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get out ladies and gentlemen welcome to draw with Jazza I'm Jessa and today I'm gonna see if we can sculpt with a hot glue gun bet you that was a question you never thought you wanted answered but now you probably do say - I honestly I've very little experience with bees I have one single memory of ever using a hot glue gun and that was for my toddler's third birthday I made this really cool like pin the tail on the dinosaur like a game thing I used this fourth worked really well and looks really cool and he had a cute butt and I'm hoping that whatever I attempt today will turn out pretty well - but we're never gonna know until we try and you know what you're never gonna know until you try how much money you can be saving by using the honey browser extension honey is a free browser extension which automatically searches the web for discount codes and coupons for your online purchases all right let me show you how simple it is this is my merch shop so let me just add a couple of these things to my cart and in the normal checkout process I've just selected to apply honey to find the best coupon codes possible it's literally searching every combination and every available coupon code and as a result to that I've saved $31.99 on my own merchandise this is an Australian dollar that's just an example of one place that you can save money on something you may have been interested in checking out anyway intense a point of value of course is that you can just apply it and try it out with all of your regular shopping and save money as you go it's free it installs in two clicks go to join honeycomb slash Jazza that's join honeycomb slash Jazza and try it out because you have nothing to lose and a lot of deals to gain huge thank you to honey for sponsoring this video so in this video like I mentioned I'm going to see if I can sculpt with these I got a whole large box of glue sticks I'm hoping this is enough I don't know what do you think you think this is enough nothing it's a lot I mean in theory if I can sculpt with this as a material I'll be able to sculpt something with a combined mass of around that big that's like that now someone once said in a comment of one of my videos that I often say that I'm gonna dabble in art materials and then eventually I'm ready and I say I'm gonna dive into a project and that's exactly what I'm gonna do today I do it all the time especially when playing with something I've never played with before I'm gonna dabble with hot glue see how it works see what its strengths and weaknesses are what the potential for sculpture is and then we're gonna dive into something a little more ambitious forgot to plug it even know what am I missing something is that me anymore come on me I'm just twiddling the tip I'm sorry [Laughter] heating up yet I probably shouldn't check by just constantly touching the element that's gonna heat up hey hey hey so double the dive let's double is it Booga next I'm gonna try and do two separate blobs and then glue them together and see how much weight they support a scientist with very important experiments happening right in front of your eyes who want to be hot I'm not a fair of all the stringiness can I can I snip the strings I can yeah see we're learning now have to wait for it to dry that's the I've got two separate blobs now I'm going to try and connect them with a shared blob ah penny oh no no that's okay so it doesn't support weight at least when it's not drying feel like a surgeon and a scientist and an artist truly I am the height of my profession all right let's try and sculpt something I'm gonna sculpt a little hand oh I'm running out of stick pretty quick now the question is did it actually work that I can't tell you until it's dry which means waiting which I hate I'm wondering if I can shape it while it's still drying so that it sets in like a place look it's actually sort of work I'm still kind of drying but you get the idea there's a little hole there but I don't have to fill that aha dude it's just complete okay well let's recap dabble part 1 we made a booger we learned that we can make it come out of the end of the hot glue gun that's progress dabble part 2 we learned that we can bridge our boogers that it can support some weight and dabble part 3 we learned that we can sculpt these are important lessons to have learned and I feel like I've learned everything I need to before the dive now listen here if you don't think I can own this we've got one thing that's gonna surprise you hopefully the result hopefully it'll be good alright we've dabbled let's dive [Music] so this allows in German as you'll recall was the result of our dabbling after which we dived and you saw me working away at that it was pretty tricky to work with I'm gonna be honest I did burn my fingers a few times as I expected but that said it was kind of satisfying to see the results um wasn't the easiest material to work with but I think the result is pretty sweet which we'll get to in a moment because while we're talking about sweet things let me tell you about honey you can put it on toast it's quite sugary but very sweet as are the deals you get when you use the sponsor of this video honey you can check them out once again with the link in the card and in the description whether it be art materials holiday suppliers camping gear marshmallows oh no there's probably a deal out there for marshmallows and you can snap it up for yourself with this buzzer of this video honey I try it out myself and I can't even explain how simple and unconfronted it is to just give it a go you just install it with two clicks and as soon as you're going through a checkout on pretty much any major website anything that has that enter a coupon code thing you just scan it goes through every possible combination of coupon codes that you can apply to get the best deal possible and anything that will get you money off honey will find there are over a hundred thousand five-star ratings on the extension and there is literally no reason to not try it just go to join honeycomb slash jazzer and a huge thank you to honey for sponsoring this video so this was the dabble now let me share with you the dive [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh girlie look at that I quite like the result of it it looks like it feels to work with and I think that's what I was going for this is a glue man walking through a field of glue in on a windy day I guess I knew would be difficult to work with and I wouldn't be able to get a really nice surface sort of clean look so I just sort of went with that and used the glue to create sort of contours and shapes of almost musculature and get a really sort of almost like a Ripley goopy sort of look all throughout the skin but something that's still looked quite human almost a little monstrous though then of course I built up the base I really like the way that it works at the bottom here we've got this glue sort of piling up around the front of feet like he's like deeper in this field of glue that is pushing through so it's slowly building up sludge Lee it's a new word for you and then last but not least the finishing touch of the drips and goopes being pulled away so we can get a sense of motion and that's really what I wanted to capture is to get the feeling of pushing through a field of glue and feeling like sticky and stuck down and I love the way it turned out it wasn't an easy material to work with but it was really fun to try and I hope you love the result because again I don't think I would have thought to create this in any other medium and yet here it is thank you glue sticks well not there hot glue sticks not glue sticks glue sticks those look if I can make art with glue sticks but that's for another video speaking of another video if you want to see other videos on this channel make sure to subscribe to draw with Jezza I'm only gonna get weirder I promise I love challenging myself with just stupid stuff people probably shouldn't try and sometimes I succeed sometimes I fail and I feel like this one turned out pretty good make sure to LIKE this video if you think so as well and leave a comment if you have any suggestions for future challenges or maybe some things I could have done differently or what you'd like to or didn't like about this attempt otherwise thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed it and until next time I'll see you later make sure to subscribe to my channel to see more of my video and while you're at it check out my shop where I sell ebooks brushes photo references video courses and more there's another video you might enjoy from my channel over there and you can also check out my behind-the-scenes daily vlog channel daily Jazza that's it for now and until next time I'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 2,971,355
Rating: 4.9475694 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, game design, media, newgrounds, armor games, flash, humor, drawing, how to draw, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), tutorial, Artist, Painting, Educational, Software Tutorial, CS6
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 25 2019
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