SCP Containment Breach UNITY REMAKE

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I know this is getting downvoted because it's a post for /r/scpcontainmentbreach buuut with the younger fanbase of markiplier, this is important, to me at least, because we might have an influx of newer SCP fans.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/avery0444 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ooh...He just played this right now...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dutangl1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Does anyone know the black manequin SCP? I tried looking it up but couldn't find it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/xredbaron62x πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 25 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

get someone that looks at you like how 106 looks at you

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Brutal_Bros πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 27 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is creepy as hell but was nice to test my knowledge of SCP's. Knew most of them as he ran into them. Would love a AAA version of this game.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Truteno πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 28 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and welcome to SCP Containment Breach! Now this isn't the original SCP Containment Breach that you all have seen before. This is the Unity Engine remake of SCP Containment Breach, and you guys have said that it's a pretty faithful recreation so I'm not a hundred percent sure what to expect out of it. All I know is that the graphics will be better, the implementation of updates to the game will be more modern and easier to do, because the old engine that the game was even programmed on isn't supported anymore, so we'll see what happens. Now it's not to the same level of detail that the other game was. I can guarantee you that there won't be as many SCPs, there won't be everything and anything that was in SCP Containment Breach when I played it before. Even after a couple updates even though there haven't been that many. But this is made by another team and should be pretty cool. All right. What?? Ooo. Ah Oh, I hate it... Already! I just got in here, and I already hate it. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh, this is awful. I mean this is nice, but I just got all the heebie-jeebies from the original game Can I pick up your flashlight? Do you have a gun that I could steal? Yes, you do. You do have a pistol I could steal, but I'm not gonna do it cuz I'm... Ohoho, nice hand! All right. All right, how- Oh, shit. Is this Billy's containment room? I don't notice all the- the- the fecal matter on the floor. All right, well. I suppose that everything's gonna be fine, then. I have a health bar. Which is different. Euh.. Euh Euh, I hate it. I hate it. Ah, that looks too good. It's too realistic. I liked it better when everything looked like a potato. Oh... All right. So I- again, I don't know how much detail is in the game, but I can already tell It feels better, it probably works better, and it's probably scarier when they actually come after me Oh And it's still randomly generated, so everything is gonna be new and interesting...or, not new Is that... Is that where I came in? That's where I came in. What is this alternate vent- what is this ventilation bullshit? *whooshing noise, slam* Oh I done fucked up! *ominous metal groaning noise* Um, sorry. I'm sorry. What did I do? *Sound of air whooshing and whirling* Okay why? Why is this here? Why is there an option to lock myself in here?! *loud beeping followed by alarm bell* Oh.. Awwwww I fucked it. I probably fucked it. *loud steam noise* No, don't like that. Okay. All right then. [in-game intercom] "Ventilation online." Wha? [ominous piano music] No. No. Again, don't like the music. I don't like anything happening that I don't understand what's happening! Ugh. All right... Oooh Oh, it's that room! OHHH! I remember! This is a horrible room. Please don't let anyone be in here... OH! OH! OOOOOH-KAY I! AM SORRY! CLOSE IT! Ah, OH, oh oh oh oh oh Hi, okay, that's a problem. All right. So. Billy is active and is following us which is bad! Okay. (Laughing to light sobbing) All right. Well, we gotta find another way to go out of here. I should probably close everything behind me So I don't get snuck up on Inside of my butt I'll find a Billy Alright So I know if there's Billy here I don't think there's too many other SCP's, but I know that he's gonna be a goddamn son of a bitch, isn't he? All right. I gotta--heh--I gotta remember all my SCP habits, like blinking before I open a door, You know, just for safety reasons, so I don't end up blink-blongin' right in front of a Billy Willy. Ohhh shit, is this a big circle? Wait, this is just a circle back to- Where- YEAH. YEAH, IT'S JUST A CIRCLE. I'm not gonna go back in there. What are you, crazy? I'm gonna go back the way I came. Try to find me another way out of here. Oh, I also don't like the way the run... makes the room all warpy. [Running footsteps] Okay, so far so good. Billy, did you break out of your containment? Good. I don't know if he can open doors in this version But I'm not tempted to find out. I think if I go this way there'll be another... Yeah, if I make a right here. My innate sense of direction and expert gaming skills are telling me that I need to go this way. What's this? Ohhh! OH! UMMMM. You... I, I don't know what that is. What is that? Is that a mannequin?! Why is there.... what SCP is a mannequin? I don't want that! Okay, all right then. Fine, should I go charging face-first? [reading] "Do not enter test chamber without protective equipment." But I don't know wh- WHAT THE FU-- WHAT THE FUCK?! I--- what the fuuuuuck! I don't know what you do And I don't know why Ohhh, that's awful. Oh. Oh that's the worst. It's my nightmare. Oh, it's my goddamn nightmare! It's my nightmare! It's my goddamn nightmare! HO! HO NO! HO NO! Okay. [wordless yelling] I don't l-AHHHHH! Come on. *high pitched* Why are you here? Why are you here? AH, fu- *quietly* I don't like you. *still quiet* I don't like you. I don't like you. I don't like you. I don't like you. *heavy breathing* Okay. He's not in this room, and that's good. "Containment breach, blibba-flabba." I don't understand. Can I do an un-lockdown? Is there something that I can actually control here? I don't know... I don't know... I don't know...! Okay, I don't know why that thing didn't follow me in here Followed me everywhere else, might as well keep okay well, I guess it's just gone then- Nope! Still there! All right! WELL, SEE YA BUDDY! I DON'T EVEN KNOW IF YOU CAN HURT ME I don't- *sobs his way out of the situation* Maybe you can break my heart someday. Ugh. Okay. All right. Ooooooohhhhhhhh, hate it... OH! This looks bad. Uh- Oh! Oh, glasses! Ooo! A- A trash ball. I don't know, what are you? Oh, hi duck! Oh! Rubber duckie. Well, I got a rubber duckie now! Is that good or bad? Is it like the bell? Should I bing-bong it? Oh boy. It's a bowl- it's a bowl of candy! Mmm! "Take no more than two, please." Okay, but what is... hang on, where's my... Here we go. What the hell. [Reading] "Considering recent incidents, SCP-330 is to be kept in secure storage until further notice." "Level 2 Clearance is required for access to SCP-330 or its contents." "All direct experimentation of SCP-330 is to be conducted using Class D Personnel with no genetic history of diabetes." "No more than two samples are to be removed from SCP-330 at any time, except during exposure testing." "SCP-330 appears to be a small round stainless steel bowl filled with a variable amount of individually wrapped pieces of candy." "Taped at the side of the bowl is a handwritten note reading 'take no more than two, please!!'" "Attempts to remove the note have met with failure, as have attempts to hide or obscure it." "Testers have noted finding it impossible to avoid reading the note," "and those who approach it from an opposite angle are aware of this request." "When a quantity of candy greater than two pieces is removed, regardless of the means involved," "the offender instantly has both hands severed at the wr-" [laughing in horror] "wrists by unknown method." "Tests involving remote manipulation by Class D Personnel resulted in the operator's hand being removed," "despite no direct contact." "Inspection of the incision reveals that the cut is made at the molecular level," "leaving no tool marks or identifying factors." "It is to be noted that the third piece must be removed within a certain time frame." "After 24 hours the count resets, and additional candy can be removed." "Since Dr. Omar is unable to control his appetite during his mood swings," "SCP-330 will be-" [laughing] "temporarily reloca-" Okay. All right. Wow. All right. Well. How do I save? How... Can I save? I can't save. I can't save. But I gotta get that candy. But I gotta! But I gotta! One. Two. All right, well, that's good. I got two candies. Can I eat 'em? Nope. THREE! [in-game scream] [Mark] OH, OH HEY! OH! HI! What are you doing here!? AUGH, MY HANDS! I don't have any hands anymore! Well, you and me both, eh buddy? We're just friendalendo- Ohhhh no... *sings* I've got no hands OH, I'm spewing blood every- OH, my hands! My hands are there! *laughter* Why did I do that? Oh God I'm drip-dropping blood everywhere. [horrified laughter] I think I'm gonna perish at some point soon *laughing* I guess...? This is the stupidest thing I've ever done! [laughter] Ohh, let me... I can't open- Oh. Well... I lost the game. *laughter* Well there you have it. Don't take two pieces of candy. *laughs* I call myself Markiplier. Oh God, okay, I'll be right back. That was fun. All right. Oo! You know, I didn't notice that there was an upstairs before, so I'm gonna peruse this area. Ahhh. This seems like an area that I should have gone first. Ohhhh. Yes, I am extremely thirsty, and dumb. I don't understand this. My brain's not big enough. We got a radio, piece of paper, some kind of computer, whatever this is... Whoa. Some kind of observation chamber of some sort for quote-unquote testing.. I mean you'd think that they would understand it after a little bit, but, hey, more testing. Okay, computer ain't workin'. All right. There was nothing to be gained by going up here, but I still feel good for doing it. Well, let's skedaddle on down and meet our fate, with our new friends. Okay, so for future reference, F5 is quicksave! Which I'm going to use A LOT, because I'm probably going to die A LOT. OH LOOK! I'm about to die again! Okay. Let's, uh... oh Ducky. Hey Ducky! How you doing, friend? You're coming with me. All right. I'm not g- I'm just gonna take two [Alexa in the background] "I don't know that." Alexa, shut up! [laughing] Whoa, that scared the piss out of me! All right. Two. Just two. No more than two. One for me and one for Ducky. Me and Ducky, we're gonna have good time. Okay, what is this? What? What are you? Let's see. [reading] "SCP-178 is to be stored in a Class 3 Anomalous Object Container," "guarded by no fewer than two armed personnel with Level 3 Clearance when not undergoing testing." "Item is to be removed from containment only with the written permission of personnel with Level 4 Clearance or higher." "SCP-172 is a pair of white stereoscopic" "3-D" "glasses with a rectangular white cardboard frame and lenses of transparent blue and red (left and right lenses, respectively) plastic." "The item exhibits no unusual physical properties apart from a slight discoloration of the cardboard consistent with age." "When worn, the wearer begins perceiving large bipedal entities in addition to its ordinary surroundings." "Entities reportedly exhibit a docile and occasionally curious behavior" "(reports include entities leaning over the shoulder of persons working and observing them with interest)" "with one exception." "Any attempt by the wearer or any personnel to directly interact with the entities results in severe lacerations" "suddenly appearing on the persons involved." "The appearance of lacerations is rapid," "and continues until the moment the wearer expires." "The pattern of lacerations is always consistent with being s-" *Radical Larry makes an appearance* AH! AH! NO! NOOOO! WHAT THE!-? I CAN'T- OH! OH! RA- RA RADICAL LARRY! Hi. WELL, this is new. Hi, hi friend. Oh, you look so good. Oh, that's nice. Oh, that's- that's really nice. How about I get close to you? I, oh, I'm way too close I'm touchin' ya. I'm too-chin' ya. [in-game death noises] OH! I lost the game. I lost the game! All right! I was trying to READ! What happened to my load? What- I mean, my Quicksave. That's what I meant. [coughing] Okay, so I'm back here. Let me quicksave. Yeah. I just did that, creepy sound. Ummm. "Three parallel tapered sharp objects of lengths varying between 14.2-" Okay, all right. Yeah, it's bad. Basically. What they're sa- What was that? I don't know what that was. okay I'ma gonna put on my GLASSES *pitch slowly getting higher* Oh, Ohh, Oh, OH! OH! Oh, oh, oh! Oh-kay. Hi... friends! How are you? How ya doin'? You want to lacerate me? Hello? No? Oh, hey, hey, hey! Ow! Ow! Ow! Owie! What the hell? You douches! Wh- wh- wh- what are you doing that for? Hang on, let me take off my gl- uhhh... Oh, I'm almost dead. Oh, well, no, I AM dead. Well poop my pants and call me Steve. Oh... All right. "Statue does not possess hands or facial features. The limbs taper off into rounded points and the head is a smooth surface all around." Ookay, well what else? "If the statute is not being observed, it will relocate itself to a point immediately behind whomever is in the containment site and assuming a threatening posture." That's all it does? It's just threatening? "However, it should be noted that SCP has not yet shown any signs of active aggression or hostility." "Its purpose does not seem to be to attack, but merely to startle." OHHHH. UH-HUH. Yeah, just to startle, huh? *laughs* WELL. Poop my pants and call me Roger. I don't believe that for a single second. I am NOT going to trust it. Just like I'm not gonna trust ANYTHING in this game, I'm not gonna trust it. This looks bad. So I'm not trusting it. Everything in this game looks bad, so- I mean, it looks good, But looks like it's bad for my health, which is generally why I don't trust it. [whisper] Hello? [whisper] Hello, who's there? [whisper] Is someone there? Anybody? [normal voice] No, just endless hallways forever and ever and ever and ever. Oh, oh, this is- this is- this is the one, isn't it? Ah. Welp. Ha, oh, no? No? Where are you at? Hah! Okay. I don't like that. It's unpr- AH! Okay! FUCKING GOD! FUCK YOU! [sigh] Why did I have to let you out of your cage? I don't like that! God, you're gonna be following me around forever. You're just gonna spook me. You're just nothing but a spook! Haa! Oh yeah, uh-huh, okay. All right, okay, yeah, uh, okay. Oh, what is this!? What is this? "The use of cameras and/or video equipment is prohibited." Everybody! Shut off your computers! You'll only- you can only listen to this audio only. I think. AH! fucking... Every goddamn time! EVERY GOD DAMN TIME! Alright. Why were no camera...? *horse noise* Why were no camera equipment allowed? Why- Uh oh Why no? Why no that, no why But but why though? Oh th- oh this is- I know what this is, the high-res version of the, um, the, the, the the other thing that is gonna be there. I think I- Did I lose my buddy? Think I might've lost my buddy. Ooh. What is this. Okay, close that. What do we got here? We got two new notes! What do we got? Let's see. Oh, that's the gas mask. I think I've read about the gas mask before that a-bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-bu Yes, yeah, you go to a different world. What is this one? Oh, SCP-500? That's the- That's the heal anything pill, I believe. So this- whoa. Okay? That's not there anymore. All right. Someone took that. Ooo. Gas mask. Okay. Boink. Let's try it! Let's see what it do! OH. Uh oh. Yep, that's weird. It's a little strange. Hey, how's it goin', neighbor?! How you doin'? Oo, nice... face... AH! Heyyy, don't be like that.... Hey, y'think- you wonder if my mannequin buddy is gonna peer up over here? Whoa! What the hell? What are you doing? What are you doing? You praying? WOAH, HEY, HEY, HEY, WOAH WOAH HEY HEY HEY WOAH HEY HEY WOAH GET THAT ATTITUDE BACKUP OUT OF MY FACE I'LL SLAP YOU WITHT THE BACK THE BACK HAND OF MY.. I'll slap you. Uh, I'm out. (Game's dramatic music continues to play) Okay, I'm back now all right. That was a fun adventure. I'm glad I did that. I'm sure there will be no Psychological repercussions for me putting that on myself. Oh good. Long, ominous hallway. Pretty sure every hallway in this game is long and ominous. Where are you taking me? Where the frick frack are you taking me? Where am I going? Man, I'm going so deep into this complex. I just don't understand! Oh! HI! OKAY! Well. That's a problem... Um, you ... Oh. How far do you go? OUHHHH, okay! Don't like that. UUUUHHH, OH. HI. OKAY. DON'T DO THAT. I WAS JUST... GETTING YOU OUT OF THE WAY. That's all. All right. Save, turn my back on it. That's the best idea. Oh, that's- oh, that's an elevator? I don't like an elevator. Nope! Don't like it. Up? Down? Okay... Swing it all around. Okay. We're go- we're going down for some reason. I don't know why, but... here we go [in-game horrible coughing] I can't breathe [coughing continues] I have a gas mask, but I'm not gonna put it on [coughing continues] Ugh. [coughing continues] Okay, well, I'm dying. Oh, you're dying. Do you have a gas... [in-game crunch] AH! WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED? WHAT HAPPENED? Did some- Did Billy break my neck? Ohh. Those things, those things are probably down there. All right! So we're not going down there. Not right now, anyway. We need a gas mask. Or at least I'm assuming we do Whaaaat is this now? oh Nope, don't like it. Definitely do not like. Oh, that's a big no like. Okay. All right. Where are you taking me? Where the hell are we- What is this? What is that? You... "Object class: safe, contain"? MY ASS. I can't contain your ass. Its prodigious ass-girth is just too much for our containment procedure- What is this? It's beautiful. Whatever it is. Okay...? all right, um Butterflies??? Whoa! Hey! Hey! Whoa! Ow! Ow! Owwie! Ow! YOU SAID THIS WAS SAFE! OW! Fuck! Please stop. OWWWWW! Maybe I should have read the SCP report AHH-HHH! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Okay! Well let's, let's actually read something here, huh? Let's read. "Wasp response." "Mr. Aiken"- Oh wait, here we go. "To whomever is in charge of this project," "My team and I refuse to work in the tunnels as long as those damn bugs are using the digging site for their nest." "The men can't do a single fucking thing without being torn to shreds by their wings." "If you want us to get our work done, get rid of the stupid things or find a new spot to expand." "Concerning the site expansion tunnel, the other researchers and I think it would-" [mechanical whooshing noise] Why?! Oh, oh! Hi. THAT'S A PROBLEM! I'M GONNA BLINK BLONK ! DON'T YOU DARE! Don't you dare... don't you dare. This is not the right way. This is not the right way. [singing] I can't run anymore- Oh, uh. I don't like that. Don't like that at all! Oh no. I hear you scootin'. I hear you scootin' your boot. I was trying to read! God damn it! I just want to read! I didn't even grab the health! All right. "For the time being the tunnel will serve as a temporary containment chamber while the original chamber is repaired." "Await further instruction from site director." Okay! [increasing ominous noise] Why? What do we do? What's happening? Who got out? Who's where? UUUHHH OOOOUHHHH EEEEERRRR Okay, whatever. [whine] I don't like it. Shockingly, I don't like it! Does this lead anywhere? Whoa! WELP! Found this machine! I don't know if this is gonna be any good for me because I don't really have anything. I mean, I got - what do I have? Nothing?! What happened to all my shit? What happened to all those goddamn- Ohhh, those goddamn butterflies. They stole all my garbage. Wonder if I could throw myself in here. *mumbles* Oh, yeah. Here we go! Yeah, I'm in! I'm in, baby! Chomp me! Uh- oh- oh- oh- ohhh! I'M ALIVE Am I? Nope, can't run! No. I'm alive. I didn't... Didn't think that would... I thought I'd be crushed! All right. Okay. 914. Re... I can't read. There's nothing here. There's nothing. There's nothing here. All right. Well. That's weird. I'm not gonna save because I still have a funny feeling that I'm not gonna be okay after that but shockingly I am? Am I just a more handsome version of myself? How fine AM I? How very fine am I? All right, whatever. Well God, now I can't save for fear of losing all my prr-grrss! Oh, this is.. Oh! Okay. What do we got? Wooo! Well, that's not what I was expecting What is you? What are you? What are you? What are you? 714? Uhhhh Uh, it's- oh, the green jade ring. That's right... Ah! This is the one that causes, like- it's a shielding from certain memetic effects, which is probably only useful in one or two scenarios. There's nothing in here. There's nothing here! Ohh, what's this then? Nothing! They've both been too-ken! Somebody took 'em! Hey. Aw geez. I don't know. Eeny meeny miny moe. Oh in a big fucking circle we will go. Uh oh. Nope. nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nooooope! Nope, nope, nope. No no no! NO. No-no-no. WHOA, WHOA, WHOA. WHEY. Whoa. Hey. AH! THAT'S A PRO- [crunch] OOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh ehhh That's a problem. Okay, now I just gotta see if I can find my way back And I'm not a hundred percent sure I'm going the right way, but oh well. What is that? I don't like that. Euh. Euhh... *scared mumbles* Why is there an empty elevator? neh *snorts* Why? Why is there just an empty elevator? I don't like that at all! Okay... ehhhhhhh UUuhhh, God Okay, I think I made my way back to here, which is good. I don't know how I.. I didn't think this connected to that. Okay. I went right last time. I'll go left. Hopefully- NOPE. It's just all gonna circle back into one big circle jerk, huh? All right. Sure. Whatever. Does this even go anywhere? Does it even go anywhere? EEEUH does it even go anywhere? I don't- What's the point of the ventilation system? What is ventilating the place gonna do- Whhhaaaat the fff... Oooh! Okay, that's a ventilation system, but I don't think it's gonna help me much. The one thing this game does, that's good for a remake is, is it just captures the same sense of paranoia and fear. OH ITS THE MUSIC! OH! LET'S GO, HAVE A LISTEN HUH? Let's go... Uh-oh. I don't like that. Oka- Okay. All right, well. I can't move anymore. Okay! Well, I guess I don't have a choice! Oh! Alright, I guess I can't even fight it, huh? Nope! I couldn't even pull away if I tried. Okay, yep. There I go there's a stabby-stabby writey-writey. This is what it takes to be a singer-songwriter! β™« La, la, la, I love you β™« β™«La, la, la, do you love me too? β™« *sobbing* It's the world's greatest song! And I'm writing it in my blood so she's gotta love me! How long is this going to go on for? Okay, alright. I got more blood to give, apparently. I guess I'm just gonna stay here! Alright, stab-stab. β™« I think your butt is nice! β™« β™« It would look good in some rice! β™« β™« I don't think you've got much left. β™« β™« I hope to be in your cleft. β™« I don't know. β™« Stab me in the heart and see~ β™« β™« what we could be, you and me~. β™« β™« I want to lick all your face, β™« I'm dead now. Okay, I never got to finish that song. I just never get to finish it. It's such a shame. Such a shame that the world will never know how that song ends. Oh well... *laughter* So let's just not go there. Let's just make a promise to each other, you and I, that we're not gonna go in *there* 'cos that is bad. That's bad place. Oh! Wait, am I going to- Wait, I'm going backwards. Sorry! Now, you and me, we're gonna promise, We're not gonna go backwards anymore, right guys? Right. Definitely. Okay, so I think I've reached the end of the road (...) for this area. I don't know if there's anything left to explore. Like I said, I don't know how complete this game is. It's relatively recent that they were doing a recreation, but gotta admit, it's pretty faithful. Its pretty gooood! Oh! Whoa! What is this? I don't know what this is. What is this? This is- What is this? Where am I? This is nothing. I don't like that it's just nothing! Makes me think that there may be some'n in here, and I just kind of let it out! Maybe it's like a security checkpoint for the- the next security area. Once they get that implemented into the game. Okay, so I found that but it's not ready for me yet. It's not ready for all my awesome. I'll save my awesome for later then. When game gets updated, if this game does get updated I will play it again like a substantial update with a lot more SCPs because this is really cool. Like, it's cool to finally see this game come to life in a bigger way- Oh, this is- this I don't need to go there anymore. In a bigger way than I've seen before, you know. But I think there's a bit of a bug, because every time you load a quicksave seems like all your items go away, so... This goes to show: don't die! Don't die! Hopefully.... Which is definitely an easy thing to avoid in this game. Where everything wants to kill you. Definitely easy. Oh, yeah, this. I don't need to go down there. Okay! Don't have a gas mask or anything, so I don't- I mean, I could try to go down here again, but something tells me it's gonna go just as poorly as it did this last time. Don't have a gas mask, so I'm kind of pooped. I mean there's that horrible gas mask. Alright, LET'S DO THIS! I'M GOING FOR IT! SPRINTING TO THE FINISH! I'M IN IT TO WIN IT! Uh... I don't like thi- I don't like that there's... Oh, I'm gonna die, aren't I? Okay, alright... Oh! Oh! Maybe not! Maybe not if this is- This is the- another elevator. It's not, ok. It's not. it's not another elevator! I'm dead! Oh! It was over here- NO AWWWHH! Well, that... *chuckles* Well, that kind of dicked me over a little bit, huh? Well, I guess there's just no way out of that, is there? It's just a loop-the-loop into a pit of death. Great! Ok! Just skipping out on the elevator again, because screw that shit! I don't need to drop down into a pit of hell! I'm already in a living hell right here! This is hell! As far as the eye can see! Uh. Oh. God- It's another elevator!? Well, alright then! My adventurous instinct is telling me to go down. Hope it's not filled with horr... Oh. Oh! OH! OH! WHA- ITS FILLED WITH HORRIBLE POISONOUS GAS! What is this shit? Where am I going? Why is there stairs? This don't seem good. Oh, well, fuck me then. Oh, it's upstairs in the- in the- it's upstairs. Can I close this? Is this health? Can I use this please close it? Maybe I can breathe. Nope. Can't breathe. Ok. Gonna die. Well, shit. AAWH How the fvvvrickin- fvvvuckin... fucking... How the fookin... you're gonna- How the fook I gotta get a goddamn gas mask. Alright, so screw the goddamn elevators. There's no way that I can actually get- Well... Don't like it. Here we go! Don't like it! Alright. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. We're fine. What was even the point of that that probably just bypassed a little bit of area, tha- OOOOOhh... yeah. Oh. OH! I DONT LIKE THAT! Please don't! Thank you? I guess? Okay... I feel violated. I don't know why, but I feel violated. Why is that open? Did I- what the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck, it's just a circle! It's just a big circle! I just went in a goddamn circle well shit me! Alright, would have been easier if I'd just done that. I could've avoided me some trouble. Hey- Oh! What is this? Level one? Oh? Hey! Hey!, WHY, WHYY WHY WOULD YOU AHHHHHHH You know what, I'm not.. We're gonna go over here, LA LA LA come to me Me. Oh don't like it. Don't like it. Don't like it nice ass don't like it. Yeah I don't like it no no no no [?] If you hear that I need nothing why was someone stationed up under the stairwell that doesn't make a lot of sense, but okay? alright, whatever okay level 2 is in lockdown Which is probably for the best I would expect that a lot of things to be in lockdown but level 3 is so open oh Fuck where the hell is where's this base located I'm kind of frozen north and or south Not and or I guess OOUH gas mask? Battery and paper No gas mask Okay, that's not what I was hoping for so it must be down here Right? Right. Where yeah you down here No, no, no What is this bullshit, where's the goddamn gas masks I don't like it Can I at least get some light reading done without my neck being snapped out of my own ass probably not What is this I? the wing and organism butterfly, okay 173 special incident report at CP 104 8 - a was discovered wandering sight 24 accompanied by SCP 104 8 suspect resembles a teddy bear similar in size to shape made entirely of oh that's the the bear the bad bear The bad bear made of human ears, and it's friend the bear Okay, well That was useful wish I had a gas mask But there probably it might not be implemented yet So you never know with these things could just be that I need to wait for an update before they got the gas mask Until then I guess I'm just stuck playing rope-a-dope with Freakin Billy Oh Billy's gone. Okay? Well that's good That's real good half happy about that. It's not that oh no I have been here Okay, so I've officially made it back to where I was before Which is really good. Oh another one of these wait. Why is why is that saying the door? you can go through there a way to go through that door probably not ah Just a bunch of bullshit. Huh is buddy here. Oh, buddy ah god damn it. Okay? Well we have that to look forward to now Okay You there you there. Oh you there? Where are you? I don't like this god damn it. You're good at that You're real good at that. I don't..I don't like that at all (gets scared) fucking oh You fucking asshole all right well, that's nice. That's real nice if I just don't look behind me I don't have anything to worry about right Haha, you thought you had me the answer was that you did not huh No, no no no no no no Nana Nana. Okay. Well this is problem this brought why where to go WHAT THE FUCK AWAYAWYAAYWA Okay, that's not fair. Oh that is UH UH UH Not how I thought that was going to go down, Oh, what is this oh shit I'm fucked okay well How about how about you want some candy you want some candy uh oh Well that's not good tHHHHHIIIIII WEEEE GAHHH Alright so that is the current state of SCP That is the current state of SCP Containment Breach the Unity Remake. There's a lot of good stuff going on here it's a very faithful recreation to the game so I encourage the developers to keep continuing if you guys want to help out and support the developers and Encourage them to develop more into this game We could see something really cool and special and this this version of the game is still free so check it out I'll provide a link in the description if you for some reason want to scare the crap out of yourself and Thank you everybody so much for watching and as always I will see you in the next video. Buh bye! *outro music* [Bye guys!!]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 5,619,575
Rating: 4.9368997 out of 5
Keywords: scp containment breach, scp containment breach markiplier, markiplier, scp, scp containment breach unity remake
Id: BpS_wkBq9BI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 25sec (2185 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 24 2018
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