[Music] one me are you threatening me right now your money I wish I was recording the table I wish I was requiring a call because you say so many times vanilla vanilla vanilla by the vanilla vanilla vanilla I brought you like a hundred gallon vanilla extract you can do whatever the heck you know what nobody like do you know what the vanilla [Music] what is vanilla canteen what is vanilla on 34 [Music] what it ran up I did my best I know you did your best buddy ticket to Bolivia stupid idiot but we never told you to forgive everything we just saw you bring the card back home but you do want to nothing you wanna talk you want to talk you wanna talk you wanna talk you out of which will need to buy $2,000 worth Manila would you leaders who died if we never ask you to buy any vanilla think what can a working woman and I dream what do you want ice cream when you don't know what are those what you're gonna do is it why did you watch it what why did you buy so much of vanilla then who - did you buy vanilla the fun thing what kind of vanilla you bought [Music] there's no point of crying over me I'm going to talk to you tomorrow I'm going to talk to you tomorrow no sir all right I'm ready tomorrow listen I just think I just need your address and I will give you all the vanilla you want my address what I'm going to do with vanilla what kind of vanilla you bought did you will realize things no you can't we thought about doing that but you actually can't ship vanilla ice cream if you pick up vanilla ice cream but you know it's frozen so when you actually get it terrifying and no one really likes my high school that actually really did like vanilla it was a weirdest track the whole class would go out to get ice cream and he was melted ice cream it is a witness you know so but you'd have to like order it announcement announcement and then after the ice cream was melted he would like to take it and he'd put it in like a cup he would stir it around a little bit and the funniest thing happened too is like they would take those wrinkles he'd take the sprinkles and they were he would wait for the sprinkles to melt it's the like things I've ever experienced in my life so he would like it vanilla ice cream with a rainbow sprinkle and he's the man there's something about that though for me something about when you just talk over the scammer I don't I don't know I don't know what it is I can't give you the the word what yeah hello really quick I just wanted to have before we wrap up here I need your address and I also need the password to my computer send them I think I what well I can't figure out how to get in my pants how to get into the computer but I also need your your address so I can ship those products to you we are already left the office what did you do to my computer okay what are you talking about I listen here hello are you getting this new day without a lifetime awful wait like that you can't do that hey boy hey I listen but you can't don't do that with my laptop you understand Mayhew this is a mess against the law you can't you go to prison you're gonna be behind the bars you understand yeah dude you need to understand me your weights you got the money she was supposed to return of the money but I can't reach Ola to just buy the gift cards and you people bought the cars here you do or you walking on the street right now it's like where are you right now going back boom I'm going back home this is my mobile this is a button number I'm just going back home you said you live right now ACOTA what do you that don't sound like South Dakota we cannot talk baby can I talk to you anymore right now we'll call back here tomorrow unlock my computer right now what is the password for my laptop are you here me know what yes the password for my laptop my wife said you were a big fan of vanilla apparently so she doesn't want you to listen what are we going to do with the vanilla probably whatever it is well I mean like whatever to do with the very light cream but not I haven't got your vanilla vanilla ice CD if that's your thing people bought the won it up what is whatever you did yeah what are you going to do with that yes I assumed you were gonna sell it for cash that way you could everybody that we knew people through the money that we're not just like the Walmart gift card was equivalent to money and you people have 40 mm what mm vanilla stop are you out of your stain my wife did exactly what you told her to do and I do not appreciate you gonna walk and hold the computer hostage like there let me complete them stop interrupting me let me come please oh you all are was so because you you are breaking the loft you people you people have taken the money and you love people are doing shopping with that the only law are Bert was being too nice I spent 25 minutes picking out the perfect the products free you know I could have just bought you two thousand dollars worth of vanilla cake mix but no one likes vanilla cake no one likes vanilla cake talk to you the products that people actually what you hear me the don't you don't know you don't know tell me I didn't do anything wrong I wasn't listening you because I look I'm looking out for you yes Clara how are you not well not very well I had a very obviously a bad evening last night a very stressful morning okay yeah a very stressful morning go video computer yeah and I can't get into it I still can't get into my computer so you can't get into your computer because why because yesterday you have received 4,000 right you have received 4,000 and that is not my money that is our company - okay so I wonder 4000 then I'll give you the computer Christian listen I don't appreciate aspirin listen to me I spoke with my lawyer and I do not appreciate you threatening me and blackmailing me I am happy to work with you to get you your money back but in order to do that we're gonna have to communicate I need my computer I need to be able to talk the computer I'll give you the computer please listen to me okay and you don't need to talk with your lawyer okay no one's we're gonna help you out apart from me okay I am the person I said let me speak first I'm just wondering did you practice law I will tell you because I I block your computer right Louis block keep on good yes I am the technical guy I know how to unblock the computers right so I am the person that's what I'm telling I am the person who can I help you out but you can return my money I'll give you your computer okay so what we need to do representing me you need to go to the Walmart right and you need to continue when you reach to the Walmart parking lot then just do let me know yes Kristen I am in Walmart parking lot okay listen yes can you hear me let me have access to my laptop and we will not have any little problems yes so what I'm telling you can be my money I will get you your method right now it says I need my password what's the password to my computer I will give you the password Clara so first you can return my money and then I'll give you the computer I trust you yes now you know I will not give you I will not be blackmailed what you are doing is it illegal but I am willing to I'm willing to let that pass I will not I will not report you or deal with any of that if I don't care about if you're going to make that campaign with our company or with me I don't care about what you can give me my photos yes you can give me my full thousand I'll give you your computer okay what you are committing a crime you could be in prison you understand I do please I do believe you because I'm converting with that client but the thing is that yesterday I tried to explain you that things okay don't waste the time you want your computer now why is being attacked I'm telling you let me are my computer will communicate about this find the best way to get your money back and we'll make it happen and I'm willing to not press charges for your grants management you understand ma'am these calls are getting recording right and are you answering your your call on a recorded line you're saying you don't care if I report you tell me because you're blackmailing me what's wrong with you do you really go to price milling you do you want to be behind the bars that is you want your computer or not you want your computer or television No accidentally do you $4,000 and now you are holding my property hostage until I give you something that it's not how it works it's not how you do things in America you don't you can't do that yes I know I know give me my money I'll give you your computer that's it okay give me my money it's so extortion you're extorting me then no I want my money I'll give you your computer that's it and after that we are not going to bother you that's it you can give me my money man because that is not my money that is my company money I'm gonna report it police you are extorting me right now man I'm just telling you he doesn't care because he know I am like obviously a scammer because I have no idea forgave me $4,000 it's your fault you made a mistake I'm trying to help you and you said it wasn't your money yesterday you said it was your company's money and you were concerned about losing your job now you keep saying that it's our money and I have to give it back to you I mean this is weird I know man you helping me a lot right so that's it you can go to the Walmart and get the gift card and come back at home and I'll give you a computer now let me talk to your manager let me talk to you manager so just go ahead man and go to the Walmart and get the gift card okay and you can just not the 4000 you don't need to give me the photo no this around how about I just keep the $4,000 and I did a new laptop give me 2,000 if you want to keep the money you can keep it I'll gotta send the FBI right now because we are just going to make the combo and you're gonna tell that you've been extorting me you're gonna tell the FBI by losing her property hostage yeah statement as approve you took our money illogical site we have a statement as a brutal terrible obviously get someone from your legal department on the phone and if they promise that I can give them two thousand dollars we can come to some sort of a settlement is someone from your legal department on the phone and we'll make it happen I want proof that I'm gonna get it back for two thousand dollars so get someone from the legal department on the phone right now you understand what legal department nothing in our nothing in our Microsoft of course do you have a legal department heard the term Finders Keepers losers weepers I said no precedents and some states today I don't my god I don't anyone hinging on that statement alone oh and actually interesting mother was telling me gosh I think it was Dixon versus Billings in the 1970s literally the 1970s that's not that long right do you want a piece by move your move your feet lose your seat so honestly you don't have a very strong court case you understand hello yeah yeah yeah we are making it very simple for you try and listen are you from the legal department yes okay what's your name my name is Alan Alan it's nice to meet you hello let me get my lawyer on the phone give me one second yeah okay are you there are you there I'm here okay I have Daniel I have Danny on the line Daniel why don't you ask him a couple questions yeah Who am I speaking with you Alan okay Alan and you are I'm sorry Ellen are you a kind of certifications do you have why are you fumbling so much why are you fumbling so much if you are a lawyer you should be pointed out to Arthur I was in save it for Court okay this is just a quick a quick conversation I don't want to have to go to court any more than you want to go to court you understand yeah I'm aware some documentation okay okay I have the legal documentation you people not since Clara hostage ER ativy amount okay perché mm tomorrow yesterday but the remaining balance is another two thousand Silva spending with you people right correct correct is that you don't interrupt when I'm talking just when I will look less you're not doing throw up okay sir I would appreciate that you don't treat my client in that manner please and we had the right to you people are loving human being you're loving and living a family okay we are a company we've got nothing to lose a lot okay make it right you actually do have a lot to lose I imagine the I imagine the the people of the United States of America versus Microsoft would love to hear about how you're extorting your customers I think they went I think them me hello the media Microsoft the trillion dollar company is spreading capitalist lies smearing its own constituents across the United States like sporting thousands of thousands of dollars we are not microphone you're making very clear for you are you people objection hearsay objection hearsay what are you talking about actually you can't overrule it because you're not a judge do that yeah what kind of legal action we can take it you're a judge and a lawyer that doesn't make sense er I'm not saying I'm a judge I'm a lawyer it says when I'm talking to you a lawyer I could overrule and I believe you know that I overruled you right yeah you can do that simply definitely you can do that okay overruled I'm not going to say much we're going to clean because it doesn't sir all I need you to do all I need you to do is give my client what I need to do you cannot request me you are holding contempt of court right now sir order okay order in the code but you are holding my clients property against her will with no permission and extorting her for four thousand dollars that is illegal these are V you will be behind the bars these a V residents in 14 states still yeah 78 yeah the money back that's what he doing he doing money laundering right this is a create money laundering yep where the money laundering coming to put you have proof of this I do okay clear just a quick side excuse me sir can I have a quick sidebar with my client can I approach the bench no that's anyway you want to do with your friends you can do it go ahead okay Claire Claire are you going to run on my knee sir I would like to I would like to speak with my client hold on a second are you laundering only keep quiet I am NOT laundering any money he has no proof of that yeah we have you order in the court would you and under 30 advance that's called money laundering money laundering no that's not me that's saying answer my question objection overruled hearsay contempt of court all right I gave you some money all right you owe me that money why aren't you returning it did you know Daniel did you know how to answer me quit pushing quid pro quo well right now I can subpoena you with three different affidavits hold you contempt of court habeas corpus did you I know listen the statute states you have not even read my client her Miranda rights if some dollar no United States citizen will have taxation without representation sir understand me yes hello if Christian available please dummy sorry yeah listen is this Kristen I would like to work something out all right I think things got heated between our legal counsel or not legal counsel whatever that was I'd like to come to some sort of an arrangement okay I will I work obviously as you saw last night I want to give you your money back I spent three hours trying to get you your money back I think you can trust me and I'm trying to help you with that but I need to know that I can meet you halfway and and so I guess what I'm wanting to do is you're in South Dakota right I want you to meet me halfway so I was thinking maybe if you're in South Dakota maybe I can just travel okay unlock my computer listen you mm okay you still owe us with all this God yes I owe you $2,000 I also need access to my computer because I have some very important things I need to do on the computer yeah I know we will not do anything to your computer then get your car get this 2004 much gift card we will help you to unlock your computer I want you to meet me halfway you understand I mean I can't I want to know that I can trust you you were just admitting to extorting me I'm afraid that I'm gonna give you the car the Walmart cards kiribati so give me my computer and obviously you'll be able to lock it at any time I don't even know how you did that no this cannot be on the computer I need to check my bank account and make sure I have the appropriate funds to do all of this my husband had to pay some bills okay I know that I know that I wasn't supposed to do it on my phone we pay bills again you understand we know that I don't know if I even have enough money in my account to pay for $2,000 oracle cards 4000 what extra whatever balance you had it alright whatever balance you had apart from your mean balance there were four that had been credited extra onion in your account maybe I could just call my bank that would probably be easier well they can tell you the balance you want to see the balance on your computer yeah that's what I said they don't want me to call the bank to tell you are you in front of your computer yes I am I just I think I'm just gonna call the bank to figure out the balance that would be easier so I'm just trying to make sure that I have enough money in my account to pay for everything because we had some bills we had to pay and then honestly there was this really really cool there's like a garage sale that you want your computer or not tell me yep I've been saying that for the past half-hour yes too much just come to the point you want it I will talk as much as I want okay and just to be clear I still learn I still owe you $2000 correct just to be clear just to be clear on the recorded line for the lawyers or anything you are accepting the $2,000 in vanilla-flavored like product again you're telling me the lawyer I don't care about like lawyer or please I don't care about anyone I need our company money that's it right you need two thousand more dollars because I sent you okay just to be clear okay what if I just guess the pet what if I just type the password in and see what happens I mean I feel like I sort of already revealed to him anyway so maybe we'll see what happens okay she's moving they're probably like what they locked it again hey I remembered my password hello yes yes I'm a Christian hi how are you yeah I'm fine what about you I'm doing fine thank you sir I was able to figure out how to get him the computer don't do anything I'll just check that okay distracted okay no it's it's fine it's fine my son had a young a master password set up or something I guess anyway can I raise your son my son's in school he's in school and he's making the password and he create the master password yeah yeah listen I'm not really concerned about explaining this whole situation to you considering you admitted you're extorting one of your customers and I am willing to give you a $2,000 back what are you gonna show me because your son has generate the password that is the master password right wouldn't you know what happened if you're going to put the master password so your computer's are going to block any point of time now generate a password hey there's always been a password apparently he didn't just make the password he's always had the password my son actually works in Artie honestly he probably had my son my son my son works in computers he knows about computers he probably could be your boss if they want to do he's very smart he's very capable man the other thing he was like he can hold his own composure during a phone call he doesn't act out and lash out like a two-year-old he's got that going for so I know anyway so okay I'll show you what okay yeah now exacting for the password it could put the password okay the master pass with the password yes master password okay are you and leave it up Internet paper I leave it a pen and a paper oh okay should I just make a new password let's make a new turtle can you are tle no I'm not ready with a pen and a paper yes I'll give you the password you can note it down okay okay what's the password yeah I'll give you the password is zero zero one fight no it's not it's Samsonite 0 0 7 8 why were you lying to me are you still trying to extort me how am I supposed to trust you sorry how am I supposed to trust you let me set the password I'll tell you the password no power8 Gurt LEP I'll give you the password ok note it down ok I've been accidentally level of that ok what's the password and you just tell me the password please I'll give you a I've been handy with the in a pepper for the past ten minutes but you just keep saying it over and over and over again a password it's for sugar yep have you got a sugar yep do you pour umbrella have you seen the password no it's s you after you and B for Peter no no no no don't lie to me HUP now it's Samson Samson something no it's not Samson is our tonton ssup it's like supreme why are you lying to me why will we lie to you why are we going to lie to you tell you because you're trying to you can trust me okay it was a capital s tell me the numbers yeah hello no okay blackboard hello well we live it up yeah you can go ahead and log into your bank account log into your bank account yeah do you actually represent you represent Microsoft my tech support company are you some random guy who's trying to steal money from me I need to know are you trying to steal my money why I try to say that money tell me nothing just reeks of a poorly planned scam okay you can go ahead and call you know very well your lad will not help you out so in this entire worlds no one's we're going to help you your life will not help you out your lawyer your lawyer was celebrated my lawyer that he's hung up my lawyer could beat up your lawyer any day in court how much can your lawyer benchpress you need to go to the Walmart and get the two thousand gift card it's a Walmart gift card that's it are you deaf I'm sorry what did you just say to me I said are you deaf no no you you definitely said something else tell me mom tell me how you were gonna return as my money tell me you know what I'm sorry I'm sorry no wonder about you what what is your name what is your name what is your night with you what what is your name all right well that loads let me show you this too I can add an external account so if you just if you have like routing and account number and stuff I can just transfer the money directly to you but no we yeah I two thousand dollars at Walmart for you I think he thought yeah I can see that you know that credit carbon on the credit card and get yeah and then I and then I redeemed those cards just like Kristin said dollar no worth $2,000 worth of vanilla products just like he wanted you bought the 2000 is a vanilla product right yes and now I still owe you two more a thousand dollars what I'm suggesting is if you if you type in your routing and accounting and everything I can just go ahead and transfer the money to you yes can you give me can you be handy with a card can you be any other card no like yesterday my husband use those to purchase vanilla flavored goodies like you asked and then I threw them in the trash can like any person would do okay you're out of your mind what I said yesterday when you get the gift card or you need to tell me right but did you go the gift card so no I tell ya it's got a not you told me to purchase those things it was you were watching me purchase it you said to purchase the vanilla flavored products dollars worth of vanilla extract scented candles a Vanilla Ice CD I think there wasn't even a limited edition Vanilla Ice t-shirt I'm not sure I don't know what size you were so he just didn't extra-large and a large and they're coming to my house and I told you give me your address and I will forward it to you mm-hmm and then you can send it and if you were a gift card or not tell me you have it or not no just go ahead and be Ondi with your Walmart gift card are you a robot are you a human being I'm not talking to a robot right now beep beep boop boop take me to your leader take me to your leader please for heaven Thanks it's like you're on a repeat I used them there it is on the computer I purchased vanilla coke vanilla Pepsi vanilla caramel spice scented wax melts vanilla extract all kinds of stuff okay okay okay I can't handie with it because I already used it you understand what I'm saying you already you already was the mm right and the rest of the mm right so you need to go to the Walmart and get the Walmart gift card okay just give me your account calm down give me your routing number and account number and I will do it right now do you understand I'm not able to give you I'm not able to give you my routing number and my account um I don't I because you have a personal account we have a business account that doesn't matter that literally does not matter at all I pay my bills to businesses all the time can I give you a check I'm gonna take the whole money from your account do you realize how overwhelming legal that would be oh wait wait you can take money from my account okay I'm gonna take the whole money I know this is a big idea listen to yourself you're a genius you can take money from my account yes I'm gonna take the whole money okay listen listen listen only take $2,000 I know that's a thousand we have a limit that's not how it works Oh get in you get money only mm sorry you have a limit correct sorry I was chewing it up Ricola yes take from me correct thousand ten thousand okay so let's let's five headless $14,000 you can take $10,000 which means I would have $4,000 left you could then oh gosh this is complicated you can give me back $8,000 and then we'd be good to go because because limit $8,000 and and then we will have then you will have 2,000 and I will have all my money that's what happened when you 10,000 we are able to give you 10,000 we also meant to take you the 10,000 that's it if you want I'm going to take the 10,000 down no you told me yes yesterday you gave me $4,000 clearly you're able to give me yeah less than 10,000 like don't lie yeah because that account that account is already closed I don't care about your illegal or whatever give me my $2,000 did say that's a direct response I just gave me the solution take my $10,000 give me back you can go to the Walmart we are not able to take 8000 I mean listen to me stop talking for two seconds okay I'm going to take the 10,000 I'll take the 10,000 okay and then give me back 8,000 I'm not gonna give you a single penny I'm not gonna give you a single penny and he will be put in jail if you don't care about what happens to you why don't I just keep the money heck just let me keep the money and lose your job cuz you're gonna lose it anyway if you steal my a cup you know what I'll give you two I'll give you two grain then okay if I'm gonna lose my job you know I am a technician right yeah and you know what I need to do right what's time simple as that is simple as that I'm gonna block the computer and I know how to took the money from your account no you don't already would have done it I'm gonna take the 14,000 I'll take the 14,000 from your account now you know everything no you can't thank you for asking though that's very polite of you give me give you my bank account why do you want your money back or not you can go to the one-leg vanilla-flavored paraphernalia because they are also tied with our company nope Microsoft does not own Walmart nope uh-huh Microsoft didn't buy Walmart that's ridiculous vianora Microsoft vianora Microsoft what who are you we are geeks Rika you're who be able to get my money or not tell me prove to me that I'm your customer you know what let's do this I'm gonna flip it reverse it you proved to me right now that you sent me four thousand dollars from your corporate account and I'm your customer and I will give you four thousand dollars myself you want do you want doing my money I will give you four thousand dollars you're right Alan okay it doesn't matter you are my customer not right you have my money oh I almost fell for this wait a second oh my what do they call refund Walmart it's it's gotta be this has to be some kind of scam isn't it it's gotta be something yes yeah this is David once again oh hey there oh hey there Oh fell for their other businesses do not accept payment in the front of Walmart gift cards for example you will never be yes as you can see that oh my gosh okay you guys are filthy little scared he's gonna laugh vanilla flavored Pepsi now because of you oh my gosh this is funny check your account you have the keys is that why Kristin was trying to is that why Kristin kept saying he was gonna steal my computer and he doesn't care about the law because you guys are already breaking the law it all makes this is fun I wish I was this whole thing I swear I saw something like this on Facebook I can't believe what is your make what is your name this is so funny you put on a my name David David okay so David what do you do that do they pay you like what kind of percent do you get if you steal the the Walmart card oh you transfer the money between my gap you'e tricked me so good oh my gosh you know what hats off to you wow you had me fooled you had me fooled but dangling your car you just wasted four hours for nothing because you oh you were you had me fooled for a while there I gosh oh you know they say fool me once shame on me fool me twice things I'm going on the news on yes okay I'm pulling up on the computer right now give me money right now they're literally doing the same scam to someone else right now you think it's a coincidence do you think it's a coincidence adenosine $4,000 I mean he's doing it right now all right you're absolutely wrong what are you right that's the name of God I'm not like you we've not mean excuse me sir I don't did it but you're not always done okay being a victim you know no no now now okay I just have to pre-record those things you do that now you can read it up I'm pink Sarah I bet in the Nemo trust me oh wait I think don't like ya don't even listen to us are you telling me that read it Thanks I don't understand how you're telling me that's all right traders support them first of all we are not calling you to protect your device okay we is not saying that it's at the top all of the broad scams are not from Walmart oh look at the pain thing excuse me sorry what I don't understand I don't understand it's right they don't get it right there look at the bottom or the middle of the top wherever wherever it would be yeah it's at the top it was at the top I was reading it before before I let the Hat I guess why didn't you tell me yes why don't you tell me Hank don't you dare sorry honey I know we're in this together ruin this together listen to this like haha amen listen to the light other business do not accept teaming and the form of Walmart gift cards right that's it right there right right now please don't yell at me please don't yell at them okay it says other businesses do not accept payment in the form of Walmart gift cards bingo there it is there it is Hank oh my god oh my you loved us the whole time you've already escaped you lied to us this won't do days in a row oh wait there it is yeah can you hear me you should be ashamed of yourself young man who are you this is this is the Internal Revenue Service Officer Michael William of the Internal Revenue Service and let me see I think there's even seeing on the page about that right there are yes listen to me you are supposed to give us the God numbers you can see this gamer's sometimes pretend to be government officials to get you to send them money oh you little boy thank what is it that you want what do you want you just need some money what did you ask for it nicely we're gonna give him no more why don't you just come out run say why don't you call my call my wife and say you know what I just need a couple bucks cuz I don't I don't want to get my own job hey calm down no no are you gonna listen to me you're going to give us the card numbers or not why would I get it literally says right there or other businesses do not accept payments in the form of Walmart gift cards listen to me listen to me do you think those get God listen to me do you think I am an absolute fool sir no no when did I say that you think you can can you please pass this line to your life you fool you know what I can't even believe I can't even believe in sight never up if it were up to me you'd go to prison for 25 years hallelujah so say we all we all thank they're stuck they don't know what to do they're like a bunch of little baby business they don't I'm done with you don't call us back don't call us back okay I think it's something point in order to sell that this was actually a real exchange I can't keep talking about [Music]