Girls Get Revenge On Mean Guys | Dhar Mann

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it's getting late I should probably live you say you love me I wish I [Music] belied wow you never cease to amaze me I'm honestly not even sure why we had you audition thank you so much I'm sorry ladies but we're going to have to give the lead to Julie again all right next up we have Chase W let's go chase come on bro you got this you got this man that's my boy looks like you've got some fans already whenever you're ready stay right here please don't let go you and I can fix this we don't have to be alone I'm sorry thank you for taking the time to audition for us but unfortunately we're going to have to pass next I'm sorry man yeah you'll get it next time thanks guys I just really needed this role my dad said that he's going to make me play baseball again if I couldn't prove that I can act and sing well at least you're good at baseball yeah that's not the point have you guys seen Madison yes she's still shopping wait she chose to do that over this that's messed up doesn't she know that this is important to you hey Chase uh I just wanted to say that I'm sorry you didn't get the part I was really rooting for you thanks pretty bummed about it to say the least well uh if you ever need anything just let me know I'd be happy to help thanks that's really sweet dude all right she's at a crush at us is like third grade bro she realized it's never going to happen yeah like yeah hey babe what's up where have you been I had to carry all my shopping bags from the car myself I have the audition for the music SCH today remember we have been talking about it for weeks yeah so how to go I didn't get it see I told you you should to stick to playing baseball so are you going to come help me with my bags yeah I'll be there right now try to hurry they're heavy see you guys [Music] later man I can't believe Ronnie got the part I can he's he's been taking voice lessons since he was like four so Hey Ron congrats on getting the lead that's awesome man oh thanks but going to turn it down what why would you turn a roll like that down well I have a flight to New York this weekend because I got cast as an understudy on [Applause] Broadway wow that's incredible um so who's going to take over your role then uh I think the DOR is going to let Julie decide it's actually pretty cool that I'm to Let Her Anyways Chia dude you should totally tell Julie to choose you I bombed that audition I doubt she's going to pick me that's not a bad idea actually she's totally in love with you man got to use that to your advantage come on Yo there she is go talk to her hey she said she was going to help help you right so just take her up on that offer right come on act like you like her I don't know that's kind of messed up who cares bro just don't be playing baseball for the rest of your life on yeah uh don't tell her about Maddie hey Julie how's it going hey I I like your shirt thanks I love your uh shoes oh thanks they look great on you um so I know how you mentioned before that you'd help me out if I needed it and well you have the voice of an Angel so was kind of hoping that you could help me get better at singing like you that's so sweet uh I'd love to do that really absolutely thanks um I also heard that the lead is open was hoping that you could recommend me for the part oh um I just figur figured with you and I spending so much one-on-one time together with you coaching me that I'd be ready to step into a role like that you want to spend oneon-one time with me yeah always thought that we should hang out more what do you say um I say yes perfect can I get your phone yeah text me we don't have to be alone stop stop I'm sorry let me just run it again let's just move on to some dialogue hey it's okay just relax relx you got this let's take it from your line Julie I want to believe you okay I want to believe you but I can't stop please just let me explain you lied to me didn't anyone tell you the truth doesn't cost you anything but a lie could cost you everything you want the truth here's the truth okay I um Julie can we chat sure are you sure about your decision he was the worst out of all the guys who auditioned he just has to warm up he has a lot of potential do you really believe that I mean this is your reputation on the line too it is not going to look good if this plate bombs I'll talk to him sorry I'm late the coffee line was really long everything okay um the director doesn't really like how you've been performing oh maybe this isn't the best role for you right now but that doesn't mean that you wouldn't be great in another role in a different show no no no no no I I don't want to lose this look I think I'm just nervous being around you because I've always liked you wait what you've always liked me I thought you had a girlfriend Madison Madison uh no no no no no we're not serious at all we actually just broke up a a while ago oh my God I'm so sorry I had no idea honestly it's probably for the best cuz now I could spend more time with you if you could help me get over the nerves maybe I would perform better maybe if we hang out more and get more comfortable really um I'm sure I would like that perfect Julie can we chat I'll be right there I'll put in a good word for you thanks so Becky got mad because I told her she looked fat in her dress because it would look better on me I mean it would you know slow down yeah are you good sorry I'm just really hungry we just had lunch you just had lunch you know I have a peanut allergy but you still wanted to eat at that tie Place well doesn't what I want matter it does I just so after this I was thinking we'll go back to the plaza I want to find cute swimsuits for summer uh actually after this I have to go meet up with Julie Julie Julie Pearson the pepperoni face what are you doing hanging out with her you shouldn't call her that that's not nice Julie's the reason that I got cast in the part that I told you about so I need to like her like her you like her no no slow down not actually like her just pretend to for the play I mean have you seen her there's no way that I would actually be into her I'm only into you I certainly hope so that's her uh I got to get going you better make it up to me I will maybe we can go to the movies this weekend no I mean today I'll send you a venmo request if you aren't going shopping with me the least you can do is pay for my bathing suits okay just don't go over board no promises oh right um how much is it give me 40 what I always get the extra foot massage it's funny running into you again so soon funny or fate why not both I've actually been thinking a lot about you lately I I I'm sorry I know that I'm not doing great you're just pretty tense why don't we do a ShakeOut a ShakeOut yeah it's an exercise to help you relax before you perform Follow My Le 1 2 3 one two three one two three one two three one two one two one two one two one one one one Shake It Out feeling better yeah I I do uh that helped a lot you're pretty great you know that all right um let's get back to it sorry oh oh are you hungry I can make you something it's all right I'll survive no tell me what you want uh you're allergic to peanuts right wow how did you know that I mean we have been going to the same school together for a while it's funny um I've known Madison twice as long and she doesn't remember half the time sometimes I think that she never really cared about what I wanted Nei does my dad if fact if I didn't get this role he'd be making me play baseball which is his dream not mine I'm sorry you should definitely keep going with acting if that's what you love how about this what's your favorite restaurant and we'll go there I'm a simple guy Darla Diner is fine I love their everything everything Burgers no way it's genius Burgers on an everything bagel I could eat that every day me too come on I'll [Music] drive think about me when the Summer's over hey yeah it's been bless okay let's shake it out here we go 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 and I'll keep you War seasons have changed has to remain with thoughts of you and I'm just not to say my admit like a I'm falling for you I'll be waiting till the day you come back my way I'll be counting every minute to see your face I'll be waiting till the day you come back my way I'll be counting seasons have Chang oh I I still remain and though seasons have changed I still remain with thoughts of you and just got the S I admit like I'm falling for [Music] you dude you scared me well what are you guys doing here just came to wish you luck yo I can't believe he pulled it off I'm I'm shocked Julie thinks that you like her yeah has she not seen herself I mean the yeah well curtain is soon so you guys should go grab your seats n come on guys I just need a moment okay okay okay yeah you got this hey kill it out there you got hey Julie oh my gosh you look wow thanks you ready to do this thing I'm ready it's getting late I should probably you say you love me I wish I believe stay right here don't let go you and I can fix this we don't have to be alone they say we can't what do they know can you protect me through the fire P you close through the storm [Music] We Belong Together you are my home there's nothing we couldn't do because baby I love [Applause] you let's go you are incredible are you kidding the audience loved [Music] you well um I should probably use the bathroom before intermission ends but I'll be right back okay yo dude kill yo that was awesome man yo yo how do you feel dude I'm feeling really great oh my gosh how did you learn how to sing like that Julie helped a lot actually I couldn't have done it without her hey I told told you was a good idea didn't I yeah I mean yo once the show's run is over you could finally tell her about your girlfriend let's talk about that later all I know is she going to be so heartbroken when she finds tell you just using her to get that part I just what Julie uh yeah we should we we're going to go back to our seats night yeah hey good luck on the rest of the so you've just been using me no not at all I mean in the beginning but the craziest thing no save it Chase I don't need you to lie to me anymore Julie please I'm not lying to you I swear hey bab Maddie I I didn't think you were coming I wasn't but I didn't have anything else to do tonight so I figured what the heck that was not really a great time wait why is she crying did she just find out you were pretending to like her M stop all right let's get to places for the second act I want to believe you but I can't please just let me explain you lied to me didn't anyone ever tell you the truth won't cost you anything but a lie could cost you everything Julie I don't want to lie to you uh the line is you want the truth here's the truth I'm sorry I can't do this anymore Chase what are you doing telling you the truth what I should have done from the very beginning stop you're going to ruin the show I don't care this is the only way that I have a chance with you Julie I'm crazy about you I know that I lied to you that I used you that I hurt you and there are not even words to begin to describe how sorry that I am yes in the beginning this was all just a ploy to get the lead in the show as I got to know you better I started to fall for you and I have fallen for you more and more every day since Julie you are the most talented kindest most beautiful girl that I've ever met I've spent so much time thinking that what I wanted didn't matter until I met you if there is any part of you they can find it in your heart to forgive me I promise that I'll make it up to you girl say [Music] yes Julie wait uh everyone stay in your seats we're just going to take a brief intermission what do you want brought you something look I know I can't expect you to forgive me but I just wanted you to know that I broke up with Madison good for you please just give me another chance you lied to me I know but we're still doing the show together actually no we don't what I talked to the director and we've decided to go in a different direction for the rest of the run after having to recast the first time we decided to cast an understudy so that means that you're out I'm sorry Chase but I can barely even look at you after what you did to me let alone sing and dance with you on stage every weekend how could you do this did you not learn anything from our show like my character says the truth doesn't cost you anything but a lie could cost you everything thanks for the [Music] food the guy's band photo came out so good let's see oh wow they look serious I know have you heard their music yet not yet they're like super like secretive about it I'm excited to hear it at their show next week maybe they'll be good I don't know I guess their ears were burning what's up bro Pearson Pearson are you home right now yeah I'm I'm home why what's what's happening what happened to your eye I I'll explain in 2 seconds no Logan Logan what was that I I don't guys open up guys guys the done what's going on oh my God what happened to your eye okay okay so we we were at the gym down the street when we bumped into this guy we know he wasn't happy to see us did did he do this to you yeah so we we kind of owe him money like a lot of money and he he said if he we didn't pay him he was going to beat us up so we saw him today I just say he's a man of his word guys no this this is crazy oh he's here Lan I'm you're in there open up this door right now okay well so now he knows where we live and he's going to kill all of us great job guys here my money my money boys okay um Pearson how much money do you have no I'm not I'm not giving you any money okay wa wait wait wait maybe I could just talk to the guy right I'm I'm sure leave us alone and I don't know it doesn't really sound like the kind of guy you can reason with I'm I'm I'm just going to talk to him Logan no no don't don't don't No More Mr so makeup on your other [Music] eye we we got you this was a prank yeah in what way was that funny looks on your face wait is is that a hole in my wall oh this is our friend Lester he's one more gem scare your girls too bad he scares just the right amount thanks thank you Bab thank you really you guys seriously suck consider this payback for tricking us to getting tattoos yeah and it's still not funny well the tattoos were revenge for when you put a snake in my car yeah that was good but this was perfect let's go boys let's go and uh feel free to uh never come back that was ridiculous okay I almost had a heart attack I know they're literally the worst especially your brother Logan so how are we getting back at them Pearson getting getting back at them no guys we can't we can't get back at them guys this Prank War has gone on far too long okay we're going to to wave the white flag and we're just going to move on with our lives you're joking right we have to retaliate they're going to think they won and they just put a massive hole in your wall I know I we should steal their instruments yes and then they can't play with their dumb show next week trust me they're going to eventually get what's coming to them but until then you just have to be patient come on haven't you guys ever heard of this saying don't waste your time on Revenge because those who hurt you always get theirs in the end revenge is a pretty big word I prefer to use the phrase ret turning the favor exactly guys this prank war is just going to keep going on and on and on they'll prank us we'll prank them and it'll just never end we have to be the bigger people here it can be something small and innocent yeah we just got to do something please no guys please guys we're not please guys don't even please please fine okay fine anything to stop you guys from doing those faces we'll go into battle one last time are you happy we'll take it all right guys for the show next weekend I was thinking maybe four songs then wrap it up we only have two songs dude we play our two songs twice ah okay that sounds good but do you think anyone from the record label might be there maybe all right check this out my homie from the recording studio he said he passed out our demo tape to his connections no way that's so funny okay this is good but it's not really a prank yeah it's kind of lazy to me guys guys what what are those oh no oh my god zilla the big belly boys it's not even the name of our band no there's like a zillion of them oh this is insane wait wait guys Pearson's calling me hey boys love the new marketing campaign this isn't funny where else did you put these just all over the city good luck ripping them down oh and even if you find all the Flyers there still is one that you'll never be able to take down what what does that even mean you'll find out on your way out to the car bye wait wait Pearson Pearson no no no no no no no no no yo how the heck did they pull this off those are so expensive how do they afford one yo we got to get them back they took took this too far hey it's the big belly boys cute [Music] billboard all right we can take you to now hi hi hey what are we thinking today um we actually have a group on for a full cut and color if possible great happy to take care of that for you sweet do you know what color you're thinking I thinking of something lighter like this yeah definitely same okay sounds easy enough we'll go grab those colors and be right back sweet thank you it's going to look so good for summer welcome are you here for nails or hair hair okay well our chairs are currently filled but if you want to wait we'll be with you lady shortly we don't mind waiting honey take your [Laughter] time more fun that way you girls are going to look gorgeous let's start with shampoo ooh fancy this is so nice I know it's so relaxing hello on the fourth let me see what we [Music] [Music] have no ma'am sorry I'm not laughing at you [Music] [Music] perfect okay thank you byebye do you need help with something no uh on second thought we're late for brunch can't miss those mimosas we'll see you next what see you next time we'll see okaye that was weird all right all done let's get that color started I am so excited to see the final product me [Music] too the guys must have seen my group on I'm actually going to kill them no first I am going to kill them then you can have the rest guys I told you this was going to happen if we retaliated no no no we're we're coming with more ideas and we're getting them back yes yes yes yes since they dyed our hair pink okay we paint their cars pink good brilliant Chad loves his car come up with a few more yeah just what else um okay hear me out we get a boat we tell them it's a really nice cruise and then we accidentally leave them stranded in the middle of the ocean that's so good they can't do anything stranded in the middle of an ocean exactly you know what let's ruin their show on Saturday they would never see that coming that's perfect or or maybe we just make a truce with the guys and just put an end to this war lame I'm serious someone's going to actually end up getting really hurt if we keep doing that but they don't care about hurting us with their pranks they cross a line all the time all the time yes I know but now you guys are talking about ruining their first big show this could be a really great opportunity for them and I also invited their moms to surprise them your mom's coming yeah she's coming to see Logan guys I know that they're probably not the nicest guys to us and they probably don't deserve this but I don't know this could be really big for them and I don't want to be the one to ruin their career she's right though fine you ruined her I guess we can let it go I'm glad we're all on the same page trust me eventually the guys are going to get what's coming to them they better and I hope my head stops itching soon yeah I need to go take another shower I'm getting in first I mean guys for what it's worth it's not that uh it yeah it's it's pretty [Music] bad you guys look nervous all right guys so here's the deal we brought you here today to tell you one very important thing the war is over we're throwing in the towel we surrender is this a trap what no it's it's not a trap I'm not trusting that seriously this pranking back and forth you getting us we just get you right back and it just never ends we're done yeah we're not buying that okay fine then don't buy it but that doesn't change the fact that we're done pranking you guys so you guys better leave us alone right okay yeah you say so we're good guys you don't have to worry we're not going to do anything seriously uhhuh sure all right I guess we'll just leave now okay then uh see you guys [Music] later their paranoia is priceless they're going to go crazy expecting a prank around every corner and that my friends is true punishment give it to me okay that was that was embarrassing let's do it again there we go ladies I don't understand where is everyone Pearson oh hi Mom thanks for coming oh gosh you know what I would not miss Logan's for show for anything in the world he's going to be so excited you're here what is uh what is this little number this is a fun little poster we all made people are going to love it definitely yeah I would love to hold on to it for you and just make sure it's all safe how sweet are you oh yeah so are we the first ones here I guess so it starts at 8 so it should be starting soon well we're going to go inside and get this party started do it ladies you girls in there okay love you Mom love you seriously that where is everyone yeah you're right it's like a it's like a ghost town over here hang on oh Brent just texted me oh what did he say he said the show was cancelled what they would tell us if the show got cancel you know Chad also texted me earlier to the day saying hey I'll see you tonight with seven different emojis that's so weird okay I don't know what's going on here but it's it's very fishy excuse me is this where the big belly boys are performing at tonight um you know we're actually not entirely sure anymore I cannot wait to see really why is it so dark in [Music] here wait is this a part of the show what is going on in here m m dude is that our moms oh my gosh it's our mom's mom I can explain what were you boys is thinking Mama we we're so sorry are you out of your mind we thought you were piercing in our friends we didn't mean to scare you what after we called a truce no no no we found this in your living room we didn't think you were serious about keeping a truce so we plan on getting you guys before you guys got us wow you sabotaged your own show just to prank us we're flattered that's it young man I'm taking you to church tomorrow so you can learn some man no mommy please please oh sir help me so is there going to be a show tonight or not no it's cancelled why who are you I'm Ronald Miller I'm with DM records I was hoping to see some performances and sign some contracts but I guess that's not happening this is very unprofessional no wait this is unbelievable we may have lost our deal oh that's not all all right you just wait until we come up with a punishment for you boys actually um we may know someone that can hook us up with a billboard and um we're thinking this might look pretty cute oh I think that's a really good idea no not again come on we're already known as the big belly boys I don't want to be a big baby boy you know what Maddie how about you tell me more about that billboard space well it's in a great location everyone will see it and love it no mom mom please please Chad sorry I mean it's like I said we didn't have to waste our time getting revenge on them because they got theirs in the end um actually what is that don't hate me jasine jasine what is that [Applause] jasine uh hey man can you move I'm uh get into my locker did you hear me you're in my way hey you must be real full of yourself to ignore me like that new kid Evan stop yeah leave him alone this pun thinks he's real hot stuff huh no he's deaf huh what are you doing he took sign language a few years ago don't be mean to him he's not being rude he literally just can't hear you this kid's legit deaf wow it's not funny oh it sounds funny to me get it sounds [Music] he's in our class we can take him weirdo all right class we have a new student with us this is Nico he's deaf but can lip read pretty well so please be considerate of that and do your best to make him feel welcome everyone please take out your notebooks and pencils so there are many interpretations for what the green light represents doeses anyone want to take a gander H Evan in andas nope okay Nico yes oh oh I don't I can help can I move to the front of the class I can't read her lips yes yes of course I feel so silly for not thinking about that um Evan why don't you go ahead and switch seats with Nico seriously is there a problem I I just don't understand why I need to inconvenience myself for him ni can have my seat no no thank you Nikki but I asked Evan and it is not an inconvenience yeah it is he belongs in special ed or something not here that's not nice Nico is a very smart young man and it wouldn't surprise me if he got moved up to honors yeah right like that would ever happen Evan I'm trying to be nice to you right now don't push it and for the record before you judge someone why don't you try walking in their shoes get up go all right so let's try this quote quotes from To Kill a Mocking Bird instead there is the moment oops hey why would you do that to him what it was an accident Evan you need to apologize why I didn't do it on purpose Evan what's the point of saying sorry it's not like you would understand what I'm saying anyways he's deaf remember Eli I choose please pck ni please please mild really you stick me with him ni can be on our team we have to make the teams Fair it's whatever try not to make us lose all right red team kicks first blue team in the Outfield great cat it Nico what are you doing you got to be kidding me come on yeah come on wo yeah [Applause] St what the heck man thought you were deaf not blind how did you not see that ball well maybe next time try catching the ball look how Evan's treating ni again why is he being so mean here let's practice hey that's inappropriate behavior Evan but he's making us lose it doesn't matter give me five laps what now this still your fault God it's so messed up hav and treats Nico I'm glad he has to run hopefully he learns his lesson I doubt it look how upset he looks maybe we should teach him a lesson not sure how though it's like what Miss Johnson said Evan needs to walk in his wait that's it I have an idea yeah yeah it's going to take some time but I think it could work hey did you do the extra credit for math Sten okay sus yo uh you know what's up with stevenh he totally just ignored me dude did you hear me what what what's this what's going on is everyone deaf or something what the what okay uh hey what's up okay yeah what's going on what's with all the gesturing huh um okay can someone please explain what's going on whatever can I go to the bathroom can I please go to the bathroom okay seriously not you two can I just have a burrito no I I said a burrito I want a burrito hey uh Hey guys uh can can you tell me what's going on hello hi uh why is everyone wearing earplugs come on what has gotten into this school uh hey uh listen can you just take the earplugs out and tell me what's going on did I miss the memo or something what just take the earplugs out of your ears don't tell me can anyone talk again please hello is anyone out there can anyone please just say something again please hey you okay there finally somebody talks pretty great to be able to hear somebody's voice isn't it you have no idea it's been torturing me trying to figure out what anyone's been saying today yeah it's tough when everyone around you communicates in a different way than you huh okay can one of you please please please tell me why the entire school is taking a sudden vow of silence do you want to do the honors or should I all you we just felt that you needed to be taught a little lesson huh okay so everyone hasn't been talking all day because of you two well we can't take all the credit we clearly had lots of help why because we want you to know what what it's like to be in Nico's shoes all you've done is Bully him since day one because he's deaf but you have no idea what it's like for Nico you had to deal with this for one day this is every day for Nico and he tries his best to communicate just like you did except the only difference is that ni didn't have a total meltdown like you did wow look we're sorry if we hurt your feelings but no it's okay uh you're right maybe I shouldn't have judged him before trying to walk in his shoes hey uh can you teach me how to say something in sign sure yeah yeah what do you want to learn um come here um I choose Nico [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] go I'm [Music] [Music] about
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 1,096,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: 6hqTkAZxmnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 51sec (2991 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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