Secrets To Meditation - Pastor Jamal-Harrison Bryant Live at New Birth

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we bless him tonight we honor his presence tonight we magnify him tonight he is an awesome God he's an incredible God and if you know the God that I'm talking about put your hands together real good and intentionally praise Him tonight come on come on raise it with intention stuff dance club but if we hear your friends from the list thank you lord thank you lord your little silent tonight I need the ones that know what I'm talking about come on open up your mouth and lift upwards surprise in the atmosphere come on yes Jesus yes [Music] yes thank you Lord we worship Him in spirit and in truth for he is an awesome God and he deserves all praise our honor and all glory thank you Lord somebody just shout god you're awesome come on shout it against a god you're awesome yes Lord he is awesome tonight we bless him we bless him wonderful senior thank you Lord come up with your hands together [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes yes sym very good tonight every hand lifted with me let's worship our King of Kings our Lord of lords let's magnify him for real this may be our last time we don't even know so while we're here in your presence we're gonna give you our best worship we're gonna give you our best praise yes Lord and we're calling on your name because things happen when we call on the name of Jesus healing takes place when we call on his name deliverance next place when we call on his name he comes to see about us cuz we're his children so if you know you belong to him just lift up your hands in the atmosphere and just worship Him by opening up your mouth and speak well of him say Lord you are good lord you are awesome you are magnificent and your holy we're just loving on him tonight yes Lord we magnify him so we call the name of yah for he is our healer yes Lord we call the name up he is our provider yes he is we come come on somebody say that he's a protector tonight [Music] because he because he showed us wonderful [Music] [Music] yes [Music] destroy our [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on let's it up come on Church sing it from your spirit oh that's it come on lift it up real big come on lift it up come on one voice everybody [Music] [Music] bless you tonight Lord we worship you tonight [Music] yes alone would you lift up that hand towards heaven let God hear your voice would you open up your mouth and just begin to bless say of you come on begin to magnify you to give him glory would you give him honor to give him Thanksgiving the thankful onto him and we bless his holy name come on clap your hands come on you can do better than that come on clap some more with you while um while we were in worship Sunday God redirected our service and our focus in the area of healing and I spoke by faith that 100 testimonies we're going to come in and came into the office this morning and met with 100 testimonies I want to some of them like here in our physical campus others are watching from around the world I want to share just a few testimonies and even while I'm sharing I want you to give God glory for what it is that he has done we give God glory for chanel Howard who's watching from Youngsville North Carolina said that on Sunday she is completely healed from carpal tunnel we want to give God come on you can do better than that somebody healed from pain in their knees give God praise former Isha from Michigan healed from bilateral knee pain chest pain the shortness of breath and healed from bronchitis come on give God praise Latoya Edwards healed in a right short shoulder and in her hip give God glory for somebody healed from lower back pain I want you to give God glory for darlin the Hightower healed from arthritis come on Leslie Lewis healed in her knees give God glory give God come on come on for sister Erica give God glory this individual healed from herniated discs in their neck and lower back pain and is claiming 100 percent healing in their body complete healing come on come on come on healing in deliverance I need y'all to give God glory and I hope that you'll join me in giving God glory for Raquel Brewster who's giving God glory that she was accepted to the accelerated nursing program at Emory University she said she was believing for healing but not in a physical way she didn't have money for her deposit to start at Emory in the fall and then got a call stating that the fees have been waived and they didn't know why y'all don't believe God to do it do you you are to shout like you know that God is able to do it lift up that hand I speak miracles over the life of every lifted hand that this is gonna be a summer that we traffic in the supernatural but God is going to do for you what no human power will be able to beliefs I speak strength to your life and health to your bones clever to your thought precision to your decisions I pray that the anointing in favor on your life will be undeniable that God will bless you so enormous Lee that the enemy will be embarrassed to speak your name out loud I speak signs and wonders over every lifted hair that there's gonna be a summer of a marked miracles let me say it again is gonna be a summer of marked miracles those of you that believe that God's gonna do it come on clap your hands for it [Music] unless his name before you take your seats come on you already know what's an atmosphere embrace somebody tell them something good gonna happen to you something good is gonna happen to you something good amen some good gonna happen to me even if your neighbor don't believe it you ought to believe it for yourself something good as a Jew BC is secure your seats we're mindful new birth that Sunday is for inspiration Tuesday is for information as a consequence as that you'll go to whatever area are lots and afford you space so that you can now write down points and principles that will resonate with you and they can be a guiding force for you long after this day is over I want you to shout hallelujah for our music ministry they've done a wonderful job come on give God some praise tonight we close out our series on The Blackout the biblical blueprint for meditation I hope that you will stay in tuned and engage because beginning on the next Tuesday we begin a brand new series or next Tuesday as we make our way towards Pentecost I'm gonna be doing a three-part series on understanding the Holy Spirit understanding the Holy Spirit I want you to be here and I'm believing that the Holy Spirit is gonna meet us here amen being connected with the Holy Spirit doesn't mean that you've got to lay out a met foam around your mouth and guys got to go in the back of you here all that can happen but that is not the prerequisite for you feeling by having the in filling of the Holy Spirit and so I want you all of us in lined and in tuned and engage also that when Pentecost comes that we are prepared a poised in position to receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit the Pentecost Sunday is on the June the 9th that is our celebration day of the gift of the Holy Spirit we're asking all of us that we will come on that day clad in white white of the purification or on the inside there's gonna have a manifestation on the outside as everybody they can that you'll we're white if you don't have anything white I'm not asking you to go shopping amen just where would you have a meant because for our church is not about fashion is about faith so I want you to keep focused and not not come if you don't have what we're asking you to do amen ask that you're going your Bibles to Joshua chapter one Joshua chapter one this coming Sunday is our scholarship Sunday all of our graduates class of 19 as that you will please weigh your regalia on Sunday it's going to be an amazing day not only we're gonna honor our graduates we're also going to be giving out a few college scholarships as we launch our scholarship committee and fund here at new birth it is our goal that within a year we will have $50,000 to give away next year in scholarships somebody shout hallelujah for it we are so committed to engaging in this next generation the new interim president of Clark Atlanta University will be with us on Sunday as well as a for those of you who are watching online and even for those of you who are in the room if you have our students relative loved one offspring's god children who were in the Atlanta University Center are beginning in August we're gonna be running shuttle buses from Clark Spelman and Morehouse to come and worship with us here's your shout every Sunday amen so um we're just excited and we are committed Joshua chapter one Joshua chapter one would you make your way there please Joshua chapter one very rarely do I go to the Book of Joshua very rarely this is I'm telling a complete prodding of the Holy Spirit when I turned 12 my mother made me memorize Joshua so I don't even preach from Joshua and so if I'm if I'm here tonight please know that it is against my will Joshua chapter 1 verse number 8 let's look at it Joshua 1 verse number 8 really do we have an opportunity to read the Word of God together aloud let's do that please just for chapter 1 verse number 8 let's read it together keep this book of the law always y'all not there come on thank you listen alright we're gonna stay on let's tan come on this Amen making the band One sound everybody Joshua one verse number eight come on let's read it together keep this book of the law always on your lips does y'all did you hear what you just read that's serious right there you didn't even know that was in there come on let's read it again with a little bit more vim vigor and vitality everybody keep this book of the law always lord I wish I could get as excited if you will meditate on the Word of God and if you are careful to follow what the Word of God teaches you here's the secret that's what's gonna lead you to be prosperous and successful I want to read it one last time let's see what the Holy Spirit we're - come on everybody keep this book of the law then bless the Lord you may be seated I want you to look at whoever sitting next to you tell them you're gonna be successful this summer I want to teach tonight as we close out this series I want to teach tonight using as a title subject secrets to meditation secrets to meditation many people don't even realize that meditation is about getting connected to the mind of God Joshua chapter 1 verse 8 says if we meditate on the word both night and day it's gonna lead us to have successful and prosperous lives the question that we've got to answer tonight is what does it mean to meditate on God first thing that I want to do that I should have done two weeks ago and I apologize for having to go back is I need to sit up for you what does meditation mean it's not a seance is not a trance to meditate and this ought to free some of you means to reflect to meditate is to prayer to pray without interruption to meditate means to study here's a concept we've got to reintroduce to the church is so important to meditate I hope this helps you means to think so much of the focus of the contemporary church is on the emotion of the believer and not on the cognition of a Christian to be believers does not mean I abdicate critical thought I've got to embrace thinking to meditate means to contemplate meditating in in defined terms and to engage in thought or contemplation to reflect meditating is to engage in deep religious thought not my thoughts but God's thoughts pertaining to me I want to think like him I want to go I want to know God's mind on the matter to meditate here this is to do so with intention that means you daydreaming is not meditating you wandering off you you are focused on I am trying to get God's mind when I'm trying to get God's mind it may not be about a specific decision I am stealing my thoughts stealing STI ll ing I am stealing my thoughts so that God can have authority over my thoughts and so in my meditation as a Christian how often his rhetorical questions how often do I think about Christ without thinking what he can do for me am I ever thinking about his strength about his sacrifice about his power about without his about his authority can I think about him with no strings attached nothing is more unsettling didn't have somebody call you saying I was thinking about you and then ask you for something y'all may never had that you look at a net the phone like all reflect on Christ second is to ponder on the Word of God for the educators who are amongst us they would in fact shadow this thought in no way is that repetition is key to learning are you reading the Word of God here it is that we talked about on Sunday any time after you leave Sunday are you going back to it to say God what specifically are you saying to me in the text you put in my pastor to preach to me on Sunday you had 66 books that you had to choose from yet you gave him this passage for me I'm going back in it because I want to know why are you able to engage in silent prayer with the discipline of overriding distractions many of you are not even able to successfully date why because you at the table Texan you updating your status on Facebook taking pictures of food and never having a conversation with who's at the table with you and God is saying that's exactly how you come into your prayer life you got a vision wall for all the blessings that you anticipate a journal for what you reminded yourself you speak in affirmations in the mirror in the bathroom and God is saying were you gonna talk to me can you completely surrender the moment to God søren kierkegaard one of my favorite philosophers Soren Kierkegaard said the ultimate moment is losing concept of time space and reality the ultimate moment is I am not consumed with time you go I know y'all are saved if you ever if you ever go to Las Vegas ever gotten lost me I know y'all are saved if you ever go to Las Vegas you'll notice that nowhere in the hotels are clocks because they don't want you to be mindful of time they want you to live in the moment nobody in Vegas is asking you what time it is but everybody in church wonder when is it gonna be over cuz we don't know how to surrender the moment can you go into prayer and turn your phone off take your watch off shut the TV off can you trust God with time I read something last week that messed me up has nothing to do with what I'm teaching right now but I just won't give it to you because I just like it so much I want you to have that here's what one writer said the writer said God established time so everything doesn't happen at once in there good right there down there you can put my name beside out and make it up but I'm the one that told you got God established time so everything wouldn't happen at once when you're setting aside time for meditation and introspection and for contemplation are you allowing God the moment so that everything ain't happening in your mind at once I want to give you just one defining sentence of meditation Christian meditation is the practice of quieting our minds our minds to raise the volume of the voice of God I am quieting my thinking so I can raise the sound of his speaking Joshua chapter one verse number eight says keep this book of the law always on your lips and meditate on it day and night so that you are careful to do everything that is written in it then you will be prosperous and you'll be successful if that's your Bible I want you to highlight that in Joshua 1 and 8 but I'm going to be prosperous and successful that last clause Joshua 1 and eight how dear friends who are watching online we welcome you as that you will please highlight in your sacred text Joshua chapter 1 verse number 8 he is going to lead me to be prosperous and successful but I gotta follow what the Word of God says but not only you have to follow it according to Joshua I gotta meditate on it and I'm not doing it just once a day it says meditate on it day and night you already know from Scripture where's tailored to teach us that you ought to pray without ceasing your prayer life ought to be in rhythm with your breathing so even when you're not even mindful lover you intercede and you gotta get out of your mind the vernacular of church prayers Oh Heavenly Father who sits high and looks low i thank you that my bed wasn't my cooling boy you don't even know what that means but but you got to begin our praying with such a natural capacity that your conscious self is no longer even alert of what it is that you're doing why because sometimes your carnal mind will talk you out of your prayer got a drop something in your spirit you'll start praying it and then say all that can't happen your daint gonna happen why because you are operating out of that which is logical I want to say something to you that faith somebody write this down faith is irrational if it makes sense God is not required I need God to do something that my own mind can't comprehend and I need him to give me the roadmap I need him to show me the compass of how it is that this is going to happen Mary Astor the angel how can these things be when I never known a man says I know you ain't known a man the Holy Spirit is doing this work that that's the kind of prayer life you got is that when God shows you that house and you don't have the money for closing costs Lord how can these things be and he answers the Holy Spirit is working on your back you taunt about going back to school and you know that all the credits haven't transferred you don't have all the finances that are needed and necessary you are failing miserably at time management but he made a promise that you were gonna finish that degree God how can these things be he said the Holy Spirit is at work I need you to be able to receive it but you need to get sometimes from God the unanswered I know that don't make sense you need God to confirm what he ain't even gonna speak so without the benefit of understanding Aramaic or Hebrew is that the old grandmother's used to say won't he do it that way there was no answer yeah or they'll give one out of a more contemporary tongue it's already done nobody stopped the shout to say how and I just I just feel a confirmation in my spirit that all things are gonna work together for good to those that love him and are called according to his purpose I want to give you four areas tonight that I believe that you're going to be prosperous and successful four areas and I want you to have all of them Joshua made a promise to us that if we learn how to meditate on the Word of God that we are going to be prosperous and successful now I don't want to give it to you if you don't want it anybody want to be successful in it about desire to be prosperous all right so I'm going to give you the four areas that I believe that you are going to be successful and prosperous as the fruit of a meditative lifestyle what Thomas Merton calls a contemplative life here it is the first one write this down first benefit of your prosperity or your success is that God is going to lead you in tact int AC T in tact what does that mean pastor I'm glad you asked studies reveal that 95 percent of all diseases 95 percent I got an underscore it highlight it I'm putting it in a larger font 95 percent of all diseases are worsened by stress DeJoria 95% of all diseases are heightened worser worsened or exasperated because of stress stress has become the underlying precursor of most illnesses meditation is medication somebody write that down for me man that was good meditation is medication to help alleviate stress in your mind and in your body it is amazing that now many doctors are encouraging patients to meditate when you meditate you ain't meditating on how sick you are you meditate non-health out on how healthy you are about to become Paul put it this way whatever is good think on these things how much of your emotional capital is being spent on that which is negative anticipating the worst to happen and never believing by faith that the best is going to happen I need you to lay hands on your body please even with a pen even while you've got a cell phone in it lay hands on your body and and I need you to declare my faith I myself healthy come on lay hands lay hands again come on make that declaration I see myself healthy now envision that with an empty medicine cabinet oh my god I can't hear nobody envision that with only having to go to the doctor twice a year for usual checkup envision that with no pain in your body chasing after your children and your grandchildren envision that heaven absolutely no pains in your ligaments your joint envision that every follicle of hair growing back to its rightful place in vision that the doctor asking you what are you doing here today I can't find nothing on this chart showing up in your body envision that meditate only five of y'all got got the picture of it how Louie would you do me a favor would you just think important in worship just think um in worship hallelujah I made a deal with God I made a deal with God and I'm not ashamed to tell y'all out loud I made a deal with God God I want to live a long life but I only want to live long if I'm gonna be healthy cause y'all ain't sayin nothin to me I don't want no bad pan I want to know who walked in the room y'all ain't sayin nothin to me I want to be able to bathe myself I want to be able to feed myself I want to be able to drive I don't want no hearing aids I don't want no bifocals God if it's gonna be a long life let it be a healthy your kids don't feel like driving you to the doctor every Thursday intact in take second one is attuned to the prosperity and successful benefits of your meditation the first is being intact second is to be attuned this is gonna require of us a great level of discipline why because my meditation is designed to give me the discipline to control negative thinking the greatest battle of every believer the battleground of the mind Jesus speaks throughout Scripture that we got to be renewed by our minds I mind y'all a wicked they're depraved to death delusional they're deceitful they'll lead you astray their world like they are sinful and they create watch this constant in a conflict I want you to write down I don't have time to go over them tonight I didn't even give it to the media department so when it's not on the board but I need you to have it I need you to write down these scriptures when you're trying to develop a discipline for your thinking just write down the scriptures I'm not gonna read them I just want you to write them down share homework assignment before I see you next Tuesday Romans 1 in 28 Romans 1 and 28 Ephesians 4 in 23 seasons 4:23 second Corinthians 11 and second Corinthians the eleven and three I keep telling you it's alright to look at your neighbors paper Romans twelve over into Romans twelve and two last one Romans seven 21 through 23 I'm a run through them very quickly because we got a lot of ground that we need to cover tonight and I still got two more points that I have to give you Romans one and what's the verse come on Ephesians four and what 2nd Corinthians 11 and what Romans 12 and what Romans 7 and would Lord y'all are smart class I need to know who your teacher is thank you if you are not in control of your thoughts they are in control of you would you write that down please five of my Millennials I need you to tweet that for me if you are not in control of your thoughts your thoughts are in control of you many believers suffer from negative thoughts and compulsive thinking can you turn off the faucet of the slow drip of negative thinking negative thinking leaves you in a constant state of worry anger need regret and depression you know this is not of God because God wants you to have a peace that passes all understanding whenever you are dealing with mounting stress weary anger and emotions of rejection you are smack dab in the middle of spiritual warfare start canceling every negative thought you never stopped and pause to evaluate why it is the scripture uses for us as a directive cast down your imagination you already know the President Eisenhower coined that acronym that fear stands for false evidence appearing real false evidence appearing real that's what fear stands for false evidence appearing real many of you are stressed over stuff that ain't real and you got to cancel the subscription to negative magazine my meditation is so that I can maintain peace of mind it is easy to have peace when you are in the house alone playing jazz with scented candles can you have peace in rush-hour traffic y'all I ain't saying nothing to me can can you have peace when you on that job oh yeah peace when they're giving you responsibilities that don't line up with what your job description dictates can you have peace when you are a saver and your spouse is a spender it just got quiet I just I just saw three ghosts just get up out of the pool can you have peace when your child is not measuring up to your expectation of what you know their capacity is are you living your dream or repeating to die a nightmare within your thoughts your current thoughts in meditation have a way of setting the choreography of how your how your mind dances so a lot of us keep ourselves busy as a distraction to what we don't want to think about so being in meditation does not mean I am ignoring the reality that is repulsive it means that I am handing it over to God saying I can't handle this I'm giving this over to you because it is eating me alive and I don't like how it makes me feel and how I react in response to the feeling that it is given to me but I have to have such a discipline hear me new birth I have to have such a discipline that when I give it over to God I don't take it back from I left it right where it is that we were all of us how many of you in the room have seen to have seen the movie to war wrong yeah you got to find you got to carve out a space where you and God are able to bail and some of you got too much going on in the house you got to make your car the war room yeah some of us don't have an extra room or extra class I mean you need to get in that car go sit in there run the risk of looking crazy talking to yourself just put a bluetooth in their focal think you on the phone but you got to find somewhere where you can go edit with God that download everything that you feeling and then release it and here's your meditation stopping the you what he got to say about it I keep saying over and over and over and over again we have been taught in completely how to pray cuz we've only been taught how to talk to God but never been taught how to listen and our meditation is is developing and curating the art of hearing God's voice in silence even when the answer is silence one of my mentors told me this line many years ago that has stayed with me is that silence can never be misquoted silence can never be misquoted so sometimes when God does not speak don't you start lying on God yeah yes you have to have enough discipline to curb your desire that I'm not gonna move until he speaks on the issue pastor friend of mine called me lamenting said man you got to pray for me I think I miss God on this so what did you miss God on he said I had to fire my minister of music I said oh I said did God tell you to hire him said no he didn't tell me but I thought he'd be a good fit said you didn't miss God you never heard on and sometimes the answer from God is inconvenience is that I want you perhaps pastor to go three weeks with no music and just teach but you are so torn and tired to tradition you won't trust me to be innovative can you trust God to disrupt your schedule to go away from what you consider to be the normative can you surrender to God when the route he gives you is an alternate but it is what is needed and necessary because what you can't see is that there's an accident ahead so it's gonna take you longer to get there but he knows if you stayed on that road they were pop hogs that you could not see and so I was trying to divert your path in order to save your life sake needs to be attuned here's the third one come on class a quick review and remember our secrets to prosperity and successful and what are the benefits of it number one is you'll be intact number two is you'll be what here's the third one I hope you'll love it as much as I do is that you will cultivate here's the word intimacy I want you to write this down because it's not what it is that you think it is the intimacy is for those of us and all of us in this room who have a committed life of Prayer intercession of worship you always are gonna go through a season where you feel distant from God okay house spiritual you act pretend you're gonna go through a season where you you looking up there trying to say what is happening I mean when you pray for other people he'll he'll do it and then when you pray for yourself you don't see nothing y'all ain't saying nothing to me you you tapping and steel broke I can't find nobody in here you don't done everything they told you to do in order to live a chaste lifestyle and can't get nobody and then the folk with no standards running over with dates y'all don't got quiet uh I'm only talking about you and so this is so that I can restrike my intimacy with the master cuz I don't want to be disconnected psalm 46 and 10 I hope you don't mind me giving you scripture this Bible study psalm 46 and 10 said be still and no I'm God in the crisis that David didn't say one and feel like I'm God didn't say lay yourself out adulterer he said if you were sit down somewhere tired of you being a busybody coming in and out the house stay down one moment so you can know who God is [Music] scripture also tells us in God's presence is the fullness of joy maybe you aren't happy cuz you move in too much if you want to experience a deeper relationship with God meditation helps you still yourself so he can speed up his presence what God looked like chasing you I got to show you this is giving me to mess you up you're mindful of the parable about the lost coin the housewife had lost coins and I only had one lost coin and goes through the whole house trying to find a lost coin y'all remember that then y'all remember in this same chapter Shepherd loses one of his sheep and Lee's the 99 to go find that sheep and then in that same chapter we find a favorite one out of the trilogy is the story about the prodigal son something is consistent about that thing that God showed me that I got to show to you is that the housewife look went after the coin the Shepherd went after the sheep but the father never went for the son he stayed on the porch and waited for the Sun to come back y'all don't like this see sometimes God's got to wait for you to have a pigpen moment but you just sit down and realize what a mess you have made with your inheritance and with your promise and says when you ready to come to me I never move I'm not the one lost you the one that went out of place i'ma stay right here until he's this amazing just moments ago you saw yourself healthy I got to ask you another way and only toy enough we will be able to respond to it I want to say how would you respond if tonight you had a date with God hallelujah if tonight you have a visitation with El Elyon then he wakes you up at two o'clock in the morning and says listen meet me in the living room and some stuff I need to show you that I need to reveal that y'all ain't saying nothing to me I I want to help you make sense of what has happened in your life the last three years I know it's been crazy but I'm getting ready to show you why I allowed some stuff in my permissive will because the devil can't do nothing without my permission I allowed you to go through some stuff and now I'm gonna show you why I'll let you go through it and it didn't kill you you didn't go crazy you didn't lose your mind but I need to show you behold I show you a mystery hallelujah dip dip do me a favor please with that hand lifted please you saw yourself healthy do you see yourself in communion with God hallelujah that I can hear God's voice is clear as I hear the pastor's voice right now I ain't confused I don't need a confirmation God speak to me that hand lifted I you are signing your permission slip God speak to me tonight hallelujah speak to me tonight even if it's through a song on the radio speak to me tonight while I'm flipping through TV show me a commercial that speaks to where it is that I speak to me tonight hallelujah give me a vision in my dream and even if I forget put me back to sleep and let me pick right back up where I left off straight speak to me tonight hallelujah thank you holy God see yourself that hand lifted you like Jacob now a ladder is being lowered into your living room into your bedroom as that hand is lifted I'm telling you by faith that angels are now ascending and descending hallelujah they they taking your prayers up and bringing your answers down hallelujah don't expect the visitation of the Holy Spirit I'm telling you right now for those of you with hands lifted I'm talking to somebody watching online you don't even know that right now you had the Pool of Bethesda and there's just been a move of the Holy Spirit and and God said because you responded to it I'm getting ready to heal you don't worry about who wouldn't help you God Almighty holiday see see yourself in communion with God waking up drunk in the Holy Spirit you don't even know how long you were down I can't hear nobody in here that that God is showing you visions and signs and wonders y'all still ain't saying nothing I said see yourself in the presence of the Holy Spirit basking in him that when you get up you gonna be able to prophesy and lay hands I say yourself that right in the center of your hand is gonna be a pool of oil and whatever you touch there's gonna be a transfer of Holy Ghost power say yourself hallelu come on take one moment your soul needs this you didn't hear what I just said I said your soul needs this your soul needs it he's applying CPR to your soul right now God confirmed my call show me my gift expose my assignment reveal my detractors God you got to do something I'm sick I'm being on the treadmill running but going nowhere show me something [Music] let me give you this last one I'm out of time and my meditation God is gonna start healing my body keeping everything in my body intact the word for peace is Shalom which means nothing is missing and nothing is broken that's what I believe is getting ready to happen over your complete body nothing is missing nothing is broken you won't ever need a transplant nothing nothing is missing nothing is broke can you imagine never having a cast on your body never walking with a crutch of cane I oxygen tank y'all I ain't saying nothing to me I'm believing that God's getting ready to do everything that your body needs in order to resuscitate itself hallelujah I'm believing by faith for somebody watching online he is stripping you of the need of dialysis you will not need chemotherapy I can't hear nobody in here nobody in your family will have to be tested to match your blood type nothing missing nothing is broken I can't hear no about you only gonna wear a wig if you won't want but you ain't gonna need it I can't hear not one patchy your hair is gonna be missing your granddaughter don't have to braid your hair comb yeah believe my faith nothing is missing nothing is broken everything is intact everything is attuned your going to exercise ultimate intimacy with the Holy Spirit here's your fourth one I want you to write this down and then we'll close fourth one is independence this is gonna help somebody I don't know whether it's you I don't know if his somebody watching I don't even know if it's somebody listening to this podcast three months from now meditation asurs independence to disconnect you from addictive behavior meditate meditation sever's self-sabotage a Brutes addiction most people saved or otherwise gravitate to that which makes them feel better it is in clinical terms self medication I know you feel holier than now because you don't drink no more you don't go to happy hour but you got a rough day stressed out you ain't going sit in the bar you doing retail therapy ain't no altar calls for that y'all ain't saying unto me yeah you going through your completely you just chopping all your hair off let me just start over figure out what I want to do they don't work all right let me die blonde they don't work let me put all burn streaks in it you just switching up trying to see something that's gonna make me feel better I'm a change my whole look this whole summer I'm just gonna be Erykah Badu I'm washing with black soap and putting on shea butter use a Muslim Oriole I'm just gonna switch everything I'm lighting incense around the house cuz I do something to make me feel better and I don't even realize that my soul is yearning for something deeper that which is superficial that which is on the surface cannot minister to but I want to be able to feel bad there was nothing wrong with wanting to feel good but you got to be able to meditate Lord put me in a place where I can feel good about myself about Who I am and what I'm called to do all the more God put people around me who make me feel good about Who I am what I represent what I'm called to do regular meditation will break the cycle here it is of looking outside of God for happiness I just say something right there meditation releases the spirit of restlessness so you have to go into meditation for what is my crutch is it food the drinks cigars strip clubs porn relationships power bags shoes money trips sex is the drum roll or church anyway am I using Church as my medication call marks coined the expression that Christianity is the opiate of oppressed people it's a we use Church as a drug this helps me take the edge off on Tuesdays but Thursday I'm right back at it Friday night is rough sadly if I can just make it to Sunday Lord is a holiday weekend what I'm gonna do Sunday night so part of my meditation churches won't give you this is I need to meditate not just about my call not just about my assignment not just about my gift I hope you'll be able to receive it maybe it's for somebody watching online I need God to show me a life here it is outside of ministry what is it that I can do that is attached to know Gil what is it that I can do that will bring me fulfillment and joy without requiring a pound of flesh from me what is it that I can do it is that will not require your prayer some of y'all are too deep to get that but God you gonna have to give me an outlet cuz when I wasn't saved I was going hard in the paint and now that I am saved God you're going to give me something else are Shirin is good singing in the choir is good helping with your kids is good but there's another part of me that is still yet unfulfilled and God you got to show me how to release it cuz the only saints that I am seeing operating with optimum optimum contentment are too old to do what I like yeah I just felt tomatoes coming right from you so god you got to give me something that will not make me prematurely aged that will still give me some zeal and enthusiasm and excitement because I don't want to line dance you got to give me something else all right but I need something that will help me detox and relate and give me a sense of normalcy I am a human being having a spiritual experience that does not mean I am no longer human because I'm saying so that may cultivate and push and prod me to do stuff what Alice Walker calls outside of the temple of my familiar so God give me something that will stretch me because I am allergic to boredom I want to give you this in independence and then I release it when I came to preach here ten years ago I preached this sermon again quote and so on Kierkegaard he messed me up with one line shaped the whole sermon of what I preached here ten years ago and that was that the greatest gateway to sin is not temptation the greatest gateway to sin is boredom and when you go back over your mind and think about most of the sin you committed was in boredom y'all didn't really like them like that oh yeah y'all mean say y'all really gonna be there quiet you you weren't really feeling them like that you just sick of another night at home your grandmother who read no philosophy never heard of Solon Kierkegaard remixed it by saying and I don't mind is the devil's workshop so you got to begin to pray lord give me busyness that is fruitful I don't want to be anointed without an assignment and if my assignment can give me fulfillment give me that but I also need to do something for a balanced life cuz I don't want all my friends to go to my church y'all done got mad come on come on just cuz we go to the same church I mean we friends I like you on Tuesdays yeah but you got to begin to pray do me a favor please I want you to do something that you've not allowed yourself to do in our last exercise of meditation I want you to see yourself see yourself in a place of enjoyment of whatever that looks like know how in the world you saved with no passport like you don't believe that God is gonna take you places I want you to believe that within the next 12 months wherever you've been dreaming about going gaga a cue to go y'all don't have that kind of faith for some of y'all that ain't a trip you gonna believe by faith God gonna remodel every area or your house that you sick of looking at I can't find nobody I want you to see yourself all you want is one weekend with no kids no crisis no confusion no drama all I want is 24 hours of my phone not ringing with somebody having a need all I want is a full week of not cooking yeah some of y'all is different stuff but whatever would make you happy I need you to internalize it and say God do that and because we are overpowered with negative thoughts we don't surrender what is doable and achievable to God I'll last you all be over torque Lee do you think God can't afford a ticket to Hawaii I gotta ask you cuz that that's how you stressed out you don't think God can give redo a basement come on Ken renovate the kitchen yo yo ya'll believe God can get you out of that car with bad credit you'll think God can pay off the student loan you don't think God or get a publisher for that book that you've been sitting on for seven years you don't think God gonna help you to find a grant writer who just gonna do it for free cuz they see your vision and believe it's going to you believe gotta give you business partners that want to invest in your idea and your tree see yourself flowing in it lift up that hand please you're seasoned I'm meditating it's gonna lead you to be successful law it's gonna leave for you being prosperous in it amazing that three of those poor things that I've outlined and enumerated for you of the benefits of your meditating have nothing tangible connected no consumption is tied to it that God is getting ready to meet you at a more deep and pervasive place because there's something that your soul needs that money can't buy but that the Holy Spirit will provide just one moment come on let's meditate our heads are lifted hands are lifted I'm sorry our hands are lifted would you take one moment just step into his presence right where it is that you are step into his presence [Music] meditate about being healthy [Music] meditate about being a tune meditate about intimacy meditate about being independent bless the Lord if your largest play for me softly bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me here's what I want you to do please I told you a couple of weeks of God ago God impressed upon me that this is a season he's committed to bless in between paychecks hallelujah you got too much to do and too much to accomplish to wait every two weeks to get it done I'm believing that God has given better to bless you in unusual intervals that God has given me to do unconventional financing around your life I know that most of us most of us I give substantively and significantly on Sunday but even on this Tuesday night I want to challenge you to think think in the God mind of what money I'm expecting what blessings I am expecting here it is before my next pay period before my next check now here's your execution of faith those of you watching online here's your execution of faith can you tithe on what it is that you haven't received yet my daughter's upset me my daughter's graduating from eighth grade this week and they upset me so bad until God gave me the revelation it don't matter whether we go on the roof Chris McDonald's chucky cheese my daughter's gonna give the same prayer don't matter the prayers you're gonna give us Lord thank you for the food we about to receive in it amazing she's giving God glory before she eats it and that's how it is that we've got an encounter our giving Lord I'm giving you this offering tonight thank you for the check I'm about to receive some of y'all are gonna get the revelation thank thank you for the bonus I'm about to receive thank thank you for the check that is coming and I'm about to receive it's gonna do everything that I need but I'm thanking you in advance before I ever taste it I want those of you who are online those of you who are in this room I want you to partner with me in the exercise of faith that I am giving to God tonight in expectation for what I have not yet received but I believe that it's on the way I want our Usher's are moving amongst you you want to give through them those of you in the culture custom of our church those of you that want to sow your seed for yourself you're more than welcome to do that our dear friends who are watching online I'm gonna challenge compel you to give whether that's the cash share push to pay gibla fine but I want you to give on what you're about to get I want you to kill on what you're about to get no delay a mindful I'm over time tonight I just took extra time since I wasn't here last week I bought some of the time from last weekend they handed it to day I mean I'm not running late amen I told you this time from last week would you join me and thanking God for pastor Van moody who was here on last Tuesday one of my dear covenant brothers from Birmingham Alabama the worship center a mint those of you who are given you're able to do so at the altar if you feel so led otherwise our Usher's are moving amongst you as that you will please please partner with us [Music] [Music] - is hard [Music] flashes [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] just standing there's somebody in this room I want to compel you to be a part of a ministry better give you inspiration and the information holistic ministry that is a cater to every area of your life I'm telling you there's no way in the world you can expose to the kind of favor that is released in this house and go back to a substandard existence what happens at our church it can't be explained it can only be experienced and you got to know it for yourself if you're in this room and you believe that this is the church that God is leading you to come on give God some praise come on y'all give God glory for there's somebody else that needs to come I don't know where you are I don't know who you are but I believe with every fiber of my being that you're not here by accident you're not here by coincidence but I'm believing that God has orchestrated your your steps to be in this place on this day would you please come I want to be your pastor but more than anything I want Jesus to be the Lord of your life I want new birth to be your church but I want him to be your home that's where you are what you can become please wherever it is that you are and need you to come hallelujah hallelujah I want you to know we still got room for you we need you come on give God some praise for these two that are coming I'm telling you without you we are a good church but if you join we're gonna be a great church you don't only think we've been missing and we need you to be a part of it come on we got a seat with your name on it I want you to be a part of what it is that God is doing in this hour if there's somebody else would you come to come new birth partner with your pastor please would you talk to somebody around you who you don't recognize find somebody who doesn't look familiar to you and ask him how they saved discover whether or not they've given their life over to God hallelujah wherever it is that you are I'm thankful for three sisters but there may be a brother that needs to get saved a man who needs to give his life over to God I need you here tonight hallelujah I knew to hear tonight and that is with them stir to write him - favi repeat after me you're in the right place hold on here comes somebody else give God some praise for if there's somebody else would you mind coming quickly please somebody else in the room would you come we already running late can you hear you up in common come on and get save come on and join this church new birth come on let's try one more game stretch it right hand to faith repeat them to be you in the right place at the right time John in the right church serving the only God and I know that's right if you know them right come on give God some praise let's the Lord and said you'll please up follow our team out this way is some information that we want to give you new birth they came as friends they're leaving as family all right get your stuff would you get your bag we can read go get your stuff please just a couple of things that I want to share with you in route to Levi I please be mindful that this weekend the ears our blood drive Saturday from 8:00 to 1:00 and then Sunday from 8:00 to 2:00 as that you will please please donate blood if anybody ought to be donating blood as members of the body of Christ because if nobody else knows what the blood can do we know it better than anybody so as that you'll please please our share and participate by way of reminder all of our graduates ask that you will be eclair to in your regalia on Sunday we want to be a blessing to you and there's a reception for all of our graduates Sunday after service on June the 9th is our Pentecost Sunday as aforementioned we're asking everybody in a white on that day I said you'll bring your neighbors your friends and relatives and colleagues I were asking every person every person that you would set aside a gift a sewing gift on Pentecost Sunday a $50 or $500 if you can so 5000 now that'd be great but we want to give a gift of expression of Thanksgiving to God for the Holy Spirit on that day over and beyond our times over and beyond our time so we'll ask that you'll please do that be mindful that our follow-up to our millionaires Academy is on Saturday June the 8th from 10:00 to 4:00 in the chapel I've got so many testimonies of people whose credits been repaired and their score has gone up and they've got a greater vision for home buying is amazing on Father's Day we're doing donuts with dad as a follow-up to our health campaign we are doing donuts y'all are killing me no don't touch with dad semi glazed on Father's Day June 16th saw as did you please bring your father's to church on that day I'm over the moon excited about our first revival to get the bishop John Francis is coming from London and come on y'all got to get excited Bishop John Francis pastor of the Ruach Church in Brixton England he's an amazing amazing I mean he just is that's all I can tell you he's just amazing I'm gonna try to have a clip of him ministering on Sunday to share our with you for those of you who may have never heard him minister tiffany has got us guest psalmist for that whole week are leading us in revival Sunday Monday and Tuesday y'all gonna come to revival June 23rd 24th and 25th it's gonna be amazing to me great things are happening can I tell y'all please don't miss a Sunday this summer you gonna play yourself I mean it's gonna be absolutely amazing we got big things popping at new birth this summer and I want you to be a part of it in July it's gonna be crazy i neva supposed to tell y'all this but I'm gonna tell you anyway cuz 50 people logged off because they thought it was over but I gotta tell y'all this in July we got Anthony Hamilton coming a new birth on Sunday it's gonna be crazy crazy crazy and I want you I'm gonna tell you what date it is it's a Sunday there summer Amen you got to make sure that you did your pastor loves you thank you so much for letting me serve you lift up that hand please sunday is church is communion sunday you don't want to miss communion amen yeah you got to have communion on Sunday amen lift that hand as high as you can I'm believing that God is gonna bless you to be successful and to be prosperous now when the helm who's absolutely able to do anything but fail may God make you sleepless until you help somebody may God make you restless until you help yourself may God irritate you do you have enough sense to worship Him and may God bless you too yet to give stuff away here is fourth now and forevermore and the Blessed people of God said amen have a great week please hook somebody on your way out tell them you're gonna be successful this summer [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: New Birth Mbc
Views: 11,998
Rating: 4.7687073 out of 5
Keywords: New Birth, Newbirth, Dr. Jamal Bryant, Dr. Jamal-Harrison Bryant, Dr. Bryant, Pastor Bryant, Atlanta, Georgia, NewbirthMBC, Church Online, Group Therapy
Id: g7BUlnP4mL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 25sec (5485 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2019
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