I Built Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory!

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i recreated willy wonka's chocolate factory in real life and one of these 10 people is going to walk away with this chocolate factory wow yo welcome to my wonderful creation oh my gosh it is candy land here look at the river it's a chocolate door oh he's taking a bite out of our door that's good these ten contestants are all here because they found a golden ticket when they bought one of our pistol bars for our first challenge we're gonna play hide and seek you have a thousand seconds go hide three four okay we gotta go high let's go let's go oh look at this coca-cola oh my gosh oh yo dude it's a marshmallow area what the heck is this what about these i don't know if i can fit in here see you hey the factory is awesome feels like i'm treating you yo what in the what even is this area thousand let's go if i were to hide anywhere in willy wonka's chocolate factory i'd probably hide in the chocolate river i don't feel like checking it so if they did they win one of our side rooms in the chocolate factory cake no no obviously you can't have a chocolate factory without offices to manage it no one in here let's go this way surely nobody's hiding in here i don't see anybody nobody's in here either and this is the wallam trams room what are you saying right now that's marshmallow backwards oh okay yeah jimmy oh we were just calling you jimmy we found this really awesome hiding spot oh no oh no and it's the guy dressed up cool it's the cowboy no right this way watch out for the giant candy cane you've seen the movie before right i have all right then you know you must get in the boat get in the boat don't ask me how but we put a chocolate river with a chocolate waterfall in the middle of this warehouse bye jimmy part the waterfall i thought this was gonna stop the waterfall was supposed to part but i guess that messed up our next challenge is on the side of the chocolate factory i call it the candy wall of death sounds a lot scarier than it is yes welcome to the rock wall i gave chris a gone the last person up the candy wall is eliminated contestants are you ready go go go go go okay oh oh we already had some fall oh bro that guy is getting up there quick are you all right sir appreciate it tonight let's go get up there how does he know how to climb candy what'd you say okay for a jogger this ain't no normal prize this is a whole factory ring device ring the button okay oh i cannot remember a chocolate factory is on the line actually the chocolate factory you're climbing you got to press the red button [Music] step on it step on something else does your legs don't let a reese's pieces cost you a chocolate factory [Applause] these two were unable to make it to the top so the only logical thing to do is rock paper scissors rock paper scissors shoot well congratulations let's head over to the chocolate river here's an umbrella in case the waterfall malfunctions again who would have thought a river made of chocolate is not very practical and now that she's gone pair up into groups of two is everyone happy with their partners yeah all right next challenge and now we have the two greatest cedars in the world get out the way excuse me matt stoney and joey chestnut and they're gonna demonstrate the next challenge bring out the chocolate not this challenge this is our chocolate bars that you can order online and we have two brand new festival bars milk chocolate and sea salt can you show us how to speed eat this absolutely yeah hey all you guys should take notes that's insane i feel like i'm gonna throw up just watching them [Applause] i think you all get the gist last team to eat the chocolate bar is obviously eliminated begin the contest go for it the challenge has officially started two people will lose you guys literally saw what you have to do shove it in your mouth and then shove water in your mouth chew and swallow two and swallow water's your best friend keep it going keep it going in your mouth i think they've made the most progress so far we like those in colorama that's dark chocolate not milk chocolate so you're good i'm good yeah there's a chocolate factory on the line i've been trying really hard to lose weight this is like counter productive it's getting hot you doing okay bro you're sweating can someone give me a napkin [Music] they are officially our first winners you technically haven't won until you swallow that we got our first winners over there it doesn't matter who wins it just matters who loses come on you got this that team was in last place now they're gonna come back and beat you guys you got plenty of time just focus on getting it down mouth open hey we got it those two guys are getting close it's kind of now or never for you guys they're about ready to finish you guys have to go fast right now slam it back right now chris are they are they they're they're they're chewing them right now swallow it swallow it you can win first one to clear we gotta see open mouth open mouth all right his mouth's empty it's down to get it down get it out they're done so close the chocolate's amazing what out of portion oh my god to the chocolate river goodbye what's it like being in the chocolate river after eating a pound of chocolate i don't know make sure you watch the end of the video because i have a special surprise guest that will blow your mind and now the final six contestants are outside and can you guys take your blindfolds off and look to the right this is the world's largest bottle of coke chandler can you hold my cane yes and there we go editing is cool how do i get up here if you land the world's largest mento in the world's largest bottle of coke you win don't forget this building everything you know is on the line this is half a million dollars well i mean if not more oh oh in in the bottle yes in the bottle oh no no no we're in let's see how many times we can get chella to say that don't forget if you make this that could determine whether or not you want a chocolate factory first try i think that was the worst one yet and while they're throwing these i need to tell you guys about honey come on wise guy ah didn't even hit the bottle i know all of you have tried our chocolate bars but how many of you have used honey i have actually really all six of you oh yeah good honey is a free browser add-on that you can install on basically all your devices and what it does is oh my gosh you're getting really close i need to hurry up when you check out online it automatically scans the internet for coupon codes and applies them for you and if you look down there you'll see a tv that i bought which honey saved me 447 on if you missed this shot i'll let you keep that 3 000 tv you'll let me keep it yeah oh all right thank you honey and honey will not only help you save money on tvs but your favorite websites when you buy shoes electronics even chocolate bars honey can be there to save you money it's free and easy to install just go to joinhoney.com mr beast or click the link in the description and start saving money right now in and out this is it this is the one yeah whoever wins the choco factory you might have a little stain on the side since he was the one that made the shot he gets to pick who's eliminated look at these five people right here oh this is hard i mean it could be you if you want no i think i'll pass on that eric i'm sorry oh no i don't know dude i please forgive me man well you know what that means chocolate river this is a smaller version of the mentos you were throwing and if you look right here here is a solid gold mentos here you go you can sell it when you leave the factory you better win this now i'm sorry man i'm sorry if you're wondering where that goes i don't even know next challenge now we're in a room covered with marshmallows dive on the floor oh did that hurt no not at all and in front of each of the conte i don't trust you with a flamethrower can you stand just a little more that way and in front of each contestants it's a little peppermint carousel can you all stand on it the challenge has officially begun whoever falls off first loses do you feel bad about what you did i felt awful all right just step off of them no i won't do it you can do it don't push it currently they're not spinning so let's move this here now they're spinning just a little bit how is it everybody pretty fine pretty good so far so far so good i think he was making fun of it you want me to ramp it up i dare you all right we're ramping it up now they're spinning faster they all kind of look like npcs you know in the character selection where they spin you know what i mean if you step here step right while you're doing it it'll help you with the sickness like because you don't have to spin you can just step in place don't trust jimmy i don't trust that that seems scary oh oh oh oh oh even though he got out i want to show you guys the faster speeds because i spent a lot of money on this oh look at him over there i can't feel my toes to the river before you step in the boat i need you to sign them a number one through four to each of them who is number one darling okay who's number two justin number three ryan oh you're just going in order of the layout i really like that's chief all right fine get in the boat one last sweet treat for the road my guy oh thank you watch you fall in that could determine who loses a chocolate factory let's show you why that's relevant there's four toilets behind me three are real ones made of cake whichever person picks the cake one is eliminated so if they're right they're wrong no they have to be right about the wrong one i'm not joking one of those toilets is literally made of cake and whoever picks the cake toilet loses the chocolate factory we're gonna start things off with number one over here take your blindfold off you have five seconds five four three two two all right so you're picking toilet number two stand in front of it and face this way now we have number two are you ready yup take the blindfold off five four three one okay go for it all right that leaves only toilet three and four left five four three two three okay you pick toilet number three so i hate to break the news two but there's only one toilet left so you just go walk in front of it three of these toilets are real one is made of cake can you guys sit down oh yeah everyone his toilet was the one made a case oh man oh my god the cane the cane is no more i don't know if you guys have ever made a toilet out of cake but this took forever so please subscribe can you flush that you know the deal on the bridge better you than me dude oh my god at some point if i was gonna win have fun in arizona i'll see you soon down there oh my gosh wow i don't know if this is wholesome or not hey don't worry jimmy being a boat captain's a piece of cake and we have one final challenge left that will decide which one of you walks away with this chocolate factory we have these three contestants and what better person to decide which one of you wins a chocolate factory then come on in gordon ramsay turn around oh my gosh how's it going man and as you're probably guessing the final challenge is a cooking challenge and they have 45 minutes to make it dessert for gordon ramsay to judge he'll be judging on looks and taste begin yes okay don't forget a chocolate factory is on the line i don't normally do these cooking shows what do we do now so this is tough one by the way for the finale 45 minutes to cook that's uh that's not a lot of times that's not a lot i just made up a random number right uh give us this like we're doing i have no idea i'm just you have no idea i'm looking at ingredients and i'm trying to figure out what everything is so you've never done this recipe before i don't know how to cook i'm just going for it what are you working on i need to make a cheesecake which i just found probably shouldn't put that on the stove i'm starting off with a funfetti cake how much chocolate you put in there i'm going to keep the chocolate out of the funfetti cake it's going to come in at a later moment at a later moment we haven't got much time we only got 45 minutes you're a little stressed out right now are you okay i'm good i'm good he makes everything so much more intense i love it what's the dessert look at me you've done nothing yet there's there's something every once in a while a few different ones yes in 45 minutes can you work and talk honestly i don't even know what to do gordon just kind of took over and it's really entertaining just over 20 minutes halfway guys halfway to a amazing chocolate factory when i win this chocolate factory do you want to buy it off of me i want to see what you make first oh my gosh the cockiness he decides whether or not you win the chocolate bag i know i'm aware yes turn the gas on i probably should oh my god did you know how to make brownies before this uh i have but not with no instructions here we go let's go time gotta get this in here you're burning the mat the mat is burning oh shoot just a light flame that's like eight inches long so we're good with fire extinguishers and i don't think marshmallows whisk like that i don't know we're gonna find out though oh my god don't come over here what we've done there i don't know it looks like you cooked it ate it then threw it back think cory's about to have a seizure two minutes hey you want me to blow torch this for you uh no not yet all right how about now not yet stop harassing the contestants what gordon's gonna want is you to make it sound like you put in a lot of effort so if you start using adjectives that chefs like hearing i put the nerds rope here because it really contradicts the chocolate and really lets you shut it down 15 seconds to go hurry oh my gosh ten nine eight seven six come on christian follow four three two one let's stop all right done gordon will now begin judging all three dishes he's gonna give him a score one out of ten on looks and a score one out of ten based on how it tastes first with the highest score at the end wins the chocolate factory justin described the dish this is rocky road on a cone i melted the marshmallows on top i had a marshmallow at the bottom because i didn't know what to do at the bottom so i don't know what looks worse the one on the bottom of the one on top so officially it looks a little bit uh pedestrian i'll take that it looks like you've dropped it i'm gonna give that a five out of ten right wow how do we does this come with instructions yeah what an honest fight oh oh well five five okay so ten total 10 times all right here's the 10 out of 20. it looks like a bomb's gone off there what happened no that it looked great before and then the last minute he somehow managed to ruin his whole creation on top i have whipped cream that's actually melted it's not there anymore and then i've got caramelized bananas um sitting on top of coconut covered uh chocolate covered marshmallows have you ever heard the word stop less is more the same thing yes yeah so visually it looks a mess three out of ten taste wise what's the liquid why is it gone nor liquid what do you do uh the syrup flooded out and then it was too much it's good no it's not i know it's not what did you put in there i'm gonna give that a five all right you have no way of winning so thank you guys it was a lot of fun it was really nice to meet you you know just for that we're gonna give him ten thousand dollars for coming out thank you so much yes all right but you lost i'll see you later bye guys all right so i've created a funfetti cake chocolate river from the willy wonka factory with the boat in the middle that goes on through the waterfall had to add a lot of color there's a lot of color in the factory visually i think this looks the best i like the story so visually it's it's a strong it's it's a seven you only had ten it's already closed and he hasn't ate it yet plunge the funfetti is always better light fluffy but i'm nervous yeah what do you think i can't tell if he's about to be the worst cake ever or like oh it was decent right there oh my gosh it's a seven out of ten congratulations oh my gosh that's it congratulations indeed he just won this online to celebrate our launch of milk chocolate and sea salt we went out we bought 10 teslas loads of cash and all these prizes you see on the screen and prizes aside unlike hershey's these bars only have four to five ingredients and just genuinely tastes good go to feastwoods.com right now and order some chocolate only problem is the chocolate river is deteriorating all the candy's going bad there's probably a million flies in there and it costs a lot of money to upkeep so i'll be right back right here is half a million dollars in cash will you sell me your chocolate factory for a half a million dollars because if not it's probably going to cost you over 100 grand a year to maintain i've never seen so much money in my life will you buy this off of me yes for half a million dollars of course right here this is mine if you hand me this you can put this money in your car i officially hand it to you okay well there you go oh my god [Music]
Channel: MrBeast
Views: 185,977,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Hwybp38GnZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 04 2022
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