Kids Get MADE FUN OF In HIGH SCHOOL, What Happens Is Shocking PT 2 | Dhar Mann

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i got gilbert all right i'll pick uh don't pick big boy you're never one with him yeah i pick kirk yes thank you mike you got it uh is there another shirt what you think you're shopping at big and tall that's the only size we got hey just just try it on man it might fit okay yo it looks like barney the dinosaur oh i can't breathe i can't breathe oh man you're gonna play it what oh right all right let's go come on kurt come on [Applause] i told you not to pick him he'll never be good at anything in life he's too fat [Music] and one day i'm gonna have a brand new cadillac not this piece of junk i know you will and one day i'm gonna have my own radio talk show called big voice neighborhood and i'll be crazy if that happened not if when people are gonna be asking me for my autograph i'll be signing best wishes big boy watch hey i believe it oh wait no speaking of the radio look at this it's a sony walkman it lets me listen to the radio from anywhere wow that is amazing i've always wanted one of these why don't you buy one my mom says we don't have the money to afford mike you supposed to be working what you doing just standing around yeah no i was just shocked yeah just letting this loser make you lazy don't you got some work to do boy just because i'm not working with my hands doesn't mean i'm not working i just wanna know it's pretty clear you don't work with your hands i mean look at you you're some kid who will never be anything leave him alone frank you can say what you want but it's not the truth my mom says what i believe i can achieve and i'm going to be the biggest voice on the radio you must got pick fat for brands if you think you gonna be anything in life give me these you don't need to be eating anything stop letting this boy make you lazy get back to work and one day i'm gonna let him have it don't pay attention here man come on let's go should i take you to mom's house oh i forgot you guys got evicted it's fine i'll just walk wait no no why don't you come in for dinner man you know i'll drop you off after my mom's making her chicken i can't say no to that come on [Music] you like that yes sir well mike tells us that you want to be on the radio one day kurt wow that'd be great if that happened it's not a matter of if sir it's only a matter of when well i better get your autograph right now then smells good prank come on in come join us i made your plate already thank you sis cause i am really you what are you doing here this is curt y'all know each other he's going to be on the radio one day [Laughter] don't believe a word this boy is saying that's right ain't never gonna be anything whatever i believe in myself and my mom's i hate to break it to you boy but your mama she was lying she knows you ain't gonna be nothing but a big loser too lay off the boy frank yeah frank that ain't right no he needs to know this speaking of your mama boy she don't feed you at home what you doing eating up all of our food stop picking on him mike's right we invited him to dinner so it's fine why don't you just sit down and enjoy your food frank no i'm serious [Music] yo mama don't feed you at home boy he doesn't have a home okay him and his mom just got evicted what what oh my gosh really oh kurt honey i'm so sorry big boy is also homeless and he wants to be on the radio you can't be serious wow kurt mike sit down well i'm starving come on kurt curry baby what's wrong you seem upset it's mike's uncle he says i'm never amount to anything in life don't you waste your time listening to him but what if he's right what if i never make it on the radio hey listen to me baby whatever you believe you can not that again ma i mean come on look around we're homeless we're so broke that we can't even afford a walkman how am i supposed to be on the radio if i can't even listen to it what are you doing just come on over here come on here now i wasn't going to give you this until your birthday next week but i guess you can have it now what is it just open it you got me a walker but how i thought we didn't have the money you don't worry about that i made it happen and besides how in the world you supposed to be on the radio if you can't even listen to i can't believe this thank you huh but do you really think i'm gonna make it or are you just saying that to make me feel better listen to me baby do you believe that you can yeah well then always remember this what you believe you can achieve this i can promise you and i want you to take this with you as a reminder anytime that you need it okay i will and if i ever succeed when you succeed when i succeed i'm gonna buy you a house and you never have to be homeless again thank you amy i'm serious we won't ever have to worry about being evicted or having the sheriff tell us to pack our things i promise i believe you baby and i love you with everything in me i love you too kurt is more inspired than ever to become the biggest voice on radio again he uses his new walkman to listen to the radio every chance he gets imagining himself on air even as he gets older he never forgets about his dream he gets a job as a bouncer so he can meet lots of new people eventually he meets the right person who happens to work at a radio station he gives kurt a chance to host a small nighttime talk show kurt couldn't believe he was finally gonna be on the radio the night of the show kurt's so excited to get started that is until people at the station stare and laugh at him they call him names they write mean messages and even tell him that he'll never make it long term on radio kurt was so upset he leaves the show thinking he'll never work in radio again but then he runs into someone that would change his life forever i don't know what i was thinking what me have my own radio talk show that ain't never gonna happen hey watch it man my bad man wait big boy you know why do you seem so upset i mean i'm fine man come on come on wait come on man look you can tell me what's going on i thought i could be on the radio but the station practically laughed at me okay so why are you so surprised what do you mean me man look at you didn't i tell you you would never amount to anything in life i mean but hey look at the bright side at least you won't have to pay rent when you're homeless maybe he's right maybe i'll never make it oh man my walkman what you believe you can achieve this i can promise you wow that's it i can't stop believing in myself i came too far i'm going to lose this weight and i'm going to be the best radio dj ever remembering his mom's words kurt gets more excited than ever to go after his dream again he goes back to radio and this time when people make fun of him he doesn't care he never stops believing in himself he keeps doing radio and as time goes on he becomes the number one radio host in los angeles with big boy's neighborhood he signs a major deal with the network and interviews some of the most famous celebrities in the world he finally accomplishes his dream of becoming the biggest name in radio oh my gosh oh my gosh big boy we love your show we even got your merch oh that's amazing thank you i want to be just like you when i grow up but i don't know everybody keeps saying that i'll never amount to anything in my life you know i feel you i heard the same thing growing up but i never let that stop me by who well hello big boy frank yeah it's my grandson turns out he's a big fan of yours look uh i'm really sorry for the way that i treated you i was wrong but it turns out you really did make something of your life thank you frank and i appreciate that but actually man i should be thanking you thanking me for what all those things you said to me frank all the negativity the bad stuff that you would say about me just got me going it made me work even harder so it actually helped me succeed i love that mr big boy do you think i could ever make it on radio let me ask you this do you believe you can well yeah well if you believe you can achieve and i know this because a wise woman told me so you take that oh my god thank you you keep that and whenever you need a reminder you pull that out and you just take a look at it i'll never forget this you be good little soldier by queen all right frank yeah mom oh my goodness oh hey mama now i got a little surprise for you all right okay but you got to put this on what uh oh okay where are we going you'll see you'll see a little bit more i got you i got you i got you okay right okay that's perfect now you can take it off okay okay a house i i don't understand it's your house mama and it's paid for so you never have to worry about somebody coming to evict you or where you're going to live again oh my god oh baby is this real oh god oh my god i love you so much i love you i love you too now let me show you around [Music] so what we do this weekend well let's just say you shouldn't plan anything because rob has a little surprise for you well for all of us yeah you really had the boyfriend jackpot rob smart he's handsome and he's rich hey paige can i uh talk to you for a sec uh go away adam yeah she doesn't want to talk to you okay sorry wait it's okay what's up i just wanted to give you this that's just a little something that i drew an orchid but how'd you know orchids are my favorite flower it wasn't that hard to guess you wear them all the time just like the ring you have on right now wow i don't know what to say this is so lame she doesn't want some dumb drawing yeah you should really get out of here before her boyfriend gets here hey babe i got you something you did yep roses your favorite oh um i better get going i guess i should just throw this away no i'll keep it thanks what's that about it's just a drawing he made me you don't have to keep it cause you feel bad for him everybody knows how much of a loser he is yeah i heard his family lives in a trailer park ew give it to me i'll throw it away for you no um that's all right i'll keep it you know so that i can throw it away when he's not around oh gosh you so he doesn't try to talk to you again anyway i gotta go let's meet by my car after class i've got another surprise for you sounds good bye you are so lucky he got you roses i know i wish i had a guy like him he's pretty great so what do you think this surprises [Music] paige oh sorry did you even hear what i said um oh shoot i i don't want to be late for class i'll see you girls after school live music at sal's restaurant so does rob have a brother or cousin or anyone that's like him um i don't know i can ask paige ugh not him again he's so annoying are you in a rock and roll at all yeah i love rock why i thought so i saw the beetle sticker on your backpack anyway do you have plans tonight i'm playing at salz and would love for you to come you could even bring your friends we actually have plans sorry yeah and even if we didn't do you ever think girls like us would end up at a dump like sows oh sorry i guess i don't know what i was thinking what do we have here um give that back to me oh so you're playing at south tonight sounds pretty pathetic let me guess you're trying to get these girls to go so you don't look like such a loser when no one comes to hear you play bob just leave him alone let's go i hate to break it to you but we already have plans tonight because i got us four front row tickets to the big hip-hop concert i'm so excited i heard drake's going to be there yep because i know how much my babe loves hip hop not some dumb wannabe rock musician rob i can't believe you did that whatever let's go oh and just a little advice if you ever want to score a hot girl like paige you need a lot more than some cheap skateboard you got to have an expensive car like my porsche see you later loser let's go babe [Music] wait this isn't where the concert is i figured we could make a quick stop to watch adam play you know so we can see how bad he is so we can all make fun of them what but why would we do that i love that idea yeah come on let's go see let's go [Music] better better yeah [Music] what kind of a lame song is that are you kidding i love that song great job adam since when did you start caring about rock music i never mind could you sing another song adam okay i hope you like this one because i custom wrote it for you paige every time i see you i add more to this song just like a growing orchid pretty things take long letters on the page can't show [Music] [Laughter] stop stop that has to be the cringiest song i've ever heard it's so painful none of us can take anymore yeah that's pretty bad for real what are you guys talking about i thought it was really nice yeah right the truth is adam we only came here to see how pathetic you are great job embarrassing yourself let's go babe i said let's go babe [Music] you know what [Music] i don't want to go i'd rather stay all right you can't be serious you want to listen to this loser play some cringy music when i got us four front row tickets to the hottest concert of the year if you knew anything about me rob you know that i didn't even like hip-hop huh what are you talking about she likes the beatles exactly if you knew anything about me you know the first song adam played was hey jude it's one of my favorite songs of all time i've never cared about hip-hop well okay what am i supposed to do with these then you know how much money i spent on them not everything is about money rob we still don't get it come on don't be ridiculous yeah paige let's just go to the concert it'll be way better than hanging around here that's for sure i'm good thanks then how are you to get home on his skateboard if it means avoiding riding home in your porsche then yes fine well i'm still going to go to the concert do you girls want to stay here or come with me are you kidding we're not missing drake yeah we're going with you have fun at this dump with skater boy i will thanks and don't come crawling back to me later when he's still a deadbeat musician and i'm making six figures [Laughter] i'm sorry i feel like that's all my fault i completely understand if you want to leave oh it's my fault i should have ended things with him a long time ago i do have one favor to ask though sure anything would you mind singing that song you made for me again i really liked it of course i'd love to every time i see you i add more to this song just like an orchid growing pretty paige continues to watch adam sing the song that he wrote for her as time goes on she keeps supporting him no matter where he performs [Music] adam keeps practicing and getting better and better eventually more people start to show up and then a lot more people one night he even ends up getting signed to a major record label [Music] over time adam ends up becoming one of the most popular artists in the world he consistently lands on the top of the charts and is on the front cover of magazines everywhere [Music] and then one day paige happens to run in to rob again wait paige oh hello rob look amazing i haven't seen you since high school yeah it's been a while still giving up roses i see oh yeah these are for hey paige hey stacy wow i didn't expect you two to end up together but it makes sense i heard what happened with adam it's crazy how much he blew up who would have thought i know right anyways it was good seeing you guys let me guess after he got famous he tossed you aside like a bad habit actually yeah hey sweetheart sorry i'm late i got a little tied up making you something for our anniversary oh hey guys oh my gosh adam i can't believe how famous you got do you mind if i get a pic stop that's embarrassing what why do you mind no not at all an orchid yeah not sure if you remember back in high school are you kidding how could i forget you know i still carry it around with me every day wow and i thought you musicians made money i guess not if you're getting her another drawing for your anniversary here babe i got you real flowers your favorite i didn't just get her a drawing i gotta do this too oh my gosh is this a diamond orchid yeah wow it's so beautiful i thank you so much no thank you for believing in me when no one else did i love you so much i love you too you ready to go yeah oh just a little advice if you ever want to score a hot girl like paige pay attention to the small details they matter more than the big things let's go level you still don't drive a porsche oh you're right i don't i drive a rolls-royce bye-bye adam i want to sing you two that's so crazy i hope they accept amber what do you think you're doing hey principal adams what do you mean your shorts they violate the school dress code no they don't how so let me have this put your arms down straight aha your hands reach further than your shorts oh well not just because i have long arms oh i don't want to hear any excuses take this i'm writing you up what no she can't help it if she has long arms it doesn't matter girls rules are rules but what about him his arms are clearly longer than his shorts his shorts are not creating a distraction to learning yours are just because i'm a girl that makes what i wear a distraction that's not fair amber life is not fair two more of these and you'll be suspended you can't be serious over my shorts that's insane our dress code doesn't even make any sense yeah someone should really look into it maybe you're right hey ted hey alex hey how you doing good good what do you think you're doing i'm just walking to class why not with that tank top on you're not what what do you mean it is clearly against the dress code girls are not allowed to wear straps that are less than three fingers wide this is not allowed i don't see a problem with what she's wearing yeah i mean we wear shirts like that all the time look less than three fingers i said girls cannot wear straps like this did you hear me say boys but why should a dress code only apply to the girls and not the boys i am not going to keep explaining this to you amber ted and alex's shoulders are not distracting yours are hurts aren't distracting at all yeah i never would have even noticed them if you hadn't said something stay out of this i'm going to write you up again what no how does it make sense that girl should get punished because some boys get distracted so easily shouldn't you be talking to the boys then and not the girls enough this is strike two now hurry up and go home and change your clothes i don't wanna have to give you a late violation also it's fine i have a jacket in my backpack i'll just put it on over my shirt even though it's 100 degrees outside good much better but it still doesn't get you out of this hey i'm really starting to go through all of that literally makes no sense the school dress code is so outdated it's a good thing i have a plan to change it [Music] you girls won't believe what i found what's up i've been doing some research and it turns out the school dress code was written in 1919. no wonder it's so out of touch with reality exactly and i've got a lot of other facts about why needs to change too i made a little presentation you see it hello students i have an important announcement to make next week the superintendent is coming and i want to make a great impression that is why i put together this oh you can put it right over here thank you i have put together a short video about the dress code requirements so that everybody follows them principal adams i have a question what's the point following a dress code if it's so out of date yeah amber did some research and found out it was written over a hundred years ago she did okay well then great amber will have no problems following everything in this video i know drop your hands pull repeat after me i will not wear short shorts i will not wear short shorts i will not show my shoulders i will not show my shoulders i will not wear yoga pants i will not wear yoga pants again i will not wear short shorts i will not show my shoulders i will not wear yoga pants louder one more time i hope this video makes the dress code requirements crystal clear i'm confused all it shows what the girls can't wear what about the boys the boys don't have a problem following the rules it's the girls i'm worried about but that's because they don't have any rules to follow you know you have a lot of nerve talking back to me amber especially since you're on the verge of being suspended now is there anything else you'd like to say that's what i thought now as i was saying this isn't fair what did you say i said the school dress code isn't fair i've done a lot of research and i put together this presentation you see first off it's out of touch in reality the dress code was written in 1919. you know what other rules existed back then enlighten me ever woman couldn't vote are we seriously going to enforce rules that were written during a time when it was illegal for girls to even voice our opinions exactly oh amber oh quiet you two and it completely discriminates against girls i've read every page of the dress code there's 37 mentions of what girls can't do you know how many there are of what boys can do no no i don't zero everything says girls can't do this girls can't do that well what about the boys why don't they have any restrictions yes thank you do not get involved in this you know why amber the boys don't wear anything that's distracting i'm glad you said that because it brings me to my next point it assumes all men are pigs now you are going too far when i was wearing my tank top earlier were my shoulders distracting you no not at all it wasn't even until principal adams brought it up that i even noticed same here you see not all men are pigs just like not all girls aren't objects with just legs and shoulders we deserve to be heard and seen and respected not just judged based on our outfits fine since you're so smart amber what exactly do you propose a fair policy for everyone no gender-specific rules no double standards if girls can't wear short shorts neither can the boys if girls can't show their shoulders neither can the boys it's time we see girls as more than just the outfits that we wear we need to have equal roles for all [Applause] [Laughter] oh that would never work that is the most ridiculous idea i have ever heard but principal adams that's enough amber you know i have tried to be nice to you especially considering you're once again violating the school dress code what are you talking about my straps are more than three fingers i'm not talking about your tank top i'm talking about your ripped jeans i've read the whole dress code there's nothing in there that talks about ripped jeans well maybe we should start a new rule effective immediately no girls will wear ripped jeans to school come up here amber what are you doing teaching you a lesson i'm going to duct tape those holes what no you'd ruin my jeans they already look ruined and besides you have no choice it's either this or you get your third violation and you're suspended so what's it going to be well in that case i'm also in violation of the dress code so you'll have to write me up too sit back down i said girls can no longer wear ripped jeans now get back over here i [Music] don't feel comfortable doing this in front of everyone could we do this somewhere else no we are going to do this here i am going to set an example out of you no i'm sorry fine then you've given me no choice but to suspend you for one week that's insane you can't do that ooh but i can because i'm the principal [Music] i'm trying to give you so many chances amber now you're suspended but this is going to be on my permanent record i'd ruin my shot at going to ucla oh well you should have thought about that before you decided not to cooperate now get your things and go home please go now [Music] [Music] that wasn't right what you just did as long as i'm the principal i decide what's right and let this be an example to all of you especially the girls that going forward you better follow the dress code rules and absolutely when the superintendent is here the principal walks out as all the students look at each other in disbelief [Music] when amber gets home she's so upset about everything she thinks about what to do and then decide she's not gonna stay quiet so she makes a video about what happened she tells the story about how she got suspended and points to all the reasons why the dress code is unfair before long ampers video racks up lots of views it gets thousands of comments from students parents and even teachers all showing support to change the dress code amber and her friends can't believe it our girls are not a distraction clothing does not divide our daughter what do we want people rules our girls are nuts where are all the other students um i don't know and what are you wearing those are way too short oh really well let me see oh shoot you're right oh put your jacket back on and cover yourself you know the superintendent is going to simple what is going on out there hello superintendent so nice to see you don't worry a thing about what's going on out there it's just a few people are a little upset about the dress code it's outfits like that that make it hard for students to concentrate at school i'm going to write you up if you're going to write her up then you have to write me up too you're right fine i will just give me a moment to write her up i am so sorry about this i'm going to discipline these girls discipline them for what for violating the school dress code you may as well write me up too then oh good lord fine i will just wait you should include me too then me too in fact you're gonna have to write all of us up come on guys yo what's up hey hey principal how are you doing that thanks for calling what what in the world is going on we all stand for amber yeah and if you're gonna suspend her you're gonna have to suspend all of us because we plan on dressing like this every day equal rules for all legal rules for all equal rules quiet look i don't know what's going on at the school but but but this this is completely unacceptable i know don't worry i'm going to discipline each and every one of you for what that's what i came here to tell you [Music] we're getting rid of the school dress code you can't do that i can do this because i'm the superintendent besides the board voted on it a few days ago it's a done deal so i'll be taking those thank you now then every student that has a dress code violation on their record will have it removed immediately and from this day forward we are going to have equal rules for all [Applause] [Music] guess what what there's no more dress code and your whole record is going to be wiped clean what no way that's so amazing i still can't believe i got into ucla i know i was so nervous opening my acceptance envelope you still haven't heard from them no i heard they send out their acceptance letters first so that probably means that i got rejected or hey waitlisted hey girls hey amber this came in the mail for you oh my gosh this is it my future's in this envelope open it okay okay dear amber [Music] we regret to inform you that your college application is denied i'm so sorry honey why would they deny you we have better grades than us do you think it was because of the suspension maybe they didn't remove it yeah maybe or could just be that i'm just kidding [Applause] okay class today we will be watching a darman video yes i love darman yeah there's no surprise there only nerds and dorks watch dar man so all his videos are dumb they're not dumb billy they teach important life lessons actually this first one is about bullying maybe you could learn a thing or two yeah whatever okay well i'm gonna step out for a bit but don't forget tomorrow is best friend's day so make sure you bring your best friend and be prepared to tell us what you want to be when you grow up let's do this let's go play should we valley hey hey sam um have you chosen a friend for tomorrow uh yeah i chose charlie why uh no of course not never mind hey uh no what's wrong do you need a friend to present with tomorrow here i'll tell you what i'll be your friend really psych you really think i'd be your friend i never be friends with a loser like you don't leave me alone billy just she's trying to watch this oh or what are you going to cry no girl is ever going to date a guy all right let's just be honest here you're the only loser who wants to watch this dumb video so you can just watch it at home with your friends whoa wait uh i forgot you don't have any friends maybe you can just watch it with your mom instead [Music] hey brittany um i was wondering have you chosen a partner yet for tomorrow to present with uh yeah jess already asked me sorry no uh yeah of course uh sorry i i didn't hey watch where you're going loser sorry sorry billy even with glasses thick is a magnifying glass you still can't see wait wait it doesn't get any better than this the loser who's wearing a so you see hoodie can't even see how ironic it's not supposed to be literal it's a quote that darman uses in all of his videos i guess that's why no one knows because only losers with no friends watch his videos that's not true i watch star man i love all his videos exactly my point you're a total door too hey maybe you and noah can be partners for tomorrow i mean you're practically made for each other do you want to be my partner i would but i already asked justin i'm sorry wow wow even though other losers are too cool for you noah and you're never gonna have any friends [Applause] oh you're so annoying i'm sorry i just wanted to hang out with you guys absolutely doesn't know what the nerd ought to be friends to sit with you're such a loser i'm not even bothering you why do you keep messing with me don't tell me you're watching another dumb darman video he give that back do you want it back fine here psych here you can get it out of the trash no have fun eating by yourself noah the nerd [Music] dorky you'll never be cool [Laughter] hey honey how was school i don't want to talk about it i'm sorry you had a hard day honey but i've got something that i think just might cheer you up a new darm man t-shirt so you see oh really wow thanks mom i love it oh anytime thank you see you later loser [Applause] never mind i don't want any of his dumb merch noah what are you talking about i thought you loved our man not anymore only losers watch his videos talk to me tell me what's going on i don't have any friends and today i was still laughing stopping the school you see my glasses oh my glasses i can't see there you go oh thanks are you okay yeah some kid at school has been really mean to me oh look i again i'm i'm i'm really sorry darmian i can't believe it's really you i'm like your number one fan oh thank you so much but what were you saying there's a kid at your school that's being mean to you yeah there's just been some kid who's been calling me a loser because well i don't have any friends tomorrow's best friend day and i'm the only kid in our entire school without a partner so sorry to hear that but just because you don't have any friends doesn't make you a loser [Applause] it doesn't no you know back when i was in school i didn't even have any friends me what you you didn't most days i didn't even have anyone to eat lunch with and it used to make me really sad but then as i got older i realized you don't need to have friends to be cool you can be cool all by yourself wow i guess i've never really thought of it like that you're right i look thank you thank you so much star i will never forget this you're welcome and don't forget we're not just telling stories we're changing lives [Music] here okay bye oh my god it's our man it was baby so uh yeah that that's why we're best friends because we uh we both like video games and we dance too [Applause] that was nice guys all right um how about noah why don't you go next good luck loser um noah do you have a friend joining you he doesn't have any friends he's a loser [Laughter] billy that's not true okay darman told me that i could start darvan told you like he would ever talk to a dork like you billy this is your last warning one more time and i'm giving you detention what's so funny what are you what are you doing here oh i'm actually here to see my friend noah today's best friend's day right yeah okay awesome oh okay why don't you go ahead noah okay um well when i grow up i want to be a youtuber just like darman wow thanks noah i really appreciate that and you know what i think you're so cool i even made you your own limited edition merch wait wait wait wait wait what i can't i can't believe this i'm gonna go put this on right now wow that was unexpected oh okay billy why didn't you go next uh when i grew up i billy where's your friend uh he he couldn't make it wow i i can't believe you showed up dog he's myself what a loser oh no could your mommy not show up loser hey hey he's not a loser but he doesn't have any friends that's all right [Music] just because you don't have any friends doesn't mean you can't be cool all by yourself [Music] [Applause] good morning class we have a new student today why don't you tell everyone about yourself sure hi i'm liz it's nice what's up with your arms mia that is not an appropriate question to ask i'm so sorry go on no it's all right i have this skin condition called eczema and hey do you have a sec yeah sure be right back no problem anyway as i was saying maybe you should put some lotion on here catch oh that won't change anything you see or see a doctor or something so you don't look like such a lizard hey that's not funny mia yeah you shouldn't talk about someone's appearance like that don't tell me what to do wait is that why your parents called you wiz because it's short for lizard i'm back sorry about that where were we can i just take my seat please yeah sure let's go jojo gotcha yeah nice catch mia thanks that's two outs one more and green team wins [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thanks a lot lizard he lost the game for us sorry it's fine it's just a game yeah that could have happened to any of us you're kidding me that would have never happened to me i don't know how i felt i feel really bad here's the ball ew i don't want to touch that you think i'm trying to get what you have oh it's not contagious it's on your legs too that's disgusting i'm getting out of here before your disease rubs off on me sorry you had to deal with that yeah mia can be a real bully sometimes i just don't know what to do i can't control the skin i was born into please don't let her get to you yeah here i'll take the ball thanks lunchtime so how do you like it at school so far it's pretty good for the most part at least so why'd you transfer here anyway well to be honest i used to get bullied a lot of my old school for my eczema my mom saw how bad it was getting so she pulled me out i can't believe you had to go through all that i'm so check out liz the real life lizard what are you doing why are you recording i just hope everyone will take dogs to use the real life reptile we have here check out our arms bro stop that's so mean mia yeah you don't have to be such a bully do not post that oops i just did hopefully she goes back to old school so none of us catch whatever nasty condition she has hey lizard look you're famous the video i posted already over 10 000 views hey sweetheart how was your day it was good we have this new girl mia what in the world is this how did you find that that's besides the point mia posted a video making fun of a new student with eczema what she's been making fun of her all day yeah she even made liz cry be quiet rat i can't believe what i am hearing i am so sorry she did that i'm going to have to tell the principal about this wait please let me talk to her first i will make sure that something like this never happens again fine you got lucky your mom just saved you mia otherwise you'll probably be getting suspended what in the world were you thinking delete that video right now it was getting so many views there it's deleted you should never make fun of someone for how they look how would you like it if somebody treated you or me that way huh well thankfully we don't have lizard skin so we won't have to deal with that mom what's wrong you have no idea what i used to deal with you see when i was a little girl i also had really bad eczema i hated going to school because all the kids would make fun of me i try to avoid ever showing my skin but sometimes it wasn't possible i get called names and laughed at all for something i couldn't even control i was constantly insecure and bullied i can't even count how many times i left school crying never wanting to go back again so you see i had to deal with it too oh my gosh you also had eczema but wouldn't you still have it wouldn't i have it too a lot of people have it some of us outgrow it and it doesn't always transfer to kids wow i feel so bad you had to go through all of that it really hurt but i got through it what you should be feeling bad about is how you treated liz you're right would you mind giving me a minute [Music] hey liz hi just leave me alone i don't need you calling me any more names or making more videos of me actually that's how i'm here at all i deleted the video why are you here to apologize i should have never made fun of you for the way you look can you please forgive me sure but are you sure you want to shake my hand better yet how about a hug i know how badly you've been wanting to take dance class don't tell me you're here to dance with us but i don't want my boy dancing around like a ballerina is there something wrong with that oh nothing if you're a little boy
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 9,302,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: HgH8Vk4TzGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 35sec (3635 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 27 2022
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