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all right hang out at our farm more than yours are you shaking your fist at me but they have puppies we have so many lights over here what you guys say we're doing a very special apocalyptic overnight video it is gonna be the boyfriend versus the girlfriend or significant others cuz this is my wife she's a fiancee what are you doing did you light the torch for our court it's still on fire so we have two frames that look like this and the boys gotta make it as manly and as a puzzle thing as possible and the girls gotta make this as girly whichever team has the most players actually sleep in the fort overnight is the winner so let's get victory so the girls are gonna be building first do you guys have any last words before you start building stop hammer time stay away from your fort because it's gonna have all sorts of cuties afterwards when you're done guys doing or just setting up nice comfy blankets right it looks like you're creating some walls here with blankets unfortunately windows working against them you guys picked a really bad day to make the blanket work we're not using stupid little blankets though girls are stupid dude those are gross Oh anyways I'm putting up this old bedsheet that I'm gonna cut up in my brains moving a million miles an hour so don't even ask me any questions right now thank you bye Jillian I have one question how come you put a weight on here so when I'm not done yet go away she said the words let me man explain to you what you're supposed to do I don't know my hand to the but okay I'm scared in her hard work being a woman anyway so we're gonna put the blankets on the fort and do a time-lapse not gonna lie putting it on the four days and awful idea [Music] [Music] what a good boy these are contractors making sure we have all our permits he's the foreman no literally he's like um that's not out to go [Music] we're almost done with all the sheets around we just have this little corner to do I'm going to impressed how much these two sheets cover the whole Court I'm helping don't you have it for it to build Hey hey Jeffrey hey Jeffrey get all over your yard for all those times that you jump trash in my yard it doesn't feel good we put food coloring inside water and we're spraying of these white sheets hoping that it makes like this really cool tie-dye color eat so you just gotta take it like that you need like a bagger so we've got some natural burlap just gonna grab our bowl with it this is gonna make it look more apocalyptic it's gonna hold it better it comes Jeffrey hey Jeff you know your yard you know with the fire control nothing is perfect I'm here Jeff we're starting already cut the lid the ladies are super slow okay I'm gonna go put some sheet metal while they do this [Music] you want to use this metal sheet stuff for decorations gonna be sick I'm gonna put these on the four corners and wrap it around the each corner so I gotta count about an eighth year you can actually rip this stuff like paper you can actually rip this stuff like paper no check it out like paper huh oh that's gotta make you more tea please exact same size oh snap sweet I only need to rip one more sheet you might want to get a trash can because the trash is adding up real fast oh okay deal if you stop right now and take all it up I'll never do it again so go pick it up right now throw it away and I'll never do it you got it we got that on camera all right Jeffrey I got all the trash hey deal is done right bro okay well it's on camera I got all the trash Jeffrey can never ever throw trash on my yard again so now we want to make these pieces of metal look like they're beat up and they've been through an apocalypse so we have some apocalypse weapons and I'm gonna start beating these things up and making them look like there's some damage on my [Music] all right now we're gonna put the mail sheet down don't look he nailed it yep you're coming up for weirdies all over it meanwhile we've brought in reinforcements we're just gonna string these puppies up due to the boys extension cord and be alright we're talking about your different gonna be wet in here we need an extension cord so we can connect these babies and babies by the door in case we have to get up we're gonna go and save the girls dude this is not the girls for any more stars dude hey I'm about to start mine right now whoa whooping bro someone's getting murdered outside of your court thank you you know what I just realized our force gonna be dark bro we don't have we don't any light we have you dude riding we have your bright smile you are the lights of our lives oh nice rug we'd all have a road and I tell my girls are definitely more comfortable should I come hang out in your [Music] whoa dang Emily I'm surviving or no this is where I survive you gotta plug it in first you nub here and look at the lights whoa well ladies I'd say I'm pretty impressed so far but y'all just got Jack to your poo okay next up we got some danger barbed wire guys lazy apocalypse war without bird way so I got this side and I'm gonna write hate cave on it and we're gonna put it somewhere in the front babe cave yeah flower petals yeah deep : Sparkle yeah perfect perfect oh no you had one job yes stupid boys boys so we've got the basics of our four complete we put on all the metal corners like this now we're gonna put the decorations on tiki torches in the corners let's believe this very flammable burlap paper does not catch on fire don't be bad I don't know if I like that buzzsaw I mean it makes it look a little Western II but we also have a door on here so we're just gonna hang one nail right here then used to come in just close it off like this bang look at that we're finalizing our decorations for for these are like toxic waste chemical barrels we got some apocalypse laughing alright so I need to get some company of death let's go usually we got to make this thing company okay guys so we need to now set up our sleeping arrangement so we're gonna put blankets on the floor and then some cushions on top of the blankets and then you'll feel the sleep it's gonna be a great income sweet actually dude this is like you're not getting bad oh dude this is comfy mmm you can do it Rob you think you can stay all night I actually can with this kinky Chris you have a bed well I'm just have a bunch of sleeping bags I might just like paalam in here so it's nice and cushiony high and we're all said guys now what we gotta do is name our fort it's complete so what are we naming it guys I'm gonna call it the man cave of death no no no what's your idea now what's your name is your name idea but I'm gonna be the spiky whitey ten wrong well I kind of like that the spiky line II can't Timmy be scape yeah let's have a vote do boats spiky light eatin Jamie to the first one ice the one I said roughly that's three hotline yeah James you must now name your fort what do you call this thing the most unoriginal name ever did that for forty did I like forty big for for dude build up in the poll which one's your favorite and we're gonna meet you back here at night for the overnight sleep segment is now nighttime and we're gonna be setting up onto our fourteen hitting the shafts over here you can line them cuz it's one dude you got a cup it decree that let's try Jeff why is your house so Indy all the time cuz I love on a hill brah the Wayne's come up the hill and just blow over why don't you just take your house and push it over there for sure it's so what if a ember falls onto our pouring lights it on fire whoa whoa you have a fire this looks really cool I here we go look at that we're gonna take you right to the girls yeah by the way guys check out we got some dainty bro merch oh yeah click that link in the description below and get some merch yes calm yes tonight ladies we wish you very much luck but you're going down in your AC are you free so the winner of this challenge you guys are gonna go to whoever's video wins and like it a whole bunch if they win then your guys are gonna go over there and like their video no you have to dislike it Oh what I dislike your opinion actual name no it's called a robot yeah robot well good night I think we should prank them if they have a prank I'd be done take precautions because they haven't gotten us back yet for the last prank so we made Jeff's dog rainbow so I feel like he has like a rage built up inside of him no cranking but the dogs sleep it with me so we'll know when they come anyway yeah more than yours are you shaking your fist at me but they have puppies we have so many lights over here all right well they're calling me so sleep tight don't let the bedbugs bite hey boys hi there hey Karen come inside and close now get inside our sweet fort watch out for the saw blade and the barbed wire and the knife and the sword and everything that can kill you you guys are our fort may seem basic but we have a plan to try to get the babes so what we're gonna do is when they fall asleep maybe in about an hour we're gonna plant this speaker by their court and we're gonna we're gonna play scary sounds play like part noises oh yeah me are you guys plotting right now there's no yourself a haircut I'm watching you do you think if we scream louder the neighbors gonna call the 9 1 1 over you know my neighbors are detective do you think he'll call the 911 I think you will well guys we will see you in the morning if no one leaves we can I clocked it in there for stay tuned I'm rolling in duct tape since I am making [ __ ] me shoot [Music] what are you we're just going to pee the bathroom together what are you guys doing hey what constipation ignorant and I'm filming it for some reason I'm watching you hey Jeff why didn't you wait for us to fall asleep you geniuses it's actually good guy Oh joke's on you you don't know the play loved English it was killed me Wow duct tape that was so lame well boys I'm sorry how could you let them do that we're gonna go to sleep and I'm taking the first shift we're not gonna let them prank us again although that was kinda lame so I guess I know I'm just gonna go sleep alright I think I am too all right good night good night all right so that's probably it for the prank war huh good night I hope you're prepared for retaliation I will have no part of it but I will film it good night oh I just got a late I'm sorry you guys are just gonna have to win this battle without me Jillian everybody leaving you have to do more of that pardon me me I'm all right well honestly I tried but I have to go wash my socks um it's been great bye guys I'm rooting for the babes [Music] well guys I could have fell asleep there was one thought haunting my mind and that was that I forgot to brush my teeth before I came over and so I can't sleep is mainly the wind just making a whole bunch of ruckus so yeah I'm a i'm peacing out it looks like Emily left so that means that there's two people left on each side so anybody can win at this point good night guys Emily it makes mommy hey Jeff I join the tired and it's friggin Wendy as heck I was kept being scared a tree was gonna fall out our fort and crush it all right well we're gonna go wake up the girls and see how many yeah alright Jeff let's go adventure over thank you Zeke are you the guard dog good morning wakey wakey looks like Emily left as well Chris and Emily both left so that means there is no winner yeah you guys sleep well nobody win I like that idea so it looks like two team members from each team slept through the night so that means both teams are tied and I mean do you guys go like both of our videos but make sure you guys go check out the danger video that we did with them click here for that video and click here for a video that usually recommends for you and then you click in the militant I've just subscribe I'm tired see you later
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 4,707,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boyfriend vs girlfriend, last to leave, overnight, overnight challenge, overnight fort, wins, diy, do it yourself, dangie bros, dangie babes
Id: xJbv-lIxfm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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