Mean Step Moms Get Taught Lessons | Dhar Mann

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is Ruby here yet just a few more seconds you excited to meet your future step sister oh we both are now Harley has someone new to hang out with at school other than Claire and Brooke they're my friend's mom [Music] mhm Ruby it's so good to see you I've missed you so much I missed you too Dad hey hey I'm her name is Harley and she was just leaving to go do homework no I wasn't I bedroom now let me take that for you you're going to be staying in Harley's room come on in oh actually your father and I need to take care of something first it's um it's the kitchen it's a mess so why don't you just wait here no she doesn't care if the dishes are dirty do you mm- just wait on the couch for a second come on in so great to finally have you here we'll be right back just stay here [Music] please something wrong everything's wrong Hank do I have to spell it out for you did you see how she was dressed that's just the way some kids dress these days there's nothing to worry about it's disgusting it's how druggies dress and why did you allow her to get all those piercings well in case you forgot I haven't seen her for a little while she didn't have those before tattoos I know I'm not particularly happy with those but she's 18 now she can make her own decisions do you really think that my swee Harley should be hanging out with someone like that what if Harley turns out to be like your daughter there is nothing wrong with Ruby she may look a little different but that doesn't make her a bad person I should know I raised her most of her life people change and sometimes for the worse Ruby has been going through some hard times with her Mom lately that might be why she has this new look either way we promised that she could live with us until at least after she graduated that was before I knew what she was like okay do me a favor don't judge a book by its cover that's cute I know right I actually love this one it's like my Harley I told you to do your homework I'll do it later I want to know what the ru be no you know how bad your grades have been you need to do it right now sorry um I'm going to go outside real quick to take this funny she couldn't take the call in here I wonder what she's [Music] hiding Harley what did Ruby talk to you about I was just asking her if she played Roblox can we play before dinner absolutely not homework first [Music] always Harley I know that Ruby may seem nice but there is a lot to her that you don't know or understand she may be doing very [Music] bad you okay I don't really know how to put this but I can't go back home to mom anymore why what happened I don't really want to talk about it but I have no idea where I'm going to go when summer [Music] starts hey it's okay you're just going to stay here for as long as you need all right thanks St thank you to Lisa okay well let me just show you where you're going to be staying oh I want to come [Music] too I got a D again my mom's going to kill me how algebra is so easy I got an A on that test I just don't understand it maybe you can help me after school can't Claire and I going to the m to shop for homecoming dresses wait have you asked Jonah to go with you yet no I'm too nervous to do that ew who is the new girl what is she wearing she looks like she walked right out of a mosh pit yeah we the kind of girl to smokes cigarettes behind a dumpster she looks like she smells hey um don't be mean what don't tell us you think she's cool I didn't say that hey Harley oh my god do you know her uh no we we bumped into each other in the parking lot okay shouldn't talk to Weirdos like [Music] her honey how was school today it was all right wait what about Ruby what about her aren't you taking her home too no she can find her own way but she's listen to me Ruby is not a good influence on you I want you staying away from her got me how am I supposed to do that when she's living with us yeah not for long and I need to have a talk about that [Music] hey Ruby where have you been you didn't answer your phone yeah sorry oh we waited for so long but we ended up leaving Ruby just leave her did you see how red her eyes were she's probably on something it looked to me like she had been crying emotionally unstable just another bad sign it's probably why her mom kicked her out Ruby did not get kicked out why else can she not go back home okay I don't know but I'm sure as soon as she's ready she will tell me and in the meantime I'm not going to assume anything well I want her sleeping on the couch not in Harley's room until we find a more permanent solution which by the way we need to speak about and soon I I see what's going on eat your food eat it we were worried about you I don't think Lisa would have left me to walk home if she was so worried she said that she waited for a very long time I saw her drive off she hates me Dad please stop this is just an adjustment period for all of us okay it's not going to last forever especially once Lisa gets to know the real you that sweet girl underneath all of the tattoos piercings packing up already I think that makes sense your father can take you wherever you need to go just an adjustment period I'll talk to her just please don't leave where would you even go I don't know Dad but I'd rather be homeless than stay here another night just give it a couple of days okay if nothing improves then then you can leave I won't even try to stop you okay oh you guys won't believe this the creep is now in my PE class the goth girl mhm e should try talking to you again Harley Harley huh why don't you just ask him already Brook's right there's not much time left I'm scared he's going to say no well there's only one way to find out Claire no where are you just let her do this it's for your own [Music] good what the heck Harley oh my God Isabelle I'm so sorry you got spaghetti all over me it was an accident I really didn't mean to meet me after school you're going to pay for this stop worrying she's not even going to do anything yeah she just all talk there she [Music] is come to go Harley stop I think we lost her Isabelle please thought you could run away for me eh that strke too hold on think about it even if you do want to fight me it's three against one you'll be outnumbered sorry Harley you're on your own come on let's go guess your friends aren't going to save you now this is what happens me hey why don't you pick on someone your own size yeah that's what I thought are you okay yeah wow thanks so much for helping me you're welcome I almost got him wait get it where have you been I waited in the parking lot for over an hour for you sorry I just walked home with Ruby why walk Ruby what are you trying to hide hm nothing it was Harley's idea I right as if you didn't try to convince her you know Ruby I knew you would be a terrible influence on her it was bad enough you were hanging out with Claire and Brooke or you're even worse no she's not you stay out of this Harley clearly she's brainwashed you coming home playing games instead of doing your homework which you should be doing it's no wonder you're failing algebra and Ruby what's next huh you're going to teach her how to do drugs you have it all wrong yeah right why else would you look like that it's probably why your own mother kicked you you out yeah that's right pack your suitcase I hope you really leave this time sure I'll go but for your information my mom didn't ask me to leave she's the one that left what are you talking about Ruby a couple years ago my mom slept at work she ended up getting hurt so a doctor prescribed her some painkillers after a while the pain went away but she never stopped taking the drugs and our lives completely changed she lost a lot of weight she quit her job she wouldn't even leave the house for weeks those pills ruined our life and I never told my dad because I I didn't want him to worry where did she go rehab I'm glad she's finally getting help but we lost our apartment that's why I came to stay here if I knew it was going to cause so many problems I never would have come I know I get judged a lot because of how I look but the one thing I will not tolerate is being accused of doing drugs because I've seen firsthand what it can do to someone so I would never I'm sorry about your mother I am but my priority is with Harley her grades are already slipping and I come home Ruby already helped me finish my homework that's the first thing we did when we got home turns out Ruby is an advanced calculus she's a paths she promised to Tre to me to help me get better I know I may not look the part but I actually got a 4.3 GPA last semester wow and unlike what you said earlier Ruby's a way better friend than clar and Brooke I almost got in a fight today at school and both of them ditched me what do you mean you almost got into a fight it wasn't my choice but if it wasn't for rupe I probably would have C my butt kicked you won't have to worry about Isabelle while I'm around hey guys what's WR I just realized I should never judge a book by its [Music] com you know oh hi Jona Harley will be out in a few minutes for once I am glad that you making somebody wait outside I can't believe she already has a date she's too young how did this happen um I may or may not have had something to do with that but I mean for what it's worth He seems nice so you are influencing Harley maybe that's not such a bad thing I've never seen Harley get an A on an algebra test before oh honey you look incredible is that a nose piercing Harley oh yeah um Ruby took me to to get it I hope that's okay Ruby I cannot believe you now you've crossed the line I'm just kidding guys it's magnetic see [Laughter] gotta didn't it make Jonah wa outside yeah what's the rush maybe you don't even have to go at all oh come on have a good time honey he hi look great thank you bye guys back to me win hey honey you scared me is everything okay um I don't know I found all this money while making Kevin's bed what is he doing doing with this kind of money I don't know it's probably saving his allowance or something like that that's a good one he spends his allowance the second he gets it I'm sure that there's a logical explanation for it but anyway I am looking forward to taking you on a date tomorrow oh no no I please I don't want you to spend any money on me it is already done and you are not backing out of it hey I got to go um so I'll talk to you I get off work okay love you love you what do you think for what for church come on your birthday oh I can't afford to be buying a new dress right now well isn't Roger taking you out tomorrow night what are you going to wear uh I'll just find something in my closet things have been a little tight since I lost my job hey isn't that roxan yeah it is why does she look so stressed you didn't hear her son Timothy got caught selling drugs at school what little Timmy the one with the glasses it's always the one you least suspect welcome in hey Kathy hi hey Jody Hi how are you doing not good I assume you already heard yes and we feel terrible we're so sorry for what you and your family are going through I mean who could have ever thought I the writing was on the wall I was just too blind to see it you know what do you mean well for the last few months he's been coming home late and then I've recently noticed his eyes are always red and then what should have been the giveaway is what I found in his drawer I found an envelope full of cash and can you believe I didn't even question him I mean am I that naive please don't be so hard on yourself I mean no one could have imagined Timothy doing something like that yeah well like they say hindsight's 2020 right I'm so sorry I I have to take this but it was so good seeing you too good luck by I still can't believe it can you imagine going through that would you like a room to try that on it's all right I want to buy this for my friend okay what Judy no no I can't let you do stop you always think of other people but never about yourself you deserve it I I appreciate you wanting to get me a dress but I can't let you spend that kind of money on me I want to buy this please just let me no no you can put the dress back thank you come on let's [Music] go oh hey hey Mom where have you been I've been calling you school got out hours ago uh uh yeah I sorry my phone died I I was playing soccer with my friends after school you were playing soccer in jeans and a hoodie uh yeah yeah why Kevin where were you really what do you uh what do you what do you mean I I just told you uh by the way do we do we have eye drops Sky eyes your eyes they're all bloodshot look I know I know okay don't freak out uh I'm sure it's just like my allergies have just been kind of acting up really no big deal ah here it is see you need to tell me I'll get it hello yeah yeah yeah yeah hey man uh sorry my phone died I you know actually can you give me a sec okay yeah I'm going to go take this my room hello yeah yeah I got the money you got what I need awesome look meet me tomorrow after school in the alley all right hey h what are you doing are you listening to Kevin's conversation Kathy you should not be doing that you know you wouldn't like it if someone did that to you listen you don't understand what I think our son is selling drugs what Kevin no way I know I know I didn't think so either but then today I learned it's always those that you least suspect you you were assuming all of this cuz you found some some cash under his bed this morning no no it's not just that I just heard him on the phone saying he's going to meet someone in an Alleyway and buy what he needs no no no no no no that that could be a million different things Kevin is not selling drugs I know we don't want to believe that our son could be doing that but Roger we we also can't be naive and we can't be so quick to assume why don't we just ask him okay Kevin's a good kid I'm sure he'll tell us the truth we can just ask him and get this whole thing cleared up what if he's not the Kevin that he used to be anymore then what's the plan I was thinking of following him after school and go seeing the alley that he's going to be in and who's going to meet him there and what he's buying and what he's going to do and then if oh my God if he light up true that we're to take whoa slow down there you're going Zer to 100 there is absolutely nothing to worry about okay I really hope you're right trust me all right I'll be down okay so you got the cash yeah yeah I do you got the yep I got it right here put it in a newspaper to you know keep it hidden great idea Kathy what are you doing nothing I mean I was just looking for something in the alleyway yeah I I thought I saw a dog go by here and I want to make sure it was okay I see anyway I was just picking up Kelsey and I saw you standing there and I wanted to say happy birthday sh sh I mean thank you come on you should celebrate a little you're a good wife you're a great mom I definitely don't know about that one you're always so hard on yourself well have fun with Roger tonight okay I'll call you later this is not how we should be spending your birthday will you please get dressed we're going to be late how can I even think about that when I just Witness our son buying drugs oh Kathy you are overreacting look we ask hey Kev I thought I thought you two were were going out for dinner Kevin get over here please okay is everything all right show me what's in your backpack why come on please show me what's in your backpack okay see not so quick show me what's in the other pocket oh come on where is all this coming from just show me what's in the other [Music] pocket [Music] aha I told you our son was buying drugs huh what are you talking about oh Kevin don't BL me for a fool you don't think I can see the writing on the wall I'm seriously so confused right now you have been coming home late every night with your eyes completely red and I found an envelope full of cash under your bed which you used to buy this wow I can't believe that you were really accusing me of all of this okay well please explain I'm listening look none of what you're saying is even remotely true you see I know how hard things have been for you ever since you lost your job even though you still work so hard you're always worrying and never let anyone do anything nice for you so that's why I decided to go and get a job which is the reason I've been coming home late every day after school and the reason my eyes are so red is because I'm a cook my eyes just get irritated from cutting onions for so many hours everything I make I've been doing my best to save and that's why there is an envelope full of cash under my bed so you see I'm not selling drugs that's exactly what I tried to tell you Kathy but you just wanted to go in on Roger just hold on a minute if what you're saying is true then how do you explain that bad back alley transaction after school are you spying on me don't change the subject we not no go ahead and open it up see what's inside no no no that won't be necessary because here we I will I will what is this pendant open the heart and you put a picture of us inside it yeah I mean I was just trying to save up I was trying to do something nice for you for your birthday I mean that's why I was meeting up with the guy my friend's dad is a jeweler I can't believe this I don't even know what to say look look look before you say anything it it's nonrefundable all right you can't return it thank you Kevin I'm so sorry for accusing [Music] you I should have been so quick to assume it's uh it's okay I I understand it's beautiful and now that we've gotten that cleared up put this on I'm taking you to dinner where did you get that jod bought it for you she dropped it off earlier how did I get so lucky to have the best family and friends like you guys I love you so much we love you too [Music] hey hun are you oh wow you are beautiful thank you let's go let's go [Music] I'm in here this is ridiculous I am getting really tired of sharing a bathroom with your daughter she's been in there forever kit will be out soon I'm sure why is she still even living with you she's 18 she should get her own place and move out she's my daughter I can't just kick her out Angie I can't believe [Music] this [Music] hey honey why am I the one who has to do the dishes can't your daughter do them honey it's just a few dishes last time I checked I was your girlfriend not her mother seriously Richard this is getting so frustrating she shouldn't even be living with us okay I will talk to her about it later morning morning [Music] sweetheart oh I'm sorry about the dishes I was up late last night studying I promise I'll do them next time that's okay hey you know I was thinking that we all could what are you doing that's the last of the milk I was going to use it for my cereal I'm I'm so sorry I didn't know you can have the rest of mine that's disgusting you already drank from the cup okay she didn't know stop trying to always defend her I've had enough of this you're always taking up the bathroom you leave your dirty dishes in the sink and now you want to drink the last of the milk I can't live with her anymore I want her out of this house right now Richard what she said she was sorry this isn't Up For Debate either she goes or I go Angie please she's my daughter can we just talk about this first I don't think you heard me Richard it's either her or me I'm not going to ask again I'm so sorry Dad maybe you could stay at Grandma's you're just going to kick me out like that I'm your daughter family should always come first can't believe you would choose her over me Caitlyn is heartbroken she packs all of her stuff and starts to leave Angie happily watches on as Richard sits there devastated after some time and things settle down their relationship seems to be going great but as time goes on Angie continues to to find more reasons to keep getting upset at Richard she begins to argue and fight with him all the time until finally Angie ends up leaving Richard he finds himself all alone now without his girlfriend or his daughter and then one day Richard decides to pay his daughter a visit Dad look I just want to say that I am so sorry for everything that happened I feel really bad I I don't understand where's Angie he broke up turns out after you left she still kept having problems with [Music] everything I know now that I should have chosen you because family always comes first can you please forgive me well I'm glad you realized that and yes I forgive you thank you you want to move in with me I I promise you can have as long as you need do the bathro and you can always have the last of the milk okay I won't say yeah Dad I would love that uh Leah honey I was thinking maybe that we could adoption will I want to have my own my own blood I'm not willing to give up yet I get that and I really want that as well but you heard what the doctor said maybe this is the only way just please consider it family doesn't require blood it requires love oh hi can I help you does will Lancaster live here um depends who might you be I think I'm his [Music] daughter hi sweetie what's your name Josie Josie Franklin well it's very nice to meet you Josie but I think there's been a little bit of a mistake you used to date my mom Jamie she said she never told you about me Jamie Franklin wow that's been over decade uh how old are you Josie I'm 10 I'm going to go want to sit down I'm going to need to sit down just give us a sec okay um just stay right [Music] there will what is going on the timing makes sense I mean she could be mine but wasn't Jamie your crazy ex-girlfriend who always used to use you yeah I know and I haven't seen her in years where's your mom did she bring you here we were living on the streets and she passed away recently she told me my dad's name right before so I looked it up on the library computer well why don't you come inside come on in and and wash up the bathroom's ready over there and we have plenty of towels what are you doing we don't know this girl can't just let her into our home well what are we supposed to do just put her back in the streets she's a kid even if she gets help she'll be in falser care until she's 18 look if Josie's my daughter I can't let that happen to her what if she's not she could be lying her mom could be lying she could be a total stranger know that just sounds crazy okay I get that and it's totally unexpected but I feel responsible for that little girl all right so let's just do whatever we can to help or at least find her a good home hey are you hungry yeah do you like pasta according to police records Jamie Franklin is presumed dead without her mother it will take some time to get approval for a DNA test uh so what can we do now well we can take her in or maybe we can sign you up for temporary custody I really don't want her going through the system so we can take her in I mean for now I we're trying to have a kid so maybe this is Universe you know giving us a test run just to be clear well this is only temporary I can help you get started with the paperwork meanwhile I'll try to find other family she may have please as soon as possible you have a bad feeling about all of this this one's cute why don't you try on these and then meet us out here okay all right come on didn't you always want to do this take out a little princess make her look cute and take her to Disneyland and get matching outfits yeah with my own daughter not with some girl I don't even know well while we have her can we just make her feel comfortable okay please $300 a 10-year-old girl does not need a purse this expensive wow I did not realize it was that expensive look it's okay it's it's not a problem look she's never had stuff like this in her whole life I mean remember what she was wearing when we found her just because you're a lawyer and you make great money it doesn't mean you need to spend so much wow you look great this is perfect let's get this one do you like it Leah me yeah you look beautiful I love your bracelet can I get one like that oh sweetie that's a very expensive bracelet but we'll say that for another time okay can I wear this out now I don't see why not but why don't you try on the rest of your out it's okay now she wants a bracelet she's just a little kid you know she doesn't know any [Music] [Music] better is that what you wanted yes thank you I love it hey guys have either of you seen any jewelry laying around I missing something from my box no I haven't I haven't seen your bracelet either how did you know it was my bracelet that was missing oh uh I just figured it was because you we it the most interesting so you wouldn't mind me taking a look in your backpack hey Josie why don't you take this and set it up in your bedroom and I'll be there in a few okay why would you ask her that you basically are accusing Josie of stealing your bracelet don't you find it a little suspicious that she knew exactly what was missing without me saying anything was a wild guess look I mean can you just please ease up she's just a kid what are you doing just making sure see I told you she didn't steal anything do you feel better now I will feel better once I find my grace like do you ever consider there's other possibilities besides our daughter being a thief our daughter is that what you're calling her now you haven't even gotten your DNA results back yet okay well regardless of that family doesn't just require blood I'm going to go find my bracelet press stop bookside Elementary all right there jie I'm going to be in trial and Leah's is going to be picking you up after school Leah yes I know it isn't as good as your other bracelet but you can wear this until you find it I made it for you you made this for me wow thanks so sweet of you you're welcome that's so nice Josie all right well you don't want to be late have a great day at school Bye Bill bye Mia how cute was that I have to say she's growing on me she's so sweet it's just hard to believe that she's Jamie's kid but then again maybe she does have my blood and that would make a lot of sense so we'll see gosh I feel so bad now I'm sorry for how I've been treating her I guess deep down I just feel sad because seeing Josie is a reminder of that we can't that I can't hey it's okay it's okay I understand and I'm sorry that I rushed you into this whole thing you know and without even seeing how you felt oh my gosh some man just took Josie what let's go who is he I don't know but I'm going to find out just wait a sec it looks like they know each other she's giving him Nintendo switch why would she do that and the purse my bracelet I told you she took my bracelet I knew it that's it I'm going to go get up wait a sec I'll be smart about this do you still have friends at the police station we should go there and talk to them and see what they have to say and go from there I just knew there was something off about her I believe it I trusted her I should have listened to you [Music] we have to leave in 5 minutes oh and will I need the cash for the new bank account okay sure let me go get that are you done sweetie mhm right 500 right yeah I'm just going to grab my purse then we can go all right sounds good I need to grab my watch okay sweetie so wait right [Music] here okay you ready to go all right don't forget your bag [Music] let me get that for you ladies all right this all for you uh oh I love it let's get this one too Mark you heard the lady gotcha doesn't mommy look pretty sweetie all righty that brings your total to about 6789 you could uh excuse me one moment we don't have change for these big bills up [Music] here okay this is good Josie but we're going to need more next time okay can you do that for us baby yeah the guy's a lawyer I bet he has so much money that he won't even notice how much longer do I have to do this I don't like stealing from them they've been really nice to me to me this isn't about being nice Josie don't forget the plan what's going on ma'am I'm going to need you a change out of that dress what why she looks great in that thing you guys are coming with me you're using counterfeit bills wait there's no way that what did you do I don't know what's going on I swear come on you can explain this all to the cops they're on their way I swear officer this we didn't do anything wrong then how do you explain this counterfeit money huh we got it from someone else someone paid us with it this is all one big misunderstanding you're not going to believe this she's been presumed dead and he has a bunch of warrants out for his arrest mhm anywhere come on now take it easy your fault she didn't do anything you fell for our trap she have known it was you behind us the whole time always finding ways to use me but this is a new low I have no idea what you're talking about let me give you some advice uh the next time that you're using a kid to scam someone make sure that your idiot boyfriend doesn't pick them up in front of their school I would never do that to my daughter Technically she's not your daughter she's in our custody because you died remember I was going to clear that up you can't prove that I did anything wrong you're wearing the evidence well I wouldn't have to do this if he wasn't such a deadbeat dad he owes me 10 years of child support I never even knew that Josie existed how do I owe you money for not even knowing that I had a daughter I'm not actually your daughter she told me to lie so that she can make money out of you I'm so sorry well this does complicate things seeing as how the mother is alive we're going to have to take her into custody as well just to we sort this out come on let's go follow us it's [Music] okay well I guess you don't have to worry about Josie anymore Oh Come I'm sorry that I didn't listen to [Music] you I didn't bother to take my watches did you see anything missing yeah my PS5 is gone did they take anything else no I don't think so hi why would someone just break in a what's wrong nothing I'm fine how was your day good um I have a surprise for you oh yeah what's in the bag oh this too but first Josie hi I don't understand what's going on well I thought about what you said about family doesn't require blood it only requires love and we're adopting Josie that is fantastic Josie welcome to the family again thanks and I'm so sorry oh no no sweetheart that was not your fault we know what happened I have a gift for you really mhm we're going to Disneyland hey oh so cute thanks Leah thanks will and if you want you could call call us Mom and Dad I'd love [Music] that where's Dad's ears uh [Music] [Music] right
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 2,087,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Id: KeofZ_Pg8Bw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 28sec (3208 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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