MILLIONAIRE Tries To SCAM WRONG GUY, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann Studios

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now this is the one hey guys um is there anything I can help you out with Jake Charlie bro yo my God man it's been forever man it's looking like you're doing well for yourself you know I may have made a couple bucks since high school yeah couple a couple bucks man I see the necklace man yeah I brought you lunch oh thank you thank you remember Jake what we ex side's cutest couple still boyfri a girlfriend actually congratulations Charlie looks like you made a couple bucks for yourself too man well I mean that was my whole life saving it's 25k Charlie I'm not supposed to tell people how much you spent on it oh no it's fine babe it's fine we go way back yeah we go way back and besides if I spent 25k on the ring I would want the world to know too oh so what what what brings you in man I mean you you see anything you like yes how much is this oh the Maxwell okay well I see you got some good taste all right all right well all right so this piece it is 10,000 I know it's a little steep we do have some other less expensive options too you know just just hey man let me know if you got any questions okay I do have one okay do you take American Express I see you not wasting time okay okay well I mean look it that does exceed our limit but let me see what I can do okay let let me see if I can make an exception for my boy make it work man come on go way back yeah let me see what I can do yeah way back [Music] boy Charlie whatever you do promise me you're not going to be friends with him again why not do you know how much this commission is going to be besides what if he wants to buy more you remember what they called him in high school Jake The Snake do he still owe you like a 100 bucks well it was 300 but that was such a long time ago looks like like he changed things up you know what they say when people show you their true colors believe them the first time the only color I see is black all right Tyra Tyra it's okay relax relax besides I mean this time he's giving me money hey boss boss um is it all right if I charge this card $10,000 he wants to buy the Maxwell you know anything over $2500 has to be a wire transfer or cash okay unless you want to vouch for this guy yeah I will I'll vouch for him we go way back and if it makes any difference he's also using the American Express black card all right but if anything goes south it's on you I'll have Jamie wrap it up it's the most expensive thing we've sold today so good job thanks yo Charlie uh I just realized it's probably not going to fit in the lambo and we just got like whole bunch of bags and stuff in there um okay do you think you could bring it to the house later on oh um yeah yeah uh yeah I'll make it work I'll text you the address man okay sounds good I'll bring it by yeah yeah I than God she such a good oh uh wait does does Jay C come on in man hey What's Going make yourself a home man me Kasa too Kasa oh and thank you so much for bringing this man it really means a lot you can put it right here all right wow man it's like my dream pad yeah yeah man and the art you got here I mean I know how much this worth you got some great taste man thank you I appreciate that really hey baby cakes uh do you mind giving us some space yo what happened to the other girl bro I mean you can't wear the same shirt every day am I right oh oh real quick though um I wanted to address the elephant in the room um I believe I borrowed $300 from you back in high school and I never paid you back don't don't worry about girl I appreciate it but don't even worry about it man first of all it's been so long and you buying this art that's the payback well just know I take my debt very seriously so here $500 man you deserve a little interest bro take the money man come on okay you're welcome yeah sir are we dining for two yes man stay have a bite look jemy here trained under Chef noou okay I kid you not he's his right-hand man okay uh I can't say no no you cannot say no to that thank you uh Chef can we get some Dragon Roll uh some Beluga caviar and uh I don't know just surprise us oh and Chef can you bring us some Don Pon as well we celebrating it man I haven't seen my boy in ages man yeah it's that type of dinner you sure yeah smack all everything on me man have a seat okay I bet yeah yeah yeah yeah man seeing how you living this is like to be honest this is how I always dreamed life would be for Tyra and I yeah if you don't mind me asking what do you do I do a couple different things uh but I mainly run my own affiliate mark Company Conway Ventures I basically uh get paid to drive foot traffic to websites like Netflix and Amazon and the people that I refer if they make a purchase then I get paid I don't know if I follow that but hey man whatever you doing is working out but man check this out is that 4 million that's $4 million and that's just one of my accounts all right but there's more to life than just being rich you know yeah uh what what else like helping my friends and family I mean you know they're all investors in me and um I just want to see them win too you know so check this out though that's my boy Jasper he just bought a Lambo all right that's my boy Evan he just bought a Rari okay and that's Jimmy he just bought a Roy okay all these guys are making over 100 grand for doing absolutely nothing what what over 100 Grand a year doing nothing that's nuts not a year a month hold on you telling me these guys are my age making over 100 Grand a month yes I am bro Count Me In man what what do I need to know man oh well few questions for you okay first are you a accredited invester as in um do you make over 200k a year or do you have a million dollar net worth oh no nah n no not even close man okay look you're my boy okay so I'm going to think about it all right for sure but for now can we just enjoy this and and and table the business talking until later okay yeah yeah thank you to Old Friends to Old Friends yeah all [Music] right you should have seen his play it was like the exact spot we always talked about getting mhm how about you stop obsessing over Jake and help me sound like you're in love with him what come on I'm not in love with him I'm just saying he he had a private Chef multiple five figure paintings we even drank from a $500 champagne what Charlie I found his Instagram am you have to see this uhuh yeah it's so flashy cars shopping girls no one who has real money flaunts it like this if I had real money I might flaunt it like that no you wouldn't I wouldn't let [Laughter] you yo what's up Jake hey look so I decided I'mma make an exception for you I'mma let you invest with me okay how much is this Jack th000 you think Charlie should I get it um yeah uh yeah wait this awesome bro so uh because out of curiosity what kind of return would I get all right so for my normal friends um I double their money in in about 3 months but since we go way back you know I got you so I'm going to double yours in just one month how's that sound wait seriously you'll double my money in a month yes sir U all right give me give me one sec give me one sec man all right what what are you doing this is insane babe we can literally pay off our credit card debt in a month no I I do not have a good feeling about this you know what they say if something sounds too good to be true probably is I babe I'm not going to use any of your money please just let me try it and I promise you I won't I won't invest more than I can afford to lose please hey my bad all right cool man so uh could I start with like 10 grand sounds perfect to me sir that's all your money we tend to think of pony schemes as pyramid schemes so you bring in new people who pay great returns to the people who were in in at the beginning but it's not sustainable over time I'll be right back is an economics professor at Florida GF Coast University I only have a few minutes we're short staff today so has Jake paid you yet babe how many times you going to ask me he said a month and it's only been 27 days look okay he he's on his way here to show me something when he gets here I will confirm with him okay you said his company is called Conway Ventures right yeah I looked it up and it doesn't even exist babe could I don't maybe maybe you spelled it wrong or something but please just stop stressing about this stuff is my God what's going on good to see you it's our oh hey's up check out this new Rolex I just got guy o pretty Pimping Pimping right that's fire man come on man I always wanted to Rolex going get one man hey bro um I know I don't even have to ask but I just wanted to check uh everything good for next week like uh but the deposit what are you talking about the deposit is still still coming in I I deposited the money into your account this morning yeah you should have it already [Music] wait what bro it's it's not even supposed to hit for another three days man my boy got to look out for you bro hey getting one of these real soon bro this is insane man I love you man you love me hey got to come check out the new car you got new whip yes sir like a cuz you just showed me the yeah no different day babe hey babe come here I got to show you this house look at this $6,000 a month who's going to be paying for that well I'm look I know it's expensive but I don't know I'm thinking like if I invest some more no no no Charlie we talked about this you're not going to put any more money in what did you do with the money that you already made anyway oh you know I bought a Rolex I'm kidding babe I told you I paid off our credit card debt look but I also I I had a little bit left over so uh I uh I brought you your first a Louie no way no we we we can't be spending money like this we we're supposed to be saving for a house babe we're fine come on it's free money look just just try come on just see see what it looks like I mean babe I'm saying like imagine what else we could buy if I invest like another 10 stop going down the rabbit hole on this we agreed it's just one and done all right I'm going to go shower thank you for this bag I love it I'm glad you like it I might even shower with it oh okay hey what's up Jake listen holiday spending is about to be bananas this year this is exactly why I'm giving my investors three times on their money right now between now and the ending of the year you say three times so like if I if I give you 10 you'll give me back 30 well not really 25 is the minimum investment for this but yeah if you give me 25 I'll give you 75 back well I wish I had 25 but yeah wait does it have to be [Music] cash hey Charlie we need to talk what what is everything all right everything is not okay do you remember that $10,000 American Express purchase that you vouched for yeah yeah well we just got a charge back the payment never went through I thought you said this guy was your friend Charlie you're not not going to believe this Jake just got indicted for a Ponzi scheme dozens of victims lost their entire life savings it's even all over Tik Tok I literally gave Jake every dollar to my name and then he just disappeared I told you something was off aren't you happy you didn't invest any more money with him Charlie Charlie you told me you took it to a jewelry shop to get it cleaned and now I find out that you gave my ring to Jake how could you you've completely broken our trust I'm sorry Tyra I I I made a huge mistake I feel terrible I just don't understand how you could do this we had an agreement now not only is my ring gone you owe all this money to your boss you've completely thrown away our future no no I wasn't trying to it's the exact opposite of what I wanted I was I was trying to build a future for us seeing everything Jake has with the the the money the house the cars I want that for us and I I don't want you to have to work at a restaurant for the next 50 years I want to be able to take care of you and provide for you and buy you nice things like like the jewelry and the the Handbags and show you the world I was blinded by the vision of us having the life we always dreamed I'm sorry Tyra and I know it doesn't cut it but I I really [Music] am it's him wonder why he's not FaceTiming Hey Jake what's going on man look I've been trying to call you I haven't received my payment your guard bounc and I'm seeing these news articles please tell me this all some sort of misunderstanding bro don't believe any of it all right look the feds are just messing with me for no reason because I'm so successful look man they they froze all my accounts and that's why my payments are bouncing and I just I can't pay anyone okay well I'm sorry that's happened to you but I need that money you don't understand no I get it I know that trust me look I'm going to get it to you I just need a little bit more time but don't worry instead of 75 back I'm going to give you 100 and the 10 for the Maxwell look I just need one small favor look I got to turn myself in and I'm just going to need to borrow enough money to make bail so if you could just send me another another 25 for the next few days look I'm going to get it back to you man you'll be saving my butt okay I I'll give you you've been calling all the shots up until this point and look where it's gotten us now it's time for me to call the shots so do exactly as I say got it yeah okay look man the cops keep messing with me I don't know why I keep trying to tell them I'm innocent I don't know why they just not listening you got to believe me right I do I believe you that's why I'm here to help you out okay good okay that's why you my boy man I know I could trust you man yeah but uh so where's the money look so I don't have the money on me right now but listen I got a better idea I'm going to help you sell these paintings sell my paintings yes look listen listen listen I already got a buyer lined up ready to pay in cash today okay look we're going to do this but we need to do this now okay if I don't turn myself in the cops are going to come here okay so I need that money man I got you I got you just look I'm going help you get these paintings Off the Wall do you have any more in the back or yeah man I got some in okay yeah go get those go get I'll get [Music] them $225,000 it's all here you got a steal enjoy your paintings Mrs Murray this is to clear our debt MH and this is all yours thank [Music] you wow I'm just saying there is enough here to put a down payment on a house don't even play around like that Charlie I'm just kidding I'm kidding Hey Jake yo Charlie where are you okay the feds are going to be here any minute do you got that money yes or no yeah I I got it all look but it's not for you what what are you talking about man I'm going to use this money to pay back the people you scammed I didn't scam nobody man okay I already told you this the feds are lying kach look I need that money right now so don't play with me man you know what Jake The Snake if I learned anything from this is that when people show you their true colors believe them the first time what you talking about all right all right all right come on man y'all really going to come in here without a warning or nothing Charlie this how you feel man you going to set me up like this man okay y'all going to hear from our lawers it's okay cuz y' ain't have no warant or nothing like that y just going here like this D yeah thank you so much for coming in hey I just sold another one I'm getting one business than ever well it probably doesn't hurt that you're on the news for helping all those people here what I no I I I told you I already bought lunch today babe it isn't [Music] lunch what it's a thank you gift from all the victims they purchased it from Jake's estate sale I I cannot believe this [Music] is wait actually we should sell it I'd rather use that money to make a down payment on our future home so that young man over there Stevie says he knows you he says he went to high school together wait a minute isn't that that sleazy Stevie the guy who totally ripped you off on all those baseball cards oh heck no no no no I I'm not do [Music] up
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 7,860,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: k7Jj4bDg32I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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