We Spent the Night in our Survival Camp and THIS Happened..

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tonight we are spending the night in our apocalypse survival camp we will also be testing it against an all-out zombie horde the horde can come literally anytime tonight so we must be prepared let's get dingy [Music] after you my good sir hey fever the first thing we gotta do is we need lights because it's gonna get dark we gotta be able to see the zombies coming we're gonna put flood lights up there and lights all the way around if you haven't watched us building this epic survival camp make sure to check out the other video after this video okay we're going to plug the lights in and we're going to start stringing them around so when it comes that time we can be prepared and be able to see why is this the way it is it's all tangled why are they coming out of the box tangled up these are the questions that i wonder the first one will be mounted right here number one done so we have these very bright flood lights that i will be setting up and we need to make sure that these batteries do not die over the night because then we won't be able to see the zombies coming and that is bad news so i gotta plug these in real quick so we're plugging these in okay so i am mounting the floodlight now let's put this sucker right here and then point that down so at night we just come turn it on and then we'll be able to see the zombies coming they ain't gonna stand a chance against our apocalypse survival camp you're gonna get some ain't that roger uh yeah i'm gonna push you out so the diamonds get you dude that's messed up what if they're focused on you they ain't coming after me no we sacrificed the new pa right david yeah i'm dying tonight guys our lights are almost done and we're gonna be we're gonna be line up this fort when it gets dark that was actually perfect all the way around dude this is awesome we got the lights strung all the way around chris here's flood lights for the zombies so we can have accuracy when sniping from our tower this thing is coming together and we have a fridge that's now working last time we had no power but now we got power let's see what we got in here nuggets gatorade jell-o i love jell-o we also have enough water to survive like 13 days okay now we are going to set up sleeping materials because we have these technical dips here i caught this as far away as possible so snow snoring is in my ears well i want far away from the the door as possible in case zombies get inside you guys get you in first i'll hear you guys screaming and then i wake up and then i pop right out don't matter where i sleep because then you're gonna be snoring and they're going to be coming to the snoring that's true i don't snore at all so they'd go for chris and jeffers because they are the big snores i'm calling in the family can't hear okay and jeff you don't have to worry because you don't got any brains anyways well you know because you don't have any intestines anyway wait what what okay let's head inside our tent we got these like little sleeping pods they're quite nice actually i don't know if they're zombie proof so i am uh really hoping our walls stay up for us you know let's see how comfy it is in here oh yeah this is comfy dude i feel so sad i feel safer why did i run faster than you it's not true well guys uh this is going to be one great night of sleep no worries in the world we got some walls around us we got a tent we got some guns it's gonna be a great night you know what jeff's gonna be the zombie first what about jeff is gonna be a zombie first i do what do you vote yeah probably jeff you do realize i'm the most agile of all y'all i can climb the fastest and i can run the fastest yeah but you get dizzy really easily i'm not gonna be running in circles honey the zombie is gonna be right honey around you honey let us know down in the comments who you think is gonna be eaten [Music] first we are back at our survival camp it is now dark and the zombies are probably all around us but it's so dark you can't see oh no shall we go into our camp i'm going in first and start the overnight challenge let's do it all right come here oh stop it okay okay stop i learned welcome to our humble abode come on inside guys this is it check out the lights you guys didn't see it earlier because it's daytime but with lights on it is looking nice it looks fabulous you guys fancy couple things chris start the fire we need it if we're gonna have warmth and food i'm going up here robert look out on look out just sit there all cute and pretty i'm gonna cook some food when you cook us some biscuits and gravy okay as i learned in boy scouts actually i never went to boy scouts ryan showed me how to do this we have no cup to cook the food in so i have to go outside be careful if you get eaten up here jeff i got you okay robert robert's going to cover me i got you jeff thanks god what the he's fine he's perfectly fine i don't know why he did that apply for dramatic effect i don't know anyways so first you put the log cabin cabin then you put the teepee [Music] jeff you're fine oh sorry don't ever do that again look at this guys i got the cuffs whoa look at that flame my grandma could make a better fun than that chris you're doing a great job i'm real proud of you that you can just stick with the lighter to some cardboard and light it no one can do that it's not gonna work why is it not gonna work this thing is full of straight-up mold guys we can't even use these how are we gonna cook food don't look at how we're gonna cook food we don't have pizza i have the answer to all our problems are you ready apocalypse pizza they're really gassy tonight we can't really cook food now um chris it didn't work you're gonna have to do these a few moments later oh dude what did you do that's a fire what do you mean oh dude this is lit we got a community a fire a guard lights this is real country living yee that's what i'm talking about look at that hear that crackle the crack of pop there's no rice krispies we're mustard this is a great fire right now dude this is so cool we're just i feel so safe yo well i'm coming up ryan join the party the watch party that is total utter darkness and i can't see anything so i don't even know why i have this sniper what we have floodlights bro oh yeah that's true look at look at this land look how clear and empty of zombies it is i'm doing a great job you're doing a great job keep up the good work rob the zombie comes i snipe it disappears it would be very unfortunate if i fell asleep because i'm very tired oh chris looks like he's sleeping hey what ding dong we're pretty done tired here and um i'm ready for bed yeah i'm heading in calling it a night that one going big yeah yeah the fire's gonna keep us warm overnight guys i think i'm gonna get a great night's sleep i feel very secure in our bunker you know what this ain't too bad this is comfortable and i think i'm gonna get a good night's sleep good night guys goodnight nubs goodnight [Music] there is a zombie outside right now i am terrified i need to wake chris and chef up i don't know how they're not awake yet chris chris there's a zombie outside how'd you not hear that there's a zombie outside all right listen dude what dude that's totally fine quiet it's a zombie oh my gosh oh my god i think he's dead i think he's dead double shot just for good measures dude first zombie kill zombie we have to stay quiet because we could attract a horde chris turn the light on we need to make sure that the coast is clear there could be more zombies dude because i i don't feel safe we need to get some weapons we need to make sure that there's no zombies that are gonna come kill us in the middle of night chris if there's a horde that could easily knock our wall down i am absolutely taking the sword i mean the gun can jam you know i'm taking this one the mega i could either go with the golden gun or the shotgun then we go with the shoddy very effective at close range i'll go first i got the close range blaster hilarious i'm okay because i can run faster than rob hey what the dead zombie's right here oh [ __ ] shoot oh dude that is one creepy zombie okay well hopefully we don't run into anymore i think it's dead be quiet sorry i can't see a thing it's so dark out here it's our truck hi there buddy don't hit the truck dude jeff if you just set the alarm off loud noises attract zombies guys let's go in the barn okay let's check in here see if there's any zombies no oh my god i'm not going in there dude that is creepy trying to [ __ ] out yeah no not yet no duh that's disgusting oh my god okay i'm gonna turn the lights on all right turn the floor lights on guys we got we got to turn these lights on right now that was crawling dude this is my good ship look good jim one's on oh my gosh look at them all bro we have to get back to the camp dude i don't have any weapons on me right now i i don't have much ammo i got one okay we gotta get back quick no he's dead already dude are you serious he's dead dude robert's out no rob i love that guy that was sketchy dude this gun like kept jamming or something all right we got this one it's got tons of ammo let's do this dude there's so many of them dude that was insane dude we literally took them out so quick though did you get bit i don't know get out no it's it's just a it's just a melon get it out you're gonna turn into a zombie chris go don't make me have to kill you so you're gonna just send me out there to defend the zombies you're gonna eat me bro get out but we don't know there could be a vaccine or something get out i can't believe you this is my cam dude he got big he's literally gonna turn into a zombie i love you joe i love you too i'm sorry i have to be this give me a hug bro give me a hug i'm just kidding oh i'm just kidding you're not you're not a zombie yet i love you chris i love you i hope you don't die but you're good at right i'm gonna go find a vaccine when i do i'll be back well i guess this is it all on my own of course i just had to go and get bit i do not want to be out here by myself you know i'm i may be turning into a zombie but i'm still human okay for now i'll just do my best and look for a vaccine and uh if you guys don't hear from me i'll miss you good morning everyone so i'm i'm i'm alive zombies ain't got nothing on me bro but um lost chris and rob sir let's get out let's investigate no zombies well guys we hope you enjoyed this video thanks for tuning in once again dingy bros make sure to leave a like if you enjoyed this video click here for the previous video click here for the video youtube recommends to you click in the middle to subscribe and we'll see you later
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 8,558,867
Rating: 4.8182974 out of 5
Id: l27rpvPpaO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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