How To Fix AND Avoid Orange Roots

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hi everyone welcome back to my channel and in today's video we are going to talk about how to correct orangey to warm reddish kind of roots um whether you've been coloring your hair at home or you've been getting salon color however a couple weeks into your color your hair just goes into this unwanted orangey reddish mess so as you guys know since we began quarantine i started doing virtual consultations to help you guys uh with your color needs and basically so i can help you reach your hair goals at home and what i've learned through all of this and talking to new clients every day is how much this root color is an issue so i'm just going to quickly explain basically what it is why it happens and for my diyers how you can do this at home so basically like i said if you color your hair at home and say you color your roots you're touching upgrades or you want to lighten your roots drizzles may actually look great right away once you've done it but it's more that kind of really warm not really hot roots but just basically what the hair evolves into that's just not pretty so the reason this happens is because when you use a color so not lightener not toner but when you use an actual color it has a little bit of lift and then a little bit of deposit so that means it removes some of your natural pigment and adds in some artificial pigment so if you're removing more color than you're putting in what's going to happen after a couple of weeks that artificial color is going to fade and what you're going to be left with is that lift so in order to fix the problem from the root is to actually get good quality lift one option which i feel like i see people do all the time is continuously tone and use purple shampoos and blue shampoos and anything to kind of correct that now yes that can help if you have the right shade for the hair color you're trying to achieve but it's you're never really curing it you're just constantly maintaining it now if you want to have a beautiful root color that is lighter than your original natural root color you have to effectively lighten the hair so that means you have to lighten the hair enough so that then you can tone and deposit the tones you want into the hair so that they'll actually stay there and now the brighter you lift the hair the better it is that kind of holding on to those tones now i feel like we're better understanding of this for blondes we all know that for blondes you lift the hair as much as possible and then you add like a purple lilacy kind of toner and it helps balance out the yellow tones and you're left with this beautiful champagne sandy blonde now the exact same thing can be done for brown hair so what i've found in the over 10 years of doing hair is when you want a beautiful shimmery light root that is not going to go orangey over time you actually should over lift the hair a little bit so say you want to go one level higher i would actually lift two levels and then add a toner and that's where because with that toner adding that deposit back you are lowering it back one level so in fact you only look one level lighter but it's actually going to be sustainable and it's actually going to stay there so now that we understand what's happening to the hair i'm going to show you my hair when i only lift the roots with color this is what i'm left with again unwanted kind of orangey level sixes and sevens in my hair now the best way to lift the hair effectively is to go in with a baby light so it's a smaller version of a highlight so you're kind of going in finer woven pieces of hair and you don't need a lot of foils so for my lightener formula i went in with 30 volume and i'm just going to weave out a few baby lights throughout just to get brightening at the roots [Music] then we're going to process this for about 45 to 50 minutes then when to remove these foils and then comes the magic part this is where you can tone with a lower level so something between maybe a six and an eight if you want this kind of shimmery brown still looking color now if you want something more in the blonde family i would tone with something from like a 9 to a 10. additionally to that to make that root just look that much softer and more natural we're going to go and do a root tap doing a root tap is always just going to make your color look more expensive and more natural so essentially the root tap should kind of match your original root color so for me it's about a level six right now so i go in with redken shade cq in level 6n with some processing solution this is deposit only so we're just going to apply that directly on the roots and we're just going to tap that on the roots throughout just to soften that root area now right away from applying that root top i'm going to go in with the toner of choice now for me because i am blonde i am going to go in with a level 9 p by redken shades eq and this is going to give me like a pearly blonde color but like i said if you're looking to have more of that beautiful sustainable brown root i would go in with a level seven or an eight so i'm just going to be applying that in that mid section that new area where i just created a new highlight we're gonna process that for about 18 minutes the roots will have gotten just a little over 20 minutes and now we're all ready to shampoo so as you can see if you kind of look at just my roots they do look darker even though i did have that highlight all the way to the root but because of that root tab the color is subtle and softer at the root than it is at the ends if i bring my ends up to my roots you can see how much lighter my ends are and basically how much darker my roots are even though i feel like when you look at it straight on it does look pretty blonde anyway i feel this is a very simple concept on how to brighten the roots without running into that issue in a couple of weeks of having unwanted warm tones in the roots if you have been having this issue i definitely recommend giving this a try if you're still somehow unsure of what level what shade you should be using and you are looking for a virtual consultation with me i always leave the info on how to book that with me in the description box down below but i will continue to make videos this way to help you better understand and hopefully you can from this video know what it is you need for your hair but of course if you do need further assistance just know that i am here available to help you all right guys i hope this video was helpful i hope you have beautiful neutralized and tone roots from now on i thank you guys so much for watching i love you and i'll see you in the next one bye guys
Channel: ellebangs
Views: 662,388
Rating: 4.857337 out of 5
Keywords: Ellebangs, elle bangs, fix orange roots, ash brown, how to get ash brown hair, ash brown roots, lift roots, root tap, shadowed root, root melt, how to tone the hair, how to tone brown hair, how to tone blonde hair, add ash tones to the hair, how to lighten roots, how to avoid orange roots, hot roots, fix roots, color correction, salon hair, professional, add shine, no damage hair, hair color formulas, professional formula, root hair formula, blonde, at home, how to, diy
Id: HC-1axNwOh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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