GUY FAKES Being Rich On TINDER, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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i have never seen you gush over a guy this mache i know that perfect isn't possible but he's pretty darn close do you want to see a picture um of course i do his name is omer we met on tinder hello omer i see why you're crazy about him he is attractive what are you guys doing for your first date well he is flying me out to rome wait rewind is there something i'm missing here what you're meaning to tell me that you're going on vacation with this guy for your first date it's not a vacation he just travels for work a lot and he wanted to meet me as soon as possible isn't that the sweetest i don't know shay maybe you should pump the brakes a little late for that i already sent him a photo of my passport and he already got me my ticket please tell me you're kidding you did not send your passport to some random guy emma you have to stop worrying i trust him besides he's the son of a billionaire i am sure that he has better things to do than to take advantage of some girl he met on an app i know i'm just looking out for you and i appreciate it but you don't have to worry all right oh what about this one it's nice but it's expensive maybe you should look for something more affordable but all he wears is designer i mean i can't show up in just some cheap dress could i try this on please sure right this way thanks you seem happy something exciting waiting for you in rome well hopefully my future husband [Music] nice to see you again mr leviah thank you so much it's good to see you gabriella homer i brought you and your lovely guest some champagne it's don perignon the only one you drink compliments of the house thank you so much tomas so you guys always take great care of me no please it's not necessary i insist thank you sir enjoy would you like the usual give us a few minutes before we order of course wow you know everyone here yes this is one of my favorite restaurants oh there's someone i'd like for you to meet this is pierce my bodyguard my right hand man it's great to meet you pierce the pleasure is all mine can't believe you have your own security guard when you become successful safety has to be a high priority sadly but that's enough of that did i tell you you look stunning shailene you may be the first woman to take my breath away you're too kind only honest my dear well you can be honest any time you like then and you look wonderful as well i mean i don't think i've ever seen you in anything other than designer i can't slide it's all i wear this is tom ford impressive i am i've never been with someone who can afford all of this i'll have you wearing designers soon too do you like chanel i think it would be hard to find a girl who doesn't but you don't have to do anything i want to a special woman like yourself deserves the nicest things in this life only to intrude i have a few special items that aren't on the menu yet figured you might try it first thank you chef how is the diamond business diamond business i thought you were a pilot this man he does it all you are quite kind i took over my father's diamond business after he retired it's a great business it might even help me put one on your finger someday if i'm lucky enough i'll let you two enjoy your evening let me know if there's anything i can do shaylene i am so glad you decided to come see me me too i know we've just met each other but i feel like i've known you my entire life [Music] cheers to the start of something beautiful cheers the trip was amazing we went to all of these restaurants we stayed at a five-star hotel i mean i felt like i was the main character in a romance novel that's great personally i'm just happy that you came back in one piece i'm serious i really like him and he is a perfect gentleman you have nothing to worry about i promise fine i will take your word for it so what are you seeing him again that's him what's he say he asked me to be his girlfriend i cannot believe this omer levi is going to be my boyfriend congrats i'm so happy for you but how is that gonna work with him traveling so much i'm sure we'll figure it out what now is he proposing to very funny but no he asked if i wanted to move in together i can't believe this he wants to get us a house a house shay you've barely known him for a month that's a big step look please don't ruin this moment for me i'm just saying tread it lightly you can't always trust people you meet on the internet well in rome everywhere we went people knew who he was he even has his own security team i mean i feel like he should be the one that's worried about me i'm sure there are so many girls who are trying to be with him to get his money don't forget who you are just because you don't have his money doesn't mean you're not a catch you sure you're not moving a little fast no not at all we have a strong connection okay i just don't want to see you get taken advantage of it's armor hola i'll be right back [Music] hey of course i'm excited and here is the master bedroom where you'll be sleeping on the left because the right side is all mine i called in and here is the closet we may have to get a second one built though just for your clothes maybe we'll see so what do you think so far i love it pierce what do you think yay well if we want it we should put an offer in the agent said there's a lot of interest of course i think this house is perfect for you and i and our future kids [Music] i never imagined in a million years that i'd be living in a house this nice i never imagined that i'd ever have a woman as beautiful as you how did i get so lucky my love i wonder the same thing every single day what was that i don't know something's going on here homer what's going on are you all right i'm not sure something look we got to get out of here now hey talk to me are you okay i'm so sorry i'll talk to you later oh wait please please [Music] [Music] hey babe are you all right i've been worried sick i'm so sorry sweetheart i've had bad people after us i'm okay but pierce is hurt oh no what happened my enemies they went after me and they attacked him in the hospital now he's doing better you have enemies when you are the son of a billionaire and run a diamond empire that comes with the territory oh my gosh i can't believe this happened so what now are you safe not yet they're still after us what have you called the police there's nothing they can do i'll have to layla for a while i can't use my accounts can't use my credit this will track card i can't pay for anything my love would you be able to help me out just this once just for the swell until this blows over see don't even worry about it just tell me what you need you should i'm so embarrassed to ask don't be i'm your girlfriend and we are going to be together for the rest of our lives anything to keep you safe you're my hero i will send you the details on the message later okay hey be safe please talk to you soon my love are you sure about this i'm his girlfriend now and we're gonna move in together soon i have to support him we're a team how do you know he's gonna pay you back he has so much money emma i mean 25k is nothing to him he spends that in a single shopping trip he's gonna pay me back as soon as all of this blows over and he's safe again i can't believe you're giving him that much money how can you even afford that i know your job but the clothing store doesn't pay that much you're right that's why i'm getting a loan good luck getting it approved you need to show really high income for that amount well it's going to be fine because i don't just work at the clothing store i got a job at his diamond company you're working for him now not really just on paper so that i can get approved for the loan shay that is wrong on so many levels you do realize that right this is fraud keep it down what do you mean saying you work somewhere you actually don't major red flag please don't go through with this also what if he takes the money and disappears yeah i'm so torn it is a lot of money yeah but i already told him that i would help what do i do just tell him you don't feel comfortable taking it alone if he really loves you he'll understand okay okay okay hey babe i don't feel great about taking out this loan i don't think i can do it that looks good yeah what did he say i know that this can be really scary but don't worry my love i would never do anything to hurt you plus i believe that what goes around comes around i mean it's true i don't think he would ever hurt me we're a team and i really need you right now please i love you oh my gosh he said he loves me shea please don't be that naive he's my boyfriend and i trust him we're a team and he needs me right now more than ever i won't abandon him i feel like you're making a very big mistake shay hi i'd like to take out a loan please here is my proof of income welcome to her bridge have a seat please hey perfect timing food just got here nice i'm so hungry me too so has omer paid you back yet you're not gonna believe this not only did he wire me my money back he doubled it wow he's so generous so the 50k is in your account already well not yet i just checked but he said he wired it yesterday so he said it could take a few days to show wires don't take that long they hit your account almost instantly my mom's a banker so i would know i'm sure it'll be here soon okay what he sent me a screenshot of the wire transfer but i'm not gonna go through this with you again emma what does that prove it could be photoshopped or something here we go i'll believe it when the funds are in your account oh shoot what now i've got to call him hey what's going on things are getting bad my love they found us again what how i'm not sure but i have to leave town again i hate to ask but is there any way you could send more money do not do that i'm so sorry about that um listen i would love to help but i don't think i can get another loan babe don't worry i can increase your income i'm not so sure that that's a good idea though i need you more than ever right now and i want to know that i can trust you when times get hard you're my everything i want forever with you house marriage kids everything please chalene help me lean i wouldn't ask if it wasn't an absolute emergency i love you okay i'll do it i need to talk to you not right now i'm working this is urgent hey can you cover for me for a few are you okay none of omar's wire transfers have come through yet so i'm just i'm just a little stressed right now i mean look look at all of these notices how much money did you send him i don't know probably a hundred k and wires plus a couple credit cards are you serious i knew it and you're not gonna believe what i found look i'm honestly not in the mood for any more bad news you need to see this what's this your so-called boyfriend is a fraud he's not really the son of a billionaire there's no diamond business he's conned tons of women he's met online out of money all of their stories line up with yours no no he wouldn't do that he loves me this is his picture i can't believe that it has to be fake news i thought you'd say that that's why talia this is shay shay this is talia she dated omar too hey you did yeah it was with him until he called me out of 75 000 no how do you even know it's the same omer show her what you showed me i'm guessing he sent you a lot of messages that look like this [Music] he tells me he loves me he wants to have a house with me he wants to have a family together oh and then suddenly his enemies are after him he said all the same things to me he even sent me pictures of a security guard pierce getting attacked it's all staged he's not really the son of a billionaire it's one big scam i can't believe it i can't whenever he'd say he was running away from some bad guys he was actually coming to see me or one of the other girls that's his thing there's dozens of us he's done this to we all fell for it did you ever get your money back no i didn't none of us did shane i'm so sorry what am i gonna do i've dug myself into such a deep hole i'm gonna have to declare bankruptcy it's him oh my god what did he say that he wants more money and that he's broke and living in some hostel for 25 a night he probably needs money because that article came out he can't swindle anyone else for gosh there's no way that we're gonna get our money back now are you sure he's broke he's gotta have something maybe he'd have something if he didn't spend it all on designer watches and clothes wait a minute that's it what i think i have a plan what are you thinking let's just say the tinder swindler is about to get swindled don't worry babe i'll be there soon to help you [Music] thank you so much for coming to see me my love i thought you were going to abandon me with how everything's been you don't have to worry about that you're so amazing my love i hit the jackpot with you i'm sorry this place is such a dump my enemies were closing in and i had to leave in a hurry all i could bring was these clothes and some jewelry i understand so uh did you get the money oh that's actually what i wanted to talk to you about in person i know you are worried about the money not getting married you account but i promise no no that's that's not it it's just that i can't get approved for any more credit cards or loans i've tried well you need to try harder i am so sorry my love i'm just so stressed out i went from living in a 10 bedroom penthouse to this i know hey don't worry i actually i have another idea yeah what is it i know you don't have any money or credit cards to use right now but what you do have is all your designer stuff okay well i work in retail so i know how much each of your pieces is worth if you want i could sell them all and then give you the money really i know you love your stuff but this would just be to get you through the hard times are you sure that you can get a good price i spent a lot of money on this and i don't want to lose it this watch alone is worth 20 grand i used to run an online store i know how to get top dollar listen you need to be safe and you won't be safe if you don't have the money to get away from your enemies how fast can you sell everything i need that money now pretty quickly you have some really great pieces so i'm sure it won't take long then you'll wire me all the money of course i trust you and i know you'll pay me back i would never treat you any differently okay i trust you here but please be careful with all my stuff it's very expensive you can start off with these suitcases i have some more clothes and watches in my room i'll go get those oh and any shoes or sunglasses you have bring those too anything of value thank you so much my love of course after everything you've done for me it's the least i can do shea is about to give omar a taste of his own medicine when she gets back home shea and her friends take pictures of everything and listed online before they know it a lot of pieces start selling like crazy [Music] every day she ships out lots of packages all over the world omer keeps on calling shea asking about the money but now the power is in her hands [Music] she ignores him completely [Music] using the money she got from selling omer stuff shea gives the funds to the victims she finds out about there isn't enough to pay everyone back but her and her friends try the best they can and then one day omer's karma really comes back to him ladies we just got another sale that's awesome how many pieces are left oh uh quite a few we may not have enough to pay everyone back but we should get pretty close i have to admit this plan was brilliant do you even know where omar is by the way nope i haven't answered a single one of his phone calls i do really he's in the same place i've actually been working with a newspaper they've been investigating him you guys are gonna drop a bombshell article they're just waiting on speaking of the devil are you gonna pick it up no no no way do it trust me the timing is perfect okay [Music] hey babe what's up why haven't you been answering my texture calls i'm so sorry i've just been really busy i need my money have you sold that stuff yet i'm working on it these things take time i don't have time my enemies are after me hold on did you have something to do with this um [Music] let's just say what goes around comes around bye-bye don't move oh my god did that really just happen yes that's what i was trying to tell you the newspaper was just waiting for him to be arrested today so they can include that in the article you guys soon everyone is going to know about the tinder swindler and the girls who brought him down i mean one of your sister doesn't like me not everyone understands our age difference this is your new girlfriend gayle's not my girlfriend oh thank goodness i'm his fiance somebody tell me this is a sick joke this is the biggest mistake of your life
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 16,540,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: _c5wOHxA2LI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 18sec (1578 seconds)
Published: Mon May 16 2022
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