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[Music] hey guys welcome back to serving up simplicity today i'm going to share with you how to use mylar bags and oxygen absorbers to put up dry goods and we're going to be putting up some flour cornmeal rice and sugar so one of the benefits to putting up your dry goods in the mylar bags it does extend the shelf life and with the oxygen absorbers that really helps make a big difference to keep everything safe safer longer to use and there's with the sugar you won't use oxygen absorbers but with the rice and the flour in the cornmeal you will use oxygen absorbers now there is one extra step that you do for the flour and the cornmeal you will want to freeze it at least 48 hours and then let it get back to room temperature before you put it up in the mylar bags so um this is not my first time putting up dry goods in my lower bags but it is my first time doing sugar and i think it's probably been a good 10 years since i've done this and i know i put up rice before and i think i maybe done some dry beans but i know i did rice but i did not do sugar flour or cornmeal before and my friend that had helped me can with the cannon video she um also had done the mylar bags a while back too and um she um done a little bit of research before we were getting ready to do it again this time and she had found the benefits of freezing the flour and the cornmeal first ahead of time but it's really easy to do it doesn't take that long the mylar bags and the oxygen absorbers are very reasonably priced i think with taxes and everything i paid like 37 for 50 uh 51 gallon bags and then it came with a i'm assuming there's 50 oxygen absorbers i don't remember for certain but i would think there would at least be one oxygen absorber for um each bag um i'll drop a link in the description box below an amazon link for these the availability of all the mylar bags have been kind of up and down i had one of these originally and then i went to order them they were out of stock so i had to wait and get um had to wait a little bit and then try to reorder but um the reason that i like these because they came with oxygen workers you can't order them separately but also these were seven mil on the thickness they come in three five and seven but i wouldn't recommend going any lower than five mil but in fact five mil was what i used last time and our rice lasted um i know over five years that we sort of the rice but these are a little bit thicker ones these are the seven meal and for the price i just uh wanted to wait and order from this particular company and like i said i will um drop the link in the description box below alright so i did um get this on my walmart grocery pickup it's just a tote um that locks down and i was just trying to think about long-term storage you know this would help prevent against anything chewing into the bag and it be bad to put all this up and then through the year or something like that happens so um i know this is not enough for all the packs that i got but i did just go ahead and get one to see how this works how they'll fit and um [Music] this is a 27 27 course but i will drop the um i'll try to find this too and drop a link in the description box below so i'm going to try to use this after i get it all packaged up to put as many as i can in to help keep them longer and then the um is a 25 pound bag of rice that i got from sam's and we do have the sams plus membership so i wasn't just able to ship this to home and um i think walmart sells them in the big bags too i'm not certain but um that's a member smart brand on the sugar five pounds but this is also a 25 pound bag of sugar and it's the great value brand and i did just get this from walmart on my grocery pickup so when my friend was doing her research on you know putting up the different things in the mylar bags she did find that it was best to use all-purpose flour or all-purpose cornmeal and i had already bought self-rising cornmeal and self-rising flour and so i'm gonna put it up and give it a try i didn't you know there's no way we would use this much in time period anyway so i am going to at least give that a try all right guys so i'm going to start with the sugar first and like i said before um this is the first time that i have done sugar in the mylar bags um i'm sure i'm gonna refresh my memory on do's and don'ts of this whole process so her hopefully um i'll learn a few things that can maybe save you some trouble in some time when you start to do it for yourself but i'm just gonna open the bag up and use the scooper and scoop straight from the bag into here i thought about putting in a bowl but i decided i'll just scoop straight from the bag and like i said on the sugar you don't use the oxygen absorbers just the mylar bags and um we have a steam iron but we also have one of these um really old school kind of antique iron um i think this will work better for the mylar bags because it's a little bit heavier and um it doesn't have to it doesn't have the steam option i don't think so hopefully this will this iron will work but um we're gonna we're gonna try and see and if uh if this one doesn't work i might have to switch over to my applicator but i'm going ahead and plugging my iron up and letting it be warming up while i start filling up my bags so on the bags they do have i'm sorry my daughter is in the background she keeps making me laugh and distract me but um so on the bags there is like a little indicator and i'm pretty sure that's just so you don't overfeel but i usually stop a little bit further back than that anyways but um don't over fill them you want to leave at least one inch one inch of space to be able to fill it up so let's get started [Music] [Music] all right guys so i tried to um lay it down this way and iron it out but the sugar keeps running to the end and you want to make sure that if you try to iron this together and you've got sugar all in the edges right here it's not good it's not going to seal it's not going to stay sealed especially if he's not having the oxygen absorbers so it's a little bit more difficult this way and probably will take me longer but i'm just using my leg to prop it up so that the sugar still runs down to the bottom of the bag without coming back up so that i can keep this clean um when i seal it so that's what works for me do whatever works for you but this is what works um best for me [Music] do [Music] okay so this is this is the seal and i didn't want to overfill these because the first one that i've done was so lumpy um they're not going to stack good so i wanted to especially with the sugar be able to um flatten it back out just a little bit so that it's a little bit easier to um store and i will mention um that you can reuse these bags it said on the website that i bought the bags from um so like and you can reseal it too so if you just open this up needed to get half out then you can make a fresh cut and reseal it or if you dump it all and empty the entire bag then you can um wash it dry and then um do it you know a little fresh cut and then reseal it and reuse it so they are reusable and comment down below and give us a huge thumbs up and you will want to try to press as much air especially especially with the sugar and not putting oxygen absorbers in here try to press as much air out of the bag as you can mama is that i'm working better than that other iron yes it's old but it still works yes it works good it works great better than that big one why is it so small anyways it's just a little old-timey iron baby my daddy has one of them he needed to prop the door sometimes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right guys i'm not sure if you're just watching this video because you specifically searched out how to do food prep or mylar bags or if you're just one of my regular subscribers and used to watching my cooking videos i just want to mention that it's always a good idea to have some sort of food stock on hand you don't have to get crazy with it and try to have five or ten years worth up but i do think it's important especially in today's economic times to have you know at least a couple of months to a year worth of food stocked up for your family if you can do so and um you know in addition to like mylar bags and long-term food storage you know just keeping things on hand like canned goods and things that are just readily available to eat that things that you don't have to really prepare or cook is a good idea my family used to prep a long time ago and it kind of felt like for a while that we were prepping for nothing because it just didn't seem like we really used it and um you know then now with even like at the beginning of the pandemic how a lot of things were hard to get and um you know just how quickly things can um clear out at the grocery store and things like that i do think it's important to prep somewhat i was researching a few other videos just to kind of get ideas from other people as well and see what their experiences have been with the mylar food bag since it had been a while since i had done this but um in another couple that i watched their youtube video and um i'll try to put a link to their video in the description box that will let me but um you know they just had a job loss that lasted for over six months and they were able to use their food supply that they had of canned goods to help decrease their monthly expenses because they weren't having to buy as much groceries because they had already had some food saved up so there's lots of reasons that it's great to prep you know even if you um have a job loss or have health problems or if it's something economic that affects everybody it's great to be able to know that you can feed your family even if times get hard okay so i went ahead and instead of sealing like with the sugar i filled the bags and sealed them since the rice flour and cornmeal will have oxygen absorbers you want to wait um to open the oxygen absorbers until you're ready to seal all the bags so that that's less time that they're open and in the air um and i'm not sure if i mentioned these are the mylar bags or one gallon size and so for the 25 pound bag of rice i was able to get five of the gallon size bags filled and i think that ended up being about 12 to 13 cups um per bag i was kind of sort of counting when i done it and then on the sugar i ended up with the same i believe yeah on the sugar i also ended up with five of the gallon sized bags and then i had a little bit of sugar maybe about a cup cup and a half that i ended up just adding to my um sugar dish all right on the flour and the cornmeal scents i you know it's recommended to have all-purpose i really didn't want to at first i was just going to go ahead and put up all the flour and all the cornmeal and mylar bags even though they were self-rising and you know even though that's not recommended and i was just going to give it a try but then i said it i really didn't want to waste my mylar bags and then just turn around and bust i did end up just doing three of the two pound bags of flour in one mylar bag and then one five pound bag of the cornmeal in one miler bag and then i'm gonna just do those and i'll see how they hold up and if they hold up well i may end up if we haven't used the rest that i bought before um you know i'll probably give it at least a month to see how they hold up and if they hold up okay with the self rising then i'll go back and do those in the milo bags but other than that next time i will buy the all-purpose flour and all-purpose cornmeal so now that i've got everything ready i'm going to open the oxygen absorbers and the oxygen one oxygen absorber in each mylar bag and then um you can store the leftover ones in a mason jar with a lid and i've got a brand new mason jar that i had left over from canon so i'm going to put all my leftovers in my mason jar and just store those but i'm going to try to go ahead and order some more now that i know you know about how much 125 come back a sugar 125 pound bag of rice holds five bags and i've got 50. so i've only used like 12 today so i need to get on buying some more stuff i'll probably do some dry beans some black beans and maybe some black peas and lima beans things like that and then i definitely want to do another thing of rice but um so you can like i said store the leftover oxygen absorbers in the mason jar so let's go ahead and get started sealing these and then i'll show how everything looks after the absorber starts sucking all the oxygen out of the bags [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] all right guys and i will mention um since these have the oxygen absorbers uh the whole bag will actually start tightening up and shrinking up from where the oxygen starts um the oxygen absorber starts working and starts pulling out so it will get really tight kind of like shrink wrap um kind of how they looked before the oxygen absorbers look before i actually um open them up but that's a little warm still um but yeah so these will um start to shrink up and i'll have to double check the website but if they don't start doing it in a certain amount of time period i'll have to double check the time period but if they don't start doing it within a certain amount of time period um you may have a problem you may need to re-redo them [Applause] and you can get a take that opposition absorber out put a different one in and try that or you may just have to get a whole nother [Music] bag [Music] [Music] [Music] so i did overfill the bag and it made it really hard to have enough space at the top to get it sealed so just make sure you don't overfill the bags or you will have a hard time having enough space at the top to be able to get it sealed [Music] alright guys so i got everything done i was able um in total i did 125 pound bag of rice which made five one gallon bags a 25 pound bag of sugar again five one gallon um mylar bags and then like i said on the flower and the cornmeal since i only had self rising and it's recommended to do the all-purpose i'm just doing one bag of each of those for test run and a cornmeal i did one five pound bag on the flower i did three of the two pound bags but it was really hard to get the flour sealed because i'd over filled it so i wouldn't do more than um five pounds total for the um or since my bags were to come back so if i had to do everything i would just do two of the flower bags but so i'll try to update later when i do some more of this and see how um how well the south browsing does if it lasts or not last but um on the oxygen absorbers i forgot how quickly um and that they give off heat you can actually feel them getting hot like pretty much time you open the bag but just in a few minutes they start getting more to the touch so um i just went ahead and counted out as many as i needed and then the leftovers i went ahead and put in a mason jar and there's moisture in there now you can see it's already um pulling the moisture out but um it they they should be okay like this but the sooner you can use them the better but this should keep for a little bit so um but anyway so store them in a mason jar and if you can fit all of them in the more you can fit in the jar i think the better but um there's that and then i will drop i ordered my bags and the oxygen absorbers i think i already mentioned this as a package off of amazon and i'll drop the link to that but also when they sent the packaging there was an invoice to another site that has tips on you know what to do if your bags don't seal and charts on how long some of this stuff can last in this bag and i was pretty shocked going over the chart um well first let me say i did want to mention i i wasn't sure what i was talking about it earlier how long it takes them to shrink down kind of that dry shrink wrap look but um it says check your bags a few days after sealing and the opposite oxygen absorber would draw in or compress the bag because the oxygen's being taken out and if your bag appears unchanged uh wait a full week and then after a full week if it's not compressed um start over with a new bag and a new absorber so within one week they should be tight enough and you'll be able to tell the difference i'm gonna um wait the time and then i'll um i guess as soon as they start showing what it looks like i'll record that and tag this on to the end it's got the chart saying you know indefinite 30 years 25 years some stuff just five to ten but um the least amount of time that something will last is one to three years and that's like um walnuts pecans peanuts and herbs and spices but even um [Music] coffee and cocoa and things like that can last up to three to five years depending on the size bag that you use and oxygen absorbers but it's got the chart on the website that goes over all of that so it's helpful just to um refer back to their chart and so you can kind of keep up with how your stuff the biggest thing it did say is protect your steel foods from heat that it doesn't need to it needs to be below 75 so 75 and below it's just cold it's not a problem so it can't get too cold for them but it can get too hot it also did mention um rodents can chew through mylar and you know even if you think you'll never have a mouse problem sometimes it just happens so it would be a shame to put up all this do all that hard work and then um you know something happened and you not even realize that they've got into it so i think um i showed it at the beginning i do have the plastic container and i'm definitely gonna have to get more of the plastic containers because that's not enough to cover all of this but i'll probably wait till they shrink wrap all the way down until oxygen absorbers have had a chance to do their job before i put them in the storage container and that way i just don't have to worry about them anymore but let me grab that so this is the container that i'm gonna use um after after everything um shrinks down and the oxygen absorbers have time to work i'll um stack them here as many as i can and i know i'm gonna need to buy a few more of these and if you have space um you know you could use a big um metal can like a big metal trash can or something like that i guess i think that would be okay but i don't have that much space so i'm just gonna use these i can stack them in my pantry now keep in mind the sugar will not compress because we didn't put oxygen absorbers in the sugar i am going to do some black beans and some blackhead peas and probably some lima beans definitely going to do some more rice and coffee and i'm going to look on their website at that chart and kind of just go through and see what else i can come up with but um if you guys have already done this before um let me know some of the best things that you like to put up in the mylar bags and let me know something that you've put up and how long that you've actually waited to open it i think the most that i waited the last time i had done this we had rice and we just kind of sorted away forgot about it and i know it was at least five years on my rice that um the last time maybe even longer than that but at least five years on my rice so let me know in the comments below if you've done this before and what your experience has been with it alright guys so this is about two days afterwards i did go ahead and put my sugar and some mris in my plastic container the cornmeal here you can see is starting to tighten in and shrink down a little bit and your softer things like the cornmeal flour probably won't get as tight as the rice is but here on the rice bag you can notice how it's really shrinking down and tightening up and the shape of the rice is showing through the bag and that's normal that's what you want it to look like so if after a week it's still not looking like this especially on hard things like rice or beans then you'll know that it's that you need to redo the bag but so far everything has sealed well and turned out well i did on my flower have to go back and reseal it and um that was the only thing on my flower so everything else turned out really great and i'm gonna get some more containers stack it all in my containers and put it away all right guys thanks for watching and i hope you enjoyed this video and was able to get some ideas for some long-term food storage prep for dry goods and if you have any questions drop them in the comments and i'll try my best to answer them and if not i'll try to find the resources to help you answer the questions if you're not subscribed hit that subscribe button and that notification bell and we'll see in the next video
Channel: Serving Up Simplicity
Views: 14,976
Rating: 4.9363818 out of 5
Keywords: mylar bag food storage, mylar bags, emergency food supply, long term food storage, dry food storage, storing dry goods, storing dry goods long term, cheap emergency food storage, using mylar bags for food storage, mylar bags and oxygen absorbers, long term food storage mylar bags, food storage prepping, long term food storage prepping, storing food long term, storing flour long term, oxygen absorbers for, oxygen absorbers for food storage, prepping, storing rice long term
Id: GskaTyPcwsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 45sec (1845 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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