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alright alright Oh oh man you okay what is up guys today we're here at dojo boom fever in Thousand Oaks make sure check it out that's California Thousand Oaks California oh you're with glue that yeah Bobby hey guys from team edge Willie invited him here because we feel bad for him just kidding Oh all right guys we have three different challenges but the thing is we're spending the night here and we're gonna do the punishment tomorrow morning so make sure you stick around for that yeah it's gonna be absolutely nuts oh let's get into the video oh there are three sleeping items that we want to collect throughout the night in order to sleep comfortably so in each challenge are gonna be trying to get one of the sleeping items if you don't complete the challenge you do not get the sleeping item also every challenge you complete you get one point whoever is the least amount of points is gonna have to do a really terrible punishment in the morning so make sure you stay tuned to that so in this challenge and items gonna be throwing at us and if we catch it we keep it for the night let's do okay Jeffrey you have one try to catch the blanket [Music] I didn't think you were gonna catch think so either because I finally kind of miss and then I somehow got it I get my blanket tonight guys the challenge they're gonna get getting harder that was the first easy one oh hi Bobby how you feel about this all right guys I feel like the only thing I'm gonna catch is the feels right now so let's see if I can catch something tangible like a blanket let's see what he does nice little yellow socks yeah thank you three two one go try like wrap the room I know Bobby is doing a really nice thing come and hang out with us yeah cuz here's Rob didn't want to come so Bobby came Rob what are you doing man just sitting at home playing xbox or something look it look how much fun this is look you dad look at my face he's having all this fun all right well Krista's blanket I know Chris you don't have his blankie you can't sleep face it snuggle with mom with mom's here mom's not here don't worry the challenge is just way too easy three looks like we all got our blankets on to the next challenge where it's gonna be getting hard early knots too easy as I'm cozy get on my site Oh go reversal for this next challenge you're gonna want to get your pillow nice little place for your head I mean if you don't get you could always take a piece of foam but it's taught me not that great cuz you get the foam bits nice anyways you to run this course make it up the tall part of the Warped wall if you can make it up get your pillow then you get it so I'll be going first guys check out these fire socks 20 horsepower to me making sure I get the quickest time on this Court is 3/4 oh dude with it not even a problem Wow Jeff that was a pretty impressive all right you just ruined everything you just did Bobby not gonna lie I'm a little worried to be on this one I am too uh I don't normally do this kind of stuff nice and slow well you know it's not about being beautiful it's about making it this is gonna be the part that I'm worried about [Music] I'm really impressed let's go Chris it's your turn if you mess up on any obstacle you shoot all right all right oh man these were so bouncy so I think we can do this a bail all right no pillow for you on they make this challenge this one's gonna be so hard it's not deep enjoyed great opportunity the final challenge is for the sleeping bag the most important sleeping item so we have a an American Ninja Warrior looking thing and gonna be very difficult to make at the end but we're gonna do our best here you got to make it to right there on the ground Jeff starts to go oh no I'm good all right Jeff I'll take that camera out your hands unless do it's not time thankfully so I can take my time to send it let's go you truly get on top of it yeah come on you've got a baby girl you got it this different Road within the way Chris are you hearing crying right now yes I am who's that was that whining very good Sui here you're getting it this is very peaceful so I can have a good just don't hurt the ABS we go don't hurt the ABS that's what I like to see next the swing rings at that we gotta jump on this swing jump all right use those things let's go there we go oh man come on nice you got the leg hook all right this boys kind of scary nothing like you have to climb up and grab that bar yeah oh okay okay look at him gobble you got it Oh use that noggin oh you didn't think of that didn't tell you that if you touch like oh there we go he's got it we're good all right time for good night good night okay I got you goodbye Bobby how you Paulie I haven't done stuff like this like ever so this is gonna be new for me Bobby leaving off this start he's really struggling there for this first obstacle you go easier than Isaac making my way downtown to dojo boom to get my sleeping bag okay he's almost on to the floating glass Bobby what do you do there we go he's got momentum arms Bobby Bobby down he doesn't get his sleeping bag no sleeping bag for Bobby uh nope what that's a little weak we're not we're not like that yeah good thing I get a second try no here's your second truck so for a recap of points Jeffrey has three points using the lead and for the punishment for whoever has the least amount of points they're gonna have to get Spartan kicked off the giant ledge of doom so my turn all right I'm excited to christen completed slow and steady wins the race like me wait how do you do this you gotta get your feet on those balls well I know you did the next 100 oh dude how are you gonna owe me bro Chris you are a master of manliness here we go I'm moving on to the next step here I have an idea alright let's explore oh okay ninja standing Kris oh that's awesome alright momentum um you know make sure you get a swing on that momentum um oh there you go you get your hands over its part to the magic what's oh you know what go on you gotta create let's go oh oh so crazy I means you have one point you're the loser in the morning you're gonna get spar and kicked off the ledge onto the pad to be really scared Oh No so guys stay tuned for that it's time to find our sleeping spots well guys unfortunately I only got the blanket so at least I won't be called I think I'm gonna sleep right here oh I'm not really comfy right now all right Bobby you know we kinda gotta find where you're in asleep okay so I think I'm just gonna walk on over to this next one over here so I'm just gonna keep on walking until there's something to walk on just lay down right here just and yeah really pillow blanket to cuddle up with hopefully we don't fall chance of that happening to pretty likely so oh this is comfy dude you're on like a plastic board yeah I don't want to be don't want to get bit by a buggies on the surface look there's one now whoa all right we'll see you guys in the morning so remember I'm getting the punishment and I'm not excited for it and it makes mommy so it's 5:30 I just woke up Jeffry and Bobby are still asleep so I want to wake them up real quick [Music] how'd you sleep Bobby I slept so well last night do you no time to fall asleep and all I had was that blank in the pillow and I was totally fine I thought yeah morning Jeffrey first how it's a very rude awakening how'd you sleep well it took me for literally seven years fall asleep and I didn't sleep on the platform fella and it's time for your punishment oh crap so we're gonna go up to a Ledge I'm wearing the breaking the heck out of you I'm actually really scared I wouldn't really want to be doing this at 5:30 in the morning so probably be scary so I am looking forward to be able to kick you off - oh thanks Jeff so do it all right here we go man this is really scary it's pretty scary Oh [Music] okay dude oh my gosh that's so pretty that is so scary dude alright guys that's gonna wrap it up for this video make sure to check out one of team edges videos they actually came here to dojo boom I made a couple videos so check it out click right here for the previous video click right here for the video YouTube recommends click in the middle to subscribe and we'll see you next time who
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 12,462,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: overnight challenge in american ninja warrior trampoline park, trampoline park challenge, 24 hour trampoline park challenge, 24 hour challenge, overnight, survival, survive, after closing, sneaking in, funny, comedy, dangie bros, team edge
Id: 0hh0GnGdLs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 03 2019
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