TARGET LOCATED: The Case of (Missing Mother) Janet Walsh

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- So far today, we have discovered two vehicles in our search for 70-year-old Janet Walsh. And if you want to see how we got to this moment, (dramatic music) stay tuned 'cause this is one episode you are not going to want to miss. (melancholy piano music) (dramatic music) (melancholy piano music) - Police in Shaler are renewing the call to find 70-year-old Janet Walsh. Authorities say Walsh invited her daughter over for dinner back on January 20th of last year. And when her daughter showed up, her mom's car was gone but her phone was still upstairs. Walsh's vehicle is a Silver 2018 Chevy Trax, with PA plates, KTW-6007. If you've seen that car, please call police. - [Reporter] It's now been two years since a woman from Shaler disappeared and still, no sign of her. Walsh drove a Silver Chevy Trax, with license plate KTW-6007. Allegheny County Police are asking to hear from anyone with information. (pulsating music) - Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, holy (beep). There's a (beep) boat ramp right there. - Huh? What is that? - [Doug] There's a boat ramp right there. Holy (beep). - There's a what? - There's a boat ramp... - Right there? - Right there. - [Jared] Oh, we didn't even know that there was one right there. - [Doug] We didn't check that when we were here. When we were here last year, we put in right there and we never left this ramp. We never knew that there was a ramp right here. - [Ray] That ramp, that's for kayakers. - [Doug] Yeah. So, we're in search of a woman that went missing in her car. - [Ray] Oh, you still looking for her? - Janet Walsh, yep. - [Ray] Oh my God! - We were here a year ago. We started right here. In looking over here, I never knew that this boat ramp was here. - Yeah, um... - She could have used that. 'Cause we're looking at potential... - [Ray] See how the ripples roll in there? - [Doug] Is it shallow?? - [Ray] It's shallow right there. But that's not to say could it couldn't hide her. - Yeah, 'cause she disappeared in January, so water levels are going to be higher. - Yeah, yep. I remember because I was down here when they was doing a lot of the searching. Matter of fact, a friend of mine, he ended up passing away last Christmas. He knew them. Okay, the husband and the wife. The husband died and she was a lost soul. She even called my buddy, that had passed away, and she knew him and she was looking for, you know, friendship and that. You know? And never heard nothing after that. Never heard nothing after that. - [Doug] Yeah, her husband died 60 days prior. - Yeah, her husband died and she couldn't handle it, you know? And I know they searched. They said there's a car down here and a sunken boat or something. - [Doug] Yeah, we found a few cars over there the last time we were here. Yeah, we searched all the way down to the city. But, you know, she hasn't been found. Her vehicle hasn't been found. She's here, you know, she's here somewhere, we just got to find her. - There was down river... They say that they... It's like a pier thing up there where they they find cars down there where people... insurance jobs and whatever down there. Now that could be a spot where she could drive right in too. If she even knew that existed. - [Doug] Yeah. Right. Yeah. Yeah. - You don't know that, but she's familiar with this part of the river. - [Doug] Right, yeah. She's from right there, Shaler Township and her husband's buried right up top of the hill, St. Mary's Cemetery. - I know she couldn't handle it with him passing. - Yeah. It's a lot. - It's a shame. It's a shame. Well I give you a lot of credit for still trying. - [Doug] Yeah, man. We're not leaving until everything's been searched. She's 70-years-old, she's lived her life. Her husband passed. She's unable to get past that. And she just wants to be with her husband. - Yeah. - Yeah. - And a boat ramp right here, in the search area that we did not check. Is it too shallow? I don't know. Right now it does appear to be shallow. However, we're at water levels lowest conditions for this river. It's October 5th, you know, she disappeared in January after all the snowfall, you know and the river's going to be a lot higher than it is right now. I don't ever remember us even think... we turned around right here. This is what happened. We pulled the RV in, we turned around right there, parked the RV right there. Jacob parked this thing right there. Everything was there at that boat ramp. We never looked down here. - [Jared] This is a tight corner though. - [Doug] Yeah, it is a really tight corner. It is very shallow. Yeah. Very, very shallow. We'll put in down there and come up here and check it. - Do you know that there's another boat ramp up here? - [Doug] I sure do. I sure do. - 'Cause I know they have two ramps. There's the old one, that right at the tunnel goes straight down. Now whether that's still operable, I don't know but that'd be easy to get... I don't think that's blocked off at all. So she'd be able to go straight down there. - Right above the spillway, right? In the bridge right there. - You take...go through the tunnel? - Yep. - Yep. - Okay, straight down is the old ramp. And then they have another one, but I think it's gated off. Where you go up and there's another ramp up there. So there's someone there you could talk to. - Yeah, that's actually my main point of focus right there. Because we started here the last time we were here and it was just like, you know, I just want to... We've learned a lot over the last year with what we do. So I wanted to just come back to square one, where we searched and then move up there. On January 20th of 2020, at approximately 8:30 PM, Shaler police were dispatched to the 100 block of Dolores Drive for a missing person report. Once on scene, responding officers learned that 70-year-old Janet Walsh was supposed to meet her daughter for dinner. Detectives are also looking for her vehicle which is described as a 2018 Silver Chevrolet Trax with Pennsylvania registration, KTW-6007. One car, a boat. We've already dove on those. If you guys have not seen the episode of our first search for Janet Walsh, go check that out right now. We were here at this very same location a year ago. We have learned so much over the last year. And based upon what we've learned, we're going to take that knowledge and bring it back to this case. Janet's still missing. Her vehicle's still missing and we really feel like we can find her. And we are not leaving this area until we've searched everything. Coming past the kayak launch here. (suspenseful music) Getting some really good imaging. Nothing, really, really clean. Her husband's buried right at the top of the hill. She lived right up over yonder, not too far away. The police, when they came and they searched here, this is where they began their search, at this area. This is where we began our search the last time. Like I said, I'm just picking up those pieces we were able to put together. I'm reconfirming some things and then we're putting all the other pieces into place that haven't been put into place yet. And when that's done, that should lead to finding Janet. (pulsating music) Six feet deep. There should be a ramp over here. Big old boat wreck down there, see it? Check that out, it's an old sunken boat. There's the ramp right there. (boat engine purring) It's really secluded back here too. 16 feet. I'm going to come right across this boat ramp, anything that's down here should pop right up. (boat engine purring) Something out there, but it's not a car. All right. We know that this portion from where we started when we first came here last year, all the way up into the spillway here, is clear. What we're going to do is we're going to go back down to where we started and we're going to scan downstream a little bit more to this riverfront. There's been a wall put up after she went missing. We know that at the time she went missing that wall wasn't there. That was a really nice secluded area if she wanted to use that access. You know, we're talking about a self-harm scenario, but not like we normally deal with. She's 70-years-old, she has lived her life. Her husband just passed away two months prior to her disappearing. She's suffering. That's deep. She just wants to be with her husband. (tense music) Did you see that? It looks really, really old. (tense music continues) We're talking about a little, small SUV, so it's going to float. If the windows are up, it will float for a long time. Tree, tree, tree. Got to see how tall that is. There it is, just off to our right. Big pile. What is that? We got to figure out what that is right there. (boat engine purring) (tense music) Tree, tree, tree. And then what is that? You got to be careful with these trees 'cause they come in here and they get hung up on these cars. All right, that's not it. It's way too long. It's not it. Enough imaging there to rule it out. So we're coming over here to where the riverfront park is, that I wanted to double-check, right underneath this bridge. (boat engine purring) (gentle guitar music) It is 13 feet deep right here. We'll come back tighter to the shore once we go down. (gentle guitar music continues) 11 feet right here. Turn around and get a tighter scan on this area. 12 feet, 11. (gentle guitar music continues) We're heading back to the ramp. We're going to put in above the spillway and we're going to pick up in an area that we haven't searched yet. Do you know when she went missing? If you can get that information, please let me know because... - I'll get back to you right away. - If I come across that car. - I'm going to try to call him now. - Yeah, please do. - I will. (indistinct) - It's a Silver pickup, F150. I believe it's a blue Cobalt. - [Jared] Yeah, okay. - And a Harley Davidson motorcycle too, I guess. It's probably in the back of the pickup truck. - [Jared] Okay. How recent was that? - I think I started looking for her last week. - [Jared] Oh wow. - She's been missing since September 11th, so they figure the body's with the vehicle, so. - [Doug] What you got there? - I got a name for you, sir. - Okay. - [Christie] It's Joann Angel. - Joann Angel? - Yes sir. And I'm going to go see the gentleman now and try to get you some more information, I'll give you a call later. - [Doug] Yes, thank you. - Thank you. Have a good day today. And good luck to you guys. - [Doug] Wow. - A lot of information in a short period of time there. - Yeah. Let's pack up, we can talk as we roll. - That was a lot of new information in a short period of time. Not regarding Janet, but there's evidently another missing person case that's very recent to the area within the last 20 days. And then this kind woman that came down to the boat ramp, she has another friend that has gone missing. "Allegheny County Police detectives along with Frazer Township Police initiated an investigation. Police said Harbison was in a volatile relationship with 57-year-old Eric Gibbs, whom officials believe is responsible for her disappearance. Gibbs was found dead from an apparent self-harm incident on September 17th in West Deer Township. Investigators, along with local fire departments, Allegheny Mountain Rescue Group and Steel City K-9 Response conducted several searches in the western Pennsylvania area," police said. Wow, so this girl went missing before this gentleman, who probably was a little mentally unstable, had a self-harm incident. - Yep. - It's really unfortunate. That's a really sad, sad thing. - It's tragic. It's tragic. The boat ramp we're going to right now is a little bit south of where that happened. There's a boat ramp in the Deer Park area, right there. - Really? - Where this happened. - Holy cow. - Yeah. - Okay, but we're going to be right down here, so let's go ahead and scan it anyway. - [Doug] Yeah. Oh yeah. - And we'll do a simultaneous search. So we are being as efficient as possible. We got new information on another case lead. We might as well scan and try to search for the missing Silver pickup truck with the Harley Davidson, along with the Chevy Cobalt in blue color. So, we might have a chance at... very small chance, but we could have three vehicles we could find today that need to get out of the water. - Absolutely. And if we find Janet, we're staying to clear the rest of the river up there, to look for these cars. - Yeah. - All right? - Let's do it. - Even though this is a foul play scenario, we don't get involved with foul play, the suspect is no longer with us. So, it's a different scenario right there. - Right, right, right. So, what Doug's trying to get at is that the associated risk factors with these cases that we come upon that may have some foul play associated with them. Say that individual or that group of individuals that may have inflicted the foul play is still out there, we typically try to steer away from these cases just because, you know, we're out there in the public's eye, on the channel. We don't want to be involved with those types of people at all. - And if they've done it once, they could do it twice. - If they've done it once, they could do it twice, three times, four times. Who knows, you know? - And if they know we're out there trying to uncover something that they've hidden, they could possibly do something to us. (upbeat pulsating music) (boat engine roaring) (boat engine purring) - 15 feet. 14 feet deep here. We're right behind the water treatment plant. And we're going to scan up to this next boat ramp, then we're going to come back and then we're going to go up to, I believe it's Deer Park. Steep little ramp site there, I don't know what that is. Is that a ramp? Whatever it is, it's really dangerous. Yeah. Wow, I'm surprised there's no railing right there. Is this an accident location? That's an accident location. Is it deep enough though? Whoa. Let's see. Right here, it's 11 feet. Dropping off over here. Coming up... fifteen, thirteen, eleven, nine, seven feet, six feet, five feet, four feet. It's only four feet right here. So where they launch the yachts at? It's 11 feet deep in here, 10 feet deep. I would be surprised to find something here with the type of technology that's loaded and unloaded right here. Five feet. Nothing. I'm going to call Peter. - [Peter] Hey Doug. - Hey Peter. How's it going? - [Peter] Good, how are you? - I'm doing alright. So we're down here near the yacht club and we're going to continue scanning all the way up to Deer Creek... what is it? It's going to be the Deer Creek Boat Ramp, where you can meet us out there. The area we're going into now, is an area that I believe Janet would've chosen and is also an area connected to another case here that we just found out about. Really eager to get up here and scan that area. (gentle guitar music) Look at this boat ramp right here, look how creepy that is. Desolate. It's 10 feet right here. It's probably going to be too shallow over there. Right as we come into this ramp. Eight feet, seven feet, six, five, four, three. Really shallow in here, really shallow, you can see the bottom. Marina right ahead of us. 18 feet. Lot of debris down there, lots of tires. (boat engine purring) 15 feet and we have a vehicle. We have a car right here, on LiveScope, look at that. 13 feet, from that angle it looked like a pickup truck. It's definitely not fresh. Really creepy boat ramp. Sort of secluded, tucked in the alley. All right, look at this that we have a car, right there (pulsating music) and something else. There's two. Can't be confident until I dive on that, but that's definitely an older, big body car. You could see it's box-style. Definitely is not what we're looking for. Definitely diving on that though. I'm going to put this in the water. It's getting really serious right now. These next three boat ramps are in realm of where Janet could possibly be and also Darlene. This is where Eric could have dumped those vehicles. A lot of tires. It's also, these vehicles are newer. They're not going to show up like a standard vehicle would. Six feet right here. We found one car. It appears to be a really old-school car off of a really sketchy little back marina boat ramp. We marked it. - Okay. - And we're going to continue. There's two more boat ramps... - Oh wow. - To the north. - Okay. - And we're still in the range of where Janet could have went, but we're really in the heart of where Eric could have dumped Darlene. - So this last four mile section you guys scanned, you ruled it out. - Yeah. - Lots of residences, not a lot of access. - Found a car. It's not what we're looking for. It doesn't mean it's not something else. And we will be diving on that. But we got to keep it moving to make sure we know what we have. Clear as much as we can today. And if we might have more cars marked, we'll dive on that. We'll dive on the car down there. Just trying to stay as tight and as efficient as possible. (somber piano music) - All right. That is clear. Now we have to head back to where we just had lunch with the boys and go up and above that spillway right here and put in. (somber piano music continues) I have one vehicle right there. I have one vehicle right here. It's a big vehicle too, it's an SUV. (boat engine purring) It's on its side. 25 feet deep. 24 feet deep, 20 feet to the top of the vehicle. And it does not look like a car. It looks like a small SUV. - [Jared] If it looks like a small SUV, that could be the Chevy Trax we're looking for. - I'm still getting, trying to get some better imaging. I mean, getting great image is just inconclusive. It's real fat like a small SUV. - [Jared] That doesn't make sense though. How did the car get right there underneath the dock? - [Doug] It's right under me. Magnet's down. I'm on it, all over it. It's a car, definitely a car. We have a lock. Reading, 22.2 feet deep. Top of the vehicle is at about 16, and a half feet. - This, with the current flow, that deep, 24 feet, like her vehicle would've came out to at least 50 feet and then floated down and sunk. Like it would've done one of these things, right next to that boat ramp. - Oh yeah. See that's a good shadow right there. Look at that. You see those two wheels. But I'm not getting those two wheels when I'm over it. Oh my goodness. That does look like a small SUV. (boat engine purring) (tense pulsating music) - It's good? - Yeah. Yeah. (tense pulsating music continues) (water splashing) - [Pete] Check, check, check check, com check. Diver down. Diver down. (tense pulsating music continues) (continuous heavy breathing through mask) (continuous water bubbling) - [Jared] I have reached the target, I repeat, I have reached the target. (tense pulsating music continues) (continuous heavy breathing through mask) (continuous water bubbling) Appears to be a vehicle, definitely a vehicle. Coming around the front windshield. Visibility is about one foot. (continuous heavy breathing through mask) (continuous water bubbling) (continuous heavy breathing through mask) (continuous water bubbling) Front windshield is intact. Both passenger and driver's side front window is open. There's a lot of lines down here, a lot of lines. - [Jared] All right. How are we doing on time? - He's been in the water three minutes. - [Jared] Okay. Three minutes. (continuous heavy breathing through mask) (continuous water bubbling) - [Doug] Having a real rough time with visibility, it's about two inches. I can't see any identifying markers on the vehicle. I have been able to remove an emblem. This vehicle has been down here for a few decades. I repeat, this vehicle has been down here for a few decades. I'm going to begin to make my ascent top side. I repeat, I'm going to begin to make my ascent top side. - Diver up, diver up. - [Jared] Diver up. Good? - It's not what we're looking for. - [Jared] It's not what we're looking for? - No. - All right. - There's one of those, every single wheel, that's from the hood. It is a small SUV. Windows are open. Did my best to try to clear. Once you're down there, zero viz. It's been down there for a couple decades. - [Police Officer] You thinking about like pulling it? I mean, is it intact? - Oh yeah, yeah. So it's sitting on its side. As far as rigging and pulling out, most ideal position 'cause all the suspension components are exposed. - Is there a body inside? - I tried my best to clear. Both the front windows are open. Front windshield's intact. I mean, we're here to lend our resources every step of the way if you need it. - So, if we were to get the the truck down here, you'd be able to hook the... - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. - The chains or the bags to it? - That's what we specialize in, yeah. - All right, let me make a call and see what they say and go from there. - I'm not seeing it. - So my guy I got right here, he knows everything about cars there is to know. All right look, so I just got out of the river in Pittsburgh, right? None of us know what this emblem is on this car. Look, we've tried to reverse search this image. - [Kenny] It's a Yugo emblem. - A Yugo? - Yugo. - A Yugo. - Yugo. - [Kenny] Yugo. - Okay. How's that spelled? Oh yeah, yeah. It is, there's a Yugo. I knew you would know, dude. I knew you would know. We're about to get a Yugo out of this river in Pittsburgh. And we'll just pull it from an angle. - Okay. - Make it really easy. So, the car's, the small little Yugo, like you ever heard of a Yugo? A really old thing. - We want to be over, well over, rigs out here. - Well over, with your stages out that way. And then it's sitting on its side, so it's really easy for me to go down and rig it. So what we're going to do is while they're going to get that, I'm going to go down, throw the rigging on it, run the rigging up here. That way as soon as they get here, they can just attach to it, pull it up, and it's pretty much downhill from there. So I'm going to put a basket into the rigging, into a basket up to the top, then we'll run his cable out. (upbeat banjo music) (heavy breathing through mask) (water splashing) (upbeat banjo music continues) (continuous heavy breathing through mask) (continuous water bubbling) - [Jared] 15 feet. (tense pulsating music) (continuous heavy breathing through mask) (continuous water bubbling) - [Doug] I have made it to the vehicle. I repeat, I have made it to the vehicle. (tense pulsating music continues) (continuous heavy breathing through mask) (continuous water bubbling) I am going to begin to rig the crank of the vehicle. (tense pulsating music continues) (continuous heavy breathing through mask) (continuous water bubbling) Ten four. I do have the axle rig and basket form. - [Jared] Diver's been in the water three minutes. (tense pulsating music continues) (continuous heavy breathing through mask) (continuous water bubbling) - [Doug] All right, we are fully rigged. I repeat, we are fully rigged. Vehicle, it's rigged. And I am coming up top side. I repeat, coming up top side. - Copy that. Vehicle is rigged. You are coming up top side. (continuous heavy breathing through mask) (continuous water bubbling) (upbeat rock music) - [Jared] We connected? - Good. - Good? - Yep. - Copy that. (upbeat rock music continues) (indistinct chattering) (upbeat rock music continues) - We've got it right where we wanted to. And now we're going to rig it right through the roof. (upbeat rock music continues) (gentle upbeat music) - Drop your boom down. Here we go. Here we go. Keep pulling. Keep pulling, keep pulling it. Keep going, keep going. Yep. There we go. (gentle upbeat music continues) All the way, all the way. (gentle upbeat music continues) (indistinct chattering) If I would've just looked, I would've known what it was. Look at that. Let me pull the dip stick, let me check the oil. (gentle upbeat music continues) 1986. (gentle upbeat music continues) If you guys like everything we're doing here at Adventures with Purpose to help families and law enforcement all across this nation, completely free of charge, hit that subscribe button. The bell notification, so you can stay up to date for new videos that come out. And hit the like button, leave a comment. Let us know what you think about this video. (fire engine beeping) (drill whizzing) (metal clanking) (gentle upbeat music ends) (hammer thumping) (machine whizzing) (water splashing) (serene music) No long bones at all, so it's clear. (serene music continues) (indistinct chattering) Long day, we still have a car left that we found earlier. It's a really old school-style car, box-style car that we need to dive on. Plus, we still have the boat ramp about two miles upstream, underneath the bridge. Really sketchy location to check. Our search for Janet Walsh is far from over, so stay tuned for Episode Two. (serene music ends) What happened January 19th of 2020? This is a prime location. We're running out of options here locally. We definitely have a car. How did this car get there? (suspenseful music) (melancholy music)
Channel: Adventures With Purpose
Views: 849,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: janet walsh, janet walsh missing, missing persons, missing persons cases, missing persons cases solved, dangerous scuba diving, found car, recovered car, found car underwater, adventures with purpose, documentary, true crime, family friendly, Recovery, Adventure, diving, murder, mystery, tow truck, wrecker, adventure, missing, search and rescue, car crash, car wreck, cold case, cold case detective, crime documentary, crime stories, search and recovery, foul play, depression
Id: 9dZS9Q3TaZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 13sec (2593 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 28 2022
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