The Truth About Adventures With Purpose

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truthfully i've really struggled how to even go about this i wrestled in my mind back and forth i keep on coming back to the same place the public needs to know many people here on youtube and on facebook they believed in the cause they believed in us they believed in what we're doing they believed enough to contribute i've had so many people reach out to me saying let us know what's going on what happened why did you leave and since i was involved i have the social responsibility that i need to let them know what's right is right what's wrong is wrong and for me to remain silent would definitely be wrong and i can't have that on my conscience i'd like to start out uh just by publicly acknowledging that this is probably one of my weakest points uh public speaking um this isn't easy for me to do this isn't something that i've really wanted to have to do um but i know that it needs to be done as i'd stated you know i couldn't go on uh with my conscience knowing that you know i had the power to say something and i didn't um so i want you guys to bear with me as i struggle through my words uh with that being said i just want to start off by saying you know i i don't want any any whatsoever uh awp bashing um you know the fact of the matter is you know they they've had a lot of great results um they found people they brought people home a lot of you guys wouldn't even know who i was you know without adventures with purpose i'm incredibly grateful uh you know for my time with them uh you know with jared and you know it was it was amazing we really did do some amazing things but a lot of the stuff that was going on behind the scenes just didn't sit right with me a lot of the you know what seemed to be people's motives also didn't sit right with me and so you know with that being said i just i just do want to say that i am thankful for my time with adventures with purpose i don't want any bashing you know i i love those guys and i hope that if anything that this will encourage them um and this will be meant as some kind of encouragement to you know get them to go to the next level uh so that they can continue the work uh jared's extremely brilliant and i believe in him and i love the dude you know i mean i sat close to him all the time you know we were in the rv i knew him well for two years or i got to know him i should say um anyway but with that being said i'm thankful and also in my opinion um you know with all the money that's come in i thoroughly believe that you could probably fund 10 awps um you know you know with the whole bit you know the trailer the gear just everything i don't feel like the money is actually being used um appropriately the i feel like the image of being broke is constantly put out there and put in the public's face you know saying hey we're broke we need tires you know we need you to send money so that we can get tires so we can go help this family um when you know from everything that i saw that's clearly not the case and i mean not that case not the case in a big way the image of being broke it's it's being used as a vehicle in my opinion uh to get more donations and that's how you know this has mostly been funded and also you know shoving cameras in the face of grieving people people who are at their lowest point in their life and then being in a situation where they're constantly seeing that image of either them or their loved one um constantly being marketed i that that to me does not sit right that is not good with my heart whatsoever i've been i started doing search and recovery 12 years ago when nobody was watching i actually have a heart for this and and i believe that you know my heart was used to you know put out this beautiful image to the world but in my opinion it's just an image so shoving the cameras in people's faces you know that wasn't good for me you know these people are broken they're sad they're they did then to be forced to watch time and time and time again you know through various different medias you know their their loved one being paraded as if there's some hunting trophy yeah that did not sit well with me um again i apologize you know my words aren't real good um you know how i've seen people uh treated in our group uh you know within our group how i saw people treated that also that was not good in my opinion and also the the treatment of others um you know in my view that things were not all that good and um you know i just i just wanted to say you know i've been silent you know like the last you know month almost five weeks i just had to take a moment you know get my thoughts together figure out you know how do i even you know present this to the world uh some legal counsel was sought you know to understand you know the wording and how to say things correctly um because i don't i don't want to find myself in a lawsuit or this has been that has been part of the reason why things have been so quiet on my end so i do want to take a moment to you know apologize many of you guys reached out with your your messages and your encouragement and some of you guys with your challenges i appreciate those too but so many of you so many of you guys actually reached out to me um i i didn't realize that i didn't realize i had so much support uh in the world you know just a you know just a regular dude um you know they can barely speak and i just i just want to thank say thank you guys for your encouragement uh you know with all these things going on um you know that i saw you know from you know from my view you know the you know what was going on with the money uh how how people were you know being exploited um you know the image of being broke hey hey we're broke send us money just all of these things that i saw going on i uh i i kind of i came back to the point with point well let me see if jared even respects me let's see if he respects me um at i think i think maybe about eight months ago i really don't know he started putting out images of me and a few other people um in his uh you know with the stickers he had stickers and pins and different things he was selling these things he never asked me he never cleared it with me he never said hey sam do you mind um but you know i let it go because you know to me that wasn't really that big of a deal and i'm sure he was probably only making you know you know a few hundred bucks you know off of that you know just my image alone and then uh finally you know i said you know i want to see if this guy even respects me um i couldn't get back in that rv to do another trip without having this conversation and so i reached out to him uh this was me testing the waters i reached out to him to test the waters saying hey you know hey jared you know i'm not really you know i'm a volunteer i'm not making any money um you know things are tight you know i have kids you know i love i love helping people but i need to to make a little something uh you know as a volunteer volunteering with him for over two years uh helping him bring you know eight people home and but more than that you know helping his his business grow and thought and thrive i felt that it was you know a uh you know it wasn't like a wild conversation for me to have with him say saying hey jared can i have a piece of the pie but it wasn't like any piece of the pie it was specifically the piece that had my face on it the stickers and the pens and not the whole piece just of just a portion um and his response to me was very curt very short he didn't speak to me as a friend that i've known for two years he spoke to me as a let's in this relationship here and now um you know best regards jared uh in fact those were his words let's end this relationship here and now um you know this two-year friendship um i i didn't know him before youtube i seen him on youtube and just like many of you i reached out to him to volunteer and i i told him hey i've been doing search and recovery i'm a rescue captain i have these skills i'd love to put my skills you know to use um and so yeah i just so that was my you know introduction to jared and then after you know years i thought man maybe let's see if he respects me in this matter but he said no he just dropped me he dropped me hard and fast and uh i was just like wow but i wasn't surprised because in that time i'd seen him do that with many other people and and my hope in putting this out um is actually you know talking to you jared i know you're watching this i know your people are watching this man i love you dude i still love you you're doing great things in the world man you have so much potential so much capability um you're just you're skilled you're smart you're brilliant man but you and i man we we know where we're coming from here you know we know our motives but i don't know just maybe try coming over the motives of love man it just i'm telling you brother you know from me to you man i i love you and i hope that this will strike a chord with you and i hope that um it will uh it'll help you level up and your people level up to where all that money can truly be used for good uh anyway uh what do you think dan did you think i covered everything or you want to tell something yeah um adventures with purpose really when i started when i became a part when i like the first time i started working with them on paper it was the dream the dream job for me i i really was attracted to everything they said to be their mission everything about it but as time went on and we grew and we got bigger it seemed like there was a big shift within and with big numbers comes big money and that's totally okay but we maintain the same image of hey we're hardly making it we're hardly going along the road and that that really just didn't sit well with me i've had the last several months to reflect on all of this and in that time i've been able to realize that yes i left adventures with purpose because i was blown out i was tired of working but more than that i i really was struggling morally with how we were handling things it it didn't feel like the honest operation we once once were it seemed like we had an ulterior motive and it took me a long time to fully come to terms with that and realize that i was a part of this but truly i do believe it is within my responsibility and sam's responsibility to to speak out about what we both felt and yeah before sam had announced he was leaving awp i i really didn't know if anyone else felt the way that i felt so i never really said anything about how it was bothering me morally what everything's turned into how we are using people's suffering to just profit that that didn't sit well with me and i think with time with every video i made it just more and more felt more routine more like hey what can we do to make more money not what can we do to help more people what can we do to make more money what's the best business decision things of that sort and i don't know it's it's hard to talk about this type of thing yeah i definitely feel as though this needs to be said this needs to be done because it's within sam and i's responsibility and i don't think either of us could live knowing what's going on behind the scenes there's so many people being deceived donating every month thinking that this money is going towards awp to keep them on the road and yes i'm sure some of it's going to that but in my opinion there seems to be a lot more than that coming in a lot more it just hurts my heart to know that so many of these beautiful families we were helping are contributing money they hardly have two adventures with purpose thinking that this is like their way of contributing to something bigger than themselves same way people will contribute to their church that type of thing it feels like you're contributing to something greater than you and for a lot of people that that means so much and to know that people are living on this assumption of this is going towards a good thing when in actuality i i think it's something that we should be skeptical about i i think people just deserve to know that there isn't this amount of honesty and integrity that initially appears with awp and the way that they present themselves and i think sam and i are here to present that just question things and beyond just informing the people i think really the main motive of this video is to encourage jared everyone that's part of adventures with purpose currently to to question what what does an honorable operation look like what does a like transparent operation look like is it a non-profit or is it simply just saying hey please donate not all of this money is going towards awp but it's greatly appreciated if you do we're doing good things yeah and just really tell the full truth yeah i'm not i'm not against people making money i'm not against people making a lot of money but i am against people uh pretending to be broke and asking for money and that's their vehicle to wealth um i'm not that doesn't sit that you know so yeah and so like to to piggyback on dan um that same sentiment you know what does an honorable um operation look like you know you can it's been proven that you can leverage uh youtube and social media to be able to help people um you know with that being said i'm just going to briefly touch on this here i'll i'll have another update soon next week or so but i'm actually in the process of putting you know my own gear your gear together i have a lot of things that have been donated to me um and so with that being said i'm not gonna let that gear go to waste i have have different people uh you know there's uh cooper cooper's amputee lifestyle uh kyler my son you know renee my girlfriend the kevin nomak there's been many people that have reached out to us reached out to me um you know that want to help and so we're putting together a team and so if you guys can find my email in the next video i'll put my email link this this video here there's no donations no monetization there's nothing we just want to get this message out for the next video i'll have a link to my email and i'd like you know to if you guys have any ideas on how to run this in a clean uh manner because with youtube and um leveraging social media uh which you know i'm not really i'm not really good at you know being a face man but i can definitely put something together you know what's what's a good way and uh you know using this platform you know for good and true good and um and how can i maintain um you know uh what's that word social or where i want to be accountable i want to be accountable you know to the donors i want to be accountable to the members um i don't want you to i mean yes yes there is life that i'm going to have i do need to pay pay my way but at what point does that become too excessive so um that's going to be another conversation in the in the future but yeah just know like dan said you know what is accountable and by no means i want you guys to go over to awp and start bashing um if anything you know i feel like you know that they need encouragement uh they need to be encouraged in the right way um you know i i love those dudes and uh i really this was hard but it for me it just got too commercial too too commercial um and that that's that's our opinion you are entitled to your own opinion we're we're not making this video to see pop like get like what what's the word we're not trying to look morally superior by making this that's the last thing we want we we just have struggled living knowing what's going on it's been hard i've been so anxious you know the moment that me and jared broke ties i could feel like just this lift this pressure just lift it off you know i don't have to pretend i don't have to be fake i don't have to you know put on a camera voice you know i can i can be real i don't have to you know i just just so the moment that you know that that broke but but with that being said you know jared man i love you and i have love for you and i really would love to see you know you going you know a positive way um and i hope you are successful with that you know i wish you well and your family well um you know i just yeah you're doing great things and but i hope that you can level it up and and you know if you have my phone number you know where i live you ever need to reach out let's talk uh you know but brother to brother um brother brother it'd be wrong for me to not call you out on this you know i tried in private i tried amongst our group and now this is the bigger group but not only is this the bigger group these people also you know they needed to know what was going on brother everybody makes mistakes but let's see if we can get that back on track or give me perhaps get it on track to begin with yeah this is this is the first time this has ever been done in the history of the universe no one's ever had an awp so yeah i think it's inevitable being the pioneer of something that mistakes are going to happen yeah man you're brilliant dude you got it so yeah i i think well really everything we we need to talk about um all right guys and jared is i'm not gonna look at my phone for a couple days i know you're busy you're doing great things please please go over and actually give awp there congratulations they uh recently found somebody else on this trip has been absolutely amazing for them they've really been knocking it out of the park um you know so so i just so hats off you know hats off to you and the crew um so from you know from me to you man keep up you know keep doing the good work but maybe clean up some of that other stuff brother yeah we love you we love you and we commend you for everything you're doing you're doing good in the world but i i think you could just get a little you got a little off track and we're hoping this can bring you back on track yeah and thank you and thank you for what you've taught us yeah we wouldn't be nowhere without you yeah all right brother thank you on that note uh thank you guys for watching thank you for putting up with us as we stumble over our words we're not the speakers yeah we're we're not the speakers we're you know uh all right guys thank you thank you guys love you guys and thanks for being here you
Channel: Sam Sam The Adventure Man
Views: 509,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adventures With Purpose, Jared Leisek
Id: vVUR9bTerEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 24 2021
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