah. Yeah. Good luck to you. Court is adjourned. BUTLER: Thank you. Y'all see my ring? (LAUGHTER)
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 1,535,577
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Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: uuVSZU8EluQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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