Secret Hidden FOOD FORT inside a Refrigerator! *SECRET ENTRANCE*

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ooh red bull hi rob today we build a secret food board behind this refrigerator we're going to be making the inside of our fort look like a life-size refrigerator and in two hours our friend is coming so we have to get it done super quick let's get dingy [Music] so we bought this red fridge that looks absolutely amazing so we're gonna have to cut a hole in this thing but look at this risk of fire or explosion okay so let's be very careful [Music] all right it's time to cut the hole our power is out so i literally have to use a generator [Music] okay so it looks like everything is coming together ryan is working on hiding the closet painting it making it look nice and clean if you look in here it doesn't look that clean so we're gonna have to figure out how to make a little covering also we'll put a bunch of snacks and drinks in there just to completely cover up the hole i think that we should put white poster board and then white duct tape on the edges it'll look nice and clean good idea let's go to the store and get some snacks the store where dreams come true we're gonna need these three coolers for a challenge that we're gonna have to complete in the fort [Music] sorry [Music] okay so we have the fridge right here but it looks a little bit suspicious so we're gonna put decorations around it to camouflage it this wall looks naked i like plants there we go that's what i'm talking about [Music] as you can see it looks beautiful now we have to cut the hole ryan you want to do the honors i'll take care of that this thing actually works although there's a giant gaping hole in the back of it which we are going to cover by the way all right let's see if this thing still works or if it's going to blow up whoa okay so we have an outline and we need a cut wow drywall saws are legit one line done three to go oh it's stuck you're almost halfway there do you think anyone could fit through that i'll show you you're gonna do it yeah i'm gonna go through this is gonna be interesting seeing a six foot four grown man trying to fit through here wow this is cool in here is there room for two yeah there's room for a lot more in here all right i'm coming in okay so now we got to figure out how to cover up this hole otherwise this whole thing is all ruined guys look we got let's start the decoration montage [Music] all right so we've completely finished this fridge fort to hide our snacks it's got tons of yummy snacks in here before we go into the fridge we're gonna do our milk jug flip challenge determine who gets which cooler so this challenge is very important whoever flips the jug first is going to choose which cooler they want remember there's three coolers one has normal stuff in it one has gross stuff in it one has spicy stuff in it and you're gonna have to eat that whole thing before our friend finds us i just say lunch bro i'm so full same here i hope i get the yummy one we're gonna throw up after this three two one go keep going [Applause] we're gonna count this so chris you get the second choice ryan i'm so sorry but you are probably gonna get the nasty one hey ryan have some milk for later oh ow come on through i'm coming come on ryan hurry up dude this port is legit look at all of our yummy assortments of drinks and snacks for a year look at all of our cereal no one's gonna know this is in here all right we're ready seal us off rob we are officially unknown alone well it's all set so now we just gotta wait for clean to arrive and start the seeking to throw off our friend while he searches for us we built this tunnel slash maze it leads to the bathroom and the comfy fort so hopefully it throws them off pretty good now it's time to see what's inside the coolers since i won i gotta choose first i'm gonna choose the delicious cooler so let's see what's inside not too many snacks i'm looking at your bowls lunchable fruit cup snickers and an italian dry salami kit lucky so chris do you want the spicy one or the gross one can i see what's inside it first the spicy one has a bag of atomic wings the hottest hot wings at wing stop oh shoot you have to drink two spicy hot v8s smell those you have to eat these hot cheetos flaming shots and a little bucket of jalapenos okay let's see what's inside the gross one oh dude we have a bunch of disgusting olives i don't like olives and ryan doesn't like olives there are dried prunes ew we got a bag with a hot dog and cheese and salsa oh that's it nope nope chris's favorite and a lemon no pickles lemon get those no i'm taking the spicy one there's no way i'm eating the pickles so i get the nasty one yeah also we're gonna have to be absolutely quiet because we did not sound damp in this room so when clan gets here we're gonna start eating yo what's up dude hey how's it going man what's up all right so my brothers are somewhere on this property and you have a amount of time to find them they got to clean a challenge and if you find them before the challenge is over and you get 100 bucks oh awesome all right cool yeah let's do it so all right man leave that we're excited to run and start oh no not the white shoes on the dirt oh yeah okay he's here guys we have to be really quiet this is what i have to eat i'm going to start with this spicy hot this is the first time you've been here it is it's pretty awesome honestly you guys got you see our treehouse up there yeah that's dope what is that it's a prune how is it you like it that's yummy okay i thought they looked gross that's why i put them in the cooler when i was at the store all right here we go [Music] chris you have to drink two of them there's no way now i feel bad look at those whitey pearls bro i know dude they're like two days old be quiet you can go into your office at any second dude this tastes like spicy spaghetti sauce while you suffer over there i'm gonna make myself a pizza lunchable [Music] i'm thinking they're somewhere down there or somewhere in the treehouse okay or i don't know they could be in the bed of the truck too well i'm not i'm not saying nothing so we're clear okay he's using the tree all right yeah no it's not happening oh yeah i don't know if i trust that bridge or not yeah it's kind of sketchy yeah i can't even go up the ladder i don't want to imagine that oh what is this back here [Music] nope no watch them all be in the bathroom or something you never know oh packing peanuts what that's suspicious all right he's in the house i'm going for it not the olives [Music] sorry bro your guys food looks so good wow here we go bottom's up so we have to hit all this before we get found dude i have like a lot of stuff left okay we have to eat it or wear it okay looks like a jungle in here man would you find i found a little hole yeah you gonna go in yeah let's do it it's going into the secret port finding anything unless they're buried underneath all these pillows nothing i'm determined dude he's on a mission it's hard because you guys do so many cool things that there's like packy peanuts here for no reason i thought there would be like hints clues uh-huh no nothing something i got a fruit cup i'll give you guys snickers palette cleanser [Music] my nose is starting to drip from all the spicy food chris need your atomic wings i'm saving time yes i'm saving those do it bro [Music] here we go dude how is the house so big but there's nobody in here i only had one wing i have to eat five more i'm just done with my apple what's up guys aaron we're trying to find some people well i haven't seen anybody all day he's had no luck i've checked outside i checked the trampolines i checked the stairs i checked i took a peek in the tree house from down below oh man good luck you guys have a garage oh yeah no we don't have a garage now who knows dave yeah [Music] that works so well what are you thinking man oh this is difficult this is hard i'm talking over here i'm in bliss i also have to eat this ryan did you finish your pickles and stuff good job and there's a shack this is promising i swear they're all going to be in here every single one of them ouch man nothing [Music] dude that was a squidward bite bro [Music] if they're outside they're troopers man because it is hot my mouth is on fire right now so bad man rip the uh sniper tower we made up here rest in peace they're so sour i gotta finish these then i'm gonna chug the rest of my meat and then i'm done always eat them all at once no [Music] the jalapenos are spicier than the hot weeks it's almost in 25 minutes bro no way already yeah [Music] we're gonna go back inside the house all right sounds good there's gotta be like a secret passageway somewhere this is it me and chris are both done with our lunch boxes he's gonna go up there yeah searched over there yep search for over here yep what is your thought process right now well my thought process was first to check outside because if i checked outside that reduces you know some of the area right we've done that like twice already i have if claim gives up ryan doesn't have to keep going please give up you should still eat i'm trying dang dude i'm gonna tell ya i'm literally going over like i see the black tube up there that it could be it but it's not because i checked there i refuse to accept the key [Music] it's a big part there's a big tarp [Music] this is difficult this is hard they're pretty good they're good yeah i'll find them though i'm gonna find them you're such a beast dude [Music] there's got to be some leverage thing you got to have like hacked them in somewhere cover them up props to you guys though thanks [Music] there's no hiding spots in the house though so that's why i'm thinking they have to be outside back under no i was already in there [Music] oh my gosh i have no idea i'm chucking everything four or five times yeah no way i've searched everywhere i've searched the cabinets i've searched outside i've searched the trucks have you given up i gotta give up man there's no way there's no way they're on the property we just won so we're gonna face on them and reveal our location hey what's up clayton hey how's it going good so we just completed our challenge and that means you lose dude i looked everywhere man i can't find anything dang so go ahead and uh take the drinks out of the fridge in my office the red fridge no no way no dude i checked in here no i heard a little dude i heard a bang and i swore that was i can see the board too man 2010 oh man that was crazy no way hi clayton got him got him got a whole room back there so we ate all the food in the coolers which means we win i almost threw up ryan almost threw up oh my gosh it was horrible absolutely horrible no way i can like fully stand up in here that's wild that'd be an awesome hangout spot man yeah it was like a fallout shopper back here totally so clayton since you lost you don't get a hundred dollars but you win 50 bucks oh all right all right that's so good that's so good so we hope you enjoyed this video make sure to check out our videos and we'll see you next time
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 7,026,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9puEYUAh-VA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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