SCARIEST thing you have seen but no one believes PART 2 (r/AskReddit) updoot reddit stories

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[Music] our slash asked reddit posted by user I like pickaxes serious what's the creepiest / scariest thing you've seen but no one believes you part two I used to have a buddy that lived in the same neighborhood a few streets over one night we were having a couple of beers in his backyard while playing cards I had some things to do the next morning so just before 10:00 I said my goodbyes and shoved off it was a short walk maybe 15 minutes door to door so I never drove anyway it was a nice night uneventful trip but when I got home my roommate was coming out the front door coffee in hand and dressed for work he gave me a funny look and said he thought I was asleep since my truck was in the driveway I told him where I'd been and asked why he was going into work at night that's when he kind of laughed and asked if I was drunk we stared at each other for a minute and then he told me it was just after 5:00 in the morning and he was going and just like he usually did in my entire life I'd never felt more confused than I did in that moment I could tell he was dead serious but I knew I had just left my friend's house I checked my phone and sure enough five something in the a.m. my roommate left for work I paced circles in the living room for a bit then called the friend whose house I'd just left he groggily answered and confirmed I'd left attend the previous evening I have no idea what happened during those seven hours of my life and it gives me chills to think about it all these years later I wasn't drunk I wasn't tired no one could have slipped anything in either of the two Coors lights I'd had no known medical conditions that would have caused me to blackout and nothing has happened like it's since I just don't know what happened to that time I woke up to something it sounded like a door shutting at first I thought it was a dream because I could hear it in the dream as I was waking up kinda like when someone calls your name when you were dreaming but then I looked at my cat his hair was completely standing up and he was beaming at my bedroom door this was the moment when I got really scared b/c I know animals can pick up on that crap and I thought he might know something's wrong my cat doesn't do this type of thing unless a dog is in the room so I looked over at the door and the only way I can describe it is it looked like it was swaying slowly like it was breathing like someone was standing on the other side of it trying to hear if I was awake this swing was accompanied by a shadow I don't mean a supernatural shadow but it looked like the shadow of a person behind the door I was paralyzed in fear I lied there for five minutes naked watching this door away I considered yelling and trying to scare them away but I was terrified someone might respond I legitimately thought this was the moment where I will have to defend myself or be killed I don't own a gun but after 10 minutes or so I mustered up the courage to check every room in the house by ducking checked every corner - but there was no one there I don't know what happened but my evolutionary traits kicked in and I completely believe someone was outside my door edit the accompanied by a shadow part was not a shadow figure it was like the shadow you'd see if something was on the other side of a crack door I don't know if that makes the story less scary or what but just wanted to be clear I guess this isn't super scary and I'd gif it really fits but it still weirds me out and my friends just think I'm crazy back when I was a freshman in college I went out with a friend of mine he ended up dancing with some girl so I went and grabbed a seat at the bar girl came up to me and bought me a drink because she liked my style and introduced herself as sapphire we chatted for at least an hour had a few drinks and at some point she said she had to leave so I asked for her number and she scribbled it onto a bar napkin but then we ended up chatting more and one thing led to another and she invited me to her apartment we go there and start hooking up and she asks if I've ever tried acid and if I wanted to do some I said sure after it kicks in we go for a walk we were talking about the constellations in space for a while but then I noticed she got quiet I had my eyes glued to the sky for the entire walk so I look over and she's gone I freaked out and start retracing my steps to get back to her place yelling her name and checking bushes my highest assumed she was just peeing in a bush get back to her apartment knock on the door and some guy answers the door keep in mind this was like 4:00 a.m. at this point some guy answers and I asked if he knew sapphire and described her he said he had no clue who I was talking about and to just go home so I did I ended up crashing at a friend's place because my trip was going south and I knew he'd be able to calm me down next day comes and I'm still trying to figure out what happened to her I call the number she gave me it was disconnected went back to the apartment same guy answers still no idea what I'm talking about even knocked on some of the neighbors and tried the same room location on different floors nothing talked to the security guy at the front desk said he remembers me coming in a few times but never saw me with a girl called up my friend who was at the bar with me and asked if he saw the girl I was with he said he never saw me with a girl according to him I was sitting at the bar alone for a bit had a few drinks and left after like 30 minutes I have no idea who this woman was or if she even existed but I remember her so vividly I can't believe that I imagined it she just vanished I have no tangible proof of her existence freaks me out to this day that I spent an entire night with this person who didn't exist I still don't know what happened that night ah I wrote about this a while ago none of my family really believes me everyone just dismissed me as imagining things copy and pasting below underscore so I was getting on the elevator in the metro to get from the train platform to the main platform with the turnstiles and exit you have to take the elevator so I got on with this older guy it was just as two and I glanced over and this guy was watching me pointedly and he was smiling but not in a nice welcoming way you know in cliche creepypastas where they talk about monsters with unnaturally wide smiles that's exactly the kind of smile this guy had anyway I looked away from him because I thought he was just crazy or something but out of the corner of my eye I saw him making these weird gestures all over his chest it almost looked like he was making the sign of the Cross or something finally the elevator door is opened and we both got off and walked towards the turnstiles I swiped my card to exit and then turned around to see if this dude was following me and he was gone there was nowhere else he could have gone we were at the only exit for the station unless he turned back ran and got on another elevator in about four seconds I don't know I don't know where the duct he went anyway I'm from a small town and sometimes weird things happen in the city that I don't quite understand but I just chalk it up to me being practically a redneck but this was really out there and it's been bothering me anyway there we go that's all thanks for reading this may be long and it isn't - no one believes me / a scenario due to the amount of us involved more of a lot of skepticism thing backstory you'll need it I grew up in a small California desert tourist town called Joshua Tree home of the Joshua Tree National Park those of us that are older call at the monument as it was that before National Park des my early 20s at the time of this which was approximately 14 years ago and was the only one with a car and a license growing up in a small desert town leaps you will limited options for fun and we would make use of the park occasionally maybe once a week or so a group of us would pile into the station wagon with beer smokes and a mixtape and drive through the park late at night an empty road so darkened quite other than the loud group of guys in a red mercury driving fast from one entrance to another ours would go by each time as we drove the long desolate road and stopped at various rocks we like to climb and I can't understate how desolated was how alone no other cars no lights except the occasional road work sign when warranted hell that was exactly what we thought it was this trip started like every other except maybe more of us than usual crammed in that car windows down as I chained smoked and drove a good 20 miles per hour over the speed limit gravel spitting up as we had a good time shortly into the trip I saw a light a blue light possibly and it was miles and miles ahead that is the thing about dark light is free to shine I remember saying something about having to slow down at some point ahead must be some road construction left by itself up ahead had to be a sign the light hadn't moved we continued for a few miles to one of our favorite stops and got out we climbed for a while maybe 45 minutes or so drank a little joked the norm then we piled back in and continued let me be clear this light never moved and we had already been about an hour into our adventure why would a sign have a blue light as we approached the light I started to slow and slowed more and more as we approached the source it wasn't a sign it wasn't a car it wasn't a UFO standing on the side of the road facing towards us unmoving for over an hour at this point was a man a pale white man white beard dirty old minor clothing with an old mining helmet at a pickaxe his light giving off an unnatural blue light his face blanked but he stared at us directly at all of us we sped up and as we drove by faster his head turning to keep pace with us as we left his light visible unmoving once again facing us the entire trip out I remember looking at the car clock shortly after passing him it was damn near exactly 1:00 a.m. when we passed him we never saw a car hell a horse anyway for this old sickly pale miner to get into the park nor any reason for him to be there worst of all we estimated that this miner had to have been standing there facing us for at least an hour and a half never moving not once did that light flicker as if he looked down for a moment or turned his head he just stood there staring down a road at a car full of dumbasses we never saw him again however a couple of years ago I decided to check to see if anyone experienced the same I found one other story of a couple that saw him near where we did standing there staring late at night as a man I wish we would have stopped even if it would have been the most horrifying thing ever I wish we would have stopped because I honestly believed there was a ghost of a dead miner out in that park and I would know for sure today on mobile so I apologize beforehand it's kinda a long one it'll be my first long post so I hope you enjoy TL DR at the bottom my mom runs an antique business and has for years I've worked with her on various occasions often changing between working the shop with her and doing construction with my dad for a while she ran her business a few towns over with my best friend's dad and the business was ok but didn't make enough to support the both of them well a few years back she sold her ownership to him and just boxed up some of her things from the shop to bring home my dad however surprised her and rented her a building in our hometown so she could run her own shop she quickly brought everything there and began unpacking while unpacking I found an old Ouija board from an estate sale she had bought out I showed her we joked about the creepiness of it and she said when she'd gotten it her co-worker had jokingly played with a - teaser our family isn't super religious but we ain't about tempting demons Lowell she thought he'd thrown it away but apparently he'd snuck it into her stuff as a final prank so we laughed and she tossed it in the garbage pile a few months later I was running the front desk when she brought a box of antiques to price down from the Attic we began going through it and what happened to be in the bottom of the box the Ouija board still in its cardboard case planchette underneath I recognized it as the same one the box had the same tiers and dents I remembered mom and I looked at each other and after much debating threw it away again well in about 2017 mom stopped opening the shop we weren't making too much while open and instead started buying out estate sales or helping them run it then buying what was left over to take to the shop which we still owned it became a storage house for antiques she hoped to one day sell this last week May 20th I believe she asked me to help buckle down and clear out damaged junk from the shop we began going through boxes and boxes and moving them to a trailer to take to a garage sale location as I was shuffling a box through to the back area to load it I heard my mother shout no fuc ing way I thought maybe she'd been bitten by a spider or found something valuable so I set the box down and rushed back to her what I saw sent a chill down my spine in the back room where she was the back wall was lined with shelves and there were clothing racks and boxes of clothes stacked in front of it after moving the boxes the shelves were in Clearview most were cluttered with knickknacks or such but on the bottom shelf centered and all alone there sat a familiar board game sized cardboard box we stared at it then each other neither of us said a word we pulled it out and sure enough it was the same damn box the corners were torn the sides were scratched same one I'd seen it thrown out twice before yet here it was we tried to tell my dad but he isn't superstitious my brother didn't believe us they assumed it's a separate game and part of me wants to think so too but I've seen that box too closely too many times I know it's the same one this makes me sound ducking crazy but anyways it was a warm summer morning back when I was a kid I was standing in our hallway putting on my shoes when I randomly peeked into our living room and saw see-through male figures surrounded by rainbow colored lights standing right in the middle of the living room he was reading a book and didn't seem to notice me I thought it was weird but I didn't feel scared or anything it felt like the room was filled with a warm loving energy if that makes sense I kind of just shrugged it off and went about my day probably because I was too young to really understand what I'd seen a few days later when my mom tucked me into bed she read me a bedtime story about a kid who meets an angel or something like that don't remember the story exactly but what is interesting is the author's description of what that angel looked like it was exactly the same as the strange rainbow man I had seen in our living room a couple of days before it even said that angels will often visit humans surrounded by a strong rainbow colored lightning and manifests themselves while reading a book I casually blurted out oh I've seen an angel then and my mom was like you have that's great and we didn't talk more about that for a while until one day where I randomly asked my mom if I could see a picture of my granddad who died unexpectedly while my mom was pregnant with me doc she found an old family album and we looked through pictures of my parents wedding that happened exactly one year before I was born there was a picture of three or four people sitting together laughing and having a great time at the party I immediately pointed out the guy who sat in the middle and said how funny he looks just like the angel I saw and my mom's face turned white as a ghost she was just about to tell me that this was indeed my deceased grandfather who I never got to meet I'm very convinced it was him visiting me about eight years ago now I was taking a drive out to Kansas from the east coast I was with a friend and we were going out to see her grandparents once we were about two hours from the grandparents house my friend starts outlining standard operating procedures of seeing things in and around her family's home she seemed a bit panicky one going over everything but I managed to calm her down I'm skeptical of everything and assured her that the things she had seen when she was a small child were just manufactured in her imagination she insisted that the entire family had seen these things with the exception of her grandparents two hours later we arrived in Kansas and I'm ready to fall over because of the length of time the last leg of the trip took we are welcomed and grandmother takes me to a back bedroom and just as she about to close the door she stops says maybe you shouldn't stay in this room and escorts me to another room okay that was a little strange but whatever I'm tired fast forward tonight number two at the grandparents home it's around 11:00 p.m. and my friend has crashed out on the couch watching TV I'm in an adjacent bedroom from which I can see her laying on the couch I not off for the night and wake up to an old gray man that bared a resemblance to the grandfather but was not the grandfather standing with his back to me in the doorway looking at my friend sleeping on the couch I decided I was going to get up and confront the old gray man and something slammed me back into the bed I tried to get up several more times with the same result each time I was slammed back into the bed a voice would repeat put a seal on the door finally I snapped - it's 3:00 a.m. and everything was normal I must have been sleeping it was a dream no old gray man and my friend was fast asleep so I start pacing around the room trying to decide how I feel about what had just happened I glanced over to my friend her eyes are open and she says you seen it I say get in the car I can't be here right now we spend the next for hours sitting in a Walmart parking lot talking about the history of her experiences in that house and comparing to my own okay my nerves are not on fire anymore and we are heading back to the grandparents home we arrived and they are waiting for us inside I tell them exactly what happened to me and I get yeah that's strange we usually do seal our doors with a prayer at night but with all the excitement we just must have forgotten all the children have mentioned stories of things but we have never seen them we are sorry you had to go through that I'm really not sure what I seen or experienced that night but when I tell people they get that look of skepticism it's obvious they don't believe me my conclusion is that the experience was indistinguishable from reality in the moment I don't know what that means but it changed the way I look at things finally my chance to shine so I live in Edinburgh in Scotland which has naturally rather a lot of old buildings when I was four my family moved into a Victorian villa that was built in 1860 lovely place beautiful big garden happy days that was until what I like to refer to as the incident of the window so one afternoon small me was sat under the window in the ground-floor living room playing with some Barbies mum is in another room and no one else is in no one else should be outside either may I point out but lo and behold I look up to notice someone walking along the front of the house toward the window I am sat under panic ensues at this point but it's hard to describe while I was definitely a shy child I wasn't terrified of general people in the public sphere all I can remember is this really strong feeling of wrongness so I dipped behind the armchair that faced away from the direction the gentleman was walking and hid after a bit I peek around the side of the chair to see if it's safe to come out yet and see a man passing the window he lifts his hat at me and smiles then continues on his way I held for my mom after a mad dash through to the sitting room and my garbled explanation of the problem she goes outside to obviously find nobody there she checks our wash house the summer house and the garage but they are all free of middle aged men and jaunty hats she assumes someone has come down the drive which is long and cuts around the side of the building with a separate entrance assuming it was a shortcut off the street and left when they realized their mistake adult me finds this story pretty implausible but hey ho we say what we need to to placate kids a-and in the past a couple of people had made that mistake only they realized and turned back apologize long before reaching the far windows anyway I am assured it's nothing to worry about and go back to dais wiling away the merry childhood hours doing random crap in this room by that window however later in that same week the same man appears again how bad are his directions you might well ask this time mom and I are alone again but with the important difference she is doing the dishes in the kitchen next door and has stood in front of the window looking out she has seen nobody go past but in my shout of that funny-looking man is back she bolts out the door in a flash to find absolutely no one there a fact she already expects because she has seen nobody go past the entire time she has been in the kitchen again she checks all the outbuildings and finds nothing once again she attempts to reassure me that it is probably nothing to worry about that it probably wasn't the same man and that they will put something on the drive to make clear it is in a passage for the public I insist argued ly to anyone who will listen that this was the same man and that he looked funny eventually my grandma who is a big believer in the supernatural came to stay with us and the whole incident is brought up by this point I no longer willingly go anywhere near windows on that side of the house and live in general terror of people looking in at me she asks me to describe who I saw at this point I feel I should mention how utterly obsessed with the Victorian period I was for my entire childhood I was forever playing olden days set then I had loads of dressing up clothes of it and collected lots of children's TV or books set in or about the period you can probably see where this is going but I described a Victorian man's getup which my grandma recognized instantly she said she thought it was the old gardener by the style of dress I explained down to the hat and that she thought it was just his way of letting us know he was happy a new family had come to live there her and my mum thought that was a lovely heartwarming tale but I have spent the rest of my life terrified of it meanwhile anyone else who ever heard the story either believes the same man stupidly walked down that Drive by mistake twice in one week or that fell asleep and dreamt it twice in one week though edit just clarifying I realize people do have recurring dreams it's the notion of me falling asleep while sat on the floor next to a table playing with toys twice at a random time of day in a week that I would say is unlikely to me also not saying it was deaf at it was just really weird unsettling [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 626,927
Rating: 4.8884983 out of 5
Keywords: #Reddit, #R/askreddit, #31, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit stories, r/ askreddit, people share, relationship advice, creepiest things found, brainydude, reddit cringe, r/, updoot, reddit mysteries, askreddit scary, creepy stories, scary stories, rslash, creepypasta, creepy, scary, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, comment awards, creepy strangers, just ask reddit, horror stories, subreddit, true stories, true horror, true horror stories, reddit compilation
Id: 5cGf4AwKxAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2019
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