SCRAP TITAN: making a stupidly huge Warhammer Gargant model from JUNK

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I think it looks cool, but Iโ€™m not a huge fan of his choppa arm. Looks too thin and weak compared to the rest of the model

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Clickyman001 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 12 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I like the paint job, construction was kinda rushed though

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Koniss ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 11 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
before i started midwinter minis this gorkonaut was my biggest warhammer model last year i built and painted up something even bigger this bad boy the stomper well today i've got a new biggest model and i'm going to show you how i made it this video has been kindly sponsored by audible and i'll chat about why that's so important and timely in a minute but before that let's talk about great gargants orcs in warhammer 40k love making big stompy mechs from killer cans to death dreads gawker notes and morkanats to stompers probably by no small coincidence all of these ramshackle war machines have equivalents in the imperium's armory a battle between a death dread and a space marine dreadnought is a pretty even match up on a good day a gorkonaut can stand toe to toe with an imperial knight and stompers especially super stompers can pose a real threat to the imperium's smaller titans however what's a poor orc warboss to do when confronted with a warlord titan the walking skyscraper with enough firepower to melt a city well that's when you deploy a gargant giant hulking mechanical monstrosities gargants are the ultimate awk weapon when the enemy won't attack your fortress you stick legs on it and bring your fortress to the enemy there's just one problem though while there are plenty of giant imperial models for you to throw your money at there aren't any ork gargant models available to buy for warhammer 40k there were a few gargant models available for the old epic scale game back in the day and while they were pretty fun designs i can't use them in a full sized game of 40k armacast made a great gargant model officially licensed by games workshop back in the 90s but it's crazy rare and to be honest it's not the right size it's big alright but it's only just a bit bigger than the current stomper model i mean sure you can find a similar looking stl and 3d print it scaled up but let's be honest 3d printing a look-alike would make for a pretty boring video but no offense emma as you probably know i've got a deconstructed warlord titan sitting on my shelf all cleaned up and ready to build the thing is when it's built it'll have nothing to fight and i want it to have a worthy opponent and that tiny armor cast gargant just isn't going to cut it in the novels where great gargants are mentioned they're often referred to by the imperium forces as scrap titans and that name kind of gave me an idea i love making my own terrain pieces out of junk i've made a few videos where i do just that and i have a pretty weird and wonderful collection of rubbish that you'll probably end up seeing on an episode of hoarders one day so why not build my own gargant out of junk it's a pretty thematic idea right aside from junk i'm also going to give myself a 50 pound budget for extras for this project to help make stuff that i'd struggle to scratch build if you're not in the know 50 pound is a pretty mid-tier price for a warhammer 40k unit it'll buy you the poster boy space marine tank the land raider for example it's also less than the orc stomper and the gorkano they're the same price now one's twice the size of the other that's a interesting pricing structure you got their games workshop anyway let's start brainstorming designs of this monster mech one of my favorite youtube channels bill making stuff has a great video about how to push your creativity i'll stick a link to that video in the description but basically i'm going to follow his advice and do a little doodle grid thing i divided up some paper into two inch squares and i'm going to give myself a time limit of two minutes to sketch out a rough orc gargant design and then when that's done i'll switch to another square and immediately sketch another one different from the first and so on and so on always sticking to the two minute limit the idea is that you sort of trick yourself into coming up with things that you usually wouldn't think of that aren't really in your creative safety zone and you might end up drawing something that kind of surprises you while i was sketching out these gargant designs i listened to the black library audiobook hell's reach by aaron dempsky bowden using the audible app on my phone and by pure coincidence audible happened to be the amazing sponsor of this video how did that happen hell's reach not only features classic space marine on orc action as the black templars fend off a green skin invasion on the planet armageddon but also has a backdrop of some pretty impressive titanic battles with one of the imperium's fiercest titans storm herald dishing out some pretty savage beat downs to a lot of gargons i'm sure you know how audible works by now while you're a member you get a credit every month to buy whatever title you want and it's yours forever even if you eventually stop your membership now even though i've used audible for ages now i've just realized that loads of cool audiobooks are actually included free with your membership too like all of these books set in the alien universe i am a big fan of the original films in that setting so i can't wait to get stuck into these there's also loads of serialized shows podcasts and even bedtime stories for you to enjoy so if you want to check out audible for yourself you can get a great deal at the moment 46 off your first four months by following the link in the description that's midwinter minis or by texting midwinter minis to 500 500. honestly this support from audible couldn't have come at a better time and i'm so excited to tell you why but i'll save it for after i've built and painted this stupidly huge model right then let's take a look at these doodle gargants there's lots of things i like some things i love and some things that even though they look cool might be a bit impractical to build like this giant mr potato head dr robotnik hybrid thing i really like the ramshackle asymmetrical body shape some of them have almost like they're a shanty town on legs i'll try to incorporate that into my model i think the big belly gun is such a classic gargant weapon my version has to have one and let's be honest it's really a crotch gun so the more phallic i can make it the better i like the idea of having battlements platforms and crow's nests that orc infantry could stand on and uses fire points especially with these metal frame scaffolding kind of structures i'm not sure how practical having feet would be on a mech this size so maybe tracks would work best but to be honest practical is boring so maybe i'll try and make it have one track and one foot like this sketch i really love the banners and i think it's an awesome thing that retro warhammer models used to have that modern 40k seems to have kind of abandoned but i think this model is going to be absolutely enormous by the time i finish it and i don't necessarily want to make it even taller with a banner i do have to store it somewhere after all okay so i know roughly what i want to make now let's get all of my junk out and see what i'm working with junk i knew that was some new penny yep and that's all you're getting see you later nerds i've got a couple of toy cannons that i got from ebay a few years ago a box full of cable tidy stuff trunking that plastic stuff you get around big boxes sometimes and cable ties i've got some scraps and off cuts of various sizes of foam board here's my box of mdf scraps from various terrain kits some pretty interesting shapes in there i've got a few remnants of the tenor lodge chemical plant kit i bought a few years ago most of it went on building my start collecting death match arena but i've got a sprew or two left i've got loads of big cylindrical containers for snacks and instant coffee that i've been saving for literally years that i thought would make a cool necromunda terrain build but maybe they'll find their way into the gargant i've also got tons of cardboard boxes the single layer stuff that amazon ships in and also some fancier sturdier double layered stuff too i think this is going to make up most of the structure to be honest and that way it won't be too heavy to support itself or move to and from the gaming table okay so that's the junk now how did i spend that 50 pound budget well the technology kit wasn't free i probably have about 10 pounds left of it and the various bits of mesh and corrugated card i bought specifically for modelling cost about a five are combined so you're up to 15 pound already i scoured facebook marketplace for useful bits and bobs in my local area and i found this sweet remote controlled crane toy for only seven pounds this has got loads of great usable parts and even though it was listed for seven pounds i actually ended up handing over a tenner because this little boy was selling it so he could buy a cool laser toy a good cause in my book penny found this cool doctor who toy in a charity shop for just three pounds a box of mouse traps with lots of cool plastic textures for three pounds again and these cool little pipey things too called butt connectors another three pounds that's 34 pounds total i trotted up to colchester town center with 16 pound in my pocket and braved its finest bargain shops and i found these halloween chainsaws for just one pound each this is a gargant chopper in the making surely i also found this cool little bubble blower thing for four pounds that looks like an awesome mini gun watch out though this bubble no for drinking i also found this 14 inch cake tray which is made from pretty sturdy board which might be a great rigid base to build up from plus it was only three pounds so that's seven pounds and a bit of change left on the budget let's put it aside for now just in case we need it later on in the build to get started i dismantled all of the toys to break them down making smaller more usable parts also all the fun electronics gears and gubbins will make good gribblies that's what modelers call the superficial details that make models look more interesting oh also i've got one more bit of junk i forgot to mention this piece of sprinter after years of being awkward temperamental and barely working in the first place it finally gave up the ghost and stopped moving the print head entirely now this heap of junk is getting dismantled to make a big warhammer model penny also had a vendetta to settle with this thing too and joined in with the vivisection so after a few hours of dismantling stuff and gathering everything together we've now got a dining table full of junk laid out before us good job we hardly ever have guests huh speak of the devil my bestie aunt came over to help kickstart the construction we decided that one track and one leg was best so while i cut down the struts around the base of what used to be the toy crane to make a better toe length for the foot ant started making a huge track out of cardboard and toilet roll tubes sticking it together with hot glue and then he used a roll of corrugated card as a simple track nice and of course nessa helped too oh yeah those toes are cut down to the right size so that'll make a pretty stable foot for the model i attached the base of the printer with all of its cool texture facing outwards to one side of the cake board to act as a back for the gargant i hot glued it and also screwed it in through one of the holes directly into the printer case and then i added a blob of hot glue as a kind of ghetto washer with the track out of the way ant started working on the belly cannon experimenting with various amusing arrangements of the gun barrels which are random plastic pipe bits and an empty can of beans seriously high-tech stuff to add height and internal stability to the gargant i started gluing down a couple of coffee tins again screwed in and hot glue washer applied to make sure there was space for the belly guard ant was making i cut a recess into the cake board so it could sit a little bit lower than the rest of the body so it wasn't just a boring straight line at the bottom all while my baby daughter stared at me incredulously i cut a hole in the top coffee pot just big enough to insert a long plastic tube this is actually one of the crappy perches from an old bird cage of ours we have little society finches but it's much nicer to give them natural sticks and twigs to hop between so these nasty plastic tubes went straight into my junk collection anyway this tube will be a nice anchor point for any arms we might add later by the time i'd finally made the hole big enough to ram the tube in ant had finished his masterpiece the belly gun looking pretty and ballsy if i do say so myself excellent now it would make sense to make the weapons now so we know what sort of space they need before we start building up the body too much i use my hobby saw to cut the blade sections off of those little cheap halloween chainsaws meanwhile and was making some shanty building structures out of card and foam board to build up the body of the gargant the control room of the crane was the perfect size to mount the chainsaw blades in spaced out with some cut-up toilet roll tube between the saw blades this minigun bubble blower thing is cool but it doesn't really have any flat edges for attaching to a flat surface but look the top of the mouse trap fits exactly over this ridge and it gives it a flat surface spooky after i'm left i carried on making some shanty structures and bulking up the body the next day another friend arrived my pal simon whose voice you'll have heard in the jean steeler cult versus drakari battle report i put out a couple of months ago he's also a kit bash junk hoarder like me and had a bag full of goodies with him including a 50 year old baritone trumpet that a school had thrown out a cool trebuchet toy an attack helicopter and a few bits of broken vacuum cleaner this is gonna be the perfect arm to hold that giant chainsaw thing the idea of hacking up a bit of metal to attach it to anything seems a bit beyond my skill level to be honest but fortunately simon is a design and technology teacher so he was happy to take over he rasped off the finish so the drill wouldn't skip over the metal hammered a pilot hole with a nail and then drilled out the metal with the biggest random drill bit i had in my toolbox and while simon was in the mood for metal working outside we cut off some of the most obtrusive parts of the trumpet with a rotary tool so that it would be able to sit flat on the back of the model and look like a cool engine we mixed up a bit of two-part epoxy and glued the vacuum pipe to the birdcage perch and to help with stability i hot glued a few toy pipe supports towards the bottom too on the other side i stuck one of the crane strut sections down to support a crow's nest or hang weapons from i haven't quite decided yet i glued a few printer bits onto a big plastic bottle cap to make some gear gubbins for the chainsaw ram and i also glued the ink cartridge holder from the printer onto the foot as kind of an ankle i sawed a bit of that cake board offcut to size to act as a flat anchor point at the top of the ankle and then made a bit of a modeling commitment which i always hate i wanted to keep the legs off to make it easier to paint everything but the belly gun is going to be sitting below the bottom of the cake board so i just said what the hell and then mixed up some more two-part epoxy added it to the top of the ankle did the same with the track with some plastic sheets in the way to act as shims to make sure the height matched on both sides and to make sure it glued nice and tight and sturdy i put a weight on top of the model and left it overnight actually before i went to bed i did attach the belly gun just to see how it looked amazing the next morning i tried a few arrangements of the chainsaw weapon on the arm and hot glued it in the position i liked best for the other arm i decided just to go for a massive gun turret like quite a few of my sketches had that minigun bubble blower and the business end of the vacuum cleaner slotted together perfectly it must be fate i glued them together and then cut out a hole in one of those coffee tubs big enough for them to sit recessed inside it once it was fixed in place i piped a bit of hot glue onto the body and stuck the gun turret in place now both weapons are where i want them to be i can flesh out the rest of the body with offcuts of foam board and shipping box card i found a cool takeaway noodle bowl thing that fitted perfectly on top of the coffee tub so i glued that in place too okay that done let's give this thing a head to bulk out the rough shape i cut another coffee tub in half height wise and then did the same with this mini cheddar's tub to make a neck and add height to the head too i chopped out a section of the coffee tub to glue this cool bit of plastic that once held a fancy drill bit it'll make a pretty cool looking eye i think once the neck and internal sections of the head were glued in place i could build up the armor plates with more cut up card i then cut around the sections of the card to cap off the head and trimmed off the excess time for the teeth yep you've guessed it more cardboard i found another cool printer cog then used that for the other eye too and then i chopped out some huge teeth from the last bits of foam board i had two big triangles for each tooth and glued them together at an angle to add a bit of structural strength then i glued the whole assemblies onto the top of the gargan's body and then glued the head in place yes let me look at you my child yes that attack helicopter that simon brought over has some pretty cool missiles which will make a great awk rocket array so i filed the bases flat so they'd stick well to a flat surface and then used a bit of the tenolarge chemical plant kit to space them out and make them a bit more rigid i also chopped off the tips of the helicopter's tail to make fins for a giant missile the bag simon brought over had a couple of these 3d printed bullets inside i reckon one of them will make a pretty convincing one-shot missile with these fins attached one of the toy crane strut sections has this nice angled top so i sawed off the bits i didn't want and glued the missile on top i've gotta say that looks pretty cool don't forget this is about the size of a deathstrike missile and that needs a whole tank to carry it for more weapons i snipped off these sticky outfits from the two little toy cannons and glued them together to make a big anti-air battery and then i added a few foam board offcuts to make them a bit more stable i marked out a hole about the right size in the torso of the gargant cut it out and made a little hatch walkway thing with some sticks and a bit of foam i just cut out and then i stuck the cannons in nice i flipped the gargant around no mean feat as this thing is about 70 centimetres wide at the moment and hot glued the trumpet body in place on the printer base making a pretty cool looking engine i then closed up all of the open holes on the trumpet with toy pipes attaching them to the back of the gargants and gluing on extra sections of trunking too to add more details to the back i glued two empty tuna fish cans together to make a giant fuel tank and then glued that to the back i've also got a few little necromander scatter terrain bits that i haven't used in anything yet so i dotted them around on some of the flat surfaces that might end up being walkways or fire points also more pipes why not okay this thing has been taking up our whole dining table and most of our kitchen space for a few days now i reckon it's time to migrate into the studio man this thing is awkward to move right time to start building up detail and making it look less like a big foam board box the idea of a gargant being a scrap titan really appeals to me that any major damage is just patched up on the fly using scrap by its grot riggers is awesome so to give it that vibe visually i cut up random sections of scrap card and glued them in place to the flat surfaces using pva glue some bits got loads other bits not so much i also glued on a couple of foam board scraps to make more fun battlements and fire points i cut up thin strips of foam board to make a bit of a boxy edging for the cannon and closed off the hole on the chainsaw weapon where the doctor who toy left a big gap i kept going around the model to add bits of card to box off vulnerable looking sections making them appear more heavily armoured to make little barricade fence things i cut up some kebab skewers into roughly equal lengths and plunged my blade into the surface where i wanted to mount them a dab of super glue and then jam the sticks in easy peasy after they were dry i glued on some mesh scraps to complete the makeshift barricades while i had the pva out i also glued on a few random bits of mdf kit scraps and spares to add some visual interest the body of these novelty halloween chainsaws has a pretty cool texture i sawed the edges off and then cut it in half this would be perfect to cover the gears on the massive tank track i spent four pounds of my remaining seven pound budget to buy some of these mdf cogs on ebay and glued them onto the visible outside edges of the tank tracks man that was a great idea these look awesome i then glued the chainsaw body bits i just cut out to cover the parts with no cogs after moving it around while adding all these parts it felt like the legs were a little bit more wobbly than i'd have liked so i added more two-part epoxy to the gaps and also hot glued some pipes and struts around the leg and the track to support them a bit more right three things first this thing is bloody enormous it takes up my whole painting area second i think it looks really cool and third i've somehow gotta get this thing outside to prime it wish me luck oh god it barely makes it through the door okay i know you're not gonna believe this but it was an absolutely beautiful sunny october day in the uk perfect priming weather what great luck huh because there's loads of different materials here metal plastic card paper wood all with different finishes i used two whole rattle cans of dedicated primer to make sure my paint would stick well to it further down the line the underside was a real pain to get to but to be fair it's not going to be very visible so apache paint job isn't going to be the end of the world here once that was sorted i cracked out the black spray paint and blasted another two full cans of this thing to get as decent coverage as i could the underside was still a bit bare so i laid an old t-shirt down on my desk and laid the gargant very carefully on its back so i could get at its bum i had all the best intentions of finishing the rest of the priming with my airbrush but man it was taking so long i just switched out to a huge brush and got the job done way faster i flipped it back onto its feet and then set to work adding some grimy texture and dirty color i mixed pva brown craft paint sawdust sand mortar water and acrylic medium in a plastic tub mixed it all up and slopped it all over the model in a pretty haphazard way leaving some bits bare and really piling on in other places this should dry with a really cool rusty dirty texture now how to paint this thing well my orc army has a purple and orange theme and in the lore orcs think the purple is a pretty sneaky color so much so that some of these sneakiest orcs think wearing purple makes them invisible so the concept of a really sneaky maybe but definitely not invisible hulking war machine the size of a factory seems very orky indeed so let's stick with that theme i fished out a few of my favorite purples and pinks and went to work airbrushing random panels different shades making sure to leave some that bare dirty brown to make sure i didn't over spray any areas that i didn't want to paint i masked them off on the fly with an off-cut of card bits that were too awkward for airbrushing got painted with a large brush and once i was finished with the purple it was time to base coat the bits that i want to be fiery orange orange is going to be a real pain in the ass to paint over black so i mixed two paints with amazing coverage together citadel zandry dust and mephiston red to make a more tone appropriate base coat to work from while i waited for that to dry i painted all of the bare metal pipes exhausts and weapon bits with coat dam's magic metal now i want to give this whole thing a dry brush at this stage to bring out some dirty details nice and quick maybe it's time to spend the last of my budget on the perfect tool i want the body of this gargant to have some bronze dry brushing body bronze brush oh look a body bronzing brush it's like they knew soft as a badges bun so i'm told to add a real metallic shine to the dry brushing i'm gonna use some of this aqua bronze pigment real metal apparently you just add it to water mix it up and it's good to go i did read a few reviews though and it supposedly rubs off pretty easily unless you fix it with something so i'm gonna mix in some really thick silver craft paint to make it more sticky i dabbed in that giant body bronzing brush wiped off the excess on some scrap card and went to work dry brushing the whole model [Music] okay now it's time for some fancy orange bits i want to match the tasty red to yellow transition on the rest of my big orc models like gasgul so to start off with i put a sheet of card behind the big teeth so i don't get any overspray on my purple armor and then spray the base of the teeth with a deep red color up to the halfway point i added some orange paint into the airbrush cup and blasted the central third of the teeth making sure it overlapped from the red before i then sprayed a mix of yellow and a bit of orange at the top of the sharp armor panels and finally a bit of pure yellow right at the top i used some silver paint to tidy up any areas that i wanted to still look shiny or where i'd accidentally painted them a different color i also used a bit of thinned purple paint to fix books that i airbrushed orange that i meant to keep purple now what orc model is complete without checker patterns let me show you a handy little trick rather than free-handing them like a madman or spending ages stenciling them and masking off squares with tape just grab some foam this is bog standard pick and pluck foam from a music gear case you can cut it down to size if you want but the size of these square ends suit the scale of this model pretty well dab the end in some white craft paint smush off the excess and carefully press it on leave a space about the size of the square you just made and do it again over and over until your checker pattern desires have been totally satisfied it'll look quite bright and stark at the moment but we haven't really done any weathering so we can tone it down in a minute but the sponge texture does add that cool imperfect chip paint look straight away for weathering i squirted some brown wash into my airbrush and started lining certain panels in areas that i thought would gather dirt and grime and also just to add a bit more contrast to bland areas to go even more heavy with the weathering in some sections i used a big brush to slop on the brown wash and then used another moist brush just with clean water to blend out the edge of the wash that made it look a bit smoother this gargant is a big greasy beast so to make it look like it's got some serious drainage issues i used a pipette full of brown wash to force drip effects in certain areas especially around all those leaky pipes i added for extra detail now the downside of having a gun barrel big enough for a dreadnought to climb down is that you can see the bottom of it when there's light just at the right angle so i reckon this is the perfect time to use black three culture hustle's very black very matte black paint i bought it two years ago to use in a video comparing black paints but to be honest it hasn't aged well in the bottle even after a very vigorous shake it's dried in clumps inside the bottle after only one use not so great anyway i mixed it up as best as i could and painted the inside of the huge gun barrels hopefully it'll still take the edge off even if it's not quite as black as it once was i also use black 2 which is more of a matte charcoal kind of colour to paint any city smoky areas like the top of the giant exhausts on the muzzle of the big arm cannon and around the vents almost done one last thing that's been bugging me although i'm happy for one of the eyes to be hollow it kinda has to be if it's going to be a weapon the other eye should probably have a lens i cut down the end of a hot glue stick trimmed off the edges and filed it round using a big nail file when the size was about right i super glued it in place and then gave it a quick coat of brush on primer so paint will hopefully stick a bit better to it i painted on a base coat of dark green and then airbrushed some vibrant green and finally a bit of yellow i painted on some glossy reflections with some white ink and then gave it another burst of green just to soften the glare a bit a final couple of touches of white ink with my detail brush the first time i've used anything under a size 6 brush this whole project and called it a day now let's take a look at this bad boy shall we are you ready here we go [Music] [Music] at the start of this project i'm not gonna lie i had some doubts but seeing this giant model in the flesh after sketching out the plans cutting up all that junk into usable bits and spending quality time with good friends i love this stupid thing so much this is where i'm sure you're expecting me to say thanks for watching bye for now but no what's the point in making a warhammer 40k scale orc great gargant without also writing rules for the thing the great gargant has only ever had rules in epic which don't translate well to modern 40k so after much tinkering and fiddling here's what i've come up with the great gargant costing 210 power or 4250 points to field in the game of warhammer 40k ninth edition let's take a look at its stats at full health it can move 12 inches hits in the fight phase on a 3 plus hits in the shooting phase on a 5 plus has a massive strength of 10 one point higher than the warlord titan but only a toughness of eight one point lower than the warlord to make up for that it has 130 wounds that's 20 more than a warlord titan and it'll do eight attacks in close combat has a leadership of nine but only a three plus save compared to the warlord titan's two up as it gets more damaged it gets a bit slower less accurate with its melee weapons and can make fewer attacks in the fight phase i tried to have some fun with its abilities keeping them in line with the current orc models but with a bit of flavor to make it really enjoyable to field biggest and stompiest this model is eligible to declare a charge in a turn in which it fell back and causes d6 mortal wounds to any unit it successfully charges the great gargan may also charge models with the aircraft and airborne keywords i mean that'll make sense right if anything can smash an attack aircraft out of the sky with its fist it's this thing gargantuan explosion when this transport is destroyed roll 1d6 before embarked models disembark and before removing it from play on a 4 plus it explodes each embarked unit suffers d6 mortal wounds if an embarked unit contains more than 10 models it suffers 2d6 mortal wounds instead each unit within 12 inches of the great gargan's hull suffers d6 mortal wounds all pretty self-explanatory if it dies it has half a chance of exploding and will seriously mull anything caught in the blast which given the size of these things hull will be most of the table great effigy of gawk or mork all friendly awk units may re-roll the result of any morale test while the great gargant remains in play i mean i reckon any orc that sees this thing is going to feel pretty confident about their chances of winning right grot riggers during your command phase this model's grot riggers may repair the great gargant regain 2d6 wounds this model can only be repaired once per turn this is kind of ported from other orc walkers like the stomper but it's much bigger and will have more crews so it has the potential to regain more lost wounds this also makes the great gargant more durable making up for its poultry toughness 8 and 3 plus save now here's where things get a bit interesting ramshackle each time an attack is allocated to this model unless the attack has a strength characteristic of eight or more subtract one from the damage characteristic of that attack to a minimum of one this is a great awk rule and has the potential to really annoy armies that employ multi-damage weapons against the gargant and also improve its survivability i've also given it the open topped rule models embarked on this model can attack in their shooting phase measuring line of sight from any point on the great gargant's hull embarked units treat the great gargants movement as their own so suffer any penalties to shooting that moving may incur i'll talk about why i think this is by far the best rule for this model in a second right after i talk about the gargant force field in your command phase the great gargant generates a force field roll 2d6 to determine the wound's characteristic of the force field each time a saving throw is failed for this model against a ranged weapon if the force field is still active the force field suffers damage instead of the unit once the force field has been reduced to zero wounds damage starts being allocated to the great gargant a new force field is generated every command phase and its benefits are not cumulative with any remaining force field from a previous battle round i feel like this is a pretty easy fun way of having a force field mechanic in the game especially a bit of an unpredictable silly one which works well for the narrative of scrap titans okay so why was the open-topped rule so great for this gargant well take a look at the transport capacity 90 models even if this great gargan didn't have any weapons of its own you could still fill it with 90 shooter boys and be pumping out 270 strength for attacks every single turn or take advantage of the fact you can transport multiple units simultaneously combo apps and burner boys looters shooter boys and flash kits for a ludicrous firepower at all ranges okay that's the potential small arms fire out of the way let's talk about the heavy hitters this thing is carrying first off the melee weapons the gargantuan chopper hitting at strength times two so that would be strength 20 wounding a warlord titan on a 3 and everything else in the game on a 2 a devastating minus 4 ap that means unless you've got an invulnerable save this thing is going to be eating through your armor and a suitably gargantuan 6 damage each failed save pretty impressive already but for each of the guardians attacks it makes with this weapon you can make four hit rolls instead of one that's potentially 32 attacks being made at strength 20 if you can get this into combat at its top bracket may be hard to do considering it will be fighting against the toughest strongest model in the tabletop game anyway next we've got the feet and tracks just a measly strength 10 this time with a minus 1 ap and d6 damage for its rules though it can reroll all failed hit rolls and wound rolls i mean it's not like you're going to be walking away unscathed after being stepped on by a walking fortress right time for the ranged weapons let's start with the stupidest one the belly buster this monstrous weapon has a 48 inch range is a dhaka 40 60 type meaning at half range it'll fire 60 shots and 40 if it's further away this is the main event so it's a cataclysmically devastating strength 20 and a -2 save modifier and three damage per shot that's enough to one-shot any imperial knight and easily knock most titans down the damage bracket it does come with a downside though this weapon can only be fired once per game the great gargant cannot move charge or fall back in the same turn as it fires this weapon so it's a triple barrel burst of ballistic insanity that stops the gargant dead in its tracks for a whole turn nothing to scoff at if that wasn't enough heavy ordnance it also packs a titan killer cannon spewing long-range high-powered death 72-inch range heavy six strength 18 with -4 ap and 6 plus d6 damage per shot simple but devastatingly strong once the belly buster has been deployed this is basically the go-to anti-tank weapon of the great gargant mounted beneath it is the wah gatla aka the space marine killer with a 36 inch range dakar 32 48 so it spews an obscene amount of shots at strength six minus two ap and two damage per shot wanna wipe out a primary squad every turn from a safe distance no problem the fun fluffy downside is that this multi-barreled lead belcher might run out of ammo after firing roller d6 if the number rolled is below the battle round number for example if a 2 is rolled in battle round 3 the weapon can no longer be fired for the duration of the game and what would a ridiculously big model be without a ludicrously powerful one-shot missile the mega rocket has a 100 inch range and is heavy 2d6 now like the death strike missile i modeled it on it foregoes having strength ap and damage and it just has a simple rule that if any hit rolls are successful the target suffers d3 mortal wounds pretty swingy considering how inaccurate awk shooting is but on average you're going to be inflicting six mortal wounds to whatever you fire this at this thing also has four rocket launchers the standard and common orc anti-tank weapon now at least if you have four of them one of them might hit something the big eye weapon is the gaze of mork ported over from the super stomper so it's got short range and only three attacks but it packs a mean punch with strength 12 minus 4 ap and 6 damage finally we've got a cheeky anti-air weapon to take down those pesky flyers before they get close enough to do damage the twin flak attacker has a 48 inch range and the type of daka 1216 strength 7 minus 1 ap 2 damage all well and good except if you target an aircraft unit you can change the weapon type to dhaka 24 32 very very nasty indeed so those are the rules that i came up with obviously this isn't official in any way and i might revise the points cost when i have a test game against the warlord titan but i wrote these rules to be fun first and foremost i reckon there's loads in there that would make it a stupidly exciting thing to have on the table and a threat to most things while still not being invincible by any means i know not everyone watching this will immediately set out to build this ridiculously big model and use these rules but maybe if you're on the edge of trying this out for yourself these fun rules might just inspire you enough to crack open your box of junk and get your hot glue gun out this has been a huge project hence why there's been a two week gap between videos it wasn't just the size of the model and the scope of the project that took the time though i'm going to be honest with you here i've been struggling to find the time to tackle big projects like i used to these cheeky little babies are definitely keeping my hands full but it's also just tricky doing the boring stuff like having quiet time to record voiceovers and write scripts and that is where we come to my very very exciting news i've just signed the lease on a commercial unit that i'll be using as my studio a place to paint models with almost four times the space that i'm currently working in i'll be able to film battle reports without taking over our kitchen take on big projects without putting our dining table out of action for a whole week and record voiceovers at sensible times i'm currently recording this at almost 2 am so i know it'll be quiet also one day i might be able to host events or painting parties or something like that who knows so as i said the amazing thing about the audible sponsorship is that it's come at the perfect time and i'll be able to use the funds to hire a van to move my stuff and buy furniture and fittings to kit out the studio space and with the move in mind i've also listed a few things on ebay to help finance the transition from home office to office office there's my corn demon start collecting box that i painted up for a video that featured in the opening game of my start collecting death match series a signed 9th edition call book and the doodle grid gargant sketch i made at the start of this video all listed with a one pound starting bid no reserve and free worldwide shipping all the links are in the video description so that about wraps up for this ridiculously long video if you're still here thank you so much for watching i honestly really appreciate it an extra special thanks to the midwinter mini supporters over on patreon who give me a regular reliable wage so i can continue to make these stupid but hopefully entertaining videos here's a shout out to this week's newest supporters dale white liam davidson uber ninja man david lopez sebastian mansley jonathan smith sum tom de groot mills brand virus robin gabriel risco iii and dante coburn if you fancy exploring the inspiring world of audiobooks with audible don't forget to check out the link in the description sign up and get 46 off your first four months thank you so much for watching bye for now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Midwinter Minis
Views: 248,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gargant, great gargant, ork gargant, biggest warhammer, huge warhammer, ork titan, scrap titan
Id: xgyRcBRhwK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 52sec (2452 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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