Orks vs Tau - Battle of Pech - Warhammer 40k 9th Edition Battle Report

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[Music] welcome back to tabletop titans for another epic game of warhammer 40 000. it's an extremely exciting day because we have not won not two but three debuts uh we have warzone octarius part two electric food glue also known as critical mass uh which i'm excited to be building the blood axes today yeah this is your first day you guys can pick this up in stores that's right go go and get it if you're excited about blood axes oh yeah there's a lot of good stuff in this in this uh in this book uh secondly this is also um the debut of the patch video over on our sister channel hobby titans so if you guys haven't seen that go ahead and check it out there is a link down below if you're watching this after fact there'll be also another link at the end um maybe watch at the same time as this i don't know yeah i think it's a great preview for the narrative scenario we're about to play yes so i almost would say if you haven't seen that check out the link in the description go watch that it's like 15 minutes long and then come back and catch up at 2x speed and uh and come back here i like this like i'll open up all the streams at the same time that's right it is super cool kind of behind the scenes of how we got there the the creation of the board of the game everything yeah it's kind of an exciting new direction we're going with hobby titans where we can do this content in addition to stuff we already have and the third thing you guys are just gonna have to wait until maybe around movement fix turn one we have an exciting announcement we're gonna make and it's gonna be awesome very excited to have brent on the channel yeah i'm doing great yeah so excited for this game this has been like two-ish years in the making i've been working on this the idea for this narrative scenario we've been talking about for a while and i'm super excited to do it all with you guys so yeah it's gonna be awesome with that having been said let's dive on and take a look at the lists all right so today uh fitting with the with the narrative that we have going here i'm bringing uh cecilia battalion uh so the cecilia september if you're not familiar is uh each unit can reroll one to hit roll uh so you can see you'll see in a little bit i've got lots of two-man marker drones to take advantage of that i've got a lot the models with my anti-tank with my big guns have small numbers of shots and so i've tried to take advantage of as much as much as possible um we've got a lot of crew in the list as well so so that you know we'll see how that that plays out but i've completely filled up all my elite slots and so yeah this is the the the narrative we've got here is uh a tau patrol that's on its way to the front lines in the uh and the the battle for the liberation of patch is a historic recreation that we're doing today and so this this uh patrol is trying to make it to the front lines where the orcs are pressing really hard in this one weak point and this uh this group of uh of of commandos have ambushed them well they've when they've stopped for the night and so uh digging into the individual units that we've got leading the army is a commander this guy's got uh three ion blasters he's got uh the piece of war gear that gets ats that gives him plus one ap so he's a good all-rounder he can take out vehicles with strength eight uh he can take out infantry with mass shots he does a little bit everything uh if there's a problem that needs solving he typically can solve it exactly um additionally in the h in the hq section we've got an ethereal uh this guy's got an honor blade uh and two marker drones so you'll see that you'll see that name here uh the commander comes with two microphones the ethereal comes with two marker drones that's so funny um uh other characters non-elite characters we've got uh a crude shaper this is anchor proc that's right so in the we realized this kind of at the last minute but uh angkor proc is the shaper in the fluff that uh that brokered sort of the the pea steel or the you know uh the treaty between the tao and the crude um you're being careful like you're being very how careful with your words yeah before you dominated the crew no it's good but this is this is historically the first battle where the crew and the tao work together that's right however you want to call it and and we're like wait this guy this model which is now kind of an unnamed model yeah is actually of this guy that was actually there that's right like this is so perfect so he's going to be making an appearance in this game anchor proc doesn't have rules anymore right he will be a pac alpha so i pay the cp to make him a pac alpha which is an upgrade that allows me to roll three dice and pick the two highest for nearby crew units who are charging cool last character in the list is diacrec so this is the sheep we don't have a oh yeah this is the sniper sniper character we don't have a clip for him uh but he is uh the blackstone fortress model he's got a cool ability where he he's in deep strike he's hiding in the shadows um but he's got a cool ability where at the end of your movement phase adrian i could pick one of your units on a four up they take d3 mortals oh he's like set a trap for them he's set a trout yeah i love it um so typically that's like if i didn't finish something off with my previous turn shooting yeah and i really needed to die i could just do a few more that's cool i like it um so those are my characters very nice moving on uh additionally we'll just stay on the crew theme i've got three units of 10 crude carnivores naturally so these are inexpensive object bodies with a pregame move right and they're also very low cost in power level so i can strategic reserve them pretty pretty inexpensively so i've got uh 20 of these on the table 10 in strategic reserve uh and yeah bringing opsec bodies uh off from off the table edge to capture points is really good yeah these these crew these crude are great because they're just so cheap anything that is cheap opsec that pre-game moves they can put in reserve cheaply right it's got my uh my vote they die really quick but yeah they do that's fine uh also in strategic reserve we've got three crew talks riders these guys are absolute beasts oh we also have three narlock riders okay um they are not we had this talk beforehand we're like what's in our lock and what's the crew yeah yeah so these guys are not luck riders they're a fast attack choice they uh they are not in reserve right um but so cool yeah they're they're awesome they're legends models unfortunately um they're sort of weirdly more durable than a lot of the crude stuff because they have an armor say they actually have an armor saver what yeah no idea where that comes from i guess maybe i don't know um they're really cool not any faster than normal crew they still move seven they can't advance and charge or anything like that uh so they're not not great you know game play wise but um but they're cool models they're my favorite themes so we're yeah and they're not it's super expensive so we're bringing them today of course crew talks riders though yeah we've got three of those they're in reserve uh along with the ten carnivores these guys are absolute beasts in melee they're strength six natively with two attacks and flat two damage but for one cp you can double their number of attacks and give them two ap right so uh you know that's like one of the best melee strats in the game in you know on a unit that's like sort of mediocre and it just takes them to like genuinely terrifying against space marine it's pretty much required reading for them right like if they're going to fight you're going to spend that cpu that's right because it takes them from not great to actually quite scary and i've underestimated them before uh especially with the re-roll to charges and stuff like that they're actually getting very consistently yeah that'll be cool so uh so yeah we've got the shaper three crew talks and ten carnivores in reserve also starting on the table in the crew contingent we've got 10 uh croutons yes so we've got a little bit of everything from the crew collection these guys again not not durable they don't fight super well but they move 12. wow and they have an ability on their data sheet where they can uh reroll failed charges if uh a model one of your models uh has has taken a wound in the shooting phase they get that scent of blood on yeah that's right and they're they're they're drawn to it yeah all right so that's all the crude um moving on to the tau we've got uh five units of uh strike fire warriors with pulse rifles these guys are going to sit on my back objective um they have a unit of are you under five you said five units sorry i have one unit of five fireworks and pulse rifles right right uh they also have uh there's the chassis has a marker light they all have two marker drones with them uh so you can see the theme here um and then uh also in the troop section i've got two units of 10 breachers yeah i love these guys one of which has a guardian drone and a shield drone so that that'll give you giving them a five up involved uh if they're near that very cool and the unit with the with the guardian drone has also has the advanced uh photon grenades so these guys will be making it a little bit more difficult for you to charge if you come in on them that's good that's gonna be important in this game and also fitting this narrative of sort of the tower trying to survive right through the lines the orcs trying to just you know kill everything right uh so it feels appropriate yeah uh last unit of infantry we've got um a unit of five pathfinders and these guys have uh a guardian sorry a um grav inhibitor drum with them as well as a shield drone so these guys will sort of also be sort of playing into that theme of making it harder for you to charge i know you've got a strat to tie a muscle to uh ignore all of my charges which feels a little bad for me but uh you can only use it one place right and if you need to do multiple charges in a turn maybe it'll come in here exactly and i can't use it on things like my characters my war boss so yeah i have to sort of navigate right get around around all all of this these like slowing things and we've got a few for actual forests on the table we're getting into there's a couple of forests yeah so there's some movement blocking that'll absolutely all right so then we've got some stealthy things as well i've got two units of stealth suits yeah one of these is larger and has ats so they're sort of more a more achilles squad totally uh so there's five models with ats the shazvree has a drone controller and then a smaller unit of three uh with shield generators on two of them and they're just meant to be durable uh sitting moving up the field taking taking midfield objectives and they will be especially against or shooting yeah so and then last last but not least uh the last stealthy unit is a ghost keel so i've got uh full fusion on him i've got the relic fusion obliterator and the uh and then two fusion blasters and uh his support systems are he's got um a shield generator and i figured what i gave him for the last one um but uh yeah he's gonna be doing wall of mirrors things he's gonna be durable and hard to shift he's going to be hopefully killing some tanks he's going to be real tough to get to i only have one or two tools that can really kill him and that i kind of have to ignore him and hope he doesn't shoot the right targets his second support system is also a drone controller oh cool i got two of those on the field all right last but not least i've got a hammerhead we don't have a clip for this guy uh it's got an iron cannon it's got smart missiles and it's got two seeker missiles uh so it's going to be sitting at the back laying down some strength date ignoring your ramshackle shooting exactly and uh and try not to uh try not to get tagged yeah exactly it's the tagging game that's right uh we'll see what i can do all right that's what i've got i'm trying not to die uh what do you have that's gonna be trying to kill me i'm trying to make you die so let's take a look at the blood axes i'm very excited to be playing these guys today with the brand new arterius rules kind of fitting in the narrative here uh we are of course a bunch of sneaky blood axes that have come in uh has infiltrated the forest are ambushing the tau and crew contingent and um yeah so you can see there's a bunch of bodies here lots of infantry uh this blood act supplement is very interesting because so blood access is already one of the more interesting claims fall back in charge or or fall back and shoot be covered as long as you're more than 18 inches away interesting stuff interesting stuff now this blood blood access supplement comes around and says hey by the way there's a bunch of utility strats and oddly enough a bunch of shooting strats um so i've kind of leaned into that a bit today trying to show you guys as many of the new things as possible while also matching this narrative yeah so single battalion and um let's get into into it starting with all the characters we of course finally i've been waiting for this ever since the book came out we get to play mr boss snikrot today i love this guy he's so cool he's gonna get in he's gonna gonna uh slit some throats this is a gift boys it gets kids wrong kids bag throat slit or something in the narrative because we're like get sob throat slit exactly now we don't know how old snick rod is but i don't think he was at the this battle so this is going to be his rules representing a different famous boss that's right so exciting to have him uh he's just cool uh moving on i do have a war boss on war bike because as i mentioned these new blood axe things very shooty it's all about shooting stuff so ultimately he's here because i wanted to get the speed wall felt like we're gonna be able to show you some of the most interesting tricks with that um of course giving him all the fixings with the killer claw and brutal but cunning so he's going to be an absolute beat stick definitely something to watch out awesome uh no advance in charge so you'll kind of see him coming but he's still fast so that's him uh moving on this is one that we also haven't seen in a long time this is a big mac this time a big mech in mega armor i know what we have a custom force field on him but let me tell you the real reason that i've taken this guy um i've taken him because there's a relic that just spoke to me again we're talking about shooty sneaky blood axes and he what he has is actually a sniper i'm trying to pull it up here uh it's always that's right it's the straight shootout the street shooter it's a sniper machine gun for orcs uh it's got like 14 shots in daca range um strength five minus one for one i believe it does mortal wounds because it's a sniper um it's just like this hilarious gun now daca 14 is within 12 inches of course so real real close yeah but when i do i can snipe you out is it normal range 24. it's 24. so it'll be i think it's like 10 shots it's got a lot of squishy characters you do have a lot of sketches i've got i've got diacrack yeah the shaper exactly so there's uh you need to be scared it's really funny um yeah straight shooter 14 10. five minus one one it's hilarious yeah so anyways i got him with that um i have one other character which we don't have a clip because um it's weird it's a very strange thing that's happening here this book has lots of support for the traits and support relics um things like the fight detector where you charge people um duck and cover which is what i want to talk about in a second things that you don't really want to put on your mainline characters and so i found myself wanting these other characters so i put a regular mech just a plain old mech in this list with the custom uh custom slugger thing and um just to show some of these off his last canon pistol he's got the last it's the last canon pistol which i have upgraded uh so i believe it's gonna be d3 plus one shots it's a 12-inch gun that's a pistol but does d6 damage i imagine it's just like basically a hand cannon yeah yeah it's ballistic it's used to just a giant hunk of metal it's so funny well because it's basically you know custom mega cannons which is the thing that entire mega cannons are built out of but like in pistol form and it hits just as hard it's just shorter range which is hilarious very orchestrated anyways so i've given him a couple things i've given him uh duck and cover which is one of the new warlord traits and what this does is during brett's shooting phase i can select one of my commando or boys units within six and holding on a piece of area terrain with this guy and they're untargetable as long as they're beyond 12 as long as you're beyond 12 of this piece of terrain yeah very spicy so you can see i kind of have them in the back there holding down that piece of area train at the back and uh they'll just be kind of sitting there scoring and uh it's a cute thing i've additionally given him definite cap which is a classic blood axe relic every every turn for me i roll a dice on a four plus i get a command point nice i imagine it's like the hitchhiker's guide thinking cap where it's called like the orange squeezer on top uh anyway so that's my weird character that i'm excited to play uh moving on to troops we have boys boys boys we have a unit of 18 and two units of 10 shooter boys specifically because uh of this new stratagem special ammo and you can imagine how that's spelled yeah uh basically turns the shooters on a shooter boy unit into daca four two with ap1 uh nasty it's quite nasty if we're in speedwall and you're in docker range that's gonna be five shots at ep two that's amazing it's cool so we'll be trying that out um so i have three of those um let's go ahead and take a look at the battle wagon while we're at it because i have a big unit of 18 riding around in this battle wagon with the big mac and this guy i've given the most of the fixins i said you know we're we're doing weird stuff we're doing some shooting let's give them all four big shooters let's give them a lava give him a death roll naturally and uh an art case for t8 last of all we've given a custom upgrade for it's not forked just anymore but i'm going to call it fortress for five plus and vulnerable save so your fusion will be a little slower into that which will yeah um the other unit of boys is gonna be riding around in a truck of which we have two um nothing special just a big shooter trucks yeah they're good boats for boys boats for boys that's right that sounds like a charity moving on uh we have three units of storm boys another unit that gets a lot of love in this supplement uh we'll we will get into the details of them but three by five for utility you can kind of play them as utility or as front-line melee units in this fight yeah they play the game really well yeah they're just they're just great unit yep uh moving on to elites we have lots of commandos how could we not we have uh not the maximum number but close we have 30 commandos three by ten each the maximum number no i i i they have units of 15. oh my god not 20 not 10 but 15. right um and in hindsight i'm not sure why we didn't do that but we didn't uh each of them has a distraction grot yeah which is basically these guys get plus one to wound as long as they're next to a piece of terrain once per game we can release the distraction garage he runs off brett's guys turn around we stab him in the back and we got our plus one to win for the turn it's cool i like it they count as being in trains they count as being terrain exactly uh yeah and last of all put your hands together for a unit we have not seen in a fortnight or a fork night i should say uh ludas yeah luckily enough another unit that gets support with blood axes what's up with these shooty blood axes these guys have a strat that gives them full rerolls to hit i think it might only be against vehicles let's see uh trigger discipline yeah loot is into a vehicle unit but it's four rerolls to hit absolutely it's cool so again we're shooting blood axes let's try this let's do it right now they're riding around in a truck but i promise you guys i will get them out at some point so we can use a strat on them uh that's the one because they can't do it while they're in the truck yeah because you can't target a unit that's not on the field with a strap they can shoot out of the truck because it's open yeah exactly um i wish i wish duck and cover could work on them yeah but it's only boys and uh commandos so was it a missed opportunity i don't know are ludas heavy weapons they're daca now daca okay so they can move no problem they can move no problem exactly so it's uh trucks are good for them i think that's the way to play them so expensive yep anyways that's me man that's great yeah i'm really excited to be playing double axes we're just breaking stuff already against the tao as we mentioned we have a really exciting narrative today what we're going to show you right now for the war zone is a little snippet from the video over at hobby titans um it's a bit of a longer one so definitely sit back enjoy it and let's take a look at the narrative for today's game yes with the main war front stalled in the dense jungle bloodaxe boss gitzog throatslidda launches an attack on a lightly defended civilian population center the tao and croot quickly mobilize reinforcements to support the outnumbered defenders but throat slitta is as cunning as he is brutal and he'd anticipated this response days earlier he dispatched his commandos behind enemy lines and they now lie in weight to catch these reinforcements in a trap after a long day of navigating the dense terrain the patrol of tower and crew stops at dusk to rest for a few hours as the sun sets over the forest canopy the sound of a crew campfire can be heard crackling over the low hump of a tau energy generator the tower taking no chances tonight for they travel with a member of their beloved ethereal cast without a warning a perimeter alarm trips is it a false alarm or a north ambush and there we have it alpha patch deliberation of patches awesome um so yes that is the story thus far um we of course have this beautiful board here today um we'll kind of get into that after we talk about the mission yeah custom mission mission yeah um so what we're doing is and of course this actually gets explained in in the hobby titans video so after this if you're curious about the design go ahead and check that out um we have it's it's a custom mission but we're using all standard rules what this lets us do is sort of balance the game make sure it's still a real full game warhammer but we can sort of match match the uh the design of it yeah it's i think it's really cool we've done richard can you show us the top down real quick yeah take a look yeah so we've got five objectives on in this custom mission and we're we're doing sort of diagonally opposite quarter table quarter deployments yep search and destroy style search and destroy yeah uh and so we've got we've got objectives one in each deployment zone and then three in no man's land and then yeah one in the center um and what these objectives represent are things that the tao sort of want to keep safe we've got these crew tents here that are in and two of them we've got some crates so representing supplies and so these are like things that the tower the orcs are attacking the tower trying to like get their equipment and their people out of the out of the area before they get overrun by orcs and so um they need to kind of move up and capture and uh rescue their people exactly extract their supplies um we've also uh and so we've decided to do uh as far as primary hold two hold three hold more for this one absolutely this is a game that um again we wanted to be decided by the secondaries which you'll see in a moment that are very very narrative very fitting um it's not that you don't want to hold objectives but we wanted to make a low scoring game in the primary so that really this is going to come down to who can fulfill these secondaries first and foremost right um because hold two hole three is gonna be tough i think the whole two is not too bad but the threes can be uh very interesting um so yeah we'll talk about the secondary just a moment as far as the board goes uh what we have is we have essentially three sets of uh line of sight blocking breachable ruin style sets so we have these uh trees here here there and here so this essentially forms one piece of terrain we've kind of outlined the base there for you guys yeah um these are they'll play essentially like ruins yeah they're ruins plus one covers are two armor saves if you're if you're in it they're obscuring so you can't see through it and they're breachable for for infantry absolutely we have two sets of semi-traditional forests we've gone ahead and we've gone with the front line style where they are also obscuring again to kind of make sure that this this this board is balanced but also fits the narrative yeah and the the mission you'll see in a sec the secondaries are it's all about the orcs getting in with the crew with the towel and the crude and trying to try to just slaughter as many as they can and so we didn't want to put too many actual woods on the table because it would have sort of adversely impacted the orcs uh in an outsized way of the reduction in movement and the minuses to hit for shooting and all that kind of stuff exactly we've got two small pieces because this is actually a forested table we should have some woods here yeah that's what they say and then in the back here we have uh a set of three double fish with this kind of custom encampment that you they the bread is made where they're kind of powered down for the night they're charging it makes a little tent right and uh you're going to be playing this as essentially a piece of area terrain you can go fully through it and it basically mirrors this piece of very terrain that i have right here so it'll be like a non-obscuring ruins it'll be plus one save uh breachable but not obscuring yeah absolutely um quick moment because uh bridget did uh make sure that we didn't know already uh that we knew speedwalk does not affect the infantry it's only bikers and vehicles my bad uh we're gonna stick with it obviously because we have with the character the vehicles will get it um but the infantry won't so just just in case you guys haven't seen the chat or anything uh we know we're good we're not gonna cheat i won't cheat but it might cheat but we'll see anyways thanks for thanks for that we do appreciate it we have a number of secondaries today bridger what are they adrian you have uh in in you were required by the missionaries assassination and no prisoners you are here to kill the towel and you chose you elected to take strangle precisely the first two uh fifth at the mission i'm here to i'm here to crump i'm here to kind of make sure nobody makes it through the lines yep stranglehold um i picked because it was the the biggest balance of one does still fit the narrative yeah and two i think it's going to be interesting kind of fighting for these middle points right um rod was kind of interesting engage was like less points and less narrative so stranglehold felt like the most appropriate i think it'll be pretty solid you have much more optic than me but i do have a lot of killing power yeah that's me that's right yeah no that's good i like that um what is brett taking today brett you were required to take to the last and minimize losses and you also elected to take strength yeah so to the last makes sense my three to the last targets are the hammerhead the ghost keel and my commander all of which sort of yeah fit the theme those will be hard to kill so hammerhead's probably the easiest weirdly enough especially since you have ludas right um minimize losses that's this is a mission specific one um we should talk about how this works with detach with the drone units that separate out um but basically i'm trying to keep as many of my units alive as possible i'm actually not sure how that interacts with the with the drone units so so we can talk about that um and then stranglehold is the one that i elected uh i think like you said adrian i've got a lot of opsec i i need to at least play the primary game uh and so i'm gonna want to be holding two if not you know potentially three right primary objectives or else i'm probably going to lose straight off you have to like the the primary has a reduced impact in this game but it's not it's not no impact exactly uh so i'm going to try to strangle cool uh hold hold three and shoot you off uh yeah and you can kind of play your triangle probably this one could be this one could go this way that'd be that'd be saucy um but i like it so that's the secondaries for today i think we're at that time where we roll off oh my gosh yeah can we actually can we talk real quick about it about how the drone the drone units work well we can so first thing first thing first i'm the realist and also uh the so minimize losses yeah you have your units that you start the game with each one that survives kind of contributes so as far as number of units goes um that number i think is determined with the drones as part of a unit right on the datasheet the only other question then is once they split up how do those kills count and now i'm a little bit less sure of yeah because that penalizes me pretty hard if i start with a small number of rounds but then it's very easy for you to eliminate oh no it's number of remaining units for sure it's it you don't care about how many were killed you care about remaining you know it's remaining but i don't know it's good then then that's so he basically doubles his units but yeah i don't know if that's how that works uh i'm interested in chat's thoughts yeah let us know i've literally never encountered the situation and just before the game was like oh i don't actually know how this works it's funny because we talked about it yesterday yeah as far as the first question right and i was like oh i know the answer to that and then and then just now as you said i was like oh right so think about it let us know i'm gonna give it some thoughts and we'll we'll figure out a fair way i'm gonna be trying to minimize my losses all game anyway yeah so it doesn't affect my precisely i'm gonna oh my gosh what bm would it be if he just so they all split up and he just runs all those drones in the back there and he's like i win sorry we'll figure it out we're off to the roll-off i'm really curious to see what happens all right would you like to roll first today yeah sure this is like kind of your date so i'll take it i don't know well yeah i don't even get a choice right yeah yeah i yeah let's see it adrian here we go oh that's a four okay it's going to be tough turn one safia well good luck have fun yeah good luck adrian i don't like to say it but i'll say it today sorry i thought i like coffee this morning i'm gonna do some move in no i'm just joking around but uh he's the one that started saying it i actually think it's good practice but good luck he says good luck have fun okay judge yeah uh it's like it's a video game thing to say it's just a sportsmanlike thing to say yeah exactly yeah but we never were like ah but you don't like saying it good luck and get wrecked yeah yeah i hate it good luck and get rekt anyways scrub how is how's track doing uh they're doing all right we've had we've had some some uh some guest visitors sn popped in liam popped in oh what's up guys so uh we'll be hearing a little bit from liam later that sounds awesome uh bridger and i of course are recently back from gibraltar yeah it was a really fun trip oh it's amazing it was so much fun uh we have recorded our our recap video so that'll be coming out early next week um but it was an amazing trip have you recovered from the jet lag because i'll tell you what i haven't no i've been working well both of us we've been working super hard since we got back and so there's been no chance to recover you know what time i woke up today um six yes 6 a.m i've been getting up at 6 00 today yeah and i got here never before in my life because i woke up at 6 a.m but this week it's just like sure why not yeah why wouldn't i wake up at six it's rough it's rough man i got here an hour early like on accident i was like oh it feels like it's time to go where'd you go i forgot to do is i have a bunch of pre-game moves yeah go ahead we'll do this so i'm just going to move these crew and pathfinders twice sounds great um while you do that we have a very special announcement we do it's a special day and uh we're very excited to finally be able to announce this project we've been working for for over a year now um actually we've been doing a lot of testing with the building iterating on designs what is it you might think what is it uh well we here at tabletop tines of course love a good game we love uh kind of access access to these things we always try to make it easier easier to learn how to play the game easier to kind of find communities groups like that and we're very lucky in that we have lots of big amazing pieces of terrain but we also know that most people don't have a full-time zack right uh we ourselves have played these games for uh years and years and years and one of the toughest things has been getting access to great terrain this is why today we're excited to announce uh the launch of our very own titans terrain series uh which is going to be as it sounds i say a set of terrain uh that's going to probably change a lot of things for a lot of people we hope uh essentially it is going to be uh accessible uh terrain for everyone and uh we're gonna be launching a kickstarter to fund this next wednesday uh our members have known about this for about a month we we kind of give them a little preview and so starting this wednesday we're gonna do a full reveal of the project of everything about it we're gonna give you all the info uh so definitely bring your questions and make sure you show up and we'll of course be doing an extra show on wednesday this is the launch of the kickstarter so that's the first time we'll see pictures of it it's the first time you'll see pictures of it unless you're a member in which case tuesday will be the first time we're gonna do a whole battle on the train we do have a set here in house um just off camera and uh this has been sort of the thing that we've been uh slaving over as soon as we got back from uh gibraltar was like let's do this it's time to launch this product so we're extremely excited and we think it's going to make full beautiful tables of terrain much more accessible for much more many more people and it's going to solve a lot of storage problems so uh that's all i'll say for now but if you do have questions feel free to ask them and again next wednesday we'll be debuting it publicly and we'll do an extra show we'll be showing it all week and that's going to be your chance to get in on the ground floor of the kickstarter support it help launch this amazing product yeah it's exciting it's so exciting right um i i i can't just you know i don't want to talk about it because it's wednesday yeah you can finally say a little bit now it exists it's been really tough to not talk about it because we've been very excited um but we think it's gonna be awesome and hopefully hopefully you guys too uh because uh yeah very cool alrighty well with that let's get right into some super chats let's do this thing uh thank you josh hey titans can you help me understand cursors infiltrators zone more intercessors have more firepower are in cursors just the middle ground yes well josh they were intended to be the reaver fix is my interpretation they were like reavers but not bad that's hilarious was how i understand it they were like fixed reavers we'll just make they're like oh we goofed on rivers they're not troops they're not obsessed they don't actually fight what if we just made reavers but they were troops and they were opsec fair enough and then they did and they also forward deploy because rivers can't even do that right reavers instead have grappling hooks they're cool and and they don't even really work anymore remember you ignore vertical distance yeah you used to be able to do cool like deep striking things right you do that anymore yeah no um yeah look i don't think in curses are bad and i think there are uh cases where they can actually be useful obviously if you are uh like i really like some of the successor chapters that are kind of melee based um using them uh because they actually can do a decent amount of damage coming up um uh but but yeah this is why i am a big fan of infiltrators for was it 15 points more 20 points more that's the thing they are encouragers are cheaper they're a forward deployed troop that's cheaper than infiltrators and i would say that's the role that they fill um because getting getting a forward deploy to screen out your opponent is kind of a big deal now in that condition there are several factions that want to take advantage of their forward deploy so if you don't have the points to upgrade to infiltrators i think it is almost entirely an upgrade to go from in cursor to infiltrate yeah mostly um then they do fill that niche yeah they're not strictly worse they're mostly strictly worse if they were the same points but not strictly i would say oh yeah they're almost strictly worse i mean minus one ap is nice you know i'm sure crit would kill to have that uh with their knives with their knives again they're not bad it's just comparatively to these other ones yeah that's right it's always about internal balance right exactly the unit's interesting on its own in a vacuum but when you compare it to other things in the codex you're like oh wait these new things are very similar yeah this one's just kind of better that's the tough thing they need to be able to differentiate a bit more yep so yeah well thanks for your question and uh yeah i hope you weren't looking for a reason to play them look if we if you have a phobos army like an all-phobos army when we do raven guard i'm sure we'll have some encouragers because we'll already have some infiltrators and we want to add some more things and when we play raven guard and play them as a successor with whirlwind of rage and fall back in charge so cool like that's exciting to me yeah i think the blood angels ones are actually pretty good too plus one wound with them does go a long way they're all right okay [Music] it's uh you know blood angels have struggles yeah beyond they just they just have all kinds of struggles fair enough i actually can't figure out why blood angels who are just mostly better normal space marines like if you compare alternates to blood angels right like blood angels are just better than ultramarines unless you have like yellowman or calgary yeah well so i think it comes down to a couple of things right now i think space marines are in a uh difficult spot and i say difficult spot because there's a few builds that are kind of just much better than most of the other ones as far as competing in the meta right we have the the dreadnought build obviously right over in the uk we have a lot of like the iron hand builds that also have lots of dreads and so um the blood angel stuff doesn't do as much there we don't need plus one to wound in combat with dreadnoughts yeah but fall back and shoot or redeploy is amazing yeah um the iron hands obviously just tougher so that's amazing so i think the things that they're specifically good at right now the blood angels don't help as much if it was just kind of all around space marines then i think yeah the blood angels are probably one of the best the problem with space marines is that the actual marines are not good right now yeah when you're saying yeah basically there's only so much that and of course the classic examples like what about sanguinary guard we talked about this under welter it's like the sanguinari's backs are so broken by having to carry that right there's only so much that they can do right yeah it's like them dante and the the thing yeah yeah like those are great models but it's not enough um so it's a business leading where he's like well sanguinary guard are like criminally underpriced true but there's the rest of the book and there's still space marines that can't transcend and they're still like yeah they're like are fine you know they're okay they're maybe maybe space brains maybe transhumans all righty thank you hazard brewing orcs vs tau should we be watching this this seems a little like a snuff bat rep adrian please stop the green skins mauling the blue skins think of the children stop hurting aliens in the battle i like hurting aliens uh yeah i think without context especially just like wow one of the best codex is one of the worst codexes um which is why it's kind of a perfect opportunity because we're able to do a lot more internal balancing as far as the mission and the terrain and things like that yeah we can we can design but uh one of the things we talked about when we were designing the mission is is basically the way the objectives are set up if the tao do nothing uh they win the yeah or if the orcs do nothing the tow win so the the onus is on the orcs to actually win the game here and so it's going to be you know that that's like not it's not nothing uh and so you know i could just in theory i could just hide in the corner all day and and uh it wouldn't be a very interesting game but um it's it's it's a little easier for the town in that regard just the way we've set structured the secondaries yeah absolutely this is also not a broken orcs list like this this is organized as they should be in the narrative with by no means boys and trucks they're here to come boys and trucks boys i don't i done the thing did the thing moved um i i forgot to mention i'm doing a sense of stone on the ethereal naturally sticks up feeling pain and a six inch bubble for battle suits and infantry um yeah good i didn't do a whole lot over here uh just you know moving up here you kind of have that objective it's going to be really hard for me to take it from you i also just want to take take these two and i've moved two units onto it i've got another unit of breachers staged here for a future turn right um yeah i've got a unit of crude up there with their pre-game move they're able to move 14 inches and get on there i moved the stealth drones which are weirdly a 12-inch move one bm on the on the objective as well so i've got two so i've got two units on there you'll have to kill both yeah which by the way the stealth drones minus one to hit right yeah and they make and they would be making this guy minus two to hit exactly but you don't care if it works he doesn't need mines bm no it's like it's a utility you get two drones that are utilities i've never been so insulted all my life it's a really good play though because it's like yeah you have to spend okay obsec so i'm gonna do some shooting yeah let's do it let's start with some marker lights i've got uh two squads of marker light drones here that are near the drum controller and the ghost keel that can see your uh truck throughout the back uh so i'm gonna roll um one at a time as tau players do bring it on uh so here's the first unit yeah the first one this is cece reroll this is okay all right then the second one this is okay cool here's the second unit of two marker drones you got it first shot it's very cool and the second shot hits you guys two markers two two microlites on the uh on your boy there you got it on the truck um i've got uh uh uh squad of fire warriors here with a uh a shazwy who has a marker light he's gonna shoot as well sounds good hitting on a five because he moved excellent but so a serious role yes no missed uh and that's it for marker lights on this side of the table uh so that's i mean two is not great i was hoping for a little more but i don't know actually now that i'm thinking about it unless i was going to get to five uh that's kind of enough because you're gonna yeah i'll have cover but you're gonna hit me with fusion right that's like the only thing right yeah so it doesn't matter so i've just got the three shots from the ghost keel his normal fusion blasters don't have range exactly it's just his fusion eradicator obliterator oh bring it on three times this is shot onto the truck right here oh boy so i'm rerolling once because the marker light yep and so see every rule gives me a second one you got it so we're only two one two fours and fours oh that's how oh yeah yeah i'm scared for a second then that's right cool it's time it's time it's fine it's fine uh okay so that was unfortunate um i will move on to uh these two marker drones back here sounds good so i've got a shot on your uh uh battle wagon oh yes yeah sounds good what can see the battle wagon just the hammerhead okay you got that the hammerhead's peeking out and let me see if this so i couldn't get these other two marker drones far enough around um so i will spend a cp first of the game uh do i get it back i do i do very cool okay cool you got it you add a marker light to that to that guy sounds great so the battle again we'll just move this one here and then here's the first shot from the mark squad of two marker drones i can see yeah so two marker lights the second shot every old one because he has a marker right uh so let's shoot the hammerhead next i've got two seeker missiles which i'm going to put into the battle wagon yeah shoot the iron cannon at the battle wagon sounds great and the smart missiles uh what do we have for 30 inch range here can i have any range on these commandos so i'm just going to go over here yeah sounds good about the close squad perfect um i am going to pay another cp to max shots on the hammerhead oh you're like a guard player over here he's the car's player hitting on fours and missing yeah uh so let's shoot the big gun first yep so big big gun iron cannon into a little battle i'm over charging the iron cannon naturally let's do it so here we go four is re-rolling one and one other oh brett friend what is that that's the twos so who's gonna use this save me yeah yeah yeah yeah okay another two i'm sorry hang on threes i forgot the tanks yeah it's still from that one game bridger uh strength strength great cool into t8 so four spores oh my god wow let me use these guys i warm them up for you all right yeah yeah they don't mind let me switch these yeah i'll so here's the secret missiles here we go on three two four threes i already used my sicilian just one uh-huh uh wounding on a four yep okay that's a mess all right cool good talk all right uh let's do some smart missiles into some commandos let's do this hitting on threes there you go and i rolled oh mark all right yeah yeah yeah yeah and 65. so winning on fours you got it you got two at no ap uh so i am beyond eighteen so we'll get cover which for commandos sms signatures don't get covered well we got one so we lose one commando lose a boy all right cool all right um i think so over here i think i've got one stealth suit that can see and maybe these three crude on the edge i think okay sounds good it seems good uh so here we go with one stealth suit you got it whoa one hand one hit so siri roll uh cecilia roll thank you mm-hmm looking for four nope next time winning on a four string five straight five yeah cool cool and then recruit you got it uh so six shots absolutely going on in oh my god and then on fives and then on five one looking for a six up nope we take it alrighty all right well that was unfortunate that's very unfortunate at least uh killing you is not part of my game plan yeah good thing you really are passionate i just need to uh not die and stand on points fair enough okay uh so oh man all right so i think let's move on to the charge phase yeah are you gonna charge me i'm thinking about it uh you can fall back and oh you got snook over here i do i can fall back in charge or fall back and shoot okay i think if you charge you will die i will think about charge i'll die yeah that's probably true um yeah let's uh let's not do let's not charge that because just string four no ap right yeah that's right and one in that one yeah yeah yeah that'll give them a collection cool uh let's let's call it let's do it so what do you score an end of your turn you have a stranglehold i've got stranglehold that's gonna be a big three uh you do have your to the last office yeah let's go ahead and give those last yeah and uh you have uh been much lost so far i have yes you're like well technically i actually win because you have all your army left that's right that's right all right let's uh take it away adrian blood axes turn once first off we're gonna roll up for the da finger cap on four plus we get a command point we do not something in the dice today maybe uh so we get a just a regular command point and uh that is that nothing else for command phase i should i speed while with my vehicles um i have to decide the decision of course is really really for this turn my main thing is i that you want to take this objective or that objective uh of course we're both or both good well both because whatever pops out that was going to die yeah because you are still tall maybe not maybe not i mean at this rate what's objective secured over here none of it oh just the crew just the crew okay just the carnivores in fact okay the hounds are not so they're currently off of it so if i tie them i have to kill them which is right not unfusible and stealth suits have two wounds each yeah that's it yeah okay okay okay so we might go in there for fun and that sort of guarantees our stranglehold um [Music] breachers coming in will be pretty scary so that'll be cool um do you have a ways to to keep me from falling back uh no okay no no that's what i mean like the things that go in right will be dead yeah because i can fall back not because i'll fight them and kill them but because i can fall back and then shoot them naturally naturally exactly so uh let's go go ahead and go on in we're not going to play our speed wah just yet okay i think actually you know we're going to do it because let's be honest the vehicles are going to start dying right away so we're going to do speed all right so extra docker shots extra ap on all the big shooters here here and this boy and all that stuff so we're gonna go ahead and come on in and let's do this we're here to be orky let's be orkey yeah i'm into it yeah uh commandos are at least leadership seven right uh yeah with the novel live so there's no no affiliate morale we're good there uh all right i did kill one commando you killed two commandments killed two one from each side yeah two orcs died on that day one person did attempt to clarify minimize losses okay in that your total number of units after they split is what matters your force strength okay it's just total number of units at maximum at any time but that was it clear to me but oh that's why it's written they say but it's pers so it's percentage of units so at but at what point all points in time is what they're saying what there was only one person trying to clarify i wish it was written that way but i don't think it is um do we still not yeah i was like all right you know what go ahead and pull it up i'm on it um yeah i'm skeptical of that ruling but it also might be geez gonna just go here that uh yeah we'll probably make some ruling similar to that regardless of whether or not it's like exactly to the letter yeah um we're there we're there we will like we're kind of waiting here we know that you can come in later on uh that's right it's a lot off that table it's in strategic reserves right it's not like some like crew reserves or something reserves i don't even know what that is i don't even know what it would be it's amazing yeah crew reserves they just fall out of the trees the whole time not great they just jump down yeah yeah crew preserves i love it curt reserves all right let's see if we can get this hammerhead they're like custodies of the trees because they're like crude of the trees that's a shout out i like that so we're gonna go ahead and bring up our boss right on yonder uh we'll bring out the the battle right now okay yeah yeah we're good we're good yeah so so the weights written okay the first line is the start of the battle out of the number of units your army this is your army strength yeah oh start of the battle but then the next line if any unit ever splits you increase your army strength accordingly so oh total number of units at any time okay which we'll have to figure out so i'll start counting yeah start counting i'm genuinely surprised but impressed that they actually worded it that way well it's one of the longest secondaries they've ever written they had enough words they should be able to sell half a page so we got there oh that's funny thank you baron as there's no primaries librarian on the titan watch list on discord one will be on the way next week thank you thank you i really appreciate baron regarding technothon did we reach the specialist game sessions and is wrath and glory on the list [Music] specialist games i don't remember we got the aos games did we did we did all right there you go so we still need to get that vote out obviously um but we will yeah we'll put a vote out for that right and um is that fantasy it's not the rank and file is it i think it's something else no let me google it wrath and glory all right so we're going to touch in with this truck here so we'll be on the point but we can still see through here yep um oh it's the 40 card rpg oh table top rpg it's a lot yeah it's been fun yeah but it's a lot uh but yeah i'll think about it thank you for putting it in into contention yeah exactly um yeah so we're going to basically trying to take you off that point trying to reduce you on that point we're not going to take you off of it um and the number is 26 percent 26. 26. and not divisible by 4. i know unfortunately i don't know how we're going to round does it say in the in the secondary description how i guess we don't have to round because you just won't have 75 percent if you're less than short it'll just be a clean yeah that's right clean break clean break yeah clean break actually in some ways is more difficult if it isn't right yeah yeah in some ways it's more interesting exactly exactly um let's see still you still pondering over there i think no i think i think we're good are you getting any of those boys out they're just shooting from their truck well that honestly that's the one thing i'm debating is because i still want to show you guys that strat um the strat to get out of a drug status no the strategy make the boys shooting like actually good oh yeah you don't need good boy shooting to kill ten crew adrian right which is why i should probably just wait one more time i feel good about this stranglehold and uh i think you're gonna still be on that point right i think is even if i kill all the crew you're still gonna have the drones so now i have to like commit another unit so we'll wait um that's that we're sitting here we're sitting here no reason to quite to go just just yet i don't know if there's ever gonna be a reason cause you're really far we'll see and then uh last of all these storm boys they're behind this obscuring uh what they would be doing for me right now is screening you out so i'm still happy with that and we'll just kind of scoot them a little bit more i'm not i don't know if this changes your plan sure um but i have a psychic awakening strat for any crew unit for for one cp can heroically intervene six inches well that's amazing so i could do that with these carnivores uh you could then fight me and probably kill me but if one model survives yeah it's a little dicey isn't it yeah a little dicey okay you know what thank you i appreciate it does that change does that always force me to do this right we're doing it we're doing it before this thing uh moves we're gonna get out okay and we're gonna get crumping yeah and that's one of the things i want to do this game is like use all the sort of uh bespoke crew strats that psychic awakening gave us they like are weirdly like sort of good but i wish they were just on the data sheet natively right a lot of the stuff you know it's not super powerful if if you know you crew would not be overpowered if they sort of natively had i mean there's hope now for data sheet changes since the the data slide updates a couple days ago that was like the first that was amazing changed to rules outside of a new book ever in the history of mankind it's true it's like a digital game though they could do anything no it's really exciting they could change the mana cost might also let them change those rules is the tau codex that's coming out no [Laughter] uh all right cool so we're there which is cool because we can show the strat and make that play all right let's do this we have no psychic face huzzah let's get uh to the shooting phase and let's start with the ludas going downfield at your hammerhead i think um because it's like 48 inch range or something right yeah so you can use all four of these drones for what uh hammerheads don't get save your protocols okay cool thank you let's see don't play tao do not play tao oh man could you imagine if vehicles got safer we would actually see hammerheads yeah yeah yeah this is part of the reason why they're less good totally uh ready so let's do this so ludas go into the hammerhead yep uh we will not we're not in docker range we cannot be in dock rain i really need to use strats on these guys um that's fine so two shots each so it's gonna be 18 shots one two three four five six seven eight seven eight nine gotta mess me up and then uh the mech has a custom mega blaster that will be in range so we'll put that as well and uh let's do this thing so we're hitting on five yeah where it works that's the that's my saving grace right here right let's see five fives uh okay it's okay you can't really complain it's okay it's this five out of 18. so almost exact odds okay uh string seven so fours yep oh you got bread dice there i did get bread dice okay uh so minus one ap one yeah looking for four myself oh okay so two damage thirteen dollars out that was exciting right riveting one might say well those aren't riven guns but they could shoot a different thing there's probably some rivets in there you uh so custom megablast is actually 24 inch range it's got cannons that are 12 or 36. so we'll we'll put it into these stealth drones we're hitting on sixes got it these 30 shots d3 shots six is ah cool uh so that's that and then let's do some boys we're gonna shoot these boys into here yep uh we're gonna spend one command point on special ammo special special turns them into daca 4-2 with one eighth oh my gosh pretty scary you want to split fire here um no probably not i'm still hitting on five i'm i'm trying to i'm trying to get him to mess up yeah thank you yeah are you sure you want to do you don't want to split fire for 40 shots five 40 shots yeah yeah yeah it's a lot of shots look i have another 60 that could try to kill these two stealth drops i still won't kill them but okay one two three three four five six oops sorry sorry sorry seven seven eight nine ten guys all right so we're hitting on five let me let me load you up let me up put me in coach here we go on fives three hits you know wow it was really bad it was great it was great it was excellent two four six nine out of forty you roll the one to hit with your custom mega blaster does that do you think more wings oh yeah i do no cool banner's dead he's dead wait no it's not more than one wound right now the spanner probably not but oh it's obviously the first time playing with just a sergeant so it's basically a mech that has to come into those quads now you always could put them but now you have to have at least one okay so he's kind of like useless anyways uh strength four toughness three yep or are you t3 d3 you got it yeah so six at minus one uh six died that was a lot of shots for not killing ten crews wow you should have split splitting it was really unwise right pull from the front so that i make your charge longer yeah if you decide you want to charge good idea um what's the save on a stealth drone uh four ups yep okay okay oh craziness we're gonna do we're going to do the was it five or six six yeah so four left um this is the big mac himself firing uh his sniper okay going into the stealth drone sniper shot so this is the street the straight shooter right this is going to be 14 shots it doesn't and it's hitting on sixes oh no it's a big mac i think i have good bs actually oh yeah so i might be hitting on five oh watch out you didn't calculate this dude you know that's great uh for a sniper weapon the s4 yeah the m5 i like it he's uh and he's got the straight shooting he's he's gonna shoot straight into the air into the air yeah yeah but if he does it'll be on purpose here we go on fives oh my gosh one hit all right that was bad even for the math this is uh no problem this is this is the battle of the slabs today strength five uh toughness four d4 so warning on a three six does mortal wound oh all right minus one okay looking for a five not from daca yes nailed it you got him you shot straight into that stealth okay all right this boy uh with the death guns we're gonna put all the def guns into the one stealth and the ones total one stealth okay and so this is going to be um oh we're not going to be docker range uh we're getting the extra shot though so it'll be four shots it'll be eight shots here we go okay uh at ep one because we're a biker unit pick that chat oh yeah with your speed wah hitting on sixes two hits two hits strength five swan threes threes okay if you want if you won oh yeah oh you got one cp reroll we are the all right now we're going to take the boys in here which is uh 58 shots actually no i'm sorry it's not even another 30. i just exaggerated just to make you scared i think this is 40 30 38 shots okay do you want to roll just like some number of you have to roll them sure just some number of them and we'll see if it kills the four oh i'm sorry it's not it is actually much more because it's it's daca three two so three times range this is the problem of playing orcs you're like how many dice do i have how many i need to buy like three different kids 54 shooters are yeah they are three two cool yeah so it's 54. 54. uh so we're going to do this chunks three times what are you holding there 12. you got six more that's a weird weird amount that's a weird amount okay grab six what's that this is 12. this is 18. 18. here you go okay race of three on fives mathematics uh cool winning on threes uh okay okay that many with no no ap so just six steps [Music] all right now the boys are gonna die i didn't have faith that's the problem all right cool so we killed recruit and stealth drones done done done done over here we have some pistols which uh i guess are we'll do i guess okay into the crew okay and uh let's do this so it's gonna be ten shots on five oh so three wounding on threes okay oh wow these are into their crew right yep you got it okay so looking for sixes sounds good sounds good look that's it for my shoestone phase time to get charging so what we're gonna do is we're gonna declare so the ghost kill could overwatch which only if you declare the the pathfinders as a charge i feel like i kind of want to declare the path finders to start trying it because they're kind of on the point the ghost gets five shots yeah that's that's why that's i think my main conclusion is it's not it's not super scary fusion yeah it's gonna kill it's gonna absolutely destroy and it work boy oh yeah better better watch out no better not cry yeah you know the awkward thing is i don't have this point that's right so despite my plan to get this point i still don't you know like you don't have it but neither do i yeah and weirdly probably might have been better to not shoot them the second one i should have just left the rest i got a little excited i'll be honest i'm sorry um cool uh we're going to go ahead and charge the question is what to change the stealths okay and the group because you can interview with the crew right i think i actually want to kind of tackle them and just hold them in point okay and the pathfinders are not objects so i'll just try to get bodies here yeah so so that's the play okay so go ahead and then you avoid you avoid overwatch from the ghost kills yeah but it will take overwatch from the pathfinder that's right there that's cool okay so pathfinders uh have photon grenades so one model in the unit is going to throw them these six shots i like it two shots vote for sixes yes to make you minus one to hit melee okay so see ya okay uh oh you're right yes i do want to use it now no fail okay uh then i've got four other models and i'm gonna do uh oh you know i should have done the market lights first okay mark lights all right one more time okay cool you can't change the plastic can't just pass the path uh all right then the stealths over watching and you declared the crew as okay but they have to pay c p to overwatch so i'm not going to do that yeah okay here we go stealth into commandos looking for sixes and the theaters yeah okay all right cool good talk good job here's the charge that's a 10. it's not my nose go wherever you want wherever i want boys boys boys boys um what are we how are we we're just moving through it yeah i think it's should i just scoot it uh well i don't think you can end in it but you can move through it if you wanted to like wrap over here right you want to just move it i'm fine with that i think we yeah because i think you have to because otherwise this charge would actually be this would have been like a 10 inch charge right you see what i'm saying i see yeah yeah okay um but then vice versa the heroic intervention also wouldn't be possible right so i think for now let's continue with this assumption which is we're just it's just in the tent we're just in the tent you're knifing through the tank it's actually very easy very narrative also the tent probably just gets completely destroyed it's trampled as it's trampled as the commandos charge through yeah a little bit does nikrat need to charge separately yes you want me to roll your charge go ahead and roll me a charge you're just going into the stealth unit okay uh you got a seven seven yeah cool cool cool we're good we've got a little distraction got oh we don't need it we've created our own distraction and it's ourselves boy we're going to distract them with ourselves all right that's me i like it ready for this yeah uh we will start with schnikrot let's do this i'm excited first of all this is gonna shank some stealth he's gonna shank them so they're minus one to hit in melee yeah they are cool oh you still have drones in that you have two drones in that two drones yeah oh see that's and two of those models have have four up involves oh jeez that's my like durable stand on points and not die you know i love it i love it we'll see okay so where are you snick rot i'm gonna guess uh five attacks uh-huh strength six ap two and two damage wow you were close in everything uh you were right about everything except for es6 attacks oh okay pretty good though so here we go into the stealth uh normally hitting on twos now hitting on threes let's do this thing oh he's a boss good one okay he is mad six so normally wounding on threes but he gives himself commando or he is a commando and therefore his uh oh nice so you actually was hitting on twos they're all he gives commanders plus one to hit so he was already hitting on here but he also has the where is it where is it thro the throat sliding the throat slider rule next being an extra piece of terrain plus one so back to twos anyways that was a whole lot to say two spoons okay okay so these are minus two for two oh man this is gonna be rough you're gonna make your four up you're gonna be fine for the last time we played you're like oh no my stealth did you don't live so here's the thing i'm going to try to save some drones and i want to see this is like a weird top layer thing sure so i'm going to roll a couple on my involves and then like once i start to fail too many i'm going to start yes cool sounds good but if i go hot on the involves then i don't have to give up the drone sounds great okay here we go four up cool one guy's fine four up go four up okay so he pretty good and he's outside the feel no pain aura so he's this that's just a dead dude uh four up on the next guy oh hey another dead dude and then the last one i'm going to pass to a drone actually two hours oh hubris so then this is a he doesn't have a shield gen so it's five uh bomber saves you got it wow let's throw it slid yeah nice job that was cool so got all of them yay and now you've just got the commandos yeah uh do you want to interrupt it's probably not worth it but you're looking at eight sleepy right um no i could get opsec on the point if i interrupt with with the recruit okay that's assuming they'll be alive that's true yeah uh actually i can't because this guy's based oh right this guy can't fit through there yeah yeah yeah yeah okay nope don't want to interrupt well let's do this thing then here we go uh so we're in combat all here um these this this guy will be out because he's gonna have to go closer this guy is actually already kind of wide so he's gonna be able to swing this way okay and this guy will just pop will pile up so he'll fight through there so we've got oh yeah these these are part of the stealth squad which we did declare cool so we've got two into the stealth drones they're not part of the different units oh they're different different that's right thank you sorry sorry sorry um so we won't we won't even go into them doesn't matter it doesn't matter you can touch them and then i have to fall back which is not nothing yeah but you can also pile over me and take the point because they have fly right because right now you've got three and i've got four so if i touch them you would be able to basically retake the point okay that will stay away from the pathfinders in combat no okay yeah pathfinders i did not charge because because of this right basically um so here we go this is going to be the rest of the commander's going in so we've got uh two out so it's going to be eight seven of them because you did kill kill one yep so seven dudes they have three tack space um or two plus the choppa one two three four five six seven and the knob which we don't have anything special on just extra attack so here we go into the crew we are hitting on twos because of throat sweater throat's lit up so twos very nice strength four so four that's why the interrupt is just not worth it right well we took the points uh i think we're gonna die immediately but it's the thing cool cool that is all she wrote and none of those guys are engaged or do you wanna with your with your uh pile in or sorry with your consolidate do you wanna touch anything no because anything i touch will lose me the point and you can just fall back and yeah with anything so i will be able to do it'll actually just hurt me okay um yeah that's going to be it man so end of my turn i didn't get my strangle i did get my string over three and uh no prisoners it's one point probably two points for the crew yep and that's it all righty all right well we're ready whoo uh yeah i i have zero primary in this turn oh but you do have a command point but i do have a command right yeah all righty we're gonna have to turn this primary game around a little bit um so i think i've got models that can come in off the table edge this turn um and i can't come in off of your deployment zone you can't come in off of my edge right or depends on because it's turned two or deployment zones turn two right so i can't come in off the long table edge in the back i can come off the short table edge yeah i can come in off this short table edge up to your deployment which would yeah sounds good i have to stay nine away nine ways like is there a spot for me over here um this is the only potential because this is definitely not right okay so there's like yeah you can put your shaper i could put just the shape correct greg gretchen yeah yeah you're not wrong um so it's that or you're coming in here right to go there or i just wait another day or we just wait another term i think is the play cool sounds good all righty yeah all righty well uh thank you liam thanks dz liam uh yeah liam liam dempsey this is yeah you're so cautious anyway i am very cautious we wield a mighty weapon adrian of knowledge i'm just a loose cannon cop on the edge okay i don't care anyway thank you thank you liam bridger i can't believe we got married then you left and never called how could you how could you bridger you offended my bacon and then you left my bacon well it's not bacon so it's true i didn't offend your baby i might offended you and your ham i did not offend your bacon because you don't have any except on sandwiches but never with breakfast is this is this brit pork products what are you talking about yeah so british bacon is like bacon it's basically canadian it's like canadian bacon so it's thick and delicious but it is not american lunch meat they just put lunch meat in a pan you know what that's i yeah that's what they do i wish more lunch meat were like that because they're like good thick cuts um i don't know what does chad think about this british versus um american bacon who wore it better genuine authentic it's british versus real you say it's not bacon exactly yeah well it's funny because i came out the first morning we were gonna go on a trip and uh bridger and mikey were like debating i'll call it debating uh put it politely and then he was like oh yeah like uh bridger doesn't like our bacon and i was like oh he doesn't like your baking like i like pictures are fine because obviously everyone has a british accent like baking they're like no bacon bacon oh right okay this is one of several incidents like this throughout the whole weekend you insulted his british accent as well as his breakfast i just like translated for him but incorrectly right there's a lot of accents in the uk i gotta say we learned like eight of them right can't put names to them but you can really tell them apart they're different and they're all so close to each other from our perspective they don't even use the same words as each other they say things and they don't understand each other and that's the weirdest one that is the weirdest thing like you could hit a baseball from one of their towns to the other right i like these in baseball like they can't actually communicate it's strange it is strange it's a weird place yeah and yeah so uh so bridger and liam was the thing during bralter we just cleared it we got a long plan yeah you guys did you guys bridger bridger and liam and winters went to dominoes and all of sn oh and sn yeah i knew this was a dominance of the pizza giant it was quite a part like we're gonna have dominoes it was like we're in gibraltar it was very different it's different i was like incredibly different enough nothing we ordered could we have ordered at dominos in the us they're basically different companies but it's just all their money goes the same but when you say basically that means nothing well all their money does go to the same place and they have all the same branding yeah but the products totally different you were just this was revenge because they had no taco bell in gibraltar i don't know revenge is strong but because they have they don't have taco bell yeah no but they do have everything else they mcdonald's burger king pizza hut domino's all the classic kind of you know i'm hungry right now except it's not fast because they actually cook the food that's the difference well the dominoes there it took us like 30 minutes to get our food wow because you could see them hand making the pizza and i'll tell you what they don't do that at domino's in the u.s what are they i mean yeah how do they make it if not with hands yeah we use rocketry and then they send the factory frozen to be reheated i don't think i don't think so i don't think that's true i don't think that's true you can actually make the pizza at the restaurant you know i think taco bell is actually the only restaurant that doesn't cook anything they just have a mcdonald's reheats most things mcdonald's yeah yeah but they actually have a griddle a griddle for some things for a lot of things they just microwave it sure but taco bell literally has no way to cook anything it's just like it's heat lamps it's just microwaves and i think maybe like boiling water that they dip packets of things into oh that's smart yeah that's hot that's so fancy what do they call that when you put a steak in boiling water sous-vide yeah bridger your taco bell is not being souved wow very old claim bold claim but anyways thank you liam we really appreciate it and uh go check him out liam dempsey official yeah that's his twitter that's his instagram just lean down it's just liam dancing on youtube you know i realized the reason this hammerhead didn't hit last turn is because its gun was not pointed at the thing it was shooting oh this is like a well-known classic this is a well-known yeah classic blunder one of the classic blunders uh is you have to point your guns at the things you want to shoot it's true make sure you do a tournament so we'll love it it'll be super into it all right uh you know this um so i'm doing sense of stone again cool cool um this time i'm gonna advance the ethereal yes yes oh people calling you out brett defending taco bell they have a grill press a grill product because they make quesadillas yeah they have a panini press right but the only way to make quesadillas is with the press but they're not they're just heating up the quesadillas they're not making the quesadillas but brett made the claim there's no way there's no heat any food no no the heat once they don't eat them they eat it they just don't there's nothing is cooked i stand with it but that's the only step in cooking a quesadilla you put cheese in a oh that's right it starts just batter batter and you have to make a quesadilla oh you're talking about make the tortilla or tortilla sorry wait oh they pressed the quesadillas that's it yeah you just want a cheese uh the transition from a pile of pre-made tortillas plus cheese yeah to a edible quesadilla that's cooking and i i don't i don't i mean that's a that's we're splitting hairs at that point i'm not sure i don't know yeah that's what i stopped i was like i'm not sure actually where i stand on this anymore in life in general definitely cook a quesadilla uh it's i mean that's they do something to a quesadilla that's that's one way you could interpret it you could pause it as such so it looks like brett's moving on out he's put the ghost kill in the middle which is going to be a real a spicy amiibo um not the easiest thing to kill in the world probably one of the hardest things to kill in the world touch these guys i'm going to move these shield drones out how's cat doing it's just funny that you drew the line at making the the tortilla like that's what you're like it's not cooking unless you make the tortilla wish to be fair to be fast most restaurants don't do that that's a very high bar you have to hand make i didn't say it wasn't cooking you're saying it wasn't cooking i said uh something slightly different and slightly more specific because that's how you have to argue it's not about who's right it's about who makes the most specific argument and when's that specific sub-argument well you have to be correct and specific correct and specific yeah yeah oh man so talon slots coming coming on up yeah so this turn this is the turn i got to do some do some things do some damage totally um i i'm going to try to get this hammerhead some shots on the ludas i'm realizing that truck is probably the the biggest danger to me at this point yeah i'm going to try to i've got um i've got the the go skill can put some shots on the battle wagon cool cool and i've got some stealth that can shoot at the battle wagon as well yeah yeah i think i'm out for yeah he's character blocked right yeah just a little bit closer you might have the one thing yeah um i guess it's not too bad i was just thinking about you might want to scoot these drones to make sure i don't have a oh to attack cheeky well i'll kill i'll kill him with the boss oh fair yeah so there you go so that makes it now i have to kill his drones to then have the chance of charging in right um i think yeah i think of taos skimmers as super durable and melee because of like fifth edition that's so funny but that's absolutely not the case because the fifth because the fifth edition that's skimmer word i'm just triggering the skimmer word the skimmer keeper we had they were winners convinced uh so pleasant kenobi who plays mostly magic is relatively new to 40k and we're all sitting around chatting and winter's convinced uh vince uh plus kenobi that that there was uh the skimmer keyword still well actually you know the funniest thing is he convinced them that there was a wagon keyword the lagging keyword that was hilarious because we're all like there's no wagon keyword and then like five minutes later vince is like talking he's like blah blah blah oh there's no wagon keyword we're like yeah but guess what bridger we were all wrong there actually is a keyword and the new speed freak of renown uh requires you to have wagon keywords i was like why is there a wagon keyword not only is a wagon keyword but it's like relevant it's relevant well it wasn't relevant until literally two days ago right exactly this conversation yeah so it was a very funny comment it was so funny because the the thing that brought rob is is pleasant kenobi he's like why do we why is there a cherry key word like well because demons because demons that's it yeah why is there wagon well literally battle wagons right that's that's that's that's the only unit in the game it's a weird game we play guys because there's a bunch of different types of battle wagons now they've like split the battle yeah data sheet into several exactly and that's why the wagon keyword exists yep okay whereas the cherry keyword should have never existed so yeah i don't know what strats use it at that point at that point it's so specific you might as well just say the names of the unit right yeah yeah yeah in case they like yeah i don't know does it work other forge world battle battle wagons that happen um no whoa for the slash one oh you know what maybe it is because there's a regular one and there's a hero on there might even be two regular ones so i guess it's three the same battle wagons i don't know three types of chariots all right i did the moving moving on guys guys we're playing a game i'm sorry i'm sorry sorry okay uh i'm gonna go ahead and do some marker lighting yes uh so we'll start with um let's start with these four here that are going up to the into the loot is in the back sounds good so the first unit of marker drones this one at the back uh into the into the uh truck with the ludus truck with ludus cool boom first light is down second one second marker light is down so we got two on the battle island yeah um truck right on the truck sorry thank you yes uh and then the second squad of two here's the first one wrong one because cecilia or sorry because there's archetype and then the second one rolling one actually i could roll these together okay fail them both sweet sweet sweet good talk at that two again yeah um all right uh let us move on to the hammerhead i'll uh shoot it at the truck truck how many ones does the truck have ten he will get cover because he's beyond cuz he's far away uh and then the smart missiles i've got enough shooting over there we'll go ah we'll go add these boys with the smart missiles sounds good okay uh so here's the i'm going to use the strat again to max shots on the hammerhead [Music] i do not uh so six shots hitting on threes sounds good throwing all the dice uh we rolling ones because of market lights okay everything hits these are strength eight so wounding on threes oh yeah all right come on truck come on truck oh it's good we did it jeez what is the ap on this good sir oh that's a good question i think it's a piece either three or four three no no it's not it's not four it's definitely not four on the iron cannon well i have six ups or no no one is ap two oh we're five ups yep that's the flat 15 that's 15 damage does it explode nope we're good uh i will place the models and then roll because i'm on all right civilized human he redeemed himself he was like you know what i was just yeah i think canada was charging he was fooling around i'm not charging my fireball okay here's a question uh let's see what's the range on your stealth suits 18. just in range of the battle basically nothing else is going to be in range of these ludas looks like right okay sounds yeah like a plan here's this i'm going to roll the smart missiles at your commandos yeah you could you have not used your social media oh thank you um here's another to hit roll and a wound roll so i failed all of them zero wins wow that was a lot of threes nine he was he was too busy shooting the truck you know yeah naturally naturally okay uh well adrian has to roll to kill his yeah roll to kill roll the kill on ones oh no that's three looters three lunas 60 points that's a lot of points that's so bad i love luminous but they're so bad okay cool how many points are losing um like 18 or something uh i'll have to check yeah actually just curious yeah yeah me too it's not relevant 100 points i try to forget 100 points 100 points a model honestly kind of okay uh i'm going to shoot these marker drones 17 each okay so it's 100 yeah it's basically 100. basically all right uh so these guys will go uh into the first squad of two will go into the battle wagon cool so the first one missed the siri roll this second one hit and then the second squad of marker drones uh two i mean you have cover right uh if you're beyond 18. if i'm beyond 18 and what's the armor save on this guy three up three goes to twos five up in the middle all right yeah i want to i want to put marker lights into him to try to take away his cover cool okay here's the next quad marker drones yeah yes uh are we rolling this guy um nope okay so we're up to two um i will spend a cp to [Music] you can try add d3 marker lights ooh three up to three so now we're up to five yeah oh no we did it we did it that's the first time all right let's shoot the big boy the fusion on the on the ghost kill and on threes now hitting all threes re-rolling ones got it and we're rolling one two if i we're all right all hits very nice strength nine t8 so on three threes oh pretty good uh i'm going to use the once per game reroll on the commander sounds goodbye yep you're about to roll this to wound roll oh shucks fail okay shoot so five plus in volume save from fortress all right cp rule it's a five yeah it is a five i did it okay uh so one still goes through yeah i don't think i'm in super fusion range super duper so i'm wearing 12 but let's see oh is it a 18 it's a 30 it's a it's a 24 inch range gun so i am within range for the big gun cool half range is roll two and discard the yeah it's all melted cool okay cool uh d6 damage that's it five five very nice then these are the normal melting guns there's more belts two hits and it works so yeah just five damage just fine and then commander oh it was gonna shoot the battle wagon as well with his ionic blasters sounds good in a cyclic fashion cyclic fashion he's gonna hit uh he's overcharging my god they're so cyclical he's so sick [Laughter] uh he's gonna hit on twos oh very nice and so we'll help with everything and then moving on forwards you got it okay uh yeah not bad ap on this ap too yes in vulnerables all right three go through d3 oh boy so three d3 strength eight eight cool so no ram checker no ram shackle room four five six exactly that's a family channel adrian yeah what's he had he's that five down to five yeah okay uh stealth will go next so one two three four guys have um have drone control or have a ats so they have to roll these separately uh so these hit on threes that was great and cecilia okay and then wound on fives you got it thank you one on fives hard one okay so we got four through okay these are eighty one if you won no cover no cover so fours oh pretty good down to four okay then i've got one more guy without ats sounds good uh ruling ones something hits this guy's the drone controller this is the drum gun the drum controller yeah so down to four which is exciting unfortunately uh not dead not dead yet not quite quite dead unfortunately that's not dead unfortunately not quite dead okay uh i'm gonna go ahead and shoot uh this squad of fire warriors yes uh into these um these shooter boys the squad leader is going to put his mark alive very nice and then uh four pulse rifles uh one hit and one nice uh in coverage all right so five up takes it okay there goes the doorway oh boy there it goes there goes our lad okay uh um the commandos yeah are they in cover what's their what's their save situation i have no idea to be honest i hope we should have whether the tent counts is covered probably not because i [Music] i think the tents are just i think the tents are just like we move through that they're just decorative cool sounds good so no coverage no cover but you don't get cover for being near it right near the train piece no that's just you're just on it yeah i guess i guess these two that are on this rock face because that's part of this l okay i'll have two in cover okay uh which you know i'll do my famous thing i'll say it you know that means they have a three plus summer save because they get plus two that's right and now i'm just going to feel those three up so you're good pathfinder is going to shoot at them first we have corker lights naturally um yeah here we go first one second one i can roll the rest of these together actually also see how that's gonna see him there's two marker lights down three five mark all right thanks for asking me if i have cover i appreciate that yeah i'm sorry you just wanted to give it to me just so you can take it away from that's right that's uh you're a cruel man okay um i am going to shoot i'll shoot these uh these croot first uh the garland narlock another keyword yeah uh here we go looking for threes and rerolling ones because crew can weirdly oh they have cecilia they really benefit from marko like oh market light okay i mean it's like glowy dot you know they can handle that t5 uh so two two uh ip no ip no ap so i get my six up huh one guy that's uh that's interesting interesting some ways i think it's more interesting okay um you know be cool if i could just pulse blast or snicker on the face with a thousand breacher shots like that that's what i'd like to do it is what i'd like to do unfortunately i can't uh i'm gonna pay a cp and go down to six to extend the range of my pulse blasters uh so we're gonna get their top profile out at max range oh jesus oh my god so they're going to be actually yeah that they're almost in that range already well here's the thing so remember i only have a six of save right but the strength six matters you get the strength actually you know what i'm gonna do i'm not gonna spend that cp uh and instead well you have to be in cover for me to use this strat he isn't covered are you talking about it but then you take it away let me read let me read this so uh the breacher team rerolls filled wound rules against the enemy unit until the end of the phase if that enemy unit is receiving the benefit of cover but you also remove my benefit of cover uh so they did clarify that that this track can be used with marker lights very cool then although you only have two models in cover okay so then uh yeah i'm going to spend the cp on that straight all right back to this i'm still at six so it was a double whammy are you getting cover yes no you're not but also but also i can use this strap that only works if you have coverage yeah yeah so i'm not gonna get i'm not gonna get uh uh i'm gonna be at medium profile i'm gonna be at my strength five profile but i'll be re-rolling all wins whoa so that's better to me what's that from that's the that's the best strategy if you're in cover i can reroll very cool sounds good sounds good okay cool so six seven eight oh i'm scared guys i'm scared my poor boy six oh should put more tomatoes on that side here we go on three on three zero ones and we're rolling one two and one more two sounds good yeah i only have one two wow perfection perfection here we go very well wow this is like rolling strength five oh boy is that the squad so this is three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven they're all done you got them ap okay but i didn't get to re-roll this is a good re-roll battery roll all righty so now snick rock gets to fight the world and that's the first yo great movie where'd you guys all go okay um cool uh we did it do i have left um these guys are they touching in they are not touching in they're staging i'm not touching it they're staging okay i was like i have one more stealth unit but i don't they died okay let's uh let's charge let's do this so the crude hounds are gonna go first oh he's ready like oh snickerdoodle didn't yeah crew downs first he didn't take any wounds so i don't get to reroll this charge but fortunately you're like an inch away inch away okay so they're to go in such a tough player i gotta you know i feel like i can get my efficiencies i know i didn't get my efficiencies and i feel like at some points it's sometimes i feel a little bit like weird about it but then i'm like this is like one of the worst connections and i feel like you have to oh totally use all these like little tiny things that most of the time don't matter all right so then i could pay a cp to allow me to reroll charges for well i'm just going to charge with the neurologic riders it's one you might as well yeah just wait and use the scene you can like cpu rule in advance that's so tough well it's a bubble yeah maybe i'll need this re-roll i should spend it yeah before i know if i can right it applies to all crew within 12 inches of the house exactly so if you have multiple crew units that are all far away yeah it can be good uh okay do i want to do the pathfinders as well they're not opsec i already hold the point um cool not going to worry about it sounds great uh that is it for me let us let's fight let's fight fight oh yeah do you have anything you want to do in the no uh once you do your first fight then i'll ask you some questions and see if i'm interrupting okay so i'm going to do the hounds first how are they are they uh are they cool guys they have uh i think two attacks each yeah uh yup two attacks each and they have strength uh strength three ap one oh oh hold on hold on one second i think i actually can do something cool he's gonna do something cool when you said strength three no ap one a one is there ap one yeah well in that case um this thing yep uh he's so if he's no he's an inch from the train but he's not in it yep i'm done messed up alright cool if he was in the train he could well because he's blood acts commando no commandos which i think is the name not the key word because he has i'll check it anyways uh i could i could make you uh minus one to hit me which is cool oh that is interesting yeah so whether or not i can do it or not i'm not in the train anyway so we're good okay um yeah so hitting on threes no re-rolls all those threes cool and re-rolling all right so not re-rolling uh five-star wounds because i'm straight three right you got oh my gosh oh gosh he might be six he's because he's boss he's not working but he's a boss he's a boss rot where are you it's nick rod t6 okay one wound one wound up i failed it down to five okay so tell me about these uh narloc narlike riders are they tell me about them uh they're pretty bad uh well they're middling they're middling okay they're probably going to do better than that that the crude houses okay cause there's strength four and multi-damage oh wait uh oh no you've discovered the power yeah so the they no not multi-damage oh actually then the the mount is two damage yeah uh defensive profile what are they t4 uh save four plus four wounds you know what i'm gonna interrupt you four oh they're chunky i wanna i could kill all of them potentially okay how much what i have six attacks or two damage each wow yeah where do you want it into them two seasons on twos how many ones they roll none okay so they'll live and then strength six normally on threes yeah plus one to wounds because you're gonna move inch of the train yep so two all right ap two so six up six six up saves you got this oh no one two die and one's on two wounds ah snicker his boss it doesn't give me the point but it gives me revenge it does get you revenge yeah it feels good thank you yeah okay so he'll attack uh he has two attacks or no he has one attack uh the writer with his rider yeah the rider has one attack he's like ah yep yeah and he wounds on a six five does he strength four oh there's the whole profile cool and then the mount has each time the spare fights makes two additional attacks with this so here's the mount sitting on threes and wounding on his strength plus two so he's strength five so fives when he got a five nope okay we did the thing cool uh i've got a morale check for you there you are next to a terrifying killer oh my god so mine is two leadership oh crap i'm so terrified he's leadership six oh no so he got a leadership four and he lost two models so i needed two right a one or two yeah no he's just barely holding it together that's funny all right cool um as for me i lost a boy so we're good we called the knob uh we're and everything else oh it's ludus lude is lucas gosh this is my problem children right here now the spanner is dead so how many cpu do i have six do i care i do kind of care i don't want to auto pass though so we're rolling it here we go oh shoot the five dead oops and then they're not below half right uh they are exactly half okay so we're fine just not ones just not ones okay good good enough that's good we're not below half now we're good okay all right uh look that's that's it so what are we scoring at the end of the turn so i'm gonna get strangle because i've got three you got it and that's it that's it that's it for uh my secondaries i love it all right put one of my to the last targets out there which feels a little bad but hopefully you can hopefully he can tank he can tank the only thing that could do it is the boss right uh does he have the shield generator he does okay yeah you're gonna be and he's got fine i think two units of drones that are within drone range i mean i'm gonna try for it yeah but i think you should be okay okay all right let's take it away yeah let's do it i'm on two points which is five yep yes mission rough and uh let's see if the thinking cap gets what's the command point thinking cap finger cap yeah so you do command points here up to eight eight oh so rich uh let's do this thing um yeah so we're in speed walk part d which means uh this battle wagon will have uh ap which we did not shoot last turn and there was nothing left and the truck oh yeah and your biker and my biker oh yeah let's do this thing all right let's take a question yeah uh thank you sean hey titans john inspired me to start my sixth army grey knight oh yeah just built interceptors with jet packs uh now working on stormraven gunship much love oh thank you so much really appreciate it yeah that's great they're such a cool fact john john really sells the gray knights well watching him play green nights you're like wow this is amazing i want to play great heights yeah he's so passionate about that yeah he loves it which is always a cool thing to see yeah they're they're an awesome army i'm excited about guard everybody i was excited about guard yes i'm very excited oh yeah you guys both well uh yeah red plays gardens excited about guard i was gonna say you play guard but you just like card the the like subtle just like oh hey here's this big update necrons core and all that but then also like lehman rusk getting two plus save that's big that's a huge deal yeah that's a huge deal like you can with uh tank ace plus psychic lehman russ down to zero zero armor yeah which like you know guards thing is their vehicles don't have involves but like who needs an involved and if melting guns are getting a four-up karma save against something yeah pretty good that's great i'm excited i also like i like i sort of like this increasing uh sort of escalation of of armor saves an ap in the game because it means that ap five and six weapons all of a sudden have i'm thinking about rail guns here i'm like man i can't i'm hoping that railguns get like ap8 or something just like clearly over the top that's a particularly controversial opinion are you talking about railguns yeah oh no i really i'm really hoping railguns feel like ap a thousand they shouldn't interact with armor right it the vehicle just dies if it has less than 15 wins it dies instantly and it explodes on a floor that explores out of four outs yeah oh my gosh well you hear it you said it bridger i did bring him first if it's gonna be a one-shot weapon that's what it has to do to be relevant okay that's fair that's fair so there you go one shot but what if it's not a one-shot weapon well then we can we can talk then it's anything under 12 minutes if it has multiple shots and acts like any other gun in the game then sure but as a like 200 point one shot paperweight right that one shot paperweight has to really pull some weight so it's funny like um going on the on the rule of like things that are bad in the current edition once once uh once they get a new codex they get gw makes them really good like i'm furiously painting hammerhead railguns right now because i'm like they're so terrible i'm like you know what i'm gonna lie on day one i'm gonna open that book and i'm like all my chips are on hammerheads with railguns yeah yeah and i'm gonna open that book and it's gonna be i'm either gonna be really sad or really excited like yeah we took away the the vs3 on the hammerheads because it was just too much yeah they're back to bs4 yeah sorry we made it less than one shot right so he's degraded right so he's not he's moving slow he's moving six inches and the ludas oh the ludas you can take off his marker light hat i like it it's a reminder of we had so many marker lights that they're still they're still on it right right before ooh i wanna i wanna shoot ludas at ya i wanna oh and you can snipe things this turn right you're close with your sniper boy yeah like in theory i can't your squishy characters are like not visible this guy uh it's only 24 inch range uh-huh oh oh it couldn't happen it's gonna happen yeah i think i've been ranked yeah okay uh okay okay okay okay watch out for that forest though that's dense yeah you know um the ludas i either get them back in the in this um which will get me you said you were gonna get them out adrian i did i did i promised you promised the viewers i did i did unfortunately we'll be out of doubt if this feels like i'm using adrian's previous comments against him yeah absolutely right that's a prime move so we're gonna take just the three-inch move to get into this dense terrain because i heard you guys love that uh i've heard dense drains good right like if i'm not going to be in docker range i might as well be in cover there's no point getting closer uh oh i see if you had gotten in the vehicle then you could have shot from the vehicle's hole but i would not be able to use the strat which is real to hits and so this is cooler because i use the strat which you remind me i have to use all right so we're going to bring up these storm boys they're kind of ready for next turn when he like erases this like this is a lot of bodies but he's still tau so there's 10 breachers here who we saw last turn are pretty good at killing boys right um i will as long as you're in cover which i can which i can then negate yeah yeah yeah yeah exactly exactly um you have some crude stuff still these guys are kind of hanging back these guys have been untargetable from shootings in case you guys don't know it doesn't really matter i guess i had extra shooting that i was thinking about putting their way yeah and you're like nah um i'm a strong boy storm boys i'm basically deciding if they want to try to get into this truck yeah well they can't if they try they'll succeed but uh i think i probably do give me some choices for next turn so we'll get them in so we've got storm boys in here they take up two slots because they're jump packs and we'll uh we'll bring in the truck over ha and we have that big shooter which still has has the speed was so that's cool um we're there we're there we're kind of screening them out yep these guys are just chilling it's really nothing super interesting um i might almost put these guys back into reserve oh yeah all right next strat and that'll kind of keep you honest so i think i'm gonna advance them they need to get uh kind of near the bore edge board edge so they're gonna go to here and at the end of the movement phase i can nice that's cool i like that it's one of my favorite things about black axes and then you can just pop them up is it a normal deep strike or is it from a strategic reserve okay so there's it has its limitations but it's really good for like oh i need to rod or whatever oh yeah um absolutely so it's one of the big reasons i have run a detachment of them in the past um this blocking off still needs to happen so we're nine to here nine would be to here so we'll land the storm boys here okay keep your dang croot out of my swamp mine's the edge all right cool we're there these guys oh it's kind of tempting actually i probably shouldn't well thank you mike uh good day titans why did they have to take the hunter meta he was just a boy i know the hunter meta what is the hunter meadow oh you don't even know bridget don't explain it should i okay brett so flyers terrorizing the world they're awful they were they made everybody miserable no i i i didn't realize we were talking about flyers but the hunter do you know what the hunter is is it a space marine flyer it's a space marine it's not a flyer it's actually just a launcher it's a tank oh yeah yeah yeah it's an anti-flyer vehicle right it shoots one missile right yeah per turn at fly but in ninth edition yeah you want to guess what the profile is right it's pretty wild it's it's super cool it's on a two and it's strength 14 and d 3 plus d6 damage you you're kind of close on all it counts so it is one shot it's like 10. okay i think it's like ap4 or something ridiculous damage maybe ab3 damage it's damaged like d6 but if you're a v or if you're a flyer an aircraft it's six plus d6 oh i love it flat six plus d6 so we were looking like one shot the unit that when the book came out probably was not that relevant right so that was we we solved the the meta and then we went to gibraltar we came back and met to change i know uh so he's gonna walk away ah good because you can charge back in what you're so outraged ah i should have uh sure wrapped you right do you want to wrap him did you just forget i could have yeah and i didn't realize you could i forgot you could fall back yeah it's like you're okay with that of course no worries at all yeah so gotcha go ahead and put the crap crude hands around i will not break out we're just going to cut you over yeah you can still desperate breakout right thanks yeah it's two two cp i won't we just you know we learn you know we learned while you were gone that a uh chimera yeah that's surrounded by that that that is that is wrapped yeah can can desperate breakouts sure industrial yeah yeah but you roll a die and not a one it explodes but then what happens to all the guys inside they also don't die unless you do long and some participation yeah exactly that came up yeah it did the other thing that killed some wild stuff the other thing that came up is uh that a an inkhearn can pop up when a cyclops demolition vehicle explodes itself yeah yeah that's amazing it was like someone say death you're like no it's just super weird rules in here all right i will not psyche you because i haven't shoot me but i'll shoot you let's do this um oh yeah so end of end of the movement phase go and spin me cp mr bridger yeah these guys are sneaking around town in strategic preserve and the cool thing is they don't have to come in next turn they can come in at any point they're just always there they can stay in longer than normal exactly so shooting uh look we are going to try for the ghost kill in the charging phase which means we need to kill all the drones all the drones can use against it um market like drones yeah two squads of two shield drones shield drones i don't like the shield drones that's that makes me sad um okay so we'll start with the battle wagon okay we thinks and we have the four big shooters and the lava and what we're going to do is we're going to put we've got what is your biggest shooting unit here this this this is 18 of them yeah with the four shots right okay one so i'm going to spend 2 cp at the start of your shooting phase yep to jam their neural websites no your neural web systems are jammed and they will be minus one too i love it sounds great sounds great uh so battle wagon shield drones are a four up five up involved or no just four planes or pinball five up feeling pain four up in bone five what feel the pain or up and volume five volts on the pain and you've got is this this is two and two two two yeah so you've got these four drones that could character block for both of these guys or not character but drones protocols yeah these two could save a protocol for him as well cool sounds good so we'll start with the biker then okay and what we're going to do is we're going to put half the shots into sorry the reason i'm being weird about it is this this strat was very interesting because means working on sixes i could do this round these guys which would be both better and worse yeah but whichever unit doesn't end up getting the ap that is to say it doesn't have the strat or one of these two should go into the shield drones exactly so funny enough i think i actually will go with the this big blob into the shield drawings we're not gonna use the strat yeah because uh well played and uh let's just see how that might just be enough shots to kill two shelters i honestly don't think it will so i've only got these front four that are in docker range um these are hitting on five or no sixes six sixes yeah so we've got eighteen guys yep four of them are gonna be docker range so that's gonna be 14 plus the eight so it's gonna be the 22 shots yeah on sixes no ap let's do this uh oh 10. 15 are you counting 22 are you counting dice for you yeah yeah yeah 20 here's 22. and i guess we'll just do it three times oh okay no we're non-docker range that's right so it's uh fiddle sticks how many shots they get so 14 that are non-docker range which goes to 28. plus four they're in docker range that's three shots so that's in another 12. so 40 shots 40 shots okay cool so it's this minus two all right look it's still not going to kill them math with adrian and fred crowns look i'm pleased with this that's great that's amazing that's cool thank you uh this is on fours no one two three three three these are uh these are no ap nineteen seven seven bombs yep come on let's see here oh no my pin one damage right yeah okay all right um let's go to the biker boss okay and what we're gonna do is we're gonna put um his shots into the two marker light drones that are right here okay uh yeah we're gonna put all of them so it's 10 shots because we're in docker range this is hitting on fives one two hits okay okay look that's all we need everyone okay i don't want to hear it just need two and then on threes to wound up one ap all right five up armor safe why why okay overheat anything or kill anything we can make a save yeah yeah exactly uh big shooter into those guys as well uh we're in docker range so it's gonna be five shots here we go on fives okay a little bit mm-hmm remember how he's gonna snipe your character i think i'm gonna have to use it for something else [Music] okay battle wagon um does this ballistic skill degrade from five from five would you take that away from me i don't know i'm just curious i was lowering this just curious how orc vehicles degrade it's like normally i would think it it would but like it already starts at five something it probably does yeah yeah yeah uh let's let's take a look it's funny enough actually uh the sniper might be the way to go for the shield drones because like i can get a couple mortals in there yep we have five up saves yeah exactly gosh yeah so let's see let's let's see how elegant this guy degrades battle wagon yeah just stays at bs5 that makes sense you're bully you bully no that's what i was expecting right big shooters four of them okay into these two drones two the two non-shield drops uh are we just gonna do the same or are we gonna be uh put the lava into the other two mark electrons yeah i guess so that's for like a later turn i guess that matters okay yeah we'll do that so here we go here's the log into the other mark electrons three shots on fives one hit uh strength five so one three one no wait oh sorry ep one because daca oh okay kill them yeah see i i made you think you had you could roll a four and then i changed it uh so big shooters we've got uh four of them give me 20 shots 20 jets no kills this is the sniper this is it no no that's the straight shirt literally shots no kills they call me here we go this big shoot is into the other two on five oh it's great this guy he's showing them how to how to shoot more and there's one more yeah okay strength five so on threes wow it's really good great so all of those at minus one into your uh markers marker like drones these two right here yeah uh looks for fives all right that's what i was taking a lot of fives like you still almost did it but uh five wins yeah cool the thing is i'm gonna do all this and you're still gonna make your four plus involves for your saves but uh i gotta try you know so here we go here's dinner i feel like i'm playing considering these guys yeah channeling my inner bridger i feel like you are as well you're not charging enough i got to do is all you got to do is make four pin balls and you win the game yeah yeah exactly that's what i learned from watching and and finance charges those are the two keys to victory yeah four of them one's nine inches all you gotta do it's no problem it's no problem um is there a reason to not just go into the ghost keel with this guy no because you'll just literally eat the mortal wounds so here we go into the shield drones 14 shots yep the straight shooter hitting on fours because he's it's great that's great that was really good okay uh and this is where the mortals matter on threes sixes two mortals yeah yeah the straightest shooter so we've got one uh i don't know if it's an addition so go ahead and just start with your sniper yeah it's a sniper okay so yeah go and roll that as well okay so four fingers little saves let's see it uh okay okay and this mini and one more one mortal five bucks is these are female chances he's got this no problem come on gosh still like okay four wounds we got him we got him yay we did it all right we're there we're there we're there uh we have these boys um which i forgot these character blocks you're gonna use the strat um so here's the question is i uh i can use the strat hmm all it would give me is ap unless i use a whole another strap basically see because i'm not in docker range got it let's go to ludus we'll do loot into the hammerhead okay and if i spend so i will spend one cp for sure this is the four rerolls against a vehicle if i spend two more cp it'll be in docker range so it could be five years she'll have 60p um well i got to think about oh that's right i'm not gonna you did you um you interrupted and okay yeah i started with a lot yeah and you just spend many pregame yeah yeah i spent two that's what happens when you don't spend all your cpp yeah you get to play so we're gonna do the ludas into the hammerhead i'm not gonna spend two cp for five more shots is not a thing so it's going to be just straight 10 shots one two three four five guys guys hitting on fives re-rollable into the hammerhead let's do this fives okay are you rolling are you rolling no it's gonna start it's that's true so slightly less good a little bit what they used to have strength seven on fours this is the scary one for me fours yes not great three at minus one three these are two damage they are four ups all right let's see it four's oh no problem i got it he's just bm in me why i was trying to play boss into foreign ghost deal and just smash his face you're gonna overwatch and kill a bunch of stuff actually he might die well i'm not to put the boys in unfortunately so we're speaking of which we're down to just those boys two four six eight nine guys okay um i could spend a stretch for just the ap right it doesn't do much for me so i think we're just gonna shoot normally okay and the unit we're gonna shoot normally at is either the fire warriors or the gun drone right there yep so i'm going to gather my dice and my thoughts one two three four five six seven eight nine dudes okay yeah um we're gonna go into the fire warriors okay i'm gonna go into the fireworks because this will it'll take away when you're your opponents put in and of course you do have to do something big like breaches or something so here we go this is the fireworks pretty good strength four so on threes yeah no ap though right p looking for fours fours and fours okay we die a gentleman and a scholar is that everything um i think we did it we solved it is it charge time it's charge clock charge o'clock uh let's do this thing we are going to start with the small unit of boys into the ghost kio do your worst anybody else uh to charge yeah no okay no all right um so here's here's the question the fireworks have photon grenades so they are it was good that you shot them because they're like weirdly the most important overwatch unit for me right now i can only grade a good once yep i kind of want to save their photon grenade for the boss yep so the rest of this is gonna get you're definitely gonna so i'm definitely gonna overwatch with the ghost keel and i think i will uh i think and i'm definitely gonna overwatch with the marker light no i'm gonna save the mark light okay i'm just gonna i'm just gonna watch with the ghost keel and that's it cool let's do it uh wait yes you're watching with go skill so no greater good yeah i'm saving the greater good for the for the boss you got it bub okay here we go uh the the big fusion lots of misses the little fusion even more misses you get to see it in overwatch it's only in the shooting things yeah well they do that to you all right here's charge pay up it's an eight well you know adrian the book's like four and a half years old i know i know but salamanders had it right i guess that's still more recent i forgot space brain's got like yeah which iteration of sound i'm sorry it's hbm summoners have had like three four four books since i know okay right am i right salamanders have had four books since since town that was the frontline gaming uh april fool's joke right where they were like they released they they shared their leaked quote unquote leaked release schedule right and it was like 17 space rain books in a span of six months like they weren't wrong seven [Music] so it's an eight inch charge from the boys to the commander okay which is real tempting um and you can grenade this guy yeah yeah okay uh it's a six-inch range 12. oh cool sounds good yeah as long as it wasn't three um because here's the thing um i'm probably fine with the overwatch like it'll be scary but the boss should make it yeah i'm hitting on sixes yeah yeah not not touched but getting the minuses to be charged like i actually could have charged i hadn't thought of charging the commander until i actually started killing a bunch of stuff right you know um but like it's the one i could actually kill the ghost kill is like not right and amazing another thing to the the grav inhibitor drone is here yeah so this boys unit was was fine but these this boys unit and the boss will be minus d3 to their church oh they're just within even if i don't declare them correct oh good catch okay so i don't want to take this charge because it'll suddenly become very failable okay cool cool cool so that helps we're gonna do the boys yep you can fall back and shoot once per game once per game on car car mont con so does it do anything for me yeah it is so we're going to do boys into the commander and the ghost skill okay i'm gonna spend uh one cp for a title muscle to ignore all minuses okay and i'll let you decide what you want to do okay so i will and i cannot use that strand on this guy got it yeah it's core only got it okay uh so i'm definitely going to overwatch with the commander i will yeah i'm going to save the um the marker light drone because you're not charging the marker light drone right you're not sorry i'm going to save the marker and the photon grenades for for the boss cool so just overwatching with the commander sounds good commander into boys he's going to not overcharge because it actually doesn't matter yeah yeah yeah in this case uh cool one hit cool and looking for a three oh shucks cool okay that's it that's it looking for an eight from the boys all right sorry bro you have minus three up no they ignore everything to your chart but here we go re-roll tide of muscle try to muscle eight it's an eight it's an eight all right title multiple so we're tagged into the commander yep um which only marginally matters i mean he's a to the last target so you want to you want to kill him yeah i mean i won't do any damage to him right now though i will just make you pop your phone it's your back and shoot fall back you're making me use my mod which is which is good not nothing you know because if you don't do that then it could become a cayenne and that would hurt that's right yeah it's either or huh right that's cool and it's not locked to anyone anymore three minus d3 let's see it minus g3 and i'm going to overwatch youtube yeah that's right sorry yep so the market like drone first [Music] one spicy very nice then here's the photon grenade from the fire warriors for sure number of shots five shots very nice and these are hitting on sixes but you're rolling once you got it oh it's good we did the thing yep there's one firewire that's gonna rapid fire his pulse rifle misses but we got what we wanted which was minus one to hit and then slows me as well no the advanced photon grenades on the bridge that's what i was thinking okay sounds good i'm just trying to get you minus one hit because weirdly the ghost keel is not minus one hit in melee really it's only minus one against shooting did not realize that it's only shooting if you're more than six inches away like those kills with stealth field is like way worse than a normal stealth suit okay so we're looking for a four here we go that'll do it it's too large to hide that's right yeah yeah exactly he's too large and in charge uh all right cool we did the thing we're there we're there uh this last of all this this truck could go for it yeah you were then 12 of this drone oh yeah for sure okay so minuses um so it's eight away which goes to a um joy declaration there's any reason not to declare it there's not government overwatch yeah um he can't do it right correct correct that's fine okay minus d3 minus two so 10 is charge yep here we go unless you die in overwatch i'm going to die and overwatch now that was being overwhelmed i'm sorry guys i got excited i got excited okay uh so we've got marker drones nope um and then another one another two squat okay no marker drones here's uh stealth uh overwatching good hitting on sixes okay these are the ones with ap sounds good uh these need five nope and then there's the one without ap sounds good uh no hits okay all right going in sorry and we're in and uh snake rocks are in combat it's time to crop uh let's do this thing starting with uh sorry were you within 12 of this squad uh sure but he would be obscured from them like can't see at all well this is obscuring and you're not touching right so when he's back here got it yeah all right because it goes out to the extent there of course yeah totally cool uh yeah there's the advanced photon grenade would have mattered gotcha gotcha okay yeah no that's good let's let's do this thing so we'll start with the boss duress doesn't super matter i can't attack first with snick rot so we'll see if we can get you your ghost kill right so wow it's been one week since the five attacks on the war boss let's take a question sorry five attacks sounds right it sounds right but but is it right let's take a question all right it's forged world so i don't get it wrong thank you liberty brett love to see my favorite titan on the stream your black templar game was enough to get me to finally make plans on making a templar army thanks to all the titans for the greater good that's awesome yeah the black templar game was so much fun i absolutely enjoyed it uh we were getting ready for this game like even a week or two ago and i was like i have to do tau things and like you know edit this video and the whole time i'm just like painting black templars i'm so so excited about those guys it's a it's a huge change from this style of play uh yeah and i i totally dig it it's very different i'm really into it um the units just like do all the things they're supposed to do and the upgrades for the sergeants are amazing tons of fun exactly let's do five five attacks uh brutal cannon so uh competitive edge basically four year old two wounded kiloclaw what's this is hidden on twos threes for the photons threes so this goes in the do-over pile uh strength twelve okay t6 so twos oh there's one okay so these fails you've got your invulnerable saves okay uh yes four ups and these are how much damage three flat three and i have no drones okay we tried just looking for fours and the cpu one of these well hold on so then i have i'm going to get to dude you're not going to see pvc yeah yeah yeah make sense okay so take six this goes away and i've got the three that i do over now twos start threes no you're good they have how many ones ten ten yes four left yeah yeah so you're good two wound don't do this to me okay save okay so i can't die though which is not you can't die that was exactly why you did okay okay and i will try it so will i see p that i see p to save i do have boys so yeah i think i need to see this okay uh down to three let's see so he sticks on four wounds and have i got a cp back yet this turn no i don't think it happens uh nope cool cool all righty let's do this thing uh that is my first combat do you roll i didn't roll for ludas either sure or cp back from your burley you'll fight first there yeah i do not want to interrupt yeah i don't think it's worth it cool cool uh here we go so we're gonna go ahead and do the shooter boys see if we can actually so this is why it was good that you did that right because otherwise it's almost possible all right so this is going to be two four six eight nine dudes one two three four five six seven eight nine so many attacks so many but hey they don't have choppers because they're shooting boys yeah um let's do this i'm hitting on force minus one to hit yeah oh no he's not mine just another guy okay okay okay and um yep t6 pretty still no interrupts cool cool uh now we'll do the other shooter boys yep pile in not very much like how many they can reach they have choppas even and shooters no no they don't have chops okay that's why they don't have ap i got it got it yeah yeah yeah and that's why they have less attacks too less attacks as adrienne as he's rolling yeah giant fistfuls of dice that's how we do it man i love the giant pistols and dice six seven eight nine thank you so it's gonna be 18 attacks i know i know i'm thinking like if somebody's new to the game and they're like what's the play style of this army yeah you're like style of orcs play style of works is buckets of dice buckets of dice that's what's all about and then five swoons payout just one just one let's see at three oh down to two out of two we're playing it close here i like it um that's it uh i guess sorry i'll not pile like i had been fighting anyways um truck he's on lowe's profile so d3 tax okay three attacks he does have a death roller he's trump he's gonna give him i think it's an extra d6 nowadays for a number of attacks yes oh my gosh deferral uh see previous comment about buckets of dirt right no so what it is it's it doesn't add any because he's not a uh bone breaker yeah it just gives him this weapon profile okay it's the bone breaker that's actually d6 so three tacks we are weapon skill two with the death roller but your minus one to hit uh-huh so threes how you up oh three two two strength is nine t4 sorry it degrades the strength degrades what the heck as it should strength five spawn threes threes oh it got off easy you know what even if it didn't degrade that wouldn't have mattered all right um that's it we'll just tag in here so you can't pile in fourth that's worth um and uh you get to fight first against mr snikrot yeah i'm definitely not gonna choose any of these chumps bozos yeah uh so i'm gonna go with the oh man crude hounds probably sixes to wound is so hard yeah i'm gonna do anything um okay but there are at least more attacks true yeah i'm gonna go with the hounds okay uh so they are 10 models 7 89 10 6 10. okay so these are threes and sixes you got it not bad mm-hmm okay okay now i'm looking for sixes and sixes i'm playing one and one more cocked so i'm going to talk to you one more gonna give it to me all right yeah of course now it's kind hey yo he takes him all right one wind at a time all right uh cool you're going next he'll we'll go next and he will do um what's the leadership of your crew hounds probably pretty low six six so it's time to just put a bunch into them and just make them just disintegrate right um he's probably dying to shooting next turn um because two damage is a bit wasted on them yeah that's why i did that's why i did that first because right two damage is kind of wasted but we can split right i'll put one into the writer so the writer on the two okay okay on a two okay and then you have a six up six up save you're gonna do it there you go efficiency i know right you like that make a towel player out of you yeah yeah exactly hitting into the uh highlands now on twos uh this probably just kills just goes right through so four days cool so that'll cause some delicious uh leadership oh yeah yes okay all right now we're back to um your combats over here it's all you all right uh yeah i've got a lot of slaps back right so much slapping okay the ghost keel um i think has three attacks um okay so three attacks hitting on fives because he's tau cool and just make sure sure yeah three tax and no he degrade his attacks characteristic to grades yeah okay let's be real less than nothing let's reroll that uh he misses cool uh good talk kid doc uh commander uh has i believe four attacks on threes yeah oh sounds good let's see it uh heading on three nice nice things on threes because he's strength uh and i got stealth yeah uh i will is there anything clever i can do with piling i don't think there is no so we'll just fight yes uh so three and then two two two two all right so oh the sarge doesn't have ap okay yeah right okay so four sixes the actual t8 right nothing okay and then two cats and there you go three up no ap there we go okay all good all right uh that's all she wrote so leadership yeah i've got the crew downs lost four question is do i want to try to save them i don't think i care so i'm just gonna look for a two or one amazing all right cool um i think that's gonna be it so end of my turn yeah did you get my stranglehold for three i uh it wasn't a great no prisoner so we won't worry about this turn and that's it for me over to cecilia right we're gonna turn 30. turn three uh i've got two objectives this turn bridger for fun five five get your command point okay my command point yep thank you and you're off to the races after the races i've got these guys have to come in this turn actually uh let me before i move anything start to think about where they might come in you did a pretty good job of screening me so you got boys there so there should be nothing yeah nothing there nothing here uh in here yeah it's like you played this game before yeah i played a couple times you know how this works you're coming in your deployments well so here's the thing i can come in off of my table edge uh you can uh kind of in your deployment in my deployment zone yep so you're talking about the come in less than nine so yeah so it's your deployment zone your table edge and uh within an inch of the board edge right um right so it's so i can come in here it's just for the battle wagon essentially yeah yeah i can charge the battle wagon yeah because this is 30 yeah if if it was if it was just my table edge it would be great then actually here absolutely yeah which would be really spicy that'd be so good um and i could also potentially come in over here and punch snick rot um all right that's interesting well uh thank you tony love the spicy idea of custom missions uh would be great to see this as a semi-regular thing on the channel well thank you we appreciate it thanks for thanks for the feedback farewell might be you know um it's obviously a lot of work um well yeah but uh it's also a lot of fun i think doing the the just the mission isn't too bad but you know yeah all the other stuff in conjunction was a ton but it is something you know we want to do more in the future is these kind of more integrated cross-collaborations tabletop trains hobby titans um because yeah it's like a whole hobby journey a whole project that's been going on for a while and being able to kind of bring it up as a video at the end totally super cool so yeah again if you guys haven't seen it definitely check it out after after this go ahead and check out hobby titans uh patch video which is in already just went live last night yeah it's cool i have a couple questions for you do you mind with the commander um does snikron have an involved save he does have a five plus involvement okay yeah okay they just gave all the characters because right now that makes sense that odd okay uh yeah so he's going to do monka which um oh you know i have a morale check for these three two fireworks oh okay yeah uh actually you know what there's not there's a cs everything is to see is plus one leadership also nice that's cool another little baby perks they're ultramarines old marines no ultramarines oh ultramarines you said old marines uh i think baker titans uh long time viewer first time caller thank you what up baker uh how would you build an orc all in army that gets as many models as possible charging by turn two speed freaks only or lots of transports maybe deep strikers speed freaks only okay all in as many two i feel like you could pretty easily charge with the entire army yeah if you play aggressively the real challenge is turn one like how how many can you get a combat tournament everyone's tougher with speed freaks funny enough um turn well let me explain because before you said speed freaks i was thinking about uh marshall peterson's uh list that is that socal i'm sorry one more thing i'm spending a cp to operate on tough profile with the ghost keel uh do i get it back do not sounds good okay um and he had a ton of commandos that would just get up in the face in their face three kill rigs you can walk yeah three squig so that's that's that's a very direct list it's not speed-free so anyway speed freaks um there was a speed freaks was a question like is that how you would do oh okay so personally i honestly am looking at the style list that i just explained right now because i think it's really interesting and it just gets stuck in right away real fast and you're you're like in many cases you're starting nine inches away before you're advancing charge which you can totally do so i think that's a great way uh speed freaks obviously are good at it here's an interesting thing so remember i was a little unsure about the speed freak uh rules on thursday bridger um and i did some reading and it did some listening to other uh other people so like seth seth maddock um who does uh he has an orc channel and he had his videos sort of explaining some of the nuances that i had missed i know that guy you know that guy yeah he met him uh he does great work go ahead and check him out and uh they were saying that basically in this the speed freaks uh adrenaline junkie rule um it doesn't actually remove your chapter tactic your clan right it just says you don't get the ability yeah so it's kind of the same way as if you have like a mixed attachment or whatever you don't get you still get strats you have the strats yeah so if you are evil sons for example they have advance in charge uh it gives advance in charge to a unit so you can get in there get stuck in and obviously the extra move is really good for everything and they also have a fire and fade so you can do really saucy things with a couple units of def copters where one of them pops out fire and fades the other one pops out flies away off the table right obviously a lot of cp but um it's pretty interesting so a couple couple things that i think are interesting yeah did how many moons did snickerdoodle have i think i bumped his down four down to four yes he's going get you just trying to figure out what to do with these hounds obviously i want to shoot snick rod but i also like because of minimized losses i'm trying to minimize my life like this blender that they're running into he's like yeah all right thank you uh novak kyle hey titans i am the general manager for an upcoming you know gm game master um are you uh gaming forest movement not general motors yeah i'm doing i'm only moving four inches cool sounds great i'm the game master for an upcoming four-person crusade taking place in the pariah nexus how would you build the foundation to both be the general manager and play and also what narrative thousand sons call would you take cool cool that's a good question um i think it's very possible you know i've played one crusade in my life but i still learned a lot through it and we played with uh nick and he was he was the gm but also played in it and uh i think the main thing was those custom rules that we put in to kind of balance it for everyone were it would inherently have to be upheld by the by the game master themselves what i mean is for example he made the rule that you can't run the same list more than twice in a section in an escalation right just kind of forces you to not hone in one list and have some variety obviously he has to follow that rule as well um and then there's sort of this like soft rule about um match-ups and things like that which it was it was a little bit of a softer rule but basically these these limitations on making sure someone actually can't power game it um are good because they sort of imp they they apply to everyone obviously and that that way you're like well as long as i'm following these rules sorry um you're good so that's something i've always encouraged with crusade because there are a few ways that it can actually become kind of breakable and a bit gamey which is fine if you're into that but if you're looking for a more narrative experience um this is the way that you can kind of establish that yeah i think it's very important uh that the team follow the same rules as the general manager so if there's you know rule yeah you can't have your phone out during certain hours i think the general manager also needs to follow those rules if you're working overtime and general manager should stay there with you while you're working overtime exactly it makes for a better crusade really is this rule holy within an inch no it's just within because otherwise you couldn't do it so i can do this yeah okay cool totally yeah all right there goes holy with an image you could literally not have big yeah right right um and then the stealth will fall back they're not within montca range um that's right is a it's a like a burst bubble it's a burst bubble that he doesn't carry with him but he doesn't carry with him you go it learns thank you stomping salamander for the greater croot how can salamanders counter top ad mac and drakari lists these days they either outshoot or outmove my salamanders good question that's a general space marine problem actually yeah is that space marines are in this weird almost elite but not actually elite enough to matter territory where they shoot pretty well but they don't shoot cheaply they fight pretty well but they don't fight cheaply so despite the fact that they're like 20 better than you at something they have 40 percent less models than you so it turns out to not really work out in the math exactly um so admire and dracary as salamanders you're never gonna outmove them that's just that's just a sad reality they they have every movement rule in the book and you have a couple um and you're slow space brains you can out shoot drukari but that's not how you win that matchup it's all about trading both of these matchups are all about trading add mech uh you're gonna struggle to fully kill units they're just so durable uh and drukari you will easily fully kill units but there's three more to take their place so it's tough it's a problem these are i mean some of the strongest factions in the game right now um adrian is this guy in cover um i don't know if that gives cover so probably probably not i think sounds good flamers are pretty good in both those matchups yes um t3 with plus one to wound you're winning them on twos it's great against dracary and dadmak um doing mortals with salamanders do your mortals yeah uh and then try to be durable get your cover saves except they'll ignore cover well the the uh ignoring ap1 is is good against witches and the the troops of these armies uh you know as an admit player when i go up against salamanders i say basically okay so the extra the manipulous ap always has to go on rangers because giving 180 to vanguard does literally doesn't mean yeah um so that's stuff you can do with that i wonder in a post a balanced data slight world where these efficiencies lie they're almost certainly still more efficient than you obviously but maybe maybe it's enough that the kind of elite nature of speak springs is not as much of a hindrance i haven't played any yet you guys haven't played any yet uh but that will be kind of the new question is like is this enough and does that change the way you can play against these armies i might lean farther into meltas i would continue because drukari is going to go down the coven path i think yes i think kevin drewcar is going to become very popular and i think admak is going to take fewer big blobs of infantry now that they cost more yeah they're going to cut anything i think it's well they're one of their three infantry blobs they're only like nine points to still though but the everything went up across the board so you have to cut somewhere and i think the thing you would cut is the infantry yeah i don't know raiders went up to 20 points each uh uh cerberus ratings the yeah only want to buy like two points which is fine yeah so it all adds up to being like you cuts one small thing yeah and i think the one small thing is gonna be your third country blob along with your because four flyers do you really need three infantry blobs yeah yeah yeah of all the things in that army yeah they're oppressive but like they're not they still have to play the game they're not interested and or buggies are still gonna be a thing i think you're gonna find so i think lean into melting i like it you get three units of three heavy radicators with a multi-method yeah you've been hurt i have been hurt i would say who hurt you but i know all righty how you doing brett good um so i've decided i'm going to split the reinforcements the the crew talks are going to come over here and hopefully get some shots on this battle wagon um honestly uh i didn't i would have loved to have kept the croot off another turn but i can't um so i brought the carnivores in over here they're going to be a little more opsec on that side of the table i'm sort of light on opsec in the center um but i don't really know what to do about that yeah i'm hoping to kill a lot of stuff on your side um i think the uh yeah and i i said i declared monk caught the ghost skills operating on top profile i think the last question i have is whether to heal either the ghost kill or the hammerhead it's 2cp um but uh you know these are my to the last targets um i'm maybe maybe i'll i'll hold off on that for now um well can looters see the ghost keel they can right oh yeah oh yeah um and i don't have a lot that can shoot at the united states i mean you're not a vehicle though right right i'll be hitting on sixes with no re-rolls right but you have two ones left i have two ones so one liter three would kill you that's right three cp yeah i think i'm gonna do it i would do it also because i do have a more boss right here right here and even if you tag me i can fall back and charge so you're spending one is that where you're spending two years for d3 d3 wins classic aka coco yeah so five is great that's great yeah uh okay and i had to also use the strat to operate on top profile because well unless that gets me to top profile oh the healing no it does not no yeah because i needed to move i degrade my movement and i needed to to get out of there get out of dodge you had to run away all right so then my last question is what am i going to do with this hammerhead uh i think um i think i'm okay just kind of shooting the ludas or shooting battle wagon or yeah um you know i'm gonna back up a little bit back back and that way i can see this truck if it turns out you know for example these guys can google make sure you're not because this is obscuring enough steering yeah is there an angle i have to get like this right okay sounds good with that yeah it looks good that's good okay you're good all right uh and that way i can shoot battle leg in here i can see ludos i can't see everything obstacles right question let us move on to the marker light phase oh so i declared again sense of stone stone actually uh on the ethereal sounds good uh i just have to start a shooting phase yeah so kind of try to weather this uh from my custom force field yep never done the strat but uh now's the time for two command points force field booster uh i use at the start of my opponent's shooting phase basically it boosts the range of this so it's all orc units within nine okay get a five plus in vulnerable save instead of six instead of six and then after that at the end of this turn it fizzles out can't use it for the rest of the game that's that's great i love it right that was two strats for six hopes oh thank you here's no snow and then i just did two cp or i just did one do you really i counted that yeah i did one and you did one cool cool all right let's do marker lights bring it on son uh first a marker light squad of two marker drones at the battle wagon here's the first one yes it hits one yeah and the second one two marker lights what else do i care about that i might want a marker light marker marker light i think the battle wagon is well i've got a bunch of infantry here that probably want to die also um yeah so i'll put the um i'll do this marker light drone here next into the uh the big squad of boys boys it misses the siri roll this is all right then the last one um you have this cover thing right if you're outside of 18 18. so nothing probably now the ghost keel to the battle wagon oh sure but i guess there's enough ap to get through yeah okay um then the next two marker drones uh they'll go into the big squad of boys sounds good here's the first one it's second one this is but the siri roll misses one marker light on that one on that one and then i've got pathfinders um they're still around yeah they're still around do they want to move not within three of snake rot no because they have heavy weapons okay so you'll if you don't kill me i'll intervene it to you uh i've got croutons there too uh he's i'm pretty sure snickerdogs weren't in the hit the crown the hounds do nothing you could intervene into the hounds sure oh you're just saying i have multiple options you have multiple options for interventions sounds good i'm relying on not being as long as you guys wanted to check sounds good sounds good okay so we've got five pathfinders um let's see i can't unless i get really lucky it's unlikely that i'm going to get okay i'm going to go into the big squad of boys i'm going to put um one into snickrot sounds good so here's the one into snickerat also see that one nope and then here's into the big squad of boys you got it wow um so just one more cool okay uh then [Music] uh this guy here is going to uh shoot his marker light at snick rot sounds good he moved so it's hitting on a five but he gets us a siri roll oh geez okay and that's it for market lights i could spend a cp to just put a marker light on snake rot which is interesting um yeah i'll do that yeah i'll spin a cp do i get it back i do not i'm out of screen points now right yeah okay so snake rod's got a marker light on him let's do that side of the table first let's do it um i'll shoot the crew time six going into the snicker hut i really wish i wasn't covered but rerolling ones that's what i meant to say there's another one there that was a four there's another one right under your hand oops sorry oh thank you here's another reroll okay all righty and then on five standing on five e6 right yes he's a boss he's a boss oh it's so good wow wow okay look this is only five ups i'm pretty sure i'll double check the four but um at least taking two might be three okay uh the the sniper dayak grec so he's down to one wound two hits did you hear him mortal wins when died came in i have not uh came in but he it's not when he comes in when i come you can do it any at the end of adrian's movement phase and he can even do it when he's off the table i just always forget okay uh one wound on is it immortal it is not oh he doesn't actually have a sniper rifle i'm good he's a sniper but he's not weird you just got a gun yep uh okay [Music] preachers creatures i'm gonna get a little bit spicy yeah no kidding uh i'm in split fire i've got uh nobody within ten sure so if i had a command point i'd spend it but i don't it needs command points okay uh [Music] i'm gonna put five breachers into snickrot the other five into the orc boys let's do one two three four five cool cool snickers uh yep you got it hitting on fours no re-rolls honest fours marker no markers no no marker lights on synchro there was one i thought you oh there was one yeah oh how many oh shoot two ones two ones yep okay up re-rolling can't change to see uh can't change the pass okay so three hits yeah strength looking for strength six so fours two fours oh my god he's still my beating all right i got i got i got a little bit greedy coming back to bite me uh so boys into the boys these are also rerolling ones but didn't get any ones and these are strength four so five wounds uh three okay okay okay five oops force field yeah cool okay well that's next uh you know what um the battle wagon is within 24 but not 18. so the ghost kill is going to put his big mountain guns this big fusion into the battle wagon and there's a little fusion into snake oh i love it i love it all right uh fusion into the battle wagon uh [Music] i should have done the little ones first like that's the scenery roll so no no that's fine it's an information thing sure uh so i'll also see a reroll one of these let's go nice so two hits threes right looking for threes one wound spicy five plus oh shucks i saw it um yeah go for it d6 damage three down one all right and then little melting guns into snick rot you got it one head t6 one five up cause i'm dead oh he takes him out anything he's just that's just so tough oh my gosh awesome okay um well uh yeah i mean i've got like tons of things i could charge but yikes yeah i've also got a commander here okay let's do some shooting over here and see what happens the stealth fell back so they can't shoot the crew talks i'm gonna shoot the shaper into the battle wagon sounds good uh it has a marker light yep two heads t8 sixes to wound got one wound no ip watch this though yep how are you feeling did you explode ah i've been so good wow i was really hoping anchor proc with the pro move right there takes him out he's like head shots the driver driver okay uh so now that's interesting that opens up some options i'm gonna shoot the breachers next they'll go into the big squad of boys sounds great um big squad boys yeah cause i'm not gonna kill enough with yeah okay six nine ten three six nine ten all right cool uh i don't have any cp so i have to worry about strats yeah oh it's good rolling ones and a single other one if you want and a single other one here yeah you're right okay did you get your single yet i did cool and uh g5 so string six three threes my ap doesn't matter yes this is where this is the reason i have the force field this turn that was great let's see if i uh if it works five ups custom force field five like it did it's okay it's okay that's fine so six dead six dead okay two three um four five and six cool cool all right um how does being in the forest happen if you're like i might just want to shoot those guys yeah all right so crew talks riders have rapid fire weapons at 48 inches so they can kind of shoot a lot uh whatever they want with two shots uh so we'll go ah we'll go at the big squad of boys actually actually are we rolling ones okay three hits yes these are t5 t5 and we're rolling ones because the shaper commands this wound uh string seven cool fives two more two more boys okay uh and then we've got the hammerhead i'm tempted to go at the ludas because that's kind of the scary thing at this point then the smart missiles i'll put at the big squad of boys cool sounds good um i can also go at the truck over there what's the truck doing yeah what's the truck doing right nothing um yeah it's scoring your points but okay yeah so i don't have cp to you know the storm boys x right yeah there's no opsec in the truck right it's just uh it's just storm voice yeah but like even now if you kill the truck who's shooting the storm boys nothing left that's right so you're that's right that's like a non-problem basis okay uh their t5 overcharging doesn't do me any good right yeah and uh but after all number of shots because i don't have cp for the strat so three shots uh actually if i overchar if i don't overcharge is it d6 shots it might just be three shots no uh no they wouldn't do how would they uh so they would yeah standard is heavy three yeah you don't get v6 you don't get d6 unless you overcharge okay okay i roll the three anyway oh these these one hit yep so i see you oh cecilia as you call them unless did i have range on snickers nick rat 30. are you okay if i changed that that would have been a much better goal for that okay let's do it so hitting on fours hitting on fours and rolling ones because i'm going over the forest right oh then you're here oh sorry no okay then threes yeah you're fine threes i still you know because tau cause tau and then five's to win five saloons oh okay do i do it is it ocp reroll yeah because he has yeah five up the phone yeah like it's cute but doesn't actually do anything because you will charge him yeah oh yeah no he's going to live put up oh you saw the sticks oh that's so close oh well stinkrock goes down he did great like a random smart missile across the field yeah he had so much stuff this game yeah he's like 70 points oh my god all right so guys uh so that is that's it for my shooting no you're the commander never saw i do have a commander thank you uh so with that the commander can is free to just shoot boys wow um so he'll go about the big squad because now the smaller squad okay okay this is all five up in bone right correct everything's same yeah yep here we go so this this one orange squash all right let's do it and he is not over charging because it doesn't matter it sounds good on twos we're rolling once you're on one got those marker lights very nice and three strength seven so right ap2 which doesn't matter also pipe ups all right four more into it some boys yeah so we're doing this game kill boys wow can he say that all right cool i allowed to say that on tour okay [Music] so i think i think that's it cool any charges um you know you've got a bunch of object there i don't think it advantages me well these guys advanced also all of this is no longer no charge range anymore um these crew towns fell back yeah no charges cool cool so guys just leadership for me at the end of the turn uh i lost a whole bunch of boys in this orange unit let's see we got give me one there you go it is this one you're correct that's it it's cloud shot no strangle right no strangle unfortunately too many boys too many boys the force field does not fizzle out and i have no invulnerable save so they will they will melt but that was kind of the turn they just needed like brace for impact right because breachers would just melt them otherwise cool uh over me yeah yeah you got the big 15 15. it's very nice oh yeah and your your thinking cap how's that my thinking cap uh yep no no so you're recipe free and speed was done for what little that did for us uh let's let's do this thing um i'm thinking i might want to come crump over here yeah not a bad choice it'd be fun uh let's do this we're orcs i still have no prisoners to try to score yeah i'm going to come over there i'm not going to take your prisoner yeah assassinate yeah one here two here three and all the other three are over here yeah and the commander don't forget the commander yeah the war boss has lots to do let's just say that you know what we haven't done in a while mean of the week namely lima of the week yeah maybe the week name of the week the what it returns i love it this is what everyone wanted we missed all these memes because we were we were in a british colony this was a good this was a good week for me wait what the heck that's sadie i say yeah you guys if you if you're not a member it should become one just so you can see tuesday's game with sadie with uh yeah we had a dog on stream so good oh this is evil adrian you versus the guy she tells you i don't know if that arm wrestle was posted anywhere oh the arms are wrestling it was recorded it was done in a public square it was yeah very quick yeah yeah it was over in a second i did well no he linked and it was over he did mess with me he did toy with him oh as you should but i didn't let him toy with me for too long because i just gave up i thought you'd do that and i thought he would just hold your arm up and you're like no just steve let me go let me like never bridgette kill me i'm hungry i want to go get food no this was after dinner as we were leaving we're like okay let's do this arm wrestle like so they they arm wrestled in the middle of this like italian restaurant in gibraltar yeah it was beautiful i put everything into it i really did i really did try i believe you and you know tried your hardest i uh you tried to do it so hard can do it yep you come strong boys but in the end it doesn't even matter um what are we doing with this truck this truck this truck oh we can get super cheeky with this you're gonna love this brick see i should have killed the truck adrian i'm gonna i'm gonna kill you with the truck you're gonna charge me i'm gonna raiming speed you would do mortal wounds with the truck okay so you know what you were right see it should have killed the truck like the truck doesn't matter it's a non-decision well it won't because you healed i can't kill you with it but i'll give you some wounds which is cute it's super cute thank you barry during nursery legends final winter said adrian not bridger is generous with the beers he actually said adrian or bridger yeah he wasn't quite sure which one was which uh we know this because the whole time he called both of us adrian or bridger no he was definitely trolling because once of course he knew who it was yeah yeah and we were like winters you you got us oh my god that guy was crazy yeah he's just like the whole game we're playing so uh adrian or bridger i'm not sure uh what do you think about it's just this you off your game yeah playing the mind game exactly exactly uh but yeah uh adrian bridger is definitely generous with the beers so this is a beer token i guess favorite drunk adrian story that's that's the question that's the question oh um let's see at gibraltar i don't know doesn't specify adrian didn't drink intervals i didn't drink in gibraltar which is why i was generous with other people's drinks uh trying to you know you know get them get them loose before the night before uh well my 21st birthday was a fun time let me tell you that yeah yeah i was i had a great time it was awesome it's in san diego of course and um they bring out the birthday cake around like i don't know 11 000 and sing happy birthday happy birthday so exciting and i'm like you know it'll be really cool right now if i just head butted the cake why would you do that which has the candles on it's on fire why would you and i just was like oh dear god but i was like i really want to share the cake so i like it was taking the cake off and i and i you're offering it to people yeah they're like that's really weird but it's nice but i feel really strange about that yeah would you like some cake for my face yeah would you like some cake face cake face cake yeah yeah so there's a story for you guys all right um so yeah we're coming in time to cromp this is it gotta kill him in overwatch i need to roll three sixes to hit honestly and and then yeah stranger things have happened right does he have an involved natively yes good no [Music] wait did they give him we'll figure it out later what well it doesn't matter i'm going i'm going for it yeah um because this yeah whatever we're going in regardless like i don't even care this guy's worth uh eight points if you kill him he points why is he worth eight points and he's a character oh my gosh so is he your boiler is he with nine points he's worth nine points points that's a big swing i'm still charging the other guy i don't care what you're saying he's just trying to bait me thank you eamon congrats on your success in gibraltar adrian thank you hope you were able to do more in europe than just play some 40k speaking of more than 40k how about streaming some kill team the new rule set is solved yeah look we're definitely looking into it uh yeah we almost certainly will in the near future we just have to figure out how in the best format mm-hmm yeah and we did we did more than just play warhammer although we did do that it was great look i'm just saying this is how all five round tournaments should be yes day one we played one game of warhammer at five o'clock after we went and did a tour right of the the ramparts uh day two we played two games uh first game so chill lunch and visiting monkeys and the k and the st michael's caves and then a second game warhammer last day warhammer in the morning uh dolphin tour on a boat yeah and then finals in the evening and you're off to dinner it was a great time it was a great time i'm just saying that's how all eventually those should be like that yeah does that sound great yeah as opposed to like three or four games in a day and we just want to die that's all you do at the end of it yeah and you go to dinner and you have no voice and you're tired and you're like this is my hobby i do this for fun right right are you having fun yet are you winning on sun no yeah totally agree like warhammer is fun like six games of warhammer in a day is not fun it gets a bit much that those last games are just like it's a lot i paid money for this yeah i know right well that's the other thing it's like you traveled you're like what are you going to not play yeah i kind of want to not play yeah that is sometimes how i feel oh these guys are coming in here they come here we go here we go here we go the commandos return commandos return i shouldn't there was no reason i don't know why i put two units up there in the beginning well yeah we didn't know how i was going to deploy that's a pretty lopsided deployment well we had because you had the first drop so you put stealth here so i went here and then this was i was a little bit nervous but i didn't know how the rest of the products were going to go right you know who's going to go first right there's a lot of unknowns exactly all right so we're here a night away from the crew hounds uh we don't have any strats to help with that oh oh i might have a strat to help with that let me have a new strat all right ready yeah shooting uh this is marco lights we're done all right he's still marco ladies still marco lit a marker lit all right here we go let's do this i'm gonna start with these shoe boys okay into these duty boys we've got two drones here they do all right let's do this first we're going to take these uh these the small unit basically the big units can use the strat here the smalling is going to try to get rid of these drones so you can't pass off wounds yep uh and so it's a shield and a grav inhibitor it's a shield and a guardian drum guardian okay one two three four five guys with those drones okay um that's a bit much i'll put it though i'll put three of the drones and two at those boys yeah so here's uh here's the drones and this is with the stroke no okay so two hits yep four's doing nothing nothing ah shoot and then another one uh-huh suffering from brett syndrome yeah all right so one save onto the breachers okay no ap four up ah shucks okay now we're gonna go to the big unit we're gonna pay one cp yeah for special ramo into the breachers this is two four six eight nine guys so 36 shots okay uh yeah let's do this so five ten fifteen taventi 25 29 uh thirty can give me a six through six excellent excellent all right load me up son here we go that's it special ammo five special uh huh look there's a lot of pips not a lot of six but there's a lot of fives the fives are the way to go apparently yeah so i'm told all right cool uh strength four so on threes um it's respectable it's respectable it's good that's actually really good quite good so you grab those i'll grab these i'll pass them to you and then you roll the dice there we go minus one minus one second minus two no because i uh many reasons okay uh so my five up involved doesn't matter here right i'm just on five oh gosh let's see it uh okay i say four and i lose three seven seven and three how many sevens in this game so good for branding thanks brett we need more sevens in this game we do need more sevens in this game this is true okay all righty all righty all right you're ready looks good looks good um let's do it it's time for the straight shooter what's his face what's his name craig yeah uh grec so i'm outside that's proc croc i'm gonna proc your death so 10 shots grounded docker range i'm not going to make it a duck ranch hang on fours oh it's good it's good pizza it's good straight shooting killing that's strange he's been warming it up all game threes to win six to do mortals yeah so this many saves and then one mortal okay and you do have some drones drones drones don't uh jump in the way of crews really yeah even if they wanted to even if that's yeah fair enough it might not be any oh then i don't get safe oh he's dead he's dead he's not being sniffed he's very dead ten shots one kill attention we did the thing uh we're there sweet uh we'll go to ludas okay you've got 11 wounds 11 wounds i do i'm not going to kill that well we'll go for the crew talks because they're actually generally scared you got his assassinate points there yep yep yep so here's louise one two three four five guys okay into the crew talks yeah on fives it's a good target for them yeah this was like the best they've ever hit strength seven so on threes oh no no no no ap minus one okay uh damage two okay down to two wounds one guy it's worse to know that the shots could just go straight through makes it worse that he failed to inspire me this this big shooter you can see those pathfinders right here three four five docker range two hits on threes not this one two at no ap okay looking for [Music] fives cool one all right and then we've got the um sluggers from the storm boys that are right there next to them yep fives got two hits on threes one no ap on the pathfinder yes give her a five oh that's a weird dice another one okey dokey i think it's charge clock charge o'clock charge of clock arena and uh what are we doing the problem with right so much overwatch yeah like if i charge anything but the hounds yeah so no none of the crew models trigger greater good well it's lame but i have to just charge the crew people really just don't care about crew huh yeah they don't get they don't yeah they just they can second class citizens oh sorry um i pulled differently sure i should have left the guys that were on the objective that's a pro move okay um okay so here is storm boys into just the crude house okay uh because you have what how two pathfinders on the point yes so into the into the hounds oh wow that's a three uh which well i'll make it regardless but i'm just gonna reroll oh ninjas give me double ones okay there we go now you can tag things if you want that's true it's true i might and then this so the strand i was thinking of is not it's um ah shoot i need to check again i think it's it's glory boys once they get in i can give a bonus to charge for a different unit yeah uh but let me make sure it's not the other way around glory boys yeah there's the other way around dang it because what it is is it if an if a different unit makes the charge the storm boys want to steal their thunder and they get a plus two to charge so it's exactly the opposite of what you actually want but it's thematic yeah uh so the commandos honestly i don't know that i actually want to charge because then i'll be like they're gonna die right whatever you see you're gonna kill because what's the ap on the um on the breachers if they're in close range ap2 ap2 so i have five ups well it's not terrible but as is right now can you even see them with a move the commandos yeah uh they're 15 inch range okay but can you reach the obscurable terrain and unlock the vision um no not uh well just with the front two the front two yeah so i'd rather just take two two of them shooting rather than all of them and just coming that's good so we're chilling there uh over here we're gonna take uh this big unit into these guys okay uh so i'm gonna do advanced photon grenades yeah uh here we go number of shots six shots oh it's good looking for us six which we got yep all right and then two normal guys these are hitting on sixes so nothing cool and a minus to charge your minus charge is d3 so you're three minus three inches and your charge distance is halved wow oh it's half so the advanced photon grenade halves the grav inhibitor gives you minus three gotcha so seven is half to four and then your minus three so you have a one inch charge cool correct attack yeah it's like it's like some crazy combo right yeah that's how it works yeah that's cool it's on it's hard to get all the pieces in place yeah yeah because it relies on a two-drone unit not dying and then squad carrying their advanced photon grenades or t3 with a four-up save and hitting on overwatch hitting on overwatch but you know like right here you see it happen yeah if you had been two inches away you would not have made it no literally literally um other boys other boys other boys are the boys uh yeah look we'll do it we're going in what are you gonna do overall again no but they are d3 charged oh sure for this thing oh so you roll the four so you're minus two you have two inch charge cool that's it that's enough okay yeah if i'd rolled a three there you would have been out that'd be it that's it all right right here we've got commandos uh it should be outside of 12. this is a four inch charge into those boys you wanna do some overwatch yeah i'm gonna do some marker lights first we're gonna mark the light and then we're gonna do these stealths one two three four with ets uh and i'll reroll these ones sounds good and once i know that's not yeah cool so you've got two hits so far so two hits your hips and looking for fours okay good job one without atf there's more so two minutes and nothing all right looking for a four hey over watch we'll take it i know right i know right bloop coming on in uh while i'm doing this i'm going to charge okay let me do some overwatch commander just the commander i think if i do that what does that change that's so confusing it's just who can who can within six can overwatch so if you declared the ghost key all right pathfinders that's fine you know what i'll i'll declare uh the commander and the go skill okay that way the ghost will can't overwatch into the truck when he comes in great cool then the pathfinders will overwatch sure with their photon grenades go for it uh the other two will mark a light so here's the marker lights from the pathfinders actually i'm going to start with the um the drone with the drone yeah sounds good the drone misses here's the two pathfinders and marker lights they miss here's the photon grenade from the pathfinder yep four shots hitting on sixes got a hit so he's uh he's minus one in melee sounds good and then i'm gonna i'm gonna grade again i'm gonna greater good with everything sounds good uh the breachers are gonna go the ghost kill's gonna go and the commander's gonna go sounds good um so here's the commander he's gonna overcharge uh nine shots hitting on sixes okay one hit uh winning on a three uh what's your strength uh okay sounds good mt7 d3 damage uh and so we'll keep that in mind i'm still looking up the involved here's the ghost keel um bridget could you look up faq for this um because right now he doesn't have an involved save um i don't know if they gave it to him or if that's just the four drill price you pay here's the big shot uh doesn't wound and i don't have cp and i use my once per game so here's the little shot it's a head it's a wound okay so i've got one melted gun wound and one uh cyclic ion blaster wound cool do you have involved we're waiting okay uh war boss on war bike he has here we go big red button dead tough that's it dead tough is that the five of them that is the five plus okay so here's against the commander five plus in bomb takes it that's for d3 d3 yeah number ones okay and then the other one five plus that's a big one okay uh and then he said eight wounds oh my gosh yeah no he's yeah it's ridiculous he's gonna be fine okay so here's two breachers on the uh on the highest profile one hit and uh one wound sounds good and ap2 oh yep takes it down to six five six seven eight and then here's the rest of them at their medium range profile the old ones because six is nicely done uh okay all right and one five okay here's the charge we're in skadoosh and uh no more fall back in charge right that's right we're starting to fall back and shoot that's right yeah uh let's do ramming speed here we go this is the truck going into the ghost gear oh yeah it's 3d6 charge he's in it's a strat it's a strat wow do i get one oh i need a cpp brutal brittle machine what we'll do we'll go this way i need your cp give me your cps ocps so on two plus we [Music] all right well we made it in that's two cp for nothing oh cp it's two cp it's a great strategy your yeah it makes you more likely to get in yeah and it does mortals yeah it's great and it's called jamming speed speed all right look i think we did it cool combats you have no cp i have zero interviews big fat zero let's do this thing we're going in so these boys we will declare distraction grot the distraction guy gets released once per game uh this is gonna give me plus one wound yeah because i'm gonna i'm gonna leave the cover essentially right um yeah and i actually if i had a cp this would be a great opportunity to pay scp to allow these guys heroic oh it's all crude oh keyword yeah that would have been really good actually yeah um so we've got two four six uh eight nine guys 36 37 attacks okay so that's a lot that's a lot seven yeah okay guys you got this it's gonna be fine you're gonna be fine man not worried 15. i'm a little worried over here commander i think was uh oh did you okay you didn't have to go into the train to charge them uh no but i also rolled over there you also rolled the same yeah i have four rerolls on all my charts okay bring it on threes threes fours because stealth oh that's nice is four times four so normally force now threes threes because of distraction graph distraction grot all right there you are minus ones all right uh these are three ups going to four ups let's go for a goal can we do it yeah ten wins in here one oh that's bad one guy dead two guys dead three guys dead four guys dead and there's one guy with a wound on him wow quite effective okay okay it's fine he's fine oh my gosh all right this is the boys over here the crump end is happening two four six seven into the side okay uh as far as they had fly right so yeah doesn't matter so much but we're just gonna sort of try to make a wall okay um here it was two four six seven so 14 attacks 15 attacks five uh three four five all right here we go on threes into them boys that's good and then three swoons did i hit you with the photon grenade right oh four is the head yeah and really good the same actually the same threes to win the pass yeah exactly all right uh or um saving on fours down two down two one one guy rough one guy uh we'll pile in insofar as it makes sense and so one two three four five exactly perfect connection so three guys uh two four six attacks there we go on fours sorry on threes because these guys did not take the photon threes to wound all right three saves no ap looking for well let's see uh if i'm within three uh so they're no longer in three yeah no i'm not all right uh yeah just need fours didn't get didn't get fours ah yeah okay look what you need to draw in them no it's because my secondary minimized losses is about units so if like one model survives i can run them away that's like saving me points yeah that's true what if he doesn't die then i wrap him right and you're on this runway anyways actually that would be better for me because that's gonna be sure you're right so uh let's do this thing okay big boss into the commander uh do you mind if i take uh philippines against those two pathfinders sure can't you just pass that's good so here's the boss into the commander yeah here we go threes to hit because because photography photon yep and then uh toughness five that's five choose the wound strength a lot all right there you are so ap what minus three okay he has a three up save goes to six up i'm gonna put one on a drone well first one not on a drone just on him nailed it second one um okay so three so can do i have to roll them all or can i roll the feeling pants for this first roll feeling pains okay so oh sorry that's my dover pile okay they'll attach my dice there you go so here's three feelings three failing pants okay okay so this last one can't actually kill him so we're gonna have do-overs right i know yeah so a six-step armor save okay okay and then six steps yes okay okay so he's down to one wound down to one we've got three attacks left to do uh sorry one uh i missed that up four four taxi dudes one one threes to hit looks good choose to wound okay okay four more six ups yes [Music] okay he's done yeah squish nine points we got him into it alrighty uh we'll skip the truck into the ghost deal and uh we'll just do storm boys into the croot okay here we go three attacks each one two three four five and the knob hitting on threes let's do it up up up up looks good strength [Music] and that takes my that takes me off that objective too that's that's pretty big yeah big big swing there all righty uh do you want to do some punchy punch back yeah uh did you want to fight with the truck no okay we shall skeep in the truck uh go skill gets a hit because he's operating on top profile cool he miss it doesn't wound um and you piled into this drone okay hits dozen wounds i've got one stealth suit here you got it he hits twice and no wounds uh it doesn't wound and then uh did you touching that drone there it looks like sure okay two attacks two hits nothing google uh i think we did it that's all she wrote so leadership for you here yeah this is a big one um i don't have any cp so i'm just rolling it so he is leadership nine because cecilia he lost five so he's good yep okay all righty that's gonna be it for me i've got pathfinders oh yeah i think they're fine yeah they actually can't uh yeah cool deal so i'm gonna get my stranglehold for three yeah uh we got a bunch of no prisoners but we'll get that later on and that's gonna be over to uh mr brett and i think you took this objective over here from me so i'm not zero primary again bridger yeah this is gonna be tricky to come back from right um yeah what's the play here i think so i've got nobody else to come in i think uh you know been nice if i could have had you know one more unit to come in this turn if i could you know it's against the rules but if i could have brought in yeah yeah there after you kind of cleared out a little bit totally good yeah but you waited long enough which is really smart thank you that's the idea so i'm going to try to decisively take this over here and then i don't have much to to uh take the middle unfortunately so stranglehold is going to be tricky for me because this is all obsec on all my objects over here yeah um trying to think whether to fall back with the ghost keel or just to stand there and shoot him in the face with melt again right right i'm tempted by that yeah um okay uh but if i don't if i don't i mean he then only the ghost kill can shoot him right yeah everything else yeah and by him you mean who the truth uh the okay boss yeah oh i think well he doesn't care about killing the truck really yeah but i also don't know if you'll if it's just the breaches going into the war bike right because he's t7 oh my god yeah so i think he just needs to stand there and shoot shoot the the boss fair enough yeah um and the breachers can deal with this other stuff so all right yeah bring it home let's do it right got a cp yeah i think george is ravenwing or deathwing to play for dark angels i have a ton of extra models to go both directions also will primark levels be able to hang out at lvo ooh primark hangout lv like members right um so we're gonna have until the events are emperor level right correct me if i'm wrong so so we'll have like a specific dinner that's that is the thing it's only for emperors sadly um however again this is like for a specific event so it's not like you can't come chat with us hang out do the stuff this is really for these these special dinners that are that are just for emperors so um so that that's that's that's the reality that that there is there's these official events but it's not like we're gonna be like hey don't talk to me are you are you an emperor you know like that's not what it's about it's about having this separate event during the event so definitely come come chat with us um we'll be happy to as far as deathwing versus raven or deathwing and ravenwing um it's a great question ah the game's constantly changing it's still probably true that i would say deathwing with ravenwing is the way to go um you know we had winters played all deathwing army this last weekend it was awesome it was really strong yeah it was great i feel like i would if i was if i could build anything right and i wanted to build that style list kind of as a take all all covers i would do the three big blocks of terminators but then instead of the blade guard i would bring in raven wing for some more talent masters the blade guards seemed like the weakest part of the list they are the weakest part of this like the blade guard and i've said this before like they are just worse deathwing terms yeah they're cool they're super cool and if you want more of the same um but you're limited to how many units you can take right well that's why you take them right because you once you already have three you know it's a deathwing uh because they're not actually troops even though they're opsec at that point you have to take something else so what are you gonna take for the next best thing um yeah so i know i've been saying this for a long long time but i do still have my rigging to put to paint for the channel and uh so hopefully we can see a bit of that but it's cool it's an exciting army to play because you have all these different elements to play with yeah and thank you for your support we really appreciate it so it makes all of this possible and also being a primark so thank you uh thank you hoffa hi titans i love this game uh gcc is the or gsc is the trixie army what would you say is the most trixie army for the good guys oh for the good guys who who's the good guys imperium is that they're not good guys yeah i was going to say is that are they really good guys i don't know um sisters yeah sisters are admik the reason i say sisters is the they're like the strat reliant come in from deep strike do a thing or come out of a transport do a thing give a unit obsec and they'll advance across the entire table and steal an objective they're like imperial gsc to me except good i agree the reason we don't think of them as like gsc is they're good but other than that that's that's a hot tape well they're good and also it hasn't been their identity always right right it's a recent thing if you were a new person coming into this army and you saw sisters you would think that but i think for a lot of us we think of them differently we don't think that in that way yeah yeah but i agree i think 100 sisters they're no longer the honorable fighters that they once were no they're they're all about tricks now tricks and treachery um which is also why i think a lot of people um i'll not overestimate them but they think that like oh they're powerful army i can just play them they'll be powerful they're actually not easy to play they're hard they're hard army to play but if you can play them well then they're amazing they're rewarding those tricks so that's why they're cool army i like that they're not autoplay oh i hate them you hate themselves i would hate them too if i had to play them every event especially every celebrity event you played like every sister's player at least twice at every event just like okay cool i lose again more sisters more hard counter to my that's just me the better i get it that's exhausting i would not like to play that many miracle dice games you know is he is this guy part of the squad uh no because that doesn't exist in ninth edition got it but he's not like he's a knob in the squad no he's a uh he's a character okay yeah that's all all right how am i gonna man this is gonna be rough yeah it's gonna be rough you're in a you're in a tough spot right now the towel are okay like if they make it to the to that enemy lines i don't know there's going to be much of them right oh the narrative scenario spreads like you're right scenario i'm not narrow to play anymore i've been hurt too many times uh no it's a it's been a good game but i think right now the orcs are in a good space very advantageous yes exactly exactly thank you let's see what we can do to pull it out thank you dustash uh warbsmith you ready engine i'm ready i'm ready for warpsmith twenty two by ten cultists two by ten boulder csm one with last cannon and one with reaper chain cannon uh and the champions have lightning claws and we have daradeo with i i and lost autocannon we have two hub routes with missiles one plasma one heavy bolter two by five warp talons three obliterators two venom crawlers nice i like it what do you think it's well balanced you kind of lean towards the things that are playable which is nice you said warp talents there's more to this list i did say two by five warp towns but hold on carry on says hey guys love the show would love to get some feedback on my list okay oh it's iron warriors with a disco lord uh with the exoskeleton uh his world trade is master of power and he has d smith cursed earth and infernal power with incidium yeah a lot of these words i can turn the letters into words but i can't tell you what the words mean iron hands are one of the better better ones they can make iron warriors iron moisturizers pretty good too though let's be honest um yeah so it makes sense and you can make either the obliterator is going to do a ton of damage the gerodera has some nice synergies in there um also because csm have not uh invented the idea of core yet so that's nice and uh so i like all of it the only thing is that the things i would really change are the warp talents i would have raptors just to get scoring i think warp towns are still a little bit too pricey for what they do um but again that's kind of just the lateral movement i'm saying just take a different unit in the same role and the venom crawlers without they're fine i'm like lukewarm in this list on that i like it i think it's great the disco lords are amazing they are they're just not what they used to be though they were ridiculous and now they're if and if definitely war trikes are going to be untargetable disco should be untargetable too they're not what they used to be yeah you need a little bit of a root give them nine blow up yeah because otherwise they died with stiff breeze so yeah all right i did the moving into the move let's do it uh so i'm gonna try something sneaky i'm gonna try to kill your uh your boy there yep yep so i'm gonna put some marker lights into the one squad of two here into the boys sounds good here's the first one got one marker here's the second one re-rolled one ones two markers two markers on the boys very cool uh next up i'm gonna shoot the uh the these two fire warriors we're gonna wrap the fire into that squad sounds great here we go bring it on getting on uh so one cecilia and one rear ones you got it oh very nice three hits three hits on four's right and wounding on fours because strength five oh no one wound uh six up takes it okay takes it so that's not quite enough i need to do two more uh so i'm gonna do these crew talks riders with them as well absolutely uh here we go uh six shots hitting on fours but we're rolling ones got it so two hits union on threes one wound oh jeez ap one yeah oh okay that's rough okay um cause i wanna shoot this hammerhead uh into your boy i'm a boy i got nothing um wow yeah oh uh you know what i can do some i got some crude over here uh they've got some long they've got 24 inch guns uh so i've got like five you've got four four that can shoot let's do it um hitting on fours rolling ones and uh and i think that's it yeah the rest of their shots oh the rest of the shots going in the strom boys well are you also going to put those briefers into the storm boys was planning on it then i'll just pick them up okay you know what i'm saying yeah they're making that okay uh what are the range on these pathfinders here the pathfinders weirdly have range as well okay uh so i've got three pathfinders bring it on and so they've got assault two 18 inches [Music] [Music] oh it's so close i was if i was feeling oh i can't see pee feeling vm at cpf all right so now you can shoot my big mac all right i do like so the smart missiles will go into the um the red squad and the ion cannon will go into the big mac naturally he doesn't have his involved fizzle seeing if he so the the force field fizzled um i'm seeing if he has one innately okay here's the smart missiles into the red squad sounds good hang on threes he does not he just has a two plus armor safe because mega armor uh he's one wound against a red squad sounds good ap nothing so six up nope oh we're in cover so five up which ignores cover nor cover thank you we're going around in circles i think i failed to save anyways too so just make it even more complicated all right three shots into the big mac i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm over charging that's fine uh so here's my number of shots i actually only get one shot okay uh so you just roll the hits just roll just roll it there all right very cool excellent awesome oh yeah yeah here we go okay all right we did it two five three three for how much three damage sounds good he's down to three okay okay okay you're trying for that panic kill he's going to um you know i didn't i didn't declare operating on top profile because i wanted to save for hulk out strength so oh wait if you want to do it no no don't want to do it you're going to the boss going to the boss bring it on uh hitting on fours because five so heavy okay and then these are assault so these will hit on forces one of these is okay missed and then then the the normal melted guns hit on fours there you are two hits all right on threes fives oh shut up let's do it let's do it this is old melta should get him so four damage you got him and three damage seven that'll be good seven he's dead that's shocking actually that was exciting that was a shocking turn of events it was like shocking third seven in the entire shocking attack guy exactly all right uh i i think that is it for shooting um nothing left cool deal that has range or line of sight yeah um actually greg here can see a commando go for it so he'll take a shot he hits on a three missiles all right crew talks are going to charge in there here we go they are going six [Music] here they come they're uh yeah moving out gonna save the day yeah naturally now we're gonna spend one on hulk out hulk out look out do i get it back oh that guy's dead no oh okay all right bridges uh okay so we're tax model mm-hmm and getting all threes that's it you got it you got it you got it cool moving on threes because strength six very nice and if there was a shaper nearby if you hadn't sniped the shaper i know classic classic move you hadn't snagged the shooter it's good john's one kill all right you want to pile into me i do um actually i could activate three i could touch all these things right uh no because that's you already um like before i because you would have to pile into here that's fine yeah you can touch this guy it doesn't super change it well let's do it all right so we'll go ahead and do this unit of two then like so hitting on threes looks good strength four so we need five say soon yeah save new ap okay looking for six mm-hmm and then two four six eight another squad on threes pretty good one two three four okay yep two rounds yeah one guy dies and another guy's down to three looks good looks good all righty uh do you want to do your ghost kill punch or yeah just leave it all right well let's do it [Music] nope he wants to do his melee tax pressure don't i don't get many options opportunities to make melee punch yeah all right all good cool leadership uh unit of four boys i lost a few and three left ones and twos cool so we lost one more just need to keep one alive that'll take us out of combat and then the unit of two yep uh they will also fail and then on a one or two last guy live there we are sweet yes running away with style that's how you do it nothing to score yeah i don't get uh strangled who went first this game i did yeah if you want to talk out your last turn um second to last turn it is second to last turn yeah i think i think we can probably talk because what's going to happen so you get 15. i get 15. i will strangle um yeah i think there's some questions about how many of my to the last targets you can kill i don't know if i can kill any more probably not um the hammerhead and the hammerhead yeah so we could do one fun shooting which is see if i can shoot him with a sniper oh yeah yeah yeah that's my only chance pretty much for the rest of the game to take your thing out and there's you know uh minimize losses things so we have to sort of make a guesstimate about how many of these small drone units you can kill absolutely probably going to clear out all this oh because these do give points yeah oh my gosh yeah so basically what we're going to do is we're going to move here we're going to charge we'll go we'll charge like this so within an inch a piece of terrain yeah that gives us the plus one do we want yep probably kills them probably kill all them yeah uh let's do the shooting over here it's gonna be it's gonna be cute that's fine so into the ethereal back out into um well let's assassinate this one's to the last 12. right are you looking for mortals on the i think i can't get within docker range of this guy yep which was the only thing to consider um yeah so let's just see if we can kill ethereal because we can't kill it we can't keep the ghost kill if you have a vodka then maybe i try for because it's cute yeah um so let's try that so three four five ten shots here we go on fours up up huh i was gonna try for it i thought i could get closer but i can't so on threes no mortals oh it's really close i need one drone there's one drone you have vp ap1 okay i think the ethereal has five up armor okay uh yeah five up armor cool and how many wounds four five wounds oh four four ones oh okay then he has feeling pains uh-huh so you're not gonna pass them off yeah so first one on a drone yep okay and uh so the drone's dead cool and then so now you have four more okay six and six yeah okay one six up sense of stuff [Music] so i will not get that assassinate um and uh we could there could be a charge here but i don't know if that changes much you know what i'm saying i'm saying the same thing oh yeah that be oh yeah that'll be a long charge oh it's not too bad so they're there oh yeah this is part of the squad there is yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah cause i was trying to get on the objective so it's a six-inch charge you want to roll it for me we're out of line of sight i did it to myself yeah that's right so that's probably this unit wiped right um so we'll kill this unit okay then you'd probably kill me yeah in the following turns sure sure make sense um yeah you went first yes you'd score 15 in your last turn for primary i'd get zero but you'll get 10 to the last and i'll have to look at minimize losses again yeah so i started with 26 and at the end of the game let's say i'd have one two three four five [Music] and i'll i'll shoot and charge yeah which we can have two but six um you get this one in this one seven maybe i'd have seven units which is over twenty-five percent yeah so i get the five i get five points for minimizing yes yeah isn't there are you starting with how many twenty-six oh okay okay yeah sorry i thought you said 12 and then for no prisoners like a 10 yeah is it okay uh i i gave up i think we said oh yeah i think we said 13 if you killed everything that's true uh so i think 10 is yeah yeah and then you're right it's a lot all right we did it we did the thing blood axes relax is chronic they fall they fall it was a fun game honestly uh the score does not fully reflect uh it was those the last the last turn um before this one was kind of the turning point right tanking in the middle was super important and pop you you timed the uh the force field overcharged yes that was my first time ever i actually didn't plan it it was awesome so that was cool it worked out perfect yeah yeah look uh we have a post game recap and q a show yeah right after this where we're gonna discuss the game give out mvps maybe lvps uh discuss uh the game of course we do hope you guys will join us and uh before we do though you know a bit of a heads up what's going on right today is saturday this upcoming week is going to be very big as we mentioned because we are unveiling titan's terrain yes our brand new terrain project it's our first ever full line of titans products essentially we've been working very hard on it very excited everyone's really excited about that it's gonna be cool and we're launching the kickstarter on wednesday where you guys can back it get your copies in early um for the for the first run essentially and uh so that's gonna be happening yeah so not a lot of details about it now those details will be coming on wednesday yeah we're gonna have the whole kickstarter play page we'll have we'll be playing the the terrain on tuesday if you remember um and then we'll be playing on wednesday on thursday and of course that's the following saturday so lots of opportunities to see it in action yeah and bring all your questions ask us how it works how much it'll cost all these things we have all the information for you so that's gonna be happening we also are gonna be putting up a vote right after this to determine what is gonna be played in tuesday's game and uh what we're going to do is we're going to actually put up a vote of uh balanced dead slates what armies do you want us to want to see us play that have been reinvigorated by this night nights i mean it's hard we're not saying nights but should be nights maybe nights yes um i think for fun we might even put some of the powerful factions see if they got knocked out right but again it's up to you guys so we're going to basically every faction that was on that data sleep we're going to put into it um yeah that's going to be that on also on wednesday on wednesday on hobby titans um adrian and i are going to be painting the new chow nap box yeah i'll be painting some pathfinders adrian's gonna be painting the sisters and we're gonna be building up some kill teams it's gonna be a lot of fun so join us over there and check that out yeah and last of all on a friday of next week we're gonna have a very special hobby titans stream working on stuff to add to your titan's terrain yeah that's right zach and i are going to be doing sort of a midday a couple hours of painting up some scatter that works well inexpensive scattered to go well with your inexpensive uh titans terrain exactly so lots to look forward to next week um hopefully we'll see you guys right over on the q a in a couple minutes but otherwise we'll catch you guys next time on the tabletop bye [Music]
Channel: Tabletop Titans
Views: 49,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer 40k, 40k, Games workshop, Tabletop, Miniature, Wargaming, tabletop titans, ork, orks, octarius, tau, kroot, pech
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 224min 5sec (13445 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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