Tyranids vs Imperium - 1100 power level Warhammer 40K Apocalypse battle

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we march for macragge giant imperial god machines a voracious swarm of terrifying tyranide monstrosities can the ultramarines hold back the tear in time welcomed tabletop Titans thanks for joining us on this special edition as we play through games workshop's new edition of apocalypse we wanted to give this event all the way units that it deserved so we build a massive table of custom terrain and arrayed two humungous armies to duke it out apocalypse style the stalwart forces of the ultramarines led by Marius kal gar and featuring Robo Gillman with a support contingent of a river and warlord Titan faced off against three count'em three bio Titans led by the old swarm Lord Himself I can't wait to see how kal Garn company fare against swarm Lord and his throng of teeth this is apocalypse [Music] our tyranids side will be played by Brent and movement both long time bug players they've arrayed eight detachments including three bio Titans led by the swarm Lord and even have old one eye in there as well move it is actually our first ever patron on patreon and we are super happy to have him here on the channel I'm Brent I'm from Vancouver play 40k I move in I live in Lower Mainland as well turn into like me they're always hungry so it's perfect it was a perfect army for choice and we're just gonna come in and eat everything in your face lots of guys just Hanahan combat okay we're serious murder we're serious we're sitting now we're for real bring gamers okay the ultramarines will be played by Steve and taiko of play on tabletop and their army consists of nine detachments including a warlord and a river Titan as well as two estrellas super-heavy tanks and an imperial night they have marnya scale gar leading a charge along with the master of ultra Mar himself Roebuck diliman we are here to play apocalypse it gives me a little quiver inside to come to the table with this weight of modeled with us I I have never played with models of the stature and it was a true honor to be part of this I've never played a tightening I was the most excited for today because I have never played a Titan ever because you can't fit it in a normal game ever a wool or Titan in wet 40k is 10,000 points like you never play that in regular 40k this epic battle is being played on two six by four tables that we could have gone to three for this size a game or even more as the armies arrayed before us are just massive well stay one well table the mate they got cheese they got two models what else doing are they got a bunch of things that I killing normal 40kg right basically they've just got two big vile to our big two big Titans and then a bunch of biomass for us to devour it's perfect we were looking for a snack I think we found it it's is John T an almost overwhelming I don't think we I don't think we brought enough done [Music] welcome to the apocalypse I'm so excited so okay so what are the defender cuz you have more power level than us yes were you by five right what's the power levels are going on your six no it's a five they have five 82 and we're five seventy let's do this twelve hundred points on them oh this brings back memories it's great they've rolled drawn and quartered as a mission and it placed four objective markers on the table these are worth one victory point to the team that holds more at the end of the turn however should they each hold equal objectives they will both get a point deployment the players are using a classic dawn of war setup nothing fancy here just old-fashioned slobberknocker 40k style our first attachment Hallion detachment of ultramarines that have three infiltrator units a Phobos lieutenant and a Phobos captain okay we will start off with the battalion brood lord other gene Steelers let's go say let's start the ball walk off in deep strike let's have them tunnel there's a lot of gene stealers this guy's a stubborn that helps what you're saying is the night gallant has a Stuber so we'll be fine Steven it'll be that stubborn at takes out a bio Titan just you watch exactly that is the one battalion we're good to go super heavy auxiliary detachment 1 knight-errant I believe no gallant with a heavy stubborn with with with the heavy Stuber oh my goodness oh my goodness those Hierophant bio Titans their biggest goal is to just sit back keep and just punch a hole into anything they see they've got Dyer bio cannons they can take a little bit of damage to improve their wound roles and that's what we're gonna do so we are going to deploy a spearhead detachment of ultramarines with two squads of suppressors apocalypse aims to take a much larger view of the battlefield by acting in detachments rather than by individual unit or even model an easy way to think of it is that a 40k is to apocalypse what kill team is to 40k three great systems with three distinct but familiar rule sets so it's humbling right now it's happening right now let's do it warlord tighten down yeah I think this is a good spot I don't know who's better when it was off the table I'm not sure it this way let's do this yeah yeah he wants to face them it does look like I'm carrying like his a small child I can't believe they put those Titans in our 48 inch wrench we have 360 inch we have 48 we're in there [Music] your big guys have transport capacity is there anybody inside no we haven't put anybody inside she the bio Titans have a train they have a transport capacity [Music] robo girly man holy schnikeys that's a lot of bugs it was a lot I have never seen this many bugs across the table for me ever and I'm kind of scared periods in general I play Imperium I look at it and I know exactly what it is with tyranids I look across and I'm like I don't know what any of this is like what what is this name what is that there's so many of them they're all blending together like it's is jaunty one of the things that's different about Apocalypse you may notice is how the players are always involved there are no long waits for phases where one side is doing all the work there's an I go you go aspect that really makes you feel the strategic level of gameplay and you much more removed from the individual damage scale of normal 40k that coupled with damage occurring all at once at the end of the turn really makes the big guns valuable and orders and activations become very important when you activate as tieing up unit combat that is taking for example the the take aim order is a real possibility and limits any response that they can make let's do this chief 3 hey you have initiative there is the role for initiative and it looks like the Tiernan side is going to be going first we're gonna pass up on reinforcements in Apocalypse there are only 4 phases to the turn initiative orders action and damage so we get one to start off for an army we have 7 warlords on the table yep 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 adjourn force wall Mart yup and extra one for the other hive Tyrell and the other hive time so we're at maxed out at 10 immediately we have 6 plus an additional one for Gilman and then on a 4 up because of Koga our might give us another 126 yeah yeah so that gives us b8 yeah so command assets are unique to apocalypse you make a deck of 30 cards prior to the game start and draw cards based on the number of detachments on the on the table as well as warlords and war masters certain characters get extra as well and they can be played whenever instructed to on the cards they include things like shooting protocols psychic powers or defenses once you've cycled through that deck of the discards they're shuffled back in and you continue to draw from the same deck for the rest of the game a neat little aspect of Apocalypse is building the right deck could make or break your game orders tilt commanders attachments we gotta put down our so this one was going here the three types of orders that exists in Apocalypse are take aim advance and assault take aim is simple you stand there and shoot advance you move and then you can shoot or you can fight an assault double your move and fight at the end food Lord and his big units gonna do that song turnip Prime and his attachments go into it bounce bounce rope and his shootie bugs are gonna take aim at swarm lord and his bad boys are gonna advance old one I and his posse going to assault as well big guys bio Titans are gonna take aim and hive tyrant and his squad are gonna assault as well the Imperium the super heavy detachment is going to be advancing the supreme command attachments so girly man and his buds are advancing Areva cal gar and his posse take aim librarian decides to aim his psychicness whoa whoa the warlord battle Titan takes aim his little buddy the gal at night he's gonna charge he'll Buster's that are aiming and we have full bust Marines that are dashing about and shooting things advance so everything's been revealed now we go straight into the action phase so right now the mission has an orbital debris rule so things are falling from the atmosphere and you have to pick a point in the battlefield and you roll a d6 for every unit within six inches of the point subtracting one if it's a character and on the result of a four up they take a blast market [Music] or the for the Astraeus for the Spartan from gulaman himself on a five no for the primaries left tenant no captioning gravis armor no-ho-ho or the primary librarian for the mission of yours chapter ancient yeah boom for the tech rain no for the first redemptor dreadnought for the other Redentor dreadnought for the repulsor repulsor for the one unit that is within six of the aggressors green should roll all the time we're in his role as effectively as always that was a bit of a bus on their part what do you think I trust you follow your muse and just a warning probably gonna do it twice I see how it is I see how it is you know what no we're gonna orbital strike you too and at that moment I'm just sitting there and I'm terrified cuz I know that's gonna be a lot of damage on a lot of key units and I don't want them gone okay trying to fetch one no trying to fetch - oh yeah it's on a d12 so on a 7 to 10 one blast marker 11 plus 2 blast markers aloe scepter it takes a blast carnufex takes a little blast old one eye takes a blast bio titan takes a blast toxic rin take nothing and then the hive tyrant takes nothing that was our command asset sweet so we're gonna be using an apocalypse of command asset as well for laser burn who what does that mean no idea it just sounds awesome you want to read it out laser burn this command asks it can be used in the action phase when you select two points on the battlefield that are within 12 inches of each other draw an imaginary straight line one millimeter thick in between these two points and roll a d12 for each unit that crosses a line so tracting 1 if the unit being rolled is a light character on the 7 plus they take a blast marker it's just like remove anything yet adjoining like a stream of bile that fell from the sky it's a stream of bile that says well they did it's gonna be hitting the Astraeus the spartan girly-man let's start with the Astraeus know for the Spartan I shouldn't be doing this either certainly Lieutenant Dan takes a blast marker repulsor No all right that was ineffective activating all right all orders are down and now they are revealed in the tyranids with the initiative get the first activation as we move into the action phase let's do the karna fences first all right well add to be the karna fences that are gonna move twice 14 cuz they move twice no I know I just wanted the seven cuz oh yeah I don't have the super long arms it's nice to have a six and a half footer on each team in Apocalypse it makes reaching the center the table a little bit easier that our first detachment down [Music] okay so that's two units of infiltrators blasting away at the Jewish so first infiltrator squad five models strong will sit skill three up has I think it's just one shot isn't it yeah it's just one shot missed they're all so negative one to hit because of the venom probes next unit opens hitting on the floor nope fails to wound we have a lieutenant around it doesn't any gun no they just don't have the primary so tenant doesn't have another gun okay so that's the shooting of that unit your turn yeah yeah all right what's the range uh well they've got 36 they also target from the building cuz their garrisoning which means nice healthy amount of targets there sounds good so got them we've got the exocrine and we've got the hive guard alright so let's start with the hive guard let's use one unit of time so we're gonna get our your head to attack first so the six hot guard shooting which I believe is 12 shots actually it is 12 shots it's two shots really that's it uh who do you wanted to go into I feel like with only two shots don't take out the honor guard yeah let's hit on a guy with them alright honor guard it is two attacks into the honor guards these are gonna be on twos yeah normally three each but because we took aim plus one it's gonna be on tombs and those are a six and A four both hit personnel four plus that's a one a nine that's one blast marker on the honor guard it into the honor guard to go into the honor guard one blast marker trying to finish three shots normally with the ruptor cannons but cuz they didn't move they get to double their shot alright so the first one will shoot into the repulsors standing by the warlord time to read because we took game alright so everything but one oh yeah force all them sweet five flashpackers is it bigger swell bust in one small yeah how many moved it how many moons is supposed to have propulsor execution or regular effusion the repulsor executioner has three wounds okay yeah they'll take the other repulsor oh you have guys in that reported on this one we have guys in there's there are three aggressors in there I think I think we popped those aggressors out of that little can so he's gonna take his shots into that aggressor or not because they're a pullet of repulsor with the aggressors six on Three's all hit this time and on fours again alright five again so two big blasts in a small blast again ouch oh you guys do nothing in normal 40 carry they do fantastic for me Wow rupture cannons are amazing in Apocalypse they've really really put a hurt out in the ultramarines who those rupture cannons brutal they've caused some ruptures I think the Titans have a target so first unit of hell blusters you're gonna have six shots from the exocrine because you didn't move and he took aim so he's gonna be hitting on threes breeze sounds like plan to me ah that's a one end of 203 on force bigger the small right one big one small that finishes that guy's turn firing squads done alright I'm doing it I'm just doing it I'm taking the warlord battle Titan for a spin so the apocalypse missile launchers have barrage and enough range to hit the parking lot and we're gonna pummel into the closest squad of GSEs or the red ones or the pink ones 36-inch range on the our deck defense Mahler's they are good it gives takes both of those are gonna go directly into that exocrine well very good so the defense small isn't very good yes the both of my defend small those are going directly into the extra game what's next weapons ooh our decks defense to enlarge this is what Ardex defense or twin miles cannon the Ardex defense or twin lance cannons I'm gonna send them into the extricate as well then you have Bella coos okay no problem sir we have two military branches okay - okay - beluga cannons directly into the first rupture cannon Tiran effects all right so let's start with these apocalyptic missile launches into the pink Jean Steelers Bianchi's I get a plus one minus one because these are shrouded I believe however it be took aim I get plus ones we go back to choose someone choose oh my I hit seven times okay with all of these eight one two three blast markers - the pink jeans a large and a small alright defend smaller's into the exocrine hitting on Jews let's do it I hate twice okay so two times I hit neither for dice looking for tubes let's do this all of them XO krinsman degree that's taken four of these last cannon hits to the face on a fiber boom three okay I shoot them I shoot the big ones I shoot the big guns and I target it back into the Tyranno Farex I'll choose all hit okay runing on twos on D twelve and it's destroyer meaning I believe it's for peace for peace I mean how many actually wounded four for wounded so that's a sixteen total of eight large eight large templates sir eight large blast markers go on to that I might over not if it's fine I think that's all their weapons I must say I really love this back and forth activation it feels much more apocalyptic it gives an epic feel to the battle being played absolutely loving the way that this works so we're gonna actually just attachment next [Music] hello ho reverb battle Titan I told you yeah alright so your reverb battle Title II is equipped with an apocalypse missile launcher it has a Reaver laser blaster and it has a Reaver melter cannon so we're gonna send the apocalypse missile launcher into the pink gene stealers we were gonna send the Reaver laser blaster into the wounded bio Titan and the Reaver melt a cannon into the wounded bio Titan and everything else there so the apocalypse missile launcher sends a barrage in GOG steel as I say for ice yes Oh yep on twos three sorry what's this double eye hits on shoes and then he gets +1 for take aim and then minus one because building between him and doesn't matter Oh Raj autologous like no but it does affect your ballistic skill does you would actually still hit on fries that's true so do it double ones we wouldn't have done it anyways so the Reaver laser blaster shoots three times and we shoot it into the wounded bio Titan on three on twos okay and now you're gonna be wounding it on fives that's three so this has the destroyer quality so that means you take three large blasts markers moving along to the melter cannon I get four trucks you get four shots hitting on twos onto two fritz that's three wounds excellent so if it takes three large blast markers I think the big guys need to go next we're gonna shoot the big guys so what do you want to shoot at and let's start off with the one in the back just all one big unit um I feel like that River needs to take some punishment and kind he's made me start with him into the big guy since we're gonna do it and see how many we can put on there and leave him for love yeah I like it alright let's get this party started with the commander he is hitting on threes take aim for twos do you want to frenzy metabolism him you know what I will like to go into a frenzy muzzle metabolism and him as well we take a small black marker to up the chances are wounding six on twos so we got five um we normally hit the big guys on wound the big guys on a four this time it's on a 3 because we twist their damage to ourselves ooh that's a lot of once I don't like it he does however he does take three large block markers three logs and then his friend next to him I think she'll do the same thing two's oh that's a couple ones I don't like that it's okay but we're wounding him on threes that's much better four more large blast markers to the Reaver and the last one he's gonna go ahead and take himself a blast marker as well hating on - yet again and that's four more large blasts on the river on the river nine ten eleven large blast on the river fantastic three more than you put on him so what we'll do is we'll send the heavy Bolger into the unit of former guns here and the and the main weapon will go into this carnufex [Music] to cook a combo breaker I'm taking your initiative seize the initiative internship card I'm gonna take over and activate one of my detachments and since you guys are deciding to activate one of your units we're gonna seize that initiative right back and we're gonna go next like we should rightfully into the discard pile let's go back to swarmy because she just said nope it's was like mmm no no no so we're gonna play a tear in it - specific command asset and it's by humans specific which is appropriate hyperaggression change our order to assault sweet let me double then here whoa so you get over there that's bad [Music] okay there you go you guys are it's them now they're actually we're gonna use a adrenaline Lance another period ASSA up to three turn at high fleet units in that detachment can make a free move action and the brood Lord is gonna take himself and his gene stealer buddies up that board can they can they still charge after this oh yeah our actual activation for the detachment though it's going to be the period Prime with his warrior buddies and some zone throat [Music] cow gars unit took aim so what we'll do is we will send the aggressor squads here and here both squads will go into that unit the front unit of for McGann [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so we're gonna activate our very last unit zum-zum little buggy zoom zoom hope man that's a 20 man unit too isn't it got about 20 minutes oh okay so this unit into them onto seven on sitteth five block workers we're gonna go five into your lieutenant and then five into the unit two into the lieutenant for two more big blasts into the you know that already has two big blasts that's the end of our turn okay so we are going to honor the chapter using this command asset this command asset can be used in the action phase when you select one a deputies to start his unit from your army that unit makes one free fight action whilst making this action you can reroll won't wound roles for that units attacks so we'll select the infiltrator squad that was fighting the wounded gene stealers over here nothing unfortunately I guess they really didn't honor the chapter that hard for the activation I'm gonna activate the night you can go 24 inches bash stuff so the only thing in range that he can get to is the swarm Lord he's gonna go back this one [Music] Oh see how this is just personnel or takes he is a dyke let's do a thunder straight gauntlet because that looms u15 the only difference three hits that looks like two and that would be to destroy her so that's too large to like blah blah story he only has two wounds you might have to use the double save on him that is our entire action phases all of them all the phases both sides have completed their orders phase and we move on to the damaged phase sort of damage the avoid shields kick in and one large blast worker is removed from the Reaver Titan so he's back down to ten yeah you got to start with super heavies but we're gonna go ahead and pop one of the apocalypse psychic powers which is tell kind dome we're gonna drop that on the swarm Lord so that when he's making his saving throws he rolled on d12 irrespective of size size of the blast market so that's for him so he got to largest so we're gonna pop another command NASA which is go to ground on this unit of former gone up front which lets them double their result for their safe rolls well let's start with the critically wounded one now let's go with the easy one no cuz you googoo okay okay so let's start with the weaker ones done okay so it's a d12 because it's or no sir yeah it's a smoke blast marker d12 three red with the grab back here Sereno matter come on three minutes one three times a moon day damage okay archive ro 2 D twelfths because I have 10 count them 10 large blast markers sitting here on this reverb battle Titan the Lord sayeth fabulous you need these six my friend pardon me hard on me he's finally fill those I did thank you just for you all of them every single blessed last year you felt all the sames with our tight and every single one seriously mr. Gaeta how much damage 10 didn't die no he's got 24 roots Oh Hank we need them back in 3 10 and 8 oh sorry 3 & 8 is 11 so he failed so he sold 11 damage 11 damage still not bracket in the next bio Titan near 3 or better on a d12 he rolls exactly 3 we have one small on a spartan of d12 yeah so I'd saved the small with the 12 and another big one about these disks to save watch three lot so he takes it down so four more alpha is you need to take into account how many blast markers you have irrespective of size 465 one two three four five six seven plus two so it ended up taking eight largest Jesus's but only to me a better there are three ops but you know three ups are a fickle fickle thing for the critically wounded child tiny bone tails to leadership within any does not need to take more else cuz he's standing right next to a synapse creature this unit of infiltrators has about three large class templates on it and they have a 5 6 up whoosh nada so they take three and they die is that first blood I believe that is okay gee coz [ __ ] nine so uh a big one fails home receive nine big one fails another one heyo so they eat to lose ya behalf for leadership two blasts plus a d6 oh yeah three Lord so there are two wounded synapses very good nuts sit down since everything change the game for the Turner's day bad day there's industry so then this this lieutenant sit Bush primary solution is one with one month you kill the premier yeah oh the big Quran effects o8w two three four five six seven eight already [ __ ] meet sixes all we need is five six only needs five six that's it I mean not a single one alright he's dead all right three big ones on the venom folks three big blossom then I'm through yeah we need ten so they did on fives for the repulsor so two saves so I take one moon so seven I have three black markers so wine and twenty-four he's good I wrote trip sixes so to go to 12 nodes leadership and shave it is five he's only got two wounds he's good so you get for throwing a knight into him and not tell gar @c cream three lies needing stitches just need to make way time exocrine only has three large only has 300 come on exocrine nah doesn't make a single hon perv acts as a grand is lifted we have the repulsor executioner with a sweet view five up to large blast template sorry to large blast markers so sixes and then one small four five none of them so it takes three three ones and a pecans zero two large one or two standler fail them all oh the other squad of infiltrators has got one small and too large digging for sixes they die and then all the subjects got one two three big ones pop ups and only us three wounds I need to save two of these oh he only safe is a small one three big in a small Hey look at that niche is he only got two wounds perfect thank you karma go I'm just needing a 10 so that big one goes through two wounds so keep him alive this is no I need to ten oh yeah a ten sorry we took a bunch of big guys off so I feel okay that whole back row is going I think that's it for damage isn't it turn one is done both sides have taken losses but the big guns are still on the table that's not for lack of trying they're either there were a lot of blasts both on the river and that bio Titan but command assets and the unit stock rules make these models really worth bringing to the table maybe I will build that phantom Titan in my closet after all who'd nor near as much stuff died that I thought would die you think oh well we just shot the Titan into a bio tight in the bio Titans gonna die but it didn't and now I'm like and they're halfway up the table now it means next turn they're gonna hit us and like we didn't we didn't bring up guns to summarize turn one both teams have scored an objective point making our score at the end of the first turn one two one the units destroyed so far though the tyranids have lost a venom throw of exocrine Turan effects malice scepter and event effects and the marines have lost infiltrators primaries executioner tank looks like more infiltrators and two lieutenants despite taking more losses I think the tier dudes have more units so really I think they're in a good spot here the Reaver Titan is taking a ton of punishment but it isn't even critically wounded yet that's a state and apocalypse that occurs when you're below half your starting wound value and it limits your efficacy for the rest of the game turn two should absolutely prove interesting rock and roll 501 ones are bad is marking people who are out so we have mouths we've died out of command yep we had this guy back here or the command goes Oh to command no units currently out of command okay next up reinforcements we've got reinforcements to bring in it's kind of right down in the aligns looking for that three inch bubble one inch away from you all right setting up some spoor mines coming in from deep strike flier it coming down with them as well do you guys have anything deep trick deep strike at all it's over no like okay we got nothing else to deep strike they don't have anything to deep strike try a cards [Music] we Titans take a name got a lot of gun we are commanded don't we so before anybody flips anything we're gonna use the apocalypse psychic power scribes gays yeah so I do have a psycho unit in my army so he is going to gaze into the future I don't know just wait do we have to be a certain distance no no we're gonna shadows of the war of that on a 2 plus it doesn't happen like on a d12 yeah I know I think it's a do certain so no d6 will one day say it's done it - okay well it's not that crazy then but ok it's a 2 up to us shut it down just shut the joke sometimes outrageous you want to look at some of our orders and kind of get a 1-up on us and I figured you know what no let's just keep it a secret we don't want them to see what we've got so figured it'll turn it's they mess with the war let's use that shadows of the war let's mess with their cyclers a bit yeah I got it off because you failed that this command asset can be used in the order strange several orders of an issue but before any of them are revealed when used like one psychic unit from your armies on the battlefield manifest as power then I select up to three enemy detachments that you have you have to reveal those attachments orders and then I can replace the orders issue to any of my attachments I'd love to see what's going on over here so let's go with yeah so I'll go that one with both both of those hive tyrants attachments charge and charge a so they get super aggressive over there and then let's choose we know what's happening over here I imagine let's just this attachment in the middle I want to know what's going on here okay well they're getting really really aggressive okay also at the beginning of the action phase we're gonna medical supplies take a light unit removed III damage markers from that unit we're picking those gene stealers back there whoa what's in there back to full do we want to make any changes like do we want to know how they chose this to in advance maybe move some of our mobile walls into the way three Lords unit it is assaulting shocker toran offense and shooting guys are gonna shoot twice big guys back here again Austin okay take Game one yeah there take a name Orion crew are gonna assault anybody and our two surprises over there also assaulting good port the change that we made the super heavy detachment is going to advance dolmens detachment is going to advance river boy is going to take a as our librarians detachment is going to advance how guards detachment is going to advance he'll Buster's Oh dancing and finally infiltrators our he's the terror from the deep when this unit uses the deep strike ability you can set up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than one inch away from any enemy units instead of nine after setting up this unit using the deep stretch ability if there are any unit enemy units within three inches of it select one of those units and roll one d12 on a three to five place one blast marker on a 69 place to blast markers on a ten plus place three blast markers Caligari Caligari oh it tries to eat them he just comes out from underneath these big guys going laughter the each other's generals or something here believe that is one he takes a blast marker it lasts okay so before we get going orbital debris just like in the first turn orbital debris has dropped again and wisely after Brent's rolling last turn Tina Turner does let move and roll for this one much much more effective this time turn next for the orbital debris we're gonna activate the unit that just or the detachment that just dropped in starting with the hive tyrant he's going to take his 32 inches of movement oh yeah he's charging girly-man because he can make it right in there we are however going to burn the apocalypse command asset trophy kill this command asset can be used in the action phase when you select either the enemy war master or a one enemy super-heavy unit until the end of that turn you can reroll hit rolls for attack me by your units that target the selected unit cuz now he's not so happy he's got smite girl e bad o so in action phase when you select one Saker hive tyrant roll a t12 on a d12 on a - up place one blast marker on the closest enemy unit within 36 he's base to base with károly mounting time ya and on a seven-plus place to blast markers instead excellent we will try and deny the which you can try you can try i don't you up we six am alright this is denoted a witch yeah whopping one attack that'll hit seven nine that'll do one little dance marker that was super effective [Laughter] [Music] our activation I'm gonna have a debate this one loads unit because of his Wooler trait you can leave combat and get back into combat there you can move twice [Music] do you want to start with the horror gun we have six attacks times two so a total of 12 a tax okay so I'm a salting into the night it's 30 guys to 12 attach hitting on force four and now the swarm Lord and a cow gar with his for attack one whoa only one we are going to use we're gonna use the lethal miasma this command asset can be used after making a wound roll for a tyrion hype unit from your army when used re-roll that wound roll can't we do more than one - all right I'll take it sucks - big busts yep - big blasts on power on kalgard the stink is redemptor dreadknot and this redemptive dread not it's gonna take its redemptor fist to just slam it into the swarm lord [Music] and then cal gar the champion that he is caping sold Cal gar two attacks against the swarm Lord this Judas show two hits all right on sevens so one blast marker on this one Lord it's not destroyer not a destroyer so the fist of also are not it's just two attacks all right [Music] I'm going to activate the board Lord battle type and unload everything into the commander - hitting on twos eights so two big blasts that would be one having that thing sure that you don't only do one employer that for too big too big and finally the Bennett costs volcano cannons beluga cannons so - its to your ups that's both wound for apocalypse there's a story so that's gonna be four big four bits okay my activation you're under the mat repeat over here through doors what one unit twenty G's and photos photos their photos Marines they're not as half as much quarter tooth tooth ruler death or negatively Lord sir nine G's seniors head first event on sixes first for the rubella no see how we do that but still six holy smokes okay so the fries Wow now the other unit of genes tutors into the one lieutenants and on sit sit sit six again them into the lieutenant this is a captain couches so three large and then the brood Lord how many attach this yes hitting on shoes both it and on force to one more big blast in that unit Wow okay you guys it's airing do you see nuts like nuts kalgard to attacks do you see there's ten attack twice twice over cuz Willie had to alright and then the bruise Lord gives them a bonus who government does destroyer I love it bio Titan is go all three bio Titans he's gonna unload everything into the Reaver going yeah yeah so frenzy metabolism and we're going to go ahead and unload into the reverb to big blast from the first one second guy so five more big blasts markers and he's gonna do the same thing all over again on twos Oh take one out five model 512 large blast markers if I'm not mistaken Wow real what do this is from the BIOS three bio pains their tire cannon only smokes I'm activating the reef of battle Titan and he is going to launch his apocalypse missile launcher into the leaderless God's not the leaderless cons and everything else into the blasted okay Titan apocalypse missile launcher heading into the gods too one last one last melt let the call it's called the river delta cannon four shots game twos big guy friend yeah so that's four destroy rules so four big blast okay four big blasts siren all right did you go last last okay my turn I'm gonna shoot I'm gonna add to beat these guys to shoot you're a Titan right to tell you static okay so I'm gonna shoot into them two small blast markers on the view cut I think I want to clear this objective you hold this objective right now don't you I believe so if it falls standard hold it under this objective okay so eliminator squad into them three up hits other eliminator squad we'll do the same thing nope yeah eliminators okay so what we'll do is we'll go the address - sorry the suppressors and we'll take their autocannons will send one set of autocannons into them we'll go into the forum accounts so suppressor out of cannons into the hormone aunts on threes oh yeah makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on eight whoosh what so so neat you're totally dressed that into a big glass that's it it's all I saw like and ooh night charge you got one eye you can go 24 now war is the overpass down on it's time for the damage pretty easy okay so to start off with him we're gonna start off with super heavies we're gonna we're gonna armor contempt him so we had to roll on d12 whoa that is so crazy like you can do it to a bio Titan yeah two wounds alright okay good Oh deeply frustrating I am deeply frustrated as well Cinna nope no it's not [ __ ] can it die from this no I just think if it fails it takes another damage it's gonna fail no matter what unless you roll a one one give us one if you're gonna give him something to kill it's gonna be yours and you gotta roll right now you're next Yeah right this thing's dying three or four five six they're on G sixes and I need five I can roll a d20 s right no no you need eleven there's eleven all right let's do this you just kindly fail all of these as well play on suck at oh that's not bad do you them eight I take 8 equals 8 damage uh-oh do you sit actually you have to only one I have to get a 1 give me to roll one child's play to it no I thank you another damage I didn't they take full of nine damage he has for wounds remaining we were tightening up for runes meaning all night sure he's a five up he's got what two three four big blasts T's on the more big blasts knees I'm going to use my eye on shields which sees me one one gets through he takes a damage don't miss a miraculous escape to take that one off him so he doesn't die okay yeah we'll just remove this whole unit this units getting eroded we killed something yeah then us so they don't move over to this primaries captain in gravis armored he's got one small blast he's just gonna take that uh he's gonna take that so he takes this guy takes of wounds who doesn't have to Reggie the primaries captain are you sure positive I can't roll over ten seven times so that unit is dead as well you destroyed this unit of term accounts over here okay on the mall one two three four large blast lockers on the mall oxy which is don't leave two stitches no way that is the magic of Gilman and Estrella scissors it's a sis's back to you guys I'm so tired you know what so mine it's turn two which one loves our mercy storm loads got what all of one wounds all of one small blur the spoiler it beats a five up oh he teaching well now I got one gun him yeah let's uh let's see if cow gar lives cowgirls got what - I can't really hold on there's a Titan in the way you might consignees some I need some ice one to two large one small okay two large one small let me do the honors car graphic alghars my favorite I love them I love it even more than gold Manor what he needs to do oh yeah some seared too large splashed on the hormones are dead [Applause] [Music] we got to our target start with this one start with one in the back with catalyst so on a four up he's going to ignore damage dad didn't have him so five stitches for wounds oh we saved two so he only teach one wound so one damage oh I like you and then on the other one five sixes as well - too big one little I see the wall had a boy I think the last days of jugs cake is on that spore behind unit oh we have one's own swarm right there is a big glass worker oh that's what I tunes you will take damage but they don't run away we have tips Clark right there yes good old flyer to lose looks like recording into the wee hours has taken its toll on Team ultramarine and they have conceded the victory to the tier nades this day with the turrets pressing hard into the Imperium and that Reaver about to fall versus three bio Titans and a swarm of teeth it's probably the beginning of the end for the ultra Smurfs sure the warlord is still alive but I got to think the way these mid players are rolling them that those gene suitors may be able to even bring it down their own two more turns they would've been tabled that's how I feel you know what overall I think the tyranids did well we got fed pretty well little disappointed that we didn't get to kill off any of the big Titans but next time we got him next week I feel fantastic that was so much fun I really loved the flood comes out of the bugs coming towards we thought we could hold them off with a few like infiltrators and it just failed and the god cave didn't so art it was great it really brings the cinema of what i'ma Gaiden is supposed to bring to I was I was so stoked to be part of it it had no bearing on my enjoyment that we lost Oh I mean being such a fan of the Emperor himself that I am dad's mr. rock with a really hard court battle yeah pasta again you play this those Jean sealers are these things are not thanks for tuning in folks special thanks to our players team period move in and Brent and team ultramarine Steve and Tyco and also to the garage games in geekery for the record a space until next time play on come on guys that's my line [Applause] make sure to check out our post battle review of the apocalypse system with our players for a more in-depth look at what we thought of the game you
Channel: Play On Tabletop
Views: 661,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Apocalypse, warhammer, warhammer 40k, Tabletop Titans, Tyranids, 40k
Id: XvmZ5UXdj34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 33sec (3573 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 22 2019
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