5 Solutions + Best Products to Get Rid of Brass in YOUR Hair!

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hi guys welcome back to my channel and as you can tell by the title today we are going to talk about how to eliminate and prevent brass in the hair so as the year comes to an end i always like to do an inventory of the videos that i've done even the past year and i like to go over videos that have been helpful to you and that you've liked the most and basically i did a video similar to this in the past and a lot of the comments on this video was i wish you had shown solutions to each of these problems or to show a product for each solution which is genius and i don't know why i didn't think about that so i really want to keep it simple so today we're just going to go over my five revised ways on how to eliminate and prevent a brass in the hair so correctively speaking brass is known for in blonde hair whereas in brown hair it's actually just called orange and red tones and for each tip i'm going to give a solution for both brunette hair and blonde hair okay so for my first tip probably the most obvious is to tone now the issue is knowing what to tone and how to eliminate the brass without darkening the hair too much now with that being said if you do want to tone and remove pigment you always need to tone in either the level that you're at or if the orange tones are severe you actually need to go down one level so if you're a blonde and say you have a level seven eight orangey brassy roots i'd recommend tony with a level seven and i feel often times when clients are now my virtual consult clients they'll say something like oh i toned with a nine ash and it did nothing or it didn't do enough more importantly is the level almost more than the actual tone because if you get an ash colored tone but in a level that is way too high it's actually not going to do much for the hair but to keep this video simple we're sticking to just the n series and i do feel like the n series are just very overlooked um people either look to add gold or to add ash but don't underestimate the power of a good neutral if you have like level 8 level 7 orangey roots a 7n with processing solution 1 ounce of each is going to cure that now say if you're a brunette or you have balayaged hair and you've touched up your roots or you just have orangy hot roots that means when the roots are brighter than kind of the rest of the brown in your hair and you've tried purple shampoo and you've tried an ash toner and nothing is working i definitely recommend going down a level once again so if you're at about level six or seven at the roots with the warm tones i recommend going in with a level 6n again one ounce of the color one ounce of the processing solution and your roots will be looking amazing all right so tip number two another quite obvious one and one that's actually probably used by a lot of people that are non-hairdressers and that is the purple toning shampoo as you can see here i have a purple and blue toning shampoo by my favorite brand of toning shampoos period so there are two main things that you look for in a toning shampoo and a it's how it leaves your hair feeling if your hair feels dry and just tired and fatigued after your toning shampoo you're not going to be inclined to use it regularly so a good purple shampoo is one that leaves your hair feeling silky and hydrated which both of these do and the other main point of course is the tone now i've never tried a toning shampoo with such a beautiful shade i've tried purple shampoos that either do nothing to the hair where you put it on and you leave it on five minutes and your hair looks almost exactly the same and i've tried purple shampoos that overly tone the hair like your hair is gray after it sits on your hair for a minute and a half what i like about these is the tone is gradual meaning i can have this on my hair for a good two to three minutes and i'm not gonna come out lavender but it does effectively ban the brass in my hair now as you can see i have two colors and you're probably wondering which one is good for which hair now the purple i always recommend for my blonde so this is levels 9 and up blue shampoo is great for brunettes blue is good at canceling out orange whereas purple is good at cancelling out yellow if you have orange in your hair you're most likely not blonde you are in the brunette kind of stage now the brass that i want to talk about is the brass that occurs when you just color your hair so you have gray roots you've colored your hair and you say you wanted to go a shade or two lighter than your natural base color and now you have really reddish kind of orangey roots the issue for that is most likely because you have lifted more than one to two levels lighter than your base color so say you are a natural level for brunette and say you want to be a level seven or eight i definitely don't recommend doing that with color it may look beautiful and it might even brighten just your roots to the color that you want but in two weeks you're going to be experiencing so much warmth that it's not going to be worth it so i always recommend if you want to go more than two levels lighter at the root or for your base you do have to get a baby light or a lightning surface you can always tone it down so don't think that highlights will just make you automatically platinum blonde you can get highlights to still be like a caramelly soft brown so if you do want anything over like i said about two to three levels lighter than what you have i definitely suggest going with the lightning route meaning baby lights highlights balayage now if you don't want to get any lighter in your hair and you do want to just stick to having a base color then i recommend staying as close to your natural color as possible now say you're a natural level four and you wanted to be a level seven and you used a level seven and now you're orange so what i hear a lot of clients say is so i went and got another level seven but in an ash tone and put it on top of that because that color was mixed with the 20 volume so essentially what you did was stack 20 volume 20 volume on top of 20 volume is just going to give you more lift and so essentially it's just going to make you extremely extremely brassy so for this issue what i recommend is actually coming down a level even if it's darker or back to the same level of your natural base color for me that would be a level five i'm naturally between a level five and a level six and if i ever lighten my roots to be a level seven or an eight i would go in with a level five and ten volume and apply that over the roots and that will calm that redness down and i know that 5 may sound scary if obviously you're looking to be light but the 5n is a good overall for any of you that have had this warmth kind of in your roots 5n is just a good rule of thumb that will take care of that all right for my last tip which this is really important but i also feel like it kind of gets dismissed is don't strip your toner so say you come out of the salon your blonde looks beautiful you have this great toner as we know toners are semi-permanent so that means that they will not stick to the hair the way permanent color does and so therefore it is very natural for the color to fade now there are steps that you can do to prevent that from fading as fast as it wants to and therefore holding on to that beautiful tone as long as you possibly can so the first step is to use a color and gentle safe shampoo one that is sulfate paraben free obviously it's a major plus sulfates is what really suds up the hair and can really clarify the hair another thing that you can do in the shower to prevent the stripping of your toner is to use slightly cooler water so try to wash your hair with as cool water as possible going to seal the hair and at least keep the color that's still there a little bit more sealed because what hot water does is it really opens up the hair so it's much easier for those beautiful colors and tones to just wash off and then last bit of advice for this tip is to finish off with a good good hydrating conditioner that's really going to seal in your hair and really just protect that gorgeous color so some of my favorites are the unite luxury shampoo and conditioner i love the oleplex shampoo and conditioner and biology has some amazing really hydrating shampoos and conditioner sets as well that are great for this as you guys know i like to use monet on my hair but not straight after i've toned my hair because i do feel that it can strip some of the color out all right guys and that is it hopefully this was a thorough explanation and hopefully with more examples to make your brass prevention a little bit easier if you still have any questions absolutely leave them down below and something i want to start doing in the new year is i will post on instagram when i'm going to be doing this and that is to have you guys send me your hair problems so that means say you've cut off wacky bangs and you've overtoned your hair and now you've lost all your highlights and you want to get them back or you've been wanting to lighten your hair and you eight sessions in and you're still not at your desired color whatever it is i basically want you to send me a current hair photo a brief description of what it is that you want and then a goal photo and then i will pick three of you from this instagram post and then i will make a youtube video here explaining and helping you basically get to your hair dreams and because we only have one month left of it this year one of my ideas uh for the holiday normally you know we do a fun glam look or something and i was thinking maybe this year um we could do either a quick like get ready with me because let's face it we're all gonna be home in our pajamas anyway maybe show you a comfy but cute outfit idea and as well either like a cocktail recipe or like a fun cozy snack or appetizer or something like that so a little bit different than or like sit down hair videos but let me know if that's something that you guys would want to see leave me the little candle emoji down below if you want to see this video and yeah i can't believe we made it to december of 2020 hope you're all doing well i love you guys and i'll see you in the next one bye guys you
Channel: ellebangs
Views: 229,149
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Keywords: Ellebangs, elle bangs
Id: G70fhpMnOSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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