Synthwave Tyranids vs Deathskulls Orks: 500 point Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report

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amid the ruins of the hive world a car for two ancient savage races come face to face in brutal merciless combat a first mutation of the ravenous Kraken hive flight is manifest a swarm of vibrant deadly tyranids and gene stealers in the theatre of endless war a breakaway cult of death skull orcs faced the oncoming horde claw to flame Fang to fist talon to bullet led by ferocious warp infused princeps only the strongest of mind and body will survive hi that guy from midwinter minis here and in this video my orcs are gonna go head-to-head with ants awesome synth wave tyranids in this little 500 point skirmish match we're going to be playing Warhammer 40,000 a tradition in a nice fun friendly setting and also doing it in an easy to follow slightly cinematic beginner-friendly style so sit back relax and I hope you enjoy the next half an hour let's get into the armies okay so I'm here with my death skulls orcs and they are fronted by my weird boy who has the oddest nail warlord characteristic which gives him plus one to his toughness which makes him toughness five pretty tasty and he knows the crunch psychic power as well as smite obviously I've got a squad of 20 or boys with a boss snob who has a custom sheet and a power claw as well as one of the boys having a big shooter now these are just Chopin and Slugger boys so lots of close combat potential but that's kind of what the tyranids are good for so maybe that's not such a good idea on my part in my elite slot I also have some burner boys ten of them to be exact and they are notoriously the worst flame is in Warhammer 40,000 but we'll see how to go hopefully they might toast some bugs along the way and the heavy support slot I have a deaf dread sporting three dread claws and also a scorcher so I've got one decent flamer at least and hopefully ferrying something around I've got a little truck with a big shooter this is just a simple patrol so I get three command points to with so here I've got 499 points of my tira net force and this again is the same as guys a patrol detachment giving me three command points I'm running my whole patrol as Kraken hi fleet he's headed up by my brood lord well not my brood Lord because I might have left him at home but guys brood Lord which is lending me the brood lord has got the chameleon mutation artifact the wallet rate he's got is one step ahead I think got a squad of 20 gene stealers filling my troops lot and then I've got a squad of 20 term against armed with flesh boars and then I've got another squad of sixteen termagant also armed with flesh borers our armies are meeting head-to-head in this industrial zone featuring some very swanky old nineties necromancer terrain and we are playing a straightforward kill point match so ant has four points up for grabs because he has four units and I have five and for this game slay the warlord first blood and line breaker will all be in play and we're going to play until the end of the fourth turn for the table set up just like last time we cordoned off 12 inches at the long end of the table so we're playing on a four foot by four foot table and we deployed a maximum of 12 inches from our respective sides before we set up we roll to see who was going to start and ant finish setting up first so he gets +1 to the roll off to see who gets the first turn say hilariously and maybe an omen of the terrible game to come we both bald ones but because that gets a plus-one to his role he goes first tyranids turn one fans gene stealers and the patriarch they have a rule called swift and deadly so they can advance and charge which is frankly ridiculous but the tower Gant's follow the regular rules for advancing so and rolls to advance the term against at the far end and they will be going a total of 10 inches in their movement phase and rolls are 5 to advance the closest term against so they will be going a total of 11 inches the brood Lord has a movement of eight inches and an trolls are four on the advance so he gets to move twelve and straight of the bat pants is going to use the opportunistic advanced stratagem which will basically let his remaining gene stealers double their advanced role they could quite easily get into close combat in the first turn crazy I'm going down to two command points straight away ants highest ice roll is a five which means he gets ten additional inches on his eight inch of normal movement which brings him dangerously close to my or boys we're making good use of those movement trades today so that is the end of the movement phase for ant he has crossed half of the board with pretty much all of his models but now he's going to bypass the shooting phase because nothing's in range which suits me fine on to the charge phase ants gene Steelers are just eight inches away from my boys so he just needs a 7 inch charge to get within one inch before one gets to charge quite a bit of overwatch will be coming his way 19 shots coming in from the boys Trish and their sluggers and they are obviously the purple dice the green dice are the big shooter and the for yellow dice are from the custom shooter that the knob has hitting on sixes and because their death skulls are get to re-roll one miss obviously because their orcs they get dakka dakka dakka which means that any six as i roll get an additional shot so let's go for it after all the rerolls and the extra shots for sixes are still only scored four hits strength four against toughness four and a need force to wound two wounds going through no AP it needs five to save these and he gets two fives dramatically he roll the six which means he won't make it unless he wants to spend a command point to get these genes dealers in down to one Command point in turn one let's see if he can roll another one and make me incredibly happy unbelievably he rolls a 2 so the gene stealers just get in maybe the York boys have a chance of surviving now this method of charging might look a little bit strange but ant needs to keep at least one of his gene stealers within 6 inch range at the patriarch otherwise he'll lose the +1 hit to the attack the gene stealers will now have that's why there looks like this little gene stealer conga line and manages to get 11 gene stealers into combat range now that would normally be 33 attacks but because the squad size is over 10 it actually gets an additional attack so that would be 44 attacks coming my way absolute craziness because of the proximity of the patriarch they're going to be hitting on twos and because of their sighting talons they are gonna be reroll in ones so every single one of those hits great with no rerolls available on the wound rolls and scores 18 so slightly less than half the gene stealers weapons are zero AP so that means I get my six plus t-shirts save here we go now pretty awesomely I actually rolled seven six is rich is very unlikely but it still doesn't mean that eleven of my boys died so let's take those casualties away shall we I'm going to hit with the boss knob first so that's three attacks with the power claw and because that's an unwieldy weapon he's heading on fours rather the 3s and still made all three of those hits all through those wounds as well an ant has a fight bus and vulnerable save and makes one of them so not too bad two genes deal is dead from the power claw strategically and removes two gene stealers that sort of stop one of the boys actually getting us attacks in because he's now no longer within an inch or within an inch of an inch of a model as in so quite sneaky on ads part so just 21 attacks coming in rather than 24 and then I have a boy who has a big shooter so he just gets two attacks so twenty-three attacks in total not too bad on the rolling needing threes I actually get 17 hitting on target now let's see if they can wound on a 4 5 or 6 oh dear that is a lot of misses but I did get to re-roll one of them because of the desk girl's rules one more hits 12 wins going through ant rolls not too well actually looks like 9 dead gene stealers boys did not bad and that's much the end of the tyranids turn one now the gene stealers even though they had some pretty severe casualties don't need to take him rail test because they're within 12 inches of the patriarchy but I made quite a significant dent in them so we'll see how walks turn one goes let's do it so guys choosing to tactically fall back his boys out of combat with the gene stealers and then he's gonna try and whip his buggy around and because those burners are inside the buggy can actually shoot out from in it because it's open top so hopefully there'll be some toasting bugs as they whip by on a drive-by so guy just needs to make sure that his buggy is within eight inches so the guys inside can actually shoot their flames out so guys done a little bit of measuring up here and he's worked out if he moves his death dread up the six inches it's gonna just be outside of the eight inch range of the scorcher so rather than scorch with the burner guy just wants to get the DEF thread in and start tearing some things up guys going to be moving his weird boy up to try and get the Lord in smite distance us brood Lord not patriarch as guys been saying all this time but that's cool don't worry about it it's your game play the way you want to play the guy is going to attempt to get off a smite from the weird boy on the brood Lord now because the tyranids am and this brood lord has got shadow in the warp it means that guy's got a subtract one so instead of the five needed to get off the smite guy's gonna need six it goes off so let's see if the brood lord can deny that by scoring higher than a nine on two dice unfortunately the brood Lords scores a 9 which is equal to but it isn't higher which means that that smite goes through let's see how many mortal wounds it does guys cause the six three mortal wounds going through so it takes a brood along from six down to three wounds ouch so it's totally worth moving that weird boy up and doing this might now on to the shooting phase so the burner boys in the open top truck gets rolled III for how many shots and guy scores a five which means that each of those boys are going to be getting three shots out of their burner that would be automatically hitting against those gene stealers I can smell some scorched bucks coming on so that's 30 shots on the burners automatically hitting so guys gonna roll to wound strength four versus toughness four of the genes dealers say gyri rolls one because of the Deaf's goals trait that's thirteen wounds going through to the gene stealers and with no AP that means the gene stealers are gonna have their five up save in order to save them that is pretty brutal so we have got eight dead gene stealers out of the nine one lonely survivor so with that one single gene still there let's call him Jeff that means the first blood has still been denied the truck also has a big shooter so he's probably gonna be aiming at Jeff the gene stealer so guys got free shots hitting on fives getting to re-roll one because of desk girls and six is making extra one which misses unfortunately so strength 5 versus toughness for wounding on threes to go through the guy gets to re-roll one and unfortunately still misses so that's two wounds going through that's two fives needed save Jeff the jeans dealer Jeff is lucky it was Jeff's day Jeff has been saved with a five and a six with the truck not being able to wipe out Jeff it's gonna try and RAM him instead so Gunn's gonna try and charge his truck into Jeff the jeans dealer let's see if he can get in that truck is ramming guy declares a challenge on his death dread into the squad of term against no there's 20 of them so they get 20 shots needing sixes and two hits so that strength four of the flesh boris versus toughness seven of the deft red which means that gonna need to be wounding on fives so fail on the overwatch can go make in the charge so it's an eight inch charge in order to get in let's see if you can make it guy rolls an eight funnily enough so that means the deft red is in there ready to stomp chop and maim just Before we jump into all the hacking and slashing a quick shout-out to our newest patrons Timofey Straub brynee ah Tom Robert grunt truck Patrick and Owen thanks so much everyone so the truck gets free attacks hitting on fives so because the Deaf's girls guy gets re-roll that one strength 6 against toughness for the Jean stealer and because the Deaf schools guy gets to reroll that mist wound roll and it wounds on a free five up needed on the Jean stealer to save Jeff unfortunately it fails on a one but I have a command point left let's burn that come on points try and save Jeff it wasn't enough despite in valiant efforts despite weathering some fierce storms Jeff gets rammed by the truck and get squished sorry Jeff guy gets first blood so one victory points a guy and then guy consolidates his truck towards the nearest enemy model being the brood Lord so the deaf Droid has three dread claws which means that he gets three extra attacks on top of the to base so that's five attacks in total hitting on threes and guy gets to re-roll one so that's three that hit so strength ten versus toughness four which means these are gonna be wheeling on twos so ap minus three that means that the term against again needs score nine on a dice roll over six which isn't going to happen it which means that three term against die okay so now it's my turn to fight back so I'll consolidate over onto you guys def dread with the term against 13 models within an inch of an inch of the enemy model which means they're seen attacks coming through and seven hit the term against our only strength three vs. toughness seven of the deaf trade which means they are going to be waiting on sixes unfortunately that is no wounds going through to the deaf dread guy needs to perform a morale test on the or boys their leadership score is the size of the squad which is 11 they lost nine boys which means that guy needs to score a two on a d6 anything above that means that he's going to be losing that number of boys guy roles are free which means one boy runs away guy scores one victory point for first blood and one kill point for killing the squad of gene stealers so that's two points for the orcs vs. zero for the tyranids and that ends Hawks turn one and I think that is possibly the most brutal bloody first turn for hammer forty thousand I've ever seen in my life let's see how Terran is do in turn two in the movement phase and is going to try and get the Far Away term against as close as possible to the truck so that when he inevitably destroys the truck the burner boys might not be able to actually disembark and if any can't disembark close to where the truck was they actually just get removed as casualties so it could turn out quite nastily for my little burners obviously the brood Lord is gonna move up as close as you can to reduce the charge range and the term accounts are gonna continue to tap hit my def dread no after a pretty quick movement phase and is gonna be on - the psychic phase and you smite against my truck and with a roll of a ten and actually he triggers their super smite which is d6 mortal wounds that rather than d3 unless I can deny it with my weird boy hmmm no supers my incoming ouch talk about super smite and scores a six so that is the truck down to just four wounds left so now it's feeling a little bit more confident now the truck is down to four wins and instead of trying to surround the truck he's just gonna open fire with the term accounts and hope to you either make it explode or force those bonerboys out that needs forced hit and makes it with six and now he'll need fives to wound and three of those wins go through soca for plus save needed just one made which means the truck is down to two wounds moving on to the charge phase and the term accounts are going to charge the truck and unfortunately even though the truck is open-topped it only means the burner boys can shoot out during the shooting phase and not during overwatch so I get to overwatch with my big shooter but that's probably not really gonna do anything needing sixes and three misses and did I get to re-roll that one I do but it misses as well great so ant rolls to charge and gets a massive ten inches so it looks like he's actually gonna be able to whip around very laughing at the mass of 10 inches and rolls a 10 and rolls a 10 which means he gets to whip around the term against and hopefully stop my burn boys from getting out if the truck gets destroyed brood Lord is also coming in he's only 2 inches away so it can't possibly fail that charge and the truck cannot overwatch because it's already engaged everyone's ready to fight the brood Lord is going to attack first with six attacks hitting on twos and then wounding on fives and actually rerunning fails do your idea now these attacks are ap minus three so I'm basically just reduced to my desk all six bus and vulnerable save so let's give that a go and those attacks actually cause 12 damage which would have destroyed my truck even if it was at full health so let's see if it explodes yeah it doesn't explode but I feel like it might benefit me more if it does so I'm gonna come and point that and hope for the best ooh no explosions for me and that's me down to two command points and now I have to try and disembark ten models in no space nor do I have to keep them at least one inch away from enemy models and if I can't place them within three inches of that truck they are lost and they also need to stay in unit coherency which means only three survived now that is a big truck shaped hole in those term against an only three burner boy he's managed to jump off the smoking wreckage and survive the termagant SAR at least one inch away from those boundaries so they can't actually get into combat now but I feel like they've maybe done their job already the brood Lord on the other hand does get to consolidate towards those binder boys and now is that moment you've all been waiting for I think hot term again on def Dredd action and piles in the term accounts to get all of them in combat range 17 attacks coming in hitting on fours only five going through and ant needs sixes two wounds because it's strength three against toughness seven and they actually schools two wounds so let's see if I can save those and I actually fail one of those saves so those little nibbly time accounts chunk off some armor from that def dread taking it down to seven wounds now for the best bit I get to fight back five attacks hitting on threes wounding on twos and after all my deaf skulls rerolls I get for wounds going through and with the AP modifier ant can't make those saves so for term against bite the dust at the end of tyranids turn to I need to take a morale test for my burner boys that jumped out at that truck leadership of six and I lost seven models so I'm automatically losing one no matter why role that's how I roll of one otherwise they are all gone and I do Oh skully bags left behind that marks the end of tyranids turned to time for the orcs to show them who's boss in orcs turn to let's do it so first off the orcs movement phase so guys going to be moving here's boys at the far end to get closer into combat with the term again the bone is going to be saying where he is at the moment because there's no real way for him to move out and actually get within range of the brood Lord remember because he's a character he can't target him if he's not the closest enemy model guys then gonna move his weird boy up to get closer into smite range but then also trying to get in combat with the brute lord and/or term against now on - the psychic phase and guys going to be using do crunch it goes off on a warp charge of eight but because of tyranids shadow in the warp on the brute lord guys gonna need a nine to get this psychic power off guy scores an eight which unfortunately means that this psychic power does not go off so now that's this psychic phase done whew now on to the shooting phase so guys got his boys up the top there and with their little pistols that they're gonna be taking shots at on the term again remember they can't target the brood Lord even if they were in range sluggers custom shooter big shooter from the boys all coming in in on fives guy then gets to re-roll one for Deaf's goals an extra hit for dakka dakka dakka bringing the total to five hits in order to wound on all these hits guy needs authority re-roll one of the fail wounds for deaf skulls and that gives him four wounds for wins going through term accounts get to save with their six up t-shirt save and I get two sixes that means only to die now the lonely burner is gonna take his shots automatically hitting at the term against let's see how many shots he gets rolling a d3 so that's just the one shot unfortunately that he's gonna get against the term agains but three two wounds and unfortunately guy scores or one guy uses his deaf skills to re-roll that and unfortunately still scores r1 no wound unlucky rolling so that's the shooting phase done pretty unlucky there or for the orcs now on to the charge phase so guys going to be charging his boys there into the term against the term against there are 14 in the squad but because they've only got 12 inch range on their flesh borer it means only thirteen are actually in range so 13 overwatch shots coming in so that's - that actually find their mark in here strength form of the flesh borer versus toughness for the orcs which means wounding on a four and one wound goes through no EP so it's a six up save unfortunately guy fails that meaning that one wind goes through and an old boy is slain okay so guys seven inches away needing six inches and order to get those boys in so roll of six or more will do it guy rolls and two threes that will just about do it go I can actually consolidate in after he's made the charge so all should be good so guys gonna now charge in the burner boy who's automatically in but the weed be not so much guy roles fortunately it's a bit on the cosplayer so guy uses here we go to reroll that one and that is definitely in so everyone's in ready to punch and smash the guys don't think around which order he wants to actually activate his fighters in if guy was to start off with the boys it could mean that they're going to be taking away more term against I could then take away term against tactically in order to actually remove some of them from being in combat stopping the weird boy and the burner boy from actually fighting so instead guys going to actually activate the burner boy and the weird boy first and then do the boys last so first off burner boy so two attacks guy gets to re-roll one of those both needing threes to here and hey look it hits both wound you on freeze and both go through as Bobby Brown once said two can play at that game tactically removing to term against out of the boys which means that the boys are no longer within an inch and then not in combat huzzah now on to the weird boy to see if he can cause some pain the weed boy has three attacks hitting on threes because a deaf girls gets to re-roll one and that's two hits that go through string seven of the weird boy versus toughness three of the terminus means hey it's only a three to wound both wound with minus one AP and a saver six means that there that's another 2-day term against so they are very quickly falling but I get to consolidate in with the term again so hopefully they can just punch back a little bit I've consolidated all of my termagant and I'm going to take them all in at the weird boy that's ten attacks coming at the weird boy only four hits are made let's see if they wound so the weird boy is normally toughness fall but because of the warlord tre Ardas nails means he's toughness five none go through but that's okay so after the charge units guy then gets to choose other units that are locked up in combat which means the dev dread so that's going to be the same five attacks coming in in on threes so that's four hits already but guy gets to re-roll one and all five hit winning on twos gets to re-roll that one miss and converts all of them meaning five hits go through ap minus three so that's an over five term against dead but now they get to hit back so there's eight still locked up in combat hitting on fours just to go through but needing sixes to wound and no sixes which mean there's a moon but that's okay it doesn't matter they were gonna be free hits anyway and that is the end of Orcs turn to and this is absolutely brutal game so far everything's happening within a little 12 square in the middle and it's just turning into a massive brawl which is what we like to see let's see what happens in turn three here we go with the terran heads and the movement phase basically ant just has the brood law to think about and he's thinking he wants to get him as far away from those boys as possible and down near that tough it's a def dread and actually it slides to advance as well to get extra far away from those boys and whips him right around the side of that def dread now that brood lord is nice and close he's gonna smite the def dread but he is within range of my weird boy so maybe I get to deny it let's see if I do and that's a nine so smite denied even through the phase is pretty rapidly now we are going straight on to the charge phase and basically the brood Lord is automatically Hin doesn't even need to roll really he's less than two inches away and now on to the fight phase and this is where all could go incredibly wrong six attacks coming in heading on T's and that's six hits let's see how many wounds wounding on a five as brutal or gets to re-roll failed wounds scores of one wind rerolls four and scores so that's two wounds going through mm do I get to save these not with double ones I don't that is two wins going through D three damage each and that's four damage taking the DEF dread down to three wounds trying to finish the job on this def dread it's time for the termagant to take their nibbles eight shots coming in for hit the targets and do they wound on a six not this time unfortunately maybe next time now we start alternating in the fight phase and it's time for me to choose a unit and I choose the DEF dread to fight back targeting of course the brood Lord five attacks coming in only three hits even after my reroll it's at times strength ten against toughness five which means I only need Tuesday wound here we go and the nasty ap of those dread claws mean that the brood Lord has to use its five-plus and vulnerable save to try and stay in the game three fives needed and only one made which means brood Lord is down with the brood Lord gone that means I get to slay the warlord points and I also get a point for just killing that unit which takes me from two victory points to four time for the timing ants to take on that weird boy so ten attacks coming through pretty decent rolling and for wounds being made now the weird boy only has four wins and he has a six plus save this might turn out pretty badly with a 0.08 percent chance actually roll sixes for all four dice which means no one's taken and his trusty loin cloth saves the day two sacks hitting their mark even after the re-roll and two wounds caused with the AP meaning that two Gant's are gone and they only combatant left remaining to fight is the single burner boy watch him go that's the end of the fight fate is time for the termagant stew take some morale now all the synaptic creatures have gone so they're using their own leadership a5 the bottom squad of termagant lose a single model while the top unfortunately lose 5 that is the end of tyranids turn 3 time for the orcs to see if they can finish them off guys she's gonna will his boys round probably just to take a little work watchin view to see his weird boy absolutely slaughter that last term again quickly on - the psychic phase and guy is gonna try a smite at that last term account let's try to finish him off so needing a 5 to go off d3 wounds that means to go through and mortal wounds can't be saved that term again is squished so no mucking about now just those last few term against left to mop up with the death dread 5 attacks coming in freeze needed only getting 2 there but guy gets to re-roll one and it still fails - needed to wound they do go through though that's two more dead term against so in one last futile attempt fight more term against are gonna try and chip away at that def dread says five attacks coming in here non fours so that's three hits but six is nearly two wound and moat wounds now just on to the morale phase and I lost - term against from the DEF dread battle and so I rolled it - which means that actually they still stay in with a leadership of five literally I'm just gonna call it there with five term accounts left there is no way they're going to be able to do any more damage so that's it really lots and lots of squishy bugs lots of violence lots of carnage but a win for the orcs actually I'm just as surprised as anyone here that I actually won this game looking at it at the start I thought I was definitely gonna get ripped apart by those gene stealers I think some lucky rolling for me and some pretty unlucky rolling for rent certainly tipped the battle in my favor quite early on that was a crazy game of sole survivors though we had Jeff the gene stealer sole survivor of the gene stealer three little skull face sole survivor of the Berner boys and that single termagant facing off against the weird boy brave brave soldiers one and all we shall remember you so that was a really good match it felt like it was tipping in the tier in its favor but just some really poor rolling for me some really lucky rolling from guy just really kind of turned the tables there and pushed it by the way of the orcs some good standout moments the point list that I've got really struggles against metallic things with a high level of toughness although the brood Lord really made mincemeat out of that truck some good tactical moves in order to actually get rid of those burner boys because they are pretty threatening it still wasn't enough in order to actually take down that dread and although that dread was pretty much doing nothing locked up in combat just batting away term against for most of the game it was still enough to stay alive and it just really has that high level of toughness which just means that I didn't have an answer for it today maybe next time you live and learn but a good game exploding an unparalleled fury the death skulls plan and the kraken swarm rendered devastating casualties to one another but ultimately the hive was scattered by the cunning green skins torched alive and torn asunder the tattered remains that the Turin and force will be plundered by the avaricious orcs eyeing up the countless glistening teeth of the dead extracted and traded as currency this battle is over but the galaxy still burns to further glimpse into the skirmishes and conflicts of xenos and post humans subscribed to midwinter minis fur in the grim darkness of the far future there is only war [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Midwinter Minis
Views: 753,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: okIxP2CABaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 10sec (1990 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 20 2020
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