Gold Diggers Get Owned In Public, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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oh my gosh gail gail armstrong amber it's been forever how have you been are you still dating that guy andre yeah well he's my fiance now we just got engaged he'll be here any minute wow [Music] isn't that your engagement ring there's not even a diamond in it how cheap well andre talks about getting me a better ring one day but i told him it wasn't necessary well i would never say yes to that ring i mean he should ditch him and get with a guy who's already successful like i did that way you don't have to write for a ring like yes you're engaged too yes this is a five carat pbs diamond it's one of the most expensive stones you can buy my fiance derrick makes a ton of money well it's really beautiful i know right when i saw how big it was i was like how can i say no anyways what are you doing outside of darman studios i'm waiting for andre he works here as a production assistant what a pa don't they only make like 40k a year bro why would you want to be with a guy like that that doesn't bother me well it should derek works here but he's a senior director and he's pulling in like six figures a year wow that's great andre has goals to become a senior director one day too honey let me give you a little bit of advice don't lean around for a man to become successful just date one that already is i mean that's the ticket wow i never thought of it that way i always believe that you should support someone even when they have nothing because one day they'll have everything you can't be serious look let me show you something you see that car over there that's the new lamborghini urus derek just picked it up what does andre drive oh uh nothing special just uh it's right over there that beat up old honda civic you have got to be kidding me i would not be caught dead in that thing you should break up with him immediately hey baby you're not gonna believe this hey sweetheart what's up you know that promotion i've been talking about yeah well i got it oh my god [Music] you're now looking at the new senior director of garment studios oh my gosh honey i knew you would get it i'm so proud of you thank you but you know i couldn't have done it without you [Music] that's why i decided to get you the ring that you really deserve [Music] so let me try this again gail armstrong will you marry me yes andre of course i will oh my god oh thank you so much of course but i was fine with the old ring i know that's why i love you so much hail you believed in me when i had nothing and now i just want to give you everything thank you baby thank you so much i've got one more surprise you know that old car i've been driving around since college yeah what about it well you don't have to drive around in that interview you see with my signing bonus i bought us a new car oh my gosh honey right but i was fine with the old car i know i know but lots of things are gonna change now come on i want you to drive it first oh my gosh okay thank you baby okay it was nice seeing you amber good luck with everything whatever [Music] there you are just ran into this girl from college tried to show me up we have to go out and buy a rolls royce now oh um actually what is wrong with you why do you seem so stressed out you're not gonna believe this but i actually just lost my job what i was using the company card to pay for personal expenses and they just found out so they fired me derek how could you do something so stupid what do you expect how else am i supposed to keep up with all the expensive things you want oh i can't believe this so what are we gonna do now i'm gonna have to sell my lamborghini the good news is at least i still have my honda what absolutely not i will not be seen in some bucket well you don't have a choice and we're gonna have to sell your engagement ring too to pay back some of the credit card debt what i don't believe this so my ring [Music] oh my gosh [Music] celine hi trisha ugh i haven't seen you since you used to make fun of me in high school i remember sorry but can you blame me you used to wear those oversized skirts and jackets just like you're wearing now i see nothing has changed anyways what are you doing here oh um i just finished having dinner with my boyfriend nelson for valentine's day he's grabbing the car he's the one that got me this a single rose and it's yellow for valentine's day would it cost him like two dollars oh well it's not about how much it cost it's all about the love that went into it great my boyfriend sebastian got me these chipped all the way from paris they're long stem probably cost hundreds of dollars but he's so rich he can afford it those are really pretty i know right so what's in the tiffany's bag did he get you some new jewelry oh yeah he made me this pendant look isn't it nice it's not tiffany's he just used the bag not really tiffany's let me see this thing oh feels so cheap is this even real anything uh i don't i don't think so but that's not what's important what's important to me is that he took the time because my man got me a real tiffany's necklace now this is a pure cushion cut diamond feel the difference this is really beautiful celine i'm so happy for you i'm sorry did you say your boyfriend got you a pure cushion cut diamond that's crazy my boyfriend got me one too okay but no one asked you okay anyways my man is the best he's always getting me really really expensive gifts you know you should really go for a guy who's got money that way you don't have to settle hey babe are you ready to go sure um i'm just gonna say bye to a friend really quick give me a sec okay let me guess your boyfriend oh and that's the car he drives yeah why oh no wonder he got you really cheap gifts look can't you see the guy is a scrub you should leave him you know what celine my boyfriend might not be able to get me fancy things like your boyfriend does but none of that matters you see my boyfriend may not give me some expensive flowers but he's always so thoughtful he remembers that the yellow ones are my favorite and that makes it so much more special [Music] and my boyfriend might not be able to buy me an expensive necklace but the gifts he gets me are always from the heart and that's what matters the most in my boyfriend might not be able to take me around on dates in some fancy car but he loves me so much and is so loyal to me and that's all i care about so you see it's not about how much something costs it's about the love that goes into it and nelson has shown me more love that i could ever ask for i'm sorry but you're joking right girls with broke boyfriends only pretend to be happy like you should see the car that my sebastian drives oh excuse me i'm so sorry to interrupt again but did you just say sebastian that's so crazy because my boyfriend's name is sebastian too and he also got me roses and a pure cushion cut i already told you to mind your business okay nobody cares about your boyfriend okay my sebastian and the new camaro rs edition listen take my advice and don't go for a broke guy you'll thank me later hey babe you ready hey sweetheart i was just sebastian what are you doing here you said you were out of town until friday oh um i i was i mean i i i am i what are you doing here i'm here with becky wait you two know each other uh yeah sebastian what is going on look celine sweet pea i can explain this is sweet and you call her that too this is unbelievable wait wait becky sarah hold on i can't believe this is happening listen just take my advice it isn't about how much something cost it's about the love that goes with it happy valentine's day celine what about that guy over there he looks like a nice guy nice guy i'm not looking for a nice guy i'm looking for a guy that's rich someone who drives a nice car maybe like a porsche that guy over there looks like he drives an old volkswagen and now he's coming over here great um hi uh sorry to bother you uh my name's benjamin and i just wanted not interested uh well actually i was trying to talk to your friend here i would love to have a drink with you at the bar if that's okay with you didn't we just tell you that we're not interested besides we don't drink from the bar or vip bottle service only so get lost loser okay sorry to bother you hey wait i was gonna say actually i'd love to have a drink with you yeah yeah great i'll meet you over at the bar okay yeah see you there okay all right what are you doing he clearly doesn't have any money but he looks like a nice guy and that's all i care about besides you should never judge a book by its cover see this is exactly why you're gonna end up with a broke dude i wouldn't be surprised if he made you pay for your own drinks why how you doing beautiful ah i'm better now what is your name well i'm richard but um you can call me rich i like the sound of that well listen i just ordered a bottle with champagne in the vip you should come join me vip vip oh yeah just give me one second i'll be anything happy next time take my advice you won't have to end up with a broke guy have fun at the bar with broke benjamin so i don't think your friend likes me very much well she's a nice person but all she cares about is finding a rich guy who drives something like a porsche i feel like that's like every girl in l.a yeah is that what you're looking for as well oh no no no not me no no as long as he's a nice guy and has a good heart that's all that matters how much money he has it doesn't really make a difference wow that's so refreshing to hear you seem like a great person it's pretty hard to find that nowadays here you are they're on the house thank you here wait why don't you just give these to you for free uh don't worry about it cheers cheers there you go sir your bottle of champagne here you go all right here you go you can put it on this car man i could get used to this vip bottle service i knew i liked you rich oh didn't you enjoy thank you all right so after this when we go back to my place my car is parked right outside yeah i'd love that all right so my car is right over there oh wow is that a porsche yeah it is i knew it i knew you had a nice car from the moment i saw you i gotta admit i like you rich oh actually that's not my car well which one is it it's this one the volkswagen what you drive a volkswagen what's wrong with that ah i can't be seen dating a guy who drives a crappy car i thought you had money hey i've been looking for you everywhere is everything okay well it was it's not anymore come on let's get out of here i'll call us an uber oh molly you don't need to take an uber i can give you a ride what no she's not going in your busted whip wherever it is it's actually right here what this is your car yeah i thought you were broke you didn't even have bottle service at the club i don't need bottle service because i actually own the club wait what yeah it's one of many well that explains the free drinks yeah why didn't you tell me well i wanted to make sure that you liked me because of me not because of my money can i give you that ride you sure can all right let's go okay um i'll meet you in the car just give me a second okay okay girl you should have taken my advice never judge a book by its cover i'll see you later this is the worst day ever if you can afford bottle service then why drive a crappy car hey is everything okay well no actually your credit card didn't go through do you want to pay this with cash or your debit card honestly i don't have this type of money in my account so i was trying to use credit better figure something out i know this is gonna sound awkward but um do you mind paying for the bottle service no but seriously as soon as i found out he drove a honda oh i got out of there as quick as i could can i get you ladies anything else um how about some shots of 1942 aren't those like 50 bucks a shot yeah so we'll take three sounds good first the steak for lunch then the shots of expensive tequila where is all the money coming from oh you know ever since i started dating nelson over here you're dating nelson why you'll see hey babe hey guys babe i'm sorry that you're a little bit late um we were just finishing up oh that's all right i wasn't that hungry anyway so all right here we go three shots of 1942 can i get you anything sir yeah i just a glass of water thank you so the course i'm just gonna place a check right here i got it shoot what's wrong i left my card at home oh i'm just an idiot hey now don't call yourself that no i just i told the girls that i was going to take them to lunch and it was going to be my treat now i can't so i just felt really bad you know what i'll take care of it no i couldn't pause no really it's okay [Music] here you're such a gentleman nelson well anything for my pookie bear so um what should we do now well i was thinking maybe we could do a little bit of shopping that sounds good to me i'm down uh here's your water sir thank you of course oh offset [Music] no nelson rodriguez i have the same last name you cheers right this dress costs 150 bucks this store is way too expensive yeah let's go somewhere else i don't have that kind of money you guys just get what you want it's fine i'll have nelson pay for it seriously he'll pay for us too how does he have so much money so his mom owns this big financial company she is loaded why else did you guys think i was hanging out with them now it all makes sense hello ladies would you like to try this on oh yes she would and if you have that dress in the same size but a different color she'd like to try it on as well absolutely come with me to the dressing room ladies and i'll get you set up now you both have dresses to wear to my party tonight go try them on i have work to do hey find anything you like yeah couple pieces actually but i probably shouldn't be buying anything right now why not i didn't want to tell you no i shouldn't hey i'm your boyfriend you can tell me anything well my mom is sick and my dad just lost his job so it's just been really stressful at home lately my cat baby i'm so sorry i just thought buying a few dresses would make me feel better but i'll just put them back wait no now i feel bad just give them to me okay i'll i'll buy them for you no i can't let you do that they're expensive that's okay whatever it takes to make my girl happy what did i do to deserve such a sweet boyfriend oh i'll be right back i'm gonna get a couple more pieces from the dressing room oh oh okay nelson hey nelson adam yeah hi what are you doing here i actually work here yeah and you are shopping for some dresses i see no i i'll see you outside okay sounds good wait i didn't know you were friends with jennifer she's actually my girlfriend now yeah we've been going out for a month i'm buying these dresses for her are you crazy no don't do that no she's she's basically the biggest user in town everyone knows that okay what are you talking about do you remember billy billy from high school yeah yeah well she basically used them for every time he had i'm telling you man she's she's not a good person no i jennifer would never do something like that so you should talk to billy he'll tell you exactly what happened uh look it makes me feel bad to tell you this but she's just with you because of your money i gotta go but um i'll catch you later okay okay seriously babe i still can't believe that you bought us all of these dresses that's so sweet thank you baby you're welcome so should we all go get some ice cream or coffee actually i'm gonna have to start heading home so i can be ready by seven yeah we wouldn't want to be late to your party tonight you're having a party well i wouldn't call it a party per se it's more like a small group of my really close girlfriends and i hanging out why didn't you tell me it was just sort of a last-minute plan actually yeah we literally just decided this like a few minutes ago hey jennifer see how your place at seven we'll bring a bottle can't wait uh we better get going yeah we'll see you guys later [Music] not much of a girls night if those two guys are going right those two guys are the boyfriends to two of my really close girlfriends they're in serious committed relationships i had to invite them and we're not we are but nelson you and i have been dating for less than a month you need to relax i promise you you have nothing to worry about okay let's go [Music] hey is everything okay my mom's condition got worse oh my god i'm so sorry wait are those that's right i just found out that she got taken to the hospital in an ambulance insurance won't cover the cost oh no is there anything i can do to help i'm really embarrassed to ask can i borrow 500 i promise i'll pay you back as soon as i can a 500 that's a lot i knew i shouldn't have come here this is a terrible idea i'll just go no i'm not saying i wouldn't give it to you i just wasn't expecting this that's all and you thought i was getting that phone call was the last thing that i want you're right uh i'm sorry i cannot even imagine what you're going through right now okay um is phenomenal okay yeah that's fine all right send i just got it thank you so much nelson i promise i'll pay you back as soon as i can i hope everything goes well with your mom who oh yeah me too [Music] billy hey it's nelson i looked up the name of his mom's company on wikipedia okay rodriguez investments pulled in more than 25 million dollars in revenue alone last year what that's crazy i can't imagine how nice of a gift you're gonna get for your one month anniversary i know he's been talking about it all week so i'm gonna be super shocked do you think he's gonna get you a chanel bag maybe a car only thing that kind of sucks is i had to get him something in return couldn't show up empty-handed when he's getting me a super nice gift there he is face thomas immediately after you open up your gift happy anniversary happy anniversary i can't believe it's been a month already time flies when you're in love oh i got you something oh we shouldn't have gucci wow babe a wallet thank you you're welcome and i got something for you too you shouldn't have but before you open it there's something you need to know what is it our relationship is over you're joking right no i don't want to be with you anymore jennifer what why not because i know about your lies you see the other day i went to go meet someone you may remember billy turns out five years ago you told him the same sub story about your mom being sick and your dad losing his job in order to get money out of him i couldn't believe it still i decided to give you the benefit of the doubt that's why i went to your parents house when i gave your mom a get well card she looked confused you know why because she's not sick she told me that you guys haven't even spoken to each other in years ever since you stole money from her [Music] just as i thought things couldn't get any worse your dad came and as soon as i saw him i recognized the name on his shirt rodriguez investments turns out he never lost his job he's been working for my mom for years so you see it was all a lie you were only using me for my money and i was just too blind to see it what no nelson you've got to save it i'm done falling for your lies jen [Music] have a good life [Music] oh and thank you for the wallet nelson you can't just leave me [Music] you still remember everything from philosophy last semester right yeah i did do your homework right i'll be right back i need you to answer a question for me i'll explain everything later the professor's already waiting if you don't know the stuff how are you gonna pass the file uh how do you think oh roy are you hiding something what
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 6,270,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: -OD5ioHuxfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 50sec (1970 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2021
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