Every single Warhammer 40k (WH40k) Faction Explained | Part 2

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hey all this is part two in a two-part series on the Warhammer races if you haven't seen part one yet we do the Imperium of man you took that in the description and I highly recommend you watch that to get context for this episode if you already have go ahead and keep on watching so after an entire episode of nothing but humans we cannot talk about chaos which involves humans again but a little bit less we also got demons and [ __ ] I just felt someone grab my ass [Music] so as I've mentioned many times before we've discussed the warmth the immaterial the hellish landscape the purgatory dimension realm between the material realm of our existence now in the warp it's terrifying horrible there are demons everywhere things are crazy all your minds and thoughts and emotions get projected there it is both formless and empty it is vast and tiny it obeys the laws of time and physics while simultaneously does absolutely nothing of the sort is a hodgepodge and a culmination of just unknowable Eldrick horrifying [ __ ] and there are four gods that permeate in chaos and the warp these are the four major chaos gods and if we wish to learn about chaos we need to learn about each and every single one of these chaos gods first up we have corn and he is the easiest corn is your classic Satan he is all about anger murder fighting blood guts death you've heard the term blood for the blood god skulls for the Skull throne that's corn the whole idea is that he is all about the fury and strength of battle he doesn't care where blood comes from so long as blood is flowing he wants to fight and murder and carnage and slaughter and death death death death death that is corn very simple it understands next up you have Z CH and z CH is the god of change however the god of change its permeates in so many different other ways he's the most Eldrick of all the demon gods he has this weird way to always be plucking at the strings of the universe he's always conniving and scheming and doing his best to cause as much little [ __ ] as ham Zetas is unknowable everything that makes sense he will and won't do every future and setting and every type of of destiny or fate is all foretold and also changeable it is set in stone while also completely random he knows what everything is going to happen and also that none of its going to happen you would ask is each a question and that question leads to three more questions and those questions lead to the heat death of the universe which asks for answers to those questions and then he thinks to himself what are questions even really and are you even asking the questions or are you simply giving pads dancers and and other horseshit zishe is just me I'm gonna buck with stuff he is yes and he is no he is the understanding and he is complexity he is unknowable and that's what the gada changes about very bizarre and he likes birds a lot now I don't know why next up we got papa Nergal Papa Nergal he loves you for who you are probably not he will murder you just the same but Papa Nergal is about wrought pestle ins death and decay he is the end of everything him ins each do not like each other very much because whereas each represents change adjustments Nergal represents stagnation and death he is all about miasma and pestle ins and large bloat and parson and organ stand people just being sedentary sloth he is the idea that everything will rot and decay and die nothing is certain besides decay and death all of us will end up the same way and broken down through just sheer never-ending decomposition so the joke that Nergal always loves you is generally because of that because we all end up the same we all rot and we all die and wither that's Naugle and he's got a general theme of of course pestilence and and different kinds of diseases and sickness and things that nation that's generally nerble he's pretty easy to understand as well and he's he talked finally we have the youngest of the chaos gods and that is slow NESH also known as the Prince of pleasure or the God of unspeakable excess Senesh is generally referred to with sex but it's not only sex it's just that's a good Avenue if you want to make stuff so that she's just the idea of this census of the body being cranked to not just 11 but more like 17 see we'll discuss a little bit more when we talk about the Eldar cuz they done [ __ ] up but she he it or whatever is mainly about just the excess of emotions and therefore sex is generally a large part of it however it's mostly pain and torture lots of pain torture but sometimes sexually related or drug related lots of drugs lots of drugs so that she gets off on everything extremes in happiness extremes in sadness extremes in pain and sadism and masochism and of course that goes along with the sex part of it as well it's generally referred to what sex because of the color scheme very purple lots of exposed genitalia a lot of their models have like exposed nipples and stuff and that is generally the theme you go for from a physical side but it really embodies everything mainly pain and also the day excessive amounts of emotion so when it comes down to it you'll find a lot of them have things like spikes or whips or any kind of BDSM style gear because it is unspeakable excess the Prince of pleasure everything in excess to the point word is just sheer frightening that is Senesh in a nutshell a little bit bizarre and a little hard to describe sometimes but as we talk more about the Dark Eldar lair in this video you'll understand it far far better and far more than you'd want to they might be thinking why would anyone ever want to join chaos they all look horrifying screwed up and just frightening things right well the thing is is that of course one your mind is put into the warp in a material so you can be easily swayed by chaos demons wanting to get into your head especially if you're a psychic sometimes regiments of the less mentally strong people whether it be civilians or say low-level Guardsmen aircon can be easily swayed by this and become chaos cultists and stuff and they serve their dark gods in whatever God they personally refer however and this might seem strange chaos in their own right isn't necessarily evil see the warp is every manifestation of emotion and being every soul everything of existence this includes all the good things all the different chaos gods have another side to their coin corn might be death murder slaughter slaughter but he's also got this weird sense of survival of the fittest trial by combat and honor corn will never lie to you corn will never stab you in the back corn isn't about conniving and scheming corn is about straight up mono e mono you versus me get in the ring we're gonna murder each other hard right now it may not be a good thing at the end of the day but it is that other side of the coin him and Zeke generally don't get along because each is that conniving schemer but he's also about the idea of hope where there is change there's change for your predicaments there is change for your problem the hope of the galaxy the ability to bend the world to your will the idea that your fate is not set in stone but in reality that you control your own destiny can control whenever you want the changer of ways that is each and of course is each and Nergal hate each other because while Nergal does represent stagnation death and decay he also represents finality and ending the fact that you can be mentally at peace knowing that you will end and how you will end fear of the unknown fear of change is not present with Terkel with Nergal everything will rot and die and that provides that finality that ability that this is over we are all the same and we will all end the same we know the meaning of life the meaning of life is to live and die and rot and with that a brings peace of mind so Nash is a lot more simple while they are the excess of emotion they are also the representation of emotion Senesh embodies happiness slushee embodies excitement and joy and pleasure not only in the sense of the physical you know BAM style of pleasure but also everything else like food and drink and an air on your cheek and sunlight the feeling emotion and feeling all of that is also represented with Senesh so you have to ask why are they always represented as super evil skulls and spikes on everything and want to murder everybody I don't really got an answer for you on that one my assumption is that because mentally humans may think worse thoughts even if we don't act on them and therefore they're projected in the Warped more that one's a little bit weird I don't know this is me spitballing right now but I don't know you need a need a super bad guy you already got the Imperium a man you need somebody to be a little bit worse than them so you got demons honestly who cares I just want to buy like a bird magician look at him so cool so combining all this together on the tabletop chaos demons are generally very melee based they run in go really hard you have also summoning and conjuring tons of spells differently a little bit frail but they have special saves to make them a little bit stronger you've got giant demons and smaller demons you got hordes of little boys and tons of big guys demons are as they seem demons Nergal is slow Korn is super scary in melee you've got Z CH who are far more into psychos and spell casting and then slash who is all melee really really really fast but squishy but in lots of hordes of tons of melee and pain damage of course so overall the demons are a huge part of 40k and a massive threat to almost every single faction with the exception of a couple however the big part about demons is also transferred into the other 9 prime marks we talked about which are the chaos Space Marines so horse and all of his boys all them in the pry marks they have also become chaos boys and they all have their own special caste legions specializing in so many different things just like the adept assists are these the Angels of Death the regular Space Marines chaos space marines are a whole lot different than the regular space marines they have the same are merging on the same training and toughness they specialize in different kinds of things and also a lot of the prime marks have ascended into greater deep is a greater demons their demon pry marks at this point gigantic horrifying man demon hybrids that are pretty awesome if I'm gonna be honest they look really really cool but them and their associated legions they are part of are all kind of going out there and causing a large ruckus for everyone else considering the raw strength and firepower of a legion of space marines imagine that entire Legion just converting to chaos and immediately fighting you it's generally pretty horrifying there's a lot of them so I got to write them down but you've got the emperor's children with Primark fulgrim loyal to Silla Ness these people they are some messed up people they're just sensory overload tons of drugs tons of torture and I think fulcrum is a demon Primark right now and oh god I am terrified to see what that man looks like at least on the tabletop because the emperor's children are not good people you've got the iron warriors which are kind of like office of the Imperial fists with Primark Porter ah Bo I believe is his name their chaos on the viola is kind of served chaos in a general aspect instead of choosing one of the four but the iron warriors are big on the siege and fortification and they're basically entirely against the Imperial fists on a major rival for Chihuahua I believe is also still alive and I'm also very interested to see what he looks like because demon prime marks are badass you've got the knight Lords with primary Conrad kurz con rockers is dead which is good because he's a sick [ __ ] but the knight Lords are generally about Terror terrorizing people and terrorism they're generally about fear and broadly so you even have the world eaters with Primark and gone still alive also excited to see anger on if you think you've known an angry person anger on is the angry son of a [ __ ] you will ever know Angra removed parts of his brain that didn't make him angry so he could be angrier anger on [ __ ] mad you've got a death gar with Primarch Mort Aryan they actually have their own special codex and their own major army on the tabletop or Terry and himself is actually one of the models and and look at him look at him it's so cool-looking of course Nergal based obviously so very slow but very tanky you've got the word bears with Primark Borg our lure gar is I believe still alive I don't know what's up with him at the current moment but the word bearers are generally the people who caused all the major problems in the beginning at least I blame them for it they're little [ __ ] get the Black Legion with Primark Horus get [ __ ] nerd you've got the Alpha Legion with Primark I'll Ferris omegan chaos I think and then finally you've got the thousand suns the Primark Magnus the nerd thousand suns also have their own book just in the death guard Magnus is also a tabletop model he looks super cool as you can tell and they're all super heavily seikar and kind of Egyptian themed they look pretty neat but overall with all of these chaos Space Marine factions that you can play as a lot of lot of different ones but the main ones that you could really work at our standard Space Marines kal Space Marines as well as the death guard a thousand suns as they are the most fleshed out especially the tabletop at least see this right here this is a really good way to describe the chaos space marines what the thick-headed fools with their broken corpse of an emperor fail to understand is that not only can they never defeat us but they cannot hide or flee or shield themselves from the triumph of chaos they are finite and we are unbound undivided they must not err or they shall fall to heresy all who fall join our cause every Imperial fool who dares to open his eyes is a willing recruit they strive merely to hold back our fury and might and it consumes them thus you can see chaos is inevitable we lurk not only beyond their grasp and at their gates we lurk within the darkness of their souls on the tip of their tongues in their tortured dreams we are them but freed the shackles of ignorance we are them grown strong evolved we are them but so much more as hardcore as that quote is the saddest part is they're mostly right chaos is basically unkillable you can probably get rid of Space Marines a decent amount the chaos space marines that is but every soul that dies goes to the warp every chaos soul will end up back in the war and depending on how hard you kill them they will come back at some point every demon you banish will return at some point chaos is unstoppable the warp is unending and while maybe there is at some point some way to stop them somehow there are sources to do so the requirement to do so are so far beyond the reaches of man and the other races the current moment that really it's just an unstoppable force that just keeps on coming it and it's just barely being slowed chaos is by far the biggest threats they are without number their legions are everywhere and yeah they're pretty scary so I promise we're done with humans now let's talk about some xenos [Music] so let's talk about the Eldar or also known as the Eldar II which are a super hyper specialized and very technologically advanced race of well elf people they were as well responsible for the creation of sledneck the newest demon god how'd they do that debauchery Anand world-ending scale - back in the day it was just corns each and Nergal and the Eldar are very very ancient millions of years these Eldar however have a bit of a sensory problem you know every kind of pain or feeling you you have is a little bit amplified compared to the normal however with Eldar as their race advanced so excessively and they became so self-reliant and everything became so easy there was no requirement for food production anymore there was no shortages everything was basically done everyone was so comfortable and that comforts breeded this weird sedation and that sedation breeded the requirement for more and more debauchery when everything you have can be so easily acquired you will end up down this road of pure debauchery all of the senses the Eldar had that were so powerful things like feeling happiness sadness and just evil and good all needed to be satisfied and satiated and the desire to satiate these senses grew more and more with worse and worse debauchery it started off with things like sex and drugs becoming so much more rampant because of these are the first things you generally turn to when requirements for living are so easily accessible it would get to the point that made sander Cohen in Bioshock look sane alright this is the kind of debauchery and led to it was constantly satisfying and satiating these sexual and sadistic or masochistic fantasies that only elevated an elevator and this was species why'd people started going down darker are depraved and more violent paths as time went on however some people didn't entirely take to that some of the Eldar were looking at this depraved species that they had become and said I know thanks for me dog I'm good and they bailed these are the craft world Eldar they left on these giant continent sized starships called craft worlds they believed in learning the old ways of the Eldar and pushing away from this depravity in debauchery and going back to their main roots and so they would segment themselves on these giant craft worlds far in the outer reaches of space they even had this thing called the web way remember what we mentioned about warp travel with the Imperium well the Eldar had something way safer called a web way and the Eldar web way is actually a pocket dimension it's kind of thing and in that pocket dimension there are also more horrible depraved groups and clans that would spend their time in there and if you imagine the debauchery was bad already these were debauchery x10 so all of this continued and it continued and it bloated until Senesh just burst forth all that emotion all that mental well thought processes I suppose all of this in such a condensed space don't forget this is all being shot all their souls as well into the warp all this depravity right into the warp so what happened boom Senesh was birthed and killed off ninety percent of the entire elder population untold trillions trillions had their souls ripped from their bodies and their actual fleshy bodies devoured by Sloane as demons the entirety of the Eldar race was eaten alive and their souls consumed to the Prince of pleasure all of them got [ __ ] up it was so bad that it literally ripped a warp hole into the fabric of the material called the eye of terror that's literally this like quasi horrifying gateway portal from the material and the immaterial right next to Cadia and it is horrifying so this Senesh also known as she who thirsts by the Eldar slaughtered the entire population except for a couple those in the craft worlds were actually not affected by this as they were so far in the reaches of the galaxy that crazy crack that bertha Senesh only affected the ones in the center so these craft world elder were able to escape but Senesh got their sights on them every time an elder will die their soul doesn't just pass into the warp naturally it goes straight to slow nation craft world or not one of those people in the web way well imagine that giant birth happening but they were only able to just barely get a grasp onto you so that's was just barely able to hold on these people are the Dark Eldar are also known as the Juke re the elder population right now is so massively small it is miniscule compared to any of the other popular most of the other populations in the universe the Eldar are consistently having issues trying to get their population up because as their souls are constantly being hunger to buy from Senesh they realize their entire species is doomed and they understand it very well since the time of the fall our race has been haunted by what we and our reckless pursuit of hedonistic indulgence gave birth to though our dreams once overturned world and quenched Suns we are now but fitful shadows clinging to the edge of existence all the stars in the sky cannot blot out the hateful glare of the red moons eyes the birthing place of the great enemy pulses with all the mouths of a demon that is dreaming casting its shadow over all we have ever done and all we ever shall every twisted strand of fate and casting of the runes leads me to this time to this place and it is clear that the final battle awaits me at the ancient Crone world a conflict the likes of has not been seen since the mon chi ward amongst themselves and their corpse of a seer fell to his traitorous son is coming and all my steps lead towards it no matter that I walk other paths I see the stars stained red with the blood of the mon chi and though their wars do not concern me i would gladly let them destroy one another i know that to avoid this fight is to condemn my race to inevitable doom and though all i see is darkness i know that i will not flinch from my destiny and now let's talk about cute plastic models bro i'm straight up not having a good time the first playable race we have for the Eldar are the craft world Eldar and living in those craft world starships i mentioned earlier and each of them have their own kind of craft world almost like a Space Marine legion each craft world is its in itself its own special kind of group and the elder themselves are very fast and rely on trickery they are squishy bit weak but they're very in tune as psychos tons of psychos across the entire elder population and their weaponry and abilities are fast and extremely hard-hitting but of course rather fragile understanding and elders brain is an exercise in futility they are all over the place in confusion and trickery on a whole galactic scale they fight weird they think weirder and Eldar in their own right really rely on this to keep their species alive they need to think about deception and the strangeness of what they do if they truly want to not be immediately murdered and slaughtered wholesale thanks for their entirely small population however I must say that it seems like their population is getting slightly better these craft worlds hold millions upon millions of people and as they continually you know reproduce and have their craft worlds expands losing a few people in battle while hurts a lot they aren't really losing what's extremely precious to them it's not like every single death means the death of their species in that they're kind of on the upturn a little bit there's still a doomed race being sucked into slow nation every time someone dies but they are definitely doing a little bit better than they were before Eldora are fast cunning and well they don't make up for in tankiness they make up for it extremely Vance 20 they also call humans bankai which like I mentioned earlier that is a derogatory slur for humans in the Warhammer world why is it called Mon Chi well it's because you can't in your game call people monkeys on the tabletop exactly what I said not very tanky generally pretty squishy hit like trucks and move at Mach 5 fast hit hard die fast exactly how it sounds they've been good for a very long time too we bring only death and leave only carrion it is a message even a human can understand Eldar so drew Carey let's talk about the Dark Eldar so those people I mentioned in the web Way in the super deranged Colts and the depraved people of the Eldar in the web way they didn't quite get a hold on to them so that's like has them but it has them unlike by the pinky finger and they're slowly being consumed by Senesh but they found out they can stave her off by doing slow NESH things the Dark Eldar are by far the worst most horrifying disgusting depraved and brutal race in all of Warhammer 40k these are entirely a group people whose full purpose to save their species from extinction to go into planets raid them and take as many slaves as they possibly can to torture them for 1 5 10 20 a million years because that torture will keep them from dying they look very BDSM style too they definitely have a lot more spiky bits and they have a lot more of that kind of leathery black look to them but let's example let's say you are an upstanding Imperial citizen living life on a regular planet you get invaded by the necrons the necrons will shoot you with a D atomizer and you will be destroyed in a millisecond and that's it not the worst way to go you are invaded by Kaos Marines or something you think a bolter shot to the head or a chain sword across your stomach and you get cut in half painful but not the worst the orcs arrived they beat you to death hurts but you know whatever Tiernan's they eat you alive it's pretty rough the Dark Eldar the Dark Eldar this is gonna get a little graphic I apologize you pray you die you don't you are instead taken as a human slave your life will be endless work and agony 24/7 they will make sure you can't not die as your pain satisfies them they will hook you up to all manner of torture devices they will inject pain based like stimuli drugs directly into your nervous system they will slowly run razor blades across your skin they will fillet you and just pull out your teeth and your fingernails one by one they will remove your appendages and your skin and wait for it to grow back so they can do it again they will murder and torture and use the r-word it rhymes with grape your entire family in front of you and do the exact same thing to them you yourself will also be rhymes with grape anywhere and everywhere possible and this will occur for 20 years until you are no longer satisfying to them and then you will be contorted crushed and twisted into some form of trophy a fleshy trophy or a ring or a couch or a TV stand or perhaps a wonderful hat while you are of course still alive and breathing and you will become a moaning fleshy trophy for eternity and that is what happens when you are taken by the Dark Eldar they are the most depraved most horrifying a race in all of 40k they look the part and they do it so they all don't die they are literally forced to do this because they don't solanaceous grip will get harder and they will have their souls pulled away so long as they keep doing this so Nash is like you good man you doing solid you can't you keep that [ __ ] up you elf ear bastards that's that's the best Dark Eldar as a joke re there are horrible on the tabletop they're actually kind of Eldar but more extreme they are even squishier than the Eldar but they hit generally even harder fast tacks skirmishers really quick speed I get around them do law damage get away kind of stuff that's the most a Dark Eldar look at the definition of grim dark in a dictionary you'll find a picture of the Dark Eldar and self from Republic Commando a quote from mr. Veeck we are the Lords of despair masters of terror dread and agony are our meat and wine and they are plentiful indeed Dark Eldar some of the Harlequins clowns the Harlequins are a bizarre race of Eldar their demonic clown performers they're like a weird mix of sander Cohen from Bioshock and Jin from league of legends but in a more cloud theme there they're artists of death and perfectors of their craft they do not belong to craft worlds or any of the weird Jakari people they guard slang called the black library which is this giant tome of never-ending knowledge deep in the heart of the elder web way and also guarded by their God named kegger rock I believe it's how you pronounce his name he is the Laughing God but it's the elders laughing nod and these are the Harlequins the Harlequin clown these are elder clowns okay so imagine the things that an elder these deprave individuals would find funny and this is the god of that it's it's a horror clown these are gods of horror for us normal people for them they're like oh it's so funny they're all dying horribly honk honk they're very bizarre and difficult to describe they've escaped the ruinous powers of slash somehow but their main thing is guarding that black library and the Harlequin is just their demon clown performers they're barely any models on the tabletop they're good at melee either they're demon clowns I'm not sure I got a quote it is too easy for an elder to embrace the obscene virtues of chaos for salacious nothing more than a manifestation of the Eldar mind in its most wild and unconstrained form human morality is meaningless to the Eldar and to the dark side the elder mind all life is to be expended at a whim cruelty and generosity are about the impulse of a moment beauty and sensuality are virtues that can be expressed in bloodshed just as easily as in song to an unfettered elder mind there is neither sanity nor madness but merely a wave of perfect existence fulfilled by its own savage momentum there very strange the Harlequins Jakari Eldar they are an anomaly that make humans seem completely easy to understand in comparison they range from rekindling their civilization to horrifying murder and also clowns they are all over the place but honestly they represented quite well and are rather interesting and especially with the whole so - murdering everyone bits oh yeah Eldar now bugs mana following me Mom the tyranids now you almost acts like a little more fun a little more simple than all this crazy elder shenanigans let's stop the tyranids there bugs do the legs urgh hell yeah no click Zerg you're no wildling Zerg because they were actually supposed to be what Zerg were apparently Starcraft was supposed to be a 40k game in the beginning hence why they look so much like Eldar Zerg and the Imperium of man like kind of Space Marine II those Marines huh a little bit Space Marine II to me maybe I don't know you really [ __ ] up on that one Games Workshop didn't show tyranids are a giant infestation of unfathomable proportions these are giant extremely bio advanced hive mind organisms that are basically all about herbs or being as much biomass as they possibly can to evolve and mutate to be extremely potent and powerful and kill and eat anything in their path they are probably the least evil faction in all 40 cave because all they want to do is eat [ __ ] they want to UM nom nom the entire galaxy they hangry and we food also this tearing in hive mind has a presence in the warp in fact tyranids in their own right have a massive presence in the warp they have a thing called the shadow in the warp specifically or when they are coming in to invade a planet they have this weird ability to kind of cut off the warp on all the psychos on that planet and how do you get help across the stars well you need the warp because you need that for interstellar travel so with people unable to call for help from the tyranids these are easy pickings an entire giant tearing it high fly comes out of orbit and just will Massacre absorbing all that biomass and turning them and all of their other tyranids into even more advanced monsters they come in so many varieties to all and based on what is important tiny little Ripper swarm is first scouting and having little dudes eat people up to the hormones termagant and gene stealers all the way to the hive guard and the exocrine and the swarm lord to hive tyrants and their giant battle fleets and even something as crazy as the Hierophant bio tighten the tyranids come in all forms and sizes depending on what they require they're extremely good at anti biological weaponry there is no way you can plague them or blight them they have extremely strong armor carapace is and such tyranids rr9 perfect organisms and are pretty spooky when it comes down to how they handle all of their genetic material keep feeding them they'll keep evolving they keep on creating new horrifying organisms to spread across the galaxy and you want the most terrifying part of the tyranids is we might be surrounded there have been lie around 6 or 7 tearing in hive Feliz but he myth Chronos all these different kinds of i fleets and they've all arrived in the galaxy from different points different sections of the Milky Way galaxy have had different tyranids come through and that is horrifying because as far as we know we could just be surrounded on all sides by tyranids the only reason you may not hear a whole lot about tyranids is because it's a little bit hard to have a bunch of story off of one hive mind jenna sidle monsters all these giant bugs swarming in killing and eating everybody and evolving I mean as cool as there are to some cool characters the swarm Lord old one I you can't really have a whole bunch of major character based stories around them as awesome as they are they're simple they want to eat you they want to eat you and absorb your biomass they are simple bugs if you want to say a little more complex talk gene stealer cults I can have all the pot I want I get around faster than walking and wherever I need a seat I can just sit on my balls gene stealer Colts are a special brand of tyranny that can slowly infect themselves into different kinds of society and by infecting them they can rise up to where they all pray and believe in these real regular humans pray and believe into their tyranny hive mind gods and these brood Lords and I think they're called patriarchs all can turn an entire world all based into gene stealers and these are called gene stealer cults an entire hi world of the Imperium can be turned into nothing but servants of the tieran and masters just by infecting them and screwing with their genetic code a little bit they all saw this cool like Mad Max look which is really mean they are definitely one of the bigger threats the Imperium besides chaos I keep saying biggest start the Imperium they're up there though because you dingus stepped on a bug in middle school [ __ ] there is a cancer eating at the Imperium with each decade it advances deeper leaving drained dead worlds in its wake this horror this abomination has thought and purpose that functions on an unimaginable galactic scale and all we can do is to try to stop the swarms of bioengineer monsters it unleashes upon us by instinct we have given the [ __ ] a name to salvage our fears we call it the Tiernan race but if it is aware of us it must know us as nothing but prey tyranids they're cool but I think it's cool the orcs orcs orcs orcs orcs orcs orcs orcs orcs orcs orcs orcs orcs [ __ ] love orcs so yes the the green monsters the green tie the green skins these orcs they are in fact a race in 4uk the orcs are as exactly what you expect them they have archaic weapons they're big boys they have axes and they have got big old teeth and I want to kill everything and there are so many of them the only reason they have any taking over the entire galaxies the can't stop murdering each other orcs are so cool orcs don't have philosophy orcs don't have existential crisis what matters is who's the biggest orc you listen to that guy because he the biggest orc he big orc big orc knows best you win to the power of imagination of all the races I have battled throughout the galaxy the orc is the hardest to comprehend they wage war with machines that should not work carry little for strategic gains and are just as likely to slaughter each other as the enemy how does one battle an enemy that defies all logic as an orc here you're enjoying life you're enjoying the life you're given your whole life and job and purpose is to get up and beat each other to death because you can the biggest orc is the man who understands everything he is the boss and orcs have this really weird like big dumb stereotype British accent which is just hilarious to me those are orcs you're you fight you like to fight your whole purpose is to fight you wage war because you want to wage war you got your boss over there and you better listen to the boss because you don't listen to the boss the boss will squish you and make you an example for the other orcs and then you can't fight cuz orc dead and orc dead is the orc dead can't fight because the orc dead orcs they scrap together machines out of parts that don't make since and because they believe they have the mental imagination that that machine will run it'll run if that machine's out of gas you're driving that machine with your fellow orcs and the biggest orcas behind the wheel and you run out of gas some work behind you like all ozog we're out of gas and the big orcas like no we're not I filled the [ __ ] gas tank up earlier and all the other orcs are like oh yeah you did do that and then you turn the the [ __ ] mech back on and it works again does it have gas probably not but it works the power of imagination you they paint things red because it make something that goes faster they paint things purple because it's the sneakiest color you want to know why you ever seen a purple work didn't [ __ ] think so orcs are also like ancient as hell they're back in the Eldar ii time frame but that back then they were called crooks and they were much larger and scarier and far more intelligent now they're just orcs and they're big dumb and they smack things but they're pretty spooky they're not very well armored but they hit really hard and it's called the green tide because there are so many orcs there are as many orcs as there are tyranids maybe more who knows but they keep on you know murdering each other so it's not too bad of an issue orcs are entirely comic relief their stuff is slapped together that makes no sense their vehicles don't work the way they're supposed to but they work because they think it works because they imagine that it works orcs care only about who is the biggest orc and they will follow the biggest org and then if they want to be the biggest orc they'll challenge the biggest orc and then when they go and they issue a wha a wah is just war in orc they murder everybody and everything in this giant tide of greed orcs who are just excited to be hitting something they don't care that they're hitting Eldar or the Imperium or tau already learning in between there just so they gets a beat [ __ ] up that's orcs and on a tabletop they are a total coin flip and they're really fun I have never met a salty orc player I have never met someone who plays orcs and is ever just a bad guy or that guy orc players have this of fun to them because when you play them you are completely submitting yourself to RNG so here's the thing Guardsman Imperial Guardsman when they shoot they roll a dice and on a four up they'll hit their target they have a 50% chance Space Marines pretty good they hit on a three or higher because they're well trained eye dentists custodians they hit on Tuesday are just super well trained works they hit on a five or higher but if they roll a six they get to make another shot with anything from the ding Kia s'tel to the biggest rocket launcher it doesn't matter half of their stuff will blow up on a whim one of their medics if you roll a 1 2 heal someone you [ __ ] up your surgery and you just kill an orc they're so wacky and silly but the thing is is if you roll well you roll high and you keep rolling high you are going to crush people and if you don't you lose I'm that's what you get when you play orcs that's what happens when you play orc it's a coin flip which is why you can't be a salty [ __ ] when you play orcs because things won't go your way that's just the roll the dice you're playing a dice game but if you're gonna have fun and you want to be stupid and you want to be silly yo you're gonna play some damn orcs but on the opposite side of the fun part of this it's like with the necrons the necrons are spooky scary skeletons and very grim dark again they have a much more fleshed out lower than before back in the day they were just undead Egyptian space terminators and they still looked that way but don't actually have a story so way back in the day you had the nekron tear kind of see a theme here al dari l dark Rourke orc nekron and necron tear so necron tear where this race of generally kind of shitty people not because they were personally shitty because their lives were awful they were ill fated to a horrible existence of like radiation and a terrible planet they lived on and everything just really sucked being a Necron tear it was just really depressing they really were looking for immortal they were extremely reliant on the hope they would eventually find the key to living forever I just stave off this horrible nature that they were thrust upon them and therefore they could become the most dominant race in the galaxy and they found this group they're called the old ones imagine them kind of like the forerunners in Halo or the Xel'Naga in StarCraft right these old ones were these strong old pretty much omnipotent beings and they of course knew the key to immortality so the necrons went to them and said please show us your ways and the old ones said piss off not really they're a lot more humble about it but they did not want to share their secret of immortality with the necrons the necrons of course took this very well and waged war with them kind of under this united banner the Necron different dynasties didn't really like each other but under this one man the silent king he thought the best way to unite his race was to do this giant war with the old ones out of spite for them keeping the secret of immortality to them this was known as the war in heaven and this is actually a multistage war because during this war in heaven they discovered the star gods a whole new race of people known as the coton or the Kattan these star gods were also very much like old ones almost omnipotent beings and they too had the key to immortality and so the necrons went to them and said hey can you help us fight off the old ones can you help us kill these old ones you the coton and the coton said yes and in fact we can help provide you with the immortality you so desperately seek so the silent king of the necrons decided to make a pact with the katana to allow them to accept this generous gift of immortality upon them but this of course had been a horrendous trap and the necrons were dragged in Shayne's to this bio transference where their flesh was stripped from them replaced with nothing but a metal hollow shell as their souls ripped from their body and fed to the coton and the coton fattened up they got shocked on the soles of the necrons as this was their plan all along they consume the flesh and souls of the necron tear and turned them all into unwilling robotic slaves just to serve their will and then with their new founded nekron army they pointed their guns at the old ones and the coton continued their domination of the stars and their genocide complete and full genocide of these old ones the old ones did their best to stave it off they even created other races the Eldar II and the orcs trying to fight off the horrifying nekron army and the coton above them but there was absolutely no possible chance for them and the old ones were absolutely extinguished across the galaxy their entire race completely removed full-on hundred-percent genocide however during all this the coton so just infatuated with their victory started fighting each other for fun for sport in for small differences doesn't matter the katana but these over overpowered people they're gonna eventually hit each other at some point and as they began just meaningly fighting each other the Eldar II and the orcs actually started pushing on the katanas borders a little bit giving them a little bit of a run for their money and as this continued this is when the silent king who retained his consciousness decided to leap into action and start a full-scale revolt against their Katan masters and this revolt was bloody as the entire nekron army was sirs off to destroy these star gods they were able to just after suffering horrendous losses were able to turn the tide of the war and they took these khatam and they blasted them because as these star gods are unkillable they were able to break them into thousands of shards and entrapped them in giant stasis vaults to now actually be slaves to the necrons and with the necrons the entirety of their old God's enslaved to them they realized that soon their race was about to be attacked by the overcoming new races the al-douri and the crooks and so what they did is they were treated in two giant stasis tombs in order to preserve their energy and their strength for when one day they would be reawakened and they would be able to rule the galaxy that was rightfully theirs and then some dingus and dentists mechanicus guy diddled with a green console and now the necrons are back and they see all these primitive races on their lawns and they think get the [ __ ] off of it the necrons are back super advanced and they're here to reclaim the galaxy they so rightfully believe is theirs on a tabletop they're a lot like that tons of undead Egyptian skeleton robots that when they die they just get right back up because they keep on reanimating hard to kill tons of crazy stuff you can use the coton themselves as units to fight with pretty cool the necrons are them one of the three major events in 40k the Horus heresy the fall of the Eldar and the awakening of the necrons are all pretty substantial events and that cards themselves are pretty pretty dang cool as well here's a good quote from a wonderful dawn of war game lucky creatures as long last you have found the tranquility of death I was like you once clinging to life and blind to the truth when I uncovered the truth I too shuddered and pale with fear deep in these catacombs I was remade here my brethren slumber for eons while the living grew like weed my Lord knew this day would come he had plans for us all we would purge this world once more so come poor victims of life we will grant you tranquility in these crypts Chronos will be a tomb world once more necrons are also pretty smug trays in the infinite especially a little [ __ ] but speaking of [ __ ] last race let's talk the Tao the exact formation of the Tao Empire is not entirely understood however a long long time ago thousands of years ago up in the 40k world that is some Imperial navigation vessels were going around through different areas and they saw a primitive race blue people smack each other with sticks and stones they thought yeah dumb Zeno's race who gives a [ __ ] and they bailed then this giant warp storm occurred right in that major area unable to be breached then once that warp storm is six thousand years later subsided hello those little sticks well they decided to actually have no war of any kind and all just unite together under one flag of the Tau Empire and now they have gigantic starships and Gundam robots and lasers and rail guns and mechs and they are good here to ruin your day for the greater good that is generally the tau Empire they have this kind of feeling of this homogeneous group all species can go underneath the banner of the greater good the greater good is their idea of the fundamental increase and help of all in fact they are most likely the most like the covenants in halo where they have the overarching prophets being the ethereal who are actually kind of dicks and like to pull out strings a little bit but then you have all these different races directly underneath them and they all work together in this big group as this large foreboding race that tries to spread their weirdly pseudo religious influence across the galaxy the alien is not intrinsically evil do not hate him pity him his ignorance seek to understand his differences and equate him with his inadequacies only then will he accept his place in the greater good that is generally the Tao and if you're kind of wondering like what their main leaves big stick is well they're all about big robots and mechs they have laser rifles and rail guns they got giant mechs with tons of missile pods and heavy rail rifles and rail guns and burst cannons and ion accelerators and voyage shields and all this stuff and that is generally what the Tau is all about but you're probably thinking bricky this doesn't sound that evil this doesn't sound very grimdark warhammer and you'd be right the towel empire really don't have that much of a horrifying grimdark style like everybody else they're much more younger new age thing in fact they're probably a lot less evil and a lot even better than they are now back in the day because they liked having like the good guy faction but a lot of us who really like the dark depressing style of Warhammer didn't really like it that much so see the Tao get a lot of hate and a lot of that hate isn't necessarily unjustified it's really from a tabletop perspective but as you can see from all the visuals I've shown you recently they don't really fit in the 40k universe very well they lack that super dark dramatic kind of high gothic level the Imperium has they don't have the weird kind of like grungy stuff that chaos they say the orcs do and the necrons and the Eldar have their own specific style as well The Tao really do look like something out of Gundam and while it is necessarily a bad thing it does definitely not fit too well there's that it's also the tabletop problem in tabletop tau are horrible at melee combat but exceptionally good at range combat so they blast everyone from really really far away and they have a million rules to make it so that it's nearly impossible for you to get into melee combat so it basically just forces you to bottleneck the game into one specific gameplay style which is gun to god and if you're doing gun the gun they're gonna win every time because they're the towel and the Tau are really damn good at shooting so it's one of those things that make the tau generally rather hated in a lot of different reasons for that both from style and such but this is actually one of the things I wanted to end this video with is that the towel while they have their issues you should not be discouraged from playing them I'll make plenty of tau we abou jokes of course I will but it's all generally in good fun and you want to legitimately doesn't want you to play a faction is an idiot and you shouldn't be giving them the time of day you pick what you think is cool and what you like in Warhammer especially now factions get better and they get worse they grow and then they fall you should only be playing what you think is cool you like the look you like the models if you're talking tabletop that is what you should be going for every time is what you think is badass because things change all the time but the universe of Warhammer has so much going for it every faction has something interesting every character has a story and there's a million stories to be told the universe is vast and exciting and well as dark depressing and horrible that is the damage charm and of everything I've told you in these two videos and anything you could take away is the reason why so many of us are so into this series and why we like it so much because with so much variety such an expansive universe and so much that can be done you can find yourself having a pretty great time thank you so much for watching this video I hope it has been informative to you if you'd like to see more of me bricky they would have twitch.tv and slash bricky for my streams you have my merchandise site in which I was wearing all of my merch but underneath this because I had to wear this so wasn't black or white for the green-screen which is a little unfortunate but it's fine if you like to see merch is in the description also if you'd like to support me on my patreon page at patreon.com slash bricky for more videos like this then that was also wonderful so twitch merch patreon anything if you want to support now be fantastic I'd appreciate it if not I'm just stoked you got all the way to the end of the video and that is enough for me so I'm gonna be having some more content like this out in the future thank you so much for sticking around this long and being with me through this pretty rough time that's I think all I got also before I go to leave with my favorite Warhammer quote he who scoffs at the power of the last gun has never ran through a field of a thousands of them buh-bye [Music]
Channel: Bricky
Views: 2,398,708
Rating: 4.9566813 out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer universe, Warhammer lore, Warhammer all, Warhammer all faction, Warhammer all factions explained, Warhammer explained, warhammer story, warhammer lore explained, warhammer horus heresy explained, warhammer 40k explained, wh40k explain, wh40k lore, warhammer bricky, warhammer 40k custodes, warhammer 40k space marines, warhammer chaos, chaos, chaos 40k, warhammer 40k chaos
Id: Y6jnsX77TCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 39sec (3519 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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