Find the REAL Peanut in 1,000,000 Packing Peanuts! *CHALLENGE*

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we filled this entire room with packing peanuts and somewhere inside there is a real peanut the first person to find the real peanut wins the epic lightsaber replica for their gaming room let's go [Music] there's so much dust everywhere do i look like santa there are prizes and punishments that you can find in here dude that looks cool what'd you find is this a punishment oh hands tied for 20 minutes that's gonna really inhibit your ability to find the peanuts i figured out my technique [Music] there's nothing there look what i design covered no you both got one shoot wear boxing gloves for 10 minutes blindfolded for 20 minutes there's a lot of dust in the air so we're gonna use mats hey can someone uh put this on for me [Music] yes you're crazy it's between my legs i can't grab it [Music] oh i got it i got it i got it i found something what is it oh dude you found the baby browser [Music] at this technique i found i'm just stomping a lot maybe i'll step on the peanut i'll hear a crunch if i step on it chris i think your time's up oh really yeah thank you all right be free hey i can actually search again ah you are covered i know i can feel it rob huh it's time to take your blindfold off yes take a look at yourself oh my gosh what the how many packing peanuts do you think it took to fill this room comment down below and let us know 943 612. and we will let you know at the end of the video this is literally impossible we found one of the prizes that's it [Music] i was using chris's phone as a flashlight and rubber was right here i bumped him and i dropped chris's phone on accident are you serious dude you better find it bro you better find me dang i felt something hard i was like oh i found the peanut and then it was your phone chris what what's that what's what no it's a punishment pick one bro to be blindfolded for 20 minutes rob how are you doing it's very hot i found a t-shirt what was the clip clash of clans t-shirt how long do you guys think it's gonna take us to find the peanut i'm gonna be here 24 hours if i need to be what i think it's gonna take i think so too i had to come out here for a breather it's so stuffy in there oh what the heck chris i'll help you [Applause] back away from the glass [Music] chris [Music] all right everyone i have devised a plan what we all start on this side of the room push the penis as far that way as we can when you do on the side that's not going to spill out okay we go over there we push all the penis this way and then we can look on the floor for stuff i'm about 30 minutes away from raging so hard donald keeps finding my foot and pinching i found it tina it's just tough i know he keeps finding myself move over push it all over there 209 yeah since nobody's helping me i hired david to help me work david we got a dress you guys look at this giant mountain we're making it's huge look guys it's snowing out there and it's snowing oh yeah i think that might be hail oh you did not find it i literally touched you're just fighting over you know there's no peanut over there you didn't find it did you what you didn't find it didn't you did you guys sit against each other what have we become monsters i want to find this peanut the peanut is going to bring peace again and there will be harmony it must have gone to the bottom i have a technique that the ancient natives used to use they used to take the clouds they plunge in the depths they do this hold on they feel there they feel their shits with their packing peanuts and they'd be able to see what came out [Music] they would do that over and over again until they found a penalty ancient dude the packing peanut was invented like maybe a hundred years ago i found something it's cold i found a drink what the delicious i'm so thirsty right now you gonna chug the whole thing i haven't had anything to drink since we started you there's packing peanuts in my soda look at this epic sifting technique i'm just walking backwards and looking at everything if we all walk in a circle then it kind of just forms like a valley and then a giant mountain will like make it yeah [Music] see it's forming write down in the comment section below who you think is going to find the peanuts i found another punishment i didn't even know there's any more in here oh shoot it's been hours go have a yummy snack here you go this is what i just found oh thanks i really think my technique's gonna work after i get all the foam out of my lug i felt the crunch what i felt the crunch i my grand prize where is it i'll get it dude i'm so disappointed that took literally hours this prize is gonna be so epic i'm actually gonna keep this peanut because you know it's legendary that's actually really crazy because like when i stepped on it i felt a crunch so like there's no way that we've accidentally been stepping on peanuts and not knowing your grand prize oh my god dang son since you found the lightsaber the peanut butter thank you i want it but you can have it you ready well we hope you enjoyed this video make sure to check out other videos and we'll see you next time
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 9,953,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: A0epnTs1KiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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