Fake "Microsoft" Scammer Can't Figure Out SYSKEY

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[Music] to connect you with your party thank you for calling online support you're talking with peter how can i help you yeah peter i'm i'm not sure i'm not really sure what i'm supposed to be doing right now man i some something happened earlier on my computer okay call me up so no problem so if you have any other any problem on the computer i will fix it for you right now right away you don't need to be worried about anything okay now do one thing look on the keyboard at the very left inside bottom corner of the keyboard there will be a windows key do you see the windows key and once you click on run let me know what next comes on the screen uh there's like a some sort of a lightsaber you ever seen star trek just wait for a while have if you have clicked on runs and wait for a while you will get a box on the screen and on that box you need to click on yes okay you have done a wonderful job sir i really appreciate your time and patience now i am connected with your computer do you see the mouse moving around and down oh i'll i'll tell you that you don't need to worry okay here right now you're talking with peter scott and my employee peter no kidding are you close yes 2001 i think we went to high school together no sister i was not there with you and uh my name is petersboro and then and my employee id is msm 19296 and the extension number will be 843. and i am the microsoft certified technician level seven level seven yeah i'm the i'm the level seventh microsoft certified technician can you leave the mouse first to fall yeah man i'm not doing anything with my mouse but do i really have to stop using it i mean it's it's my computer man yeah that's your computer but you don't have to use right now because i'm working right now on your computer this is so convenient right now just sitting here watching now the problem now the problem is first of all you're having a problem with the spywares and the malwares which are detected right now on the computer right the thing is that i guess i haven't i haven't found any of them if i'm like i mean like there was that pop-up and then when i started the computer again i don't see anything i'll show it i'll show it to you just hold on what was that something is coming up are you trying to play uh play runescape do you play bro no fair now just have a look right over here dude i can't get off start i can't get past that part where you got to cook the shrimp on the fire i keep burning them man i can't get off starter island who is your network service provider can you tell me honestly man i'm i my neighbor leaves his window open and the wi-fi leaks right out of it so i just use it i think he has i think he has comcast though so okay so you're using a wi-fi which is comcast okay so right now the entire network is infected with the viruses you can see that the foreign peoples are connected right now with his network and due to that here can the computer is connected with the infections do you see that foreign peoples are connected right now with her network and due to that reasons your entire net entire computer is infected with the virus the thing is that you just need to get the microsoft protection on the computer so should i just stop using his i mean it sucks because i gotta have my window open like in order to get his wi-fi i have to have my window open so some days some days when his window isn't open you don't have to use his network and if you use his network you need to get this microsoft protection on the computer okay so there's people on my computer right yeah they are the people who are connected right now with your computer microsoft production why don't i just uh why don't i just go close the window it's so cold in here anyway i'll just use someone else's wifi and then we'll be good right all right let me just uh if you go go ahead and use a different wi-fi or a different network you won't be able to fix the problem sir right now the problems are there on the computer and all of your personal identities will be compromised up now it's up to you whether you want to fix it or not i guess but am i am i fixing my neighbor's computer right now now you're not fixing your neighbor's computer you're getting your computer fixed up i'm fixing your computer i'm installing this microsoft cloud net cloud protection which includes 500 plus softwares and i'll provide you the network protection through which you can use your neighbors network yes if you will get this network protection on the computer and we will remove so the hackers are gonna be able to find me on a different wi-fi too no sir if you won't get this protection then the bad users can be easily connected with your computer and all of your identities may get compromised up like your social security number your email account right is that your babies can we go through some of those software's because i've been i've been thinking about getting a minecraft does it come with minecraft at all no sir i'll install the software for you you don't need to worry about that first of all i'm just asking what it includes that's a 500 plus softwares and that is only all in one software which is microsoft cloud protection 500 plus software is a software with uh is it minecraft or like does that have anything to do with bitcoin that that technician will tell you oh what software they're gonna install on here okay okay so just tell me which option should i locate for you five years ten years or for the lifetime it's like the uh action 52 game i had as a kid bro all right so we're gonna um all of your personal identities and everything that's cool man i didn't know you could do that put 500 things into one uh tell me in total how many computers you have sir can you tell me in total how many computers you have yeah uh how many computers i have it's just the one laptop how many devices yeah it's just devices uh i have a fridge a microwave my stove hasn't been no no no no no no not like that not like i do have one of those quesadilla like makers which is pretty weird but like you close you close it up with the tortilla i am talking about iphone ipad cell phones if you have any of them any of them sorry bro um you keep you keep i'm asking you if you have an iphone ipad tablet kindle apart from this laptop or computer do you have any other of them yeah i have a an ipad an ipod uh i actually got that new ifridge too that's that's pretty slick we don't cover that we don't cover that do you have an iphone ipad and tablet right yeah do you have iphone yes i also have an android phone what do you have i also have the android phone [Music] it's a smart phone as well as an up dog phone can you please listen to me without interrupting you keep interrupting me bro i've been trying to talk this whole time man i'm asking you if you i have a couple more devices i i have a zune i want to know if you support zunes as well as up dogs every every every device will be covered up oh you said that my fridge isn't right i have a smart fridge well there's a wi-fi printer washer dryer combos and but you said that's not not like not your washer dryer not your fridge like your printer scanner modem wi-fi everything will be covered up right now washer dryer actually texts me when it's finished it's over the wi-fi well i mean my my neighbor's wifi let me tell you what let me tell you what all will be covered up face any connectivity issues that will be covered up okay if we talk about now the price over here the five years will cost you about uh occasionally i hop on my game boy color sir every devices will be covered up if you face any connectivity issues okay you just told me bro let's make it clear i'm trying i'm trying to be clear any device apart from this computer that will be covered for free charge and if you face any connectivity issues then only okay now the charge for five years will be four ninety nine dollars except for and ten years will be eight nine dollars and lifetime will be twelve hundred and ninety nine dollars now tell me which option you want what to active yes that's the charge for the security and you don't cover up dog are you kidding me so we cover up all the devices if you face any connectivity issues okay so you you will cover my television in the event that it can't connect everything everything will be covered up if you face any connectivity issues so just tell me which option you want you want five years ten years of a lifetime including the up dog network everything okay all right before because before you said it didn't cover my tv and stuff like that so i'm just trying to be you know i'm just trying to double double because that's a lot of money man that's a lot of money no problem that's your choice i cannot force you if you don't know if it covers my if it covers my tv and everything then let's go for it um i was thirsty first of all listen to me listen to me okay if you want for five years then it will be 7.99 if you want for 10 years then it will be 9.99 okay you want to get it done for a lifetime then it will be 14.99 wait i thought it was like five hundred dollars before now it's 800 that was not 599 okay everything is getting recorded right over here everything is getting monitored for training and quality purpose and everything is recorded by covering all of your devices if you have any devices recorded that's that's true peter can you have your manager play back the recording because i swear it was i swear it was about two hundred dollars cheaper and that's a lot of money for me right now man sir i'm not misguiding you and i don't want to misguide you i have the recording but we can't show the recording to every customer like this okay so so you're saying if i were to take this to like geek squad or something that they would charge me the the 799.99 will not be able to fix it geek squad will not be able to fix it because they are the only local technician they're gonna fix a microsoft computer because all the rights of this machine are reserved by microsoft they cannot fix anything because all the lights of this machine are reserved by the microsoft are you competing we are the online microsoft certified technicians seems like please listen to me please listen to me microsoft store will charge you microsoft store will charge you 4.99 for one-time repair and for two thousand dollars they're gonna give you the lifetime for this one computer and wherein you're a very nice and kind customer to me if you get it done online i'll cover all of your devices in 1499 for the lifetime hold on a second i just went back my phone is actually recording too uh i just let me just play uh earlier and earlier in the call really quick this was uh you were talking about the lifetime no problem you can play the call you can play the call you can play the call he can hear to that can i disconnect the call if you want to hear the call no i can play it right now this is what i said it'll be 1299 that's your voice man that was for lifetime yeah but you wrote down 14.99 yeah you just wrote down 14.99 yeah and the [ __ ] for that yeah and the fi every single one of the plans was like hundred dollars cheaper bro okay but why did you lie to me you raised you raised the prices on me a whole bunch you told me you were never gonna lie to me but you did i'm sorry for that i thought i i wrote seven i wrote uh 799 or 999 i'm sorry for that that's i i'm that's my bad i'm sorry i will send you everything legally documented on your email as in legal proof how can i trust you man like how do i know that you're actually going to take care of my computer if you if you lied to me like that like you clearly everything is recorded right over here and you are also being uh you're also recording my voice then you have a legal proof also right right but how do i know you're gonna be honest with me man i mean you added two hundred dollars we i would like a list of all 500 softwares so i can verify that i actually got them and then we're good to go i'll probably just take the 10-year plan but i'd need that list of the 500 uh programs i know it's all in one i didn't want to be able to check that is all in one and i don't know the name of the software that is a microsoft how about we do this can i can i just speak with adam could you and your could you get your manager on the call and maybe your manager and i and yourself like all three of us can talk so i don't know the name of 500 softwares that software's or technician tell you about that okay okay why don't you get a uh a technician on and we the three of us can chat because i just that's the name of the software which is microsoft cloud protection microsoft this says it's free man i don't that's not free that is two hundred dollars okay but why does it cost that's not free no that's that's two hundred dollars credit man i don't know about the charge for this software sir why are you uh that's free because sir now please don't waste the time you're also wasting your time and my time okay well i just want to make sure tell me whether you want it for five years ten years of a lifetime i'm just trying to make sure i'm getting the right thing for my computer it seems like maybe you're getting the right thing sir you're getting the right thing everything will be sent to you documented once your computer will be i'd like to talk to you i think i'd like to talk to your manager because it seems like you don't really know what's going on man i don't want you to waste any more of my time uh because my time is valuable so uh please my my time is also valuable over here i cannot waste my one second even though i cannot waste one second why can't you waste why couldn't you waste even one second i feel like you're wasting my time right now bro like seriously you have no idea no problem that's your choice well who do i how do i because you what do i call to get my computer if you're not if you're not gonna because you're just wasting your time and my time you're just wasting the time okay i mean i i do gotta say man um i i do appreciate you spending 47 minutes and of your time i mean you said you couldn't waste a single second of your time and so at least 47 minutes and 25 seconds have been wasted and i gotta ask man like how did you get caught up in this tech support scam i mean it's pretty it's pretty crazy to me that you went from like you went from saying you weren't gonna be able to call cover all of my devices unless i paid like fourteen hundred dollars to then as soon as i said i was willing to pay the like 600 bucks you're like oh cool man just give me your card everything's covered i mean that's not that's not cool man clearly you just want the sale do you not want to talk now is that it i must conf are you sure you don't uh are you sure you don't want to try to siskey me or what is it that you're trying to do now man no no no i'm not putting any cis key or anything okay oh cool yeah just just disable all the services the next time my computer starts that seems that seems cool oh man shucks um crap are you saying my computer is not gonna are you saying my my computer's not gonna work anymore now i don't know i'm not connected with your computer anymore for the record as a microsoft employee what you're doing right now is is very malicious so if if you truly are i've been trying to figure out how to get my webcam to work too i i don't know if uh if that's something no problem sir so d you don't actually work from microsoft then do ya it's pretty it's pretty clear that um this whole thing is just a it's just a ploy to get in touch with innocent people who don't know very much about computers and then take advantage of them and i how would you feel if it was your mom or your grandma or something like that like how would you feel if if your grandmother or your sister or something was being called by an illegitimate company and lied to sure first of all i'm not able to abuse on the call if i would be able to abuse on the call i'll definitely abuse you till now you would you would definitely abuse me if you could okay yeah man i tell you what i i think you're talking about i think you're talking about your wife or your mother or your daughter what are you talking about man you don't make any sense but frankly you haven't made any sense the entire call so i don't know how much should i what should i expect from you think back yeah you made my day man i made your day i've spent my uh uh yeah you spent i have spent an hour with you and it was lovely talking to you i i appreciate that it was interesting talking to you unfortunately um all you did was lie about everything so um you think that it was light yeah you uh obviously you don't work from microsoft and uh it seems like you don't really yeah i don't work for microsoft are you working you don't know a whole lot about computers either it's k e y by the way s y s k e y if you want to try to lock me out that's how you would uh you would do that bro i got you i got you okay here there you go oh cool man thank you i appreciate that now i'm screwed i guess i'm not going to be able to get out of my computer anymore uh you you got me what do you think i'm full here bro disconnect the call disconnect the call
Channel: Kitboga
Views: 628,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scambait, syskey, hacker, windows, virus, koobface, malware, worm, network, tech support, scammer, internet scam
Id: XSKjob5_bi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 3sec (1443 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 01 2018
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