Solving Minecraft's Biggest Mystery

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if you've ever listened to disc 5 you probably realized it isn't music but nobody knows what it actually means [Music] disc 5 is Minecraft's greatest mystery ever consisting of 200 unique sound effects spanning two different game universes it's a mysterious story waiting to be pieced together and today I'm going to solve it to uncover the meaning behind the disk and explore how it tells a dark and chilling story you don't want to miss to make such a Monumental task possible it only makes sense to cut the disc up just like in the game and investigate each piece in turn in my eyes the disc is split into these three sections the reason for these Cuts will be obvious later but for now how this video is going to work is that I'll be recapping the audio from each of these three sections overlaying actual audio from the disk as I describe it after each section I'll analyze what kind of story that mysterious audio is telling and after analyzing every part of the disk will piece together a final story and hopefully uncover the true meaning of disc 5 but for now the disc opens with a whoosh static and the faint clicking in the background this underlying clicking is already crucial to the disc Story disc 5 was added in 1.19 where it can be found broken into fragments scattered across the ancient city I've already examined the lore of these cities and their inhabitants but in short these cities are deeply connected to the warden and skulk so theoretically disc 5 should be all about that stuff and the clicking confirm it you can map this sound to either the stalk sensor clicking or the warden clicking which inconveniently share the same sound we then get a click of a flint and steel and a bat sound effect indicating we're likely in a cave we can hear walking on a surface that sounds like drip Stone as seemingly my new detail but one that will later be crucial to solving this mystery the walking turns into Marching In A siren-like noise blares in the background we hear a sigh and then one of the most interesting sounds in the whole disc best way I can describe it is like a chime some say it's the reverse sound of putting eyes a vendor in a portal frame which sounds like this foreign and others say it's the Reversed sound of collecting XP which sounds like this [Music] but regardless of what it really is there's actually a place in the game where it exists the end of a skulk Shrieker if you listen carefully to the shriek of a Shrieker you can hear the same faint chimes at the end this doesn't make them any easier to identify but it does point us in an interesting Direction we'll examine later [Music] this roaring noise is unlike anything else in the entire game because it isn't from the game it's from Minecraft dungeons this is the Roar of an Anderson a mob meant to guard The Eyes of Ender in an underground environment which kind of resemble the deep dark not enough to draw any parallels it may seem odd or outright or wrong that a mob from Minecraft dungeons features in a Minecraft music disc but it actually isn't so outlandish and it's something that is essential to know to solve the disc's mystery Section 1 then ends with a strangely peaceful Melody that acts as a perfect transition point to start analyzing we know that this section takes place in a cave with a drip Stone floor with the Army walking and alarm horns we could probably guessed as an established settlement and not some random search Party The Chimes which we identified to play at the end of a skulk Shrieker leads us to believe we are also in the deep dark piece together all that information and it's safe to assume we're in an ancient city but that's when we hear the Anderson a mob from Minecraft dungeons as far as I know there are none of these is in Minecraft much less in the deep dark of all places so why is it even there what's the point in putting an enderson or an enderson obviously doesn't belong well while Minecraft dungeons and Minecraft are two separate games their universes are very connected this is something that's been officially confirmed by the Minecraft developers themselves you can hear it from them do the lores of Minecraft dungeons have at least a single connection to the Minecraft lore yeah tons of connections they they belong to the same universe they are deeply connected but we don't make it so obvious this video actually holds another piece of very subtle evidence that solidifies this connection mojing decided to split this video into five sections the first is the intro and the other four are the four questions of this q a but none of those are the lore question we just saw each section is titled exactly after what it's about except this last question about the lore is the only one without its own section and you can probably guess which one it was placed in music this question about Minecraft dungeons and Minecraft sharing lore is intentionally placed in the music section of the Q a a small nudge towards disc 5 even more Samuel auberg the creator of musicdisc 5 was almost exclusively a dungeon sound designer up until this point so maybe you're now convinced dungeons connection is there and the Anderson is intentional but what does it mean in Minecraft dungeons the Ender scent exists to guard the ice vendor but it has no connection to the warden or deep dark in fact in dungeons there's no such thing as a warden or a deep dark so what does it mean where is this disc taking place where there's both skulk and an Anderson something just doesn't line up until we look at section two by identifying the bubbling of lava and walking on dripstone it's safe to assume we are once again in a cave we then hear what sounds like an amethyst cluster breaking followed by what I think is a Caden Minecraft doesn't have any cave-in noises but I couldn't map this sound to anything else the amethyst cluster is a super odd detail but one that we'll examine later and will also be pivotal to determining the disc's message we hear a giant thud and more lava followed by silverfish we then hear Phantom screeching of flint and steel and a voice saying Secrets overlaying some woodwind noise I can't find a match for in game we then immediately hear the sound of either sand or Soul Sand we hear walking turn into a running on drip Stone deep slate bricks another Soul Sand noise the faint political skulk sensor and the noise of something this noise doesn't belong to anything in the game and sounds like a giant Contraption turning on it's followed by this high-pitched wearing before this section of the disc ends Again by the drip Stone and lava we're probably underground the amethyst cluster breaking is a very weird touch though typically the presence of amethyst would put us in an amethyst geode but why there of all places amethyst shards do naturally spawn in the chest of ancient cities but also seemingly for no reason it could be that they're tied in some way to the echo shards which also don't seem to have any origin and look like amethyst shards coated in a layer of skulk the cave-in is also something that isn't really found in Minecraft the only potential cave-ins are gravel roofs falling or drip Stone spikes falling while there's no way to tell for sure what this Kevin is something that may help us is that each biome has a unique soundtrack and conveniently the one that plays in dripstone caves is called infinite amethyst so maybe that amethyst breaking and cave-in are just hints that were in a drip Stone cave however the silver overfish that play right after offer a completely different interpretation but to tell you about that step aside Minecraft Java and Minecraft dungeons it's time for a different Universe crossover hello arguably an even more anticipated crossover than MCD in Java yep but maybe not one that necessarily takes place in a drip Stone cave silverfish can spawn in a few places but perhaps none is more notable than the portal room of a stronghold that would explain the lava but doesn't explain the drip Stone on Amethyst well another potential interpretation has to do with the mountains silverfish can spawn from infested blocks that generate in this list of biomes and the deep dark conveniently also generates more frequently under large mountains so the presence of silverfish could entail that someone is digging near a deep dark and just happens to find himself in a drip Stone cave with some infested blocks around however this is again contradicted by the Phantoms Phantoms can only spawn in open air and if our character is in a drip Stone cave heading down then it would be weird to hear Phantoms yet there may be a solution to this conundrum perhaps our character is trying to escape a deep dark We join him as he runs through a drip Stone cave trying to leave as he nears the surface we can hear the Phantoms above he could be leaving for the same reason we heard the sirens and the previous section something is happening in the deep dark something that he does not want to be around to see it's also noteworthy that these Phantoms sound like they're sampled from Minecraft dungeons and not Java in that game Phantoms spawn when your teammates die the prevalence of phantoms could be hinting that a lot of death is happening in the ancient city that's a good point and you know what else is a good point the fact that we're almost at 1.5 million subscribers it would be great to reach that Milestone by the end of the year but I can't do without the help of each and every one of you watching so if you do end up enjoying the video then please do consider subscribing also if you want to discuss any of the lore how about with new videos or just hang around and then be sure to join the Discord Link in the description but thanks and let's get back into it the voice which sounds like Agnes saying secrets and placing Soul Sand is a really weird touch and I don't know what to make of it the character running on this variety of blocks and the noise of something powering up could be referencing the giant centerpiece of the ancient city activating as our character gets close to it the skulk sensor clicking could be indicating that something has arrived alive perhaps the warden again it seems like a mess of the noise but if we follow all the breadcrumbs it paints a picture our character is somewhere underground he breaks an amethyst causes a cave-in and rushes up to the surface by a few silverfish he hears Phantoms in the distance and all of a sudden sees something that makes him gasp he runs back down to the deep dark gets near the centerpiece and the skulk sensor clicks maybe confirming that whatever he saw is following him back down or maybe it's the sensors in the lights or under the statue confirming his location but there's still the question of what's chasing him or what the amethyst Shard has to do with anything or why there was even a cave-in in the first place to answer that we need to look at the final section section three Section 3 picks up with a giant thud followed by some sort of whirring that progressively gets louder the static overlaying this sound is potentially sampled for Minecraft dungeons Enderman another reference to the alternate game but again out of place the thuds turn into booms as they get closer in the static in the background is replaced with a deep rushing wind noise someone is walking on deep slate and then faster on Soul Sand or sand there's a weird scraping noise and a noise that sounds like a giant mechanical working or maybe the dragon dying there's a Russell and suddenly silence until we hear a noise like the magic times of the Minecraft dungeon's final boss the vengeful heart of Ender a sculpt Shrieker overlaying rewarded and silence only broken afterwards by a faint humming as someone walks on deep slate the humming gets louder and louder until a stalk sensor clicks the warden screams and you hear the faint noise of the Wither death sound slump from then on it sounds like everything is shutting off and we end with some static and the occasional reversed bump of an Enderman the static we hear in the beginning is a bit odd but the thuds that progressively get louder likely indicate that whatever was chasing our character in their previous section is catching up to him this is likely a Wither it makes sense given what we know about Minecraft lore and if you want more evidence there's a video in the I card and in the description our character after being followed into the deep dark is likely setting up the activation of this giant gate in the center but why while I'll let retro fill us in on that one well the budget has really gone down around here okay can you just explain the frame in the center please yes of course the frame in the center of the ancient city might not actually be a portal instead I believe that it is an artificial sculpt Catalyst there are a lot of things in the city that appear to be designed to lure a warden towards the center frame for example notice how there's a main pathway leading up to the center as well as a bridge when a player moves around on the platform a warden is naturally going to be drawn to this area the Redstone lanterns act as warning lights for people up in the watchtowers for more details check out my video on the topic but why would they risk the extreme day danger of summoning a warden the answer is that the builders wanted as much Soul energy as possible while the soul fire and soul lanterns provide part of the required energy a nearby Warden would Supply the final boost needed to activate the Catalyst all of this together Powers a giant reaction utilizing Soul energy in a way that emulates a natural Catalyst it could be that the end goal of this ritual was to enchant items to this point we still don't know for sure how the builders Enchanted things as enchanting tables never spawn naturally the Catalyst offers a tempting explanation there is evidence for this the ancient cities have the highest chest density of enchanted books and the highest level of Enchanted tools in the game but regardless of what the point of the ritual is one of the best ways of getting Soul energy from the warden is to have it kill something it seems possible that the ancient Builders could have been trying to lure a Wither down to the deep dark in order to pump even more Soul energy into their Catalyst the boom and silence we heard later on the audio indicates the Wither has broken into the deep dark but again something completely out of left field hits the vengeful heart of Ender this final boss of Minecraft dungeons has really no business appearing in the deep dark which begs the question of why in the world we hear its Chimes now it's not worth it The Sound match isn't identical but it is the most similar sound I was able to find to whatever this noise was ignoring the Chimes we hear a skull tendril click in the warden's scream indicating that the warden 2 has arrived as we get closer to the frame it continues to hum while the warden kills the Wither hinted at by the warden scream and slow death sound the static that plays at the end of the disc is the same Ambience found in the soundtrack ancestry the only soundtrack of the deep dark bio confirming this is the right location and the stories line up but do they really it seems that we have a clear story just out of order in section 2 our hero sees the Wither on the surface rushes back down to its deep dark and alerts the sirens in section 1. the Army comes out and we jump to section 3 as the warden is summoned the giant catalyst is turned on and the warden kills the wither perhaps in some elaborate ritual to gain a ton of energy from the Wither's death or maybe just a test of defense mechanisms but the stories don't line up there are plenty of random references to Minecraft dungeons plenty of pieces that don't fit the amethyst break the cave-in the drip Stone floor it's too complex it's too abstract there's way too much noise it's like many stories being told at once what if it is many at once the only clear outlier we've noticed throughout this disc is the synthesis between Java and dungeons so what if that's it what if the disc is telling two stories at once well if we analyze the entire discs through this new lens we uncover a completely different meaning disc 5 tells the story of a player in Minecraft dungeons and a player in Minecraft Java at the same time section 2 marks the beginning our player in Minecraft is walking on the surface of a drip Stone cave he hears Phantoms and all of a sudden sees a wither he gasps and begins to run back down to the ancient city below him he liked the Soul Sand beneath the giant frame and prepares for the ritual meanwhile in section 2 there's another story being told in dungeons this time our player is searching for a stronghold in order to eliminate the final boss the vengeful heart of Ender he also hears Phantoms as his comrades are dying he needs to be quick but as he gets to the portal he realizes he needs Eyes of Ender and for that he needs to find the Ender sent Section 1 continues the Minecraft story as our hero in the ancient city turns on the alarm a Wither is coming the Army begins to March out in preparation as booms Echo throughout the ancient city the Wither is getting close the Chimes that play at the end of the shriekers indicate that a bunch of shriekers have just activated the warden is being summoned to fight the Wither and continue the ritual our player in dungeons meanwhile is backtracking through the dripstone cave to find the Eyes of Ender this explains why the Army footsteps don't replace the player walking but are actually layered on top of it indicating that it really is two stories at once in dungeons lore The Eyes of Ender necessary to fight the heart of Ender are guarded by six and percent all around the world and our player has just found one emphasized by its snarl finally Section 3 comes last the Wither thuds are getting closer louder and louder our player pillars up to the centerpiece and turns it on ready to start the ritual about to use the warden to kill the Wither and power the artificial Catalyst the final Shrieker powers on and the warden screams it has arrived the machine hums louder and louder as the warden fights and finally the warden kills the Wither in a giant burst of energy powering the centerpiece statue everything shuts down while our character in dungeons gets to the end as hinted by the static and manages to kill the vengeful heart of Ender but in the process trapping himself in the end resulting in the final static sound effect found in both the deep dark soundtrack and Minecraft dungeons Enderman and the story ends [Music] so is that really the story of disc five it could be it very well might not be but if nothing else it's a really cool story that acts as the perfect way to begin crossing over the universes of Minecraft and dungeons but there's one more piece of the puzzle I haven't addressed yet one piece that could be pivotal to understanding the disc's strangest sounds like the amethyst and the drip Stone floor and if you want to hear all about the insane world of the drip Stone theory that might just solve everything click this video on the left if you want to see more crossing over of universes and another potential interpretation of the disc story check out Retro's video on the right and again if you want to talk about the lore or just hang around feel free to join the Discord Linked In the description but thank you so much for watching peace out and have a good one I'll see you next time
Channel: Wifies
Views: 1,439,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wifies, mumbo jumbo, dream, disc 5, solving minecraft's biggest mystery, solving disc 5, game theory lets do a huge timeline
Id: vK7_UvzKFC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 18 2022
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