I Tricked This Scammer Into Video Chatting

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I love the part where (s)he guilt tripped the scammer into scamming him for less. 4000$ -> 1800$.

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/MyClitBiggerThanUrD 📅︎︎ May 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Kitboga streams on Twitch too btw, twitch.tv/kitboga

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/Fantaffan 📅︎︎ May 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

That is a long meal! And a very unsettling thumbnail.

If it wasn’t 4am I’d probably start it now!

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/E_J_H 📅︎︎ May 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Even though the person in the video is respectful the comment section is racist af. They're using Indian and scammer interchangeably and saying the most obscene shit about Indians as a whole. People in America still can't remove race from a person's identity, he's not a scammer because he's Indian , he's a scammer who is Indian.

👍︎︎ 125 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

r/kitboga also

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/nylajd 📅︎︎ May 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

IT guy. Nearly always a dumb idea to engage scammers. For example, a huge amount of the world's email accounts are dead or aren't monitored. By telling the scammer to F*** off or trying to get petty revenge by wasting their time, you're telling them your email is active. So they're going to sell it to the next scammer. Mark as junk, delete, and move on.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/billbixbyakahulk 📅︎︎ May 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

20 minutes in, the call to "her bank." I'm fucking dying. It's so good

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/EuclideanZoning 📅︎︎ May 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
I wonder if this will work hello hey David can you hear me wait okay I saw him for a second give me a minute I spent 10 hours baiting this scammer and they're giving up information about his team his bank accounts and ultimately I tricked him into video chatting with me it's probably my most successful call in the past 3-4 years at least to some degree it started off like a typical refund scam or they leave a voicemail claiming that you owe money my name is Brian from the refund department and this call is regards to your refund of $399 they say that to get your money back you have to fill out a form then they process the transfer and you have to log into your bank to approve the charges at this point they manipulate your bank accounts HTML to make it look like they gave you a bunch of money when in reality nothing happened they then asked you to go get them some gift cards or wire transfer money to their account but this call was a little bit different can I see you something if you don't mind on the record or off the record can I seize it should be all the records go ahead your voice is amazing because while you are talking unconsciously like you know with yourself your voice is like amazing the scammer was flirting with me and started sharing really weird details about his life so I saw it as an opportunity and here's that story you see the parser is moving great well yeah the HP store I don't remember buying anything like HP store it's not a buying because they are the local service providers a store where you from your area as for the policy the subscription which you have returns for the security that's that pers come up with your hardware and the software part of the device it's really ought to ask you like this but your voice sounds like sometimes you know that when it's trading in Australia 21 years old and the girl is talking to me it should fit it's so amazing okay I'm really sorry to ask you like this way by the way how old the human it's kind of rude to ask that question you okay I'm really sorry kidding hello how are you I'm 31 okay I'm 17 October like I'm not exactly right now I'm thirteen 13 October 2020 we cross one Oh counting down the days what about you I'm 26 so tell me the truth so my guess was correct I would say actually believe me I was actually thinking your rule is like in between pay for 227 Oh more than you're a good guesser my dream was to serve for the nation that's my rate I know from my childhood I wanted to be you know a part of this nation you know in a force a police horse or spatial force like a corpse like in the military or something exactly for that you know just to be found for the nation help for your country so I wanted to be a perp you do hit the new job on the military no I didn't I didn't I just you know on that point of time on that particular age I was just miss handles I'm a survivor I can feel like as this mishandled by myself because I choose the wrong path to go so I just moved away from my shyness won my own carrier and logging and I banked and he decided to go I was for him to wear these for her long long for four years but in this in between these four years he never tried to cause he not gonna see him me anymore or call me even when she left me that time I was in hospital you know I was having a key Brooke T work losses in my bladder of two which is connected with kidney to kidney to my abdomen I was having a to Burke loss is there any way even I was telling I was talking like I was a giant news channel and then I got you know I was undercover reporter and one day my cover was blown and I got injured I got zapped by the people in my family was telling my mom was crying that he's an undercover journalist and he got saluted mom stop the stock to having a food and everything she even gave very glass of water I'm that part-time for a long seven days skeptical he sent me this picture as proof I put the heart I would think so I didn't have any choice you were you were really you got hurt really bad oh my god and there's a notice for me them then have I have resigned myself from my all facilities everything I used to have from the government of particular whenever I go to the spa as a spy you're undercover so I have resigned from everywhere and I came back to my mom face and the day when I came back see just after I want they enter to the imagine just tell us a tiny responses came in front of me she just ran away to me and like you know she just started crying could you tell me more about when you were like what were some of your assignments when you were inspired my first assignment was to you know how to get the handler of the drug racket inside the university or engineering college your first London and oh my gosh yeah that was that was my first assignment only wow I just want to share everything with my life purpose that's all yeah yeah I don't know I did I'm feeling so good to talking to you that's all I don't know maybe I'm gonna carry my new deodorant I'm not sure normally I don't wear deodorant but my roommate was telling me that I have been smelling pretty Ranga so I decided to try this like new sniff is coconut eucalyptus thing wait I don't know even I'm really sorry that I'm being so embarrassed wait no I guess you can't smell that okay it's just I've been working so hard to like save up the money that I have right now and like trying to get out of debt I have a lot of debt from student loans and right now I'm actually I lost my job so I'm trying to figure out what else I can do so David thinks that this bank is real it's actually a fake bank set up to mess with scammers but he's trying to scam me for $4,000 and the way he's gonna do that is transferring money in between my accounts but David seems to like me and what if I could guilt trip him into not scamming me at this point so I'm really thankful that you guys are giving me the money back I guess I'm curious if he's gonna do it you saw them times four thousand dollars right I've just been working so hard but I think I have a really good business opportunity my friend was telling me about her like essential oil business and I only have to pay like I think it's like two hundred and fifty dollars to start and some people make like I don't know like a couple hundred dollars a year don't cry please run quite it's just so very different there's like a we're like a little angel you know gosh I'm so thankful for you he's still gonna scan me but not as much defend your resume dude he's like completely well it's so ridiculous he's like in his mind he's like well I could scam her for 4,000 but I only do $80 actually sorry I you know they heard about a new boyfriend I was just reading in the I'm not on the internet about how they're these guys really calling people really were saying that like they were like they were gonna help people pay their bills because of everything going on but they were actually just stealing the money and everything how can someone do that to someone you know talk quietly so French I want to see my very cute friend is crying can you make can you be my friend forever yeah we can be making new friends so I want to see my friend is crying I'm not feeling happy can you just be on the line for a moment because I'm getting some updates from our back-end team I'm just getting some oh yeah I know about your engine okay not the very top of the account is we can you just see the transaction of HP refund anything like that the fund from HP refund from HP over at the top yeah refund from HP it should be ruined it too dirty wait 1000 it David by today did it string your fund from which we should be in your description David's is $1,800 I'm sorry we did you send me $1,800 cuz I told you that's how much I have to pay off my credit card over he didn't I'm just trying to ruin this scam I'm sorry I don't know I don't like don't really thank you David is oh my God thank you are you serious you got $1,800 yeah I what you see and urine did you do that on purpose like I assume you sent me 1800 instead of what was I supposed to get Lee I actually tweeted a on it that I cannot send anyone in from my end I just need to be what is my job that was I doing I just can only put the amount where it is asking from my end how much the customer listen to me confirm with that month from my end I don't know what I am put in there because I'm not supposed to send you 1800 I'm supposed to send you 400 right check with the total record isn't transferring any money to me I hope that's very clear HPD fun he just added the easy to become a hit credit of $1,800 to your tongue my finger not mentioned in the Republic fund application my two days this can you see that I understand what happened so you accidentally sent $1,800 and then you sent 1800 dollars of your own money to me to cover for your mistake basically it should be not the record ma'am I would like to request you exactly you told me that should be not in the record it should be not record right I mean whenever yourself I'm not gonna tell anybody I'm just I'm just going to be a guide you through how you can refund that particular funds tours because this one's is belongs to you our company owed by mistake it was been crated you so you just keep that 400 out of this $1,800 and send back the rest of the punch yeah is this call recorded David yeah it call will be send it for the recording the quality purpose any that's why I'm trying to say you told me you don't need everything on this call I know but David don't really know you're a spy physically I just oh my god I just wanted to we have to believe it you have to delete this you have to figure out how to delete this call oh my god I didn't hear anything I don't even know what I don't know what he's talking about it's just this has never happened to me before a new way to do what you do not in evolutions right when they're like when you vocalizing like Lydia come on a couple years ago I want to spend some time with you wow that's that's honest I commend your honesty can I see you I mean we can't right now because like lockdown and everything's oh no but by anytime if I come to your face no you can't people he's literally just said I literally just told you no all right so let's just say hypothetically hypothetically you were to get like dressed up and you got like a nice bottle of champagne and some flowers a card and like you took a trip and you showed up at my house and you knocked on the door I would call the police and I would not let you in David I don't know who you I don't even know you who why would you come to my house you know I know don't come to my house can you send me like what if you just like sent me like a picture picture this is my face you could like maybe you could like hold up a sign that says like Sam + David BFF sorry never mind I'm sorry just don't worry about it just find out what I should talk to your boss listen listen to me listen to me listen to me get on the do this carry on it's just ringing understand what he was trying to say and even you better understand what I am I want to say but I can't say that's what I'm trying to say let's but I'm basically I'm very scared okay I'm talking to you and talking with you that's all that's all miss pioneer respond you probably can't be your picture anyway so do you know some relation do believe in this board that some relation can be made 7 without any reason given simulation relation which is very long distance relation but they never made each other but do have to do harder like have you heard about this kind of relationship I am inserting that demon demon that's way you don't have to say anything I understand what you're saying I'm no stranger to love I know the rules and so do i I mean you know the rules I said hi exactly if a long-term commitment is what you're thinking of your might have to get that from any other girl cuz I don't know I just want to tell you how I'm feeling okay I gotta make you understand we haven't known each other for so long and I can tell that your hearts been aching but you're just too shy to say it inside we I know we both know what's going on David I don't want you to come in like a wrecking ball you know can I can I call you back yeah that's right I'm sorry I'm just gonna call you back so weird huh I'm really sorry inconvenience for question I'm really sorry again okay yeah all right I will ring you back okay my you I was about to say I love you but I couldn't do it David called me over the next few days and spent hours trying to steal money from me he would use various websites type in multiple different compromised bank accounts and ultimately just prove that he's not a spy because he didn't get anywhere at one point I told him that we should call my bank account just to put some pressure on him it got a little weird they would ask you question I'm telling you you have to tell them yes yes yes they would my stance is that did you as we like I meant to say he does need to give them the positive answer [Music] welcome Northwest federal Mutual how can I help you oh yeah hi I'm calling about my account with you guys okay ma'am we're glad to have you this evening what seems to be the problem my account has been I guess what would you call um David what was it called again a frozen no I think it was only locksmith okay it's ring that your account has locked this contact with a customer care ok I'm sorry and who else is on the phone this evening oh that's my um my our friend Oh my brother my brother ok ma'am I'm just gonna need you to let it go for a minute let it go ok ma'am and would you go in and just give me your the last four digits to be either of your accounts here at the bank David do you remember what it was I was like six nine are the last two digits I should know that stuff hold on give me it's gonna be like four okay that's alright ma'am I'll be here all week if you want to stick Frank it's one two six nine all right what was that is one two six nine one six nine oh sure I'm gonna go ahead and just stop you right there before you're allowed to speak on behalf of the customer here I'm gonna need her explicit permission now David let me put you down here as was it brother or boyfriend I forgot I'll let him answer I'm her boyfriend I'm not her brother congratulations what oh thank you my you to sound like a sweet couple thank you miss it do you authorize David to speak on your behalf or beyond this recorded call absolutely I do and do you allow him to make any choices that may reference your account a thousand times yes and do you take this man to be a pre-approved Account Manager what well you can have pre-approved account managers to have easier transaction I'm not sure I really need that right now to be honest with you sir will you please will you please complete the job because we're in a hurry we have to do a lots of work well yeah here's the thing it's gonna take a while because our systems real slow right now but if you want I could call you back sometime tomorrow Oh actually we need to think done today because we like she need to be do some transactions oh no I'm so sorry to hear that sir you know a lot of people been getting laid off and things like that it's sort of my fault so Wow so sorry to hear that ma'am well at least you've got a girlfriend still huh yeah so like I haven't actually been in this particular instance before so I'm a woman I just have to wait for the help section the world yes calm down okay okay Sam calm down don't cry baby just calm down he's trying to help babe baby I do believe he referred to you as a baby yes okay ma'am it looks like your account is gonna be unlocked sometime between now in the next 24 hours so probably get an email about it and maybe a postcard in the mail I'm sorry 24 hours yeah sometimes things move a little bit slow but that's that's just what you get with the bank of our caliber how'd you guys meet again he called me all that's cool one of those like phone dating things no no he was calling me about my computer oh wow okay what what happened about your computer was like remember something about my own I don't know they owed me money or something what uh it was nothing about like no I had nothing about the computer or anything he's actually a spy what was that spy yeah me personally I'm kind of feeling bearish about the whole things but yeah I mean especially after today if you know what I mean I I have no idea what you're talking about right now no I'm talking puts four days why are you telling him about I am in your computer what never mind I'm sorry you're not making a whole lot of sense I just I have to go four o'clock dinner ma'am I'm very confused right now I don't know I have to go for it I have to go to dinner well listen why don't we just wait till tomorrow and see if my account is unlikely well you'll still have your job I don't know I'm just trying to figure it out if I can figure it out by the way David called the next day and explained that he had lost his job he said he might be able to get his job back if he got the money but instead I wanted to see how far I could push him I was telling you Sam on Friday you had two transfers to separate transfers from your savings account of $1,800 no but my screen kept like disappearing it was like disappearing every single time I tried to look at my account oh very interesting yeah man I'm gonna go ahead and call it I'm pretty sure you're being scammed right now David what is he even talking about oh okay I don't know and now what you saying that on Friday David has had accidentally sent you a whole bunch of money yeah David rain yeah okay so on your checking account on the seventeenth do you still see those transactions no I see two transfers from my savings account for $1,800 exactly I don't get it that's what I'm trying to tell you what David never sent you any money on Friday what happened can you tell me what happened I don't know it sounds like maybe you're trying to scam me I think you need to tell me what happened David how can how can you say this to me well what happened what happened why am i my my bank account it says that there was there's nothing from you it says that there's a $1,800 transfer from my savings account and there's nobody in my savings account anymore David just why don't you tell me what happened on Friday I trust you Dave just tell me why don't you just walk me through it okay tell me what happened Friday when you woke up what did you tell me what you had on Friday for breakfast please Sam you're just getting me wrong then tell me what Brian really I was just trying to help you that job which would help me with what David and honestly like it I really fell in love with you I'm just going to be certainly to by the way but don't blame me for anything image I don't do anything wrong with you if you love me so much just tell me what happened friends don't lie I never lied to you Sam is trying to edit HTML to cover it up again the only tricky ass trust me I don't know you do have a savings account or not you just you didn't share anything about your account to me are you spying on what's wrong with you Sam are you spying on me right now are you still a spy what's wrong with you what's wrong with you I'm freaking out right now I don't even know who to believe Joss is texting me all of these like messages and links about refunds kingdoms you're not explaining what happened on Friday I just want to get back to where we could talk you know Sam I'm not in the mood to joke with you right now to be honest with you David you're literally you've been working at Microsoft for three years [Music] let me see your screen [Music] can you just show me I'm trying to figure it all I had asked David for proof that he didn't scare me and obviously he wasn't delivering Sam you cannot share my screen due to the Ethernet connection why don't you understand okay send me a picture right now give me your email address we have what David while you're at it well you just like when you just take a little video of yourself saying sorry and send that to me too and I'm really sorry that you like anyway if I heard you I'm sorry again I'm sorry I'm sorry he actually sent me a video oh my gosh look at these D hands oh my goodness he wants to video chat they did so I answer his video call and sure enough there he is it's David but he quickly turns off the video feed because he doesn't see me but then I had to figure out how am I gonna video chat with this guy my first thought was to take some stock video footage loop it and make it render poorly to look kind of like this but I didn't know if that would work I tried all kinds of different effects rendering videos differently making it export in terrible bit rates and then expanding it later a whole bunch of stuff ultimately I decided it should probably be me somehow because I didn't know how long I was gonna be talking to him so I tinkered around for a couple hours and eventually settled on a little bit of a solution I basically took an old webcam set it to a terrible resolution and then up scaled it it kind of worked do I shave my sideburns I might have to do it yeah hate to see it but alright I think all this might work crazies crazy enough I feel like oh whatever who cares worst case I'll just hang up like I was gonna say for all this work he's gonna go your care Stan like I can't see you hey just play with my hair I need makeup makeup stream okay uh this is what you guys need me to is this what you want Oh take off my ring sorry sorry um it's like a stick so what I what I usually do I apply what is it doing anything oh god yeah I had no clue what I was doing but I was streaming live at the time on Twitch and they were pretty helpful I am very I have a different shade you could say but oh okay mm-hmm she gave me this tool alright let me try this other one blend it yeah guys I got a hold on a minute I know how to blend uh-huh that's something that I do regularly give me give me just a second to blend damn it I'll try this one oh okay how's this doing did that literally do anything it looks so it just looks like colors to me looks like I have a milk mustache don't feel like I shouldn't have done this okay how firmly did my apply pressure that huh okay huh I look really good we spent a while getting ready as you can see the left side of the screen is what David will see later the right side is HD picture oh wait there was another step right that made it worse maybe if I get my whole entire face to look this color what if I did that oh dang girl dang girl going on my first video chat date with the man who thinks I'm a woman look at me now dad well obviously I looked great so all that was left to do was see if he would accept my call okay so weird oh my gosh is the weirdest thing I've ever done okay I'm suddenly very just aware of what is what I'm doing right now oh okay it's so bad it looks so bad like he's probably just gonna be like Sam what's wrong with your camera oh it says they're active now well let's go for it yeah can you hear me hello hey David can you hear me hey how are you I was trying to call you like all day can you show me a big clearly because I cannot I cannot see you properly what did you I'm sorry what do you say I cannot see you properly I'm really sure hello can you see me is this not working either my brother helped me set it up hello yes David where have you been all afternoon I cannot see you properly can just come closer closer to the camera yeah can you see me now hello yes hi it's good to see you can you ask your Verta to come to the camera yeah hold on a minute hold on hey Jake give me a minute okay yeah take your time all right I don't think he wants to flirt with me anymore where have you been all afternoon they show me your brother then I will tell you everything show me oh brother okay now you need to go anywhere to stay in front of the camera disaster - called your brother yeah I'm texting him right now David why are you acting so weird David yes why are you acting so weird right now not at all okay did you get any call from the exploration team of my companies from our exploration team what have a can team of that did anybody call you to ask you for the transfer the money immediately or else about the legal step and all no no they haven't well let's take a classroom yep okay what's happening with it you know as I told you I have to make I have to make return the money back to the department so as you didn't transfer back it to us I thought you said that you okay I thought you said you weren't worried about that anymore see but I lost my job whatever because the same years the same year you know legal notice to my mail and they have already processed you make it to the prosecutor and you raise your brother I want Xing even he's not texting me back yet he's playing video games or something but I can try to go get him where are you been through since last few days I've been trying to call you over a long yeah well I've been like the weirdest problem has been with whatsapp because I messaged you and then you don't respond so I don't know if something weird is happening with whatsapp or not but mostly I've just been at home your pictures not look like the what's a picture is the same oh I have my hair dyed that one's a little picture of me that's my whatsapp profile picture do you like it yep thanks so what do you what are you gonna do what are you gonna do for a job I am Not sure I don't know what to do you went off with the phone and I was in trouble for the long using response I don't what to do that type enough time I didn't answer to my boss even properly they haven't been calling me so I don't know what to do about it you know no definitely they called you because he was trying to call you but you didn't respond to your number even from my office they are trying to call you so many times from our from our head office they are trying to call to you but you didn't respond to them right I don't understand why he like I said I dropped my phone the other day like right when I hadn't met you the next day over the weekend so that's been part of him what did you end up cooking today I have done I have you and I got my dinner I've done with my dinner as well what did you pick I cooked a you know Joel fry that's that you know it's a it's a Value table because it's very table okay that sounds good so what am I supposed to do with your boss if they call what do I like what do I say might be you will get it you know you will get a legal notice from them about their transaction we am I gonna go am I gonna go to jail wait what no not gel you have to go present into the courthouse the prosecutor with us you come to with it yes that's why I told you just try to cooperate with me just send back that company funds you can keep my own money but you should send back that money back but you didn't listen to me oh well so do I need to get a lawyer what am I supposed to do see you can hire a lawyer my suggestion just return the company money of $1,800 okay well I tried I tried doing that David we've we tried doing that for like a week I thought you said you didn't care about that money anymore when we talked last time yes I don't care because now everything has been moving by my company because it's not in my hand they are taking the legal step they have already taken the legal sevagan stop me now they're gonna sue the file again stuff you with your Social Security and everything they will put a file on the courthouse and they will take take this case to the Better Business Bureau and the courthouse as well they have my social security number yes they do have now because the ones they will put off okay put the case on file and code house with the Better Business Bureau Better Business Bureau have the authority to just pull out here Social Security and make a case against up here because in the meanwhile while you got the legal notice almost probably you will get the legal paper by 48 hours and from that part of time available to you anywhere without giving any notification to your federal government like your local police station what do I tell what am I supposed to tell them they'll just see you no need to do anything if you just how am I supposed to do that when they're not contacting me they were trying to contact you this is like really making me nervous oh okay I thought this was over when I talked to the bank they they said I didn't even have any money I thought you said it was done it was done see I was trying to complete a bit you went off that day and I didn't connect with you let me tell you something are you are you still I used to with your online banking right now yes do you have it okay can you just hope it's in your phone or it's in your computer I never used it I don't usually use it on my phone but I have an app why are you no no just yeah you in your computer right now no I'm using my brother's can you just can you just come to your computer just like making me really confuse right now don't worry Sammy I'm here to just I'm gonna help you oh don't worry I'm not God I think I need to call my dad and see if I can get a lawyer or something okay okay I just need to breathe hold on hold on Sam I hung up on him I wanted him to think like I was crying and mad and that he ruined the scam I tried messaging a few times but he wouldn't video chat with me again and that's that I never sent David any money and he never wanted to talk to me again it's still crazy to me that we video chatted about the guy and David if you see this you are not a good spy and you are certainly not a good scammer we were able to waste almost ten hours of his time and report a whole bunch of information I'd call that a win I hope you enjoyed this video and learned a couple things happy painting god bless
Channel: Kitboga
Views: 2,701,415
Rating: 4.9553809 out of 5
Keywords: scambait, scam, prank call, call center, robo calls, fraud, improv, social engineering, refund department, tech support, under cover, hidden camera
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 45sec (2865 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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