Men Get Taught Life Lesson They Will Never Forget! | Dhar Mann

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see that's the thing Arturo if it's one thing that I will not tolerate is dishonesty that's why we have to let her go I still can't believe Mary would do something like that you know I wonder what happened to her either way it's unfortunate but oh oh how's that presentation coming along that you and Jacob are working on now you do remember that if she signs this is a huge win for the firm so come on tell me something good and me and Jacob are actually meeting in just a couple minutes let me go through this whole presentation Jacob are you okay found out oh sit down sit down buddy sit down it's okay here have some tissues okay yeah I'm sorry buddy talk to us what's going on I just thank you it's okay I just found out that my my grandmother passed oh Jesus sorry buddy Anna you just recently had another Grandma passed it yeah yeah was this one that on my dad's side yeah oh geez buddy I'm so sorry it's okay I I wasn't as close to this one because she lived in Florida it still hurts you know oh you know and we understand it's okay yeah I wasn't gonna say anything because I know we have the presentation and I oh hey hey no you don't worry about that this is a time to be with family okay so we got there right Arturo you can handle that right pick up where he left off and bring this thing home for us right wouldn't be a problem for you yeah yes of course yeah no I got it I got it yeah I don't know I feel really bad are you sure no hey hey we're positive it's okay all right you go and be with your family we're team we got this okay thank you thank you hey it's no problem hey buddy take care of yourself okay hey hey Arturo why don't you welcome to this car huh for more support yep that's a great idea I'll be right back okay Jacob Jacob wait up the hardest part is just knowing I'll never hear her call me nano anymore yeah I can only imagine dude I'm so sorry it makes me want to spend more time with my grandma why grandparents are so old because of what you just said you know how you wish you spend more time with her and oh yeah no I made that up just like I made up that story about my grandma passing against sorry what oh yeah I know it was an oscar-worthy performance but come on and everything oh yeah uh of course [Music] lip balm I hooked it up online you just put some right under your tear ducts not only does it make tears come it also makes your eyes red so it's literally perfect Chico I cannot how well would you laugh about something like what is wrong with you man oh okay you know what you're right it's wrong to lie to your boss under normal circumstances but this situation is different really yes how how I started dating this new girl no hey whoa whoa whoa hey look at this all right her name's Nicole all right she's super hot well she got off work early and wanted to hang out so you made up a whole lot about your grandmother dying just to hang out with some girl no she's not just some girl okay she is a hot girl plus she is loaded I looked up her house on Zillow it's worth over three million dollars why why wouldn't you just use a PTO if you wanted to get off early I'd use that all up months ago for Mardi Gras you could have just called in sick anything is better than saying your grandma passed well sick days are all used up too you know there's only so many fake doctors notes you can give before they get suspicious but nobody questions a Grandma's death you know what the best part is I still have two more passes what are you yep both of my grandpas I figured I had them both past sometime next month you know that way I get a few days off since I've been dealing with so many tragedies today [Applause] [Music] I guess at least she's not suffering anymore man okay where was I uh oh oh she's already on the way I gotta go I will see you tomorrow please make sure you do a good job on that so we both look good no you and me the dynamic duo let's do the thing come on ready dynamic duo boom okay yeah awesome oh yeah you slide dog you Jakey [Applause] there our presentation thank you so so much for your help on it uh yeah okay okay let's see this prepared by oh Jacob the Whitman nice really don't you at least want to review it nah I got more important things to do [Applause] you know I still don't understand how you get your own office when I'm working twice as hard as you you got to be a good talker my friend hmm oh this game take the date went well oh yeah it went incredible I mean this girl is so into me I think I'm gonna ask her to be my girlfriend tonight really and when she says yes in a month probably propose what isn't that a little fast come on you know how hard it is to find a hot girl under 40 with money these days I'm not gonna wait around and let some other opportunities snatch her up oh shoot Pete's coming up I don't have it Jacob what are you doing stop stop this just stop freaking out you're stressing hell what oh crap all right don't be so loud don't be so loud hey Jacob just checking in on you buddy how you holding up hey uh a little better I just I don't want to believe she's gone yeah I understand remember how hard it was on me when I lost my grandmother you know it's like nobody can ever reply hey is that lip balm oh yeah yeah it is ah I know you use this kind oh yeah my lips get really chapped yeah yes you too man the wind just totally does a number on them yeah this stuff is great it works like a charm yeah yeah hey I see your presentation right there oh yes sir you know I feel very good about Samantha signing with us tomorrow after she sees these tries that is excellent I can't wait to review it guys hey look I'm a level with you I cannot stress the importance of this deal okay but with how I know it's going to go tomorrow we are going to be having a lot of good news to celebrate huh I like the sound of that excuse me sir your daughter's here okay thank you thank you totally forgot my daughter Nicole is visiting the office today she should be around here somewhere oh okay yeah [Music] your daughter yeah my daughter Nicole yeah you know what I'm going to introduce it to you guys I'll be right back okay I'll be right back well that's nice right you call this doctor yeah that's what he said no no Nicole it's his daughter dude that's the girl what do I do he's gonna find out that I did she worked going out with her I told you you shouldn't have flying okay there's no way you're gonna get out of this okay cover for me what no okay okay they're gonna see you don't have a big picture of yourself on the desktop why don't you just sit here and cover for him do what I would do what do you just just hey Arturo hello I wanted to introduce you to my daughter Nicole Nicole Arturo it's so nice to meet you likewise hey what happened to Jacob you went to the restroom you know I I think he's still having a little bit of a hard time oh oh poor guy I feel so bad for him wait a minute is he gonna be okay for the presentation tomorrow ah I'm sure he will be fine oh man that's a relief hey sweetie you remember that amazing presentation I was telling you about the one that's going to help us lay in that really big contract yeah yeah meet one half of the dynamic dude right here Arturo and Jacob masterminded the entire thing I mean it is brilliant hey do you mind if she takes a look at the drawings yeah oh no I'm sorry I meant the digital copy yeah Nicole's learning AutoCAD at school so yeah I just wanted her to come in and learn from the professionals on the computer you know yeah we can use Jack's computer why not um a password protected you know it's his computer and it's not right let's just we can go to my office yeah I know it's password protected High password protected it passwords one two three four come on now come on move Arturo yeah move okay now all right all right what's going on with people all day I mean everybody's a lucid jeez and who puts a picture of themselves as their desktop are you serious who does that this guy sweetie come around here no listen let's let's not do that no why not Arturo what has gotten into you look I I made a I made a really a really bad mistake I told you steak and he doesn't want you to see it I'm sure your mistake is still amazing sweetie come around here let me show you this guy's genius what happened here you are three o'clock just got here okay okay thanks um I will introduce you to some more people downstairs um Arturo thanks for letting us try to take a look at that um if you talk to Jacob tell him I hope he feels better it's nice meeting all right yeah what's going on with people okay you make me happy honestly I mean that you look absolutely beautiful I honestly Mercy That's Italian right [Laughter] it's just crazy to think that we've only known each other for a few weeks I feel like I've known you my entire life yeah no you are telling me I cannot stop talking about you to everyone that I know [Music] um so cute look how they're holding hands oh hey they're they're probably celebrating their grandkids seventh birthday we'll still be holding hands like that when we're that old oh I don't think so I know so actually there's something I want to talk to you about tonight really yeah well there's something I also like to talk to you about oh what about you first no no no no I am a gentleman ladies first um okay uh I know that we haven't known each other that long but I was thinking I really want you to meet my dad oh your dad oh do you not want to meet my family no it's not that it's just uh I've just never had someone want to introduce me to their dad before that's all there's no need to be nervous okay my dad is super chill laughs trust me there's nothing to worry about you know what yeah you're right actually I think that's a great idea I cannot wait to meet your dad one day oh um I meant today it's today yeah I I actually invited him to dinner with us tonight I hope that you don't mind that I there is now now dead okay thank you so much for coming hi sweetie I'm so excited for you to meet Jake uh he just ran to the restroom oh really okay have you guys ordered yet oh not yet but we're about to okay thank you so much yes okay that's right okay [Music] this is good okay Jacob Jacob hey buddy what are you doing here oh uh I I was actually just just getting dinner with a friend I was just about to leave I'm not really doing too well to be honest I'm I'm trying to be strong but it's hard I'm sorry buddy I understand yeah yeah it's okay I enjoy your dinner oh oh hey I forgot to mention my daughter Nicole was at the office today I wanted to introduce you to but you were gone somewhere hey she's at her table come on meet her oh shucks you know what I I really shouldn't I I'll catch you another time though oh I will hear no such thing it'll just take a second come on I really want you to meet her come on plus I want to talk to you about that thing you said at the office that was funny you're a funny guy [Laughter] that is a good one Jake good good it wasn't a joke sweetie sweetie this is the guy who I wanted to introduce you to at the office today Nicole this is Jacob wait YouTube work together yeah what you two know each other yeah Dad Jake's the guy wanted to introduce you to he's the guy that I'm dating foreign Jacob yes are you dating my daughter I love it I love it I love this guy right here thanks I mean I'm still so shocked I mean what are the odds right yeah I know crazy right you know I have got to admit this this is a relief because I was a little nervous about the kind of guy that I was gonna meet here tonight because my daughter I love her I do but her track record with guys dad what I mean am I lying where's the LIE look for instance the last guy that she dated turned out to be a pathological liar now yeah no you believe that no no he wasn't foreign okay maybe he was Maybe he was he was and I'm just glad he's out of your life sweetheart because if it's one thing that I cannot stand is a liar um yeah right honey I am my daddy's a big teddy bear I am not yes you are don't deny it but if someone lies to him you do not want to see that side really yeah and luckily you never have to worry about hearing from her ex ever again yeah and and this you don't have to ever worry about that with Jake because this guy right here he's a stand-up he is a stand-up guy right and I can tell I can totally tell I it hasn't been long but we've pretty much been Inseparable since we met I even said that to Jake yesterday at lunch you guys went to lunch yesterday oh oh was that before you found out about this yeah that was that was before okay yeah well I'm glad you were there to comfort him in this time if need sweetheart yeah comfort him yeah about his grandma passing he uh no I didn't remember I told you there was something I want to talk about now you know sorry for some reason I thought you were gonna tell me some some good news I would have never known that it was it could be something bad yeah well we weren't all that close as I didn't get to see her that often she lived in Texas I thought you said Florida Texas and Florida she had two houses oh I see but wait you know I just found it odd that for as often as you two talk that you didn't tell yeah it's understandable I'm sure he's going through a lot right now yeah no it I do tend to suppress my emotions if I'm being honest and it's really hard for me to talk about certain things like that okay okay yeah yeah I get it I mean same way with me you know I mean I can count on one hand the number of times I've cried and I'm talking about in my entire life so please what you cry all the time I do not when was the last time you saw me cry um like every other man video I do not cry every other man yes you do come on okay okay look those videos really get to me I mean especially that part when they say so you see I mean it's just water works every single time I'm sorry I made it oh but the important thing is you're doing better son you're doing better thanks Pop uh you know what don't get me wrong though all I can do is think about how much I wish my grandma was here right now Jakey Jakey grandma grandma I sent you a few texts saying I was celebrating my 70th and you said you were out of town ah um yeah I I meant to uh you lied to me no no I would never do that Nema so your grandma's alive I sure hope so so you made this whole thing up uh no no I didn't um this is actually my other grandma oh oh your other Grandma you said your other grandma died last month just how many grandmas do you have Jacob it's very Sally passed how is that possible I just spoke with her a few hours ago real told me that you were dead because he wanted to get out of work you said what no I I didn't I meant uh uh you know what I think I've heard everything I need to hear and I'm not gonna deal with another liar okay we're finished you try to contact my daughter again I thought I was getting the promotion just wait until your mother finds out about this oh no I'm so disappointed in you please please please please don't tell my mommy please you want happy birthday happy birthday to you come on everyone happy [Applause] thank you foreign you're not going to believe this she signed yes yes buddy yeah she was absolutely Blown Away by Arturo's presentation [Applause] so I've decided promote him the VP of sales yeah congratulations buddy yeah yeah hey now let me show you to your new office huh [Applause] looks like you're taking over my old office pretty fast huh oh no he's not getting your old office he's getting something much nicer assistant in everything wait seriously yeah let me show you come on thank you oh by the way I'm having dinner with my daughter tonight you should come yeah kind of be like a celebratory kind of thing I would love that all right yeah and you know she's newly single too right oh yeah oh this we couldn't possibly get any worse okay okay what are you looking at how are you all doing everyone having a good time still nice nice man everyone really does look great tonight Jeremy I saw you on the red carpet looks like you lost those last few pounds looks like you picked up that up then he dropped dress but I guess you brought pumpkins back in season tonight good thing there's no Fairy Godmother around you be carting Cinderella off to the ball no what's this Elijah taking the stage oh wow [Music] Elijah Lewis just slapped the heck out of me relax my friend it was just a joke I'm a comedian Elijah you know how it is no disrespect Angela you're gorgeous [Music] I said wow um this may be the greatest night in television am I right folks [Music] right yeah congratulations on tonight's win for best actor that must be Monumental for you it absolutely is thank you very much how are you feeling I feel on top of the world look it's an honor to be nominated and all these nominees are phenomenal actors and I have immense respect for all of them Elijah's question for you yeah I wanted to ask you about your interaction with our host Corey Williams tonight I knew you're gonna ask me how did you feel about it and did you think your reaction was appropriate of course it was he took it way too far don't you think that your reaction was taking it too far not at all you should never let anyone disrespect your wife it's a man's job to protect them yes I think most of America would agree with you but given your status don't you think that a lot of people look up to you I know a lot of people look up to me yeah I'm only asking because is this the message you want to be sending to your fans especially the young ones without a doubt you should never let anyone walk all over you hey sweetie I know you look up to your dad but I don't want you thinking that it's okay to use violence violence is not the answer please don't take that away from him does anyone else have any other questions can I get a picture of your Elijah thank you so sleeping I'm sorry I'm sorry what is so funny have you seen the comments on the video of me slapping Corey look listen to these Corey's definitely crying on the right home after this and someone called me iconic how about this comment that Chicago blood hit different don't it Corey hey what a long face on we should be celebrating this has been an incredible night for us it's gotten into you this is the biggest night of my career yeah and you chose to behave like a child over some joke no it wasn't some joke talked openly about your struggle with weight but he was completely out of line for that one look baby I really appreciate you standing up for me okay I can tell you how much that meant to me there are other ways of standing up for someone without resorting to violence thought about it more for me for our son what are you trying to say I'm just saying there are a lot of young and impressionable people out there you know you're starting to sound like that one reporter maybe you're the impressionable one Elijah you know Wesley looks up to you and honey he's just a kid kids are like sponges they soak up everything all around them you can't teach them to resort to violence because violence is the problem not the solution that's not how we handle disagreements Eli are you kidding me Corey got some sin slapped into him the next time someone says something dumb about me I'm gonna boom hold up hold up it was more like this close your mouth when you chew nobody wants to see that stop watching [Music] our freak Show officers then knock it off huh at least my glasses are ray bats looks like you got your shoes out of a dumpster say that again you would adjust her that's what I thought hey that's not cool someone thinks he's a tough guy huh I didn't say that just leave him alone he's not bothering anymore hey watch this mind your own business it's hard when you're putting on a show for everyone your dad put on quit the show yesterday too didn't he you know it's crazy that someone as cool as him could end up with a kid as lame as you don't what are you gonna do you gonna slap me oh no you're too chicken to do anything like that [Music] hey honey how was school Wesley school was whatever did something happen all the kids that's what we're talking about Dad I was worried that would happen literally when I walked in everyone was pretending to slap each other I'm so sorry sweetheart don't think about any of that okay all right I'm gonna go say hi to dinner hey guys thank you so much for your support I without a doubt have the best fans ever and I can't believe that I finally won best actor it's been a long time coming all right uh I'm gonna read some comments yeah okay so Freddy says you're my hero with the way that you slapped Corey that punk deserved that thanks Freddy and I agree do you have any regrets about slapping him are you kidding my only regret is that I didn't slap him harder but let me tell you he'll never mess with anyone again after that hey guys thank you so much for joining this insta live but I have to sign up for now but I will talk to you all again soon hey son sorry I didn't see you there okay I just got home okay how was your day uh school school okay but what did you learn today nothing that's always your answer nothing interesting okay I will accept that variation can I ask you something sure what's up you don't think you should have you know handle the situation with Corey differently okay that punk Corey will never talk about your mom or this family ever again you know what I mean yeah thanks Dad I'm gonna go start my homework all right well you let me know if you need any help [Music] smells amazing in here briefly why what's up a good example for him come on I just had an Instagram life and the fans are eating this up I've gained over a million followers after the award show it has nothing to be proud of Elijah yeah yeah we can agree to disagree this isn't a joke Elijah who says I'm trying to make it one you're being a bad influence you know that right I'm teaching kids how to stand up for themselves no no no whatever just let me know when dinner's ready [Music] that wasn't cooked morning Wesley what's your problem dude just leave me alone can't you see I'm trying it into my locker [Music] where do you think you're going away from you are you scared no I think you are how are you Elijah Lewis's kid what do you mean it just doesn't make any sense know why because you're a coward don't touch me are you gonna cry about it no I'm trying to get to class go ahead get to homeroom run away like a scared little girl Wesley the wimp ring to it Wesley the whip Wesley the whip Wesley my office now that doesn't sound like our Wesley at all I understand if I hadn't seen it myself I wouldn't have considered it for a second it's the other kid okay Ben's fine he's just been through a lot lately with his dad abandoning his mom and him terrible it is it doesn't make sense what Wesley's Behavior he's always been a good student is everything at home been okay yeah I think so well where do you think he could have gotten this from speed learned behavior thank you all for coming today I like to formally discuss what happened at the award show and publicly apologize for my inappropriate behavior firstly I like to express my remorse to Corey Williams I had no right putting my hands on you at the end of the day you're just a comedian doing the job and a fantastic job at hosting I let my emotions get the best of me but that's still no excuse for what I did I'm sincerely sorry for that next I like to apologize to all of my fans especially my young fans you look up to me and I did not take that into consideration I should be setting a better example for all of you and for my son it's not okay what I did use your words not your fist thank you yes I don't understand the last time we spoke you seemed firm and confident in your actions against Corey Williams what's changed let's just say that I realized that violence is the problem not the answer well said foreign [Applause] what do you want here to slap me again no I I want to say sorry for that I shouldn't have slapped you that was wrong with me to do really okay thanks I am I wasn't expecting that sure thing oh also I got you something are you for real yeah go on take it they're all yours and yeah I heard how to make it funny but she's so you know I figured you could use a new pair these are so dope thank you I uh hope they fit because I guess the massage uh do you mind if I go ahead um [Music] I love them I can't tell you how much this means to me don't mention oh just do me a favor oh yeah what's up maybe stop being so mean to the other kids and if I don't you're gonna slap me again right think about it I'm just kidding I'm just kidding [Music] hey good morning yeah I'll take two cream no sugar uh I'm not an assistant I'm one of the background actors oh oh my bad I'm Bruno or as the call sheet says customer number one oh Noah what role are you playing customer number four oh nice I guess we'll probably be right next to each other in the scene then oh see the trick to being a good background no offense I don't plan on being an extra for long well most actors don't I just know it took me a while before I got apart with any lines wait you have lines how did you get a speaking role I Bruno here is a legend see the line oh no no it's okay oh come on just one time um all right [Music] [Applause] hey that old lady is healing food from the kids hahaha that was Bruno's Big Break yeah one day an actor didn't show up to set so the director decided to give me a shot I guess they like my delivery so much they kept having me back and I've got lines in almost every row since wait so you took someone else's part I I didn't even think that was possible oh that's interesting well I don't want to make it seem like it was part of any plan it honestly kind of just happened but I guess good things come to those who wait oh I like to think of it as good things come to those who take action wait where are you uh and let's make sure that we get sushi for Dylan's lunch for everyone else sandwiches are fine but you know he's a diva are you sure he's still coming his call time was an hour ago he's usually late but he'll show excuse me Mr director sir oh I thought you were Dylan oh you were just like him well no my name is Noah and I was wondering if you might have any speaking roles that need to be filled like you know someone didn't show up I would love to be bumped up from customer number four are you asking me for a bigger part yes sir what do I look like the casting Department no all the roles are filled I'm sure you'll do just fine as customer number uh hey Alex Dylan oh wait you're not Dylan yeah he looks just like him well maybe if Dylan doesn't show up we can get this guy to replace him sure see ya okay you know why don't you just go away with the other extras and as soon as Dylan gets here we will get started okay yeah thanks okay [Applause] [Music] there he is sorry I'm late I had to charge my Tesla excuse me if that isn't the fanciest excuse for being late wow so what you're late because you went to Earth Cafe that's where I charge my car so I had to stop there but before you say anything I did bring you a sandwich it's bacon and cheese thank you but I would much rather have you on time than a sandwich you're late one more time I'm going to replace you with one of these extras [Music] don't be mean that was so mean [Music] oh my God oh my God oh my God you're Dylan Myers yeah yeah that's me oh my gosh we've seen so many of your movies oh yeah can we get a photo yeah yeah why not of course [Music] okay tag me [Music] I'm telling you it's Dylan that actor you're always watching yeah well I don't know I'll ask them if I can get a photo [Applause] okay wanna play tough huh oh come on [Music] dog foreign [Music] [Music] okay wow that's that's pretty thick [Music] hey everybody uh thank you very much for your patience uh we are obviously just waiting around for two more actors to show up as soon as they do though don't worry we will get started I think maybe we're going to move some workups if you want to have a look at scene two there uh thanks everybody and I'll be back in a minute oh looks like I made it just in time huh oh yeah we're waiting on Dylan again typical yeah that's not good I hope nothing bad happened to him the director doesn't seem too happy yeah Dylan's been late way too many days in a row this week I guess I'm gonna go talk to him maybe it's time for a replacement oh no no I wouldn't bother him if I were you sure if you need someone he'll ask and hang back okay yeah see this is why you'll never get a lead role watch how it's done okay just wait I'll do it excuse me I'll do it I'll replace him it's uh no one right yes yes Noah what character are you playing right now oh customer number four I mean it could work what do you think I I mean I guess do we have a choice I mean we're out of time just just do it okay hang on I told you man okay so just uh put this on dance around pretend to be a big bear what okay what what is this I thought I was getting Dylan's role Dylan's wrong why would we do that well because he's not here so just you know give someone else the bear and give me his role leave the morning that I've had I'm so sorry I'm late honestly not my fault this time oh yeah I've heard that no I swear somebody cut my charging cable this morning and then then I had to Uber here in a Honda I I can't even talk about it okay well that's fine you're not the only person didn't show up Eugene is missing too but uh hey we got a great replacement for him oh it's exciting for you listen I had an idea I want to talk to you about about a line change and I'm leaving maze let's uh I gotta makeup and we'll just walk it out okay so [Music] oh hey Bruno let's work on those two lines yesterday you really nailed it thank you thanks guys oh you've got to be kidding me okay it's you do you know where the dressing room is yeah that way okay I have a nice costume by the way wow no no no [Music] I come out of the coffee shop the electric cord is cut in half I mean I don't even know how that happens I've never seen that before wow maybe it was one of your crazy fans oh no they would never everybody loves me um hey are you liking the costume oh it sucks yeah not only do I not have lines now no one will see my face so oh and this thing is all hot and itchy so yeah you look all sweaty ah am I just yeah I'll let you know [Music] hey Dylan just a heads up your call time for tomorrow's new video is 6 A.M wow okay well then I need to set an alarm before I forget because if I don't I'm not gonna wake up so I talked to the director and he likes you for the teddy bear rolls oh leave that again tomorrow really that's that's not I know you're still eating lunch but I just wanted to do a quick line through so just take a sec come with me and when you're done okay yeah oh uh no I know that um Noah now you don't have any lines so just okay [Music] you're okay oh Hey look I'm sorry man I know it's not great right now but if you're patient things will get better good things come to those who oh please save it evening [Applause] [Music] [Music] laughs hey everybody doesn't mean that anymore [Music] um I am your guy right here oh you right I remember you are you volunteering yes I am all right if you insist are you familiar with Dylan's eyes yes I learned them all last night you know I had a feeling I was going to need to learn them I was gonna say favorite coffee shop excuse me yeah yeah we ordered coffee and breakfast sandwiches for the cast and the crew and we are short staffed this morning so we need somebody to go pick that stuff up okay look there's clearly a misunderstanding I'm not gonna do that I am an actor background actor and you don't have any scenes this morning so yeah listen you do this for us and I will make sure to get you a couple lines in our next production what I really want is to play the lead okay actors all right um listen just between you and I uh the director told me that if Dylan is late one more time he's going to recast so I promise I will go out of my way to help you if you do this for us today are you serious ah say less you know where it is right I know exactly where it is I hate actors you hate everybody oh hey hey where are you rushing off to oh well I am rushing off to my destiny and to get coffee so oh wait can you grab me one too look Bruno you are a nice guy but I'm about to be a famous actor so no I cannot you know not right thank you [Music] ah hey that's him that's the guy that cut the charger cable who him yeah okay what are you talking about are you sure yeah check your security camera footage [Music] okay I gotta go not so fast you know the destruction of private property is a criminal offense not only can it cost you a ten thousand dollar fine it could put you in jail for a year it wasn't me okay sure looks like you how about we let the cops decide come on you're coming with me wait wait wait all right you don't understand see I'm an actor great well I got the perfect Road for you it's called inmate number one come on no today's supposed to be my big break just let me five minutes I just need okay [Music] I I don't know if I would do that if you know it's still worth it to me but okay everybody uh sorry for the delay a lot of setbacks today I just got off the phone with Dylan and uh I guess his alarm never went off you know what this guy always has an excuse so we're really gonna wait for him I would but he also has food poisoning I guess he ate some bad Sushi yesterday so he's not coming but don't worry we have an actor who looks the exact part where is Noah uh I sent that guy out for coffee like an hour ago and he's not back yet it should not have taken this long okay okay um ah yeah okay hey you know what since you've always been so patient and you always give 100 no matter how small the role you're now the lead really yeah wow uh I've been waiting a long time for this well you know what they say all good things come to those who wait right let's get him through makeup please thank you I'll order sandwiches for lunch you want anything special Sushi or um I'll skip the sushi I'll just eat the same as everyone else oh thanks though oh oh oh hey I'm telling you you got the wrong guy like I haven't heard that one before no I'm serious okay look look I'm a famous actor all right why would I damage the property yeah everyone's famous in Hollywood oh no no but I'm serious wait I I oh I recognize that video that's the video I'm in oh yeah yeah let's see see right there oh I'm the teddy bear I know I'm funny right right yeah [Music] nice try no wait no no I'm serious okay please no please don't oh [Music] okay let's go over this one more time I'm your grandpa you're my six-year-old grandson this is never gonna work why are we doing this again have you seen movie ticket prices recently they're crazy do this I'll get half pricing with a senior discount you with kid pricing at just five bucks okay okay first off you don't look like an old person and second this hunk thing ain't gonna pass for Six I just turned 12 today and that pretty much makes me a full grown man look at all the hair coming in yeah right little dude you can even get into a PG-13 movie yet it'll be fine Nobody Knows the difference between what a six-year-old and troll field looks like anyways what I don't understand why you can't just pay full price and uh since when did you become so cheap okay I promise not to tell Mom and Dad uh yeah well you know they've been sending me money for College's quarter haven't necessarily been spending on school I have been spending it on crypto there's this new coin that came out it's called the Super Mario coin it was a total bus the whole thing Tanked you spend all of mom and dad's money just keep it down it's all of it I still got a few bucks not to take my little bro to the movies for his birthday okay fine but even if we do get the discount that's not gonna be enough for snacks and you said I could eat everything I wanted I know relax I got a plan this is gonna be your best birthday ever trust me first things first we gotta get these tickets all right let's play along enjoy the movie hi how can I help you sir oh yeah I'd like one ticket for the Dara Man movie with a senior discount please put a ticket for my grandson he's only six you're a senior and he's six yeah why are you trying to age shame us I'm just gonna I'm gonna go get my manager in one sec I know what you're that come on they're on to us we gotta get out so that's okay wait cool I got this are you sure hello sir I understand that you're trying to get a senior discount yeah that's right me because I'm an old man [Music] all right well I'm just gonna need to see some ID please to confirm your age oh ah my ID yeah the thing is I I lost it in the war wow the war yeah which one oh World War One you lost your idea over a hundred years ago two World War II uh is that a pstd other things I just can't remember sometimes all right well thank you for your service give him the discount what about his grandson how old is he again [Music] I thought you said he was six yeah he's six today's his birthday I got the Alzheimer's ah give them both a discount happy birthday thank you okay all right thank you six dollars is your change and enjoy the movie thank you [Music] oh see I told you that'll work okay okay stop bragging [Music] here you are enjoy your phone bye oh excuse me young lady how much for a popcorn and a soda that'll be 24. 24 bucks I mean uh twenty four dollars back in my day that used to cost us only a quarter ah we'll pass it's fine I have a backup plan follow me hey it's a nautical streaks it'll be fine just follow my oh shoot all right not normal how I can barely walk I feel like a penguin Penguins don't talk so stop talking oh here you are thanks yep okay it's doing okay you're looking a little Lumpy [Applause] oh let's go Mikey oh are you trying to sneak candy into the theater we we bought this from the concession stand you did yeah why are you trying to hide them oh wow you can't be too careful nowadays do you know how much theft is happening around this neighborhood yeah very well spoken for a six-year-old yeah he's top of the class okay here go ahead thank you sorry about that did you get that from the concession stand oh yeah oh funny thing [Music] we don't sell canned soda at the concession stand I can't believe you guys are trying to sneak candy and so hard to see hey hey what do you expect as expensive as everything is around here you guys are practically robbing us [Music] whatever rules are rules I'm gonna need to inspect those colors it's fine we'll just put it all back in the car come on Mikey let's go [Music] at least we tried come on let's just go watch the movie I want to listen oh you really think I'm giving up that easy you must have forgotten who your older brother is I'm the master I've taught you everything you know after all I got another plan come on Owen maybe we should just call it quits before we get kicked out of here you would suck if I'm Mr premiere you know how much I've been dying to see this new Darman movie I know I don't want to miss it either but I promised my little bro snacks so I'm gonna get him snacks you're just gonna get us caught again it's like what mom always says [Music] the dark always come to light did you really just hit me with one of Mom's lessons wow I guess I did I finally see what she means well listen here little bro let me teach you a lesson if you get caught the first time or we get caught the second time then you try again come on let's go [Music] okay I can't believe you'd go as far as stuff of baby with candy listen a master Knows No Limits all right now just play it cool oh I almost dropped your Sprite I said I wanted Coca-Cola Beggars keep me cheesers okay look the manager is not even there let's go oh [Music] you see Mikey it's like taking candy from a baby literally I had the son to control the entire you guys are back oh hey I trust that you're not gonna try and sneak in any more candy no no no you have a baby now uh yeah we do uh he was in the car we're the with my wife my daughter that's what it was and um hey you wanted to come and watch the movie with us right well I love babies you mind if I take a look at the little time I know sorry he's uh taking a nap actually and don't want to wake him up when we got the little guy yes [Music] thank you foreign okay okay I'll admit it I'm in first guess I still got a lot to learn from my old brother oh oh it's like the baby's wrangling hurry you're a chicken are you here hurry hurry before we get caught [Music] come on come on tricky [Music] I'm sorry about that [Music] well I can't say I'm surprised I can't explain you see the thing is you think I don't know the old fake baby full of food routine I have tried to be nice but you guys have gone way over the line here fine you take the candy just uh just hold on to it for us until the movie the movie's over no no it's not just that no you have to pay full price for the movie now why is that I get to see in your discount I'm above the age of [Music] out now but I've been waiting forever to see this movie please you can stay it's your grandpa here take it it's ten dollars do you mind [Music] you said you were treating me for my birthday plus I don't got any money on me please have a heart Mikey and our Darwin's biggest fans I don't want to have to call them fine enjoy the movie I'll be waiting for you at the parking lot all right thanks anyways all right hello welcome everyone today you guys are in for quite the surprise now not only are we about to watch Darwin's first ever movie inside of a theater but he's also here to surprise you all so give it up for dumbass hey guys I'm super excited to be here and for you to please let me stay I'm begging you you don't understand no absolutely not you're out come on I do need a place to sit though is there an open seat anywhere right here okay perfect let me come down I'm good to meet you I like your shirt thank you and actually I brought a whole bunch of snacks if you want any oh yes please it's not everything I got dots I got Whoppers [Music] well I hope you'll think twice before you try to pull another fast one on me why would you even go to all this trouble you don't understand I took all my money out of college and put it in this dumb Super Mario coin everyone said it was going to the moon but in reality it just went to the toilet you didn't what mom what are you doing here surprise you you took your entire College tuition and you put it in crypto coin and you would hid that from your father and I I'm so sorry listen I meant to tell you guys and I never met for any of this to happen how many times do I have to tell you what happens in the dark always comes to light I know I know you are cut off young man do you hear me yeah completely where did you get that is that my wig what dads why business has just been a little slow that's all I'm so people nowadays want to try something new and exciting unless you can get the cash together before we have three days left before eviction old ways don't open new doors I'll get us out of this situation myself
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 2,424,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: wbhYBL8-lPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 41sec (4361 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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