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About time! I've been waiting for him to make another video about scp now if only he would play Subnautica blow zero now it has been updated a bunch

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/negativecacti 📅︎︎ May 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Finally! I've been waiting for this

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/paulbutterjunior 📅︎︎ May 05 2020 🗫︎ replies

I'm not sure what's going on there but the settings say he's using 640x480 resolution? That doesn't seem right..

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/paulbutterjunior 📅︎︎ May 05 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello oh look at you is so pathetic [Music] hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to SCP unity they've finally updated the game and in updating the game they've updated the monsters the environment the way the map is laid out and the new spooks that lay inside of it this update has been a long time coming it's been almost half a year since I played the last version of this and it was quite buggy when it happened but now SCP unity is back so it's best to go back to the beginning my name is d mark do seven note perfect a Baba Baba lore friendly mode I love lore we doesn't love Laura I love lore you love lore we love you lord i love the lore of that i'm actually been reading a lot of SCP articles lately i think i might have mentioned that but i don't know if I mentioned that in an SCP video whoo ha ha everything looks like a sack of potatoes slapped around in a bar Nuri I think I think oh man I my graphic settings are low potato potato graphics level Ultra Plus Ultra all right ah ain't that better is that better usually sometimes with these things you have to restart the game to actually get it to go let me just do that just in case let's wake up again ooh that's a good-looking suit right there now we're in it now this is better all I'm immersed my immersion yes finally Wow [Music] hello oh there we go now we're looking good now we're looking good why is the futile view so high you know I want this to feel cramped oh yeah no it's too great to area that feels good that feels cramped whoa you're dead and I'm not out how long will that stay the same way I know not for I'm a stupid a-hole who no need to [ __ ] mom mr. alarm so I imagine there's not gonna be too much different in terms of the initial experience I think it's just about the same those good rented coordinators how many do I hate STP 3,000 SCP 3000 is my ultimate nightmare last doors and they really got to make that faster oh yeah dad it's team to the food man the improvements in this one it's just nuts so it looks like there's a bit more detail here but you know whatever it's Yatta Yatta Yatta Yatta Yatta you buddy let me get a slug of water and let's get out of here it's time to go baby go I don't know if there was a key card up there I've completely forgotten there's what happens every time I get back into one of these games and there's an update and spend this long I forget everything about it I forget everything that happened and I have no idea what was going on ever forever and ever all right those thighs doh but that baby head in those sticker it's a horrible snowman oh they changed 173 I don't think Billy's Billy no more I got bandaged I got two bandages I got three bandages I see into the Sun pain okay well this is new I see I see skies blue clouds white something something I'm gonna die it's really a depressing song if you listen to the lyrics closely and for some reason I can't open that gap I remember that from before it doesn't make a lot of sense but I will ignore it okay so the reason I'm hesitant is because I don't know when there's gonna be something coming after me oh my God look at that it's got signs tells me what's going on over here now what was six five zero ooh here's our gonna test our memory and see if we get asked well the blinks have begun my Blanc errs have engaged my self-defense Blanco's all right we're just gonna Blanc our way over this way well that's new Billy I don't like new Billy knew Billy sucks cool good thank you new Billy new blue new blonde Oh bleep where the hell am I where the Frick frack am i whoo oh good a side hallway perfect for running I love running Wow sparks so pretty look at the lighting on that a thing of beauty why am I here what am i doing what am i doing with my life other than trying to save it I didn't see what was in there what was in there I didn't see what was in there what was in there well am i Blancos engaged just because Blanco Billy was in there otherwise known as Blanco Billy oh yeah yeah I'm sure [Music] shoot me it's all I ask shoot me just shoot me all right whatever we're gonna have to brave this you're gonna take a look at what this thing is where are you well I don't see you I'm gonna blink I'm gonna blink I'm gonna do it I want to show you so why is my blinked Amador engaged when nothing's blink Blanc and I hate it I don't know what's happening I think I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die pick save yes whoo [Music] why am I here Oh what's in here well I'm a bling blong good whoa what's with the blinky blonde keys why am i blinking a ting I don't like the idea that you dad asked Oh oh hey hey hi guys it's me markiplier you know none of those are my hoobs all right um Wow hey bud how you doing good to cease use you haven't been skipping leg day I see that I see that with both of my eyes but arm day you need to work on your bicep curls I hate you I hate that so much worse I don't mean like worse like it looks worse it I mean it looks worse but it'll like you you actually seem hazard just know other than the other one the other version it seemed like it wanted to give me a hug okay so I think the answer is I'm never going in there oh why would I ever go in there dry pod new bill he sucks alright okay hello good never mind I don't want it I don't want it I don't want it oh god oh god god no no okay what I have to do what I gotta do is I gotta open the door and I get a lead it out and then go in the other door and then close it before it can kill me alright everyone on the same page here here we go just gonna blink and then we're gonna do this okay hey bud hey bud hey bud hey bud hey bud Hibbert Hibbert Hibbert [Music] just gonna curl up in a blanket here that did not work out as planned I did not work out as planned at all that went the opposite as bland alright well there's gonna be a problem I'm only assuming that it's guarding something oh boy oh boy I hate this so much alright so oh is it gone it'll like despawn or something I say it's gone I think it's gone okay I think it's gone sure sure sure sure sure sure sure sure sure sure sure complete GI bakes approved Docs ah I don't speak French I know not of what you mean are you up there or are you not up here okay you're not up here oh hi how you doing Oh Pio so cute and there's a crow BRR can I take that can I want something please tell me I have something with which to defend myself sure would be bad if I didn't was there nothing up here a certain ol reason to come up here even need to go up here that's great that's great it's a lot of nothing oh the core you say I love me a core what do we do with the core do I need to turn it on to power up the thing I remember in the other version there was something like that but I don't know if this one's also going to have it Oh gruesome string of murders reaches its end gotcha is that radical Larry alright cool I mean you know I think that might go into the core I'm gonna see what this is all about okay yeah the core is everywhere SCP 131 176 to staff offices sublevel okay I can only assume that it is in fact important to actually activate the core because why would they build this fancy big area if it wasn't some kind of important I can only assume that it is in fact important well this isn't very useful what does anybody get to do with this no there's not even a desk set up there helps nobody this is scp-914 one four nine nine and sl2 a nine one four is that the clockwork machine Oh SCP 505 I don't know if 505 is but it don't look good it's gonna pretend like I didn't see it sometimes with these things even knowing about it is deadly so I'm gonna forget oh my goodness very dramatic yeah a why is there seating who's gonna sit here in the huge radioactive core hey maybe I had the perfect date for us we're gonna go to the core my ass seems super safe this is safe this is what I call safe hey can I get out this way can I use this to get out like go away you know why don't I go to sublevel 3 I know you're dead Oh someone walked here but that makes little sense why would there why would they have blood footprints here walking towards that unless you walked over there to die ah this is you right the answer was obvious the whole time the killer was in the room the whole time down in the old dusty trail machine hallway sl3 secure storage sl3 eh all right oh loading a new cluster I didn't even finish the other cluster one hour later ah peek-a-boo I see you actually I don't see you that's more worrisome is that stars or is it my own oh no that's dust I thought those stars outside of a window I'm just stupid I realize this now I'm actually an idiot not even pretended it I'm just really dumb ok good this looks industrial it's the only descriptor that I can come up with too Wow Wow secure storage and machine hallway I don't know what a machine hallway is I don't know why you would call something a machine Hall it sounds deadly I'm imagining knives pointing and slicing from the walls all right let's go let's see what the though machine Wow I didn't want it get away from this stuff I will not shake your hand social distancing all right my first warning was that I couldn't save Wow that is horrifying all right where oh no no no oh no the car the car of course the gore all right this time before we go dude into the other level of the core let's make sure that we've got everything that we need in this this level of the Cure hi okay good save I'm not gonna save too often because it feels cheating I don't like it ha this looks exactly the same as the previous thing that I found SCP 131 and 176 - I don't remember what scp-172 62 is and for some reason I don't even remember what one three three one was well we're about to find out that's what this game is all about right going to going towards the monsters ah I remember you you're a bastard [Music] my instinct of the timing from the previous attempts that that have failed me it used to be a mama where long face well why the long face all right take two following the disastrous security event last August the administration of site 48 has decided to update the facility's security protocol accordingly okay what what what what whoa no hey whoa whoa whoa I'm going you can't pass you can't pass fastest Abbas Abbas ah I was reading why am I not running Oh God God why couldn't I run I was in the sludge 106 didn't kill me I could kill by a gate mr. radical I was reading the busy you big dick you big floppy p-norm okay secure the office sublevel one okay so there is a sublevel if this is the Security office I should be may be able to get something from in there okay so my first mission has gotta be to get a security card oh it's where what's happening what's happening we're going on hey what's the dealio this one's a fun one this one's nice it's okay I don't have any argon that's all right 9:1 forest downstairs so I'm already kind of screwed about that whatever it's fine I'm fine thanks for asking I'm fine I'm not a good idea to leave all these doors open I should probably definitely act closing behind me where am I headed again I don't even remember where I'm heading Oh oh I'm sorry oh I'm very soon okay what the hell are you nice carpet I remember after that as a kid or at least is that like my high school or something what are you after careful evaluation of your application of dual assignment a senior security and of your performances acting security of at omnis entities we are happy to inform you that you have been confirmed for the position you will report directly to lieutenant reeves commencing with your activation on nine eighteen twenty blue tomorrow report of the security office one at 6:00 a.m. to begin your assignment when your shift ends you'll proceed to containment to your seat - for the rest of your day please note that you will be assigned a locker in the Security office store your personal effects okay that doesn't tell me anything about those things that does that mean that his key to get into that office is in here somewhere because if it is I have my ticket in bondage bondage thank you Oh horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible on three one A and one three one beer a pair of teardrop shaped creatures roughly thirty centimeters in height with a single blue eye in the middle of their bodies at the base of each creature is a wheel like protrusion which allows for locomotion suggesting the creature may be biomechanical in origin the subject possesses the intelligence of common houses cats although curious the subjects can sense danger in their general vicinity and if a person begins purging them with something they register is dangerous that will swarm around the person's feet while babbling in a panicked tone as if to warn them during an incident that took place on bla the subject following one of the cleaning staff on a routine cleaning of the chamber once inside the staff members observe the subject sitting in front of scp-173 and watching it intently as if aware that it could only move if unobserved interesting the cleaners ignore the presence of the subjects and continued with the bi-weekly cleaning as per standard procedures when the cleaning crew left the subject is as well rolling backwards slowly and never taking their eyes off scp-173 current applications oh well that's very handy although I hate the way they look here it looks like lips are on tonight it's no good no bueno no way oh wait wait wait a minute wait wait wait are you telling me are you telling me that are you telling me that if I get these things out of there I'm going to be able to use them to keep an eye on 173 so that I can move that means if I can get 173 in this room they will be properly condemned that sounds pretty good that sounds pretty good all right I don't have anything I need to get a card yet okay all right how far is this range on your walking don't kill me don't kill me that's too close I don't like it I don't like it don't like it I like it none I hate you actually I actually don't like you what do you look like a plus what are you even I shouldn't tempt fate I shouldn't have a fade but here I am tempting fate hello oh look at you is so pathetic Oh God okay okay never mind I thought that would have been farther away on the jump all right that's cool bro that's cool cool good yeah great actually you know what I mean anyway see Ron kids see Ron it's good dug into you so we got it I mean I don't even know what we got to do now we got to figure out a way to get in here eventually oh it's like an intercom so it's like an intercom which means that if I can get like a oh I thought that was open for a second okay I can get that maybe there's something unlike the the office wait this is sublevel two ooh wait a minute okay so for in sublevel two that means that sublevel one must be where oh yeah oh yeah yeah oh no low oxygen levels detected I don't remember any windows warning telling me about low oxygen levels but okay hi you look so happy anyway you're all dead now I don't know if there's anything of use in any of these places so there really wasn't a point to come down here that's what I'm discovered oh my freaking God I didn't even find us where was his EP once 1 3 1 no that was this where's 1 7 6 - I don't even know I don't even know I don't even know I need to get to sublevel one so can I take the central elevator up because if I can take it up then if I'm on sublevel - it's the only thing I can imagine right oh no wait here was nine one oh wait it was the place with the argon chamber of course I'm dumb I'm big big big dumb loading new pluster okay hello why was it so slappy what was slappy something was slappy I didn't like the slaps something slip slapped I know some slip slapped I don't like the slippy Slappy's or the slippy slap he's ain't good I'm one four okay nine one four is good everyone loves nine one four we love nine one four I love nine one four he see me love nine one four there she is there she is my good lad I don't know if there's a supreme woo I don't know if there's a supreme benefit to getting the argon for the thing to do the thing that does the thing but you know maybe alright empty h2o fill it with h2o one object at a time right I've done this part before I don't know if I need to do this part again I'm not 100% sure if everything here is perfectly fine oh yeah I read this before I'm not amazed by it anymore I'm grateful but not amaz'd also I can't put that song in it kids copyright is that song it's super copyright Oh interesting oh ye H to some type of explosive liquid h e gas with very low density do not inhale wait right there that's a card can I have that oh come on it looks like a card that I can have why would they put that there if I couldn't actually use it oh that's dumb alright whatever alright cool so I need argon so I need to get to nitrogen to n2 so h2 + o on fine equals n2 right I got it I got I forgot I can't jump I was gonna jump down ooh what's this oxygen my inventory is flaw I didn't even know I had an inventory Oh bandages that's right I'm full up on bandages I guess we just drop some of these you don't need this money yeah that's plenty ok h2 plus oxygen that's what we need to do we're just gonna get the argon ok I've got two helium and two oxygen so I need to put helium together to make this work neon then two neons gonna make an argon that's right okay we got two neons we're gonna make an air organ all right I got the organ I did it I'm the best what would happen if I put a alright experiment time what happens if I put a bandage then turn it to very fine or fine let's make it so a fine bandage a nice fine bandage give it a bandage give it a bandage ooh large bandage large eh all right what about very fine huh an explosive bandage a living bandage a large bandage now right that's underwhelming what about a large bandage what's that gonna turn into kind of horrible monstrosity could this possible create ooh a medical hype oh oh oh sure cool I'm down for this you know it turned down for what what about two bandages Oh medium scrap I have some nice scrap that's cool medium scrap - what happens if I put the medium scrap in small scrap oh that wasn't what I expected all right small scrap butter in boo is boring alright I'm gonna I'm gonna make this in here here we go you ready nailed it Oh I'm alive did it do anything yes put me through how really doesn't like me really does not want to do anything to me I'm just gonna load just in case it like horribly destroyed me okay that's enough messing around with that alright actually I'm gonna end this episode here because unfortunately no time thank you everybody so much for watching look forward to more content coming at you from the newest update of SCP unity lot of cool stuff what do you think of the new design of Millie you think radical areas just as much of a douche as ever before let me know in the comments and check out some of the other SCP videos that I've made linked in the description or in the suggested videos down there thanks again and as always I will see you in the next video bye bye [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,950,932
Rating: 4.9714675 out of 5
Keywords: scp, scp-173, scary scp, scp stories, scp markiplier, scp containment breach, scp unity, scp game, scp containment breach unity, scp scary moments, scp new, scp update, update, markiplier, scp containment breach markiplier, markipliergame, markiplier game, markiplier scp, scary, horror, jumpscares, monsters
Id: hZiWwuaL8co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 59sec (1679 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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