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see this haystack today we're gonna be building an epic fortified apocalypse bunker hidden inside it's begun it's gonna feature a giant tube going down from the top where you can climb down a ladder it's gonna be an epic hatch you can open up and close and it's just gonna be the most epic thing you've ever seen let's build this our first step in making this is we have to get all this hay on this side and put it somewhere else because the fort is going like straight down straight if you go directly that way that's where it's to be so we're going to flip these hay bales like so oh what the and just toss them off the edge good flip whoa okay we're going to eat this one eat that wheat go away [Music] [Applause] [Music] we finished the hay hole oh no now the haystack's on fire so guys we have a few steps first we're going to put this rug down to make the floor pretty take this take that ow how does that hurt he has a hard hat on dude that's a freaking perfect fit [Music] now we got to build the frames you got a bunch of air in there hi how are you it is day two of our build and we are actually really wanting to make this thing look like a bunker so we're putting sheet metal on the wall frame it's gonna look pretty cool i think ryan are you superman dude just ripped metal like paper hey yeah oh my goodness aren't you guys glad you hired me yes sir that would be the cleanest thing i've ever seen you do you're fired i am hey bye ryan what are you gonna do now hey ryan you're hired oh dude he's taking your truck what the let's see how this looks on the other side does it look like a dung that's going to be the inside actually looks pretty cool that's cool it's going to look like a legit fortified bunk now it's time to start loading up the bunker before we put the stuff in so then we can get the stuff in and not have to worry about getting it in that doesn't make sense then proper english will be we're putting the walls in and then they're gonna put the the two you know whatever take them i want to eat no chris we're putting these in first because otherwise it's to be hard getting it down the the giant tube ladder thing that's what i meant to say in the first place we're making hay bale pocket sports that means we got aliens coming so we really need to get the fridge because that thing's heavy i'll be down here waiting and i'll grab it bring it to me i need help with the fridge why are we gonna put the fridge in there if we ain't got power we gonna get power or what extension cords or we can just do the ancient techniques and just rub hay together to create static electricity all right jeff do your duty all right give me this i did it one issue that we might have is all that hay falling on it hopefully our build is structurally sound our builds have definitely improved and we started using professional techniques ron and i don't know what you're talking about it looks good then it's good guys we're running into major problems our walls are too long we thought each one being eight foot would fit in here but it doesn't because we assumed that the hay bale was four feet but really it's five inches short because that's they said it was four by two now we can cut each individual wall a lot shorter so now what panic everybody panic down i gotta get out of here how far is he going that was one committed little dude oh okay he stopped oh no he's still going and he's gone take a gander at our sorry take a again at our newly improved walls so this one is going to be where our ladder is going to crawl through here boom extend up this is a lot oh sorry stand up through the ladder the pipe i can't even contain my excitement okay you guys carry this big heavy wall i'll hold the camera great work jeff hi rob your turn pick it up no i'm holding cameras i'm supervising you're lazy whoa yeah that's too heavy yeah put the camera down and help me out guys check out this roof that we built i don't know our next speed is taking that pipe see the pipe and we're going to be putting it vertically right here and the ladder is going to go down we're going to be able to enter into the fort and then we're going to cover everything with hay [Music] this thing looks crazy what are you guys doing uh top secret stuff okay we're gonna have to ask you to leave the perimeter because you were not allowed in here just kidding we're we're just rat just trapping this and pulling it together wrapping around the whole thing yeah we want this uh giant pipe to be stable now the only way we can get into the fort is through the pipe pipes mario oh yeah oh there we go oh yeah oh that's a perfect fit it's pretty solid we're gonna just climb up it whoa whoa check it out we need to get this ladder in here so we can get down there quick guys check it out you can see where the ladder is going to go all the way down the bottom now the part that i was not looking forward to we have to put a whole bunch of hay valves in here and we can't fit too much because we don't know the weight rating of this we don't want the top to cave in on top of us you know that'd be bad hay hooks each of these hay bales are 80 pounds so if we put all of them on top of the fort that's gonna be thousands of pounds and i don't think our little tiny pork can hold that much weight so we're putting none other than home depot boxes not a sponsor and then we're gonna cover it with hay so we can't even see it cardboard boxes are so much lighter we've completely covered this thing with hay isn't that amazing now for the part you've all been waiting for is playing the ladder and climbing down bring it up here you got this ladder boy that's an epic ladder this board is allergy central my allergies have been going off sorry you probably don't want to hear that all right put the ladder in okay this is how we're gonna be getting in and out of this epic apocalypse bunker i'm gonna go get the uh sawzall all right start cutting that piece of wood okay bye chris hi whoa this is cool dude i want to know what it looks like so cool it's cold down here really yeah it's like an insulation from the hot outside guys while chris is in there i'm going to take the ladder out to prank him hey hey wait what are you doing no what's the other ladder i stole the ladder dude you chopped me in here chris is literally stuck in there hey i'm gonna get out of here really pace for horses bro watch me get out of here and i'm gonna i'm gonna punch you in the face chris you can't even get on top of that that's big talk for dudes stuck in a tube you wanna bet dude i wanna go to get out look at the bottom of the wall i can't do it wait maybe i could try that that first new groove oh dude i can't can you give me the ladder all right i'll give you a ladder back all right cut that there we go that looks awesome dude this is an awesome fork yeah go down there dude check it out dude this is awesome i'll be like at least 10 degrees cooler in here our last thing to build is this hatch we want to put a metal sheet metal over it to make it look epic then we'll attach it so we just need to cut a couple pieces of metal real quick [Music] are you good feel the vibration in my body dude check out this hatch giant hinge giant hat and screw it in here and then we'll be able to lift it up this is the most cool fort we have ever built bar none i'm in the bunker right now and i was climbing up the ladder and the rung i was like pretty much halfway up and the rungs just started breaking i start falling through i gash my legs look at that this is the aftermath right here and they're putting the ladder together up there use screws this time that was seriously like a crazy action movie and i had no idea what was happening the entire time it was really scary but i'm okay i landed on my feet and the scratches aren't that deep to the naked eye no one would know that there's a fort in the middle of this taste tack check it out see do you see anything i don't i don't see anything but if you really know the way do you know the way clear away some of the the fog some of the haze some of this there's nothing blinding you there's a hatch okay so when you open the hatch you enter into narnia so let's go ahead and check it out mr thomas whoa that's dirt how nuts after you chris here we go after you my guy rob you're so kind and courteous jeff robert shake my hand shake my hand coming down jeffrey come on down all right guys i'm coming down come on down join the party dude this sport is legitness so we got it all decorated we got some chairs lighting some check out this weapon board right here guys so cool we got the tv tv the fridge snacks got lots of drinks and stuff in there you know what i've been doing all right all week i'm going to chug this garage ryan close the hatch oh i'll miss you this is legit dude we are closed in the fort so we got this remote here and it changes the color of the lights dude guys if you have a code red you could change it to red that means we're in danger oh yeah ooh like this red danger danger alien alert alien alert everyone we're on lockdown there's something danger happening in the outside world and we don't want to be a part of it and that's when we get this guy here we go hey hello i'm holding you hostage i just want to eat my fruit my fries ricochet dude what is the car blooming does that mean we're all sad and then if you want to party you press this button dude there's a freaking stink bug in here is he serious no jeff what did you do i'm getting out of here dude oh my gosh good job w saved us bro i just picked up a farting stink bug nice dude cause he went on the gatorade yes sir boys great for you i'll have water because i chugged 20 gatorades yesterday because we ran out of water dude these are delicious cliff bars in a bunker snacks are 10 times better for whatever reason hundred percent you're just hanging out being some snacks being bros lit if you guys want to see an overnight in this bunker like the video subscribe and stay tuned we're going to be filming an overnight video here so now what what do you guys want to do i don't know what do you want to do i don't know what do you want to do right now come on come on come on go go go go go go go go i think we have to savor there's aliens or something make sure you stay tuned uh for the next video where we're gonna be sending them off we'll see you next time
Channel: Dangie Bros
Views: 6,627,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hidden, secret, underground, bunker, inside, giant, haystack, secret entrance, hidden secret fort, hidden secret bunker, dangie bros, we built, build, diy, do it yourself, needle in the haystack, aliens, home depot, challenge, tunnel, underground tunnel
Id: 8xkoK30o7Z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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