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For those unfamiliar with Jazza, he's also done some very cool sculptures with 3D printing pens

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Stanty16 📅︎︎ Mar 18 2019 🗫︎ replies
I know what you're thinking this channel is called draw with Jazza not 3d print with Jezza but we're 3d printing something nicely and medieval-themed huh so technically technically it's draw with Jezza get it as an excuse to do a whole bunch of 3d printing and bring the sort out again so well in all I'd say things are going pretty well so far give ours and German welcome to draw with Jazza I'm Jessa and I've been having a lot of fun playing around with my 3d printer lately and the cool thing about it is you can get some really interesting shapes and objects that you wouldn't really be able to make otherwise I mean trying to think of something fun to make I remembered when I visited the 3d printer superstore and saw they had this sheet of chain mail that I thought was really cool it was all just printed in place and came out as an interconnected sheet of chamber so I made the small sheet to show you basically how it comes out you can see it's printed on a flatbed and then the chain is printed on top you'd attach to this bottom bit which is called the raft and then you have like that a piece of chain mail I don't know how much protection this would provide but it's really nifty that you can just do that it's the glue to move boom I thought it would be really fun to see if I could do something more ambitious specifically if I could print a bunch of these and make a sort of change shirt so I tended to shrink and expand the the sheet by a factor of four and this is what I ended up with and it didn't really come off very smoothly as you can see that still did print all the individual links and it's very cool how it's done it but I think it makes the chains too brittle as you can see there's a tear there so around three I printed up a smaller bit not too small changing and this was much nicer much more flexible and as you can see it's really fluid so this would technically work however I'm not a huge fan of how sort of pokey and square this feel and after a bit of looking around on fever so I found a whole bunch of different chain options and I thought I would open up this video by pulling them apart and seeing which of them feels most natural and what we want to maybe try and tackle this ambitious useless nonsensical and amusing project I'm just gonna pull these off one at a time and we can just have a look at them and explore this one is interesting I think this one's a no it's too rigid next we have this one this one looks much more like sort of traditional chains oh my goodness even just as I take this off that is that is very very flexible I love the texture and the look of that selected I want to only maybe pile this next one would have been a lot more difficult for the printer to printer I mean even just turning it this way you can see that it's about double the height of a print of all the other ones very dense with chains lots and lots of chains they're not very easy to organize and obviously not very strong so that's a note now next is actually I believe the same chain type is my original this one here printed just a little bit smaller but with these little interconnected pieces mine of the other chains just totally fell apart when I was trying to pull off the other chain so that one's a no as I was saying it comes with these little oh I just broke one of these little separate pieces that you're supposed to be able to use to connect change sheets to one another it does seem to interconnect the the change sheets well enough but I definitely worry about them coming loose just with a petite bago with a particularly strong twist so you have two more chain types oh here's one it looks quite chaining and it feels far less rigid and square than the original one this this feels like this feels like a really good one like this it feels almost like silky and how it's responding this emotion that's that's really cool this is going to be my favorite so far hello we making progress lucky last and this one obviously is lighter and a little squarer and I guess a bit more fragile but it does feel really in fact I would say this one's more flexible than this one all right I can't decide between them so I'm going to take my experiment a little bit further I'm going to print two large sheets of each of these and then the winner will have to come down to which of them interconnect and can combine together the best [Music] all right a weekend has passed and I've printed my two-sample shoes and with each sheet I wrote down the estimated time to print MMB actual time to bring so we're gonna come back to that in a moment because the time is gonna matter most once we figure asked how many sheets we're gonna need to create a change shirt so let's try and attach our first sheet here sounds satisfying it's like popping bubble wrap that satisfy there we go has one large sheet that's pretty fluid now how that would work sort of wrapped around the body is hard to tell I mean that's not bad that does seem to drape pretty well all right let's crack open the other one let's just start off with our spatula this time oh he's already broke it did I break it yep break it oh now this one's interesting I'm noticing some problems with the folding behavior which is really important to get right I think it seems to somewhat drape well as you can see there's a little bit of rigidity or whatever but on some angles for example diagonally this way it doesn't want to fold at all it's wanting to kill the other way but it just sort of chooses directions it doesn't want to fold in so this way is fine but this way it's folding upside down it's not folding the way I wanted to so this chain it is which again feels quite fluid it does Bend or fold in every direction now let's do some maths which is what I suck most down this chain Square is about 19 centimeters by let's just say 20 so across the chest we're looking at you probably have a bit of give let's make it 54 I'm not assuming to know what the patterns will need to be like I just need to know how many of these I need to print and maybe give a little room for error as well so that's each of these times 2 so all we need to do is figure out how many sheets will make up these 3 by 2 27 times 2 is 54 cheats that I'm gonna need a print which turns the actual time is 891 hours of printing ah ha ha 21 and a half days and that's if there are no pauses switching from one print to another and if there are no failed prints which is unlikely so this is gonna take over a month but I really want to do this so might as well get bloody started now cuz time is a-tickin Adam so jazz a 3d printed like you've never 3d printed before he printed and he printed he printed and printed and printed and printed and printed and printed and printed and he kept printing and printed some more and more and he kept printing again and it I mean seriously he printed so freakin much remember the initial estimate he had what was it dirt than what spear looks like one month or something try four months not kidding seriously that frame that just passed right now that was Christmas Day you may think I'm joking I'm not he began recording this in October for goodness sakes why did it take so much longer than expected well first off sometimes prints finished like at 3:00 a.m. so starting a new print at like 9:00 a.m. means lots of hours between prints oh and on top of that here's the reality of the situation as good as the 3d printers using is this is not the way 3d printers are meant to be used seriously for the love of God his printing abs here that's high-temperature plastic that reads his running his 3d printed non-stop at a high temperature for months as you might expect that resulted in a few repairs needed to be made along the way as well which meant a couple of days or a couple of weeks here and there interrupting the process he printed the same model so many goddamn times it literally burnt the surface of the printing tray with the pattern of the base of the model he busted the nozzle the filament sensor but this epic undertaking would not be for what for with the sisters and months of patience perseverance grit and determination it was that in mid-february four months after this epic undertaking was instigated jazz' reached the end of his path and finally the next steps could be taken okay oh boy I've just absolutely drenched in sweat seriously the whole session of removing the bases from the changmo whose has left me in a bit of a state I have massive blister on my thumb I've torn up the skin on my finger before I get to actually putting it all together into a chainmail suit thing I think I have a shine on freshen up maybe put on a band-aid ah I feel much more fresh now I can hardly believe I'm here to be honest because it's been nearly four months since I started this project forty-six that I've printed just like this and I got a little bit of extra help from my friends at 3d printer superstore who aside from printing a couple of these themselves also printed me one large sheet which is the equivalent of one two three four that brings the grand total to fifty fifty chainmail shoots my camed my friends from the 3d printer superstore printed the same chain mail on their resin printer and at a much finer level of detail and just look at this but even more cool than that they printed a proper chain it's so smooth and perfect oh my god that's the way that it folds in on itself the way that it moves it makes me wish that I could do a whole suit in this but it's far too delicate and like I said in the resin printer it would take far too long and would be really stupid to even attempt something like that so I'm fairly confident with 50 sheets I should be able to do a decent sized chainmail shirt the next part is actually piecing these pieces together so I'm going to take two sheets and before I jump into the one last time lapse that's going to take us to the end of the video I'm gonna try and let's stitch these together and I'm gonna be doing this or attempting to with black fishing line I figured because like fishing line is quite plasticky and yet still thin and really strong my theory is that I'll be able to thread this through a needle and give a couple of loops around each of the adjoining loop things so I've got my fishing line and I'm literally just gonna like so the bits together that go next to each other this is the part where I really really hope that this works because I can't stick things together so it defeats the whole project and there we go I seem to have a reasonably sturdy not too terrible looking chainmail double sheet you can see the seam but you know what it was perfect which means ladies and gentlemen we have arrived finally thank God to the main event This Is It this is the Big Show here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna use the mannequin that I got a few months ago which was still a few months after I started making this video to create the change shirt on and I'm gonna use say this thing is called butchers paper I like fish and chip paper whatever you call it this cheap thin paper as sort of tailored paper to make a boat's that was the word tailors use attempt template a pattern a pattern I'm gonna make a pattern on him that I can follow and sew everything together in that pattern to then hopefully in theory have something he's a bit slimmer than me so I'm gonna give it a bit of room to breathe if you know what I mean but this is the part where I draw a design so together and create the chainmail shirt [Music] [Music] well everyone that does it and as you can see I didn't finish you know what I got so freakin sick of this project I just stopped tip the sleeves seriously I I have spent five months on this piece of crap taht actually it's pretty cool I think I think it turned out alright I'll be honest but it was not easy it was painful my fingers bled towards the end there and I just had to call it quits anyway I want to thank the folks at 3d printer superstore for helping me out and it keeping my printer up and running even when I was putting it through all sorts of abuse so if you're Australian based on Melbourne based go check out their website they're super helpful really nice guys thank you so much mark and EDD you guys are champions otherwise thank you for watching because this has been a big long video and you've gone through a lot to get to this silly little payoff so I think you deserve a little bit more satisfaction for the the lengths of video you've watched so we're going to put this armor and even these 3d printed swords to good use and see how they hold up to against some scrutiny I don't over the shadow Versa T's channel if you don't know shad from shadow versity is actually my obnoxious brother it runs in the family his YouTube channel is all about castles and swords and everything medieval that I'm somewhat passionate about but his deeply obsessed with so he's gonna use his sorts and his chainmail and put it up against my swords and my chainmail we'll see how it goes I printed a few of these don't expect them to last very long because the first intro went to film was with this one and that happened after one solid swing anyway I got a bunch of these and we're gonna smash them about and have a bit of fun going over to Shadow varsity's channel and subscribe while you're there and if you're new to this channel from shads channel subscribe here for far less historically accurate but still occasionally medieval enthusiastic art and creativity content that's if now and until next time see you later [Music] make sure to subscribe to my channel to see more of my videos and while you're at it check out my shop where I sell ebooks brushes photo references video courses and more there's another video you might enjoy from my channel over there and you can also check out my behind-the-scenes daily vlog channel daily Jazza that's it for now and until next time I'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 2,659,480
Rating: 4.9291291 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, game design, media, newgrounds, armor games, flash, humor, drawing, how to draw, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), tutorial, Artist, Painting, Educational, Software Tutorial, CS6
Id: Ut0yVIMisRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2019
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