SCAMMERS Get Taught Lessons, What Happens Is Shocking PT 2 | Dhar Mann

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thank you you should be ashamed of yourself [Music] you're really despicable [Music] all right all right you guys may be seated all right playing up go ahead start thank you your honor as you can imagine life is hard enough for my client who is disabled but what makes it even harder is dealing with negligent business owners like the defendant here that is not what's going on wait your turn defendant you may continue thank you your honor as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted my client here was using the restroom at the defendant's place of business he was trying to get up when may I approach the here on her yes you may as you can see my client was holding on for dear life to grab the bar for support but it was improperly attached causing him to fall on the floor and injure his head thankfully I was nearby to help take the photos but if the defendant wasn't trying to cut corners and do such a shoddy I did not try to cut Any Corner hey you can speak when it's your turn continue but if the defendant wasn't so negligent in installing that bar my client couldn't be in a neck brace today therefore we are demanding the defendant to pay 25 000 in Damages and all attorney fees twenty five thousand dollars that's an order I'm not gonna tell you be quiet again I'm sorry your honor go ahead and finish that's all I have your honor but the evidence speaks for itself all right now what do you have to say about all this okay look that grab bar was not negligently installed okay I did it myself and I know I didn't cut any Corners how do you explain all these pictures then I don't know well it looks like all of the evidence is heading One Direction it's clear that the defendant is negligent in creating injuries to our plan of therefore I have to rule in favor of the plane what no your honor please I'll have to close out my business the decision has been made tomorrow we'll get together and we'll talk about the damages thank you thank you your honor oh thank you I hope you learned your lesson when you take advantage of people it comes back to you [Music] all right uh next case uh Tabitha Clemens versus Jake Odell amazing like clockwork you really think we'll get the full 25 Grand don't we always I'm going to try to squeeze out as much as I can in attorney fees this thing is really starting to itch my butt is really sore so I'm just gonna stand if anyone sees you will both be exposed get out of here first Plus I found another business too [Music] that's gonna be the easy one this one has a dressing room that's perfect so just give me a couple minutes and then come in okay pookie I hate sir excuse me can you move I'm trying okay all right okay where we're waiting your screwdriver is sticking out now oopsies that would have been pretty bad huh [Music] can I yeah sure [Music] okay oh hey let me uh let me help you that's so kind [Music] uh hi welcome in hi [Music] oh hi welcome in thank you oh hello hello [Music] excuse me ma'am do you mind if I try this on in the back of course thank you [Music] [Applause] what was that I don't know oh my gosh are you okay does it look like I'm okay here let me help you maybe you should just stay right there okay oh no what happened wow I tried to grab this stupid grab bar and it must not have been installed correctly because it fell when I was holding on to it oh oh I think I broke something I'm so sorry to hear that would you like us to call you an ambulance first I want to talk to an attorney ah okay on my phones here it is watch your legs all right I'm sorry I don't mean to overstep my name is Stephanie and I'm actually a personal injury attorney I specialize in Ada cases really and you would help me yes of course no one deserves to be treated like this it's especially someone in a wheelchair is it okay if I some pictures okay [Music] oh it's cold why is it so cold it's almost over ah girl look tell the owner he will be hearing from my office soon this was really negligent of you guys let him know [Music] and again we're so sorry for what happened you should be [Music] um I just need one more second why are you taking pictures okay look this is gonna be hard to believe but that guy was faking it all he did the same thing to my business yeah you can tell just by looking at the holes what do you mean well just look at the way that the screws came out of the wall it's way too smooth to have been pulled out so that means that somebody came by and unscrewed them I would have never thought of that yeah thank you foreign you should have seen the look on their face it was priceless oh I can only imagine oh before I forget here's that settlement from the restaurant case last week wow that is the easiest money I've ever made in my life well it was a pleasure doing business with you as always I better get going so here is your wheelchair thanks ha I got you now what are you doing here you two are the biggest fraudsters on the planet can't wait until the judge finds out about this get ready to go to jail for a very long time the judge won't find out about this what are you talking about I got the pictures right here okay Stephanie [Music] so where's your evidence now should I say cheese okay you know what it doesn't even matter no I'll just tell the judge what I saw oh and you think he'll believe you she really don't think he's going to know what's going on here when I tell him that you're going from business to business pulling off the same scam oh well it's not a crime to get injured at different places but you know what do I know I'm just a an attorney well not for long we'll see you in court [Music] and uh don't forget the checkbook okay look I'm telling you your honor this is a one big scam I saw it with my own eyes it's very true to this none whatsoever your honor he's just trying to paint us in a bad light to avoid taking responsibility for his own negligence I urge the court to issue punitive damages to punish the defendant for his lies well you are accusing them of some very serious crimes do you have any evidence to substantiate your accusations but like I said she cropped my memory card and then she ate it sorry your honor but I've heard some pretty outrageous stories in my day but that one takes the case you can look up their court record they have a history of filing cases against businesses yeah yeah but yeah even so it's not illegal to have multiple injuries in fact it's kind of common among Ada cases so my ruling stands no no no no no look that would mean I have to shut down my whole business and look I'm telling you the truth okay you have to believe me without proof to substantiate your story I'm gonna ask you one more time do you have any evidence no all right well then I hereby award 25 000 to the plaintiff for the demand along with no another 10 000 for your attorney fees stop [Applause] your honor the plaintiff and his attorney are both frauds liar liar this guy I mean why should we be listening to him oh well maybe because I'm the one with the folder full of photos of you committing fraud oh and uh for what it's worth I'm an undercover federal agent your honor I've been investigating these two for quite a while now this is unbelievable and looks like you've been telling the truth from the beginning defended [Music] you're just as guilty as I am arrest those two arrests mean you can't do that I am an attorney get up we're an attorney I'm gonna make sure that you never practice law again [Music] handcuffs off of it well you read about one thing and take advantage of people it always comes back to you hey thank you [Applause] [Music] oh this case is dismissed this line is so long yeah but I'm sure it'll go fast okay and this old geezer is taking forever we're gonna be late for lunch you know what let's go damn uh hey I can't just walk out without paying for something come no I don't want any of your stolen gum okay then I'll get your Bad Karma okay all right tell me you don't really believe in that do you I actually do your actions always have a way of coming back to you well I stole this gum right where are you Karma come and get me for this stolen pack of gum I deserve it oh no you don't exist if I was gonna get caught it would have already happened okay that's not how it works it's not always immediate and sometimes it comes back to you in unexpected ways Ted you're not supposed to be parked there it says reserved probably for the owner look there's plenty of open spots in the line look I don't know who this joke Cali guy is but he's crazy if he thinks I'm paying five dollars to park in his lot besides he's probably some old geezer who can't do anything okay if you say so it's a cool jacket I've never seen you wear that before Oh thanks I just got it oh let's go we're gonna be late for lunch [Music] that was delicious yeah good call into place thanks here you are sir a glass of 2002 Robert Mondavi Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve and your check thanks thank you how are you paying for all of this you got a new promotion no why do you ask what new jacket nice restaurant an expensive wine can you give us a few moments oh sure no problem take your time why is he just standing there have you ever another expensive wine before no no he's waiting for you to try okay that's great excellent enjoy that was so awkward [Music] 175 said what oh okay oh the jacket oh yeah what jacket okay can you use this yes thank you no no no no no no no no no no it's just making it worse oh man in red wine is impossible again what [Music] should have not stolen that gum oh as if that has anything to do with this you know what give me the bill I want to go [Music] 100 for a glass of wine that is ridiculous I didn't check the price before you order it no but I didn't think it was going to cost a hundred dollars you know what forget this here I'll split it with you okay no way no chance am I paying that much oh wow okay besides that one wasn't even that good she just drank the whole thing so yeah it's called not being wasteful Randall it's here's the plan give me your hand I'm gonna walk out of here wait a few moments and then fall well I'm not going to die and invest it what have you did just ah yeah you're seriously unbelievable you know that okay what's unbelievable is how much they try to charge for a glass of wine I could bought a new jacket with that money okay Dad where's your car what are you foreign you can't tow my car oh yeah well it'll be 250 to get it down okay you're insane I'm not gonna pay you anything all right well here's where you can pick up your car later it'll be 350 by the time it gets processed yeah no you're not gonna tow my car get it down right now hey man you shouldn't have parked in Joe Cali's spot you had to park his rolls on the lot so that's the guy that got my car towed do not leave I'm gonna go talk to him okay stay hey Gramps yeah you why'd you get my car towed excuse me don't act like you don't know you could have written me a note or got me a ticket you didn't have to get me towed I don't know what you're talking about yeah right I need you to tell him to put my car down right now hey I'm serious don't think I won't hurt an old man why do you think he would believe me because you're Joe Cali no I'm not okay then who is [Music] do you just threaten my dad uh no no no I I would never do anything like that at all it didn't just say you weren't afraid of hurting old man um if I did I was definitely kidding that's what I thought now if I ever catch you parked in my spot uh Joe Mr Cali sir it won't happen nope but again don't worry about that and sir have a great day sorry about the misunderstanding Mr okay now I'm just me keep walking okay hmm can you take 200. 250 is all that I got nah man you could just pay the 350 down at the lot hey no take it all get my car down no yeah 250 dollars are you kidding me what a crook what are you smiling about well I told you you should have not parked you're seeing me in a lecture Randall ah I mean can today get any worse [Music] gum who spits their gum out on the ground [Music] these are new stop laughing Grandma stop by oh yeah okay well I really hope all of this taught you a lesson I don't know about that because I still got a free lunch and there he is that's the guy who stole the gum and skipped out on his tab you out of the car now okay you have the right to remain silent anything you say Canon will be used against you in a court of law you've got to be kidding yes it's unbelievable I won't even say it so you guys still down to rehearse of my place sir is it cool if I bring Stacey yeah Giselle wants to come too it's fine by me bring all the cute girls you want afterwards maybe we can all go out guess who oh Brandy Angela hey baby I was totally kidding I knew it was you you better be kidding Jack um what's up I was kind of busy talking to the guys about rehearsal I have a surprise for you but it'll cost you a kiss you know I don't like PDA oh right sorry anyway I just wanted to let you know you can get rid of that old guitar no way are you serious don't tell me [Music] it's the new guitar you saw at the store Angela baby this is great I'm speechless is perfect thank you you're welcome I can't wait to see you rehearse with that tonight oh about that the guys they were saying they wanted to be another band members only session and Members Only we'll get more work done that way oh okay that's fine I mean you know that makes sense oh but we can hang out some other time later this week just two of us I'd love that thank you so much you are the best girlfriend ever just go I'll save that for later okay well I have to go to class but I'll see you soon okay bye bye bye guys yo that's sick dude that must have cost a lot benefits of dating a rich girl my friends you are so lucky to have a girl that buys you everything you want that's exactly why I date her I call her my little piggy bank starting to wonder why you chose her to be honest oh it's just temporary when our band blows up we start getting paid then I won't need our money anymore you know you're just going to kick her to the side that's brutal bro Rockstar's only date the hottest babes am I right hey Jack hey well it seems like you can get any grown out yeah but it's too small of a school Angelo find out can't lose that on my sweet situation Angela is more loaded than those nacho she eats I just gotta hold out just a little bit longer hey you think you could maybe get her to buy me some new drumsticks I can try what else you guys want I'll make a list all right Rickenbacker base would be nice um since they're asking you can just add a keyboard to that well if everyone's getting whole instruments I want a new drum set all right I might be pushing a little bit but uh Rickenbacker bass keyboards sticks and instead okay all right this is so dope yeah and another stage manager so we should be able to get some pretty major connections so does this mean we can get in for free too I wish we still gotta pay for the ticket and for the flights unless uh unless we drive up take Jack's Car my car needs new tires and after I pay for them I'm not even gonna be able to buy my Festival ticket [Music] I can get Angela to pay for it foreign that's great to get us all tickets too hey let me get you girls chairs so you can eat with us thanks babe hey guys how was rehearsal last night oh it was good yeah real good I wish you could have been there me too if you guys ever have a night where it's not a guy awesome rehearsal last night yeah we had so much fun wait they were at your rehearsal yesterday you said it was band members only uh I did and it was Gisele and Stacy are in the band all right guys yeah there are back up singers we just brought them on they really add an extra level to the vocals okay cool well I can't wait to hear them [Music] you guys going to a festival yeah that's the goal at least there's supposed to be a lot of Industry people there and we're hoping to maybe meet some music that sucks which can lead us to getting signed by a label that's a good idea awesome oh it would be so fun yeah yeah uh about that maybe you don't want to go to this you'd be so bored what do you mean look at those bands [Music] can you name any of their songs [Music] but I don't care I just think it would be fun to go to a festival with my boyfriend oh yeah true but it's just that it's gonna be another band member-only thing not even the backups are allowed on this trip unfortunately so we can all stay really focused foreign but when I get back we can go on our own trip somewhere that sounds fun oh but I do have a huge favor to ask what's up would you be able to help me pay for my ticket our tickets they go on sale tonight and none of us have any money hold on you want Angela to pay for all of your tickets no way do not do that we're gonna pay her back it's like a short-term loan until we get our record deal you know I mean you do believe in our music right of course well then you know we're good for money please please um please I guess Angela that's a lot of money you should think about this I want to be unsupportive especially if it can help them get a deal exactly this is crucial to our career and when we blow up we will always remember that you were the one that believed in US I'm happy to help my babies oh well anything for my Jack and poo okay well bad news it's not just your ties you're gonna need a whole new mode no Fraser you know I'm actually surprised it hasn't broken down on you already I don't have that kind of money I understand I go grab your keys but be very very careful all right and avoid driving on the freeways could be dangerous but I'm not trying to get stranded on the side of the road well we do take credit cards yeah that isn't an option Maybe maybe there's someone that you can call has to borrow some money or something as a matter of fact maybe there is just give me one second [Music] hey we were just talking about you you were of course I'm always talking about you you know that by the way did you check your mocks I got the tickets seriously [Music] yep I got him you are honestly the best thanks are you on a mechanic shop yeah and to be honest I'm kind of in a bind I may need another favor would you mind going into another room so we can chat for a sec uh it's okay Lisa and I talk about everything just tell me okay well I'm trying to fix my car and it's gonna cost four grand what that's so expensive I know which is why I was thinking do not give him any more money she's not giving you money for your car I'm not asking her to give me anything Angela can you go into another room so I can talk to you alone sure just give me one sec just what okay I'm alone now I'm beginning to really not like your friend sorry Lisa's just trying to look out for me yeah but why does she need to look out for you with your boyfriend [Music] me for my money and after you get what you want you're just gonna leave me I would never do that you don't have to convince me I keep telling her that but she has trouble trusting people yeah well to be honest I think she's just jealous no that's not it it's pretty obvious to me I mean you're dating a rock star babe she wishes she was you that's why she's just trying to ruin our relationship you really think so I know so even now when I called she just assumed I was calling you about money she wasn't worried about me or anything oh I'm worried about you so what do you need well I need to borrow four grand So Lisa was right no she's saying I'm asking you to give me money I'm just asking you to let me borrow it I know it's a lot of money but if I can't fix my car then I can't drive the guys to the festival which means we can't get signed to a label I Don't Know Jack you keep asking me for money and it's starting to hurt my feelings but you don't think it hurts my feelings being a man and having to ask my girlfriend for money the only reason I do it is because I know when my music blows up I'm gonna be the one taking care of everything for you since you believed in me and I love you you too I love you too you know what you're right I'll let you borrow the money besides what's 4k in the grand scheme of things you are incredible thanks babe I'm gonna tell the mechanic can you give me one sec sure [Music] good news got my girl to pay for it so go ahead and start the work that's great man how'd you manage to pull that off easy just lied to my girl told her I love her I got her eating out of the palm of my hand I see um anyways uh give me a couple days I have it all ready for you can pay for it when you pick it up okay awesome thank you I'm all set I'll send you the shop info so you know where to make payments okay okay you know what since you're so amazing let me take you out for dinner my treat really you want to do that for me it's the least I can do pick me up at seven you can choose a restaurant okay I I can't wait I'll talk to you soon babe I love you please don't tell me you paid for his car don't worry about me okay he loves me no he doesn't if you know the difference between being loved and being used he's not using me he's a good guy he's even taking me on a date tonight I feel like you're being naive like there's so many red flags how so I mean it's pretty clear he never wants to hang out with you and yet has other girls around and most importantly he treats you like a personal ATM machine foreign like that no you need to hear this Jack is using you Angela he only wants you for your money when was the last time you did something nice for you hello he's taking me to dinner only because you just agreed to give him four thousand dollars for his car and do you think it's a good idea to be dating a musician I see where this is coming from now what are you talking about Jack was right you're jealous come on you're really letting him put that idea in your head you know what if that's what you want to believe that's fine one day you'll see everything for yourself [Music] so they should have the car ready in time for the trip oh yeah I'll be right back with your check thank you that was delicious I'm so full yeah you crushed that pasta babe do you want some of my leftovers no I'm stuffed but thanks oh don't be shy I know my baby loves to eat please I don't I don't want your leftovers stop all right fine so I appreciate you taking me out I feel like we haven't done this in a while [Music] yeah well you deserve it you're the best for helping me and the guys out they are so excited for the festival I'm glad no rush take take your time whenever you're ready by the way you are so pretty I love that dress oh my God thanks well someone wants a big tip or she meant it I noticed she complimented my outfit and you didn't what yes I did when I saw you you said wow that dress comes in your size that's awesome is that what I said I'm sorry you look very beautiful tonight well now you're just saying that no I mean it you're hot hey I got it from here babe how about you grab your car from the valet while I take care of this are you sure you don't want to just wait and go together I'm sure it'll be faster this way all right thanks again for dinner actually babe you won't believe this I forgot my credit card would you mind sure no problem here you go thanks love you love you too all set yep hey did I tell you I'm gonna band really you were pretty good you should come watch us perform sometime that sounds fun but I don't know how much your girlfriend would like that girlfriend oh she's just a friend are you sure you look like a lot more than a friend to me now she's not my type I'm much more interested in girls like you what is that so definitely if you want I may be able to get you an extra ticket to the San Francisco Music Festival next weekend I'm actually off that weekend oh my goodness that worked out nicely I thought of some more stuff to the list maybe I should slow down she seemed pretty annoyed on the car ride home last night probably shouldn't asked her to pay for dinner oh you got greedy I think she's catching on nah I don't think it's anything I can't fix I just need to tell her I love her a few more times that seems to be working well great because if you could get her to buy us a new amp that'd be amazing I'll put it on the list I also need to ask her for another Festival ticket [Music] you caught it to convince Angela to buy us stuff please that's hilarious convince Angela to buy you stuff huh I knew you were using her you again Angela told me you were trying to ruin our relationship you ruined it yourself just wait till I show her this nice try she'll never believe you especially now that the note is gone that's fine I'll just tell her what I saw you're one against four and I'll just spin it like your jealousies once again getting the best of you that I worked last time it'll definitely work again babe hey how are you my love oh spare me I feel so naive for not listening to Lisa when she tried to warn me I'm really sorry it's okay and I just found out that you don't want to listen to her I actually regret not listening to her you see [Music] after I left the table last night I realized that I had forgotten the valet ticket when I came back to get it guess what I saw [Music] you getting the number of our waitress I couldn't believe it that's when I started looking into things more after I got home I decided to message Stacy when I asked how band practice was going she said she had no idea what I was talking about turns out you lied about that too and then this morning I stopped by the mechanic shop to let them know that I was no longer paying for your car to get fixed [Music] as I was leaving guess what the mechanic told me that you said you had me eating out the palm of your hand [Music] so you see I now realize you never loved me you just loved what you could get from me I should have known the difference between being loved and being used Angela it's not what it seems like enough with the lies Jack nothing you say will change my mind shall we what what about my car they already started to work on it I need to pay them I guess that's your problem [Music] what about the festival we already got the tickets I don't know man you gotta ask her what about the festival I'm guessing that's canceled too nope I actually upgraded those tickets to VIP you did yeah yeah and I transferred them to all of our news we're all going to the festival it's gonna be so much fun oh just unbelievable oh look at the bright side at least you got a new guitar out of it I guess that's true where is it Anyway shoot it's in my car hey man I actually changed my mind I'm not ready to get the work done it's a bit uh too late for that I already swapped out the motor [Music] well can you take it out put my old one back in sure yeah uh right after you pay me for the label I actually don't have any money is there any way I can get my car back and pay you later sorry about that buddy that's that's not how it works here all right fine can you at least Pop the trunk so I can get my guitar out um I actually think uh I'ma hold on to it that's collateral [Music] hey good morning yeah I'll take two cream no sugar uh I'm not an assistant I'm one of the background actors oh oh my bad I'm Bruno or as the call sheet says customer number one oh Noah what role are you playing customer number four oh nice I guess we'll probably be right next to each other in the scene then oh I see the trick to being a good background no offense but I don't plan on being an extra for long well most actors don't I just know it took me a while before I got apart with any lines wait you have lines how did you get a speaking role I Bruno here is a legend oh no no it's okay oh come on just one time um okay all right [Music] [Applause] hey that old lady is stealing food from the kids I I don't get it that was Bruno's Big Break yeah one day an actor didn't show up to set so the director decided to give me a shot I guess they like my delivery so much they kept having me back and I've got lines in almost every role since wait so you took someone else's part I I didn't even think that was possible oh that's interesting well I don't want to make it seem like it was part of any plan it honestly kind of just happened but I guess good things come to those who wait oh I like to think of it as good things come to those who take action where are you uh and let's make sure that we get sushi for Dylan's lunch for everyone else sandwiches are fine but you know he's a diva are you sure he's still coming his cold time was an hour ago he's usually late but he'll show excuse me Mr director sir oh I thought you were Dylan oh you look just like him well no my name is Noah and I was wondering if you might have any speaking roles that need to be filled like you know someone didn't show up I would love to be bumped up from customer number four are you asking me for a bigger part yes sir what do I look like the casting Department no all the roles are filled I'm sure you will do just fine as customer number uh hey Alex hey Dylan oh wait you're not Dylan yeah he looks just like him well maybe if Dylan doesn't show up we can get this guy to replace him sure see you kid see ya okay you know what why don't you just go away with the other extras and as soon as Dylan gets here we will get started okay yeah thanks okay [Applause] [Music] there he is sorry I'm late I had to charge my Tesla excuse me if that isn't the fanciest excuse for being late wow so what you're late because you went to Earth Cafe that's where I charge my car so I had to stop there but before you say anything I did bring you a sandwich it's bacon and cheese thank you but I would much rather have you on time than a sandwich you're late one more time I'm going to replace you with one of these extras [Music] don't be mean that was so mean [Music] foreign [Music] yeah yeah that's me oh my gosh we've seen so many of your movies oh yeah can we get a photo yeah yeah why not of course [Music] okay tag me [Music] thank you I'm telling you it's Dylan that actor you're always watching yeah well I don't know I'll ask if I can get a photo [Applause] laughs okay wanna play tough huh oh come on [Music] dog [Music] foreign [Music] okay wow that's that's pretty thick [Music] hey everybody uh thank you very much for your patience uh we are obviously just waiting around for two more actors to show up as soon as they do though don't worry we will get started I think maybe we're going to move some workups if you want to have a look at scene two there uh thanks everybody and I'll be back in a minute oh looks like I made it just in time huh yeah we're waiting on Dylan again typical yeah that's not good I hope nothing bad happened to him the director doesn't seem too happy yeah Dylan's been like way too many days in a row this week I guess I'm gonna go talk to him maybe it's time for replacement oh no no I wouldn't bother him if I were you sure if you need someone he'll ask and hang back okay yeah see this is why you'll never get a lead role watch how it's done okay just wait and then we'll just have to replace it I'll do it excuse me I'll do it I'll replace him it's uh Noah right yes yes Noah what character are you playing right now oh customer number four I mean it could work what do you think I I mean I guess do we have a choice I mean we're out of time just just do it okay hang on I told you man okay so just uh put this on dance around pretend to be a big bear what okay what what is this I thought I was getting Dylan's role Dylan's wrong why would we do that well because he's not here so just you know give someone else the bear and give me his role leave the morning that I've had I'm so sorry I'm late honestly not my fault this time oh yeah I've heard that no I swear somebody cut my charging cable this morning and then then I had to Uber here in a Honda I I can't even talk about it okay well that's fine you're not the only person didn't show up Eugene is missing too but uh hey we got a great replacement for him oh it's exciting for you listen I had an idea I want to talk to you about about a line change when I'm leaving Maize let's uh go to make up and we'll just walk oh okay so okay past hey oh hey Bruno let's work on those two lines yesterday you really nailed it thank you thanks guys oh you've got it kidding me okay it's you do you know where the dressing room is yeah that way okay I have a nice costume by the way oh no no no [Music] I come out of the coffee shop the electric cord is cut in half I mean I don't even know how that happens I've never seen that before wow maybe it was one of your crazy fans oh no they would never everybody loves me hey are you liking the costume oh it sucks yeah not only do I not have lines now no one will see my face so oh and this thing is all hot and itchy so yeah you look all sweaty huh am I you know she's here I'll let you know [Music] hey Dylan just a heads up your call time for tomorrow's new video is 6 A.M wow okay well I need to set an alarm before I forget because if I don't I'm not gonna wake up so I talked to the director and he likes you for the teddy bear rolls oh we'll do that again tomorrow really that's that's not I know you're still eating lunch but I just wanted to do a quick line through so just take a sec come with me and when you're done okay yeah oh uh no I know that um no uh you don't have any lines so just hang on okay cute [Music] oh okay you're okay [Applause] okay look I'm sorry man I know it's not great right now but if you're patient things will get better good things come to those who oh please save it oh my God evening [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey everybody doesn't mean that anymore [Music] um I am your guy right here oh you right I remember you are you volunteering yes I am all right if you insist are you familiar with Dylan's Minds yes I learned them all last night you know I had a feeling I was going to need to learn them I was going to say favorite coffee shop excuse me yeah yeah we ordered coffee and breakfast sandwiches for the cast and the crew and we are short staffed this morning so we need somebody to go pick that stuff up okay look there's clearly a misunderstanding I'm not gonna do that I am an actor background actor and you don't have any scenes this morning so yeah listen you do this for us and I will make sure to get you a couple lines in our next production what I really want is to play the lead okay actors all right um listen between you and I uh the director told me that if Dylan is late one more time he's going to recast so I promise I will go out of my way to help you if you do this for us today are you serious ah say less you know where it is right I know exactly where it is I hate actors you hate everybody hey hey where you rush nothing oh well I am rushing off to my destiny and to get coffee so oh wait can you grab me one too okay look Bruno you are a nice guy but I'm about to be a famous actor so no I cannot you know not right foreign [Music] hey that's him that's the guy that cut the charger cable who him yeah okay what are you talking about are you sure yeah check your security camera footage [Music] best you know the destruction of private property is a criminal offense not only can it cost you a ten thousand dollar fine it could put you in jail for a year it wasn't me okay sure looks like you how about we let the cops decide come on you're coming with me wait wait wait all right you don't understand see I'm an actor great well I got the perfect role for you it's called inmate number one come on today's supposed to be my big break just let me five minutes I just need okay [Music] I don't know if I would do that if you know proof it to me but okay everybody uh sorry for the delay a lot of setbacks today I just got off the phone with Dylan and uh I guess his alarm never went off you know what this guy always has an excuse so we're really gonna wait for him I would but he also has food poisoning I guess he ate some bad Sushi yesterday so he's not coming but don't worry we have an actor who looks the exact part where is Noah uh I sent that guy out for coffee like an hour ago and he's not back yet it should not have taken this long okay okay um ah yeah okay hey you know what since you've always been so patient and you always give 100 no matter how small the role you're now the lead really yeah wow uh I've been waiting a long time for this well you know what they say all good things come to those who wait right let's get him through makeup please thank you I'll order sandwiches for lunch you want anything special Sushi or um I'll skip the sushi I'll just eat the same as everyone else oh thanks though ah oh hey I'm telling you you got the wrong guy like I haven't heard that one before no I'm serious okay look look I'm a famous actor all right why would I damage the property yeah everyone's famous in Hollywood oh no no but I'm serious wait I I oh I recognize that video that's that's the video I'm in oh yeah yeah let's see right there oh I'm gonna Teddy yeah [Music] nice try no wait no no I'm serious okay please no please don't oh [Music] are you okay there's not even a wet floor sign here this is a serious liability owner could make her a cash settlement offer I don't think I can go back to work that'll all be part of the damage wait what but that would put the store out of business
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 2,991,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: BrR3jpP7mwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 50sec (3890 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 13 2022
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