UNLIMITED Mobile Internet for RV Living FT! Choice of Carriers. We Use 250+GB a month! Plus Options!

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i've lived and worked from my rv full-time for four years and finding stable internet has been a real journey for me i've tried it all and failed a lot but finally i can tell you that i found a solution that gives me almost the same kind of internet service that i had in a house but with a much better view [Music] happy sunday everybody it's robin with creativity rv and i know that a lot of you have been waiting for this video today i am psyched that i can finally tell you about an internet service that works for me like i said i've tried it all and almost everything i tried didn't work for me in one way or another including a super pricey option that i tried that was an epic failure but that led me to the service that i use now which i love love love and i'm going to tell you all about it and how much it costs but not everybody needs the same kind of service that i need i use a lot of data and for the people that just want to get on the road and have some other options i'm going to go over the three basic ways that you can get internet while you're mobile and on the road if you want to skip past that and go right to what i'm using just fast forward to this time right here and you can bypass all of that basic information on the road finding a signal can be difficult the data is expensive and the options are constantly changing but here's the good news since i've been on the road really everything has improved the big major cellular carriers are putting up tons of new cell towers and as you might know there's a race to get up 5g rural internet through satellites so i've got my eye on that and if anything changes or i find anything better than what i'm going to talk about today i'll be the first to let you know but for now there are three basic ways that you can get service on the road local wi-fi hotspots cell service through your phone and a hotspot and a data only router the first way to get internet is through a local wi-fi hotspot you can usually find these in populated areas that like a mcdonald's or laundromat or a library or a local visitor center the problem with these is that you actually have to be in a populated area to find one it's not like if you're in the woods like me you can sign on to local wi-fi but here's how they work they're generally free think about if you go into a mcdonald's on your smartphone you go into your settings and you find the wi-fi that mcdonald's offers and you sign in it's not fast and it's not the safest option because you don't have a vpn and it's a public network but for people that just need a little bit of connectivity while they go into town to get services this is not a bad option and it's free the next option is to get your service through your cell phone and a mobile hotspot and a lot of nomads use this and it works for some people but not for people that use a lot of data and i'll explain we all know that there are three big vendors that sell cell phone service that comes with internet their verizon t-mobile and at t and they have towers all over the country more are popping up you can usually find them near populated areas or near highways and i'll tell you that after you've been on the road a year you take pride in being able to spot all the cell towers that i never even noticed were out there before i was a nomad but just because you see one of those towers doesn't mean you'll have a signal because those towers are owned or leased by those individual carriers so if you have your phone serviced through verizon and that's an att tower it won't work this is why some mobile people actually buy service from more than one carrier two or three which can get expensive but then they know if they're near any tower they're going to get a signal another important thing to know about getting your service through a cell tower is that there has to be line of sight to get that connection so a big rock or a tree will block that signal there are some cool ways around that that i'll discuss in an upcoming video but for now let's talk about unlimited service and what that really means a lot of us have unlimited service on our cell phone plan but it usually doesn't mean what you think it does that gives you unlimited calls and data on your cell phone so if you want to do all your emails from your netflix even do a zoom meeting on your phone have at it you know gobble up those gigabytes because that is truly unlimited the problem comes in two ways first of all even though they say unlimited if you use a lot of data you will be throttled which means they intentionally slow down your service if you're in an area that's more congested you've used a lot so they let the faster service go to other people first a lot of the vendors that offer the unlimited plans do let you tether your other devices into your phone plan but they are depressingly limited in how many gigabytes they offer most companies offer 10 to 15 gigabytes so you can connect your laptop to your phone and maybe send a couple of emails or a document but if you're like me i was eating up that little bit of data in two or three days and it is completely cost prohibitive to get more that brings us to the next solution which is a data only mobile router here's an example of a mobile router they're just tiny little boxes that give you data service only so there's no phone service coming through here like there is inside of a cell phone those same towers come down into this device through a sim card that's put inside of here and then this gives you a hot spot for your own little house with a password that you can connect everything to you can buy all kinds of different mobile routers on your own or through a service provider like verizon or at t like a jetpack or a mofi or a myfi or a nighthawk you can buy it on your own or with a subscription but know this if you get one through your cell phone vendor like let's say you have verizon for your cell phone and you get a jet pack they put the gigabytes that they allow inside of that hotspot into your regular plan so if they are throttling you after you hit like 20 gigabytes even though they say they're unlimited on the phone that means that your hotspot and your phone are going to be slowed down to a snail's speed i heard like everybody else that there were these unlimited grandfathered plans like through att or sometimes through cricket you hear about them it's like a rumor that swirls around and they say that you can buy them and they can be transferred and the service is unlimited and people can pay ungodly amounts for them like on ebay only to find out that the carrier has caught this happening and they get turned off okay now let me tell you about the odyssey that has been my journey to try and find mobile internet on the road as you might know besides having this channel i also have creativityrv.com the website i also run another website and i have four books two of which are super research intensive and i'm constantly at my desk online doing research uploading downloading and emailing when i first got on the road all i had was an unlimited plan on a cell phone i was constantly checking my data usage because i had overages that were really expensive and so to get around it i didn't stream anything and i would work offline on my computer and then plug my phone into the computer transfer files upload them from the phone vice versa and it was a nightmare that took a ton of my time and was not working for me then i tried visible on this phone which i still have by the way if you're not familiar with visible they offer unlimited data only through a smartphone for forty dollars a month now i haven't gotten rid of this plan because i think it's a good backup for me just in case it used to be that your speed could be slowed down but recently i read that visible stop doing that so this might be an okay option for some people and i did use it for a while but let me tell you why as a working nomad visible was not the best option for me you have to go in turn on the wi-fi turn on the hotspot connect all your devices then when you turn it off everything is disconnected and you have to go back and do it again the speeds on this were not fast enough for me to stream anything but it did give me more data so if i wanted to upload a video i could do it but on my visible plan it was not uncommon for that to take 12 hours up to 21 hours for me to upload a video i also tried to get a mobile router through my cell phone provider that was a couple of hundred bucks and then an extra 40 bucks a month on my plan it only gave me i think 20 gigabytes to use my router is a hotspot and i was being throttled and it wasn't really giving me very fast speed now i could go in and buy more but it was completely cost prohibitive i think it was 40 bucks for four extra gigabytes and i use hundreds of gigabytes so you do the math then last summer when doug was finishing up his corporate job and moving out of his apartment we had to stay in an rv park for a couple of months and my cell phone service was not getting it done and the wi-fi in that park was non-existent doug had to be on conference calls on zoom all day long and our connection was not good enough for that to happen we had to find an alternative so we contacted a local internet provider that actually installed a tower on our site in the rv park that looks kind of like this one for 170 dollars a month it was constantly going down it was also dependent on line of sight which was a little bit tricky and if there was any kind of bad weather we lost our signal completely i know what a lot of you have been waiting for last year i did a video interview with a couple that traveled into class b during the interview i saw that they had the most rad internet setup i had ever seen now both of these people were tech people they actually ran a tech support company and one of them did this kind of support work for the military so it was way above my pay grade but they explained it to me and i thought that i could do it what they had was a max br1 pepwave router that looks like this and i told you guys i was going to buy one and test it out and a lot of you asked me how it was working because you too are desperate for a solution and i am sorry to tell you this was a pricey failure in my quest to find the right service for me here's what happened i bought this router for 300 bucks and then i had to spend about another 100 on components and you'll see here that it actually has two sim card slots here's an old uh t-mobile still in there don't use it and here is i think a verizon okay so one of the reasons i liked this is that they had it mounted and these two little cards go in here and the device actually chooses which one has a better signal and then routes it to all of your devices this was the problem for me i had this installed but it did not come with the data card so i was constantly buying data cards like one from a t i did verizon i did a t i did t-mobile i did cricket i did mint mobile and i was spending about a hundred dollars a month in addition to the cost of the router for sim cards to go in here but it's not like i put the sim card in and it would work for anybody that wants to do this i had to actually every time plug an ethernet cable i was like ethernet cable 1995 is calling where's my box that has all my weird cables luckily i actually had one but i had to plug that in from here to my laptop and i had to have a signal on my laptop to get this to connect to a dashboard where i had to set up the card it kind of defeats the purpose if you're trying to get internet in the middle of nowhere but i would connect it go into the dashboard it would read the sim card then it would contact the company to make sure the service was valid and i have to say about 30 percent of the time it worked the companies didn't like this router and i would call them and most of the minions on the phone didn't know what a pep wave max router was and if i called the company i bought the router through they didn't sell me the sim cards now angie and jenna the ladies from the video helped me over the phone to set up this system like three times but it was just becoming a hassle because i was buying these sim cards that have maybe 20 gigs of data either they wouldn't work or they would work and run out and i'd have to go through the whole process again i know that the pep wave is great for a lot of people out there it just did not work for me it was too complicated not turnkey and i had to have a signal to set it up now i get it for some nomads this is no big deal because they just want to go out in nature and read a book but for some of us that is not an option and i really was at my wit's end and then i found the service i use now which is nomad internet nomad internet's tagline is that they offer truly unlimited high-speed internet for people that travel and that sounded good but at this point you can imagine that i was skeptical so i really wanted to try it out and i have and i'm here to tell you it works i've been using this service for nine months since last september it's been a complete game changer for me i've had no issues i don't have to change out a sim card there's no turning on and turning off wi-fi hot spots it just works and we've traveled through five states with both of us working full-time i think we have six devices in here that have been connected to our nomad internet service and it has worked like a champ nomad internet has been gracious enough to give our viewers a 25 off coupon that you can use towards your membership so if you go check it out and you want to try it when you go into your cart just put the code crv 25 in as the coupon code and you'll see 25 bucks come off so let me explain how the nomad internet service works they partner with all three of the big cellular carriers att t-mobile and verizon to offer the unlimited data only service through a router i'll put their link below when you go onto their website you're gonna see that you have to choose which plan is right for you either the att the t-mobile or the verizon i chose the one that's right for me i have one vendor on my cell phone so i chose a different one for my router so now just in case i have two different carriers i will tell you different plans sell out on their website but they're usually back up with all of them in just a few days right now i saw that they have t-mobile and att but in two weeks when you guys see this video all of them might be there or this might be changed so just go over and look for yourself now the speeds will change based on where you go and how close you are to the tower but i can tell you for us we're in the middle of nowhere in a forest right now and we have a screaming signal the same was true in the middle of the desert we really have not had a problem finding a signal now i will tell you that we know how to search for a campsite that has coverage for our carriers i'm going to show you guys how we do that in an upcoming travel series so subscribe if you haven't already hit the little bell for notifications because i'm going to walk you through how i found this spot in the middle of the forest that has four or five bars of service with both of my carriers and here's the best part we never even check our usage i don't even think about it i don't have to restrict how i use my data anymore no more downloading my shows from netflix and watching them offline later no listening to podcasts for the news instead of watching it if that's what i want to do doug is able to connect with his friends and play a video game online like they were still in the same room and i'll tell you this the signal that he gets to play that game is faster than it was in his apartment now i'm sure you're wondering how much this costs and if there's a contract there is no contract you only pay for the service month to month as you go along but there is a membership fee that you pay one time when you get set up there's a variety of plans with nomad internet so the membership fee and the monthly cost changes based on which one you choose but the range for the membership fee i think is about 149 to 200 one time and then the monthly cost is about 129 to 189 i think i'll be honest when i first looked at this service the first thing that i was worried about was the membership fee i just couldn't wrap my head around why i would pay that when i could just buy my own router well i'll tell you why because you're constantly on the hunt for a sim card with enough data and an unlimited data sim card is like a unicorn you can find them but it's tough and if the router breaks or it's above my pay grade to use it like my backs br1 was i'm just out that money with a membership at nomad internet if your router breaks they'll actually swap it out my second biggest concern with this service was choosing the carrier i mean let's say i chose t-mobile and att was better 18t was better than verizon and i get the router and i start camping and i realized that that was not the right choice it's no big deal because with that membership fee they just go ahead and transfer the service to a different router they take the money that you paid for the membership fee and put it towards another plan the other thing that made me feel better about trying nomad internet is they have a seven day money back guarantee so if i got the service and it didn't work out and i didn't really want to swap it for another plan i could just return it and get refunded my membership costs and the cost of the plan if i did it within the first seven days if you need truly unlimited high-speed internet on the road i say give it a try it has been a complete game changer for me they're giving us 25 off if you use the code crv 25 at checkout and they have a great team that will help you decide what plan is best for you if finding a way to get affordable unlimited internet on the road has been the obstacle that's stopping you from living your dreams i hope this video has helped you i'll see you guys next sunday until then everybody have happy travels and be free [Music] you
Channel: Creativity RV
Views: 209,880
Rating: 4.9119644 out of 5
Keywords: RV Life, How to RV, Boondocking, RV, RV Travel, Nomad, rv living, how to rv full time, digital nomad, solo female rv, rving, rv hacks, tiffin rv, campervan, full time travel, boondocking, why rv, dispersed camping, free camping, DIGITAL NOMAD, RV WOMEN, GRAND DESIGN RV, RVING FULL TIME, nomad internet, pepwave router, visible unlimited internet, data only sim cards, truly unlimited internet, remote work, data only router, mobile zoom, cellphone tethering, what is throttling
Id: mcM-WRp7eiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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