Sealing Food In Mylar Bags For Long Term Storage

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hey everybody welcome back today I'm going to show you my method for sealing up food in mylar bags for long-term storage alright everybody thanks for joining me today I have a very simple task that probably four new Preppers might seem like a bit of a daunting task it's really really easy what we're gonna be doing today and what I decided to do too was seal up some of my prepackaged food excuse me I'm eating something seal up some of my prepackaged food in mylar bags now last night I did this 5 pounds of sugar here the reason I did this is because I wanted you to see what it looks like about 12 hours after you seal it up it's starting to I mean this had a lot of air in it I didn't get the air out effectively it's starting to suck down and tighten up we're gonna move that what I'm doing for my storeroom today is sealing up some sugar that I recently purchased at the Smith's case sale and I'm also going to be sealing up these items for a different project and that project is going to basically contain as much food as I can put in a 5-gallon bucket sealed up so I want these packed up nice and tight and I'm gonna explain to you how to do it now obviously sealing it in the mylar bag is fairly simple you stick into the food in the bag you take that iron and you can use a hair straightener you know those hot Clippy things I don't know the correct name for him straightening hair basically is what they do and you can seal the bag I used a for this one I use the iron and you just seal it you take a piece of wood fold over the top get as much air out of the bag as possible and seal it down but the trick comes and using the oxygen absorbers all right now most the time these bags are used in conjunction with oxygen absorbers removing the o2 will decrease the chance of bugs hatching bugs thriving inside your food and yes no matter what there is always some bugs in most food there's actually a USDA I think standard of how many bugs per parts per billion are allowed in your food so this will kill it now the trick is with the oxygen absorbers this is where it gets a little bit tricky you can see these have been sealed back up and they're not just taped I actually melted that closed the tapes just for good measure if you leave these out too long they will become useless what they do inside here is take out all the oxygen and moisture suck everything so eventually this will be packed really really tight eventually you'll be packed down like I vacuum packed it takes 12 to 24 hours out of 24 to 48 hours before that happens it's already pretty fairly stiff so it's getting there but the oxygen absorbers will go bad if you expose them to air for too long you have anywhere from two to three minutes to seal them back up before they start to activate so that's why what you do with this is what you're gonna do is take all your food you're gonna put it all in mylar bags out here then you're gonna drop the oxygen absorbers into each one and then I reseal the oxygen absorbers right away if I have any left over so this way I'm not exposing them closing them back and forth a bunch of times for each individual one so that's how I'm gonna do it remember when you're sealing up the bags and I'll show you all this we're gonna do this you want to take out as much air as possible that I kind of failed with this one I didn't take out as much air as I should have and the oxygen absorbers having to work harder but it's still working it's still sucking it in and getting it nice and vacuum sealed so what I do is I will fill up the bag I'll take a straight edge of some kind I can't find my straight edge at the moment so what I'm going to use as a stand from one of my target stands it's ridiculously long but I just need this part here and if I wanted to I could just cut that off and buy another one but I'm not gonna do that I'm just gonna stick this on my counter and just use this edge you just fold the bag over take the iron run it over put your iron on your hottest setting you will not melt this bed very very hard to melt on mylar bag so you won't melt it you will melt the plastic on here but it wipes right off so what I'm gonna do is get this all set up for you and I'm gonna show you how how I do it we're gonna probably put out the bag so you can start seeing how that works the bags come off of you can buy them pretty much anywhere they come with the oxygen absorbers most of the time I bought these off of Amazon and inside where the oxygen absorbers I will put a link at the bottom these are oxy store I'll put a link down at the bottom where you can pick these up and I will put a couple different types in my store these are the one gallon you can get the five gallon ones for your five gallon buckets I have those I steal my big storage stuff in them but for today we're just doing it the small bags and some of the bags I'm gonna have to cut like with this one in these because I'm not gonna need that whole space but you can reuse these bags let's say four years from now I want to use this sugar well I cut the top I open it up but I save the bag because I can reuse it I can still reseal it as long as I get all the sugar out I generally wouldn't cross contaminate foods you know I wouldn't put I wouldn't stick rice in here after that I just stick more sugar in here and leave it labeled so let me get everything set up let me get my bags out and we'll show you how it works all right so I got as you can tell all the other bags filled up didn't want to sit here and make you watch that but we'll do one bag together and then we'll bust out the oxygen absorbers and drop them in every bag and seal them up so it's a fairly simple process really all you're gonna do just like any other bag you got a front I am going to write the rice the date it was packed so let's see rice and three one nineteen and this is gonna be two pounds you don't need to write the weight on there I'm doing it because I'm doing this for a different project and we're gonna do a five gallon bucket just packed with food see how many calories we can pack in so I want to be able to estimate how many calories I have in there so now obviously this isn't gonna fill up the whole bag so I'll show you what you can do as you can tell my pinto beans back there i cut the bag down so you're just gonna cut this open and you can use a scoop if you want but for smaller things like this you know if you're doing a 50 gallon bucket or something yeah i'd use a scoop but for smaller stuff like this and wouldn't worry about it make sure that when you're doing this your hands are clean the area you're working is you know not contaminated I know I'm out here in my garage but I know that what I'm doing here isn't contaminating food anywhere all right so what I kind of do with this is I'll take it like this now see well I only want to talk about that much because I can roll this up and seal it so I take it across that if you notice I'm being careful with this arm so come to iron right there okay so garbage out of the way over there now this is where I said you just want to open up your oxygen absorbers and drop stuff in let me back up the camera a little bit so you can anyone what I told you that I seal this right back up so I am going to put this one down just to seal it on it's done so let's open that up and I know I'm gonna use a lot of these so I'm not worried about it you see how they're still soft and supple when they're like that they're still good you're just gonna drop one in each it depends now with a five-gallon I probably put a 50 gallon I probably put I'm sorry five gallon I don't know where I'm going today I would probably put two in but for a gallon and under one is fine and I got a couple over here I'm sealing up some sides from MREs and some instant oatmeal for my other project so it's off camera but the idea all right so we're done now right we got these down I'm gonna get them as low as I possibly can nice and flat and I want to preserve them so this in reverse I always should I always say I should film from this side but I always end up filming from this side so what I'm gonna do with these has just melt it melt it closed you might get a little this on your iron no big deal comes right off and I have water in there for steam but it didn't get in there of course and there you go now those are preserved and ready now for added added protection later on I'll fold this over and stick some tape over the top just to make sure but you want to keep these good for as long as possible and this is the way to do it so now I'm going to do one of these bags just as an example real quick here let's take this little one make sure you got your oxygen absorber in there and I try to make it as flat as possible because I want this to be able to either stack this way or this way neatly and look now I drop everything there we go tuck that in there when I stick this underneath here just bring it up like this get as much air as you can out of the bag because you don't want the oxygen absorber to have to work harder than it has to and now just gonna seal the bed now be careful when you're using a short little fat bag like I am here that you don't mess up this part here but that bag is sealed now there you go permanently sealed so what I'm gonna do is pack up the rest of these bags and I'll bring you back when it's all done and I'll show you what it looks like stacked up instead of in those big ugly blocks alright so there it is I did put the other ones that you didn't see off camera one of these just some MREs sides some instant rice and potatoes and some instant oatmeal they were in a box that had been sitting in the wrong place in my storeroom for probably two years so it's time to straighten them out now one of the ways you can test when it's not fully done like this is getting better this is the one I did last night but one of the ways you can test is when you push down on it is there resistance at the seal in other words this side just sealed you're not seeing the air come out of it when you push down on it it's holding it if you push down on it you hear a hiss or you see the bag get flat you know your seal isn't good so that's one of the ways you can test and again these will take anywhere from 24 hours to up to a week for some of the bigger bags you know your five gallon bags to suck down and shrink down and kind of look like they were sealed by a vacuum sealer so what I'm going to do with the sugar that's going back on my storage racks is I'm just gonna put it flat like this so it gets nice and flat and thin then when it's all done I just stack it up like that one after the other it makes a lot easier packing away of it you know instead of the little blocks of one pounds of sugar or five pounds or whatever this way it's all in one bag right there so that's pretty much it it's real simple again you don't need to put away instant rice and potatoes and mr East Side's I just did that mainly for the space um because it was in this box sitting there in the corner then how I can just stack it on my racks and not have to worry about it and it's no longer in that big box that was blocking where I was putting some of my new thrive cans so now it's nice and organized but your sugar your flour all that stuff you can do it up like this some people will say that pack it flat what are you doing it and put it over I find it if you do get it where you see how this one here it's kind of thin on the top and fat on the bottom you still have more than enough time to shake that down and flatten it up like that so don't worry about it anyway that is sealing your food in mylar bags this is how I do it I've been doing this for a while I get my mylar bags off of Amazon there is a place called Winco if you got a window store near you they have a bulk storage area they also sell the big 5 gallon bags and the oxygen absorbers and that's actually where I got my first stuff from Winco when I started doing this because I had no idea how to do it so it's real simple to do you can see what for a couple bucks you got I've probably here for me at least have a lifetime supply of sugar because I'm not a big sugar eater but you know if I want to scoop with something or a little scoop on fruit or in your cereal or whatever you know you got it so it's nice and stored away anyway folks that's the video for today I will put the link down below where you can pick up these these bags where are they they're over on the side here and the bags do with oxygen absorbers and you see how well that does seal up you know there's no way or getting in there so a month from now those will still be good to use I will put that link down below I will also put that them in my Amazon store in different sizes so if you don't see the one link you want you can go to my Amazon store you can pick a couple of different sizes if you want bigger or smaller ones don't forget to check out the Amazon store click the link down below you can shop in my store if there's nothing in there you like just click the link in shop as you normally would it helps out the channel a whole lot and don't forget to check out our thrive Life sale all right life site I mean and we're definitely gonna try out some of this stuff with thrive life if I can make Lego smaller I want to get some smaller bags and do like a small freeze-dried portable meal just throw the oxygen absorber with it see how small I can get it to compact down that would be kind of a fun project if you make a little pre-made kind of like a femaie freeze-dried meal like you'd get from a mountain house or something anyway folks thanks for watching stay safe and stay prepared
Channel: Iridium242
Views: 33,043
Rating: 4.8024096 out of 5
Keywords: Water-Filter, hiking, camping, Survival, Iridium242, iridium242, bugoutbag, prepping, preppers, bushcraft, camp, preparing, prepper, backpacking, mylar bags, food storage, prepping storage, store rooms, bug out bag, bugging out, prepper food storage, survival food, survival food storage
Id: D6lPOM9lE5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2019
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