Woman Tries To Get Daughter To Be Beneficiary Of Deceased Man (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello, Jerome. This is the case of<i> Williams v. Potts and Carr.</i> Thank you. Good day, everyone. AUDIENCE: Good day. Ms. Williams, you've asked the court to administer a DNA test to establish paternity for your 2-year-old daughter Makayla Brown. Yes, Your Honor. You plan to file a claim asking that your daughter become the beneficiary of up to $153,000 in social security death benefits over the next 16 years, because her potential father, Mr. Marques Brown, is now deceased. WILLIAMS: <i> Yes, Your Honor.</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> Ms. Potts, you and your daughter, Ms. Carr,</i> have doubt that your deceased son is the biological father, and in fact claim that any number of men in town could be this child's father. BOTH: Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: So, Ms. Williams, how has the deceased's family got in the way? Well, Your Honor, it's just... They're, first of all, in the way of me getting these benefits, they're just giving me problems, I'm having issues, and I just don't understand. I don't, clearly. Because she's a whore. She's a whore. Clearly, I don't understand. And when this test proves that the baby is not my brother's baby, we want her to remove his name from the birth certificate. Why would you put his name on the birth certificate when he was dead and nobody knew that was his baby? He knew it was his baby. CARR: He didn't know. Okay. AUDIENCE: Oh. JUDGE LAKE:<i> Oh, beautiful little girl.</i> So, Ms. Carr, why do you have so much doubt? It's not his baby. "I was taking her to different men's houses to get... "Throw her private part a party," is what she would quote-unquote say. (AUDIENCE GASP) Meaning she goes to different people's houses, men, and have fun, and throw her private part a party. So how you know who your baby daddy is... Wait, wait, wait. But she was with your brother, why would you take her to a private parts party? Because my brother had other girlfriends coming over, and she was angry from that. JUDGE LAKE:<i> So you would take her where she wanted to go,</i> <i> or you planned the party?</i> Um, I would take her where she wanna go, and pick her up, and I would meet some of the guys sometimes. So you know for certain that she was sleeping around 'cause you were there. I know for certain that she was sleeping with other people, yes. Is this true? Were you having parties with men? Were you sleeping with different men? CARR: Can I show you, Your Honor? Yes, Your Honor. She was taking me to different men's house. It's not a secret, so why would I lie about the baby being his? <i> It's not a secret.</i> CARR: <i> It's not my brother's baby.</i> <i> Can I show you, Your Honor?</i> JUDGE LAKE: Please, please. So I started out taking her to Compton, to this person's house, where I would drop her off, and come back an hour-and-a-half later and pick her up, and she would bring the person outside... Well, she brought this person outside to say hello to me, crack a couple of jokes, a little sweaty, messed up, here messed up, and now it's time to go. A couple of days later, I'm taking her to Manchester and McKinley, dropping her off, and picking her up. This person I never got the chance to meet, but it's the man, obvious, because she had me drop her off, and in that time frame, within that hour-and-a-half, pick her back up. Then I take her here, to downtown, to her friend's house, whom she spent most of her nights with, and I even let her use my bus pass to get back home with on several occasions from this location. (AUDIENCE MURMURING) So she's been to that location more than once? Exactly. That's probably who the baby daddy is. Okay. Compton... And this was all during the window of conception? CARR: Yes. Around all. WILLIAMS: No. WILLIAMS: No. JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Williams? He was already dead when she was taking me on 5th and Main. He was already dead. CARR: Did you not throw your private part a party? Is that not your logo? WILLIAMS: No. Oh. Okay. Your Honor, I took her downtown one time. At the time, did you know she was cheating, or you know it now? I know it now because I took her down... Well, I took her downtown one time and that's the only time I knew she was cheating on my son. WILLIAMS: Hmm, these names are not... I know what I know. JUDGE LAKE: All right, let's talk about the pregnancy. When did you actually realize you were pregnant? Um, about close to two months after I was incarcerated. I had to contact my cousin, and my cousin contacted Mr. Brown and let him know that I was pregnant. CARR: No, Mr. Brown found out she was pregnant from a letter she sent to the house that was intercepted by my mom. And then my mom told him that the letter stated that she was pregnant, and my brother was like, "No, she's not, and that's not my baby." WILLIAMS: Okay. I have... What do you have there, ma'am? I have, uh, letters. Coincide back and forth between us. This first letter is dated November 5. It's a letter from you to... WILLIAMS: <i> Mr. Brown.</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> Mr... Okay.</i> <i> And it says...</i> (JUDGE LAKE READING) What is this about? About me being pregnant. I was in the working dorm and I had to keep it a secret, because if people knew I was pregnant, they want to move me out. To general population. And what's the other piece of evidence you have, ma'am? Um, this is another letter that I got back from him that he wrote. This was dated November 29. And it's from... CARR: <i> Him to me.</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> Him to you.</i> (JUDGE LAKE READING) That's what he wrote to you? CARR: He didn't sent her anything. And that was 24 days later. You said what, Ms. Carr? He'd tell her anything while she was in jail. He had girls coming over left and right. That's just something to feed her, to ease her mind while she was behind them bars. Okay, so why are you so sure he's your child's father, then? Because I know what I was doing. Yeah, you also slept with two of my other brothers. People have condoms. So how are you so sure that that's my brother's baby? How are you so sure? Because I know. Oh, are you sure of all your baby daddies? CARR: We're not here for me. Okay, but you need to worry about your own business instead of mine. But we can come. I know what I do with my private parts. Just like I'd know what I do with mine. Throw it a party. She's a whore. Wow. Did you get to speak to him any more about... Yeah, we had a couple of telephone conversations when it was actually money on the phone for him to accept the collect calls. We had like maybe three or four conversations. And what were those conversations about? It's not his baby. Did he ever say "This isn't my baby"? No, not to me. I don't know what he said to anybody else, I can only tell you what he told me. CARR: We hid the letter from her... We hid the letter from... He told me that he wasn't the baby daddy. JUDGE LAKE: That's what he told you? Yes. When she received the letter and brought it to his attention, 'cause she told my mother, told everybody else about the letter before we even brought it to his attention. So when we brought it to his attention, he told us all at once that that wasn't his baby. Okay. So at what point, Ms. Williams, did you find out that he had passed away? The day after I called the house. How long was that after the last time you spoke with him via mail? I don't know mail, but maybe three weeks to a month, with the phone call. With the phone call? I talked to him in the beginning of May. So the last phone call you had with him is the beginning of May. And he passed away... At the end of May. At the end of May. Your Honor, he passed away on May 23, 2013. So I have to ask, but I ask respectfully, what happened to your son? My son was standing down the street from the house getting ready to go party with his friends, the guy came down in a car and they shot him right there on the corner. JUDGE LAKE: <i> I'm so sorry.</i> Is this before or after Makayla was born? WILLIAMS: Before. Before. When I got the news, I was, like, already... I was close to the end of my pregnancy but I was having issues, so they had me, like, hospitalized. I had, like, something called placenta previa. And, you know, I was constantly having issues in and out of the hospital, and when I got the information from Ms. Carr, it kind of sent me over the edge. So they had to, like, rush me, like, in the process I had to get an emergency C-section, it was complications with the birth and everything. Did you immediately ask about death benefits for your child, or how did you proceed at that point? Well, at the time... I'm sorry. At the time, I was incarcerated, so there was no death benefits to proceed. There was nothing I could do but just have the baby, have somebody come to pick the baby up. She ain't entitled to nothing anyway. That ain't my brother's baby. And then when was the first time you two saw the baby? We never saw the baby. She sent the baby home to one of her friends. Because they wouldn't even come to pick the baby up. No, because... You never... She never... You never asked us to pick that baby up. I had a conversation with Mr. Brown... POTTS: I was sick for two years. CARR: But she never asked me to take the baby. WILLIAMS: I had a conversation with Mr. Brown... She never asked me to step up and take the baby. WILLIAMS: I asked him, "Who gonna come and pick the baby up?" 'Cause I don't have nobody, I don't really have family members, so... CARR: He never mentioned that to us. He was like, "Well, my mamma says she don't want no more babies at this house." I was sick, Your Honor. I was sick. But she never even ask you to take care of it. No. She just assumed because she was sick that she wouldn't take the baby. She just was believing, if my brother even told her that my mother wouldn't take the baby, you, as a mother, could have stepped up the same way you were calling the house to talk to my brother and ask my mother, and then we would have bowed down as a family and took the baby. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) She never brought that baby to us and that's where the doubt lies. And she refused the DNA test. He was like, "My mamma..." I've never refused a DNA test. I offered to pay half. I offered to pay half on the DNA test. I don't have money to pay half. I don't! You didn't say that. Your quote-unquote response was, "I'm not paying the other half," and I said, "Why not? The baby's half yours." So you mean to tell me when I first came back from jail, you didn't ask me if she can get a DNA test? I told her I would give her $100 on the DNA test. I told her I would pay the other $100 to do the DNA test. She wouldn't do it. Wait. So, ultimately, you feel like you were chasing her down, trying to get her to take the DNA test, and she was avoiding it? How did they have to chasing me down when I lived in their house? How did they have to chasing me down? I said I wouldn't pay for it. I never said I wouldn't take the test. So now Makayla is almost two years old. WILLIAMS: She is, still. She just turned two last week. She just turned two. Okay. <i> Have you established any type of a relationship with her, Ms. Carr or Ms. Potts?</i> Yes. Franzette was staying at my house, and she asked me, she take her other boy to school and she asked me, "Can I watch Makayla?" I never told her no. I never told her no. So you do have a bond? Does she treat you like you're her grandmother? Yes. Yes, yes. JUDGE LAKE: She does. And when you look at her, do you see your son at all? CARR: No. POTTS: No. I even use the website where you put the two pictures in and it projects an image of what the baby is suppose to look like. If I can give you this... JUDGE LAKE: Yes. Jerome, will you hand me that? And this baby is what the baby should look like. And that's not what Makayla looks like. So you went to a web site on your own... Yes. And you put in a picture of... Ms. Williams and... JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Williams and a picture of your brother. <i> Yes.</i> JUDGE LAKE:<i> And the baby should come out looking like...</i> CARR: <i> That. Something like that.</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> This.</i> So what we're looking at now is a picture of Makayla, and a picture of the morphed version that you did, the mock-up, using the app. Yes. Where you put in both of the pictures? Yes. So when you came up with this, you said this is absolutely not... Not my brother's baby. And you're concerned that the baby looks nothing like... Nothing like her. Makayla. Or nothing like Marques. Your Honor, I have a picture, too. Of me and Makayla. Yes. You do? I'd like to see that, Jerome. CARR: Makayla don't look like none of my mom's grandkids. They don't look like each other. JUDGE LAKE: This is a picture of Makayla and Ms. Potts. <i> You say there's no resemblance?</i> POTTS AND CARR: <i> No.</i> CARR: <i> Makayla doesn't look like my mother at all.</i> WILLIAMS: <i> Is she her mom?</i> Why does she have to look like y'all? I don't get it. CARR: It's her daddy's mamma. She don't have to look nothing like y'all. CARR: She should look something like that. She looks like me 'cause she's mine. She looks like me. My DNA made her. But ultimately, DNA does not lie. And I know that's why you're here today. Okay, Your Honor, I have more evidence, also. Oh, I'd like to see that. Jerome. I would like to know why, if they're claiming the baby isn't his, why did they put her name in the obituary? CARR: Because my mother made me. I was forced to let that baby's name go inside of that obituary. Because you didn't want to? No. No, because it's not his baby. (READING) <i> And Makayla Brown is listed last.</i> CARR: <i> Yes.</i> And why did you have her put it in the obituary? I made her put it in there. She told me, "Don't." I just did it 'cause I'm a Christian person, and trying to be faithful. WILLIAMS: Really? CARR: Really. WILLIAMS: Really? CARR: She let you come live there. Really? You were homeless. I know I was, and I never said no. Homeless. With nowhere to go. You're right. So, really, yes, she did. And you mom did take me in. She did allow you to come in. And I thank her very much for helping me with my kids, and living there and all of this other stuff. So, really, yes, she is a Christian. You can't take that from her, really. But there's too many extras. There really is. POTTS: There's not a lot of extras. But Ms. Williams, you do understand the doubt though, right? Yeah. Yeah. You understand why they have doubt? Even though you may not have any. Okay. But I just feel like... If it's another man running around in this world that is her father, why would I deprive my child of a dad? Why? To blame it on somebody that cannot help me take care of this child? (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Now you know... It just don't make no sense. ...that the other man you're messing with would not even claim your baby. So don't stand there and make it seem like you have somebody else on the list to run to that would be a great father to your child. The two dudes that I do know about, take care of their kids... Because the man that you met with and the one you messing with now will not... ...take care of his child. Ladies, ladies, ladies. Ultimately this is about Makayla, that's why we're here. POTTS: Yes. JUDGE LAKE: <i> But interesting...</i> (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) They act like they care so much but it's like I was sleeping in my car, in the front yard. CARR AND POTTS: By choice. By choice, because you was knocking on our door at 2:00, 3:00 in the morning, only whores come home at 3:00 a.m. in the morning. You come home... You came home at that time. I can do whatever I want. Exactly. So that means I can, too. I know, for my kids, who the father is. I'm not here testing my baby. You do? All of 'em? CARR: Every last one of them. Anyway, back to this, that matters. CARR: Yeah. I have no doubt y'all wanted this. I didn't need this. All right, ladies, all right. I think it's time for the results. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) I do. Thank you, Jerome. Before I get to the results, I just want to explain how the lab was able to give us this result. Because the potential father is deceased, with permission from the next of kin, we were able to obtain a blood card. That blood card was collected from the LA county coroner's office, we used that sample to run the paternity test. Are we clear? POTTS AND CARR: Yes. Okay. The results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. In the case of<i> Williams v. Potts-Carr,</i> when it comes to 2-year-old Makayla Brown, <i> it has been determined by this court</i> that the deceased, Mr. Marques Brown, was her father. Thank you so much. Thank you. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Okay. You get that. I apologize. Thank you. POTTS: You know I love Makayla. I love Makayla 'cause I took care of Makayla. CARR: We needed to know. We just want to know was it her dad or not. You were doing... We needed to know. Don't cry. I'm sorry. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) We just needed to know, okay? JUDGE LAKE: Do you feel relieved that now they know, Ms. Williams? How does it feel? I mean, I already knew in my heart but it's like... I've been through a lot, Your Honor. I just hope stuff better, that's all I could say. I hope we can build a better relationship with each other, I hope y'all love my kid like y'all love your kids, then everything will be all right. POTTS: Oh, I love my kids, I love my kids. I love Makayla. You know I loved her because I always kept her anytime you asked me to, I kept Makayla. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) JUDGE LAKE: I think that's wonderful. I wish you all the very best of luck. Court is adjourned. ALL: Thank you.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 1,136,812
Rating: 4.707406 out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2019
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