TEACHERS Finally Get REVENGE, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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so first you multiply the 10 by the two that gives you 20. are you guys even paying attention this is so boring yeah isn't there some other way we can learn no there isn't so you better listen especially because you have assessment tests coming up next you subtract the you know what i can't take this anymore you kids don't listen your test scores are the worst in the school and you keep breaking all the rules where are you going i didn't sign up for this i'm leaving good luck with your next teacher as you all may have heard by now mrs jacobs quit yesterday well who could blame her her students are the most problematic ones in the school they've already gone through three different teachers we wouldn't even last more than a week with them that's true but we need to do something because if these kids don't pass their assessment tests it is not going to be good besides the board is already talking about taking drastic measures i've heard at eastmont they replaced half their teachers really i can't afford to lose my job we need these kids to pass that is going to take a miracle you are so right and on that note i'm excited to say that we found one i just hired someone that's not only smart she's hardworking patient and a little person ah hello everyone please welcome miss brooks she is your new teacher how are you hi i'm really excited to be wait a minute we're all in danger of losing our jobs and you decide to hire her yes miss brooks is a highly qualified teacher with an impeccable record well they may as well just come and fire us all now i am so sorry about that sally's been here a long time and she's not always very open-minded it's okay to be honest that's not the first time i've received that type of reaction i see how about i introduce you to your new class sounds great oh but i have to warn you i have a let's just say unique way of teaching ah that that should be fine um besides i doubt that things could get any worse shall we hello class um listen up we have someone new starting today please welcome miss brooks hello wait are you a student or a teacher hey settle down she's your new teacher so you'd better all do what she says good luck thanks hi everyone i'm so excited to meet you all why are you so short yeah i'm even taller than you [Laughter] you're right let's just say i'm unique but being unique is a good thing not another board problem that's not what we're going to do but since you're so tall would you mind erasing this for me so what are we gonna do here catch why are there numbers all over this wherever your thumbs land on the ball you multiply those two numbers together now go oh okay uh 9 times 9 equals 81. very good now hits it to someone else okay 5 times 2 equals 10 yes this is fun uh 3 times 7 is 21. you got it now hand it to someone else what do you think you're doing uh just teach in my class why well it looked to me like you were playing volleyball during class time does the principal know about this no but i'm sure she wouldn't mind i tried to keep my teaching not only educational but also fun fun that will never work take it from me i have the highest performing students in this school let me give you a piece of advice stick with the traditional way and then maybe maybe your students will pass does that mean we have to stop playing no not at all hit it to someone else yes catch let's go [Applause] what are we doing here and what are all these numbers for we are gonna play hopscotch math huh what's that i'll show you can anyone tell me how to solve this problem does anyone know the first step okay well first you multiply the 10 by 2 which equals 20. yes but don't tell me show me what do you mean i get it 10 times 2. equals 20. you got it so x plus 5 equals 20. okay what's next 20 minus 5 equals 15 yes so x equals 15. that was brilliant what on earth is going on here we're playing hopscotch math this is crazy having these kids jump around like monkeys doesn't teach them anything oh well it seems to be going just fine it says nonsense i'm going to tell what is going on here i'm glad you're here miss brooks isn't teaching the kids anything yesterday she had him throwing a ball around and today it's hopscotch she's having these kids play games instead of learning is this true miss brooks these are all learning games i know my style of teaching is unique but if my life has taught me anything it's that unique is a good thing not all kids learn by just writing on a whiteboard that is a good point ah in all my years of teaching i have never seen something this foolish this is not how kids learn that's not true i've learned a lot oh yeah you kids love to just have fun and waste your day playing games you know what is on the line right now if these kids don't pass and i don't want to put my job in jeopardy because of some new teachers crazy ideas you have got to tell her to stop you really think this will work i know it will well then we will give your unique way of teaching a try and if that does not work then we will talk again [Applause] fine but i'm warning you you are making a huge mistake thank you you are so welcome have fun okay who wants to solve the next problem daisy continues her unique style of teaching and all the students love it [Music] as time goes on she continues to play more learning games with her kids they have so much fun but also learn a lot at the same time even though not everyone agrees with her style of teaching [Music] daisy never lets that stop her before long all of daisy students are volunteering in class and having so much fun and then comes the day of the assessment test daisy passes the test out to all her students hoping for the best a couple weeks later everyone gets a big surprise next let's discuss the upcoming holiday break wait what ever happened to the assessment tests i haven't heard anything yet but from what i understand the board will be coming by soon uh excuse me principal adams ah yes we were just talking about you well that's nice let me have a moment with you please um sure um i'll be right back that didn't sound very good wow this is so stressful i didn't want to have to look for a new job i tried to warn everyone i knew this was gonna happen you guys are not going to believe this what happened please don't tell me we're getting fired let me guess none of miss brooks students passed i told you you should have listened to me not only did they all pass they scored higher on average than any other class in this school really wow congratulations that's amazing how exciting oh wait you mean to tell me that her students scored higher than mine yep and because our school improved so much we are being officially recognized by the entire board so let's give a warm round of applause to miss daisy brooks for her amazing work [Applause] great job 12 times 12 is 144. 8 times 8 equals 64. great job this is so much fun i like learning this way so much better me too it's so different you're right and i've come to learn that being unique is a good thing [Music] so you're the third substitute we've had this week no one's lasted more than a day with these kids i've experienced my fair share of troublemakers i'll be fine okay good luck [Applause] [Laughter] hello class i said hello class hi i'm miss jay and i'm your new substitute teacher guaranteed you won't make it past lunch we'll see about that now everyone take out your books and turn to page [Laughter] very funny guys [Music] nice one jake you got her so good just wait this is just the beginning 2 times 10 to the 6th power equals okay who did that what's the matter is the person who threw this too scared to speak up okay fine i threw it so what how would you like it if i did that to you huh you know you should always treat people the way you want to be treated wow i think she's trying to teach us something you're not even a real teacher you're just a substitute i don't know maybe i'll tell the principal i want to stay and become your permanent teacher how would you like that yeah right you're going to be begging to leave before the lunch bell rings how's your coffee by the way very funny got her again bro that was too good just wait until you see what i'm gonna do next well looks like i made it past the lunch bill after all you're definitely not gonna make it until the end of the day well you made it longer than i thought you would those kids are so bad especially jake he's the worst i don't know guys i really don't think they're that bad why is hey watch this you just have to tell them [Applause] all right who did this jake was it you me why would you assume it's me i would never do something mean like this once i do find out who did this that person's gonna be in big trouble [Music] unbelievable looks like she didn't last long miss jake miss jay look don't worry about quitting everyone's making oh no i'm not quitting i'm not going anywhere [Music] [Laughter] told you guys she wouldn't be back you were right hello class oh it's so good to see everyone again good morning jake surprised to see me uh no but i guarantee that you won't last until the end of the day thanks for your concern but i'm not going anywhere you see oh oh my gosh you've got blood it's dripping down your chin did you put a needle in my elbow why would you do that you took it too far no no i didn't i i don't i don't feel good miss jay miss jay are you all right someone get the principal i'll go miss j are you okay i can't believe you've done this you took it too far no no i didn't just kidding fake blood prank i can't believe you guys fell for that that wasn't funny you had me really worried oh jake oh jake what's on your pants what are you talking about he pooped his pants what no one didn't he got so worried he crapped himself stop it it's not funny just kidding again guys it was just chocolate frosting i put it on your chair before class everyone stop laughing i'm sorry jake i had to give you a taste of your own medicine here you can wipe with this uh thanks [Laughter] that was so funny she got him good don't poop yourself for real jake stop it it's not funny okay i don't understand it was funny when you were playing pranks on me well i realized that it's not very funny when you're the one getting made fun of exactly so is there anything you want to say i'm sorry you were right i should always treat people the way i want to be treated i'm so proud of you jake i guess it turns out i taught you something after all but too bad though today's my last day is your substitute what no why please don't leave yeah miss j we really want you as our teacher really wow i'm shocked i don't know what to say other than just kidding i won't be your substitute anymore because i'm going to be your permanent teacher and by the way your mom gave me an extra pair of pants for you to change into i talked to her beforehand to get her permission thanks miss j you're the best i want to sing me too that's so crazy i hope thanks amber what do you think you're doing hey principal adams what do you mean your shorts they violate the school dress code no they don't how so let me have this put your arms down straight aha your hands reach further than your shorts oh well not just because i have long arms oh i don't want to hear any excuses take this i'm writing you up what no she can't help it if she has long arms it doesn't matter girls rules are rules but what about him his arms are clearly longer than his shorts his shorts are not creating a distraction to learning yours are just because i'm a girl that makes what i wear a distraction that's not fair oh my amber life is not fair two more of these and you'll be suspended you can't be serious over my shorts that's insane our dress code doesn't even make any sense yeah someone should really look into it hmm maybe you're right hey ted hey alex hey how you doing good good what do you think you're doing i'm just walking to class why not with that tank top on you're not what what do you mean it is clearly against the dress code girls are not allowed to wear straps that are less than three fingers wide this is not allowed i don't see a problem with what she's wearing yeah i mean we wear shoes like that all the time yeah look less than three fingers i said girls cannot wear straps like this did you hear me say boys but why should a dress code only apply to the girls and not the boys i am not going to keep explaining this to you amber ted and alex's shoulders are not distracting yours are hurts aren't distracting at all yeah i never would have even noticed them if you hadn't said something stay out of this i'm going to write you up again what no how does it make sense that girl should get punished because some boys get distracted so easily shouldn't she be talking to the boys then and not the girls enough this is strike two now hurry up and go home and change your clothes i don't want to have to give you a late violation also it's fine i have a jacket in my backpack i'll just put it on over my shirt even though it's 100 degrees outside good much better but it still doesn't get you out of this hey i'm really starting to go through all of that literally makes no sense the school dress code is so outdated it's a good thing i have a plan to change it [Music] that's the test i'm kind of nervous you girls won't believe what i found what's up i've been doing some research and it turns out the school dress code was written in 1919. no wonder it's so out of touch with reality exactly and i've got a lot of other facts about why needs to change too i made a little presentation you see it hello students i have an important announcement to make next week the superintendent is coming and i want to make a great impression that is why i put together this oh you can put it right over here thank you i have put together a short video about the dress code requirements so that everybody follows them principal adams i have a question what's the point following a dress code if it's so out of date yeah amber did some research and found out it was written over a hundred years ago she did okay well then great amber will have no problems following everything in this video drop your hands pull repeat after me i will not wear short shorts i will not wear short shorts i will not show my shoulders i will not show my shoulders i will not wear yoga pants i will not wear yoga pants again i will not wear short shorts i will not show my shoulders i will not wear yoga pants louder one more time i hope this video makes the dress code requirements crystal clear i'm confused all it shows what the girls can't wear what about the boys the boys don't have a problem following the rules it's the girls i'm worried about but that's because they don't have any rules to follow you know you have a lot of nerve talking back to me amber especially since you're on the verge of being suspended now is there anything else you'd like to say that's what i thought now as i was saying this isn't fair what did you say i said the school dress code isn't fair i've done a lot of research and i've put together this presentation you see first off it's out of touch in reality the dress code was written in 1919. you know what other rules existed back enlighten then ever woman couldn't vote are we seriously going to enforce rules that were written during a time when it was illegal for girls to even voice our opinions exactly oh amber oh quiet you two and it completely discriminates against girls i've read every page of the dress code there's 37 mentions of what girls can't do you know how many there are what boys can do no no i don't zero everything says girls can't do this girls can't do that well what about the boys why don't they have any restrictions yes thank you do not get involved in this you know why amber the boys don't wear anything that's distracting i'm glad you said that because it brings me to my next point it assumes all men are pigged now you are going too far when i was wearing my tank top earlier were my shoulders distracting you no not at all it wasn't even until principal adams brought it up that i even noticed same here you see not all men are pigs just like not all girls aren't objects with just legs and shoulders we deserve to be heard and seen and respected not just judged based on our outfits fine since you're so smart amber what exactly do you propose a fair policy for everyone no gender specific rules no double standards if girls can't wear short shorts neither can the boys if girls can't show their shoulders neither can the boys it's time we see girls as more than just the outfits that we wear we need to have equal roles for all [Applause] [Laughter] oh that would never work that is the most ridiculous idea i have ever heard but principal adams that's enough amber you know i have tried to be nice to you especially considering you're once again violating the school dress code what are you talking about my straps are more than three fingers i'm not talking about your tank top i'm talking about your ripped jeans i've read the whole dress code there's nothing in there that talks about ripped jeans well maybe we should start a new rule effective immediately no girls will wear ripped jeans to school come up here amber what are you doing teaching you a lesson i'm going to duct tape those holes what no you'd ruin my jeans they already look ruined and besides you have no choice it's either this or you get your third violation and you're suspended so what's it going to be well in that case i'm also in violation of the dress code so you'll have to write me up too sit back down i said girls can no longer wear ripped jeans now get back over here i [Music] don't feel comfortable doing this in front of everyone could we do this somewhere else no we are going to do this here i am going to set an example out of you no i'm sorry fine and you've given me no choice but to suspend you for one week that's insane you can't do that ooh but i can because i'm the principal [Music] i'm trying to give you so many chances amber now you're suspended but this is going to be on my permanent record i'd ruined my shot at going to ucla oh well you should have thought about that before you decided not to cooperate now get your things and go home please go now [Music] [Music] that wasn't right what you just did as long as i'm the principal i decide what's right and let this be an example to all of you especially the girls that going forward you better follow the dress code rules and absolutely when the superintendent is here the principal walks out as all the students look at each other in disbelief [Music] when amber gets home she's so upset about everything she thinks about what to do and then decide she's not gonna stay quiet so she makes a video about what happened she tells the story about how she got suspended and points to all the reasons why the dress code is unfair before long amper's video racks up lots of views it gets thousands of comments from students parents and even teachers all showing support to change the dress code amber and her friends can't believe it our girls are not a distraction clothing does not divide our daughters where are all the other students um i don't know and what are you wearing those are way too short oh really well let me see oh shoot you're right oh put your jacket back on and cover yourself you know the superintendent is going to simple adam what is going on out there hello superintendent so nice to see you don't worry a thing about what's going on out there it's just a few people are a little upset about the dress code it's outfits like that that make it hard for students to concentrate at school i'm going to write you up if you're going to write her up then you have to write me up too you're right fine i will just give me a moment to write her up i am so sorry about this i'm going to discipline these girls discipline them for what for violating the school dress code you may as well write me up too then oh good lord fine i will just wait you should include me too then me too in fact you're gonna have to write all of us up come on guys yo what's up hey hey principal how are you doing man thanks for coming what in the world is going on we all stand for amber yeah and if you're going to suspend her you're going to have to suspend all of us because we plan on dressing like this every day equal rules for all evil rules for all equal rules quiet look i don't know what's going on at this school but but but this this is completely unacceptable i know don't worry i'm going to discipline each and every one of you for what that's what i came here to tell you [Music] we're getting rid of the school dress you code do that i can do this because i'm the superintendent besides the board voted on it a few days ago it's a done deal so i'll be taking those thank you now then every student that has a dress code violation on their record will have it removed immediately and from this day forward we're going to have equal rules for all [Applause] [Music] guess what what there's no more dress code and your whole record is going to be wiped clean what no way that's so amazing i still can't believe i got into ucla i know i was so nervous opening my acceptance envelope with my wow you still haven't heard from them no i heard they send out their acceptance letters first so that probably means that i got rejected or waitlisted hey honey hey girls hey amber this came in the mail for you oh my gosh this is it my future's in this envelope open it okay okay dear amber [Music] you regret to inform you that your college application is denied i'm so sorry honey why would they deny you we have better grades than us do you think it was because of the suspension maybe they didn't remove it yeah maybe or could just be that like i'm just kidding oh my god well i mean you guys could come over to my house after school i'll have to ask my mom but that's what [Music] break is that you that wasn't funny you should have seen the look on your guy's faces please i wasn't even that scared blake gotcha oh my that was too good we should have recorded that great now there's two of you frank haven't you learned that your actions will always find a way back to you yeah i thought you quit doing pranks last time you got caught ah let's uh call it more of a short break look okay halloween's coming up we have to have a little bit of fun right we can't wait to see you guys tomorrow let's go [Music] here we go again okay you ready yeah wait wait what about them don't they know it's a prank yeah it's okay looks like they're leaving uh is that my cookie uh i don't know is it i can't believe this you're eating my cookie it's just a cookie man here my bad you you could have the back oh you've already bitten into it i can't believe this you're always eating my food blake calm down i hate it it's just the cookie man don't tell me to calm down i'm sick of you always taking my stuff hey like do not push frank like that i gotta teach him a lesson because he can't you ever push me like that again frank don't do that you've messed up big time buddy did i i tried to be nice but you left me with no choice okay then break it down stop it stop it right now um [Music] oh my gosh frank are you okay oh what in the world try to stay calm and i'm gonna get some help nurse what were you two thinking it's gonna be okay all right frank just hang in there help is on the way okay hey i i'm so sorry man you wouldn't work in my tongue i can't believe it you asked for it what are you talking about he didn't ask for it yes he did after you eat the cookie he said put the fork in me i'm done [Laughter] that is not funny you should have seen the look on all your faces you almost gave me a heart attack you know that wait what's going on let's just say frank the prankster is back so this was all i'm so sorry melinda false alarm [Laughter] oh my god we gotta start good and this next one's gonna be even better are you ready yep let's get it did you hear about what frank and blake did in the lunchroom today yeah i can't believe those guys hey guys how's it going leave us alone we're not gonna fall for one of your dumb scare pranks again oh i know that's why we're not after you [Music] ashley don't freak out but there's uh [Laughter] oh my goodness we got you you should have you guys are so lame seriously grow up four three four three three four three dude this is so much more fun with the partnering cry man just wait until tomorrow oh absolutely let's roll later suckers later ashley wait don't tell me frank and blake strike again and this time they got ashley ah we really got to teach those guys a lesson tomorrow's halloween they probably have something even bigger planned we gotta stop them yeah but how i don't know but there's gotta be a way they're gonna give somebody a [Music] that's it what's it i figured it out we're gonna i have to go i'll explain later but we're gonna get those guys back [Music] are you sure our plan's gonna work i mean who knows what they're gonna pull i guess we're about to find out hello class we're gonna watch a movie today um excuse me miss jay can i use the restroom sure like oh hey ashley watch out for snakes very funny blake all right got five seconds left and we're down by two all we need is a three-pointer what should we do coach brown no signs of what they're doing yet well i'm sure any second they're getting your hands son that's odd i don't know what happened it won't turn back on i don't know if it's that was really scary isn't that the girl that climbs out of the tv i think so i heard she's real yeah i saw on tick tock there were these boys in iowa that got murdered by her wait are you serious okay calm down let's not get carried away here no it's true i saw two supposedly the last thing the boys saw was the girl's face and then the lights went out and what is going on today maybe the power went out or maybe it's a ghost that is real funny frank you wouldn't happen to know anything about this would you no ma'am okay well there is no need for anyone to freak out until we can what was that maybe the wind or something that didn't sound like the wind to me i think it's coming from that window over there [Music] see i told you there is nothing to worry about there she is [Music] [Applause] we got you guys that was so good we got everyone oh jay i think she had a heart attack we need an ambulance now i'll go get the principal no no no don't do that uh mrs j is everything all right it was uh all just a joke can you please get up now i don't feel her pulse no please miss j miss j please please wake up okay we were just kidding an ambulance is already on its way you guys won't believe it but as she got hit by a car what no no you guys go check up on her okay we'll stay back with mrs j ashley stay with us please stay with us the ambulance is almost here i'm so sorry she came from out of nowhere ashley ashley are you okay oh no actually please talk to us what happened i didn't see her she was running so fast it was like she saw a ghost or something oh no not mrs j too barbara please say something barbara please please please wake up miss j it looks like she's moving a little i we can hear you what'd you say got you guys gotcha too means that this was all a prank uh-huh what about the emt workers and the driver these are just our halloween costumes yeah i can't believe you guys fell for it i'm actually erica's aunt well she told me she had this idea i just couldn't say no that wasn't funny guys yeah you guys shouldn't mess around like that well hopefully you guys have learned that your actions always have a way of coming back to you and most importantly don't ever prank a prankster all right let's go back and finish that movie guys [Applause] [Music] admit it you're on drugs just keep an eye out for anyone who looks suspicious i'll make sure we catch you i've never drunk drugs in my life you're going to the principal's office we found out that your son is on drugs
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 10,058,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: 7xL2Z3bi83c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 22sec (2842 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2022
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