Caught and Cooked a SHARK From the BEACH!! *Catch, Clean, & Cook*

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we got another one hitting we got another one hitting that's my TFO right here he oh look at him oh yeah there he goes there he [Music] goes good morning folks Brandt here now if you've been following along you know that I have been after a big shark to catch from the beach and do a catch clean and cook and we have had everything imaginable happened to us on this shark Journey like catching the wrong species and I'm going to push him out just like that there he goes that is a biging or catching the right species but it being a pregnant shark pregnant so we're going to release because of that reason and of course we've had a lot of break offs he's taking me under the pier oh he broke me off and different stuff like H happened we just have not been able to get it done but we are back on the hunt today it is a beautiful morning out here check it out we have the beach cart loaded down here folks you can get this beach cart right here that you see me using at our outdoor store bebom I will link it in the description but folks the type of shark that we're trying to catch today is either a black tip shark or a spinner shark and the reason why is both of them are fantastic table fair if you've never had grilled shark staks they are really good but another reason and I'm making this video more for educational purposes because there's a lot of misinformation about sharks out there in the Gulf these sharks are overpopulated they're taking over our wrecks they're eating all our good fish and I can promise you every single charter boat captain on the Gulf Coast would agree with me so because of that reason we going to go out here and catch a legal shark either a black tip or a spinner and we're going to bring it home and we're going to put it on the grill good morning Fred where the fish at point me in the right location now I've been running low on bait options just because haven't been able to catch any but I do have a big hunk of Boston mackerel that I got from the seafood market or Northern mackerel whatever you want to call them I've never used them out here for shark bait I can assure you they're going to work probably all right we hit the bottom boom make sure there we go first bait locked and loaded now it's a waiting game we may put one more bait out so we are going to put a second bait out and this is a piece of Jack Cal right here that the seafood market was claiming to be amberjack and I had to pay amberjack prices for it but I needed bait so I couldn't complain I don't know how they get away with that but they did while I'm waiting on a bite I'm going to throw this casting metal around and try to find some bait I'd love to get like a blue fish or something like some really fresh bait there's a tide line right here so usually a tide line will have some fish on it now's when I'm going to get hit when I'm out down here messing around trying to catch bait I guarantee you this is this is when it happens I had had a bite yet but I can you rest assure you walk away from your setup it's fitting to go off that's a little trick if you ever want to hook a fish just walk away or turn your GoPro off or something like that and you'll get a hit oh oh yep yep yep yep yep yep yep what did I tell you oh my go dudy we just got picked up oh man oh man okay I don't know what he's doing oh dang he didn't really I don't think he took it or I think he's still messing with it let's see if he'll hit it oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah we're gone we got him what did I tell you oh yeah oh yeah he ain't a biging though that go he got to be kidding me hly there we go fish on first fish of the day small guy though I don't I think I can't tell what is the world there he is Atlantic sharp knows get on up here [Applause] all right I see my hook so I really want to get that hook back it is important it's important that you grab these sharks up high like this because they will there we go that is an Atlantic sharpnose we're going to release this guy get another bait out going the wrong way come on turn around dude have have some have some instincts it's the there you go it's the little ones that you got to worry about those little ones will turn around and bite you that's encouraging that means there's some fish around we just got to get the right one and I know what a lot of you guys are going to say you can keep an Atlantic sharp nose they're good to eat you can that ain't what we're after so folks I have a feeling that we're about to make this happen because the shark man himself just showed up right so that's yaking with Jack and uh we're going to put a couple more rods out man I could use some fresh bait like give me a Lady Fish or blue fish dude oh oh oh oh oh my gosh what do it did I just hook into you gotta be kidding me what did I just hook into oh my gosh whatever this is is Big that's wild I'm trying to catch bait and I just hooked something huge he's now in the surf is this I can't tell oh came off oh my gosh it's a jack yeah I lost him the hook pulled we just got a bite right there I think he's still on I think he's still on yeah he's still on yeah there we go we're on we're on that's him that's him that's the right fish there I can tell that's the right fish oh stay on I hope come on come on yeah he's fighting like the right one dude watch now these other rods are going to go off this this one feels pretty good guys this one feels like the right fish come on oh there he goes That's a decent fish decent fish he's coming in we'll see here in a minute it feels like a uh it feels like black tip or a black nose there he is oh oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah that's him there we go that is a black tip [Applause] shark that's the perfect eating size too nice so folks this is a black tip shark right here and you can tell the difference because that anal fin right there is white if this was a spinner shark that anal fin would be black and this is actually the perfect size black tip to take home and eat what I like to do to bleed him out I want to cut him at the gills and then I also want to cut him at the tail right here and let's drag him into the water and we're just going to hold him in the water right here if I'm going to eat one this is the size I want they're easier to handle this isn't a breeder not pregnant it's a male male so this is a male shark I'm going to cut his tail up a little bit more oh yeah there he goes look at all that blood now he's bleeding good so last time we were bleeding out a shark I'm going to insert this clip right now Jack was holding the camera just like he's doing right now oh my god oh my god dude so now we're going to gut him it's is something we want to do real quick and this just preserves that meat oh look dude dude dude dude oh oh we got another one hitting we got another one hitting that's my TFO right here he oh look at him oh yeah there he goes there he goes I don't know if he's on yeah we're on we just finished cleaning that shark and we got another one so H by pin Slammer 8500 that's a black another black tip y'all unbelievable we'll release this one ain't it funny that once you complete a challenge then it's easy it's like oh now I'm going to start hanging black tips no doubt fighting just like one you know in a lot of areas they got to be 54 in but I don't like that law because there's so many of them it like it's good to keep one every now and then oh man I think this one might be bigger than the last one oh this is actually a big we've been searching for black tip sharks for weeks and we've caught two in 10 minutes that's actually a little bigger black tip than what we just caught but hey we've got ours so we're going to release him hook out little guy there we go he's gone all right jack I appreciate it man yes sir you know all it took getting the shark man out we made it happen so y'all go subscribe to his channel after you watch this video so we got to go now while this fish is still fresh and I want to clean it make sure it stays fresh so that was exciting like it's funny because you've been searching for weeks to get black tips and then all of a sudden boom boom so we back at the house and we got our guy chilling right there and we are about to clean him up now we blood this guy really nicely so the meat should look really white it has been so long since I've cleaned a shark so we're going to try and just so this first side might be a little more trial and error but I think we're doing all right so what's interesting about a black tip y'all is in the in my area of Florida when you're in state waters you can keep one black tip shark now if you're in federal waters it has to be 54 in long and so so that is a uh really big shark the meat is super white which means look how white this meat is right here which means we bled them out really well which is what we wanted to do and then we're left with this guy right here that is a big shark Stak and we're going to have that on both sides we're just going to kind of filet him out like this and we're going to get big staks just like this to put on the grill now um that was I have not cleaned a shark in so long so it took a minute to like fall back into the Rhythm but we're going to do the same thing to the other side and then we're going to marinate these steaks in Italian dressing and cook them on the black stone woo the hard part folks is over when you do a catch clean and cook shark it's not an easy process they're big fish they're bloody so you had to bleed them you have to gut them on the beach like we did thank goodness yaking with Jack was there to help us cuz without it that would have been tough and then cleaning them not an easy process either but we did get quite a bit of meat off of that guys and that fish is not going to go to waste now we're going to take our filets that we're cooking for dinner and we are going to marinade them in Italian dressing I'm going to stick them in the refrigerator it's been a while since I've had black tip and there's only you know uh there's only a few sharks that I think taste good and that's black tip moo uh Atlantic sharpnose now a lot of people in the comments section A few videos back were like hey you should have eaten the Bonnet head you caught the Bonnet head are delicious I had no idea so if I catch another Bonnet head we'll probably bring that one home too close call right there we didn't have the camera running and I'm sitting here cooking and a spider falls from the ceiling lands on the back of my neck right there and goes down my shirt so needless to say I jumped out of my clothes all right folks we have got our black tip shark right here check it out that looks super good and it's been so long since I've had black tip I know I like it cuz when I was a kid we used to keep black tips and catch them but let's give it a shot right here that is surprisingly one of the best tasting fish steaks that I've ever cooked on this channel this is an underrated fish folks if you do it right if you catch it bleed it right when you catch it gut it right when you catch it clean it the same day it's super firm extremely flavorful I'd rather eat this than a lot of other fish before you knock it you need to try it bus if you enjoyed that video it's been a long time coming this was a three-part series we have been after this shark for several weeks now and finally accomplished the goal if you enjoyed it shoot me a big thumbs up everything I'm involved with Linked In My description below I'm going to link all the products below that I use today you can get them at beachbum we'll catch you next time
Channel: AnglerUp with Brant
Views: 45,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cqjhiwTiH90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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