Peaches Out In Georgia: Spicy Paternity Mysteries From Georgia (Compilation) | Paternity Court

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Ms. Marks-McGhee, you say the defendant needs to step up and take responsibility, for your two-year-old son Ahmari, because you know he is your son's biological father. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Wright, you claim Ms. Marks-McGhee, didn't even tell you about her baby, until he was three weeks old, and you know you are not the father. Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Wright, why do you believe the plaintiff is claiming you are the father? Well, I believe, the other guy she had in her life, didn't want anything to do with her or the baby anymore, so she decided to push the baby off on me. (AUDIENCE MUTTERING) Is that true, Ms. Marks-McGhee? No, that's not true. I mean, I did tell a couple lies, play a mean game, however, I know that Mr. Wright is Ahmari's father and I just want the truth to be out. So that my son can get to know his family and you know, be a part of his family's life. JUDGE LAKE: So, tell me what was the nature of your relationship? Uh, the nature of our relationship was, he was religious, supposed to be something for me to get over someone else, but things went further than what they were supposed to go... Oh, he was first just a convenient distraction? MARKS-MCGHEE: In my mind, yes. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIM) WOMAN: Oh, okay. But, um, you know, like I said, things went farther than what they were supposed to go. JUDGE LAKE: When you say went further... I started getting feelings for him. So, it was supposed to be a rebound, then you start having feelings for him. Real feelings. Mmm-hmm, yes ma'am. I mean, I didn't have feelings in the beginning, because, you know what I'm saying, when I first met her, I was introduced to her by a friend. In the beginning though, she was telling a lot of lies, you know, that I always picked up on, you know? But, if you knew she was lying, why move in with her? (AUDIENCE MURMURS) WOMAN: Exactly. I was vulnerable. JUDGE LAKE: You were vulnerable? (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMS) I was vulnerable. All right. Explain. (CHUCKLES) I was... I had left for a minute and came back... You know, when I came back here and I met her, you know what I'm saying, I really didn't have anything. You had a place in your life where you needed somewhere to stay. I guess you could say that. Okay. Was it a relationship, or was it, "I'm just gonna stay here for a while." What was the plan? Yes, it was a relationship. And then at some point you realize you're pregnant, Ms. Marks-McGhee. Tell me what happened, um, Mr. Wright, when she told you she was pregnant? Well, she always used to joke around saying that she was pregnant a lot, like she said it plenty of times. Like she would joke about it right now, "No, I'm not pregnant." Then, "I'm pregnant." to the point where... You just like, now in the back of my mind, "Oh, she's always lying when she's talking about that," you know. Me, being in my position hearing that constantly, what would you think? So you moved out? Right. Okay. Apparently, she started messing with somebody else. And, that's who she tried to put the baby off on. Oh, in the beginning she told someone else they were the child's father? In the beginning, I told Mr. Wright, he was the father, but the someone else was the one that I was trying to get over, by even starting anything with Mr. Wright. Oh, so the ex, came back in the picture. Right. Right. After Mr. Wright moved out. Right. But see, he was away. Like, far away. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. And, you know, after I found out that I was pregnant, was when my ex came back, me and Mr. Wright had no contact, we weren't speaking, after I told him, you know, I got rid of the baby, and I got re-pregnant by someone else. Did you say re-pregnant? Yes ma'am. Yes ma'am. (AUDIENCE LAUGHS) so, you text... WRIGHT: I was like, "Girl this guy's acting up." (JUDGE LAKE READING) Oh! (WRIGHT CHUCKLES) Then she says back, "Who?" Now, mind you... Females are smarter than what people really give them credit for... Now you know... (AUDIENCE LAUGHS) Well, Mr. Wright, I'm glad you filled me in on that today. (LAUGHTER CONTINUES) that, "What do you mean, who?" That's the first thing, "Why you said who?" Who else? Like, who that... Who's with... So, your spidey sense is up now. Yeah. 'Cause if it was only you, she would have just responded. Right. JUDGE LAKE: Okay, then what happened? So, I text back... I was still in character as her. <i> I text back, "Who do you think?"</i> And I was just waiting, I'm waiting... Just like, "Okay, what is she about to say? What is she about to say?" A whole different name popped up, I was like... JUDGE LAKE: Who is that? WRIGHT: You see how you looking right now? I was stuck just like that. (AUDIENCE CHUCKLING) I don't think Ahmari's mine at all. JUDGE LAKE: You don't? No, ma'am. Tell me why? I mean, if you want to, you can bring up, I don't see him in me. Like, I don't see me in him, like... He doesn't look at all like me. It was just too much going on, it was just... It was just too much going on, she was messing with some other guy. You know? And I just don't feel like none of this add up. Even while... Even after he was born, you know? I tried to reconcile, you know, try to be around. She would disappear all the time, I couldn't find her. 'Cause she won't answer the phone. She's never around. Like, she says she's at work. They say she never came in. But, she'll leave with a full work uniform... No. There's never been a time that I have never went to work, because, like I said, I was the one paying the bills, paying the rents, by naturally taking care of my kids. So... How many children do you have? Your Honor, I wanna say this. I have five boys. She cut me off, you know? Five boys at 24 years old. Yes, ma'am. (AUDIENCE MURMURING) JUDGE LAKE: In the case of<i> Marks-McGhee v. Wright,</i> when it comes to two-year-old Ahmari Marks-McGhee, it has been determined by this court, Mr. Wright, you... ...are not his father. (CHUCKLES) JUDGE LAKE: What are you feeling, Mr. Wright? I don't know if this is a sad feeling or angry feeling that I'm feeling right now. So, I was saying, he wasn't mine, I did build the bond with him. JUDGE LAKE: Yeah. It's been two years. You know what? Ain't nothing gonna change. Ain't nothing gonna change. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) That's still my little boy. Ms. Marks-McGhee, I have to ask you, do you know, who Ahmari's biological father is? Yes, Your Honor, I do. Is it your ex? It has to be, because they were the only ones. Ms. Hillman, you and your mother are appearing today because you claim the defendant got you pregnant and has since refused to do anything for your 13-month-old son, De'Marcus. You've petitioned the court for a DNA test to prove that he is De'Marcus' father. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. Mr. O'Neal, you say you are 100% certain that you are not her son's biological father and you plan to prove it in court today. Is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. Ms. Hillman, what type of relationship does Mr. O'Neal have with your son? Well, Your Honor, he don't do nothing for him. They don't have no relationship together. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMS) Like when I hold him, Your Honor, and my baby go to reach for him, he ignore him. Does he provide for the baby financially? No, he don't do nothing. My mom and the baby's godmother is the one that actually helps me with everything. And that's not right on my son, because he didn't ask to be here. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. O'Neal, you haven't done anything for the baby? I got my doubts. I got my doubts. I ain't doing nothing for the baby. So, you mean it. Nothing. No changing no diaper, no pampers, no nothing. 'Cause I ain't gonna take care of nothing that ain't mine. But that is yours. I done been through that experience before. I ain't gonna be no dummy two times. Oh, the last time you went through it, it was not your biological child? Yes, ma'am. But that ain't got nothing to do with us, so... But I got my doubts. But you know that's your baby. I got my doubts. All right, so take... I want to understand. I mean, Mr. O'Neal has admitted he is not doing anything for this baby, and he means it. How did your relationship start? Me and Mr. O'Neal, we met through two mutual friends. The first night we met, you know, we chilled and all that. He told me I was his girlfriend. He didn't ask me, like, he told me, he demanded that, "Okay, you're my girlfriend. We're together." So, the second night me, him, and the same two mutual friends, we got together and we chilled. That's when I conceived De'Marcus. Second night, though. JUDGE LAKE: So, it was the second night... I had one made me wait about two, three weeks. Don't say you weren't attracted, 'cause the first time me and you met, you sat in our car and you begged, literally. You begged for it. Don't try it. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) So, wait a minute. So, Mr. O'Neal, what you're saying now is, you told her you wanted her to be your girlfriend... Yeah. ...but now you say since she had sex with you the second night after she met you, you don't believe that you're the only person she was sleeping with. I think she was pregnant before she met me. You said you caught her with her ex and you saw text messages? No, he didn't. He's lying. What did you see? "How you doin'? What are you doing tonight?" "Oh, nothing." (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) "Can you come chill with me?" "Oh, my old man here." So, Mr. O'Neal, did you ever physically catch her with another man? Yeah, on her mom's porch. HILLMAN: Why is you lying? With her ex. Your Honor, let me tell you what happened. And I looked that same night and I think they laid around. That's why I got my doubts. My three-year-old... JUDGE LAKE: Tell me what happened. I'll give you a chance to respond. I was in the front room playing a game with her cousin and it was about 10:00, 11:00. But I had walked on the porch and I seen her mama, her and her ex sittin' right here. And now all of a sudden, "You want to come outside?" Why you even been coming in and tellin' me? Mr. O'Neal, do you have any reason to believe that she was still having sex with her ex? I think he stayed the night when I left. Marcus, don't do it. You know what, I'm just going to say it like this. You was a deadbeat, and you know that baby is yours. He look just like y'all. You should step up, whether or not... If you wanted this, why wait till he 13 months? You should have did it in the beginning. The beginning! You should have did it in the beginning. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Therefore, we wouldn't be going through this right now. Me and my homeboy, we were in the park, chilling. A random guy, he walked by first, he didn't say nothing. Walked by the second time, and looked me up, and he was like, "You Laneja's baby daddy?" I said, "Yeah, why? "What's the problem?" "Oh, that's my homeboy's baby. Did she tell you that?" (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMS) Your homeboy, baby... His homeboy. Boy, cut it out. So, wait, Mr. O'Neal, you were in the park with a friend, just hanging out at the park and some stranger walks by you and says, "Are you Ms. Hillman's child's father?" You say, "Yes." With pride. With pride! But you say he ain't yours though. What is it, he is or he ain't? JUDGE LAKE: Was she pregnant or was De'Marcus born when this happened? She was... He was already born. So, at that time, you were accepting him as your child? JUDGE LAKE: You told the man yes. At the time, until he got a little older. JUDGE LAKE: And then when he got older, what happened? He started not looking like me. He prob... (VALARIE AND HILLMAN SIGH IN EXASPERATION) You... Look at that. Now look at yourself in the mirror. He look like you, like all your family. All of y'all got big eyes, big lips, big nose. Look at the cheeks. He got bags under his eyes just like you and your mama. Tell the court. It ain't my child. And I say it is. JUDGE LAKE: And it seems like that kind of bothers you when you say that. VALARIE: Don't front. That baby look just like you. We'll find out. HILLMAN: We is gonna find out. So, listen, was Mr. O'Neal there when the baby was born, at the hospital? No, I was. O'NEAL: I was home. HILLMAN: He left me... Why be there when I got... When I had doubts! HILLMAN: Can I talk? Why be there at the hospital? So, he wasn't there to sign the birth certificate? No, I got evidence right here. Let me see that. Jerome, will you hand me the evidence, please? Thank you. You're welcome. This evidence is De'Marcus' birth certificate. And under "Father's name," <i> there is no father listed.</i> HILLMAN:<i> And Your Honor, it's embarrassing.</i> <i> 'Cause like, when he go to the doctor,</i> they look at me funny like, "Oh, just another person who don't know who their daddy is, "or their daddy wasn't there to sign the birth certificate." That's embarrassing. That really is embarrassing. HILLMAN: That is. And he says he's so hurt. No, I'm hurt because you knew we was doing it. If you be faithful, we wouldn't be going through this. How are you going to talk about somebody being faithful, when just a couple of days before we came here, a female was sending pictures to your phone. But you didn't tell that to the court, now, did you? It doesn't feel good when the shoe on the other feet, eh? Child, boo and bye. So, wait a minute. You all still dealing with each other? Somewhat. Off and on. So you still see De'Marcus? You see the baby? You just don't do anything... When I feel like it. JUDGE LAKE: When you feel like it. HILLMAN: But he don't do nothing. Because this is what paternity doubts do... This is nothing new. We see this all the time. When you meet a man on a Monday, and you in the bed with him on a Tuesday, you don't know him well enough. You don't know his intentions well enough, you don't know his capabilities of being a father well enough, you do not know whether he is compassionate enough, you don't know his finances well enough, and you don't know his background well enough to know. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) VALARIE: Well, I... JUDGE LAKE: Hold on! You don't know any of that information well enough to know how he's going to respond in a situation like this. There's also another point to this, is that he's never been a father, and he may not know how to be one, and he may not care to be one until he knows for certain. So there's a part you play in this. So, as you say to him he's a deadbeat, he's a this, he's a that... You're 20 years old, having sex in your mother's house. I got a problem with all that. 'Cause, mom, what that lets her know is that's okay. Hold up, Your Honor, because the same kids that he said is not his, he's been raising them kids. JUDGE LAKE: But, listen... Doing for them. But this is the point I am making. You are so angry at him and you have a right to be. But you also have to identify the ways in which you could have changed your behavior so it doesn't happen again. You got another baby, right? An older baby, right? And then you have De'Marcus, right? How many kids do you have? VALARIE: He do for the older one. I have two, but... He do for the older one. He'll help me with my oldest son. But not him. Because he knows that child is not his. Don't you all see his logic? As flawed as it may be, he will do something for the older child that he knows is not his because he's not going to get attached to that child the way he may get attached to De'Marcus. VALARIE: What? You're not understanding the logic. Listen... But Your Honor, he gets attached to the two that he knows for a fact that it's not his. That's what I just said, which is proof you're not listening. I just said that. But what I'm saying to you is as a young woman, I don't want this to happen to you again. So what I'm saying to you is you got to look at this. That's how we learn our lessons in life. You got to live it. You've seen it now, "I done laid down with a man, 14 years older than me, at my mother's house, "had sex, let him have fun..." No. When they first lay down, it was not at my house. But what I'm saying, you said you know this because you said, "They were in my house, "hunching all the time." Wait. That was after. When they first did it, they was over his people's house. HILLMAN: We was living together. JUDGE LAKE: Listen. Listen, that's fine, but even at the time that you were at your mother's or wherever you may be, you did not know him well enough. In the case of<i> Hillman v. O'Neal,</i> when it comes to one-year-old De'Marcus Hillman, it has been determined by this court, Mr. O'Neal, you... Are the father. (VALARIE LAUGHING) Can I see him? JUDGE LAKE: You're the father. You did all that. Can I see him? Ms. Hillman, would it be okay if Mr. O'Neal saw his son? That's fine. I'm happy. JUDGE LAKE: You look happy. I'm so happy, I want to cry. Can I say something, Your Honor? All I want him to do is step up and help. I don't care if it's a pamper, a wipe, a lotion, just... Help a little bit. Can he see his son in my chambers? Yes, ma'am. Wonderful. I will meet you all there. Court is adjourned. Miss Lee, you have come to court today with one goal in mind, to prove to Mr. Green that he fathered your 3-year-old son, Kingston. You say, Mr. Green has denied your son from the moment you got pregnant. But today, his denial will end, is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Green, you say you know exactly who Kingston's father is, and it's not you. It's Miss Lee's sugar daddy, who's more than twice her age. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) So, Miss Lee, you say Mr. Green is denying Kingston. MISS GREEN: Yes, ma'am. Explain. Mr. Green has been denying my child since day one. He's been denying him for three years. He has never came around like he's supposed to. I have to call, I have to do so much to get this man into my child's life. But at the end of the day, I just want him to step up. And Kingston is three years old? Kingston's three. He just turned three June 3rd. So this has... MISS LEE: And he didn't do nothing for his birthday either. I tried to meet her half-way, but her attitude is just... My attitude has nothing to do with you stepping up for your child. It's messed up. I tried to reach out to her several times, but she don't want to meet me in the middle. She's always giving me some run-around excuse, other excuse... You know what I mean? It don't make sense. JUDGE LAKE: And so, you're saying, Mr. Green, even though you have doubt, you still have made an effort, in your mind. In some way. I tried to meet her half-way as far as, you know, taking the DNA test and things like that. But at a point, me and her was talking, it was back and forth. We was never in no stable relationship. She knew I had a girlfriend already. (AUDIENCE GASPING) MR. GREEN: She tried to break me up from that. And I told her... He moved into my home. So, if I tried to break him up, why are you in my home? MR. GREEN: Your Honor, she knew I had a girlfriend. She even tried to call my girlfriend. He knew he had a girlfriend, so, that's his problem. She knew it too. That ain't got nothing to do with me. That ain't got nothing to do with me. So, how did you explain to your girlfriend you live in the house with Miss Lee? Oh, he couldn't. I called her. She did. (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) Oh! MISS LEE: From his phone. So, yeah, I called the girl. Woke him out of his sleep, and made him start talking. And then let him know that she was on the phone until the end of the conversation <i> to let her know, "Hey, your dude's over here, and I'm pregnant."</i> <i>You know, it is what it is.</i> JUDGE LAKE:<i> Whoa!</i> So, in your mind, you knew you weren't really in a relationship with him, but you thought, he was trying to play both sides. Right. Before I got there, she had already was... She told me she was back and forth between some other dude. She didn't know if he was his or mine at first. Okay, wait, wait, wait. MISS LEE: I slept with another dude. Yes, I did. I slept with another dude one time with a condom. And only one time, there's no two men wanting to do nothing. So at the end of the day, yes, I did go out. MR. GREEN: Your Honor, she's on Facebook making crazy posts talking about who want who? "Who out here got the best D?" And talking about other men's stuff like that. Wait, you got... MR. GREEN: Your Honor, I got evidence right here. JUDGE LAKE: Oh, let me see this evidence, Jerome. MISS LEE: Oh, he's just saying... (SCATTERED LAUGHTER) JUDGE LAKE: You've submitted to the court Facebook post from Miss Lee that say, (JUDGE LAKE READING) (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) MISS LEE: That's a question. That was recently. That's not when King was born in 2015. Okay, and you submitted another... And you submitted another question. (JUDGE LAKE READING) MISS LEE: I wanna know who got it. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) MR. GREEN: Come on now. I'm single. I'm single. MR. GREEN: She's advertising... I wanna know who got it. MR. GREEN: I don't know who she's with. Me and her were just friends with benefits. So, you find out you're pregnant. What happens? Do you tell him immediately? When I found out I was pregnant, I took a pregnancy test. And I told him that I was pregnant. And then, I guess he didn't believe me, so he took me to the clinic. And, hmm, they told him I was pregnant. That paper don't lie. So, when he found out, he denied right then and there. She also had some old dude she was talking to, paying for the baby shower, he buys her clothes and stuff, who does that for nothing? He knew. That was my father. MR. GREEN: That was your father? MISS LEE: Listen, when I came out... I ain't gonna lie. I had came out of my sugar daddy's car one day. So, you do have a sugar daddy? Yeah! I've got me a good sugar daddy. My sugar daddy's been there for 10 years, have never, ever left my side. I would never leave him. He come way before this. (AUDIENCE WHOOPING) MISS LEE: We'd never had sex before. You know, he might want some pictures. (CHUCKLING) MR. GREEN: But... But, um... Oh! MISS LEE: Hey, pictures, and something else is totally... Sex and pictures are totally different. So, yeah, I sent pictures. This sugar daddy paid for the baby shower too? Baby shower, he buys clothes for him, he does everything. Where were you? You ain't bought nothing. You should be surprised another dude is doing something. Hmm. You should be happy, applaud him. MR. GREEN: You know what, Your Honor? On top of that, I knew her three years prior to this, She told me, since I know her, she could never get pregnant because she had a hernia. And so, all of a sudden, you pop up pregnant. You're like, where did this come from? And he believed it though. I did tell him that. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) Miss Lee! No, it must be God. Hello. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) JUDGE LAKE: But now, Kingston is three years old. Why have you not asked for a paternity test before? I mean, I have, several times. Your Honor, I got a chart right here. This is an exhibit that you brought? MR. GREEN: Yes, ma'am. Please, step over, and show me what this says. Please do. All right, first of all, he was born in June 3rd. I went to the hospital, I asked the hospital, "Can we get a DNA test done or whatever?" So few days later, going back, she's telling me, "Oh, it's too soon for him to come outside. "He was just born," and this and that. She refused right then, Your Honor. (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) I refused 'cause he was a day old. Here comes November. I'm still asking. I'm like, "Okay, cool, I wanna see him. "Let's go ahead and get the DNA results done." "Oh, I'm all the way out here in Douglasville. "I don't have a ride. You gotta come get me." I'm like, "Why do I have to come get you? Why you can't meet me half-way?" So refused then, Your Honor, too. MISS LEE: I have text messages... JUDGE LAKE: And another refusal. MR. GREEN: Yeah, another refusal, Your Honor. Then comes June 3rd, it's just being going on for me, and "What's up with the DNA testing?" "Oh, I lost his birth certificate. "You need to buy another one." I said, "Hold on. "Why would I give something for something that you lost? "It don't make sense. That's your responsibility to get it." He's your child. MR. GREEN: You're supposed to keep up with it. That was his birthday. She refused again. JUDGE LAKE: Kingston's three, refused again. Refused again. So, this was the last time right here in 2017. When it got to that point, she's telling me, "I'm about to go out of town soon, "I'm fitting to go leave the state." She kept playing around for the whole time. At that point, I was like, "I'm done with you. "I did most of what I could do." JUDGE LAKE: So June 3rd, 2017... She refused every time. Again. MR. GREEN: Down the road, she refused every time. So you're saying, Miss Lee, you're comfortable to... This isn't just about... "And I still wanna be with him," this is, "I want my child to have his father in his life, "I don't care if I have to cook the food, "bring the clothes, "get him over there to you..." Yes, Your Honor. That's how badly I want my son to have a relationship. MISS LEE: My other son don't have that. The one that he babysat almost the whole relationship we were talking, he nannied my child. So at the end of the day, if he can do that with him, you should be able to do that to your own child. That's the thing that's getting to me. So you're saying, while you worked, he took care of your oldest child. Oh, he did. Oh, he did, and he did a very good job. So I know he's capable of being a father. He knows what I've been through. Me, I've been raised up in foster care, you know what I'm saying? So, to have only... To only have two kids, where don't have a father, but one lives 10 minutes up the street from me... He lives up the street. We live in the same area. JUDGE LAKE: It has been determined by this court, Mr. Green, you are the father. (APPLAUSE) Told you! I told you! Look at him. Look at him! Three years. You are the father. MISS LEE: Oh, my God. Whoo! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. But you ain't got nothing to say, do you? No apology? No nothing? I apologize. I'm sorry. That's who you need to apologize to. At the end of the day, that's it. (APPLAUSE)
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 549,487
Rating: 4.7774653 out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes, tv full episodes
Id: B26NNAqFKqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 52sec (1552 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 07 2021
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