Pt2: SOLVED Cold Case 16-YEARS Later (Donnie Messier)

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- It's just amazing that it's actually on its wheels, in this corner right here, in this nook, coming from all the way up there and then not being able to be seen for this long. (water bubbling) - See if I can see any clues, as to what happened here, for any remains inside here. - [Narrator] Tonight, police have found the truck, belonging to a Waterbury man, missing for nearly 16 years. (tense dramatic music playing) (ominous music playing) - We're here in Waterbury, Vermont, where we're looking for Donnie Messier. Donnie went missing October 15th of 2006. He was driving a red F-150, 1997 pickup truck. His license plate number was: - BGG890. Where did he go from that party? Was he going to Denny's? Was he going to the racetrack? Or was he going back to his friend's house, that he had called at 1:30 in the morning? Or was he going back to the guys that he was with before, watching the race? Blueberry Lake to Waterbury, I think is the, is the clear path. And then, you could branch out at a different, later time, to the quarries or to Lake Champlain. - Actually, he worked here for a bit. I mean, he would post up at my house. He was here helping me and he was having some issues. He kept saying that, "He has things he needs to take care of, before he goes away." - So, this is the picture of it. It actually shows where it has two means of egress, right into the pond. - It looks like we're clear here, and we'll be moving on to our next location. - This is a pond off the side. It's on a, it has access to it. I just don't know how deep it is. - And off of Quarry Road, also is where those others... - Three ponds. - Were. - Exactly. - Okay. - Nothing out of the ordinary, it's clear. - It looks pretty shallow. - Yep. - Very shallow though. - You can see algae growing 30 feet off the shore. - The bottom will undulate a little bit, but, I think the average depth out there is gonna be about five feet right now. - So this section, there's some deep spots. The road comes around tight on this side. - We'll double check something that we went over, over here. It's too close to the surface, but, if it's upside down- - I mean, are you still 50-50? Are you 100% confident? - In my mind, I'm still questioning it. (ominous music playing) (water bubbling) What'd you find? (Carson Breathing heavily) - I think we just found Donnie. - Are you serious? - We have a red Ford truck. - Good job. - Are you dead serious? - Dead serious, dude. We have a red Ford truck. - Is it upside down? - it's right side up, it's buried, red Ford. I looked everywhere I could, looked at the bumpers. Front bumper, back bumper. It's just, it's just buried. And then I, I, I looked for those indicators, 'cause the moment I went down, I knew it was a truck. Looked at the color, it was red. And, I went to the driver's seat and I found the Ford emblem on the front, front steering wheel. I saw the hole, so, I knew where it started. And you know, coming from on sonar, when we passed over that object, the height didn't make sense. - Correct. - I go down in the hole, I'm swimming, I'm trying to kick my feet and I'm breathing through the regulator, like you told me. And then, the shape comes up and I can tell that it's a metallic object and it's, it's metal and it's red. It's red. I knew that. And I scraped a little bit off the side, so I could see it. It was red. And then, I get closer and I see that it's, it's a truck. It's a red truck. And I'm thinking in my mind, I'm like, "I think this is his truck." So, I'm going all around, I'm trying to find any indicators, that can tell me if this is a Ford, a red Ford truck. And I'm going on the back bumper, I'm going on the, on the front bumper, but, it's so buried, man. It's just in there. So, I was about to come up and I thought to myself, "There's an emblem on the steering wheel." So, I swim over, go to the front of the steering wheel and I can see, I could see that it's, it's got the emblem on there, but, there's a little bit of silt on there. I take my flashlight and I turn it on and I shine it, at that steering wheel and I, I, for a second it looked like it was a Hyundai or a Honda. And as I scraped it, it said Ford. And then, that's when I knew, I was like, "I think, I think we just found Donnie." But, the whole top of the cab is just, just crumbled, dude. It's crumbled. If there's bones in there, it's buried. 'Cause I didn't see anything. But, then I was, in my mind, I was thinking, I was like, "I want to know if this is, if this is Donnie's." And I, I looked for something that I could grab and I found this case that was in the center console and in the case was a pair of glasses. So, I don't know, I don't know if Donnie wore glasses, but, but there's glasses there. I don't know if they're prescription glasses, but, that's what I could grab. - Nice job. (gentle music playing) Nice job on that. We'll find out about this. So, I know you're cold, We gotta get you warmed up. Thanks a lot for doing that. And, it's pretty late in the day right now and it's getting cold. So, what we'll do is, we'll wrap up our search for today and we'll come back here first thing in the morning and I'll put on my gear and I'll go down there and do a full assessment, and find out if this is in fact, the vehicle we're looking for. - If there's any bones, it's, it's most likely buried underneath all the rocks and the silt. - Yup. - Which is good. Which is really good, because that means all the human remains and the evidence is intact. - Is contained in there. - However, it's gonna be really challenging getting that vehicle out. - Yeah. - Because the whole roof of it - has collapsed. - Is gone. - Is open. - Okay, well let's get you- - It's smashed down? Or it's open? - It's open. - It's open. - And it's gone? - It's gone. - The ice, the ice in the winter would have taken it. - Oh yeah, ice, rust. Remember it's been 16 years. - Yeah. - Right? - So, it's not smashed down, It, it was just gone. Like, the moment you swim down and you go in the back, like, you're in the vehicle. - You can't get access any of the tires, or anything like that? - No, no. It's from, from the trunk- - Yep. - The back of the truck, it's just buried. I tried and it's open too, So, I tried to lift it up, to see if I could find a Ford emblem there too. - Yep. - But, there was, it was nothing. It was just buried and it's, it's really heavy too, so, I couldn't lift the bumper. - Yep. - Or the- - The tailgate. - The tailgate, correct. (passenger sighing) - Hi. - Hi, Amy, yeah? - Yes. - Carson. - Hi, nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. - We were on the "Willamook" River and we located a target, that we believe is Donny's truck. We don't know for sure. We know that it's an extended cab, red Ford truck. And, it's just off the side of the road, River Road. And, there's a pocket that's 10 feet deep. The truck is buried. We dove on it. I personally dove on it, so, we know for sure that it, it is a red truck. - And where was this at? - Off of River Road. - Off the- - He'll explain it better- - Off the "Willamook" River. - Yeah. - Winooski - Winookski? - Winooski River. - Winooski. Just on the other side of the complex. - Yeah. - Are you freaking kidding me? He's maybe been that close this whole time? - Possibly. - That's extremely, It's an extremely likely route home, coming up over Route 100, from the valley. That's an entirely likely route home. - What? - So... - He found these inside, I don't know, if you know, if these were possibly his. - He didn't have glasses, but, that doesn't mean that they weren't like- - Somebody else's? - Your dad's maybe? - No, his ex-wife had glasses. It could be a pair that got- - Sure. - Okay. - So, tomorrow we're gonna go back and put our dive gear on and do a more thorough investigation. - Okay. - And see if we can identify, that if it in fact is his. - Okay. - And so, we just wanted to let you know. - We give up. - It's alright. - Hey. - [Carson] I know this isn't the outcome that you wanted, but, it's also answers. - It is. That's the biggest thing, is closure. It's the unknown, that's the hardest part. Not, not knowing, is he gonna pop up somewhere? Is he hurt? Is he in a hospital and doesn't remember who he is? I mean, that's really all we've ever wanted, is just answers. And, so that we can have closure. - Well, hopefully tomorrow we can bring those answers, for sure. - Okay, truly appreciate that. - Absolutely. - I really, really appreciate that. (water bubbling) (gentle music playing) - We're looking for a sticker. - There's no windows. - If you see a sticker... But, there's the, is that the visor? Can you go back? He had a very unique visor. - Right visor on the- - Right there, is that the visor sitting in the, in the dirt? So, it's an extended visor? - Yeah. - Oh, that does look like it. - Yup. - Like the visor. Like if- - Yeah, like, it curls over. He's now, and there's the wheel and the tire, with, with the chrome over the wheels and chrome on the base. - Yup. - Crazy, huh? (water bubbling loudly) - And then, at this point I'm looking for an emblem, so, I'm trying to dig and see if I can lift up the, the hatch. - I knew you were onto something, because you wouldn't have stayed down there that long. - Yeah, we said the same thing from back there. We're like, "He's down there a long time to be that cold." - I was like, he's holding on to something 'cause he's coming up current, like, there's no way he's just inspecting a rock. - Yeah. That's 90, that's 90's. - Oh yeah. - Yeah, it's definitely 96, 98, you know, F-150. you know on the, on the heating duct. - Yep. - Right there is when I go to the steering wheel and I thought it said Honda, but then I rubbed it off. - What's that right there? - You can see that little- - Yup, I can see the Ford, right there. - Yep. - Yup. - 100%. - Yeah, you did a nice job, Carson. Very impressive, especially with no fins. - I mean, how many red F-150's are they looking at, in Waterbury, Vermont? - I just wish I could have gotten like a license plate, but it's just, it's just in there. - Either way it's gotta come out... - No, you're fine. - To confirm chevy numbers. And, it- - We'll put on some dry suits, to where we can actually get down in there and spend, you know, however much time it needs, to get to the license plates. The license plates may be gone. So, we'll get whatever evidence we can find. And then, at any rate, I think we have enough evidence right now, to get law enforcement involved, so they can say, well yeah, if it's a red Ford pickup from the nineties, wouldn't, you would think they would be interested in supporting us and saying, "Hey, we're gonna help, you know, we gotta get this thing outta here?" - Yeah. - I'm not saying call 'em right the second, but tomorrow. - Yeah. - We'll do an inspection first. - Confirm it first. - Right. - It surprises me that, that one 10 foot hole in that entire stretch of river that we scanned, that's where it was. - We have footage of the vehicle if you want to look at it to see if you can help... - Yeah, absolutely. - Confirm if it's him. (water bubbling loudly) - It's good (beep) odds it is. - I'd say it's pretty likely. It's too coincidental. - We have dredge equipment, so, tomorrow when we go in we can, or even if we just use hand shovels, dig around. First thing I'm gonna try to find is a license plate. It may not have 'em, but, is this in your state, do you require 'em on both the front and the back? - Yes. - Yep. - Okay. So that's good. That gives me a little better odds of finding it. - Tailgate was still in good tact, so- - Yeah, so- (team talking over each other) - They can push that bumper. - Basically, I would push that up and I'll go straight for that rear license plate and I'll try to get any- - The glass is all broken out of the windows and stuff? - Oh, I'm sure, yeah. At this point. - Okay, I got ya. - When I'm coming around the, the driver's side, all the way up to the driver door, there was a window and I tried to reach in, looking for the steering wheel, but then, it was in the back seat. So, I made my way up to the front driver's side door and then found the steering wheel there. So, all windows completely gone. - Okay. - The roof of the vehicle is just, the moment you go down and you dive down, you're just inside the vehicle. - Well. I think you might've found him. - Mh-hm. (ominous music playing) - As far as our dives on this vehicle, obviously this is gonna take a little bit of time. - There's lots of river stones, is that kind of stuff in the tub of the trunk? - Yes. - Clearing all those rocks around the hinges of the tailgate, once we do that, we should be able to get the tailgate up and then you'll concentrate on doing that and clearing away from the number-plate. So, hopefully the number plate's still there. - Right. - Hopefully, because of the positioning of the vehicle, the current of the stream is going down In the front. - Keeping it intact. - So, it's a bit protected at the back. - Right. And we've got, luckily, we're in Vermont, in this state, you have to have one in the front and back, similar to Oregon. So, if there isn't one in the back, I'll check the front, But- - The front sustained a lot of damage. - Yeah. - Like, you could see on the driver's side, the front end was quite badly smashed in. - Right. So, we'll do that. We'll get a, obviously a positive identification on the vehicle. So, you know the sun's already way up in the sky. I know it's gonna be a long day. Soon as we get there and we get in position, let's hit the ground running, get our gear on and let's make this happen. Okay, I'm gonna jump in the vehicle, with Bill real quick and do an assessment, to see if we can get the RV directly over to there. So Dan, while I'm going over with Bill to assess the situation, if you wanna start checking your gear, assembling your gear and your kit, make sure you got a full bottle. - Yep. - And then when I get back, I already changed the bottle a couple days ago, so, I'm good to go. - Yep. - And so, I'll see you in a few minutes. - Nice, bro. - Okay. (suspenseful music playing) - Alright. - This is state owned property, is what I was told. And this is a community garden. - Oh, okay. - And so, there is, you know, we have, we can gain access to this, because it's not private property. - Okay, perfect. - I mean, to come in from here and float all the way into this corner. - Well, you remember, a little bit of current and the vehicles do tend to float a little bit, until they get fully- - It's just amazing that it's actually on its wheels, in this corner, right here, in this nook. - Right. - Coming from all the way up there and then not being able to be seen for this long. - It's just one of those sayings that literally threaded the needle. Whether it's on purpose or accident, sometimes things get put in little hidden ways, and when you're not paying attention- - This is a, this is a location that no one really- - Yeah, it looks pretty secluded. - Really secluded. So, it could have been, it's been sitting here, the whole time. - For 16 years, yeah. - Amazing. - I'm leaning towards an accident. Just because, if somebody did this on purpose and then dumped the vehicle, you'd think they would- - That's a hard place to get. - Yeah. Why wouldn't you go to one of these more off the beaten path quarries, that are around in the area, you know? - It's, it's just in a, and it's, it's in a spot that is hard to get a vehicle. He had to come off the road. - Yeah, I agree. - I mean- - Whether he was swerving to miss a deer, or fell asleep at the wheel, slipped on ice. - You know when you're like, you increase speed and you come out of the exit way, like, you take that left-hand- - Yeah? - He takes that left hand turn and he comes down, at increased speed, you lose a little bit of traction there, 'cause he gets squirrelly... - Right. - And next thing you know, you're down that embankment and it's (snaps fingers) it's over, 'cause it's like a 10 foot, 15 foot embankment. - Right. (metal clanking) - So, what'd you find, Nick? - We're gonna leave the RV here. We're gonna get our gear up. He's gonna get, he's gonna make room for our kits in the back of his Jeep. - Yep. - Once we're ready, we'll load up. He can drive us right to the spot. All's we gotta do, is walk down the hill and get in the water. - Beautiful. - So yeah, it'll work out good. - I can get everything down there. - Okay. - And we have a perfect spot for the rotators. (dramatic music playing) (team talking away from mics) - Yep. We're ready. (engine revving) - When you go down, maybe about, like three feet, the first thing you're gonna come into is the passenger side front end. - Okay. - And then, down on that corner you'll go into the passenger side rear, where the tailgate will be at. - It's sitting like that. - It's sitting like this. - It's kind of at an angle. - But, the front of the vehicle's pointing upstream? - The front of the vehicle is pointing upstream. - That's good. - Rear of the vehicle is pointing downstream. - That should mean we should be able to get to the rear license plate... - And then... - Hopefully. - When when reviewing the footage, the back passenger wheel is a little bit exposed and then the driver's side rear wheel is mostly exposed. - Okay. Okay, so when we go down, Dan, I got some slates here. Any notes that I need to make, that stand out significantly if you see me jotting... - Yep. - That down, that's what I'm doing there. - Yep. - Taking some basic readings, maybe on the compass, as the orientation of the vehicle. - Yep. - If I need to communicate with you, if it's beyond what normal hand signals will do, then I can write on here. - Sure. - So, remember, obviously the basic hand signals, you know all those? - Yep. - We got full tanks. We're in 10 feet of water, we should be totally fine. We got dry suits. I'm not worried about getting cold. So, other than that, let's start gearing up and let's get in there and do our vehicle assessment. - Yep. - And go from there. - Let's do that. (team speaking away from mics) (water sloshing) (ominous music playing) - Nervous? (water bubbling) (ominous music continues) - I'm the driver's door. It's about 8 feet of water. This is where the bottom of the window meets the door. (water bubbling) The driver's seat is filled with rocks and debris from the river. Console is open. There's a CD, that I can see in the mud. There appears to be a steering wheel cover, over the steering wheel. Glove box appears to be closed. The bed of the truck appears to be kind of the same, full of rocks and sand. There's a little bit of fishing line, that has been caught on it, from fellow fishermen. All the windows are gone, most likely from being in the river so long. However, the body is slightly damaged, I don't know if it happened before, or after it went into the river. See if I can see any clues, as to what happened here, for any of remains inside here. Looks like Dan has got a computer chip, from the vehicle, in the front. I am confirming now, that it is, in fact, an F-150. Ford F-150. I'm moving to the end of the rear of the vehicle. The tailgate is down. The brake lights are broken. - So, you can see that they were further upstream. Here, is where the front of the truck was at. They moved roughly 15 to 20 feet down. They're now at the tailgate of the truck, trying to get the tailgate to flip up. If they can't, then they're gonna be working regardless, underneath the tailgate, to see if they can pull the license plate. That way we have 100% confirmation, that this is indeed Donnie's truck, that we're looking for today. While they're down there, also, they're gonna be assessing the wheels, you know, because of the direction where it's at, and the way that we would like to pull this outta here, because, those wheels are more exposed in the front, what's it going to take to finish getting through those wheels with our straps, that we can go one strap around the driver's side, one strap around the passenger, at the very rear, bring them, marry them together, and then have a line ready to go for the rotator up on top. From there, the rotator will slowly pull it up, keep it low, and then bring it right up the bank here. Once we get up here, we're able to, you know, when we're on on solid ground, we're able to really control it a lot more, as far as keeping an eye on it. Make sure we're not losing any debris out of it. (water bubbling) (ominous music playing softly) - Donald Messier was last seen driving away in his red F-150, from a party on October 15th, 2006. He hasn't been seen since. - Donald Messier was driving his red 1997 Ford F-150. It was distinctive, decorated with NASCAR numbers. Currier says, "Her brother liked to drive around the region as an escape." Currier tells me, "At this point, she just wants to know what happened to her brother." - I, we would love closure, just, just to know what happened. So, we're not wondering, I mean, at this point, it's been almost 15 years, so we're, we're realistic. We know that the likelihood of him being found alive is extremely unlikely. But, I think it's, we still just need the answers. You know, there's, there's always that piece of you that's gonna be missing. (ominous music playing) You know, there's, there's always that piece of you that's gonna be missing. - Currier says, "Her brother liked to drive around the region as an escape." - His license plate number was... - BGG.. 890. - I have confirmed, we just found Donnie. (sorrowful violin music playing) - Yup, got a plate. - Yup. (team talking away from mics) - [Currier] Yes? - This is Bill Macintosh, with the Adventures with Purpose. So, it is Donald Messier's vehicle that we have found. - We found the vehicle. That's a huge step. It looks like the, the river has changed over the years. There's been a lot of flooding or high currents, you know, spring and runoff and all that kinds of things. So, there's a lot of debris. There's no windows left. You know, the question is, is there any remains still left in the vehicle, to identify that he is in fact, or was in fact, in the vehicle, when it went in the water? So, that's the big question, right now. It's gonna take most of the day to get it dredged out enough to get rigging on there, to get the tow truck in here, attach it, you know, withdraw it from the river, get it up on land and then we gotta sift through the pea gravel and the stuff that's filled up, You know? There's a couple feet of pea gravel inside the vehicle. So, we're hoping that under a lot of that pea gravel, maybe there'll be some, some evidence and some remains in there, so we can positively identify that it's him and that the family can start processing this. And, they can consider this case a closed one, that we've, we've found him and brought him home. (sorrowful music playing) (people talking away from mic) - Looking at it, there is a pull-out spot, you know, up here, about 100 yards, where he might have went off the road and, and the current brought it down. - Sure. - Well, and like I said, we got good GoPro footage of it. We're more than happy to share that with you. - Sure. We can give you a copy of it. - Yeah, that would be helpful. - Absolutely. - Thank you. - If you guys wanna see it... - Yeah. - Now, we can share that with you on his computer. - Yeah, absolutely. - Okay. - That's great. - Cool. - And then, we've got our dredging equipment set out, and so we can, 'cause, it's up to the top of the tires, is, it's like pea gravel. - Okay. - So, to get the straps and stuff on something solid, to get it out of there, we'll have to dredge out a little bit. - Okay. - And attach it, And then, if we can get either a rotator or a wrecker in here. - Yep. - There's a spot that can get close here and then we're more than happy to go out there and hook it up. We'll obviously try to keep it as flat as possible, 'cause we didn't go digging through the pea gravel to look for human remains. But obviously, if we can keep it flat, get it out of water, then you guys can clear away the gravel and, And- - I'm the case officer for the actual missing person's case. But, as far as making any of those decisions, as far as resources and techniques and stuff, that goes way above me. - Absolutely. - So, you know, just, just, I would just ask for, obviously, just patience. - Yep. - So that we can, you know, 'cause it's gonna involve a lot. - Yeah. (water bubbling) - How deep down do you say you guys were? - It's about 8, maybe 10 feet in spots, it's- - I was about to say, I'm surprised that with how low the river gets that nobody's seen it, but, that makes more sense, considering that it's barely, you can barely even tell. - Yea, it's- - Did you happen notice when you were down there if the seat belts were latched, or not? - I tried to see on the driver's side at least and it was, I didn't notice one being latched, but, at the the same time, it was pretty filled with- - Gravel. - Gravel, I mean, you could see- - Yeah, the roofs entirely peeled back. - Yeah. And, it's at a slight angle, it was- - I'm just so proud your team, you know, so happy your team came back and tried again. And you know, I've just been watching your success and what you guys have been doing has been amazing. - Yeah, thank you. - Thank you. - And so, I'm just so appreciative. - And its because, you know, people like you that reach out to us, that says, you know, "There's a lost loved one, you need to know about it." And when we do, you know, we put 'em on a big map and we can't get to all of 'em, you know? There's 3,500 that we now know of and you know, this one we only did the, you know, as you know, the reservoir last time. But this time, we came back, with the, working it like we normally do, and where was the party at? Where was the home? What are the routes that he could have possibly taken? And you know, looking for those accident locations, you know, there's so much speculation, as you know, out there. It's like, "Oh there's those foul play stories or He's buried under a pond," or, you know, whatever happens over the course of 15 years, the stories keep getting better and better. - Okay. - But, at the end of the day, how many have we done now, where it's nothing more than what we believe right now, is an accident. - Mh-hm. That's what I've been seeing from you guys. Your experience is starting to be like, weed out all of that nonsense and just focus on what you know. - Yeah. - Like where do, what are people's natural habits and where do they go? And where do they feel comfortable? And where, what do they know? - Yeah. - I mean it's kind of shocking that he's here, with the amount of people who are in this river every day, in the summer floating down it in their tubes, and just, but now, I've watched so many times, when they're in just five feet below the water surface, is the top of the car and thank you so much, for coming back. - Yep, absolutely. - Thank you. - How's it going? - Good, how about you? - Not so bad. - It's slippery on that side. - There's- - Okay. - License plate and there was a pair of glasses that were in the console - Okay. - That Carson found yesterday, when he first dove on it, and so- - So, game plan on the way, that I would say that we would do this. You know, we've done over 500 vehicles and 25 recoveries now, for lost loved ones. Because, it has the pea gravel and the sand, with the dredge, It's a trash pump, that's hooked up to a suction hose, and so, it'll blow the sediment away from the vehicle, that will go around the wheels to clear both sides of the truck. We then have all the rigging that we need, to pre-rig this, before the wrecker comes, where we'll bring, we'll go through each one of the wheels, bring it up, marry it, and then, we'll have the line up to the bank, so that way, the wrecker can just hook up to it. Because, the truck is sitting, facing up river, we just need to take these two trees out right here and stay left of that tree, that way we're pulling it down-river just a little bit, so that way, he can break it free, lift it and break it free, but then, he needs to keep it low, the moment it breaks it free, so we're not tipping it. - Yeah. - And then, just bring it right to the bank- - Well, so, I'm more concerned of like, getting the truck out is great and all that sort of stuff, but, I'm interested in treating it, you know, as we see, we don't know if it's a crime scene or not. - Sure. - So like, I want to, and granted we appreciate you guys doing this, 'cause we wouldn't have found this, but like, I gotta, I gotta send some divers down there from law enforcement and stuff like that. - Absolutely. - Just to go through, I want to try to get the sentiment out of the sea and get it back up here, in some kind of containment pool and have our crime-scene search-team kind of, kind of go through that. - Okay. - So that, that's number one goal. And then, second would be getting it out. So what I'm,- - So, so, so, there's a different way to do that, with the equipment that we have, if you guys don't have it. - Okay. - So, it's not necessarily a dredge, where it's gonna pump everything up here for you, but, it has a 10 foot hose, we can put whatever size hose we need on it, so, four inch hose. - Yep. - And, what we'll end up doing is, we'll end up taking a, like a laundry bag instead, a netted laundry bag. - Yep. - Zip-tie it around the end of it, so, that way as it's coming out the end of it... - It sucks it. - Now, it's just going to, fill right in there... - Okay, that's what I was- - Right in there for you. - I was talking to another guy- - The issue with that, is because that's more set up for sand, versus the pea gravel, all the pea gravel is now going to collect it there, so, that's the issue that we're going to have. There's a way that we can, you know, potentially get around it, is we just need a longer hose, keep it low and then bring it up to a screen, so that way, it's just breaking the surface, right here on the edge. You have a screen that it's all pumping into, and now, as you go through any pea gravel that's coming through, you can remove the pea gravel, throw that back in and keep working that way. So, that was... - Okay. - An option for you. - I mean, that's gonna be up to the crime-scene search-team and all that sort of stuff. I'm just- - Right. - Can, can I just see what you're talking about? See what you guys got? - Yeah. Come on down. And, so the way that it works, is actually blowing through here. - Yep. - Rather than sucking. 'cause, if you suck, now you're going through the one inch and it's gonna destroy everything. - Yep. - It doesn't touch any pumps or anything. - So we just need a longer hose? - You just need a longer hose, that way you can get, like I said, just create a screen up here, and- - Yeah, we could set up a pool up here, catch all that, or however we're, however we're gonna do it. - Yeah. And the best thing, we just grab like the, the chicken wire. - Yep. - Like the square. And you create a box, just have it all run into this, so that that way, if they end up sucking anything up, you're gonna catch it. But, more likely because you're dealing with, you know, some larger femurs and whatnot, they will not end up going through here, they'll be able to see 'em. - Yep. Let me talk to some other people, we'll chat with you guys and- - Yep. - We'll come up with a plan and- - Okay, yep, whether it's today or tomorrow, or? - Work together and do it that way. - Sounds good, I appreciate it. - Okay. (intense music playing) - I hope it's there, is still there. (sorrowful music playing)
Channel: Adventures With Purpose
Views: 1,036,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: donnie messier, donnie messier missing, missing persons, missing persons cases, missing persons cases solved, dangerous scuba diving, found car, recovered car, found car underwater, adventures with purpose, documentary, true crime, family friendly, Recovery, Adventure, For you, diving, murder, mystery, tow truck, wrecker, adventure, missing, search and rescue, car crash, car wreck, cold case, cold case detective, crime stories, search and recovery, news, donnie messier found, vermont
Id: EhWjF5vYLG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 6sec (2346 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2022
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